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The blindness of Francis "Mr. Innocent" Bergoglio is stunning. On March 27, 2014, he preached to 500 members of the Italian parliament at a New Order Mess in St. Peter's Basilica, in which he purported to distinguish between "sinners" and "the corrupt." Bergoglio stated that "the ruling class -- the doctors of the law, the Sadducees, the Pharisees" -- had become so hardened in their sin that they were corrupt.
The legislators must have sat agape, stunned that Bergoglio completely failed to realize that, by his own definition, he is one of the corrupt, more so than High Priest Caiphas ever was. "Hardened in sin" is in fact a perfect description of Bergoglio and his corrupt Newclergy. This is the New Order's High Priest, who has taken no concrete action to stop Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocoast and recently proclaimed that Newchurch had suffered more than the child victims!
"Mr. Innocent" is so mired in Newchurch muck that he can't through. He is a narcissist, who claims to be "Mr. Humble" only for show and propaganda purposes. Such behavior was specifically condemned by Our Lord Jesus Christ, in the Gospel from St. Matthew (6:16-21) proclaimed just this last Ash Wednesday. In his "homily" Bergoglio claimed that the Pharisees were more than sinners, corrupt, "because it was impossible for them to listen to the Lord's voice." Yet Bergoglio himself was deaf to the Lord's voice when that Ash Wednesday Gospel was proclaimed.
Bergoglio just can't see his own sin even if it hits him in the face. Gays, atheists, Marxists are all praiseworthy in his opinion, but he is blind to his own corruption, which makes him the worst Newpope yet. At least Benedict-Ratzinger took what little remained of his dignity and abdicated from the office that he befiled.
In his "homily" Bergoglio denounced a "theology of faith," which the Catholic Church, but not Bergoglio's New Order sect, teaches. He went on to talk about Christ's "mercy and compassion," completing omitting any balancing mention of His justice and commandments. What Our Lord actually said, several times, was: "If you love me, keep my commandments" (John 14:15/DRV et al.) [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World News.]
Good Catholics, Bergoglio has shown over and over that he hates the traditional Catholic Faith. He wants to substitute for it an even more radicalized Modernist/Liberalist, even Marxist, fabrication of his own making that ignores Christ, ignores Catholic doctrine, and ignores God's Natural Law of morality. That is an amazing record of dismantling in just one year what was left of Catholicism!
After all the exposure of widespread paedophile clergy in Newchurch under JPII-Wojtyla and Benedict-Ratzinger, you would have thought that Francis-Bergoglio would take a new broom and sweep his criminal presbyters, Newbishops, and Newcardinals out. Instead, in just a year, it has become clear that Bergoglio is more of a paedophiliac than Ratzinger!
First, there was the fact that although Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust was supposed to be Bergoglio's top priority -- even his Newcardinals said that before they elected him -- he did absolutely nothing for a full year while, like King Midas, he counted the money in his Newvatican bank. Second, he made the outrageous statement that Newchurch had suffered more from the paedophile crimes than the child victims!
Now Bergoglio's Chairman of the Pontifical Center for Child Protection, presbyter Hans Zollner, has stated in a March 26, 2014, Boston Globe interview that there should be "no absolute duty to report charges of abuse to the police." Moreover, he admitted that Bergoglio's new Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors, of which Zollner is a member, is merely a paper tiger having no authority. Zollner says that it is "not a legislative body" that can change anything. He admitted that the Commission "will not take away authority from any existing Vatican department." It's merely a "talking shop" to foster discussions in various parts of the world." The same old paedophiliac departments will continue to run Bergoglio's Newvatican, now with Bergoglio's personal imprimatur. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World News.]
Good Catholics, in less than a year Francis-Bergoglio has earned his moniker, "Third Paedophile Newpope." Corrupt leaders around the world know that if you have a problem that you don't want to tackle honestly, you appoint a commission "to study the matter." By the time the commission reports, everyone has forgotten the matter. Well, Francis "the Fraud" Bergoglio may just be surprised that his Holocaust will not go away. There are hundreds of thousands of child victims, parents, government officials, and support groups that will hold Bergoglio's feet to the fire -- the fire of Hell, if necessary!
The ancient Greeks were right in saying, ou póll', allą polż, thereby exalting quality over quantity. The Unblessed JPII-Wojtyla scandalously created Newchurch Unsaint-making mill with an phony con-anization process. This process gutted the traditional intense care with which proposed Saints were investigated and reduced the traditional process to yet another Newchurch sham. In 1983 Wojtyla eliminated the several required miracles, as well as the role of Devil's Advocate to bring up evidence against beatification and canonization. The Newchurch process became one not of sanctity, but of the competing political power of the promoters desiring to enhance tourism to their countries, the sale of relics, etc.
From the year 1594, when record keeping began, to 1978, when Wojtyla was elected, only 296 people were canonized, approximately one every two years. By his death JPII alone had canonized 483. That is well over half of the total number of Saints proclaimed since the process was formally codified in 1605, approximately twenty every year.
Now Francis-Bergoglio has kicked up Wojtyla's ridiculousness to a new level. After all, Wojtyla had 25 years to perpetrate his sham. Bergoglio has had only one year and has already canonized more than 800! With at least five of these, Bergoglio bypassed even Newchurch's phony new process and simply declared Newsaints "by equivalency," essentially by Bergoglio's personal fiat, without any miracles whatsoever. On April 27, 2014, Newchurch's fabricated feast of "Divine Mercy" proclaiming the heresy of Universal Salvation, Bergoglio will perpetrate the scam of con-anizing Wojtyla himself, the Second Paedophile Newpope, who stood by silent while tens of thousands of children were sexually victimized by his presbyters, Newbishops, and Newcardinals, not to speak of the scores of incidents where Wojtyla publicly participated in non-Catholic, non-Christian, and even pagan worship. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the German News Service Kerknet.]
To be co-con-anized with Wojtyla will be John XXIII, whom Bergoglio "excused" from the traditional miracle requirement. John XXIII needed to be rushed into "sanctity" because he was the convoker of the Modernist Vatican II Council, although in his last days he deeply regretted convoking it. His last words recorded were: "Stop the Council! Stop the Council!" For further information, click on FAQ8: What Is the Authority of Vatican II?
Good Catholics, fortunately you don't have to accept any of these con-anizations. St. Thomas Aquinas, the Church's Universal Theologian, gave Catholics a clear way out of accepting any of the post-Vatican II con-anizations. Contrary to what Newchurchers say, even if one accepts the Newpopes as legitimate, their con-anizations are not "infallible." For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs? in the section "Canonizations - New Order."
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Laudetur Jesus Christus!
The Fathers of our church in Italy read your Daily Commentaries on a regular basis. We have recently been discussing amongst ourselves what the proper length of Holy Mass should be. We have one priest who celebrates the Offertory and Sacred Canon in five minutes; the other celebrates in fifteen minutes. Most of the religious brothers here think that the second is more appropriate. Could you give us some guidance in this matter?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
It is hard for us to imagine that anyone could recite the eight full pages of text of the Traditional Latin Mass from the Offertory through the Minor Elevation, including the Offertory Antiphon and the one to three Secret Prayers on a Sunday in five minutes, unless he raced through them in a manner that fails to meet the "digne, attente ac devote" requirement. Fifteen minutes seems about the right period of time for these parts of Holy Mass.
Of course, there is no stopwatch on the Holy Mass, but a very rough approximation for a Sunday Mass with sermon would be: from the beginning of Mass through the Holy Gospel would be a quarter of an hour; sermon, announcements, and supplemental prayers, another quarter of an hour; the Offertory to Holy Communion, another quarter of an hour; and distribution of Holy Communion through the Leonine prayers after Mass, another quarter of an hour.
Even many traditional Catholics are unaware that there were several periods in the history of the Church when it was not known who was the true pope. The history of the Church is an indispensable aid to Catholics who wish to understand more clearly the nature of the times in which we live and its historical analogues. Sadly, most Catholics are abysmally ignorant of the history of their own Church. Lent would be a most appropriate time to study it. For resources, click on FAQ05: What Traditional Catholic Resources Do You Recommend? in the section "History."
The Great Western Schism, which lasted almost forty years (1378-1417), plunged the Catholic Church into a sea of doubt and distress. This is roughly the period of time that we have now experienced since the Modernist Vatican II Council (1962-1965) substituted for the Catholic Church the Newchurch of the New Order. At the time of the Great Western Schism, there were two competing popes, two competing general superiors of religious orders, and two competing bishops for each diocese.
Public opinion was hopelessly confused during the Great Western Schism, as it is now. Even the Saints were uncertain who was the real pope. St. Catherine of Siena worked with all the power of her ardent temperament and with firmness of conviction to secure the universal recognition of Urban. As opposed to those who today argue that one should be "polite" toward heretics and schismatics, St. Catherine called what she considered to be the errant cardinals of her time "fools," "liars," and "devils in human form." On the other side, the noted Spanish preacher, St. Vincent Ferrer, of the Dominican Order, labored with equal zeal throughout the entire schism for the cause of the Avignon popes. To him the followers of Urban were "dupes of the devil" and "heretics."
It was during this period that theological opinions were developed that there could a distinction between the Universal Catholic Church, which alone was infallible and in certain possession of the means of salvation, and a man-made Church that departed from that Catholic Church while still calling itself "Catholic." What was theological speculation in the 15th century turned to reality in the 16th century when the Protestant Church of Martin Luther separated from the Universal Catholic Church while claiming that it was the true Church.
Even more sobering is the realization that bad as the Protestant Revolution was, Luther's Church still retained a few semblances of Catholicism. It retained a worship service that remained for a century or more very much like the Catholic Mass, even being conducted mostly in Latin. In the Vatican II Modernist Revolution of the mid 20th century, the Newchurch of the New Order departed from the Catholic Church while still calling itself "Catholic." Unlike even Luther's Church, the Newchurch dumped the vast majority of the Catholic Mass and performed it almost exclusively in the vulgar tongues, which even Martin Luther had condemned.
This theology of a Universal Catholic Church that contrasts with a man-made Church recalls to mind traditional Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre's noted distinction between Eternal Rome (the Catholic Church) and Modern Rome (the schismatic/heretical Newchurch of the New Order). The Great Western Schism of the 15th century has been historically repeated in the Vatican II Modernist Schism of the mid 20th century. As a result, the state of the papacy in our own times is again precarious, with open dispute again about who is -- or who is not -- the real pope, with the accompanying sea of doubt and distress that has returned.
An Argentinian presbyter who was the only eyewitness when Jorge Bergoglio, now Newpope Francis, stole a rosary cross from the hands of a dead presbyter lying in a coffin on Easter Sunday 1996, has confirmed to to the Italian daily newspaper La Stampa that in fact Bergoglio desecrated the corpse and stole the cross while he looked on. Presbyter Andres Taborda claims that he was the only person at the cathedral crypt when Bergoglio perpetrated the theft and sacrilege. Taborda spent several years at the Basilica of the Most Blessed Sacrament in Buenos Aires, but has since retired to Rome. To make the theft and sacrilege even more shocking, at that time Bergoglio was an auxiliary Newbishop in the Newarchdiocese of Buenos Aires.
Francis-Bergoglio admitted the theft on March 6, 2014, to a group of presbyters in Newrome, but he has not repented of the theft and sacrilege. In fact, he admits that he retains the stolen property on his person and has no intention of returning it. According to traditional Catholic Sacramental theology, that objectively renders invalid every confession that Bergoglio has made since 1966 and leaves him since that time in a state of objective Mortal Sin. (Of course, Newchurch no longer has the Sacrament of Confession anyway, having replaced it in 1972 with an invalid Rite of Reconciliation.)
Good Catholics, this is the man who parades around as Newpope Francis, an admitted thief who refuses to return the fruits of his theft. Whatever sanctimonious excuse he or his Newvatican propagandists come up with to justify the theft, objectively it remains an unrepented theft. Given that Bergoglio admits to hanging out with Marxists and atheists and calls traditional Catholic theology "doctrinaire" and "ideologue," it should be no surprise that the head of Newchurch is an admitted, unrepentant thief. That Bergoglio stole the Rosary cross is bad enough. What is worse is that he has stolen the Catholic Faith from billions of sources through the agency of his anti-Catholic and anti-Christian New Order sect.
We are two weeks into another Lent -- another chance to rejuvenate our spiritual lives and embark on various Lenten resolutions.
As human beings, we need to make use of "material" things to help us direct our whole being, soul and body, towards God. Beautiful statues, pictures, music, incense, books, Liturgy, Scripture, the example of others -- the list goes on.
Playing Gregorian chant in your home is an excellent way to help set a recollected and prayerful mood. In our house, for example, we play Gregorian chant every Sunday morning as we get ready for Mass.
We are pleased to offer readers more than a 15 per cent discount on our recordings of the St. John Schola for Holy Week and Easter.
With prayers for a blessed and fruitful Lent,
Holy Week and Easter (Volume 9).
This CD includes significant excerpts from the Rites of Palm Sunday, the Sacred Triduum, and Easter. It includes the Procession of the Palms to the tolling of the carillon and the Gloria Laus, alternating inside and outside at the closed door of the church; the polyphonic Popule Meus for Good Friday by Vittoria, sung a duetto by the cantors; the Pro-Vespers from the Easter Vigil Mass on Holy Saturday morning; the Kyrie Eleison, troped by the cantor in the mediaeval style; the special Paschal Gradual Haec Dies, sung by the cantors; the Easter Sequence Victimae Paschali Laudes; and the Paschal Ite, Missa Est with distinctive doubled Alleluia. ChantCd is offering this CD to TRADITIO readers this Lent and Easter at a specially-reduced price of 9.99 U.S. dollars.
Fourth Sunday after Easter (Volume 6).
This CD includes the traditional Hour of Terce and Holy Mass for the Fourth Sunday after Easter. The Hour of Terce of the Divine Office is the third Hour of the day, the one appointed to be chanted immediately before Holy Mass. The Ordinary chants here are taken entirely from Mass XI (Orbis
Factor) of the traditional Roman Kyriale. This CD also contains
Credo I, which has a beautiful melody. In Masses of Eastertide, such as this one, the Gradual is replaced by two joyous Alleluia verses.
We TRADITIO Fathers acknowledge the contributions of the St. John Schola as an international leader in the practice of the Sacred Chant, providing to traditional Catholics live recordings of the type of chant pieces that they might hear in their own traditional church or chapel rendered by a small lay choir. The St. John Schola, an independent organization separate from the TRADITIO Network, for many years has provided as a courtesy to our readers information, resources, and recordings of the Sacred Chant that has been the proper music of the Roman Catholic Church for 2,000 years.
For ordering and descriptive information, click on the TRADITIO Network's Gregorian Chant department.
The TRADITIO Fathers have been informed by their contacts that a group of traditional Catholics from The Resistance have been able to unblock traditional Catholic Bishop Richard Williamson's visa for further Apostolic visitations to Australasia and around the world as often as four times each year.
As a result, Bishop Williamson, formerly senior bishop of the Neo-SSPX, and now an independent traditional Catholic bishop, will be traveling worldwide to carry forth the message of The Resistance, the term used to describe the hundred former Neo-SSPX priests, together with their associated monasteries, convents, and lay organizations, who have abandoned the Neo-SSPX's Superior-Dictator, who planned a programme to sell out the once traditional Catholic organization to the unCatholic Newchurch of the New Order.
The Newarchdiocese of Newark, New Jersey, headed by John Myers, who is under attack for covering up and shielding his paedophile clergy and for pilfering 2,000,000 dollars for his new personal retirement lodge, has announced a new policy governing the arrangements for Newchurch funerals of the scores of presbyters who have been "defrocked" for rape, sodomy, and other sex crimes against children. Myers admits in a March 17, 2014, internal letter to his presbyters that his motivation with the new policy is not consideration for the violated children and their parents, but to avoid "negative publicity." For this reason Myers has banned the funerals from being held in the Newparishes where the crimes occurred.
The traditional Catholic practice for the funerals of criminals requires making the funerals of criminals entirely private. However, Myers' new policy invites presbyters of his Newarchdiocese, both "frocked" and "defrocked," to attend such funerals, although Myers deceptively calls the funerals "private." He also provides for viewing the criminal cadavers at the funeral parlor and distributing commemorative cards for them. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World News.]
Good Catholics, Newbishops and Newpopes remain narcissistic, victimizing predators now, just as they were when Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust was exposed to the world in 2001. They have lied to the world in saying that they have fixed the problem. Independent audits of the crimes have shown that, to the contrary, there is more paedophilia among Newchurch clergy now than ever before.
Francis-Bergoglio's Newvatican Observatory in Arizona has summoned 200 scientists to meet on the question of The Search for Life Beyond the Solar System for a full five days, from March 16-21, 2014. Would you believe that no fewer than 160 papers are going to be delivered on this topic?
Of all the topics for a conference that Newchurch might conceive -- how to purge itself of paedophiliac presbyters, Newbishops, Newcardinals, and Newpopes; how to get out of the banking business; how to restore the Catholic Faith in itself -- Newvatican has chosen to sponsor a conference on extraterrestrials! What is this fixation Newchurch has with non-terran aliens? The Unsaint JPII-Wojtyla was fixated on them, as was Benedict-Ratzinger. Is this just another indication that Newchurch is off its rocker in everything?
Wojtyla and Ratzinger and their Newvatican astronomer frequently delved into questions about saving Martians and other extraterrestrials. Newchurch's earth-bound missionary programme is now gone, because in the Modernist Vatican II-created "oecumenical" universe, any faith, even atheism Francis-Bergoglio tells us, is as good as another. Maybe the crazy Newpopes are desperate for a new source of fodder for their anti-Catholic, anti-Christian political organization: the Newchurch of the New Order!
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I have heard from traditional priests and other Catholics that drinking, particularly wine, is justifiable. Others take the opposite position because they claim that it has negative effects upon the body and society. What does Christ and the Bible say about drinking alcohol?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
Actually, Christ says nothing specific about the matter, but by implication approves of it in his changing of water into wine at the wedding feast of Cana. Moreover, Christ obviously drank wine, as noted in the Gospel accounts of the Last Supper, and used wine as the basis of the Great Sacrament.
Sacred Scripture, as a whole, usually mentions wine with approval, associating it with joy. The Psalms tell us "that wine may cheer the heart of man" (103:15/DRV). St. Paul advises his fellow bishop Timothy: "Do not still drink water, but use a little wine for thy stomach's sake, and thy frequent infirmities." So, at a minimum, the Apostle to the Gentiles approves of the medicinal use of wine. Wine was the beverage of choice in the Roman empire because often pure water was not available. The Romans did, however, drink wine in a diluted form, mixed with water, so that the antiseptic properties of the wine would purify the water with which it was mixed. We have perhaps some remnant of that fact at Holy Mass, when the priest mixes in a little water with the wine that is to be offered in the Great Sacrament, in a way recalling the miracle at Cana.
Other civilizations than the Roman, for the same reason, drank beer as their beverage of choice. Like wine, which is, as the Roman Missal describes it, the natural "fermented juice of grapes," beer is a natural fermented product from grain. Foremost among these civilizations was the Egyptian. One can truly say that the Great Pyramids were built on beer, as in the heat of the desert, it provided the Egyptians with a source of antiseptic water, as well as the nutrition from the grain. This beer, like Roman wine, was probably more dilute than the forms that we now use, something more akin to the alcoholic content of fermented apple cider.
Modern medicine agrees with Christ, St. Paul, and the writers of the Old Testament. Wine is in fact found to be an aid to digestion, is a helpful and natural relaxant, unlike artificial drugs, and promotes a healthy body.
All that having been said, we are, of course, speaking here of such ingestion in moderation. Scripture specifically condemns excess in drink, drunkenness. Excess of drink becomes a vice, is not healthful, and, moreover, blunts the greatest gift of God to man, the gift that makes us like Him "in image," intellectual and moral reason.
True, there are those individuals who have an inherent problem with alcohol. Such individuals should exercise the highest of the moral virtues, prudence, to avoid alcohol entirely. But the vast majority of human beings have been able to use wine and other alcoholic beverages in a moderate and healthful way, the way God intended in this beautiful world that He created for us. Catholics are not Puritans. Christians can follow the moral advice given us not only by Sacred Scripture, but by those Providentially wise Greeks and inscribed on the Temple at Delphi, more than half a millennium before the birth of Christ: "MHDEN AGAN," nothing in excess.
Francis-Bergoglio, self-admitted friend of Marxist-Atheists, has more surprises in store for his Newchurchers. He has let it be known that he is open to admitting bigamists to munch the invalid Novus Ordo cookie and swill the Novus Ordo Kool-Aid. In doing so, he will signal the world clearly that Newchurch is without doubt anti-Christ and anti-Bible. Newcardinal Reinhard Marx, President of the German Newbishops' Conference, whom Bergoglio appointed on March 8, 2014, to be the Head of Newchurch's powerful new Economy Department, signaled Bergoglio's support in an interview with the German national newspaper Welt am Sonntag [World on Sunday].
But Bergoglio will not stop there. In a March 13, 2014, interview with the Italian state television network, Radiotelevisione Italiana, citing Bergoglio, Newarchbishop Benvenuto Castellani, of Lucca, Italy, said that "the time has come for [New]church to become more open to homosexuality and same-sex civil unions." At the same time U.S. Newcardinal Timothy "Laughing Cow" Dolan, of New York City, publicly congratulated an American football star for "coming out" as an active sodomite. This is an anti-Christian ploy that the Marxist-sympathizer Bergoglio already proposed to the Newbishops of Argentine when he was Newarchbishop of Buenos Aires. The Newbishops were barely Christian enough to vote against him. Obviously, Bergoglio intends to push his anti-Catholic programme further in his new role as Newpope. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
Good Catholics, if you were king Baltasar and saw the handwriting on the wall, you could not see into the future more clearly. Bergoglio will sell out every Catholic, not to say Christian, doctrine, practice, and moral standard. Pity your friends who sin by remaining in the Newchurch of the New Order. They cannot plead ignorance any longer. They are active, knowing abettors of the Sins that Cry out to Heaven for Retribution.
As further proof that Francis-Bergoglio's regime is just as filthy as that of Benedict-Ratzinger, the paedophile presbyter who led the phony "Indult" Mess group called the Society of St. John the Evangelist of Scranton, Pennsylvania, has been assigned as of February 2014 the No. 2 (Vicar General) spot in the Newdiocese of Ciudad del Este, Paraguay, and named a "Monsignor." So much for Bergogio's claim that no more monsignori would be appointed!
When the paedophile-friendly Newbishop of Scranton, James Timlin, retired, the new Newbishop, Joseph Martino, immediately in 2005 suppressed the paedophile "Indult" society, and its head, Carlos Urrutigoity, who had been charged by the school's principal, Dr. Jeffrey Bond, with sexual assaults against students at his "Indult" school. A Newdiocesan review board found the charges against Urrutigoity "credible." Urrutigoity hid his perverse predations under the veil of promoting the Half New Order Protestantized "Extraordinary" Mess, the so called "Latin Mass" of Ratzinger, which is by no means the Traditional Latin Mass. Urrutigoity subsequently fled to South America.
Urrutigoity was also charged with virtual embezzlement of school funds for such things as a solid mahogany desk imported from Africa, and a 100,000-dollar project given to one of his Society's presbyters to write yet another Latin textbook, when any number of them already existed. Not only has the corrupt Bergoglio regime appointed the paedophile Urrutigoity to its highest ranks, but also another former presbyter with the perverted Society, one "Monsignor" Dominic Carey, as Second Vicar General.
Good Catholics, what can be concluded but that Francis-Bergoglio's regime is even more corrupt than Benedict-Ratzinger's. Bergoglio has even tried to claim that Newchurch has been victimized more than the children who were sodomized by his filthy Newclergy. Here we have proof positive that paedophiles are still being appointed to the highest positions in Bergoglio's New Order sect. That is why no true Catholic can have anything to do with Berogoglio or his filty Newchurch. A phony "Extraordianry Latin Mess" is no justification. As St. Paul said: "They who do such things are worthy of death: and not only they that do them, but they also that consent to them that do them (Romans 1:32/DRV). [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World News.]
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Bernie Fellay has in the last year been trying to claim that he never had a plan to sell out to the New Order sect and uses that lie to justify why some hundred priests and more religious have abandoned him. And a lie it is. He cannot expunge from his web sites all his pro-New Order statements and photographs with Newchurch criminals fast enough! Nor has Fellay retracted any of his New Order-friendly statements.
Now we have Yves Rostand, the USA Superior-Dictator, making the circuit at Fellay's orders, trying to calm the waters at upset Neo-SSPX chapels where the Neo-SSPXers have lost their priests and religious. Rostand's attempt to "make nice" will not make the Neo-SSPX's problems go away. Rostand is speaking mostly to Neo-SSPXers who don't know and don't want to know. The "oldies" have already sold their homes and have moved hundreds and even thousands of kilometres to be where they are. They're not about to admit that they have been duped by Fellay.
Now a younger generation won't tolerate Fellay's fraud, but are standing up to him and abandoning the NSSPX Superior-Dictator. If Fellay thinks that things are bad for him now, his problems are just beginning. They are going to get much worse, as the departures are accelerating. Like me, true traditional Catholics will meet in homes, function rooms, libraries, or wherever we have to, following the courageous example of the Catholics of the Apostolic period of persecution, who, by doing so, ultimately defeated the all-powerful Roman empire!
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
Bernie Fellay, having failed to "do the sellout deal" to Benedict-Ratzinger the Original Modernist, is now trying to rewrite history. But the evidence is there, and cannot be expunged or spun away by his fraudulent propaganda. The only conclusion that can be reached is that Fellay is a bald-faced liar -- that word being accurate because he is deliberating telling falsities, not just being mistaken. No wonder a hundred priests and even more religious have abandoned him because of the fraud that he continues to perpetrate. Even Heaven seems to have rejected his phony "Rosary Crusades," as one cannot validly pray to God for evil purposes. That is blasphemy.
It will not be surprising for you to learn that Hannibal Bugnini, the chief architect of the Protestant-Masonic-Pagan New Order "liturgy" in 1956 ("New Holy Week"), in 1962 (the Half New Order "Extraordinary" Mess), then in 1969 (full-blown invalid "New Mess") also wanted to wreck the Most Holy Rosary. This destruction had to wait until the Newpapacy of the Unsaint JPII-Wojtyla, who desecrated the Rosary on October 16, 2002, even having the gall to disrespect the Blessed Virgin Mary by added five New Age "Luminous" Mysteries.
There is no question about this. Bugnini himself admitted to his strategm to desecrate the Most Holy Rosary in his pompous, thousand-page book, La riforma liturgica (1948-1975). In his book Bugnini admitted that his aim in designing the "New Mess" was "to create a worship service that any Hindu, Buddhist, or Protestant could attend and feel perfectly at home." Bugnini's book indicates clearly how much he hated the Traditional Roman Rites, both the Mass and the Divine Office.
Bugnini also planned to butcher the Rosary by eliminating the fifteen decades and their mysteries and reduce the Rosary not even to five decades, but to a single one! Even in that one remaining decade, he planned to cut out from the Ave Maria the word Iesus concluding the first sentence and to cut out entirely the second sentence: Sancta Maria, mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatoribus, nunc et in hora mortis nostrae. Bugnini explained his motivation in the fact that Protestants hate the Most Holy Rosary. He almost got Paul VI-Montini, the Newpope of the Modernist Vatican II Council (1962-1965), to go along with his plan, but Montini, although he was sympathetic to the stratagem, feared that "the umbrage of the faithful would be too great to bear" if the Newpope "changed the Rosary.
By 2002, however, this was no longer a problem. Newchurchers had been so duped by the unCatholic New Order that they welcomed Wojtyla's desecration of the Rosary by adding to it the five New Age "Luminous" Mysteries. In his Apostolic Letter Rosarium Virginis Mariae, Wojtyla used the term "luminous" of the Modernist-heretical Vatican II Council (sec. 15), and in honor of that heretical Modernist Council, added the five "Luminous" Mysteries to constitute a Newrosary (sec. 21).
Good Catholics, there is a reason that the Most Holy Rosary has 150 Aves. It is because that is the number of Psalms that are recited or chanted weekly in the Hours of the Divine Office of the Roman Catholic Church. The Rosary was a kind of simplified Divine Office primarily for the laity. The Unsaint JPII-Wojtyla apparently wanted to destroy any connection between the Rosary and the traditional worship of God. What the Catholics of the late 1960s would not have permitted, the Newchurchers of 2002 welcomed. Our Lady undoubtedly weeps in Heaven over those who have blasphemed her Divine Son, including the unCatholic Modernist Newpopes Montini, Wojtyla, Ratzinger, and Bergoglio, who reek with the odor of heresy.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers
When I went to a Newchurch boarding school in the 1980s, my parents expected that I would receive a "Catholic" education. As in so many Newchurch schools, I didn't. My parents wasted their money. It would seem to me that Newchurch (a) made a conscious decision not to teach religion and (b) made this decision was made at the highest levels as this happened throughout the world. How did Catholic education disappear?
Secondly, I see aged nuns of orders that are unlikely to survive in the next ten years. They are no longer accepting postulants, and the numbers of some orders are down to a fraction of what they were just before Vatican II. You would think that by now they would clearly see how destructive the post-Vatican II Modernism has been, but they don't. Why not?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
Now that we have fifty years' perspective on Vatican II (1962-1965), we can see that it was engineered by the Modernists, who were condemned by Pope St. Pius X at the turn of the century. Among these was the architect of the "New Liturgy," the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini. The condemned Modernists bided their time in the Church and seized the opportunity of a dying pope (John XXIII) to use his council as a vehicle for replacing the Catholic Church with their modernized, Protestantized, oecumenized Newchurch of the New Order. It retained the name "Catholic" to trick people, so as to continue the flow of money and to maintain political power. But, as is clear now, this Newchurch has essentially different worship, doctrine, and morals from the Catholic Church.
Although John XXIII convoked the Council, revelations since his death make it clear that what occurred was not what he wanted. Contrary to the common propaganda, John was a traditionalist, more so even than Pius XII. John did not sign a single conciliar document. He died before anything was passed by the council, and on his deathbed he ordered that the Council be stopped. The Modernists, who, with John dying, were by now in complete control of the council, simply ignored the pope.
Part of the Newchurch programme is an effort to "dumb down" the education of the laity (and the clergy, for that matter). Francis-Bergoglio has even chastised his Newchurchers for concentrating too much on doctrine. If one stands firm against abortion, "gay" marriage, and, for that matter, even the divinity of Christ and the true Mass, one is ridiculed by Bergoglio in order to maintain the delusion that Newchurch is the Catholic Church. This is all part of the Modernist plan, which is also affecting the Anglican and even Evangelical Protestant Churches.
Remember that those religious whom you mention are a small remnant of what used to be. Most religious have left Newchurch by this point. As you say, most Catholic religious orders have died off. The aged remainder have only two options: speak out and lose their housing, food, healthcare, and money or remain silent in subservience to the evils of Newchurch.
Also, there is a great propaganda machine in Newchurch. Truth is covered up in favor of lies that keep the money flowing in and the power secure. In reality, Newchurch is dying. Many of its members can't wait to get out. In many countries of Europe, citizens are going to city halls in large numbers to disenroll from the Church. Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust, which continues unabated under Francis-Bergoglio, is the most obvious example of how sick Newchurch is. For four decades after Vatican II, the stench of immorality from Newchurch's presbyters, bishops, cardinals, and popes, who either participated in rape, sodomy, and sexual assaults against children or supported it and covered it up, finally invaded the public awareness. Note that Francis-Bergoglio just recently stated that he and his Newchurch are the real "victims," not the children, so the cover-up of truth continues under Francis "The Fraud."
St. Paul teaches us in his Epistle to the Romans that evil creates a kind of darkness of mind, in which the truth is ignored, denied, or fought. Our time is not so different from several other times in the history of the Church when evil became pervasive in the clergy. The best example is the Arian heresy of the fourth century, in which several popes and four out of five bishops became heretics, according to St. Jerome. But that period also produced some of the most courageous Saints that the Church has known: Athanasius, Augustine, Basil the Great, Martin of Tours, and many others. So there is hope yet!
You remember that Bernie Fellay's Neo-SSPX Dominicans of Avrille, France, were riled up about the intention of Fellay's newest "Rosary crusade." On January 12, 2014, the NSSPX Dominicans broke their silence on Fellay's numerous errors and announced to their congregation that they would not be participating in the crusade "because they are already a part of the Catholic Church, and they do not need to 'return' to it," as Fellay falsely says.
Now word comes that on February 28, 2014, the Dominicans of Avrille and associated groups broke ties with Fellay. These Dominicans comprise 11 priests, 2 convents, and total of 50 religious and nuns. The Dominicans join with the formerly NSSPX Capuchins and Poor Clares in Morgon, France, who formerly broke with Fellay, stating that they have nullam partem cum hereticis and, therefore, want no agreement with Newrome as long as it does not agree with the Catholic Faith." The Dominicans strongly chastised Fellay and his accessories, NSSPX bishops Alfonso de Galarreta and Tissier de Mallerais for pandering to the New Order sect and its Newpopes.
With the addition of the Dominicans to The Resistance -- those who have broken from Fellay because of his desire to join the New Order sect against the traditional principles of SSPX founder Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre -- another three convents, eleven priests, and fifty religious and nuns have officially abandoned Fellay and his New Order-leaning Neo-SSPX. This addition brings the number of priests who have so far left the NSSPX's Superior-Dictator Fellay to about one hundred, approaching one-fifth of the NSSPX's former body of clergy. The Resistance (the loose organization that includes clergy and laity who have abandoned Bernie Fellay and his Neo-SSPX) reports that its membership is continuing to increase, with four new thriving missions just being added in Australasia.
Good Catholics, Fellay's response to the Dominicans' abandoning him was more demands that he be obeyed without question. He remains blind and deaf while the Neo-SSPX edifice crumbles around him. Fellay may be blind and deaf, but he is not mute. Yet this heresy-tained, New Order-bent "bishop" still mendaciously rages that he is the NSSPX's Superior-Dictator and must be obeyed according to his own fabricated, unCatholic Divine Law!
Neo-SSPX clergy and religious communities have been abandoning Fellay and his Neo-SSPX in increasing numbers. Here is a current list, as far as we have it, of the priests and religious communities that have abandoned Fellay and his Neo-SSPX since his attempted sellout to the New Order sect. Some of these priests have gone independent, some have joined either the Society of St. Pius X of the Strict Observance or The Resistance.
Priests Abandoning Bernie Fellay's Neo-SSPX
Religious Communities Abandoning Bernie Fellay's Neo-SSPX
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Growing up in Newchurch and heavily influenced by the rampant liberalism of contemporary society, I was never properly instructed about the sin of "respect of persons." I am confused about how to distinguish this sin and vice from the showing proper respect and honor to superiors and to prelates, including bishops and popes. What should be the Catholic's proper moral stance toward clergy who are corrupt, immoral, and/or hypocritical?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
Sometimes people say that even if you don't respect the man, you should respect the office he holds. That is backwards. You should in fact say that because you respect the office, you chastise the man for not rightly fulfilling his office. Note here that we are talking about public officials, whether secular or ecclesiastical. (The moral theology concerning relations between private individuals is different.)
Often in our times, the virtue of "love" is elevated above all else, without being defined. The English word is vague, meaning anything from sex acts to contemplation of God. For a Christian, it is first and foremost love of God and His Commandments. Christ makes this clear in many passages in the Gospels (John 14:15/DRV et al.) But Christ spoke just as much about truth as about love. He told us on several occasions that He is the Truth (John 14:6/DRV et al.).
That is why we have Divine authority to chastise corrupt superiors, including bishops and popes. Christ Himself showed us the model for this attitude when He bitterly chastised the corrupt leaders of the Church in His time for their heresy, immorality, and hypocrisy (Matthew 15:7-9/DRV et al.) What would Christ have said about the leaders of today's Church, who are far worse! St. Paul also showed us the model for this attitude when he chastised St. Peter to his face before the Council of Apostles for falling into heresy (Galatians 2:11).
The love of God of the Old Covenant was servile, that is, like that of a slave. The love of God of the New Testament is filial, that is, like that of a son. You should not be servile to superiors, nor ignore their errors with a false obedience. St. Thomas Aquinas, the Church's Universal Doctor, teaches this doctrine clearly, for a very good reason. The errors of superiors have a wide-ranging effect, far more than those of private individuals. Thus, superiors must be corrected firmly and boldly. The Universal Doctor's clear explanation of this doctrine should be studied carefully:
There being an imminent danger for the Faith, prelates [bishops and popes] must be challenged, even publicly, by their subjects. Thus, St. Paul, who was a subject of St. Peter, challenged him publicly on account of an imminent danger of scandal in a matter of Faith. As St. Augustine puts it: "St. Peter himself gave the example to those who govern so that if sometime they stray from the right way, they will not reject a correction as unworthy even if it comes from their subjects."
To answer those who wrongly argue that they should be silent in the face of corruption on the part of their superiors, the Universal Doctor states:
Some say that fraternal correction does not extend to the prelates, either because man should not raise his voice against heaven or because the prelates are easily scandalized if corrected by their subjects. However, this does not happen, because when prelates sin, they do not represent heaven, and, therefore, they must be corrected. And those who correct them out of a love of God do not raise their voices against them, but in their favor, since the chastisement is for their own sake.
So, love God's truth and stand up for it. Use your mind and reason, which God made in His image. In that way you are respecting God above all, which is His First and Greatest Commandment of you. Earthly superiors, whether secular or ecclesiastical, who demand servile, mindless obedience are working against God, against God's truth, and against right reason. They are trying to perpetrate some kind of anti-Catholic attitude upon you. You have God's Own word that you can chastise them publicly for it.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Regarding the 2014 Cosmos television series upon which you commented, It is not surprising that the new Cosmos would be slanted and poorly researched, when you consider the religious and philosophical views of Ann Druyan, co-writer, co-producer, and wife of the late Carl Sagan, who co-wrote the original Cosmos in 1980. As an agnostic, Druyan holds that a belief in a deity is not necessary to a healthy appreciation for life and a sense of unity with the universe. In an interview with the Washington Post, Druyan stated that her early interest in science stemmed from a fascination with Karl Marx. She had at that time rather vaporous standards of evidence, as she believed in the ancient astronauts of Erich von Daniken and the extraterrestial-bent theories of the Russian Immanuel Velikovsky.
Druyan's antagonistic view of Christianity is revealed in her answer to a question by the "Committee for Skeptical Inquiry," in which she referred to the "first story" of Genesis as our founding myth, in which the first humans are doomed and cursed eternally for asking a question, for partaking of the fruit of the tree of knowledge. It is puzzling (to her) that Eden is synonymous with paradise. "When you think about it all, it's more like a maximum security prison with 24-hour surveillance."
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply:
It pays to know who is behind these television advertising blitzes. Very few of them are true experts in the subject matter. It is par for the course that Marxist-sympathizers like Newpope Francis-Bergoglio and pseudo-scientist Ann Druyan have received the enthusiastic blessing of the liberalist mainstream media.
In his March 8, 2014, Bulletin, former SSPX senior bishop, Richard Williamson, now gone independent of the Neo-SSPX and its Superior-Dictator Bernie Fellay, asks a question that has perplexed many in the Traditional Catholic Movement: why, up till now, has there been relatively little reaction from within the Neo-SSPX to to its complete change of direction under Fellay? Even though about one-sixth of the Neo-SSPX clergy have abandoned Fellay in the last two years to become independent or to join the SSPX of the Strict Observance or The Resistance, much of the laity remains clueless, holding on for dear life to a Neo-SSPX that is headed to join the Newchurch of the New Order under Fellay's sellout plan?
Bishop Williamson makes a subtle point, we think, by describing the religion of the Neo-SSPX laity as "Fiftiesism" rather than traditional Catholicism. They want to return to the "glory days" of the 1950s. They don't want to be martyrs, standing up for the Catholic Faith as their predecessors for twenty centuries did. As far as their religion is concerned, the Neo-SSPX laity are not traditional Catholics. Although they may want the "glory days" of the 1950s, they don't want the 1950s Catholic Mass and Sacraments, let alone anything before. They long ago went over exclusively to the 1960s Mess and Sacraments. 1962, you will remember, was the year of the Half New Order Mess, now aka "Extraordinary." 1962 was the year that the Modernist Vatican II Council was kicked off.
Bishop Williamson quotes an elderly couple who want to cling not to the true Church, but to "all the outward trappings, the property, the buildings, the pews, the statues, the vestments," which were the fruit of their resistance in the 1970s and 1980s. That resistance has now turned into false obedience to the Great God Fellay. This couple, as many others, feel threatened by the mere existence of The Resistance now. These Neo-SSPXers have no true regard for Catholic doctrine.
When these Neo-SSPXers are asked whether they see a need to understand their Catholic Faith, because individual souls will have to answer to God for it, their astonishing response is, "No! The responsibility of the Catholic is to obey his superiors, even if the superiors are in error." Such is the essential heresy taught to them these last twenty years by the false bishop Fellay. Certainly this was not what Archbishop Lefebvre, the SSPX's founder, taught.
Bishop Williamson describes this Neo-SSPX/Fellay mindset as: Pretend that all is well and let ourselves be devoured by wolves in the name of "obedience." He calls the Neo-SSPXers "lobotomized sheep," whom Fellay has prepared these last twenty years of his regime for what Archbishop Lefebvre called "Modernist Rome" to wipe out. They have become the false Catholics whom they themselves once detested in the 1970s and 1980s.
It seems that Francis-Bergoglio is tired of his luxurious suite in the newpapal mansion called Domus Sanctae Marthae. (He spurned the traditional sparse Apostolic apartment of his precedessors.) So, "Mr. Humble" has decided to leave the confines of Rome for a weeklong Lenten retreat in the comfort of a hillside spa. During March 9-14, 2014, Bergoglio and his department prefects will travel to Ariccia, in the hills south of Rome, 27 kilometres way from Rome, for their getaway. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
Ariccia is in the Alban Hills in the middle of a regional park. While there, Bergoglio & Co. will surely not deprive themselves of Ariccia's delicacy porchetta, pork roasted with herbs and fennel, and Ariccia's world-famous vino.
Traditionally, the popes and the prefects of Vatican departments have closeted themselves deep in Rome for a grueling Lenten retreat. Not "The Party Newpope," an eponym applied to him since his fling on the beaches of Copacabana, Brazil, in 2013.
In 1980 a highly-praised science series debuted on Public Broadcasting Service television channels: Cosmos, hosted by Cornell University astronomer Carl Sagan. One of the beauties of the original series was Sagan's grasp of scientific history, which he painted in a balanced and captivating way. The series began with a wonderful description of the great Library of Alexandria, the ancient repository of human knowledge that was finally destroyed in the year 642 by the Mohammedan caliph Omar, who excused his destruction of the world's knowledge with these words: "If those books are in agreement with the Koran, we have no need of them; and if these are opposed to the Koran, destroy them."
The new Cosmos series, which debuted on March 9, 2014, on the Fox Network, is hosted by Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Director of the Hayden Planetarium in New York City. Although the promotions for the series tout Tyson as the "successor to Carl Sagan," the debut episode proved that he surely is not. But maybe it is not his fault. The actual writing was done by Ann Druyan, the wife of Carl Sagan, who died in 1996. Tyson/Druyan select as the focus for the first episode the case of Giordano Bruno, who supposedly first saw the extent of the universe. This is Tyson/Druyan's first historical mistake. The Greek astronomer Aristarchus of Samos (third century B.C.) saw the extent of the universe and was the original author of Copernicus's heliocentric theory, published in 1543 in De Revolutione Orbium Coelestium. Copernicus is identified as a "priest." This is Tyson/Druyan's second historical mistake. Copernicus was ordained only to Minor Orders. He never proceed to Major Orders and the priesthood.
It is here that Tyson/Druyan start their tirade against the Christian Church. Tyson/Druyan then proceed to feature the case of Giordano Bruno, a Dominican friar of the 16th century. Although Tyson/Druyan try to make Bruno out as some kind of scientific "martyr," the fact is that Bruno was eventually executed not for his astronomical ideas, but because he strayed into many errors of theology. Bruno was a pantheist who persistently denied the Trinity and the divinity of Christ. Thus, he was a hypocrite as well, purporting to be a Dominican friar. Galileo also got into trouble not because of his astronomical ideas, but because he strayed into theology, of which he had no knowledge. Historically, heliocentrism was not the issue that got Bruno and Galileo into trouble. Copernicus was the great modern purveyor of that theory, and he was never touched.
To instill their false history, Tyson/Druyan present lurid graphics, in cartoon form, of prison cells and instruments of torture. They even stoop to portray Robert Cardinal Bellarmine as some kind of ogre set on executing Bruno. In fact, Bellarmine was an avid scientist and patron of science, who even counseled Galileo that his theory of tides was wrong. And the historic fact, little mentioned because it makes Galileo look like a stubborn fool, is that Bellarmine was right, and Galileo was wrong. Tyson/Druyan don't just hate the Roman Catholic Church; they slam the arch-Protestant Martin Luther and other Protestant leaders as well.
And where did Tyson/Druyan get all this historical malarky? Apparently from a one Renaldus Montanus, who in 1567 published what is known to history as the Black Legend. His widely-circulated book, Sanctae Inquisitionis Hispanicae Artes Aliqout Detectae ac Palam Traductae, vilified Spain, against which the Protestant countries of Northern Europe were desperately fighting in an attempt to topple the great continental power of Spain and insert themselves as the power-brokers of Europe. Since Spaniards were Catholic then, the Catholic Church also came into the Black Legend's crosshairs. Thus, a combination of political rivalry, contempt for the Catholic faith, and anti-Spanish racism created a distorted image of the Catholic Church, and particularly the Inquisition, which then came to be known in our modern world as the opposite of what history shows. For example, Professors Thomas Brady and Arthur Quinn, of the University of California at Berkeley, who in 1997 reviewed 61 newly-acquired volumes of records, concluded that the process was "remarkably fair and weighted heavily on the side of the accused." They further concluded: "Long-held myths represent and nourish deeply felt needs, but they must be abandoned because they falsify history."
Good Catholics, the new Cosmos series is not worth your time. It relies on cheesy computer graphics to titillate the unscientific crowd rather than to present well-researched scientific history. It is a caricature of the history of science. It is a great disappointment after all the advertising hoopla. Carl Sagan would have been a balanced enough historian of science not to have presented such a web of fabrications under the guise of history. He would have let the truth speak for itself. So, skip Tyson/Druyan's 2014Cosmos and read a truthful science book instead. Or get Carl Sagan's original 1980 series on DVD.
Francis-Bergoglio admits that Newchurch has a thief for a Newpope. Bergoglio has admitted that he stole a Rosary cross from the hands of a dead presbyter in a coffin. In addition, he admitted that he didn't repent of the theft, but still keeps the stolen goods on his person.
On March 6, 2014, Bergoglio admitted the theft and his lack of repentance to a group of presbyters. Bergoglio personally knew the dead man, a New Order presbyter, and when he came to see the open coffin, he coveted the Rosary that was in the dead presbyter's hands. Bergoglio admitted that he had to use force to wrench the Rosary out of the dead presbyter's hands because rigor mortis had set in. When Bergoglio applied force to the dead presbyter's hand, the cross broke off of the Rosary. Bergoglio went on to reveal that he did not repent of his theft, but has kept the stolen goods on his person ever since.
Good Catholics, Bergoglio is a unique Newpope. A sympathizer with Marxists, atheists, and sodomites, an unconsecrated bishop, who despises traditional Catholicism and finds Catholic doctrine and theology boring, now Bergoglio admits that he is a thief to boot! What can we Fathers say except that the clueless Newchurchers richly deserve their "thief of the cross."
It may be that Newchurchers are finally waking up to the fact that their leaders are scoundrels that should receive not one penny of support. After the latest Newchurch scandal, involving the Newarchbishop of Newark, New Jersey, John Myers, and his multi-million-dollar retirement lodge, pew Newchurchers have started a campaign to start an "Empty Envelope Month," to withhold collections from the malignant Myers. Said one Newchurcher: "I'm disgusted. The archdiocese is not going to get another penny out of me." Another irate Newchurcher said: "The only language the church understands is money,"
Myers is currently skimming his Newarchdiocese to fund for his 2016 retirement a 300-square-metre, three-story addition to the existing million-dollar lodge that will include a second swimming pool, a health spa, a sixth bedroom, a large study with an attached library, a full-floor "gallery" on the third level, two more bathrooms, three more fireplaces, a second elevator, and a hot tub. The addition is budgeted for half a million dollars, but is expected to exceed that figure. The extension is annexed to the existing 33,000-square-metre, forested property which already boasts five bedrooms, three full bathrooms, a three-car garage, a basement office, and an elevator. I guess Myers was too dumb to realize that he could have forgone the health spa if he just walked up the stairs!
The Newarchdiocese is paying taxes on the property because it is not "primarily used for religious functions." So why is the Newarchdiocese footing the bill for the property and the new construction? Currently, Myers is running his annual Bishop's Appeal to help in the funding of his various scams because many Newchurchers think that the funds are going to various Newdiocesan charities. The Bishop's Appeal usually rakes in ten million dollars. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Newark, New Jersey Star Ledger.]
Meanwhile, Myers has unleashed his malicious propaganda machine against his own people. He has ginned up his presbyters to lash out at the press reporting Myers' despotic actions and at his Newparishioners, calling them "anti-Catholic" and "devils." Now, what Myers and his presbyters know about anything "Catholic"? They gave up the Catholic Faith decades ago to embrace a Modernist, Freemasonic, Pagan New Order sect. Who are the real devils here? Myers' presbyters claim that his is the victim of hostile parishioners and the press. In that self-absorbed assessment, he echoed his Newpope Bergoglio, who claimed that Newchurch is innocent of the sodomy of children. Bergoglio whined at his recent general audience that he is the victim, not the children.
Good Catholics, while it is good that Newchurchers are finally waking up to the rampant corruption in Francis-Bergoglio's New Order sect, one has to wonder whether we would all have been spared half a century of misery if Catholics had stood up against Paul VI-Montini and his henchman Hannibal Bugnini when they worked to destroy the Catholic Church from the inside. If Catholics had pulled the plug then, we could all have been spared the predations of the unCatholic, immoral New Order sect with its graceless, invalid New Mess and Extraordinary Half New Mess of 1962+. God help the clueless Newchurchers to learn from recent history and stand up to the sewer that is Newchurch and its officials.
The respected Pew Research Center for Religion & Public Life has done a study on Newchurchers' reaction to Francis-Bergoglio one year after his election. He's a great guy, they say, but they don't like his religion or his New Mess. Bergoglio has been named Man of the Year, sharing that title with Adolf Hitler; has been named Best Dressed Man of the Year; and has been lauded on the cover of the leading "gay" magazine in the United States. Yes, he certainly is very "popular" with the immoral crowd.
The Pew Study ferrets out some interesting results. As if "popularity" made any difference, Bergoglio stacks up at 85 per cent, Benedict-Ratzinger at 75 per cent, JPII-Wojtyla at 92 per cent. Newchurchers must still be living in a fog, as Ratzinger and Wojtyla were deeply involved in sex crimes against children perpetrated by their Newchurch presbyters, bishops, and cardinals. Even though the press regularly reports that these sex crimes have not abated, it is obvious that Newchurchers prefer to remain in La-La Land rather than do the Catholic moral thing and throw the bums out.
The Pew Study shows that Newchurchers have strayed so far from Catholicism that they can hardly even be called Christians any longer. 68 per cent of Newchurchers believe that Bergoglio, who has gone soft on sodomites, undercut anti-abortion efforts, railed against traditional Catholicism, and told Newchurchers to cut out quoting Catholic doctrine, is "a major change for the better."
If you were expecting a renaissance in Newchurch, however, the Pew Study once and for all disabuses you of that. The Newchurchers admit that with Bergoglio their "excitement about their Faith," their prayer time, and their Bible-reading, has not increased. Their atttendance at the invalid New Order Mess has not changed a wit -- estimated at about 10 per cent now and dropping. Moreover, the Pew Study confirms that Newchurchers' moral values have sunk into the pig-sty. Large majorities want Newchurch to change its teaching to allow presbyters to violate chastity, to ordain priestesses, to let sodomites marry each other, and to practice contraception and abortion. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World News.]
Good Catholics, the Pew Study confirms once again that Newchurchers and their Newpope are not Catholic -- maybe not even Christian. Who cares whether a pope is popular? It is whether he is Catholic that makes the difference. Our Lord was not popular among most people of his time, but he changed His teaching not one iota to gain "popularity." "I am the truth" (John 14:6/DRV), He said. And the truth doesn't change because of "popularity" poll.
Francis-Bergoglio's now famous statement that he "cannot judge" sodomites is naturally spreading into the hierarchy of his Newchurch of the New Order, who want to get on his good side. Newcardinal Peter Turkson, of Ghana, Bergoglio's President of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, on March 4, 2014, issued a full-throated approval of sodomy in civil law. Turkson claims that sodomites are "not criminals," and you can bet that the unCatholic Newpope Bergoglio was behind it. The Bible and the Church beg to differ with Bergoglio and Turkson.
The Bible teaches us that there are Four Sins that Cry out to Heaven for Retribution: sodomy, murder, defrauding widows and orphans, and failing to pay a worker his just wage. The country of Uganda was following this Biblical principle when it recently enacted stronger anti-sodomy laws. Such laws are common around the world, except in a few places such as the United States, which has succumbed to a politically-powerful "gay" lobby representing a mere 1.7 per cent of the population. Bergoglio has even admitted a "Gay Lobby" controls his Newchurch.
Bergoglio's Newcardinal Turkson was duly chastised by the Ugandan President, who warned him: the more you make this an issue, the more you will lose. Even the traditional Anglican Church of Uganda supported the bill, warning the liberalist-controlled Anglican Church of Canterbury that Uganda would break from the motherchurch over the issue. The Ugandan Anglican Archbishop rightly stated: "Homosexual practice is incompatible with Scripture, and no one in the leadership of the Church can say that legitimize same-sex unions or homosexuality." In contrast to the Anglican Archbishop's Biblical statement, Bergoglio's Newchurch in Uganda remained silent on this moral issue. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Christian Post.]
Meanwhile, at his March 5, 2014, general audience, Bergoglio whined that both he and his Co-Newpope Benedict-Ratzinger were innocent of the blood of the child victims of Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal and didn't understand why the Newpopes' support of paedophile presbyters, Newbishops, and Newcardinals was being attacked worldwide. Francis "The Fraud" Bergoglio dared to claim that Newchurch had been "transparent and responsible." At that point those at the audience witnessed a miracle: Bergoglio's nose grew visibly larger!
Good Catholics, Bergoglio, Ratzinger, and their Newchurch of the New Order are so far from reality at this point that their every statement is laughable. It is obvious that Bergoglio, if anything, is worse than Ratzinger. At times Ratzinger did lip service "apologies" to children sodomized by his policies, but Bergoglio openly applauds the victimizing Newclergy!
Francis-Bergoglio, already operating on one lung because of an infection, has come down again with a fever, the second time during his first year in the Newpapacy. On November 15, 2014, he also canceled meetings with Newcardinals and Newbishops because of a "cold." In diplomatic language, the term "cold" can be used to cover up much more serious. Some heads of state have died because of a "cold."
On February 28, 2014, Bergoglio canceled his scheduled visitation to Newrome's main seminary because of a "fever," which came upon him in just the thirty minutes before his scheduled arrival. The fever was apparently serious enough that his doctors were called in and confined him to bed. In an odd historical coincidence, that day was the same day, one year ago, when Benedict-Ratzinger abdicated from the Newpapacy, purportedly because of illness.
On December 17, 2013, Bergoglio reached his 77th birthday. Because of the two recent infections, his health is now under close scrutiny. Owing to the loss of most of one lung, he is incompetent to sing Mess. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Reuters.]
It wasn't many months ago that students at a conservative Newchurch college that performed the "Motu/Extraordinary" Mess, did massive fund-raising to keep the college open for another semester. Now Michael Olson, personally appointed by Bergoglio on November 19, 2013, to become the new Newbishop of Fort Worth, Texas, did not wait even a month since his "installation" (Newbishops are not validly consecrated, only invalidly "installed") to shut down the "Motu" Mess altogether, on "Sundays and weekdays."
Olson has shut down the Mess, performed for the last three years at the college, "for the sake of your own souls" in a public letter dated February 24, 2014. In that letter Olson made clear what the penalty will be if the college fails to conform to his edict: all "Motu" Messes will be canceled, and the Novus Ordo cookie will be taken way from the college chapel's tabernacle. A lesson to be learned: Olson's predecessor allowed the Mess, but, as often happens in Newchurch when a new Newbishop is named, he sweeps out the "Motu" Mess with a clean broom.
Well, good riddance! Actually Newbishop Olson is doing the college a favor by forcing students to come to terms with the fact that Bergoglio's Newchurch of the New Ordo, his Newbishops, and Newpresbyters are not valid Catholic clergy, and the New Order has no "eucharist" (an essentially Protestant term), but only an invalid cookie. Wake up, people, and smell the coffee!
Those pseudo-traditionalists who fell prey to Benedict-Ratzinger's "Motu/Extraordinary" Mess Hoax perpetrated in his Summorum pontificum of 2007 and who settled for an untraditional Half New Order Vatican II Mess, falsely termed "Extraordinary" -- must be ruing the day. Given Bergoglio's expressed hatred for this half-traditional Mess, his Newchurch bishops have now been emboldened to shut down such Messes as still remain within Newchurch.
To you pseudo-traditionalist students of Fisher-More College, break your addiction to the unCatholic New Order sect now and find a fully Traditional Latin Mass offered outside of the unCatholic New Order sect. For further information, click on the TRADITIO Network's Official Traditional Catholic Directory department, provided to the TRADITIO Network by the National Registry of Traditional Latin Masses. If you don't have enough basic sense to take this action, a college education will be a waste of time for you.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Would you recommend to faithful Catholics viewing the new movie, Son of God, just released on February 28, 2014. Or is it a corrupt product of the New Order?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
From the initial reviews, it is clear that this is a film that attempts to rewrite the Bible account to promote the New Order by serving the agenda of political liberals, pandering to Judaism, and pushing the "oecumenical" heresy of "Universal Salvation."
Nor is there any surprise in this. The producer of this New Order rewrite of the Bible is Roma Downey, who also stars as the Virgin Mary. Downey is anything but virginal. She is quick to describe herself as a "Catholic," that is, a Newchurcher, in spite of the fact that she is a trigamist, now married to her third "husband." She has divorced each "husband" after less than four years of "marriage." This "Catholic" was "married" for the second and third times by a non-denominational Protestant minister.
But luckily you don't have to see the film at all. The producers of Son of God are issuing a "novelization" of the movie! In other words, the producers are overtly telling people: "Don't read the original, authoritative Bible account. Instead, read our politically-correct, pro-liberalist, pro-Jewish, oecumenical corruption of the Bible account!"
All you need to know is that Son of God has an imprimatur from Abraham Foxman, the Director of the Sons of the Jewish Covenant, who tried every vile trick in the book to prevent Mel Gibson from releasing the traditional Biblical version entitled The Passion of the Christ. Gibson's 2004 film on the last hours of Christ, based closely on the traditional Biblical account, accomplished just what Foxman feared: the film became a blockbuster and still remains as one of the 20 All-time Top-grossing American Movies.
What is all the more surprising was that Gibson filmed the movie in Biblical languages: Latin and Aramaean, with subtitles that can be turned off. After all, only liberals, Jews, and oecumenists don't know the original text! For an fascinating historical perspective, read the detailed continuing updates on the production of The Passion of the Christ in the Daily Commentaries from the TRADITIO Fathers starting in 2003.
If you want to see a film this Lent depicting the last hours of the Christ, watch The Passion of the Christ. It is readily available on DVD and VHS, in several formats.
Newchurch has sunk to a new low by sponsoring talks and workshops to make Newchurchers accept the grossly immoral act of those who mutilate their body to make themselves into a different sex from the one that they were born with. The perpetrators of this gross immorality are called "transgendered."
It is a grievous sin against God's Natural Law to mutilate the body, even in smaller ways such as with tattooing or "cosmetic" surgery for purposes of vanity, such as to make oneself "look younger." As St. Paul puts it in that famous passage: "Or know you not that your members are the temple of the Holy Ghost, who is in you, whom you have from God: and you are not your own? For you are bought with a great price. Glorify and bear God in your body" (1 Corinthians 6:19-20/DRV). For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs? in the section "Tattoos and Body Piercings."
All Saints and St. Lucy's New Order churches in Syracuse, New York, are sponsoring a "series of talks on what it's like to be transgender." The talks are sponsored by the Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual-Transgenered Task Force, which in itself should be publicly condemned by Francis-Bergoglio and his Newchurch. The talks will conclude with an all-day workshop on March 8, 2014, entitled "Becoming an Effective Ally for Trans Rights." In other words, the purpose of this whole fiasco is to get Newchurchers to become lobbyists for these immoral acts. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by LS News.]
Good Catholics, such talks and workshops are unconscionable and merely provide more proof, if any were needed, that Francis-Bergoglio's New Order sect is truly sick and bears no resemblance to true Catholicism, with its invalid Mess, invalid Sacraments, unCatholic doctrine, and unChristian morals.
Even advocates of child victims raped, sodomized, and sexually assaulted by Francis-Bergoglio's presbyters, Newbishops, and Newcardinals, who have come to know the rotten underbelly of the Newchurch of the New Order, were thrown for a loop when Bergoglio appointed to be the new Newbishop of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, Ronald Gainer, who is publicly associated with covering up cases of paedophilia among his Newclergy.
The Director of the Survivors Network of Those Abused by Pr[esbyters] called Bergoglio's appointment of Gainer "the most distressing promotion yet." He characterized Bergoglio's appointment as a "signalling the [New]vatican's continued willingness to promote and advance clergy who shield predator priests. The message is nothing has changed. Church officials who continue putting kids in harms way continue getting promotions."
Gainer has been promoted from the Lexington, Kentucky, Newdiocese, which has in recent years been rocked by several charges of sex crimes against children by Newchurch clergy, where he had served since 2003. Gainer was charged with continuing to protect and refusing to ban from his Newdiocese two particularly egregious paedophiles, or even to warn their flocks. One presbyter has been accused four times of sex crimes against children since 2002. The second presbyter was restored to the Newchurch ministry by Gainer, even though he was twice charged with public indecency and accused of sexually assaulting a boy. In this case, Gainer found the charges "not credible," but a neighboring Newdiocese found them quite credible and paid a six-figure settlement to the assaulted boy. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Pennsylvania Patriot-News.]
Good Catholics, don't say that we TRADITIO Fathers didn't tell you the truth when we said that all of Francis-Bergoglio's propaganda about bringing in a new broom to sweep out paedophile Newclergy was a hoax and that he has already, in less than a year, earned his moniker as the "Third Paedophile Newpope." The Second Paedophile Newpope, Benedict-Ratzinger, who, as is now coming to light, was forced to abdicate by numerous reports of complicity in suborning paedophilia among his Newclergy, has been replaced by the Third Paedophile Newpope, Francis-Bergoglio, who is, if anything, even worse in his fraudulent self-promoting propaganda as "Mr. Innocent."
The story is all too familiar to readers of these Daily Commentaries. A group of Neo-SSPX priests didn't want to wait for Superior-Dictator Bernie Fellay to sell them out, so they raced ahead to join Newchurch in 2006. The Newchurch of the New Order at first welcomed them with open arms, told them that they could be "Motu" or "Extraordinary," then began the process of Novus Ordo-izing them. By 2014, the majority of truly traditional priests found that they could no longer tolerate the intrusion of Newchurch and left to form a truly traditional, independent Catholic group. Too bad they didn't see the handwriting on the wall from the history of such groups and avoided the wasted Newchurch stage entirely!
Yes, L'Institut du Bon Pasteur (IBP) [Institute of the Good Shepherd] was founded on September 8, 2006, by five former Neo-SSPX priests. The group grew to some 20 priests and 35 seminarians. But now many of the group have realized that the New Order sect has been playing them for fools. So, the majority of the IBP have spurned Benedict-Ratzinger's "Motu/Extraordinary" Hoax and have formed a new, independent traditional Catholic group, the Clerical Association of Saint Gregory the Great.
What happened was this. After Ratzinger had left the IBP alone at first, he sent to the IBP in the spring of 2012 a Newpapal Inquisitor in the guise of the Secretary of the Ecclesia Dei Commission, Mario Pozzo, whose purpose was to force the IBP to modify its original traditional charter by requiring that the IBP seminary teach the principles of the Modernist Vatican II Council. As part of Pozzo's mission, the IBP was told that it could not use the Half New Order Mess of 1962+ as their "exclusive" rite, but must use the invalid Protestant-Masonic-Pagan Mess of 1969 as well. This is the same ploy that Ratzinger used to gut the Fraternity of St. Peter and other pseudo-traditional groups.
As a result of the interference of Ratzinger's inquisitor Pozzo, a rebellion broke out in the IBP. The younger members in particular wanted to have nothing to do with the New Order sect and the New Order Mess. These members were in the majority and voted in on July 5, 2012, a new superior general sympathetic to them. Ratzinger reacted by voiding the election and engineering the election of his own man sympathetic to the New Order sect and the New Order Mess.
The IBP majority appealed Ratzinger's interference to the Supreme Court of Newvatican, which is, of course, appointed by none other than Ratzinger himself! This court refused to provide access to documents or to reinstate the original election results. Eventually, the case of the IBP majority, who were trying to remain traditional without Ratzinger's interference, was dismissed. Instead, Ratzinger appointed Newcardinal Jean-Pierre Ricard of Bordeaux to become a kind of Permanent Inquisitor to the IBP. Ricard is a known Freemason who has urged presbyters in his Newdiocese, according to the Masonic magazine Franc-Maconnerie, to continue to go to Masonic Lodge meetings, citing Francis-Bergoglio's implied approval.
Well, after being lied to, defrauded of their traditional charter, and finally made answerable to a Masonic Newcardinal appointed by Ratzinger, the IBP majority, who wanted to remain traditional, decided that Newchurch could take its "Motu/Extraordinary" IBP and shove it! They have now formed the Clerical Association of Saint Gregory the Great in accordance with their original traditional intentions, subsequently thwarted by Ratzinger and Bergoglio, and now operate independently from the New Order sect. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Katholisches German News Service.]
Good Catholics, everything that the Newchurch of the New Order touches it corrupts. It does not hesitate to lie and defraud naive pseudo-traditionalists from such groups as the Neo-SSPX, the Fraternity of St. Peter, the Institute of Christ the King, the Fraternity of St. John Vianney, and others. Newrome and its Newpopes are not interested in traditional Catholicism. They simply want to lure pseudo-traditionalists into their clutches, then strip them of their traditionalism, and indoctrinate them into the New Order. The history of these groups on this point has been repeated so often as to be impossible now to deny. Unfortunately, the pseudo-traditionalists blind themselves to reality and quickly learn: if you play with the Devil, you get burned!
On March 1, 2014, in the nineteenth year of its apostolate on the internet, the TRADITIO Network logged its 21,000,000th reader. TRADITIO was the first traditional Roman Catholic site to appear on the World Wide Web and was founded on the Feastday of St. Michael the Archangel, September 29, 1994. We were here even before Newvatican was, even before Amazon.com was!
We thank the Lord for our over 21,000,000 readers over these years and for our hundreds of dedicated correspondents from all over the world, who keep us current on everything going on in the bowels of Newvatican, in the inner sancta of various traditional organizations, and at Traditional Latin Mass sites around the world. TRADITIO was determined by an Alexis-Amazon statistical survey to be the most read traditional Roman Catholic web site on the World Wide Web.
In their Daily Commentaries, the TRADITIO Fathers do not just copy news reports or the uninformed notions of johnny-come-lately "bloggers" in secular and religious publications, who in fact have very little background or understanding of the Traditional Catholic Movement. Nor is TRADITIO Network enslaved to any particular organization's viewpoint. Instead, the TRADITIO Network provides the hard-hitting, independent analysis and perspective of over half a century of Roman Catholic experience, even from before Vatican II.
The TRADITIO Network is avidly read within the highest bowels of at Newrome and Menzingen (SSPX). In addition to the Daily Commentaries from the Fathers, including lively commentary on Church news from the traditional perspective, TRADITIO's other fifteen departments provide resources and materials for its readers to study and learn about the traditional Roman Catholic Faith.
We are particularly touched by the many thousands of messages that we have received from Newchurchers of the New Order, including Motarians, who say that they have been converted to the traditional Roman Catholic Faith because of TRADITIO's uncompromising, independent commentaries and materials. The TRADITIO Network is one of many means through which Our Lord appears be working out the Traditional Catholic Restoration of the 21st century.