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Germany's Newchurch Bishops Conference admitted on December 8, 2012, that at least 66 German presbyters were charged in 576 cases of the rape and sodomy of both minors and adults under the personal regime of Josef Ratzinger. In 2001 German Card. Ratzinger was appointed Sex Crimes Czar by JPII-Wojtyla and was then elected as Newpope in 2005. The German report covers the period 2000 and 2010. This is the period in which Ratzinger's Newchurch claimed that it had "taken care of" its Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust. Now statistics from more and more countries are confirming that the Holocaust is continuing unabated, primarily because Ratzinger, even as Newpope, has essentially done nothing to stop it and even continues to cover it up.
As a result of Ratzinger's consistent attempts to cover up the crimes, rank-and-file German Newchurchers have renounced the New Order sect, officially recording their departure with the German government. In 2010 alone, 180,000 German Newchurchers renounced their faith, up 40 per cent from 2009. Corresponding income to Newchurch from the German has been cut drastically. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Deutsche Welle.]
Good Catholics, what can one say but that Benedict-Ratzinger has geared up his propaganda machine to make it appear falsely that the Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust, over which he has personally presided for over ten years, first as JPII-Wojtyla's Sex Czar and then as Newpope, has abated, whereas it has actually increased. Even his own German Newbishops have now publicly admitted that.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
For years the TRADITIO Fathers have referred to Bernie Fellay's corrupted version of the SSPX as the "Neo-SSPX," because he and his followers have abandoned the traditional Catholic teachings of their founder, Archbishop Lefebvre. I also noticed that some of the readers of your Daily Commentaries have complained about your use of terms like "Neo-SSPX" and "Bernie Fellay," in order to take the phony "mystique" out of what is now certainly not the SSPX, but more of a subordinate New Order sect.
Today I noticed that the SSPX of the Strict Observance (SSPX-SO) also has begun using the term "Neo-SSPX" to describe the current SSPX under Bernie Falley. Once again, it goes to prove that what has been published on the TRADITIO Traditional Roman Catholic Network is true and that TRADITIO is always at least one step ahead of everyone else.
The French Interior Minister, Manuel Valls, announced on December 11, 2012, that Bernie Fellay's Neo-SSPX-affiliated lay organization, Civitas, is being investigated for "pathology" and will be dissolved if it is found to be "potentially violent and criminal." Valls charged that Civitas has engaged in political protests that "flirt with the boundaries of legality." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Reuters.]
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Bernie Fellay's Neo-SSPX is now officially promoting the Modernist Vatican II Council. I was shown a bulletin from a Neo-SSPX chapel, which included an insert hawking Benedict-Ratzinger's "Year of the Faith," the unCatholic New Order sect's faith, that is, and pseudo-indulgences associated with it. I was flabbergasted by the Neo-SSPX's open promotion of phony indulgences from the New Order sect for "studying and meditating on the Vatican II documents."
It seems that some Neo-SSPXers are blind to the problems of Fellay and his perfidious organization. They have are blind to the original traditional Catholic principles of the SSPX's founder, Archbishop Lefebvre. These clueless Fellayites have become like frogs placed in a pan of cool water, not realizing that the heat has been turned on and they are about to boil in apostasy.
Bishop Williamson, consecrated by Archbishop Lefebvre as senior bishop of the Society of St. Pius X and subsequently expelled by Bernie Fellay from the Neo-SSPX for remaining faithful to the Archbishop's traditional Catholic principles, has preached a retreat on December 17-21, 2012, for the Society of St. Pius X of the Strict Observance, a growing group of former Neo-SSPX priests who have abandoned Bernie Fellay's Novus Ordo-leaning Neo-SSPX. Ten priests attended the retreat from different countries, but mostly from the United States. Ten more priests of the SSPX-SO were unable to attend because of their pastoral duties.
Bishop Williamson is now serving an informal "federation" of independent traditional groups, which include the SSPX-SO, two religious communities in Brazil, and a number of independent churches and chapels around the world, who voluntarily accept Bishop Williamson as an informal "moral authority." Unlike Bernie Fellay, who attempts to impose his personal Novus-Ordo-bent will on one and all as Superior-Dictator of his Neo-SSPX, Bishop Williamson seeks only to provide unofficial guidance from the original traditional Catholic principles of Archbishop Lefebvre.
The SSPX-SO has already received several applications from men who reject Fellay's Novus Ordo-leaning group and who wish to enter a seminary based upon the Archbishop's traditional Catholic principles, which Fellay has abandoned. Accordingly, the SSPX-SO has announced the formation of a traditional Catholic seminary in September 2013 in Boston, Kentucky, under the patronage of Our Lady of Mount Carmel (Brown Scapular).
This not to be the kind of grandiose Novus Ordo-style "seminary" that Bernie Fellay proposes to build in Virginia, but a modest, truly Catholic seminary, focusing on traditional Catholic teaching, not expensive buildings. Fellay is currently engaged in dunning his members for more and more money for his Virginia "Tower of Babel" Seminary, whereas he has an entirely sufficient seminary already in Winona, Minnesota. When more and more seminarians choose the SSPX-SO over Fellay's Neo-SSPX sellout seminary, Winona will have more than enough room to accommodate the smaller numbers of Neo-SSPXers.
Originally founded by the "Vienna Five," who have been reported upon here in previous Daily Commentaries from the TRADITIO Fathers, the SSPX-SO comprises a growing number of priests who have abandoned Bernie Fellay and his New Order-leaning sect. There are already five SSPX-SO priests now in residence at Our Lady of Mount Carmel, who are now visiting fifteen SSPX-SO traditional Latin Mass centers in North America, ten SSPX-SO traditional Latin Mass centers in Asia (South Korea, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore and the Philippines), and several other traditional Mass centers in Mexico and South America. The SSPX-SO is planning to add a schedule of lay retreats for men and women in 2013, not based upon Fellay's autocratic "Ignatian Retreats," whose purpose is to turn laypeople into robots for Fellay's Neo-SSPX sect.
Neo-SSPX priests from Australia and Europe have been in contact with the SSPX-SO, desirous of abandoning Fellay's Neo-SSPX sect and of joining the SSPX-SO. In fact, from all countries around the world, the SSPX-SO is gaining interest from those who now realize that Fellay and his Neo-SSPX have become associated with the New Order sect, which is not the Archbishop's original SSPX organization. Scandalized by Fellay's policy of expelling any Neo-SSPX priest who espouses the original traditional Catholic principles of the Archbishop, more and more Neo-SSPX priests are planning to "jump ship" from Fellay's sect.
To contact the Society of St. Pius X of the Strict Observance, click on the TRADITIO Network's Official Traditional Catholic Directory department, provided to the TRADITIO Network by the National Registry of Traditional Latin Masses.
An elderly man, raped by a village presbyter when he was 15, was attacked outside Benedict-Ratzinger's Newvatican embassy in Washington, D.C., by an embassy presbyter. John Wojnowski has protested almost daily for 15 years outside the embassy against Ratzinger's ongoing facilitation of child rape by Newchurch presbyters. He holds up signs critical of Ratzinger's cover-up and the failure of Newchurch officials to protect childten or to contact the police.
In August 30, 2012 a presbyter came out of Ratzinger's embassy and attacked Wojnowski, trampling him and his sign. On December 11, 2012, the presbyter again attacked the rape victim and spat in his face. His son, a D.C. policeman, helped his elderly father file a police report against Ratzinger's embassy official. The U.S. Secret Service is now investigating the attack against the child victim. It is expected that Ratzinger's embassy official will escape the law because he will claim "diplomatic immunity," as so many other Newchurch paedophile facilitators have done, protected in Ratzinger's bosom.
The courageous victim of the New Order has vowed to spend this Christmas outside Ratzinger's U.S. embassy, protesting for justice for child rape victims in Newchurch -- justice that Ratzinger refuses to give. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by The Washingtonian.]
Good Catholics, this is how Benedict-Ratzinger's presbyter "diplomats" treat victims of Newchurch clergy rapists: they literally spit in their face and beat them up. They are no better than the Nazi storm-troopers of native Germany whom Ratzinger claims to criticize.
Benedict-Ratzinger on December 22, 2012, granted a "Christmas pardon" to his former butler, Paolo Gabriele, who stated in open court that he had been "tortured" for weeks by imprisonment in a Newvatican cell so small that he could hardly stretch out his arms. Ratzinger's "Christmas pardon" did not include a request that Gabriele pardon him for torture!
Before the international press, Ratzinger's kangaroo court promised to look into the torture, but no report has ever been forthcoming. It figures: Ratzinger wants to be done with the Vatileaks scandal and get the rampant corruption in his Newpapacy off the front page. But it won't work; the Ratzinger Newpapacy is now sunk beyond redemption.
Ratzinger's confidante, Gabriele, told the Newvatican court that he had exposed the documents to the world because he thought exposing Benedict-Ratzinger's "evil and corruption" would put Newchurch back on the right track. Instead, Ratzinger and his Newchurch of the New Order remain today as corrupt as ever, white cassock deep in subornation and cover-up of paedophilia, contract fraud, and money-laundering. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Fox News.]
Fr. Ernesto Cardozo, whom the Neo-SSPX's Superior-dictator Bernie Fellay expelled because Cardozo refused to abandon Archbishop Lefebvre's founding traditional principles, has written a December 2012 Open Letter to encourage Neo-SSPX priest-presbyters to abandon Fellay's Novus-Ordo leaning organization.
Fr. Cardozo first answers the objection of his former colleagues who claim to be waiting for a disaster to happen before they leave -- as if Fellay's expulsion of Archbishop Lefebvre's senior bishop, Richard Williamson, and Fellay's continuing sellout to the Novus Ordo are not disaster enough! Fr. Cardozo itemizes just some of Fellay's disasters, already committed:
Fr. Cardozo chides his former colleagues: "Your silence is already scandalous" and charges them with "cowardice" and "complicity." He ends his Open Letter by calling upon Fellay's Neo-SSPX priest-presbyters to leave Fellay's untraditional organization:
It is because of your silence that we are in this situation! I pray to God that you leave your silence and speak against so much disorder and apostasy. False prudence hides your cowardice and lack of faith; your silence only benefits the Enemy.
Can Benedict-Ratzinger get any more silly? Even the venerable New York Magazine has called him "petty" for his recent vendetta against Canadian singer Justin Bieber. Ratzinger's New Order sect is falling down around his ears, and yet he has time to engage in a silly "twitter" war with Bieber.
Ratzinger's newpaper, L'Osservatore Romano, beat its breast within silly pride that he has "exceeded pop stars like Justin Bieber in the percentage and number of re-tweets of his messages." It just goes to prove: you give Newpope a computer, and he'll tweet himself and his sect all to Hell! Ratzinger's popularity consequently sunk to 0.7 per cent with the "youths" that he is trying to convert to his phony New Order sect. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World News.]
Good Catholics, New York Magazine has denounced Ratzinger for sinking into a "Twitter war" with a pop star. The magazine wrote: "This seems like kind of a petty thing for the pope to do." If there is a perfect word that can be used to describe the Newpope of the New Order sect, "petty" is certainly in contention!
Benedict-Ratzinger, exposed as a criminal in the Vatileaks scandal, has now donned the robes of a dictator. Henceforth, Newvatican employees, up to and including the Newcardinal Secretary of State, must wear a microchip that will spy on them and track their activities. Newpope will be isolated behind locked doors in his apartment, and have no contact with the public unless it is carefully staged in advance. Adolf Hitler was more accessible to his people.
Ratzinger has engaged a Slovenian presbyter, "Monsignor 007," a former Communist hunter, to implement the spying. Thousands of Newclergy and laity working inside the walls of Newvatican will be spied upon, and their "human dignity" invaded. Isn't this what "Fr." Ratzinger's beloved Modernist Vatican II Council denounced: compromising the "dignity of the human person"?
Good Catholics, just what does Ratzinger have to hide that requires such security? The conclusion is obvious: the "Paedophile Pope" and Newvatican's Chief Financial Fraudster has much to hide indeed!
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
The real tragedy here in Newtown, Connecticut, where 20 children and 6 adults were killed in a mass shooting on December 14, 2012, might be that 90 per cent of those hand-wringing "Christians" who paraded into churches following that morning and the several "moments of silence" throughout the United States were not in those churches for months, if not years, previous.
Sure, we've heard it for centuries from the Protestants, and now from the New Order sect, that "you don't need a building to be prayerful or religious." Yet tail-gate parties and groups riding bicycles on Sunday morning just don't appear to be a "prayer meeting," do they? Many "Christians" will make their "annual appearance" next week for Xmas. For some it might even be the second time they've been in church this year -- if they bothered to go for Easter.
The sad thing is that the funerals are probably only the second time that the murdered children have been in church, after their Baptism. Their parents have been deadbeats, as far as religion is concerned, and now they wonder why God has abandoned them, after they have abandoned God for so long. Those who will be attending a pro-forma "Xmas service" next week should ponder this seasonal thought: "Yes, Virginia, there is a Hell".
In a stunning address on December 3, 2012, little covered by the press, Benedict-Ratzinger yet again hawked a dictatorial "New World Order." Where have we heard that phrase before? It rings a bell. His unCatholic Novus Ordo sect perhaps? The Masonic motto on the back of the U.S. dollar bill: Novus Ordo Seclorum?
In his address, Ratzinger openly called for a dictatorial supra-national authority with worldwide scope and "universal jurisdiction" to control, among other things, global economical policies and decisions -- a secular plan that Pope Pius XII would have deemed Communism and its proponent, Josef Ratzinger, as excommunicate. Ratzinger is already attempting to control the Top Level Domain for "Catholicism," even though, as Archbishop Lefebvre correctly stated, Ratzinger is "not Catholic."
This is the same Ratzinger whose Newchurch of the New Order is collapsing around him. If he were a pope worthy of the title, he would be focusing all his energies on returning his sect to Catholicism -- but he isn't. Ratzinger isn't interested in religion; he wants to be Chief Manager of the Secular World. He made that clear in his 2008 Encyclical Letter, Caritas in veritate.
Ironically, Ratzinger described his vision as a "moral force." Yet this characterization comes from the man who has turned his New Order sect into a vile engine for the assault, raping, and sodomizing of children. Even to this day, his prime concern is to cover up these vile crimes from local police. He has been expelled from Ireland, is being sued in the United States, is being investigated in Australia, and has been denounced to the World Court of Justice for suborning international crimes that would make Adolf Hitler blush!
Ratzinger is also calling for the establishment of a new Central World Bank, which would be responsible for regulating the finances of the world. Ironically, Ratzinger himself has not fared so well with supra-national organizations. The European Union officially declared Ratzinger's Mafia-connected "Vatican Bank," which he deceptively calls the "Institute for Religious Works," a money-laundering institution and imposed sanctions on him. Even the Italian government has stripped Ratzinger of his tax exemptions for Newchurch-run hotels, restaurants, and, yes, even brothels. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the New York Daily News.]
Close to fifty priests have now abandoned Bernie Fellay and his New Order-leaning Neo-SSPX, and the desertions are continuing. One key figure is Fr. Ronald Ringrose, who was never a member of the Neo-SSPX, but did for many years have friendly relations with Fellay and his lieutenant in the United States, Arnaud Rostand. When the Neo-SSPX learned that Fr. Ringrose and his large congregation of 500 souls at St. Athanasius Church in Vienna, Virginia, was planning to reject Fellay and Rostand and join the "Vienna Five" in forming the Society of St. Pius X of the Strict Observance to follow the traditional principles of Archbishop Lefebvre, Fellay and Rostand panicked.
Rostand, Fellay's U.S. District Superior-dictator, hastened to call a meeting with Fr. Ringrose for "negotiations," just as Fellay had entered into "negotiations" with the New Order sect headquartered at Newrome. But Fr. Ringose threw Fellay and Rostand for a loop, giving them exactly the response that they themselves should have given to Ratzinger & Co.
On December 16, 2012, Fr. Ringrose distributed his Open Letter to Rostand, stating, "I don't think such a meeting will serve any meaningful purpose, since the problems stem from the Society's top leadership, and you are not in a position to change that." As St. Paul did to St. Peter, Fr. Ringrose upbraided Fellay for pandering to the New Order sect, which the SSPX's founder, Archbishop Lefebvre, condemned as "not Catholic." Ringrose itemized just some of Fellay's rejections of traditional Catholicism:
Fr. Ringrose concluded: "Given the Society's recent actions, I do not yet give the Society a red light, but I do give a yellow light of caution. The red light will come if and when the Society allows herself to be absorbed into the Conciliar Church that Archbishop Lefebvre so vigorously resisted.... I pray for the Society to return to the mission given her by Archbishop Lefebvre without compromise or hedging."
Children raped and sodomized by Benedict-Ratzinger's presbyters and bishops have begun openly to wonder whether Ratzinger is a pope or a pervert, so deep into defending paedophilia is he that he has lost any vestige of Catholicism that he might have had. What has got the sodomized children and their parents fighting mad is Ratzinger's latest incomprehensible statement, which displays no understanding of Catholic moral theology.
On December 18, 2012, in his annual Christmas address to Newcardinals and Newchurch officials, Ratzinger claimed that child pornography is viewed by society as "normal." The violated children are still not Ratzinger's central concern. Rather, years after the exposure of Newchurch's Great Sex and Embezzlement Holocaust, Ratzinger is still focusing on the "humiliation" that was caused to his Newchurch. Basically, Ratzinger's position is: my presbyters and bishops didn't rape children; society did.
Child-rape victims throughout the world have stopped trying to excuse the "Paedophile Pope." They reacted angrily to Ratzinger's self-forgiving prattle by stating that members of his New Order sect "should be embarrassed to hear their pope talk again and again about abuse while doing little or nothing to stop it and to mischaracterize this heinous crisis." One sodomized victim came close to calling Ratzinger himself, in claiming that "the viewing of images of children being abused" is "normal," a paedophile, an hypothesis that is becoming more and more common around the world because of Ratzinger's support of his paedophile presbyters and bishops.
The latest controversy comes as Germany's widest-circulating magazine, Der Spiegel, continues to investigate Ratzinger's personal role in allowing a known paedophile presbyter to work with children in Ratzinger's own Newarchiocese of Munich, Germany. The smoking gun may not be far off for the "Paedophile Pope." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Belfast Telegraph.]
Newchurch is desperate to make Novus Ordo "saints" out of their colleagues -- before their heresies and moral crimes can be properly researched. Traditionally, canonization often takes centuries because the true Church wants to be absolutely certain about the candidate. The Newchurch of the New Order, which is most certainly not the Catholic Church, uses a prostituted process, which is patently invalid, to admit, as quickly as possible, heretics and degenerates into his pagan pantheon. For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs? in the section "Canonizations - New Order."
The most despicable of these persons was given a unanimous go-ahead by the corrupt New Order Congregation of "Saints" on December 10, 2012 -- Paul VI-Montini, the Modernist Newpope who implemented every decree of the Modernist Vatican II Council (1962-1965), even while calling it the "smoke of Satan." What a hypocrite and liar! Remember: Pope John XXIII never signed a single document of that perverted Council, but instead, on his deathbed, cried out: "Stop the Council! Stop the Council!" For further information, click on FAQ08: What Is the Authority of Vatican II?
The besuited "Fr." Ratzinger, a Modernist leader of Vatican II and co-conspirator with Montini at the Council, is expected to rush bosom buddy to Novus Ordo "blessed" status before the end of Ratziger's so-called "Year of Faith," although the most serious doctrinal and moral crimes have been lodged against Montini. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by La Stampa.]
Good Catholics, Newchurch can "sanitize" these modernist heretics of the Vatican II Council, but it won't take. The traditional canonization process was replaced by the New Order with a phony "con-anization" process that rushes Modernists to Novus Ordo "sainthood" before their heresies and moral crimes can be properly researched. True Catholics reject these "con-anizations" as patently invalid.
After the Neo-SSPX Superior-dictator Bernie Fellay expelled Archbishop Lefebvre's senior bishop and kicked him out of the Neo-SSPX's rectory onto the streets of Wimbledon, England, Bishop Williamson has now revealed on December 15, 2012, that he is temporarily relying upon the charity of a friend in the vicinity of London "to take him in for a few weeks at best, for a few months at worst," until he can find a suitable property to rent for six or twelve months. At this point he says that he is not making any permanent arrangements.
Always a paragon of charity, Bishop Williamson has announced that from December 13, 2012, to January 3, 2013, he is making an Apostolic Visit to serve traditional Catholics who refuse to associate themselves with Fellay's pro-Novus Ordo sect and his dubious "priest-presbyters." Williamson will travel to the countries of Canada and the United States of America. Thereafter, for the Feast of the Epiphany, Williamson will be making an Apostolic Visit to France. During his Apostolic Visits, he encourages traditional Catholics in the true faith and administers the traditional Sacraments.
The Neo-SSPX's Dictator-superior, Bernie Fellay, is in a snit again. Benedict-Ratzinger wants to be Top Level Domain (TLD) dog, and Bernie wants to be the Swiss Controller of the Internet. To that end, Fellay has invented a fabricated new "sin of cyber-gossip," which those NSSPXers opposed to his continuing sellout to the Novus Ordo are purportedly committing. Fellay recently got his U.S. gauleiter, Arnaud Rostand, to denounce this new "sin" in his November-December 2012 "Letter to Friends and Benefactors."
In reality, of course, what Fellay is describing as "gossip" is simply an open exchange of information, a legitimate response to Fellay's dictatorial imposition of an information blackout on his membership. That membership, whom he purports to serve, has publicly complained that he refuses to give them factual information, but instead lies to them with propaganda designed to pump up his own position with his new friends in the unCatholic New Order sect.
Like some many of his ruses, Fellay's war against "gossip" is merely a ploy for him to cover up the fact that he is himself committing one of the most Mortal of Mortal Sins. And this sin doesn't have to be invented; it has been on the books for two millennia -- perfidy, the same sin of which the Jewish leaders were guilty. Fellay even admits his own guilt. If you machete your way through the thicket of Vatican II-speak that Fellay has now come to adopt, he admits that Benedict-Ratzinger's New Order sect is heretical. Yet that same sect is the one that Fellay wants to join. Perverted, isn't it?
In order to cozy up to the Modernist leader of Vatican II, "Fr." Ratzinger," Fellay has thrown his own Founder, Archbishop Lefebvre, and his traditional Catholic principles under the bus. Fellay has purged off all of the Neo-SSPX web sites the public condemnations that his Archbishop-founder uttered against the New Order sect (what the Archbishop called "Modernist Rome") and, by name, Josef Ratzinger, whose Modernist treachery against the Catholic Faith the Archbishop knew intimately.
Good Catholics, under traditional Catholic moral theology, that sin of which Fellay is guilty is called at best impiety and at worst perfidy, a sin against the Cardinal Moral Virtue of Justice. It is the same sin of which Judas was guilty, selling out his friend and Lord, Jesus Christ -- a sin that ultimately placed Judas at the bottom of Hell!
It is good not to forget just how corrupt Benedict-Ratzinger has made Newvatican in just seven years of his papacy. In a scandal that has approached the level of simony, Ratzinger contracted for the building a giant new 2009 Christmas creche (Nativity scene) for Newvatican when there was nothing wrong with the old one. Moreover, he let out the contract to a "friend" (a term sometimes used as a code name for the Mafia) at a cost of 720,000 U.S. dollars, whereas an Italian Newdiocese was willing to donate one, and finally was allowed to do so after the contract-fraud scandal hit. On December 13, 2012, Ratzinger's spokesman claimed that accepting the donated creche was not a response to the scandal. No, of course not!
Some of the documents leaked by Newpope's butler, Paolo Gabriele, and published as part of the Vatileaks scandal, proved that in 2009 Ratzinger paid more than six times the going rate in a graft payment to a "friend." Even Ratzinger's Mayor of Vatican City, Archbishop Carlo Vigano, was shocked by Ratzinger's graft and stated publicly that the 2009 creche was "an example of how the Vatican was losing money through corruption." For his honesty, Ratzinger transferred Vigano out of Newrome across the Atlantic Ocean. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Reuters.]
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I was curious to see what the Neo-SSPX's response would be about the Mass that its priest-presbyters use. However, I wasn't prepared for the outright lie that I got! The official first admitted that the Neo-SSPX uses the Half Novus Ordo Vatican II "Motu" Mess of 1962. (Actually, I have heard that in many Neo-SSPX sites, features of the Novus Ordo have already been introduced, after the fashion of Benedict-Ratzinger's anticipated Hybrid Mess of 2012.) The lie was what came after:
It is actually the 1962 missal that is often referred to as the "True Mass" or "Mass of All Time" because as Tridentine Mass, it preserves, promotes and protects the Catholic Faith. Thus, it is erroneous to posit that the 1962 Missale Romanum was a "stepping stone" to the Novus Ordo Missae, because the primary problem of the New Mass is its theological defects, particularly through the implementation of Modernist errors such as ecumenism.
I know that this Neo-SSPX official lied to me about the Mass that the Society uses, in practically every clause in his reply, but could you break the lie down for the instruction of us TRADITIO readers, please?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
The so-called "Mass of 1962" is most certainly not the "True Mass" or the "Mass of All Time," much less the "Tridentine" Mass. Rather, the Mess of 1962 is a Half Novus Ordo Mess, most certainly intended as a "stepping stone" to the full-blown Novus Ordo Mess of 1969. The Mess of 1962 was specifically engineered for that purpose by Hannibal Bugnini, the same Freemason presbyter who seven years later fabricated the invalid Full-blown Novus Ordo Mess of 1969.
Remember too that the Mess of 1962 was used at all sessions of the Modernistic Vatican II Council, which opened in 1962 under John XXIII (1958-1963), whom many Neo-SSPXers consider a Modernist pope. So, it seems that your SSPX official was a hypocrite to boot when he falsely praised this Modernist-tainted Mess, approved by a pope that many Neo-SSPXers consider tainted!
Even the Neo-SSPX official's contention that that the Mess of 1962 does not have theological defects, particularly through the implementation of Modernist errors such as oecumenism, is a lie. The Mess of 1962 most certainly has theological defects, particularly of omission.
This Neo-SSPX official cannot be presumed ignorant of the grave doubts about the Mess of 1962. Archbishop Lefebvre, Founder of the Society of St. Pius X, publicly expressed significant misgivings about the Catholicity of the Mess of 1962. True, he used it, but only with some modifications that he required, to expunge the worst changes and to return to a more traditional form. Moreover, his biographer and an SSPX priest who knew the Archbishop quite well have stated that just before his death in 1991, the Archbishop was seriously considering making the pre-1955 Missal (before the First Wave of Modernizations by Bugnini in 1956) normative for the SSPX. In fact, up to 1983, for thirteen years after the founding of the SSPX, many localities of the SSPX used the pre-1956 Traditional Latin Mass, and there was no prohibition by the Archbishop from doing so.
So, good reader, just as you suspected, the reply that you got from the Neo-SSPX official was a deliberate lie. It is just more propaganda by which Bernie Fellay, the Neo-SSPX's Superior-dictator, is trying to get clueless Neo-SSPXers to jump like mindless lemmings off the precipice into the abyss of the unCatholic New Order with its Modernist Newpope, Benedict-Ratzinger.
Walter Sullivan, the Newchurch bishop of Richmond, Virginia, died on December 11, 2012. At one time the Indultarians praised him for setting up a site for the "Indult" Mess serviced by the "indult" Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP), but once he got a little free publicity for being so "generous," he closed down the site. In his duplicity, Sullivan played both ends against the middle in order to retain the money and bodies of the clueless Indultarians, now "Motarians," who pander the Half Novus Ordo Vatican II "Motu" Mess of 1962+. Sullivan was no friend of "traditionalists." He was an out-and-out Modernist, who, in his 29 years as Newbishop:
But while Newbishop Sullivan pandered to "gays," lesbians, ministresses, heretics, and all such ilk, he showed no concern for the children that were being raped and sodomized by his own presbyters. He lied in stating publicly that his Newdiocese had no presbyters guilty of such crimes. Finally, several courageous raped children came forth to accuse him of being a liar, and all Hell broke loose for him.
Sullivan had attended St. Mary's Seminary in Baltimore, Maryland, the seminary that Fr. Gommar DePauw, the founder of the Catholic Traditionalist Movement, once a Dean there, walked out of because he stated that around the time of Vatican II it had become infested with the very "gays" of which Sullivan was so proud. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
A physician from a leading university (I withhold the name of both the physician and the university because of possible repercussions from Novus Ordinarians upon them and me), attempting to explain the physical and emotional toll that an average traditional Catholic would endure if forced to attend an invalid Novus Ordo service, recently began tests with the assistance of his students on a 54-year-old traditional Catholic subject. They began by strapping the subject in a pew beside a man wearing shorts. After placing eye clips over his eyes to keep his lids from shutting, as was done to Alex DeLarge in 1971's A Clockwork Orange, the students had a woman wearing a tank-top sit directly in front of him. The subject immediately began to sweat and became extremely anxious, "almost agitated."
With the assistance of the university's Theatre Department, the physician and his students performed a battery of tests on the subject, which included a staged Novus Ordo service. When the presbyter-actor violated Catholic rubrics and engaged in some kind of Novus Ordo emotionalism, the subject's heart rate began to rise, and he began to mutter what seemed to be bitter remarks. At one point the subject became quite physical when one of the mock parishioners went to hold his hand during the Our Father. The physician had, however, already had placed a taser collar on the subject for just such an eventuality, which was activated at this point to prevent physical injury to the mock Novus Ordinarian.
One female faculty member stated after the study that she had became quite concerned for the "poor soul" when the mock congregation, led by a bearded, ponytailed guitarist, began to sing "One Bread, One Body." The subject began to twitch uncontrollably. She was so overcome that she had to leave the room when he proceeded to foam at the mouth.
The study concluded that the invalid Novus Ordo service is most definitely dangerous to one's physical health and should be avoided like a poison to the body. For further information, click on FAQ03: Should I Ever Attend the 'New Mass' and 'New Sacraments'?
2012 marks the 300th anniversary of Pope St. Pius V's elevation to Catholic sainthood. Among the numerous highlights of his holy and illustrious reign, the most important, especially in this current apostate age, was the promulgation of the decrees of the Council of Trent and his issuance of the solemn bull, Quo primum.
For Vatican II revolutionaries such as Benedict-Ratzinger, Quo primum is a gigantic stumbling block. It is straightforward, dogmatically sound, and delivered by a true and humble servant of Almighty God, so that any attempt to refute it would be ridiculous. For the Neo-SSPX, Motarians, and their fellow travelers, Quo Primum is assiduously avoided while the Neo-SSPX's Superior-dictator, Bernie Fellay, has undoubtedly purged the Society's files and web sites of any mention of it. For the decree explicitly prohibits any tinkering with the Roman Missal. Pope St. Pius V clearly shows that the Novus Ordo abomination that Paul VI-Montini foisted upon the Church is invalid and not a Catholic Mass. It is not the unbloody Sacrifice of Calvary and, therefore, confers no sanctifying grace.
Lack of knowledge in the Faith was demonstrated by all those Neocons(ervatives) and Motarians who heaped praise and genuflected to Benedict-Ratzinger for his Summorum pontificum, as they were once again duped by one of the master deceivers of the Vatican II era. Quo primum guarantees the right of any Catholic priest (not a Novus Ordo presbyter) or the laity to celebrate or attend the immemorial Mass of Tradition without any "permission" of ecclesiastical authority needed.
Real Catholics are not "obedient" to a paedophile pope and the gang of Satanists, criminals, perverts, and apostates with which Benedict-Ratzinger chooses to surround himself, nor do they need an "okay" by the local (heretic) bishop to assist at the Mass of Saints Peter and Paul.
For further information, click on my Article Quo Primum and the 300th Anniversary of St. Pius V's Canonization in the TRADITIO Network Special Features (Articles, Reviews, Sermon Series, Other) department.
Fr. Juan Ortiz, of Columbia, who was ordained personally in 1984 by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, the Founder of the Society of St. Pius X, is the latest priest to reject Bernie Fellay's New Order Neo-SSPX, which has abandoned the principles of the Archbishop to move to a sellout to the New Order sect. Fr. Ortiz joins with other former Neo-SSPX priests from around the world who have rejected association with Fellay's phony Neo-SSPX by joining the Society of Saint Pius X of the Strict Observance, which rejects association with Fellay's Neo-SSPX and remains faithful to the Archbishop's traditional Catholic founding principles.
The SSPX-SO is headquartered in the United States and is currently led by Fr. Joseph Pfeiffer. These SSPX-SO priests have spent much time in Christ's vineyard of Christ's in Mexico, the Philippines, Spain, France, Columbia, the United States, and other countries around the world. The number of these courageous priests includes several well-known former Neo-SSPX priests: Fr. Francois Chazal, Fr. Joseph Pfeiffer, Fr. Richard Voight, Fr. Ronald Ringrose, Fr. David Hewko, and Fr. Emidgio Vargas, inter alios. Fr. Ortiz recently issued an Open Letter in which he explained why he has rejected Bernie Fellay and his Neo-SSPX. His Open Letter contains some interesting revelations from a man who was ordained by Archbishop Lefebvre personally.
Fr. Ortiz first off charges Bernie Fellay and his two Assistants, Niklaus Pfluger and Marc-Alain Nely, with failure in doctrine (heresy). He goes on to demonstrate that Fellay & Co. have not retracted their sellout of Sacred Tradition. Instead, they are still prepared to reject Archbishop Lefebvre's traditional Catholic principles and "redefine" Sacred Tradition in order to accommodate Benedict-Ratzinger and his New Order sect. Fellay & Co. have thus embraced Vatican II's "weasel-wording," in which Catholic doctrine is sold out by a Modernist "ambiguity," in which everyone defines words as he wants, not as Catholics for two millennia have defined them.
A recent example of Fellay's continuing sellout to the New Order is his embracing the New-Order-declared "jubilee" on the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Modernist Vatican II Council in 1962, rather than educating its membership, as did the Archbishop, about how that Council was an anti-Catholic disaster. At the same time Fellay has boycotted his own Bishop Tissier's book against the Council. Fr. Ortiz pulls the rug out from under Fellay's deceits by declaring:
It appears clear to me that for several years there has been a fundamental change, mainly among Bishop Fellay and his two Assistants [Pfluger and Nely], concerning the main role of the Society of Saint Pius X in these times of crisis in the Church: to preserve fully the Catholic Tradition by fighting against the enemies of the Church both inside and outside. The main goal of the Society of Saint Pius X in this crisis of the Church cannot be changed since that goal was clearly established by its Founder in many of his writings, sermons, lectures, and actions, especially after 1988.
Consequently, to change this purpose on important points would be to depart gravely from its Founder and thus to expose the Society to commit suicide, by falling into the hands of Modernist Rome, which the Society always fought since its foundation. Experience shows us that all those who strayed from the line drawn by Archbishop Lefebvre eventually finished by betraying the combat for Tradition.
Archbishop Lefebvre said that even if Modernist Rome [the New Order sect] granted some preliminary conditions [such as the Mess of 1962 and the "unexcommunications"], such conditions would be insufficient to make an agreement with Modernist Rome. The Archbishop specifically said to Card. Ratzinger: "Look, even if you give us a bishop, even if you give us some autonomy from the bishops, even if you give us the entire liturgy of 1962, if you give us permission to continue the seminaries and the Society as we do now, we cannot work together. It is impossible, impossible, because we work in two diametrically opposed directions: you work for the de-Christianization of society, of the human person and of the Church, and we, we are working to Christianize it. We cannot agree" (Retreat at Econe, September 4, 1987).
Fr. Ortiz then goes on to reveal why Fellay has not resigned because of his heresies and the failure of his treason to Archbishop Lefebvre and the SSPX: Actually, if they [Fellay, Pfluger, and Nely] have not resigned, it is because
Fr. Ortiz goes on to describe, from the personal experience of one who has courageously adhered to the founding principles of the Archbishop, how the enlightened traditional Catholicism of Archbishop Lefebvre has been replaced with the petty dictatorship of Bernie Fellay:
They [Fellay, Pfluger, and Nely] relentlessly persecute and expel people who oppose their reunification with Modernist Rome, and at the same time they say cynically that they intend to continue their opposition within the "official" sect once they have been recognized. In the final analysis, they have established an authoritarian government, a real dictatorship, in the Society, in order to remove any obstacle opposing their plans of reuniting with Modernist Rome. Thus, Fellay and his two Assistants have radically changed the fundamental principles of the Society established by our Founder. And finally, they contradict themselves by saying the opposite of what they affirmed only a few years ago.
Therefore, they have betrayed the legacy of Archbishop Lefebvre, the responsibilities of their positions, the trust of thousands, and even of those who, deceived by them, continue to trust them. They have shown a resolute willingness to lead the Society, at all costs, to rally to our enemies. Regardless of whether the agreement with the Conciliar Church has not yet been done, or will not happen immediately, or perhaps never, a grave danger remains for the Society, because they have not retracted the false principles which have guided their destructive actions.
Fr. Ortiz concludes his Open Letter with this chilling appraisal:
I see now sadly that they, by wanting somehow to identify abusively their judgments and their decisions with the Society itself, have ultimately confiscated the Society it as if it were their personal property, forgetting that they were only appointed to serve for a limited time. May God have pity on the Society!
Plans are under way by the international body known as ICAAN, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, to add any number of Top Level Domains (TLDs), to the existing ones (.com, .org, .net) and some newer ones (.biz, .tv, etc.). Thousands of these new domains are being requested, and the approval process is starting. Benedict-Ratzinger is moving quickly to become the Top Level Dog of "Catholicism" by appropriating a new ".catholic" TLD.
Some hanky-panky seems to be going on, as Ratzinger's blatant attempt has not yet appeared on the "early warning list" so that those who object can quash such applications. This may be the reason why, so far, there have been no objections from Traditional Catholic Organizations, Old Roman Catholics, Coptic Catholics, or Eastern Orthodox Catholics. Ratzinger has obviously worked hard to keep his latest trickery under the covers, just as he does the paedophiliac Newclergy in his New Order sect.
It would be easy to object because "catholic" is a generic term. It means simply "universal" or "worldwide." Ratzinger's sect is certainly not the only group that claims to be "catholic." Those other groups, and many more, do as well. Why, then, isn't ".va" good enough for him? Or why did he not choose ".oecumenical"?
Benedict-Ratzinger is desperate to shovel out more New Order propaganda, as his own reputation has been dragged through the gutter by his paedophile associations, money-laundering, contract-fixing, Mafia connections, and all the rest. He claims to worship the "Holocaust" (not the Biblical one, but the World War II one) as "Catholic doctrine," but at the same time he seems to worship Adolf Hitler's Nazi Minister of Propaganda, Josef Goebbels, who was famous for saying: "Keep repeating a lie long enough and it becomes the truth." Just reflect on how many self-serving lies have been shoveled out by New Order Central in Newrome since Ratzinger's ascendency in 2005.
In hankering for new propaganda vehicles, Ratzinger has apparently determined that he wants take over technology. He has already taken steps to become King Tweeter. Next will be a Facebook page for the Devil's Disciple. And now dominion over the ".catholic" Top Level Domain. You have to give the diabolical German rottweiler his credit. He thinks long term!
And Ratzinger's Swiss toy poodle, Bernie Fellay, of the New Order-leaning Neo-SSPX, is trying to pull the same ploy. It was not long ago that Fellay was condemning the internet as the work of the Devil. Now, Fellay is embracing that Devil, building more web sites, censoring the ones that exist, and sending out more propaganda messages than his mentor, King Tweeter!
Now we know why Benedict-Ratzinger has been so ineffective in fixing rampant sex crimes, money laundering, contract fraud, and other crimes in his New Order sect. He's too busy "tweeting"! Of all the idiotic use of a purported pope's time, it is hard to imagine anything sillier than this. Although there has been a ramp-up period, the Newpapal tweets will be inaugurated officially on December 12, 2012.
As if the "Paedophile Pope" hasn't already become the target of outraged people, even Newvatican insiders fear that Ratzinger's new mania will become the prime target of every hacker in the world. Nevatican's web site has been taken down numerous times in the past, and it will not take long before Ratzinger's personal account is hacked ("To All Newchurchers-- You are dispensed from the Ten Commandments. --Signed @PapaRatzinger"). After all, Ratzinger was too dumb to realize that for two years his own butler had been copying boxloads of incriminating papal documents on the xerox machine just outside the papal office!
Meanwhile, the University of Chicago has released a new study showing that Twitter addiction is harder to give up than cigarette or alcohol addiction. Twitter addicts send, on average, 120 "tweets" per day. That's almost ten tweets per hour! Users become so fixated that their relationships revolve around sending 140-character messages all day without personally interacting with real people face to face. Most tweets are silly and so abbreviated that their perpetrators never learn to spell or compose a complete sentence.
The university study's conclusion was that Twitter is a great time waster and a huge drain on users' time. Shouldn't Ratzinger instead be on his knees in penitential prayer in reparation for the lives of the tens of thousands of children whom he has personally allowed to be raped, sodomized, and even murdered by his perverted Newcardinals, Newbishops, and presbyters?
You have to give Benedict-Ratzinger due recognition for bring as brilliant as Satan in ensnaring the clueless pseudo-traditionalists. You know who they are: those self-proclaimed "traditionalists" who are obsessed with being "in full communion" with the Newchurch of the New Order, so long as they can have a little Latin or a few traditional vestments in the Vatican II Motu "Mess of 1962," fabricated by the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini, or in the new "Hybrid Mess" of 2012, engineered by Benedict-Ratzinger in his Motu Proprio Summorum pontificum of 2007. So, even the Half Novus Ordo "Motu" Mess lasted only five years under Ratzinger!
The presses are so inefficient now at Novus Ordo Central in Newrome that the new "hybrid" Missal of 2012, with Benedict-Ratzinger's mandated Missa Mixta for pseudo-traditionalists, missed its publication deadline, just as did the original Novus Ordo of 1969. But now we are already beginning to see what Ratzinger's phony "reform of the reform" is turning out to be: the invalid Protestant-Masonic-Pagan Novus Ordo service warmed over in traditional garb. No surprise here from the unreformed and irreformable "Fr." Ratzinger, besuited leader of the Modernists at the Vatican II Council.
The pseudo-traditionalists are already foaming at the mouth in praise of this monstrous hoax. In the photograph above, Giacarlo Bregantini, Ratzinger's Newarchbishop of Campobasso-Boiano, Italy, wears a traditional Roman chasuble, popularly known as the "fiddleback," and uses an old-style chalice, but pretty much everything else about his Mess is Novus Ordo. Bregantini is flanked by two "lay deacons" in the "frenzy" pose, which is straight (or should we say queer) out of the Novus Ordo service. No traditional priest would be caught dead using a pose!
Not giving up its intentions to sell his Neo-SSPX out to the unCatholic New Order sect, Bernie-Fellay's Neo-SSPX has offered "regular places" to the invalid presbyters from German Novus Ordo dioceses at its "priests conferences," even though Novus Ordo presbyters are not priests because they have never been ordained.
Unbeknownst to most Neo-SSPXers, Fellay has been introducing presbyters at Neo-SSPX Mass sites around the world to perform invalid Messes. On December 3, 2012, the latest of these sellout conferences ended at the Neo-SSPX Seminary of the Heart of Jesus at Zaitzkofen. Thirteen phony presbyters took part with Fellay's gauleiter, Franz Schmidberger, presiding.
The Neo-SSPX's press release did not indicate whether Schmidberger and his associated presbyters performed the Half Novus Ordo Latin Mess of 1962+ or the full-blown Novus Ordo of 1969 at their "priests conference."
Neo-SSPXers, beware! Fellay may already have placed an invalid presbyter at your local site, or will be doing so in the future. You may think that you are attending a half-traditional Latin Mass of 1962, but you may be the victim of a hoax, attending an invalid service. You need to get out of Fellay's Novus Ordo organization now, before you lose the Traditional Latin Mass and Sacraments -- and with it, your immortal soul -- altogether.
Newvatican, in its latest cover-up, rushed to declare on December 3, 2012, that the "Vatileaks" scandal is over, now that Benedict-Ratzinger's personal butler, Paolo Gabriele, has been sentenced to 18 months in prison. But it has come out that for weeks while Gabriele was being held for trial, he was confined by Ratzinger, in mediaeval fashion, in a cell so small that Gabriele could not even stretch his arms out. Ratzinger's "mediaeval torture chamber" was revealed at Gabriele's trial, and the Ratzinger-appointed judge promised to investigate the torture, but no investigation ever occurred. In typical Ratzingerian fashion, the torture has so far been covered up in silence.
Gabriele, having seen Ratzinger's corruption involving subornation of paedophiles, money-laundering, bank fraud, contract-fixing, and Mafia associations inter alia, at first hand every day, was too honest to let Newpope get away with grave moral crimes. For two years he xeroxed Ratzinger's secret documents and handed them over to a trusted contact in the Italian press. These documents were eventually published in Gianluigi Nuzzi's 2012 book, Sua Santit?: Le Carte Segrete di Benedetto XVI [His Holiness: The Secret Papers of Benedict XVI] and were termed the "Vatileaks" scandal. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Irish Times.]
Good Catholics, if Ratzinger thinks that this is the end of his scandals, he is badly mistaken. It seems that Newpope's corruption is so deep that every month a new one comes to light. The last has been his denial of the Biblical passages surrounding the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ. But, as Our Lord told us, one has only to wait for the harvest to identify the evil seed from the good. And Ratzinger has planted so many evil seeds that his work for the Enemy has become undeniable before men.
Benedict-Ratzinger, once again flaunting his "Oecumenist" Modernism, has appointed a Freemason, Vanderlei Bagnato, to his Pontifical Academy of Sciences. This appears to be the first time that an out-and-out Freemason has been pointed by a Newpope to such a Newpapal position. Those who profess Freemasonry are ipso facto excommunicated from the Catholic Church. Ratzinger's appointment, on October 19, 2012, was heralded in a press release by the Grand Orient of Brazil, one of the so-called "Grand Lodges" of Freemasonry. A Masonic "Grand Lodge," or "Grand Orient," is the governing body that supervises and governs the individual lodges of Freemasons in any particular geographical area. Bagnato is a member of the Masonic Grand Lodge of Brazil.
Ratzinger has gradually introduced condemned Freemasonry under the tent of his New Order sect. Ratzinger's Newbishops have been receiving "honors" from the Freemasons and have been allowing Freemasons to assist prominently at their invalid New Order services. The next step seems to be an official visit of Ratzinger to a Masonic lodge, just as he has officially visited Jewish synagogues and Mohammedan mosques and prayed publicly with those infidels, acts traditionally condemned by the Catholic Church as a serious sin against the First Commandment of God and surrounding the individual with the "odor of heresy."
Ratzinger publicly conferred the insignia of a member of the Pontifical Academy upon the Freemason during the first week of November 2012. The infamous Freemasonic presbyter Hannibal Bugnini and his Committee of Six Protestant Ministers was responsible for introducing the invalid New Order Mess and sacraments in 1969 in place of the traditional Catholic ones. For this feat of nearly destroying the Catholic Church, Bugnini received the praise of the Worshipful Grand Master of the Masonic Lodge of Rome.
Benedict-Ratzinger has turned turned his Newchurch of the New Order into a joke. At a "special papal audience" on December 1, 2012, the participants were not praying the Pater Noster, they were not saying the Most Holy Rosary, they were not quietly preparing spiritually on the eve of the penitential season of Advent. No, Ratzinger introduced the Church's Advent penitential season by a cacophony of clowns, acrobats, puppeteers, and lions, as his Newpapal audience was literally turned into a circus.
Even the secular press reported correctly: "Ratzinger is known for turning his audiences away from prayer toward circus entertainment." Ratzinger acted like a silly child -- has he already sunk into his "second childhood" from cracking his skull against a radiator? -- as circus performers flipped, flopped, juggled, and twisted before him. For the eve of the penitential season of Advent, Ratzinger literally turned St. Peter's Square into a circus. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
Didn't we tell you, TRADITIO readers? Benedict-Ratzinger made a fool of himself in his ridiculous and even, in some cases, contra-Biblical, remarks about Christmas contained in his new book Jesus of Nazarth: The Infancy Narrative. Now even Ratzinger's own Newchurchers are slamming him for his statements, and the press is having a field-day with the "Christmas-denying pope." Bishop Williamson, step aside. Purported "holocaust-denial" doesn't hold a candle to Ratzinger's "Christmas-denial"!
Ratzinger's book has been buried in a media avalanche of criticism. Newvatican, one again caught with its cassocks down, now whines in the November 30, 2012, papal newspaper, L'Osservatore Romano, that the press is focusing too much on details. Newvatican is trying to defend Ratzinger's warmed over Modernistic prattle in his latest book, issued November 20, 2012, in which:
In this case, Newvatican is wrong, and the press is right. Ratzinger, the Modernist "Fr." Ratzinger of Vatican II, has not changed his spots. He is a dyed-in-the-wool Modernist still. In fact, Ratzinger is waging a war on Christmas, in that he is obviously not accepting the evidence of Scripture, one of the two fonts of Our Lord's Public Revelation. Modernists like Ratzinger are like that. The press is right when it metaphorically calls him the "Grinch who stole Christmas." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Religious News Service and Reuters.]
The last thing that Ratzinger needed a month before Christmas was another scandal. After all, he has been condemned, rightly, as the "Paedophile Pope," the purported head of the Church who stood by while his Newcardinals, Newbishops, and presbyters assaulted, sodomized, and even in some cases murdered over 100,000 children. His decree to those who sought justice was: If you report my New Order clergy to the police, you're Newexcommunicated! Just recently there was the scandal of Ratzinger's intimate, his butler Paolo Gabriele, who was so shocked by Ratzinger's corruption on a day-to-day basis that he copied literally boxloads of incriminating documents and turned them over to a trusted Italian journalist for public exposure.
Good Catholics, is this the best that Ratzinger can shovel out after 85 years as a "Christian"? Surely, we should have expected a true pope to give us a more depthful insight into Christ than this man has. It should go without saying that no book written by a pope or purported pope (whatever your theory happens to be) bears any authority of itself. The Church looks for truth as judged by what is infallibly taught in Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition.
Bernie Fellay is reeling once again from the fallout of his failed attempt to sell out his Neo-SSPX to Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch of the New Order. Things just got worse for Fellay and his Neo-SSPX than before he started his failed "negotiations" with the New Order sect and its head.
In the November 30, 2012, issue of the papal newspaper, L'Osservatore Romano, Benedict-Ratzinger's hand-picked Prefect of Doctrine, Newcardinal Gerhard Muller, essentially declared Fellay and the whole lot of his Neo-SSPXers to be heretics because they believe the Modernist Council Vatican II (1962-1965) to be a "rupture" from Catholicism. This is an "heretical interpretation" according to Ratzinger's head of doctrine.
Ratzinger defines Vatican II as "a heremeneutic of reform, of renewal in continuity." Traditional Catholics -- as well as Fellay and his Neo-SSPX for the time being -- defines Vatican II as a "rupture" from Catholicism, much like the Protestant Revolt. Ratzinger in particular likes to play these word games, in which he attempts to call an elephant and a gnat the same thing, whereas everyone with a brain can see that the Catholic Church and the Newchurch of the New Order are diametrically-opposed to each other.
Muller explained that when Ratzinger used Italian term aggiornamento, popular around the time of Vatican II, at which "Fr." Ratzinger was a leader of the Modernists, he meant "modernization," a term akin to the heresy of Modernism, condemned by Pope St. Pius X as the "combination of all heresies." In fact, said Mueller, Ratzinger believes in a "constant reform," which changes, for each age, what was once "constant" Catholic doctrine, morality, and liturgy. This belief is at the center of the Modernist heresy. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the U.K. Catholic Herald.]
Good Catholics, once again we see that Bendict-Ratzinger joined at the hip with Modernism and its Conciliar agent, Vatican II. Ironically, the leanings in that direction which Fellay, the Superior-Dictator of the Neo-Society of St. Pius X, has amply displayed associate Fellay and his organization with the very heresy condemned by the titular of his own organization, St. Pius X, the anti-Modernist pope himself!
After fifty years of an invalid Novus Ordo service and sacraments, which provide no graces whatsoever, Newchurch has admitted that it has been overwhelmed with requests to exorcise its members, as the Devil is having a field day from the New Order sect's Newpope down to the sect member in the pew. On November 29, 2012, one of the world's largest Newarchdioceses, Milan, Italy, has set up an "exorcist hotline" and appointed twice as many exorcists as before to cope with a doubling in the number of requests over fifteen years.
It won't do any good. The New Order sect hasn't ordained priests since 1969, when the New Ordinal of the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini's invalid Protestantized version replaced the traditional Catholic Ordinal. Now the New Order sect merely "installs presbyters" with power only "to preside over the assembly," not to celebrate Mass or to forgive sin. As of 1973, Newpope Paul VI-Montini did away with the traditional Minor Order of Exorcist in the New Order sect. Of course, traditional Catholic priests, having nothing to do with the New Order sect, still receive the Order of Exorcist.
Moreover, after the Vatican II Council (1962-1965), a New Rite of Exorcism was fabricated, in the vulgar tongues, and many Novus Ordo "exorcists" admit publicly that it doesn't work. The Novus Ordo Chief Exorcist of Milan admitted that with 120 appointments a day for 6-12 "exorcists," even the powerless Novus Ordo rite cannot be performed. Instead, the "exorcist" merely offers a "quick blessing." He admits: "That's not enough."
Benedict-Ratzinger's Chief Exorcist, Gabriele Amorth, claims to have dealt with 70,000 cases of demonic possession after Vatican II. Fr. Amorth also shocked Newchurch by stating publicly that the sex-crime holocaust in Newchurch, whereby Newbishops and presbyters rape children with at least tacit support from Benedict-Ratzinger, was proof that "the Devil is at work inside the Vatican." Amorth also claimed that Satanic behavior lay behind Newvatican's attempts to cover up the deaths of the commander of the Swiss Guard, his wife, and another Swiss Guard in 1998.
Fr. Malachi Martin, a Newvatican insider who wrote may exposes of the New Order sect's crime and corruption under the guise of novels, also stated many times that the Newpapacy and Newvatican were infested with Satanism. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the U.K. Independent.]
What is the penalty for heresy in Benedict-Ratzinger's New Order sect? Certainly not excommunication, but merely a little reduction in your honorary title. On November 29, 2012, Ratzinger withdrew from presbyter Helmut Schueller his honorary title as "papal chaplain," i.e., "monsignor." But Ratzinger made it clear that Schuller is not excommunicated. He remains a presbyter "in good standing" and "in full communion" with the New Order sect. What is it about that sect and Bernie Fellay's Neo-SSPX that makes them so hung up on titles, but ignore reality. If you don't call Fellay "most reverend," he goes into a snit fit, and his minions object to the use of his Christian name.
Schueller has been publicly advocating with is leadership of a group of anti-Catholic presbyters, who term themselves the "Call to Disobedience," which purports to represent one out of ever ten presbyters in Austria:
In response to his mere slap on the wrist, the heretic Schueller gave Ratzinger, the man whom he claims is his plenipotentiary pope, the middle finger. Schueller proclaimed to the press that he is going to change not one whit of his actions.
Nearly 150,000 Austrian laymen officially left the New Order sect in just the last reported year, many in disgust at Benedict-Ratzinger's support of his paedophile Newbishops and presbyters. Many more Austrians have simply unofficially walked out, never again to attend the invalid Novus Ordo Mess and sacraments. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Reuters.]
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
There seems to be a notion going around that what really has made Bishop Richard Williamson a problem for the Neo-SSPX is not that he publicly condemned Bernie Fellay's attempted deal sell out to Benedict-Ratzinger and his unCatholic New Order, but his specious trial for "holocaust denial" in Germany. Even though the original guilty verdict was thrown out and Williamson never even denied the "holocaust," only exaggerations of history that threatened secular Jewish organizations' Holocaust Industry, Bishop Williamson has become a great "inconvenience" for Fellay and Ratzinger, who have been embarrassed among their "Oecumenical" friends in the secular Jewish community.
Fellay eventually acted to throw his senior bishop under the bus to embrace the Newpope of the New Order, Benedict-Ratzinger. He expelled Williamson as rector of the Neo-SSPX's seminary in Argentina and then threw Williamson out of his lodgings at the Neo-SSPX house in Wimbledon, England. Williamson was essentially exiled not for denying any point of Catholic doctrine, morality, or worship, but for becoming a "public-relations problem."
Do you TRADITIO Fathers hold with this notion about the expulsion of Bishop Williamson?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
Only in part. No doubt Williamson's forthright statements on a disputed point of secular history embarrassed Bernie Fellay and Benedict-Ratzinger, who are cozying up to the secular Jewish organizations in an "oecumenical" frenzy right out of the pages of the Vatican II Council. But Fellay's action goes far beyond even that cause.
If Williamson's personal opinion on the "holocaust" was such a problem to Oecumenist Fellay, why didn't Fellay take care of it in January 2009, when Williamson's interview for Swedish Public Television was first aired? The reason is that this "holocaust" brouhaha was never the central issue for Fellay, whose Neo-SSPX publications have been filled for years with what secular Jewish organizations, like Abraham Foxman's Sons of the Jewish Covenant (B'nai B'rith), would call "holocaust denial." It was only when Williamson started to speak out against Fellay's own perfidious management of the Neo-SSPX organization, denying Archbishop Lefebvre's traditional Catholic founding principles and accepting Ratzinger's unCatholic New Order sect's principles as a foundation for a sellout, that Fellay threw Williamson under the bus.
But the last laugh will be on Fellay and Ratzinger. The exile of Bishop Williamson will certainly not silence secular Jewish organizations from continuing, and even augmenting, their vicious charges, under every possible pretext, of "anti-Semitism" against anything calling itself Catholic because it is Jesus Christ Himself that these secular Jewish organizations find offensive. That is the plain truth of the matter, which Fellay and Ratzinger either don't care about, or choose to ignore in the interest of the false Vatican II doctrine of "Oecumenism."