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The "popemobile" that JPII-Wojtyla used for his 1979 visit to Ireland is now being hired out for parties, as the Irish turn away from the New Order sect in disgust at Benedict-Ratzinger's subornation of criminal Newbishops and presbyters in Ireland, who have been raping Ireland's children in Newchurch institutions and Newparishes. Ratzinger at one point even threatened with excommunication from his sect any Newchurcher who reported such a crime to the Irish police. Anyone who wants to pay 309 U.S. dollars per hour can place his seat in the seat that Wojtyla used in the conveyance.
Since that time, Ireland, before the Vatican II Council arguably the most Catholic country in the world, has turned its back on the New Order sect that has been headed by Paul VI-Montini, JPII-Wojtyla, and Benedict-Ratzinger, as the most disgusting stories of how the sect's clergy raped, and even in some cases murdered, children in its institutions, including those for the handicapped and orphaned, and the Newpopes in Rome intimidated all Newchurcher laity and clergy into silence.
Newchurch and its Newpopes committed and suborned three of the Four Sins that Holy Scripture tells us Cry out to Heaven for Retribution:
In 2012 Ireland expelled Ratzinger's papal nuncio from Ireland for failure to testify before parliament and address sex crimes against Ireland's Newchurch children. Ireland also closed down its embassy at Newvatican. The Irish prime minister and other Irish government leaders have condemned Ratzinger as the head of an unrepentant paedophiliac institution and want nothing to do with him.
Irish leaders essentially banned Ratzinger from attending the 2012 Novus Ordo's "Eucharistic Congress" in Dublin, which drew barely 20,000 Irish souls, as opposed to the 20,000,000 that had attended the traditional Eucharistic Congress there in 1932. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Daily Telegraph.]
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Benedict-Ratzinger's new book on "Jesus of Nazareth" has caused great controversy for, among other reasons, the fact that it contends there were no animals around the manger. St. Luke may not specifically mention animals, but why did Ratzinger bring this up? Is he so removed from the average person's understanding of Catholicism that he does not realize the import of his words?
Also, what really is the benefit of a pope writing works that are "academic" like these? He is not writing an encyclical letter, so the work is just a scholarly treatise, if that.
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.Benedict-Ratzinger's contention that there were "no animals around the manger scene" (we are taking your rendition; we have not consulted Ratzinger's text) seems, on the face of it, ridiculous. St. Jerome's Latin Vulgate renders Luke 2:7 as: "et reclinavit eum in praesepio," which the Douay-Rheims version renders as Mary "laid him in a manger." The Greek text for St. Jerome's praesepio is phatnei, which is the Greek word for a manger, a feeding-trough for animals.
Surely, from the context, we can reasonably conclude that the Holy Family was redirected from the full-up inn to another location, perhaps a cave or other area where there was a manger for the feeding of animals, which would have been useful as a temporary crib for the Child.
As to your second point, any pope who writes a book violates the Church's long-standing and prudent ban. Why? Because what authority, if any, the book had would be in question. Is he writing his own personal ramblings, or does he intend the writing to have some authority? If so, what authority? Of course, this concern does not pertain to those writing books before their election.
"Removed from the average person's understanding of Catholicism"? Certainly that -- and more. Ratzinger is an out-of-touch, Modernist sociopath, who has amply demonstrated that he should never have been elected. He can sit by, doing essentially nothing while tens of thousands of children are assaulted, sodomized, and even, in some cases, murdered with his tacit concurrence by his paedophile Newclergy. Is it so hard to imagine that such a man, who is so bereft of human reason and morality that a holocaust of violated children in his charge does not concern him, would not conclude that there were animals present where there was a manger?!
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
The other night I was talking to a certain individual about the origin of Christmas. He was stating that Christmas has absolutely nothing to do with Christianity. He mentioned to me that December 25th was actually a pagan Roman holiday? The individual I was talking to went on to say that this pagan custom was incorporated into Christianity, stating that this was the Catholic Church's scheme for converting the pagans. He said that the Catholic Church converted pagans in this sort of way: "You can keep your celebration customs and worship the way you do; we'll just Christianize your form of celebration." Is that true?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
That is true, but what is wrong with the practice? Certainly Christians "christianized" pagan peoples by converting their pagan practices to Christian ones. Christians did not raze the great pagan Roman temples, such as the Pantheon, but appreciated their great art and architecture. Of course, they converted them into Christian churches. One can still today go into the Pantheon at Rome, the world's greatest domed building, which even Michelangelo did not attempt to exceed in constructing St. Peter's Basilica, and see the Catholic altar there. Now, scandalously, the Newchurch of the New Order does not convert pagans to Catholicism. It seemly leaves the pagans as they are, "respecting" their paganism and regarding attempts to Christianize them as a "mortal sin" against the Vatican II Modernist Doctrine of "Oecumenism."
It is true that there has been a lot of confusion lately, apparently engendered by the final (thank God!) volume of Benedict-Ratzinger's book, Jesus of Nazareth, which seems not to have enlightened, but to have confused many. That is just like an academic Modernist, who has no understanding of his readers! The TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) department has several articles on various aspects of Christmas. For further information, click on FAQ11: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Practices?" in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics).
The TRADITIO Network has the most varied and extensive repository of traditional Catholicism, collected over the 18 years of our existence on the internet, the longest of any Catholic site. Many common questions are answered in our Library of Files, so that is where you should go first to research answers to your questions. Here are some other hints for locating the items that you are interested in among the terabyte of information maintained here:
Many regular readers of the Daily Commentaries are not aware of how much other information there is on the TRADITIO Network. They would be edified to spend a significant amount of time reviewing all of the 16 departments here.
Barack Obama, whose anti-Catholic activities in the U.S. White House have stunned even Newchurchers, was caught in yet another dissing of Catholicism. On U.S. Thanksgiving Day, November 22, 2012, in the ceremonial "pardoning" of a Thanksgiving turkey, Obama went "off teleprompter" to play "priest" and impart a "blessing" on the turkey.
Obama, who is a Black-Protestant, some say a covert Mohammedan, "blessed" the turkey with a Sign of the Cross using his left hand. He may or may not have been aware that using the left (Latin: sinister) hand to bless something is suggestive of the diabolical, because warlocks, in order to mock anything sacred to Christianity, deliberately pervert the Sign of the Cross by using the left hand instead of the right. Of course, Obama has no power to bless anything.
Obama has racked up quite a history of anti-Catholicism in his four years in the White House. On April 14, 2009, for a speech at the Newchurch (no longer Catholic) Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., Obama ordered that the Holy Name, Jesus, which was visible behind the lectern from which he was supposed to speak, be covered up.
In late 2011, Obama invited the President of the U.S. Conference of Catholic [Sic] Bishops, Newcardinal Timothy Dolan, to the White House and told him that Newchurch would remain its conscience exception to refuse abortion and contraceptive service at its hospitals and other institutions on the basis of religious belief that such practices are immoral. Then, in 2012, Obama made a complete turnabout and declared that Newchurch institutions would be required by his controversial "Obamacare" legislation to provide abortions and contraception.
Good Catholics, it is no surprise that Obama would defile the Catholic priestly blessing by imparting a demonically-associated perversion of it on the day when the United States is supposed to be thanking God for His many benefices. If Obama was smart enough to identify the IHS monogram at Georgetown as the Greek letters for the Holy Name, Jesus, and order that it be covered up, it would not be surprising if Obama would know enough to mock the Catholic priestly blessing.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Is it true that traditional Catholics in the United States are allowed to eat meat on the Friday after Thanksgiving? I have heard of some guy spreading this craziness around the internet.
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
This question seems to come up every year even from some traditional Catholics in the United States. It's truly amazing how those who call themselves "traditional" seem to want every Modernistic exception in the book. Why not make the little effort to abstain from fleshmeat on Friday, remembering Christ's redemptive act for them on Good Friday, without looking for excuses? After all, isn't the bounty of foods part of what they are supposed to have thanked God for on the Thanksgiving Thursday? Think of all the wonderful foods that we have to choose from aside from fleshmeat (which isn't even supposed to be all that good for us): fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans, pasta, dairy foods, breads, and seafood, to name just a few. For further information, click on the TRADITIO Network's Traditional Catholic Calendar department.
This "Church permission" for "Thanksgiving Friday" gluttony is one of those "myths." No general dispensation was given for "Thanksgiving Friday." In fact, this "holiday" was not even concocted until very recent years. There was Thanksgiving, always on a Thursday, and that was it. Now it's "Black Friday," a day when people are supposed to buy up everything in sight in a frenzy of commercial gluttony. This is not God talking, but one of the Seven Capital Sins. As to the excuse of leftover meat from Thursday, there is a newfangled invention that this "internet guy" might not have heard of yet: the refrigerator!
We are talking here, of course, about real Catholics, not Newchurchers, who we all know are not Catholics, but Protestants. They scarf down fleshmeat every Friday in the year because they have no sense of penance, Christ, Good Friday, the Crucifixion, Hell, Purgatory, Heaven, or anything else Catholic, let alone Christian. Who would want to imitate them?
We published this information some years ago, but it bears repeating. The first Thanksgiving in what was later to become the United States was not Protestant, but Catholic. A Traditional Latin Mass (of course, there was no other!) of Thanksgiving was celebrated at St. Augustine, Florida, in 1565 -- 55 years before the Pilgrims Landed at Plymouth Rock.
History books have long portrayed images of the U.S.'s first Thanksgiving in Plymouth, Massachusetts, with Protestant Pilgrims, dressed in black and white, sharing turkey with American Indians. The Pilgrims, who came to America to escape religious persecution from the Anglicans, were themselves the perpetrators of religious persecution. When they had been in power, they had gone around the English countryside destroying Anglican altars and liturgical accoutrements because the Anglican Church was too "papist" for them. No wonder they themselves were persecuted!
Recent research has proven that 55 years before the Pilgrims landed, the Spanish founder of St. Augustine, the oldest city in the United States, Pedro Menindez de Avilis, and 800 Spanish settlers assisted at a Mass of Thanksgiving. Following the Mass, Menindez arranged a post-Communion communal meal to be shared by the Spaniards and the Seloy Indians, who occupied the landing site. The Seloy Indians would have brought wild turkey, maize (corn), and squash, among other native foods.
So, you traditional Catholics of the United States, when you gather around your Thanksgiving table on November 23, 2012, tell your children the real story of the first Thanksgiving: that it was hosted not by the Pilgrims, who were exiled by their fellow Protestants from England because of their terrorism against their fellow Protestant Anglicans, but by traditional Roman Catholics, and that its centerpiece was not a turkey, but the Traditional Latin Mass!
It seems that Bernie Fellay has not given up his fantasy of building his new Seminary of the Taj Mahal in the United States. In spite of the fact that even many Neo-SSPXers don't see why the current opulent seminary at Winona, Minnesota, is not more than sufficient, a "Christmas Appeal" contrived in the name of the seminarians has been sent out to the Neo-sheep. Yet Fellay, who seems to have plenty of money from investments facilitated through Maximilian Krah, his investment advisor who appears at fundraisers for Jewish causes, instead wants to dun what he hopes are clueless Neo-SSPXers in the United States to cough up yet more money.
In addition to the fact that many of his own Neo-SSPXers question the need for an extravagant new seminary, what would such a seminary produce other more Fellay clones, who want to sell out to the New Order sect at the earliest opportunity? By the time any such seminary were to be built and people are "ordained," will they actually be traditional priests or -- more likely -- invalid Novus Ordo presbyters?
Good Catholics, anyone over there in the U.S. who contributes his hard-earned money to this Fellay LSD "trip" should have his head examined!
We TRADITIO Fathers still get messages worrying about what will happen to the Traditional Catholic Movement now that Bernie Fellay's Neo-SSPX is actively trying to become part of the unCatholic Newchurch of the New Order. We tell these people not to worry. Even Archbishop Lefebvre's SSPX was far from the only traditional Catholic organization. In fact, it was not even the majority organization.
The Traditional Catholic Movement, not some "1962+ Mess" pseudo-traditional knockoff organization of the New Order, is alive and well. Yet, with all the sources of information available to them, apparently many traditional Catholics aren't aware of the fact that there are a number of traditional Catholic bishops and traditional Catholic organizations ordaining traditional Catholic priests every year. And these are associated neither with Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch of the New Order nor with Bernie Fellay's Neo-SSPX.
One of these is the Society of St. Pius V (SSPV), which has announced the ordination of Fr. Leo Veitkus by traditional Catholic bishop Joseph Santay on September 3, 2012. For further on other traditional Catholic organizations and traditional Catholic bishops, click on the TRADITIO Network's Official Traditional Catholic Directory department, provided to the TRADITIO Network by the National Registry of Traditional Latin Masses.
A proposal to install women as bishopesses for the Anglican Church failed by just four votes on November 20, 2012, not because the House of Bishops and the House of Clergy didn't want them, but because the House of Laity didn't want them. Certain localities, such as Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and the United States, have jumped the gun and gone ahead with bishopesses anyway, but this has lead to outright schism in the Anglican/Episcopalian sect. In the United States, for example, several whole dioceses have left the establishment Anglican Church and gone independent to practice traditionally, just as traditional Catholics in the United States have left the establishment New Order sect and gone independent.
Another irony is that traditional-minded Anglicans/Episcopalians do not recognize the validity of the bishopesses' orders, just as traditional Catholics do not recognize the validity of presbyters' and Newbishops' orders under the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini's Protestantized New Ordinal, used in Newchurch since 1969. In fact, the New Order no longer even "consecrates" Newbishops, but merely "installs" them to be overseers of the Novus Ordo dioceses.
Already priestess and bishopesses have been "ordained" in Newchurch. True, they are not officially recognized yet, but how long will it be before the likes of Benedict-Ratzinger and his Modernist successors finally succumb? If Ratzinger doesn't have the guts to face up to his paedophile bishops and presbyters now, his Modernist successors won't have the guts to face up to feminist and lesbian pressure to install presbyteresses and then bishopesses. And you know that this perverted crowd is never going to give up, just as they are not giving up pressuring governments to permit "gay marriage." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Reuters.]
The TRADITIO Fathers have received information that on November 20, 2012, traditional Catholic bishop Daniel Dolan underwent surgery for prostate cancer. He has now returned to St. Gertrude the Great in Chester, Ohio, and is recuperating very well after a successful operation, just in time for U.S. Thanksgiving Day.
Bishop Dolan is just one of several independent traditional Catholic bishops who minster to true Catholics outside Benedict-Ratzinger's New Order sect and Bernie Fellay's Neo-SSPX sect. For others, click on the TRADITIO Network's Official Traditional Catholic Directory department, provided to the TRADITIO Network by the National Registry of Traditional Latin Masses.
Paul VI-Montini knew what was right. He was educated traditionally and was ordained, consecrated, and crowned traditionally, but he perpetrated the Novus Ordo scam on the once-Catholic Church deliberately. There was a move to Novus-Ordo beatify him, but Newrome was non-plussed by objection from an unexpected source, the editor of one of Newvatican's own magazines, Chiesa Viva [Living Church], Fr. Luigi Villa. His 1998 book, issued in a 2001 second edition, Paolo Sesto, Beato?, was translated into English in 2009 as Is Paul VI Beatified? Fr. Villa died on November 18, 2012.
Next to the Freemason presybter Hannibal Bugnini, the chief architect of the Novus Ordo, the worst villain of the immediately post-Vatican II period has to be the first post-conciliar, Modernist pope, Paul VI-Montini. Without this Newpope's connivance, Bugnini could not have foisted off his all-encompassing Novus Ordo, which invalidated Newchurch's Mass and five of its seven Sacraments (excepting Baptism and Matrimony, which even Protestants have).
Villa was a doctor of dogmatic theology, given a mandate from Pope Pius XII to defend the Catholic Church from Freemasonry, particularly within the Church. In 1963 Padre Pio warned Villa that Freemasonry had already invaded the Catholic Church and had "made it into the shoes of the pope." Villa's book is based upon the study of thousands of pages of encyclicals, speeches, Conciliar documents, historical journals, commentaries, and magazines connected with Paul VI. It is said that the revelations of Villa's book stopped the beatification of the Newpope in its tracks.
Paul VI-Montini promulgated every one of documents of the Modernist Vatican II Council (1962-1965). Contrary to an erroneous assumption, John XXIII did not promulgate a single one of them. In fact, there is evidence that John XXIII had determined that the Modernists had twisted the Council from the purposes for which he had called it and that he had wished to stop it from his deathbed, where he was dying from stomach cancer. He died on June 3, 1963, and by his death the Council legally came to an end, without his having promulgated a single document. It was left to Paul VI-Montini to reconvoke the Council under his own authority, to complete its dastardly work. For further information, click on FAQ08: What Is the Authority of Vatican II? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics).
Villa laid out the evidence that Paul VI-Montini was a foe of Tradition and a disciple of Secular Humanism, not even Christian Humanism, but a kind of naturalistic, even pagan, humanism. The Newpope hoped to create a New Religion under the cover of the once-Catholic religion. That New Religion, which become the Newchurch of the New Order, required a New Mass, New Sacraments, a New Theology, and a New Morality. It required a New Clergy of Protestantized ministers, to be called not sacrificial priests, but presbyters, from the Greek for "elders."
Villa documented Paul VI-Montini's associations with Freemasonry, which had been condemned by pre-Conciliar popes, who placed its adherents under pain of excommunication, as well as with similarly-condemned Communism. During his papacy Freemasonry was allowed to infiltrate Newchurch. One of many high-level Freemasons infiltrating Newchurch during his papacy, as noted in the Roman journalist Carmine Pecorelli's list, was Hannibal Bugnini, who was openly praised by the Roman Grandmaster of Freemasonry. Also in Pecorelli's list was Paul VI-Montini himself!
Villa concluded that although not all post-Conciliar abuses can be laid at the feet of Paul VI-Montini, nevertheless the invalid Protestant-Masonic-Pagan New Order service of 1969, which another Conciliar pope, Benedict-Ratzinger, declared in 2007, for the first time in history, to be the "Ordinary Rite" of Newchurch, was deliberately promulgated by Paul VI-Montini, whose false authority and approval were necessary for Bugnini to carry the graceless and invalid service to all corners of the Newchurch of the New Order.
Good Catholics, when the Biblically-predicted Antichrist appears on earth, he will be hard pressed to do more damage to the Catholic Faith than did Paul VI-Montini. And yet to this day he has servants of deception in the ranks of the pseudo-traditionalists, the Motarians and Neo-SSPXers, who do his work by accepting the validity of the Novus Ordo service as the price of their getting a little Latin approved by the corrupt Newchurch of the New Order.
Beware! At this time of year when traditional Catholics want to purchase a calendar for the coming year, many will be deceived by ads for calendars wrongly called "traditional," but in reality based on the Half Novus Ordo "Mess of 1962." Such, for example, is the case with the SSPX Calendar, which incorporates several features of Novus Ordo practice. This Mess is often, quite incorrectly, equated with the Traditional Latin Mass books published after the Council of Trent by Pope St. Pius V. In fact, significant differences exist between the Traditional Latin Mass and the Half Novus Ordo 1962.
In fact, between 1956 and 1962, two major waves of Novus Ordoizing changes were introduced into the Mass and Divine Office by the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini, who was put in charge of "modernizing" the Traditional Latin Mass and Divine Office. Bugnini used that opportunity bring the invalid Novus Ordo Mess into existence at least halfway by 1962. The Bugnini changes, far from being "minor," in fact take over 300 pages of official commentary!
Although the Newchurch Motarians and Bernie Fellay's Novus Ordo-leaning Neo-SSPX accept the Half Novus Ordo Mess of 1962+, traditional Catholics do not. For many years now, Immaculate Heart of Mary Church Publications has produced the most beautiful and complete traditional Catholic calendar for those that want an annual printed calendar, which is scrupulously traditional, with no taint of the Novus Ordo, halfway or otherwise. This full-color calendar, both in its daily boxes and in the religious art that accompanies each month, contains ful information about all feasts, commemorations, votive Masses, fasts and abstinence, Ember Days, and more. In the back matter, there is excellently-summarized information about indulgences, fast and abstinence, and other practical matters. This is unquestionably the best and most complete traditional calendar available.
For those priests or more advanced laypeople who want access to a fully-traditional Ordo, St. Lawrence Press produces the best and most complete annual Ordo available, the Ordo Recitandi Officii Divini Sacrique Peragendi [Order of Reciting the Divine Office and Carrying Out the Sacred Rite], entirely in Latin and in the traditional form. It contains detailed information about the Mass and Divine Office that priests and the most advanced laypeople use, much more complete in its detail than any calendar can give.
For further information on how to order the fully-traditional 2013 calendar and ordo, click on the TRADITIO Network's Traditional Liturgical Calendar department.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
How are traditional Catholics to regard the New Order's 1983 code of canon law?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply
The simple answer is that this Newcode of supposed canon law, which even Newchurch does not follow, is a product of the unCatholic and heretical New Order sect, just as is the "New Catechism," the "New Mass," the "New Sacraments," and everything else "New" about Newchurch, all of which run contrary to the dogmatic pronouncements of Vatican I. Therefore, the Newcode too must be rejected as unCatholic and heretical, poisoned fruit of the poisoned New Order tree. This conclusion follows from the principles declared by Pope Leo XIII in his 1896 Papal Bull about invalid "sacraments" in the Anglican sect.
Remember the simple equation: NEW ORDER = PROTESTANT, and that easily answers all such questions about how to treat New Order productions.
Just like H.M.S. Titanic: the Newchurch of the New Order has hit an iceberg. As Paul VI-Montini shockingly admitted within just three years of the close of the Modernist Vatican II Council: "We looked forward to a flowering, a serene expansion of conceptions which matured in the great sessions of the Council. But ... one must notice above all the sorrowful aspect. It is as if the Church were destroying herself.... The smoke of Satan has entered the temple of God."
Newcardinal Sean O'Malley, of Boston, Massachusetts, knows this and has thrown in the towel. On November 15, 2012, he admitted to the (few) remaining Newchurchers of Boston that most of their churches would be closed. Out of its 288 remaining parishes, only 135 will survive. O'Malley told them bluntly that the New Order sect was suffering from weak attendance, a shortage of presbyters, and decaying parish finances, which that have left four in ten Newparishes unable to pay their bills.
In other words, Newchurchers are voting on Benedict-Ratzinger's unCatholic New Order with their feet and their pocket-books. After fifty years of the Vatican II lie, a majority of them won't set foot into a New Order church, and they won't pay any longer for the lie that the Novus Ordo is "Catholic."
O'Malley admits that about one in seven Newchurchers even set foot in a church now. O'Malley admits that Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust has turned Newchurchers away in droves. O'Malley mouths his belief that Benedict-Ratzinger's "New Evangelization" will bring Newchurchers back, but national studies paint a different picture: even more Newchurchers are leaving. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
Good Catholics, let's face it. The Newchurch of the New Order has a "product" that it can't sell. The label on the bag says Catholic, but inside is only dust. Newchurch is fooling itself. It has hit the iceberg, and all O'Malley and Ratzinger can do is rearrange the deckchairs on their sinking Titanic.
While the U.S. Conference of Catholic [Sic] Bishops and its President, Newcardinal Timothy Dolan, are busy playing sycophants to the unChristian Barack Obama, who lied to them and then forced them to sponsor abortions and contraceptions, the Protestants seem to be drawing a more realistic Biblical conclusion. Franklin Graham, who took over from his ailing father, the noted Protestant preacher Billy Graham, in 2006, charged in a television interview that America is in a deep economic quagmire because "we have turned our backs on God. The more we turn our backs on God, the bigger our problem becomes."
Franklin Graham certainly put his finger on the increasingly godless United States, which is rejecting the Christian religion and adopting secularism and even atheism at an alarming rate:
There is no question that America has been a nation that has been blessed by almighty God. There is no other nation in the history of mankind that has done what his nation has done –- and it's because of God's hand and his blessing. In the last four years, we have begun to turn our backs on God. We have taken God out of our education system. We have taken Him out of government. You have lawyers that sue you every time you mention the name of Jesus Christ in any public forum.
What has happened is we have allowed ourselves to take God out of everything that we do –- and I believe that God will judge our nation one day. Maybe God will have to bring our nation to our knees –- to where we just have a complete economic collapse. Maybe at that point, people will again call upon the name of almighty God. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by NewsMax.]
Good Catholics, we know that the Catholic Church has certainly been suppressed, having been widely replaced with the New Order sect, which split from the Catholic Church, and adopted at the Vatican II Council the same heretical Modernism that Pope St. Pius X called in no uncertain terms "summa omnium heresium," the combination of all heresies. That sect's Newpope, Benedict-Ratzinger, was himself one of the Modernist leaders at the Vatican II Council and continues his advocacy of the heresies of that Council.
When Newchurch wanted to become "hip" after Vatican II, it essentially dumped the Apostolic Tradition of abstinence from fleshmeat on Fridays, the day on which Christ was crucified to redeem man from his sins. This Friday abstinence is not, as the Newchurchers will prattle, a mere matter of "ecclesiastical law" that can be changed at whim. Not on your spiritual life!
Explicit mention is made of the practice of abstaining from fleshmeat on Fridays in a document as early as the end of the first century A.D. The Apostolic Tradition of the Church is clear beyond possibility of mistake on this matter. If you're Catholic, you abstain from fleshmeat on Friday. If you don't, you're a Protestant. It's as simple as that. For further information, click on FAQ11: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Practices? in the section "Friday Abstinence."
The President of the U.S. Conference of Catholic [Sic] Bishops, Newcardinal Timothy Dolan, of New York, proposed to the bishops at their November 12-15, 2012, General Assembly meeting in Baltimore, Maryland, that Newchurchers emulate the Jews and the Mohammedans by abstaining from meat on Friday, "to be closer to God." Dolan documented just how far Newchurch had fallen since Vatican II:
What are the external markers that [used to] make Catholics stand out? Lord knows, there used to be tons of them: Friday abstinence from meat was one of them, but we recall so many others: seriousness about Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation; fasting on the Ember Days; Saints names for children; confession at least annually; loyal membership in the local [church]; fasting [from midnight] before Holy Communion, just to name a few.
But even this humiliating appeal to be as good as Jews and Mohammedans fell on dead ears amongst the New Order bishops and laity. The 300 some-odd U.S. Newbishops responded that they were weren't interested in being closer to God. They were perfectly prepared to go to Hell, but they weren't giving up their meat on Fridays! A group of Newchurchers nearby rejected their Newcardinal's proposal outright. One Newchurcher said that she was going to make her own choice. What difference does it make what Christ did? She's going to pig out with whatever she d--- well pleases!
Good Catholics, you are probably wondering how even the current ilk that call themselves "bishops" can so brazenly reject Apostolic Tradition and a rather minor penance as it goes these days. The answer is obvious. They are not Catholics. They are essentially atheists clothed in fancy hats, who take a back seat in piety to Jews and Mohammedans. No wonder Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch of the New Order has, in the words of Christ, gone down "into the sewer" (Matthew 15:17/RSECV)! Thus, no true Catholic can have anything to do with the New Order sect without coming out stinking and filthy.
At their November 12-15, 2012, General Assembly meeting in Baltimore, Maryland, the U.S. Conference of Catholic [Sic] Bishop will engage in a "canonical consultation" regarding the cause for the Novus Ordo "con-anization" of Dorothy Day, foundress of the Communist "Catholic" Worker Movement. Day, a social activist, founded her "Catholic" Worker Movement upon anarchist Communism, particularly class warfare. Day is described as attempting to advance a "Christian Communism," which presented Vladimir Lenin and Karl Marx as "secular saints." In order to accomplish her feat of deception, she is charged with "distorting beyond recognition" the position of the traditional popes. Day visited Cuba and praised Fidel Castro's Communist "social reforms." Day ignored Pope John XXIII's excommunication of Castro on January 3, 1962. She also ignored the directive of Francis Cardinal Spellman that she stop using "Catholic" in the title of her paper.
In her personal life, Dorothy Day was a libertine, engaging in numerous affairs of fornication with the most immoral creatures. She attempted suicide and had an abortion. Day finally lived in sin (what she called a "common-law" marriage) with another atheist and had a bastard daughter by him. Day had been baptized and confirmed as an heretic Episcopalian before she perpetrated what looks clearly, in hindsight, as a phony "conversion" to the Catholic faith -- phony because she openly rejected the teachings of the Church, yet illegally used the term "Catholic" to lure Catholics of the time into her Communist movement.
Benedict-Ratzinger's corrupt Newvatican has already prostituted itself by giving her the title "Servant of God," whereas "Servant of the Devil" would be a better appellation. Ratzinger also gave her Communist cause a nihil obstat, that is, a formal declaration that he has no objection to the "sainthood" cause of the Communist woman moving forward. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the U.S. Conference of Catholic (Sic) Bishops.]
Good Catholics, how far Benedict-Ratzinger and his New Order sect have sunken from Catholicism! To the extent that he finds "no objection" to a Communist activist moving along to Novus Ordo "sainthood"? Isn't that just about all you need, as the Sacred Scripture puts it, to "vomit" out of your mouth the New Order sect as a diabolical, unCatholic fraud?
On November 13, 2012, Australia's Prime Minister took the rare step of ordering a Royal Commission, the highest form of investigative body in Australia, to probe how Newchurch has dealt with thousands and thousands of sex crimes against children.
Benedict-Ratzinger's only Newcardinal in Australia, George Pell, had the temerity to claim that "the extent of the problem within his Church had been exaggerated." Pell, a vile lieutenant of Ratzinger, should be mortally wounded considering that even one child under his care had been so raped, sodomized, and even murdered. Basically, Pell's argument was that although he and Ratzinger's New Order sect is moral filth, there were others just as vile. And this man calls himself a Catholic?! Ratzinger should fire him immediately, but that will not happen, of course. Ratzinger, the "Paedophile" Pope, is just as morally vile as is Pell.
The Prime Minister ordered the inquiry in the face of explosive reports that Novus Ordo religious orders had covered up rape claims of the child victims and had actually hindered police inquires over several decades in New South Wales and Victoria, Australia's two most populous states. A police officer sparked a nationwide outcry when he charged that Newchurch had covered up rape, sodomy, and even murder by Newchurch presbyters. His charges ultimately led to the Royal Commission being called. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Reuters.]
When your New Order sect is drowning in the worst immorality, when your New Order doctrine has become worse than Protestant, when your New Order Sunday service has become some kind of irreligious and invalid "rave," what do you do? You'd think that that you would expel the criminals from your New Order clergy. You'd think that you would restore traditional catechesis. You'd think that you would restore exclusively the valid Traditional Latin Mass and Sacraments. But the U.S. Conference of Catholic [Sic] Bishops has come up with a different solution: give up religion and go into politics!
Yes, good Catholics, these New Order sect "bishops" have turned their phony miters in to sponsor, on November 8-10, 2012, in "Foggy Bottom," otherwise known as Washington, D.C., "the moral and religious implications of global climate change and environmental justice." They propose to rewrite the Beatitudes from Our Lord's Sermon on the Mount:
You get the picture: these phony Newbishops have given up thinking about Catholic doctrine and substituted a New Order doctrine having nothing to do with Jesus Christ. Why the clueless Newchurch still support these phonies with their bodies and money is a new Mystery of the New Order Sect (not for the Rosary, however; Newchurch has given that up with JPII-Wotyla's New Age Luminous Mysteries of the New Millennium).
The whole Novus Ordo establishment will turn out for this travesty: Catholic [Sic] University of America, Fordham Newjesuit University, the Graduate Theological Union, Notre Dame, Santa Clara, Mount St. Mary's, and, of course, Georgetown Newjesuit University among them. Newbishop Unabali from Papau New Guinea, an environmental oasis (?), will chastise the Americans for their faithlessness to the Oecumenical God of the Environment in the opening address. But you won't find the Holy Name Society, the Confraternity of St. Michael, or any other traditional organization. These have all been suppressed by the New Order sect. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the USCCB.]
And who is the big muck-amuck who encourages this nonsense with his own political screeds disguised as "encyclical letters"? Why, it is the Top Rottweiler of the New Order sect, Benedict-Ratzinger himself, that besuited Modernist leader "Fr." Ratzinger of Vatican II."
Benedict-Ratzinger's own papal commission has declared that Bernie Fellay of the Neo-SSPX and his followers must accept the unCatholic, untraditional teaching of the Modernist Vatican II Council on the Jews. Newcardinal Kurt Koch, speaking for Ratzinger, proclaimed that Fellay and his followers must not, as a matter of the Newchurch "magisterium," question "in any way" the Modernist Vatican II Council's novel teaching because Ratzinger "himself has demonstrated repeatedly in his speeches, his writings, and his personal gestures regarding Judaism." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World News.]
Bishop Richard Williamson, who has now gone independent from Bernie Fellay's Neo-SSPX sect, has announced in a November 10, 2012, bulletin that he is beginning plans to move from his current residence in Wimbledon, England, site of the world's most famous annual tennis tournament, temporarily to London, and thence to another location, as yet unannounced. Williamson announced that at the present time he is not planning to set up a needed replacement for Fellay's now untraditional Neo-SSPX, which has rejected the traditional Catholic principles of its founding Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and is currently undergoing a "present severe crisis," according to the bishop.
Bishop Williamson reminded traditional Catholics of a fact that is often ignored or is unknown to many traditional Catholics: there are a plethora of truly traditional Catholic sites, what he calls "oases of the Faith." Fellay's sect operates only a minority of sites, and his aren't even traditional any longer. For example, in the United States, there are more than twice as many sites as Fellay's that are truly traditional Catholic. For further information, click on the TRADITIO Network's Official Traditional Catholic Directory department, provided to the TRADITIO Network by the National Registry of Traditional Latin Masses.
Bishop Williamson promises to do his best to serve these counter-Fellay traditional Catholic sites. He is also considering the establishment of a traditional Catholic seminary. Bishop Williamson also indicated that he will be ordaining more traditional priests and consecrating more traditional bishops on an as-yet unannounced timetable.
Is it any wonder that Newchurchers are abysmally ignorant of the Catholic Faith and are clueless about the Catholic Mass and Sacraments, Catholic doctrine, and Catholic morality? The following is what they are being fed with, according to a local newspaper for November 10, 2012:
"Behold," a unique Catholic [sic] prayer service, will be held on Saturday, November 17, from 7 to 9pm at St. Anne's Church. The service includes praise music by the Christian rock band "Adoro," eucharistic adoration and benediction, and opportunities for reconciliation and reflection. Guest speaker will be Rev. John Burns. Burns is a vibrant speaker, who studied at Notre Dame and in Rome. He often tells his audiences of the five months he spent traveling the world while "running away" from his vocation. Those travels included skydiving, mountain climbing, bungee jumping, and scuba diving adventures. The prayer service is geared toward youth, families, and anyone wishing to reach out in prayer in a different way.
This is the junk that Benedict-Ratzinger's New Order sect is pandering to young minds, but the older minds too are just as rotted by it now. The New Order practice seems to be to fill these minds with profane trash music, under the control of men who are so addled themselves that they should have been screened out even as New Order presbyters. They certainly aren't Catholic priests by a long shot! And why does the Catholic Faith have to be reached out to "in a different way"? It is supposed to be "catholic," that is, universal.
We TRADITIO Fathers still get messages from Neocon Newchurchers and pseudo-traditionalists, who falsely claim that the Novus Ordo Protestant-Masonic-Pagan service is Catholic, even though it is not quite as good as the Half Novus Ordo Vatican Mess of 1962+. Astonishingly, even Bernie Fellay, the Superior-dictator of the Neo-SSPX, holds this position. To the contrary, reports such as that above clearly prove that Benedict-Ratzinger's New Order sect is certainly not Catholic, just as Archbishop Lefebvre said. Now, 21 years after the Archbishop's death, it is hard to call the New Order sect even Christian. It appears, rather, to be some kind of drugged up, wacko cult. In any case, true Catholics should shun the New Order sect like the deadly plague that it is.
The criminality of clergy in the New Order sect was exposed as worse then ever as a result of evidence arising from the Australian parliament's official inquiry. One Newchurch "religious" order was exposed as a "paedophile ring" operated by Newchurch "religious" brothers, which subjected handicapped children as young as seven to gang-rapes and sadistic beatings. It even murdered two of the children, one child having been thrown down a staircase to his death. Fifteen Newchurch "religious" brothers drugged their child victims before they gang-raped them. Those children who attempted to resist the attacking "religious" were mercilessly beaten into submission. One of the investigators summarized the situation as follows:
This is a story about widespread sexual abuse, severe and unwarranted physical abuse, exploitation and unpaid child labor, starvation of boys, drugging of boys, provision of alcohol to juveniles, and situations where intoxicated brothers were in charge of boys.
The investigator also condemned Newchurch's compensation scheme, called the Melbourne Response, a process by which child victims of rape by Newchurch bishops, presbyters, and religious can seek compensation from the New Order sect rather than report the crimes to police. "Under what legal authority can clergymen set up a quasi-legal star chamber of their own?," asked the investigator. He said that lawyers for Newchurch had a practice to "king-hit the victim to soften him up."
In response to reprehensible crimes such as these, the Australian government has announced the expansion of the inquiry into yet another region, specifically to look into sex crimes against children by Newchurch clergy. In response to reprehensible crimes such as these, Benedict-Ratzinger remains silent and does nothing. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Sydney Morning Herald.]
Poor Bernie Fellay. He has shot himself in the foot. In a November 1, 2012, "sermon" (actually, a political propaganda piece camouflaged as a "sermon") at Econe, Switzerland, Fellay expressed more clearly than ever before why his position and that of his Neo-SSPX is untenable. It is straitforward logic:
Fellay, in his propaganda "sermon," claims that he cannot follow these two conclusions. The problem is that -- logically -- if he accepts the two premises, he must accept their two conclusions. Thus, Fellay is exposed as a hypocrite. Fellay admits in his propaganda "sermon" that he tried to play both ends against the middle. He scribbled changes denying Conclusions 1 and 2 to Ratzinger's proposed "Doctrinal Preamble." Ratzinger himself crossed off Fellay's scribbles and returned to him the original, Modernistic document, demanding that Fellay accept it unchanged.
Fellay could, of course, redeem his hypocrisy by rejecting Conclusions 1 and 2 by simply accepting a different premise, the premise of the Catholic Fathers and Doctors of the Church: that even a pope can be a personal heretic, or, like St. Paul, who denounced St. Peter for heresy (Galatians 2:11 et seq.), that a pope must not be followed by the faithful into heresy. But Fellay rejects that that Catholic premise in favor of the Modernist possession of Newchurch by the Modernists, first among them the Modernist leader of Vatican II, the besuited "Fr." Ratzinger. Thus, Fellay has become the Great Hypocrite, and his Neo-SSPX follows him into this hypocrisy. For further information, click on POPELIM: Limitations of Papal Authority to Change Sacred Tradition, From the Writings of Roman Catholic Popes, Councils, Saints, and Theologians.
And what are the consequences to Fellay and, by extension, to Fellay's followers for their hypocritical acceptance of heretical principles? Our Lord Jesus Christ makes it clear: "The Lord ... shall separate him, and appoint his portion with the hypocrites. There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth" (Matthew 24:51/DRV). The phrase "weeping and gnashing of teeth" is interpreted by the Doctors of the Church to mean Hell.
The new Anglican (heretical) Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, was announced on November 9, 2012, and he is a doozy! His words were sometimes conservative, but smart people know not to give credence to carefully-crafted propaganda speeches. Smart people look for truer indications. Welby gave his inaugural press speech after his appointment was announced, and what did we learn?
The stage sets were selected to bolster his message. Welby spoke before carefully-chosen lavender/pink backdrop, associated with the homosexual-activist movement. He appeared to be inviting the "lavender" clergy, who everyone knows is rife in the Anglican/Episcopalian sect, to contact him. But the Nigerian Anglicans have already responded that they want no part in his "gay" agenda and that they may split from the Anglican sect once and for all.
There are those who think that in Justin Welby Benedict-Ratzinger has found a kindred spirit. Ratzinger is just a little more careful about expressing his tolerance for "gay Catholics," but the fact that he has fired not one of his sodomite Newchurch bishops, Ratzinger's own "lavender mob," even the one who raped his nephew for some ten years and then boasted of it on French television, speaks volumes for Ratzinger's closet agenda for Newchurch.
An announcement of a "Motu" Mess, sometimes erroneously called an "Extraordinary Mass," was recently published as follows. But first we should point out first that there is no such thing in the real Catholic Church as an "Extraordinary Mass." The term was never been used until 2007; it is a completely unCatholic neologism. A Mass is a true, valid Mass, or it's not. There is no "ordinary" or "extraordinary" about it.
St. Novus parish offers the "Ordinary Mass" [the invalid Novus Ordo service]. The parish also offers the "Extraordinary Mass," always subject to change for special circumstances, as happened this past Monday, when Fr. P. opted to concelebrate with five others in the New Mass [sic].
Say what? First of all, the presbyter has, of course, never been ordained as a priest, but has been merely "installed" to be a Novus Ordo "presider over the assembly of the people." Thus, he has no power to offer even a valid "Extraordinary Mass," but only to preside over the invalid Novus Ordo Protestant-Masonic-Pagan service. So, all the clueless Newparishioners are being treated to an invalid fraud.
But then it turns out that, on his own whim, this presbyter of the phony "Extraordinary Mass" decides to throw aside this Mess and instead concelebrate at an invalid Novus Ordo service together with five other non-priests. As we all know, in the Newchurch of the New Order, all gods are the same, and we all worship the same god. That's what the besuited "Fr." Ratzinger taught at Vatican II. Now all Masses are the same, valid or invalid, Catholic or not.
St. Novus Newparish turns out to be moot after all. It is being closed by the Newdiocese, as so many are after a little "Motu" blip in 2007. It's the Great "Motu" Mess Hoax. As our statistician previously reported in these Daily Commentaries, after that little blip in 2007, "Indult/Motu" Messes started a marked decline -- just as Ratzinger and his Newbishops wanted. We repeat:
For further information, click on FAQ03: Should I Ever Attend the New "Mass" and New "Sacraments"?
Newvatican's No. 2 Man has declared that "traditionalists" will have to "recognize" the invalid New Mess. Newvatican Secretary of State, Tarcisio Bertone, proclaimed to Motarians in St. Peter's Basilica on November 2, 2012:
the value and sanctity of the Ordinary Form is to be completely recognized
The "Ordinary Form" is, of course, the full-blown, invalid, Protestant-Masonic-Pagan Novus Ordo Mess of 1969, fabricated by the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini and his Committee of Six Protestant Ministers. Bertone further clarified that Benedict-Ratzinger's 2007 Motu Proprio Summorum pontificum, which permitted, under limited circumstances, the use of the Half Novus Ordo Vatican "Mess of 1962+" was as far as Ratzinger would go in that direction.
Bertone was certainly not speaking only for himself. Bertone, who had been severely criticized in the Italian press as a result of the "Vatileaks" scandal that exposed criminal activity under the Ratzinger-Bertone regime, has recently received Ratzinger's full public backing: "I would like to express my deep gratitude for your discreet closeness and enlightened advice, which I have found particularly helpful in recent months.... I intend to renew my statements of personal confidence in you." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by L'Osservatore Romano.]
Good Catholics, we TRADITIO Fathers have maintained from the beginning that Benedict-Ratzinger's phony "Motu" Mess was merely a temporary hoax to keep pseudo-traditionalists and Neocon Newchurchers in his unCatholic New Order sect. Always in the past, when a minuscule, temporary "approval" has been given for the limited use of Half Novus Ordo Vatican II Mess, that "approval" has been soon watered down to require its practitioners to simulate the full-blown Novus Ordo Mess. This happened with the Fraternity of St. Peter, the largest "Indult/Motu" organization. Newvatican's Protocol 1411 of 1999 has never been rescinded -- the protocol that requires all presbyters, including all "Indult/Motu" presbyters, to simulate the Novus Ordo Mess when requested by their local bishop. And many local bishops have required just that.
In his weekly bulletin of November 3, 2012, the SSPX's most senior and most traditional bishop, who was expelled by the Neo-SSPX's Superior-dictator, Bernie Fellay, on October 22, 2012, Bishop Richard Williamson, has recommended:
a loose network of independent pockets of Resistance, gathered around the Mass, freely contacting one another, but with no structure of false obedience such as served to sink the mainstream Church in the 1960s, and is now sinking the Society of St Pius X
Bishop Williamson pledges to put his episcopal power "at the disposal of whoever can make wise use of them."
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Surely much good for the Traditional Catholic faithful has occurred in 2012:
Traditional Catholics no longer have to hear about Ratzinger's phony "hermeneutics of continuity" and other Modernist intellectual tripe.
A new motion picture, For Greater Glory: The True Story of Christiada (2012), has exposed a hidden period in the history of the Church in Mexico, when parishes were shut down and Catholic priests and laypeople were hanged by the thousands on telephone polls. This fascinating historical account, which is not easily found in the history books because it embarrasses the Mexican government, and even the Church, becomes a parable for the destruction of the true Church in our own time.
In Mexico in the late 1920s, Plutarco Calles, the tyrant-president of Mexico, an atheist and Freemason, instituted a murderous pogrom against Catholics that resulted in many deaths and spawned many Holy Martyrs for the Faith, including 4,000 priests, who were hanged for standing by their people against the tyrant Calles. Unlike most Catholics of the 1960s, however, who saw their churches and Faith taken over by an anti-Catholic group, the Modernist Vatican II Council and the resultant Newchurch of the New Order, some 50,000 Mexicans took up arms to reclaim their religion from the hands of the tyrant.
This mass popular uprising by many Mexicans against the atheistic Mexican government and its president, is called the Cristero War, or Christiada (1926-1929), and its adherents were called Cristeros, because they invoked the name of Jesus Christ under the title of "Cristo Rey," Christ the King. On June 27, 1929, the church bells rang out in Mexico for the first time in almost three years. The war had claimed the lives of some 90,000 people: 56,882 on the Calles side and 30,000 Cristeros. But the Cristeros got their churches and Faith back.
The film's excellent cast is led by Andy Garcia as Enrique Gorostieta, the General of the Cristeros, who fights to preserve religious freedom against Calles and his atheistic government (we cannot help but think of Barack Obama, who has attempted to rob Christians in the United States of their religious freedom). The venerable Peter O'Toole plays one of the Martyr Priests.
What the courageous Mexican Catholics did when an attempt was made to take their Faith from them, we cowardly Catholics of the Vatican II period and thereafter have failed to do. It is easy to see how the tyrant Calles of the 1920s has become the Newpopes of the late 20th and early 21st centuries. The courageous Cristeros are what the cowardly traditional Catholics of our time should be, but in most cases are not. The courageous Cristeros got their Church back; we cowardly traditional Catholics have not, through our own fault, through our own most grievous fault.
One of the Cristeros in the film asks rhetorically, "Do I run and hide? Do I abandon my beliefs?" For Bernie Fellay, the Neo-SSPX's tyrant, like the Freemason Calles, and too many other pseudo-traditionalists of our time, the answer seems to be yes. Even Pope Pius XI in 1929 sold out partially to the Mexican athiests and Freemasons.
For Greater Glory is available on DVD through Netflix and other sources. For further information, click on FAQ 12: What Films Do You Recommend for Traditional Catholics?
In Akron, Ohio, presbyter Samuel Ciccolini was thrown into prison on November 4, 2012, for embezzling 4,000,000 dollars from an alcohol and drug rehabilitation center that he had founded. As usual, Newchurchers in his area were completely clueless that he had been embezzling their money big time! [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Akron Beacon Journal.]
In Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, presbyter Caesar Belchez was arraigned on November 1, 2012, for stealing some 400,000 dollars in cash, checks, and credit cards from his church over the period 2006 to 2011. Belchez faces a maximum sentence of 21 years in prison. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Bonneauville Evening Sun.]
In New York State, the District Attorney announced that a Novus Ordo nun faces grand larceny charges after she stole more than 100,000 dollars from two western New York churches where she worked. Sister Mary Anne Rapp is scheduled to be arraigned on November 5, 2012. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by The Buffalo News.]
Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch diocese of Green Bay, Wisconsin, headed by Newbishop David Ricken, was found guilty on November 4, 2012, of negligence on account of its decades-long practice of concealing and transferring notorious presbyter sex offenders against children. 51 presbyters have been charged with sex crimes against children over the past few decades. The Newdiocese has refused repeated pleas from the child victims and their families to warn the public of the names and locations of the Newdiocese's criminal clergy.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers
I currently attend the "1962+ Mess" at a Neo-SSPX site, but am thinking of attending the real Traditional Latin Mass at a non-NSSPX site in protest against what Fellay has done to the SSPX. However, I would like to ask what the differences are between the "Mess of 1962+" and the Traditional Latin Mass?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
The Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini, who was in charge of the liturgical revolution until Pope John XXIII fired him, had succeeded in putting through two major waves of Novus-Ordoizing changes, one in 1956 and another in 1960. In 1962 the Sacred Canon of the Mass was changed for the first time since the early Church.
These changes were hardly trivial. The 1956 changes completely gutted the traditional Sacred Rites of Holy Week, which to that time had gone back substantially to the early Church and are the most sacred services in the Catholic liturgical calendar. In addition to gutting Holy Week, a raft of other anti-traditional changes implemented in that year required 100 pages' worth of new instructions.
The 1960 changes were even more major, completely abolishing Pope St. Pius X's rubrics and replacing them with a Novus-Ordoized version that touched virtually every element of the Traditional Latin Liturgy. The anti-traditional changes implemented in that year required 200 pages' worth of new instructions.
The fact of the matter is that the so-called "Mess of 1962+," which has been further changed by Benedict-Ratzinger through 2012, is the Half Novus Ordo Mess of the Modernist Vatican II Council, which convened in 1962, the result of the handwork of the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini, which was intended by that Chief Architect of the full-blown invalid Novus Ordo of 1969 to "soften up" Catholics for the implementation of the Novus Ordo.
THE MESS OF 1962+, ALSO KNOWN AS THE "MOTU" MESS, IS HALF WAY TO THE FULL-BLOWN INVALID NOVUS ORDO OF 1969 AND SHOULD BE SHUNNED BY EVERY TRUE CATHOLIC. Archbishop Lefebvre came to detest it, but had so much going on fighting the Conciliar Church on other fronts that he was unable to address all of its flaws. Nevertheless, he did not allow it to be used without several changes being reverted to a more traditional form. According to his biographers, at the time of his death in 1991, Archbishop Lefebvre was planning to reject the "Mess of 1962" and return his Society to the fully Traditional Latin Mass. For further information, click on the Traditional Latin Mass, Sacraments & Divine Office department.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I am greatly saddened by the loss of Tradition. I do not understand why Newchurch of the New Order decided to abandon most of the Catholic rituals and doctrine. Why did Newchurch feel required to do this when the Traditional Latin Mass had existed since the early centuries of the Church? Newchurch mocks the work and practice of two millennia of true Catholics. I am sorry to be depressed, but the situation is depressing.
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
The Catholic response should not be depression, but joyfulness. Does not Sacred Scripture teach us: "For whom the Lord loveth, he testeth [Proverbs 3:12]. The Lord has given you the opportunity to stand for Him, not in a time of ease, but a time of challenge. You can join your spiritual life with those of the Holy Martyrs, eleven million of them, who gave everything for Christ when it was certainly not easy.
Christ is giving you a unique opportunity to stand up for him. You are not being asked to be ripped to shreds by lions in the Coliseum. You are being asked only to spurn the unCatholic New Order services and temples, including the phony Novus Ordo "Latin Mass" and the Vatican II "Mess of 1962+." Drive a hour on a Sunday if you have to in order to get to a Traditional Latin Mass. Volunteer to be a server at the Altar or chant in the Gregorian choir. Take the true message of Christ to those with whom you come in contact. Study your Catholic Faith so that you have all the answers for those in the unCatholic New Order sect who would attempt to defraud you of your true Catholic Faith.
We are reminded of the words of the Catholic King Henry V to his troops fighting against the French at Agincourt -- words forever commemorated in Shakespeare, which can describe as well the greater courage required of true Catholics to fight against the New Order sect. Or, for that matter against the modern (Swiss) Frenchman, Bernie Fellay, who wishes not to fight for the Catholic Faith, but to sell it out to a false New Order sect:
And gentlemen in England now abed [Newchurchers]
Shall think themselves accursed they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us [true Catholics] upon Saint Crispin's Day.
(Shakespeare, Henry V)
Traditional Catholics are called upon in this time to respond with greater courage and joy in fighting for the true Faith, not to sink into useless depression.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I must say that I am greatly heartened by Bishop Slattery's returning to saying Mass facing the altar. I hope this practice spreads. Do you approve of Bishop Slattery?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
The Novus Ordo service isn't a Mass. Don't be deceived by such Novus Ordo tricks. This is just the typical Novus Ordo rearranging the deck-chairs on the Titanic. These phony traditional-looking games are simply part of the Novus Ordo deception to trick you into accepting the Novus Ordo as valid and Catholic. It is neither. Slattery doesn't even celebrate a Mass; he simulates the invalid Protestant-Masonic-Pagan New Order service of 1969, whatever clothes he wears.
You can pour some Latin onto the invalid Novus Ordo service and dress it up in old clothes, but you can bet your spiritual life: this is not the Traditional Latin Mass. It is just Novus Ordo dress-up to deceive you. Benedict-Ratzinger did the same thing with his "Santa hat" and his "Pharaoh's collar." To traditional Catholics, Slattery makes himself look like a jackass, a Bride of Frankenstein, not the Bride of Christ.
For further information, click on FAQ03: Should I Ever Attend the New "Mass" and New "Sacraments"?
Any notion that the Neo-SSPX's Superior-Dictator, Bernie Fellay, has given up his dream of selling out his NSSPX to the unCatholic New Order sect, just as we TRADITIO Fathers have previously warned, is false. Fellay is still very much drooling to wear the purple of the New Order and to become the Plenipotentary Dictator of "Traditional" Catholicism under the "authority" of the New Order sect.
More evidence of Fellay's continuing treachery to Archbishop Lefebvre's original traditional Catholic organization was revealed on October 29, 2012, when Fellay's gauleiter, the U.S. District Director-Subdictator, Arnaud Rostand, told an audience of NSSPXers in Post Falls, Idaho, that Fellay's sellout to the New Order sect, which the Archbishop publicly condemned as "not Catholic," was in fact "a very prudent deal."
Rostand barely mentioned Fellay's monumental act of treachery in expelling the SSPX's senior bishop, Richard Williamson, hand-picked by the Archbishop and the most traditional of the four SSPX bishops, for obedience to Archbishop Lefebvre's traditional Catholic principles. It is known that Benedict-Ratzinger, as well as Fellay himself, hates Bishop Williamson for his traditional stands and wanted him out, to be treated as a "non-person."
As Newchurch celebrates the fiftieth anniversary of the opening of the Modernist Vatican II Council on October 11, 1962, we TRADITIO Fathers thought that it would be instructive to quote from a former New Order sect seminarian drop-out's description of what that Council did. As you read this description, it is impossible not to conclude that this damnable Council created a New Religion that is certainly not the Catholic one.
"The Second Vatican Council initiated many changes in the way Newchurchers worshipped. Altars were moved away from the wall, and pews were rearranged to surround the altar as a way of replacing the 'dated' thinking of the Mass as a sacrifice."
Denying the Mass as a renewal of the Sacrifice of Christ on Calvary is a Protestant heresy.
"The 'eucharist' was celebrated as a community meal."
Defining the Mass as a mere "community meal" is a Protestant heresy.
"Lay people began taking leadership in many parts of the Novus Ordo service."
Appropriation by laypeople of sacred functions pertaining to priests is a Protestant heresy.
"Peppy contemporary songs accompanied by guitars were sung at some Masses."
Use of profane music and instruments at Holy Mass is defined as sacrilege.
"Nuns were permitted to play a priestly role, even giving 'homilies' (the New Order term for sermons) and made de-facto pastors of parishes."
The use of women in priestly roles is a defined sacrilege, as taught in the Bible itself.
And how did all these changes pan out? The Novus Ordo party line is, of course, that "the response was overwhelmingly positive." But let's look at the facts. After the Council of Trent, the Catholic Faith flowered in a way that it had not since the early Church, particularly through the many Saints whose lives were dedicated to propagating the Council's work in the life of the Catholic clergy and people.
But now, fifty years after Vatican II, we see what falsely claims to be the Catholic Church, that is, the Newchurch of the New Order, to be sinking into oblivion. Newpope Benedict-Ratzinger has admitted this fact publicly. For example, according to a 1981 study, Converts, Dropouts, Returnees, commissioned by the U.S. Newbishops just twelve years after the New Order was introduced in 1969, close to one out of four Catholics simply walked out, never to return. Weekly Mass attendance, which studies show was well over 80 per cent among Catholics before Vatican II, has sunk to 10 per cent or less. More Newchurch marriages are now performed before invalidating Protestant ministers and civil officials than before Novus Ordo presbyters. Heretics and paedophiles run rampant in Newchurch, and the Newpopes take no action.
There were voices that remained Catholic in the years just after Vatican II, even though tremendous pressure and propaganda was brought to bear against them to convert to the New Order heresy. But it didn't take long for the truth to become clear. The Newpope of the time, Paul VI-Montini, less just three years after the close of the Council, declared:
The Church finds herself in an hour of anxiety, a disturbed period of self-criticism, or what would even better be called self-destruction [auto-distruzione]. It is an interior upheaval, acute and complicated, which nobody expected after the Council. It is almost as if the Church were attacking itself. We looked forward to a flowering, a serene expansion of conceptions which matured in the great sessions of the Council. But ... one must notice above all the sorrowful aspect. It is as if the Church were destroying herself. (December 7, 1968)
Four years later the Newpope declared that the Modernistic Vatican II Council was Satanic:
We have the impression that through some cracks in the wall the smoke of Satan has entered the temple of God: it is doubt, uncertainty, questioning, dissatisfaction, confrontation.... We thought that after the Council a day of sunshine would have dawned for the history of the Church. What dawned, instead, was a day of clouds and storms, of darkness, of searching and uncertainties. (June 29, 1972)
The Newchurchers who worship the Newpopes after Vatican II will never quote these statements on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of Vatican II. But here is the Newpope who promulgated every one of the Council's documents declaring that the Council was Satanic. His declarations are on record. Why do you think that his inspired words are never referred to by the Newchurchers? Clearly, because the New Order is a fraud, a scheme, a hoax, and its perpetrators don't want you to know that a pope officially declared Vatican II Satanic. For further information, click on FAQ08: What Is the Authority of Vatican II?
In the Dark Ages, Ireland saved Classical and Catholic civilization from demise. Now Ireland, disgusted by Benedict-Ratzinger's paedophiliac sect, which has sodomized Ireland's youth in the name of the anti-Catholic New Order, are sick and tired of Newchurch's hypocrisy and phoniness. Irishmen are abandoning Ratzinger and his Newchurch is absolutely stunning numbers.
The Dublin Novus Ordo "Eucharistic" Congress in June 2012 drew barely 20,000 Irish Newchurchers, whereas the last traditional Dublin Eucharistic Congress, in June 1932, drew over 1,000,000! One out of every four Irishmen attended its concluding Traditional Latin Mass, and afterwards 500,000 people gathered on O'Connell Bridge for the concluding blessing given by the Papal Legate:
Here men and women are proud to give evidence of their Faith: proud of being sons and daughters of the dead-and-gone Catholics who kept the flame alive in evil days of persecution and spoliation.... The men and women of long ago ... from the high place in Heaven won by their heroic piety ... must have looked down upon this glorious scene with serene happiness and benediction.
But no more. Heaven has cursed Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch. Now only one out of three Irishmen bother to attend the Protestantized Novus Ordo service on Sunday -- and that number is undoubtedly inflated by about 50 per cent. Young men disdain the Novus Ordo presbyterate. In 2012, the number of Irishmen entering the Novus Ordo seminary hit an all-time low: only one dozen men began studies for Ireland's 26 Novus Ordo dioceses. It is the lowest number of new seminarians on record, barely half of 2011's class of 22 men. On average, just 50 percent of men who enter Irish seminaries go on to be installed as Novus Ordo presbyters. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World Report.]
Thus, this once most-Catholic country will install fewer than 200 presbyters in the next 30 years. The Newchurch of the New Order will likely be dead long before then. The anti-Catholic "spirit" of Vatican II has killed the Newchurch of the New Order. The paedophiliac disease that has infected New Order popes, bishops, and presbyters has killed the Newchurch of the New Order. Almighty God, Who will not be mocked, has killed the Newchurch of the New Order.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I read the comment from a reader about Benedict-Ratzinger saying that he didn't have the power to rescind the knighthood of St. Gregory that Newrome had originally conferred upon now-exposed paedophile Jimmy Sevile. I had to shake my head. These Newpopes and Bernie Felly's "SSPX of the Newchurch Observance" by implication have a funny list of "cans" and "cannots." Newchurch can:
Yet Newchurch and its Newpope "cannot" reverse the Papal Knighthood awarded to an now-exposed paedophile? So, let me get this straight. These Newpopes, with Fellay's apparent acceptance, are saying that:
Either Newchurchers really believe the illogic of the Conciliar nonsense, or their minds have become polluted by the graceless and invalid cookies and Kool-aid that they have been scarfing down for the past fifty years. The Newchurch of the New Order would be laughable if it were not so sad.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
The irony of the "New Evangelization" that Benedict-Ratzinger is now desperately trying to implement in the face of his sinking Newchurch, is that those who need converting are the Newchurch prelates themselves, and there is no one left in his Newchurch to convert them to Catholicism. They can't convert themselves because they don't have the Faith to transmit to themselves.
It's high time to restore all things in Christ. But we shall have to wait until the last pope of the Council has handed over the keys to another. He keeps these fools in office as long as possible. Anything to avoid losing face. Better to lose Faith than to lose face, they think.
Speaking on October 28, 2012, at the Synod of Newbishops, which has been going on in Newrome from September 30 to October 28, 2012, with the theme of evangelizing peoples to the New Order, Newarchbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller, of San Antonio, Texas, requested that Ratzinger "consecrate the world to the Holy Spirit," Who replaced the Holy Ghost at the Vatican II Council. Others have for years being trying to get Ratzinger to consecrate the world to Fatima.
But what about doing the simple Christian thing: commit to Our Lord Jesus Christ, His doctrines, and His morality? After all, we are not called "Fatimists." We are not called "Spiritualists." We are called "Christians." It seems that following Christ's doctrine and morality would be plenty hard enough -- impossible, really -- for Benedict-Ratzinger and his New Order sect! [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Vatican Radio.]
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
It seems that you are not being entirely honest about Newvatican's ability to retract an honor provided to Jimmy Savile, who has been accused of the rape of at least forty girls. The Newpapal knighthood received was an honorary award, not a title. Newvatican keeps no roll of award recipients, so there is no list to strike. Once the award was announced, it cannot be unannounced.
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
Sure, that's the Newchurch party line, but we can't imagine that you are so befuddled by the New Order sect that you really swallow it! Obviously, this is just another cover-up by the "Paedophile Pope" Benedict-Ratzinger. As usual, he issues a pusillanimous press release through a third party.
What is stopping Ratzinger from getting up on the balcony of St. Peter's and announcing publicly: "We are scandalized by what we have heard about Sevile's paedophilia. Our papal heart is indignant beyond words. By the power vested in Us, We are herewith rescinding Jimmy Savile's appointment as a Knight Commander of the Order of St. Gregory and demanding the return of all paraphernalia bestowed." Now that would make a point not soon to be forgotten by all the paedophiles clergy in his New Order sect!
Remember, this is the Newpope who has not fired a single one of his paedophile bishops, including the one who repeatedly raped his own nephew for years, then boasted of it on French television as "teaching the boy a lesson." Apparently, Benedict-Ratzinger is devoid of pity and compassion for children. We wonder whether his attitude would change if some aggrieved father took him into a dark corner and provided him with a demonstration to teach him a lesson!
Ratzinger's answer about there being "no list to strike" the paedophile Savile from is completely typical of Ratzinger's crooked mentality. He views the rape of children by his bishops and presbyters as some kind of paper exercise, requiring merely the shuffling around of documents, the issuing of press statements, etc. To this day, Benedict-Ratzinger gives no evidence that he has the slightest understanding of, or any real sympathy for, a child raped by one of his bishops or presbyters. Josef Ratzinger is a despicable man and a worse pope, totally unworthy of the office that he presumes to hold.