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An investigative report issued August 25, 2015, exposed the rotten underbelly of Francis-Bergoglio's planned junket to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on September 26-27, 2015: it is being organized, in part, by a heavy donor to political leaders associated with the abortion organization Planned Parenthood, the overtly pro-abortion organization, which is coming under harsh fire in the United States for murdering not only unborn foetues, but even live children born after botched abortions, a federal crime under U.S. law. Bergoglio's is coming to Philadelphia to address the World Meeting of Families.
The President of the World Meeting of Families, Robert Ciaruffoli, has been exposed as a heavy donor to Planned Parenthood-associated political candidates, and particularly to Allyson Swartz, the former Director of a Planned Parenthood clinic. The U.S. Newchurch was described as being "cozy" with the abortive Planned Parenthood organization. Ciaruffoli has remained silent to date on the charges of active complicity with abortion leaders and organizations, but the Newarchdiocese of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, went ballistic at the investigative report, which also revealed that a "gay agenda" was filtering into preparations for Bergoglio's World Meeting.
Heading Newchurch in Philadelphia is Newarchbishop Charlie "Crazy" Chaputwho is notorious for staging the "Indian Feather" Mess, at which he wore at the Novus Ordo dinner table a headdress of Indian feathers. For his own political reasons, he portrays himself as a "conservative" rather than the radical that he is. This is a syndrome that afflicts all the Newchurch bishops generally thought to be "conservative": it is a front to keep conservative money rolling into shrinking Newdiocesan coffers. [Some information for this report was contributed by Philadelphia Magazine.]
True Catholics, while Francis-Bergoglio plans to prance around in Philadelphia with fellow homophiliacs, abortionists, and global-warming crazies, he should instead be traveling to Palymira, Syria, to save the Christian peoples of the Middle East, who are being tortured, beheaded, and incinerated out of existence in a Christian Holocaust perpetrated by Islamist Jihadists.
Now the scandalous news has come out that city officials in Rome have approved plans to name a Piazza for Martin Luther right in the center of the Eternal City close to the monumental Colosseum. And Francis-Bergoglio approved it. Actually, the Rome officials were prepared to reject the piazza for the Arch-heretic until they were surprised when Bergoglio gave them the green light, "in line with its [Newrome's] new oecumenical dialogue policies."
The homage to Luther, leading up to the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Revolution on October 31, 1517, has been pushed by Evangelical sects since 2009, particularly by that daft group called the Seventh Day Adventists. It honors the Arch-heretic, who challenged the Capital of Catholicism five centuries ago.
Roman city officials are said to be "ultra sensitive" to the moods of the Newvatican, and without Bergoglio's consent the Piazza Martin Lutero would never have been built. Just three days after the September 17, 2015, dedication date is the 145th anniversary of the Fall of the Roman Papal States. Several Protestant Evangelical leaders will be present for the dedication. Perhaps a representative from Bergoglio's regime will also be present.
True Catholics, does Newchurch have a Newpope? These days, it's hard to tell, as Francis-Bergoglio seems more interested in supporting Evangelical heretics and terrorist Mohammedans than Christians who are being tortured, beheaded, and incinerated in a New Christian Holocaust in the Middle East -- not to speak of his overwhelming concern for the fiction of anthropogenic "global warming."
It seems that Newchurch archbishops of San Francisco, California, have a moral weakness for the bottle. Just a month before his 2012 installation as Newpope Benedict-Ratzinger's Newarchbishop of San Francisco, Salvatore Cordilione, was arrested for drunk driving, risking the life of his mother who was also in the car. Cordileone had in his blood the equivalent of five whiskeys. Rather than do the honorable thing and decline to be installed, Cordileone blew off his crime (just as he blew off the Breathalyzer) and went right to become Newchurch's most notorious hypocrite at the time. Ratzinger uttered not a peep of censure.
Now, Cordileone's predecessor, Newarchbishop William Levada, has been arrested and charged with drunk driving. Hawaii County Police caught the drunkard Levada at midnight on August 20, 2015, swerving all over Queen Kaahumanu Highway. At age 79, Levada should know better.
Benedict-Ratzinger appointed Levada to be the No. 3 man at Newvatican, his Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the [New Order] Faith. from 2005 to 2012. The two "Drunkard Newarchbishops," Levada and Cordileone both reside within the Newchurch archdiocese of San Francisco. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
True Catholics, it seems that, in addition to being infested with high-level paedophile supporters, Newchurch officials are also tempted to swill a lot more than the Kool-Aid at the Novus Ordo dinner table. The upper clergy of Benedict-Ratzinger's and Francis-Bergoglio's New Order sect are moral hypocrites -- in fact, public criminals.
On August 23, 2015, at age 83, Fr. Paul Trinchard, a noted traditional Catholic author passed to eternity of unannounced causes. At the time of his death, he was living near New Orleans, Louisiana. He was graduated from Loyola University with graduate degrees in Physics and Philosophy, then worked for a short time in industry before he entered the Jesuit Order. He was ordained in 1966 by a diocesan archbishop just before Newchurch adopted the invalid Protestantized New Ordinal of 1968.
After ordination Fr. Trinchard went along with the New Order, apparently not knowing it was wrong, perhaps because he had been subjected to New Order propaganda when he studied for his pontifical licentiate in Sacred Theology, specializing in Paul Tillich, a German existential philosopher who has been described as "at best a pantheist, but his thought bordering on atheism."
In 1990 Fr. Trinchard retired after suffering a heart attack. It was only then, at age 58, that he became aware Newchurch had deceived him and that it was not the Catholic Church. Consequently, he converted to traditional Catholicism and broke his ties with Newchurch, from that point celebrating only the Traditional Latin Mass. He wrote twenty books on the traditional Catholic Faith and Mass, and founded an apostolate called MAETA (Marian End Times Apostolate), with titles including:
Francis-Bergoglio, who, like his predecessor, Ex-Newpope Benedict-Ratzinger, has played lovey-dovey with the Islamic Jihadists and prattles on loudly about his fictional "global warming," has gone mute about the Islamist Infidels' beheading of a noted Roman archaeologist of the Middle East and the destruction of a Roman monument in Palmyra, Syria, that is one of the world's most spectacular archaeological sites. If the anti-Roman Bergoglio is mute, the United Nations certainly isn't. The U.N. called the Islmists' destruction of the monument a "war crime" and an "immense loss for humanity, the most brutal, systematic destruction of an ancient site since World War II," referring perhaps to the Allies destruction of St. Benedict's original monastery at Monte Cassino, Italy. It is getting pretty bad when the secular United Nations is more Catholic than the purported pope!
On August 19, 2015, the Islamic State of Syria and the Levant (ISIL) had beheaded the 81-year-old chief archaeologist of Palmyra, who refused to leave the city's archaeological treasures that he had guarded for fifty years, and hung his bloodied body on a pole.
Then, on Sunday, August 23, 2015, just as traditional Catholics were celebrating the Traditional Roman Mass, ISIL placed a large quantity of explosives in the Roman temple and blew it up, destroying both its interior and some external columns, saying that it was "purging" Roman civilization from the face of the earth. The temple is considered the second-most significant in ancient Palmyra. ISIL, composed of the deadliest of the Islamic Infidels, is going on a jihad ("holy war") of killing its own people and destroying irreplaceable historic sites in order to erase Roman culture, let alone pre-Christian cultures, from the face of the earth. Christian peoples, who have long inhabited the Middle East, are being tortured, beheaded, and incinerated in a New Christian Holocaust. Francis-Bergoglio remains mute, caught up in his fictional "global warming."
Famed for its well-preserved Roman monuments, Palmyra was seized by the Islamic Jihadists on May 21, 2014. The temple was built under the Roman emperor Tiberius in A.D. 17 and expanded under Hadrian in 131. It was one of the most complete structures in Palmyra. Unlike the Infidels, Christians historically respected the classical Roman sites, often using them as churches, as was the case with this temple. Palmyra itself is known as the "Pearl of the Desert", an oasis town about 200 kilometres northeast of Damascus, on the road to which the great Apostle of the Gentiles, St. Paul, was converted to Christianity.
Pope Pius XI was right when he had all Catholics pray on the Feast of Our Lord Jesus Christ the King before the Most Blessed Sacrament Exposed against "the darkness and idolatry of Islamism." Newchurch struck out the prayer as being "politically incorrect." To the contrary, the unCatholic Newpopes, particularly the anti-traditionalist Benedict-Ratzinger and the Marxist Francis-Bergogio, want to make friends with the Infidels. But traditional Catholics call them what they are: murderers and Philistines.
U.S. Presidential Candidate Donald Trump got it right about the Islamists and Francis-Bergoglio, when asked recently by a CNN interviewer what he would want to tell Bergoglio when he came to Philadelphia in September 2015. Trump said: "The Islamists are out to kill you and destroy Rome." The true Catholic world must now be wondering whether Bergoglio himself shares that goal with the Infidels. Bergoglio has stated publicly how much he hates Rome and has not uttered a peep about the murdered archaeologist or the destroyed Palmyra. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Agence France-Presse.]
True Catholics, the TRADITIO Network herewith calls upon Francis-Bergoglio to cancel his extravagant propaganda junket to Philadelphia and instead travel immediately to Palmyra to stand up for Roman and Christian civilization (which he in fact seems to hate) and stop further destruction by the Islamists. If the Jihadist Infidels whom he wants to befriend murder him too, so be it. He can then become a subito Newchurch pseudo-martyrs to the New Order!
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Some Newchurchers claim that a pope cannot bind the future regarding Mass "rubrics." Specifically, they claim that Paul VI-Montini was within his authority to promulgate the so-called "New Mess" of 1969. Didn't Montini do a lot more than just change the "rubrics"? Aren't the rubrics more like how to bow one's head at the mention of the Most Blessed Trinity and when to genuflect?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
You have figured out the answer yourself. The "New Mess" is no matter of "rubrics." It is a complete replacement of a Catholic and Apostolic form of Holy Mass with a Protestant service. The Roman Catholic Mass, now usually called the Traditional Latin Mass, was canonized in perpetuity by the dogmatic Council of Trent and Pope St. Pius V.
Because Holy Mass is a matter of doctrine, containing in itself all essential teachings of the Catholic and Apostolic Faith handed down by the Apostles, not a mere matter of discipline or "rubrics," a council or pope can indeed bind the future concerning the Mass. Many popes, councils, and theologians confirm that fact. The theological principle (often misquoted in an incorrect abbreviated form) is: Lex orandi legem credendi statuat, the law of prayer establishes the law of belief. Many think, incorrectly, that it is the opposite: the Church somehow establishes the law of prayer. That is doctrinally backwards; it is a Protestant heresy.
No Catholic ever questioned the doctrine, formally canonized by the dogmatic Council of Trent and Pope St. Pius V -- until the unCatholic Vatican II Anti-council replaced the true Mass with a "New Mess" and a "Newchurch," which is not Catholic and is not valid. The essentials of the Traditional Latin Mass came from the Apostles, the Apostolic Fathers, and the Fathers of the Patristic Age. According to the Catholic dogma limiting papal infallibility, no pope has the power to change such things. The "New Mess" is actually not a Mass at all, but an invalid Protestant service, written by a Freemason presbyter, Hannibal Bugnini, and his Commission of Six Protestant ministers, who in print admitted that the "New Mess" is based upon Protestant services, such as the Anglican and Lutheran.
On this and related subjects, we highly recommend the DVD What We Have Lost ... and the Road to Restoration: A Critical Look at the Changes in the Catholic Church and the illustrated book What Has Happened to the Catholic Church? For further information, click on FAQ05: "What Traditional Catholic Resources Do You Recommend?" in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files: FAQs and Traditional Apologetics department.
On August 21, 2015, it was announced that a Newchurch deacon will marry two lesbians in the Newarchdiocese of Seattle, Washington. Comedienne Tig Notaro will "marry" her paramour Stephanie. She says that she's "psyched" about being a "wife." Of course, in a lesbian menage, it isn't exactly clear who is the "wife"!
The "wedding" is to take place in, ironically-named Pass Christian, Mississippi. Notaro's Newchurch family is "completely on board." A Newchurch lay deacon will "marry" them. He will preside over what Notaro admits is a fiasco: "Essentially my family is in a gay movie. The town's in the movie. It's a gay movie." This is how the perversely immoral speak of what once was the Holy Sacrament of Matrimony. No longer -- not in Francis-Bergoglio's Newchurch.
Newchurch "lay deacons" are an anti-Catholic abomination in themselves. They are contrary to the teachings of the dogmatic Council of Trent, which confirmed the teaching of the Catholic Church that Deacons are the second of the Major Holy Orders. The office is to be held only by those in the celibate clerical state, who have previously been received into the clerical state by Tonsure and who have previously received the four Minor Orders of Porter, Lector, Lector, and Acolyte, and the Major Order of Subdeacon.
True Catholics, for all the talk about Newchurch not (yet) approving "gay marriage," in reality, Francis-Bergoglio has crossed his fingers behind his back and allows it. Nor has any word of censure emanated from the Newarchbishop of Seattle, James Sartain, appointed in 2010 by that the "Untraditionalist" Ex-Newpope, Benedict-Ratzinger.
In the United States a furor recently arose when it was revealed in several clandestine videos that Planned Parenthood, an organization that is funded by the government, was "harvesting" and selling organs from aborted foetuses, some of whom were born alive. The physicians associated with the organization were fully involved in illegal negotiations for the body parts, even discussing how the abortions could be performed in order to preserve as many of the organs of the aborted foetuses as possible. This harvesting and selling the organs of aborted foetuses is a crime under U.S. Law.
It is evil enough when an organization such as Planned Parenthood engages in such ghastly crimes. But it is not surprising: Planned Parenthood was founded by Margaret Sanger, a eugenicist, which is just a fancy term for a woman who wanted to sterilize and even murder the "inferior races." It is evil enough when a secular government supports and funds such crimes. But it is not surprising: Barack Obama is a full-throated abortion advocate. What might be surprising to some -- but not to us -- is that Francis-Bergoglio's Newchurch of the New Order also supports the moral evil of abortion.
A new report entitled A More Scandalous Relationship: Catholic [Sic] Colleges and Planned Parenthood, surveyed Newchurch college web sites in the United States for connections to Planned Parenthood and revealed that Bergoglio is not taking a backseat to Obama in promoting abortion. Yet, Bergoglio's involvement is worse. Obama is what he claims to be: an abortion advocate. Bergoglio deceives his Newchurchers into believing that is against abortion when in fact he supports it. Even Newchurchers were surprised when Francis-Bergoglio revealed his immoral hand and chastised not the abortionists, but conservative Newchurchers for their stress on the immorality of abortion.
The report, issued on August 20, 2015, identifies 63 new or continued connections between various Newchurch colleges and Planned Parenthood since May 2011. Nearly half of the colleges named are Newjesuit institutions, the corrupted order to which Francis-Bergoglio himself belongs, which advocates the killing of conservative political opponents, primarily in Latin America, under the principles of the Marxist programme known as "Liberation Theology."
Francis-Bergoglio's Newchurch colleges openly recommend abortive Planned Parenthood to its students, hires as faculty officials of Planned Parenthood, hosts Planned Parenthood events, and encourages Newchurch students to work at Planned Parenthood. The premier abortive Newchurch institution appears to be Georgetown University, of Washington, D.C., a Newchurch cesspool of immorality, which supports not only abortion but also infidel Mohammedanism. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by LSN.]
True Catholics, Francis-Bergoglio heads a New Order sect that openly encourages association with organizations that murder unborn (and sometimes born) babies. That is a natural analogue to his policy to allow his presbyters, Newbishops, and Newcardinals to rape and sodomize children. Bergoglio and his false New Order sect is, to use St. Paul's term, "filthy." According to Catholic moral theology, no true Catholic can have anything to do with such a notorious reprobate, whether he is actually a pope or not.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
What exactly does the Church mean when it encourages us to "offer up our sufferings to Christ?" When I complain of illness or some other inconvenience, Catholics have told me to "offer it up," but when I ask them what that means, they can't tell me.
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
Although sin that is truly repented of can be forgiven in the Sacrament of Penance in Confession with a traditional Catholic priest (New Order presbyters are not ordained in the valid Sacrament of Holy Orders and do not receive this Sacramental power) or by perfect contrition, the consequences of that sin remain because of the effect that it has had on oneself and others. Reparation must be made for these consequences not just by the small pro-forma penances now given in the Sacrament of Penance, but by one's prayers, works, and sufferings.
The analogy is like this: you pound a nail into a fence board and decide that it is wrong, so you remove the nail. The nail is gone, but the hole remains. The reparation of the consequences of sin is called temporal punishment because it must be paid back in the time (Latin tempus) that we have in this world. If we do not pay it back now, it must be paid back after death in Purgatory. (Obviously, if one is damned to Hell for eternity, it is too late for any reparation.)
In suffering, we do penance to God in justice for the sins that we have committed against Him. In this way we share in the suffering that He endured for us on the Cross in redeeming our sins. So, it is a good practice each morning to offer up specifically one's prayers, works, and sufferings of the day to repair for the sins that we have committed and to repay the temporal punishment that they have incurred in justice. This is a common form that one may use in a Morning Offering:
Ego per hanc diem integram Tibi libentissime offero omnes meas intentiones et cogitationes, omnes meos affectus et desideria, omnia mea opera et verba.
[I throughout this whole day to Thee offer most willingly all my intentions and thoughts, all my emotions and desires, all my works and words.]
A New Associated Press-University of Chicago-Yale University poll, conducted July 17-19, 2015, has revealed that even after all the propaganda spewing forth from the Newvatican press machine and from Modernist-Liberalists around the world, only a minority of Francis-Bergoglio's Newchurchers even know about his crusade against purported "global warming." The U.S. Newchurch bishops, headquartered in Washington, D.C., have even been cooperating with the Newvatican propaganda machine to distribute model "homilies" and Newparish bulletins on the subject, but it's not working.
But even Francis-Bergoglio himself isn't apparently all that serious about his programme, as he hasn't even released the official Latin version of his encyclical letter. Up until that point, anything and everything is unofficial and can be changed, as was the case with Newchurch's so-called Catechismus Catholicae Ecclesiae, which in the official Latin version changed several of the doctrines in the vernacular versions, on such issues as capital punishment, homosexuality, and fornication.
It has been three months since the May 24, 2015, encyclical letter on "global warming" was issued, and only 41 per cent of Newchurchers in the United States admit to having heard of it, and only 31 per cent of all adults -- fewer than one out of three. Francis-Bergoglio, the first Marxist Newpope, views purported "global warming" from a Communist perspective. Without significant scientific proof, Bergoglio claims that it is not Nature's God, but mankind, that is warming up the planet. This "warming," he proclaims, like the good Marxist that he is, comes from "overconsumption, a "structurally perverse world economic system, and an "unfettered pursuit of profit" -- a clear expression of his anti-Christian Marxist principles.
But the AP poll shows that Bergoglio's Marxist programme is not working. Even among those Newchurchers who have heard of his document, the majority opinion (57 per cent) consider global warming, if it in fact exists, not to be a moral issue, but a scientific one, which is still being debated among scientists. Even those scientists who believe that there is, at present, some global warming are far from agreeing that it is caused anthropogenically, that is, by mankind rather than by natural cycles on earth and on the sun.
True Catholics, you can lead clueless Newchurchers to the Kool-Aid, but even Francis-Bergoglio can't make them drink. Again, we are brought face to face with the reality that what emanates from Newvatican is pure propaganda, certainly not fact and certainly not Catholicism, or even Christianity. These days, what emanates from Newvatican is pure Marxist Secularism.
Our readers often ask us: "Is Newchurch the Catholic Church?" Well, they say, "A picture is worth a thousands words." So we will show you the pictures and let you draw your own conclusion.
For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs? in the section "Papal Tiara" in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files: FAQs and Traditional Apologetics department. Also click on the TRADITIO Network's Papal Photo Gallery department.
As the late Canon Gregory Hesse (1953-2006), one of the best traditional Catholic theologians, used to argue, the Modernist Vatican II Anti-council's delegation of authority to Lutherian national bishops' councils was a calculated move toward Protestantism. On August 14, 2015, Canon Hesse's prophecy was proven correct yet again, when Newcardinal Berhaneyesus Souraphiel, of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, who will have a major impact on Francis-Bergoglio's October 2015 "Extraordinary Synod on the Family - Part II," predicted that Newchurch will depart yet further from the Catholic Church in "changing" unchangeable moral doctrine. The nationalization of Newchurch means that the Newfaith will differ from country to country, just as does Protestantism.
Souraphiel predicts that Francis-Bergoglio at the Synod will allow Lutherian national bishops' councils to "adapt" Newchurch teaching on moral issues to the "culture." This so-called "inculturation" was a prime anti-Catholic teaching fostered in the documents of the Vatican II Anti-council. Just as now each country has its own phony Mess, each country will fabricate its own Newchurch moral teachings on the basis of each country's "culture, economic situation, and political landscape." Those are deeply religious subjects, of course!
Of course, Souraphiel denies that essential Newchurch teaching will be changed, but that is exactly what the Vatican II Anti-council said -- and it turned out to be a complete lie. The Newcardinal even suggests how the wool can be pulled over the eyes of the clueless Newchurchers. "Let us allow the conferences to come with suggestions. It could be done that way." Changes, like those pertaining to the Mass and Catholic doctrine, started out as "suggestions," then became fixed policy. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic Register.]
True Catholics, as we have said before, the fix is in. There is no doubt that Francis-Bergoglio wants to change Newchurch doctrine into a Protestant, even Secular, form. There was some conservative pushback at the October 2014 Synod - Part I, but Bergoglio directed that this be overridden, and that the summary document of the Synod be tampered with to reflect his own views, not the Synod's. He has had a year now to line up his henchmen to take over the Synod - Part II in October 2015 and deceptively include the same kind of time-bombs that allowed the Vatican II Anti-council to blow up the Catholic Church and send it back to the catacombs.
Just the month after Francis-Bergoglio conducted his infamous Newpapal junket to Ecuador, it seems that even Nature's God Himself belched forth his fiery disapproval of Bergoglio's Marxist message. A significant eruption of the 5900-metre-high Cotopaxi volcano on August 15, 2015, the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, caused the Ecuadoran government to declare a nationwide state of emergency and to order the evacuation of towns and tourists as far as 50 kilometres away from the capital of Quito for up to sixty days.
Nature's God was not hesitant to issue its judgment against the Marxist Newpope Francis-Bergoglio, belching forth His searing commentary after having been quiet since 1880. His fires and vapors will continue to increase for many days. The world was stunned when Bergoglio openly promoted atheist Marxist themes during his junket.
Most scandalous of all, Bergoglio accepted with approval on his junket a blasphemous crucifix, on which Our Lord was pinned to the Communist images of a hammer and sickle, presented to him by the avowed Marxist President of Bolivia. Later pictures showed the two Marxists having a good laugh together. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by CNN.]
True Catholics, Francis-Bergoglio is sure getting good laugh on his Newchurchers. The evidence is now undeniable that Bergoglio is forwarding the Marxist/Communist agenda around the world under the guise of his Newpapacy. He even conspired with Barack Obama to have the United States recognize Communist Cuba after 50 years of Fidel Castro's atheistic, totalitarian regime.
Evidence is piling up that the Marxist Newpope Francis-Bergoglio has been using his position to advance the goals of atheistic Communism around the world. The latest revelations is that in September 2014, just six months after the meeting of the two in Newvatican, Bergoglio dispatched the Newcardinal of Communist Cuba, Jaime Ortega, to the U.S.'s Barack Obama to hand-deliver a letter from Bergoglio to Obama.
Just three months later, in December 2014, Obama was ignored the U.S. Congress and proceeded to recognize atheistic Communist Cuba after diplomatic relations were broken fifty years ago, when the radical Fidel Castro took over the country and made it into a Communist enclave, what U.S. President John Kennedy called, in his Cuban Missile Crisis Address of 1962, "that imprisoned island." Obama, who is known to have a strong Leftist orientation, was happy to conspire with Marxist Newpope's letter directing that the United States recognize Communist Cuba. Obama also, it was revealed, engaged in a fraud against the American public by failing to have the meeting recorded in the White House Visitors' Log.
In his letter Francis-Bergoglio directed Obama to "help in any way possible" to have Communist Cuba recognized by the U.S. government. Word of the meeting between Obama and Newcardinal Ortega was leaked out the week of August 10, 2015, by two professors at George Washington and American Universities, who are writing on the scheme in their book, Back Channel to Cuba: The Hidden History of Negotiations between Washington and Havana.
What is even more shocking is that the scheme was reportedly connived by Obama, who used his co-conspirator, Francis-Bergoglio, as a willing ploy in the process of recognizing Communist Cuba. Obama and Bergolio met in March 2014 and plan to meet again in September 2015. The former Newcardinal of Washington, D.C., Theodore McCarrick, who openly prayed at a George Washington University commencement to the Infidel god "Allah," was also said to be involved in the scheme.
Francis-Bergoglio's Newchurchers among the U.S. Congress were livid, in particular, U.S. Senator and Presidential candidate Mario Rubio, whose parents had escaped from Castro's hated Communist regime, denounced Obama's actions in vitriolic terms. When Rubio was asked whether the U.S. Congress would lift the embargo on Communist Cuba -- which Obama does not have the power to do with the approval of Congress -- Rubio shot back, "Not in this lifetime!" [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Tribune News Service.]
True Catholics, the Marxist Newpope Francis-Bergoglio is demolishing Christianity in the secular area as the Modernist Vatican II Anti-council did in the religious area. Vatican II's anti-Catholic schemes destroyed Catholic Mass, Sacraments, Faith, and Morals in the Newchurch of the New Order. One can only hope that Bergoglio and his accomplices will not destroy the world's secular governments and expand the population of atheistic Communists in the world from its current one and a half billion to the rest of the world's seven billion inhabitants.
It seems that Francis-Bergoglio finds Catholicism boring, so he is going to spice up Newvatican with Hollywood "celebrities." These celebrities are going to advise him in an Autumn 2015 "Culture Conference" how to make his Newchurch more "cultured," or at least what passes for culture in Hollywood. Three names Bergoglio announced as his "culture advisors" for the rave are Oprah Winfrey, Matt Damon, and Brian Glazer. It just goes to show how low Newchurch standards have sunk under Bergoglio.
Bergoglio is not concerned with how far his New Order sect blasphemes God and practices sacrilege. He is not concerned about teaching true Catholic doctrine and encouraging true Catholic morality. No, he is reportedly concerned about his popularity -- which recent polls show is sinking. He wants to "brainstorm" with the "celebrities" how he can boost his own popularity and that of his New Order sect. He wants to use Hollywood for propaganda purposes to "improve [New]church's portrayal in Western entertainment." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Italian ANSA News Agency.]
It seems that Bergoglio is really getting desperate. It is all too reminiscent of Bernie Fellay's hiring a publicity firm to clean up his Neo-SSPX's fallen image.
True Catholics, doesn't this joke of a Newpapacy just get better and better? Pretty soon the first Marxist Newpope will strip even what very little of religion remains in his New Order sect and turn it into a completely secular organization. What's next? The Hollywood celebrities inviting Bergoglio to a nude orgy in one of their hot tubs?
Several of our confidential sources have reported that a secret extraordinary chapter meeting of the Neo-Society of St. Pius X has been held in early August at the Menzingen, Switzerland, NSSPX headquarters to review -- yet again -- the infamous Doctrinal Preamble, which is the instrument by which the NSSPX's Superior-Dictator, Bernie Fellay, hopes to sell out the NSSPX to the New Order sect. The Doctrinal Preamble is a devious way for the NSSPX to accept a nuanced version of the Modernist Vatican II Anti-council, which the original traditional SSPX's founder, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, condemned as unCatholic and even heretical.
Fellay was reported to be ready to go with the Doctrinal Preamble and its associated sellout to the New Order in a deal with Fellay's co-conspirator, Benedict-Ratzinger, the now discredited Newpope, who abdicated primarily to end further revelations of his complicity in paedophiliac crimes. However, in 2012, the majority of the Neo-SSPX district leaders, together with the three remaining NSSPX bishops, had had enough Fellay's sellout designs and rebelled against Fellay. Fellay's sellout "deal" thus went up in smoke. Over 100 of his priests and district leaders abandoned Fellay and went independent or became part of the loosely-organized group known as "The Resistance." Obviously, Fellay has still not given up his sellout designs since at least the year 2000, just as the TRADITIO Network has consistently reported.
The TRADITIO Network is monitoring closely these reports in order to verify their accuracy and to ferret out the details of what is going on. Continue to monitor these Daily Commentaries for updates.
The Catholic Church would have been a lot better off if Francis-Bergoglio had listened to his mother and gone into medicine instead of Newchurch. In fact, when his mother found out that he had lied to her about doing this, she was angry. Such is the revelation of Bergoglio's nephew, Jose Ignacio, to the Spanish newspaper ABC, published on August 11, 2015.
Bergoglio's nephew also revealed that his uncle didn't want to become Newpope. That really is no revelation, as Bergoglio has said as much himself on several occasions. The man, who has turned out to be the first Marxist Newpope, has said that he hates Newrome; he hates the Newroman Curia.
Bergoglio's nephew also revealed that his uncle had promised his (Bergoglio's) mother Regina Maria Sivori Gogna that he would study medicine, but he reneged on his promise and covertly studied for the New Order presbyterate. His mother, when she discovered Latin theology books in his room, upbraided him and called him a liar. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Zenit Religious News Service.]
True Catholics, one wonders why Francis-Bergoglio didn't save Newchurch from having its first Marxist Newpope and just answer the Newcardinal-Deacon's question," Acceptasne electionem de te canonice factam in Summum Pontificem?", with a resounding Non accepto!
On August 10, 2015, Bernie Fellay's Neo-SSPX house organ reported that the Newchurch's Archbishop-Inquisitor, Athanasius Schneider, sent to check up on the NSSPX, has reported back to his New Order principals at Newrome that Fellay's Neo-SSPX now "has the mind of the Church." Truer words could not have been spoken. But remember which "Church" it is that Schneider is speaking for: the Newchurch of the New Order, the Church of the Modernist Vatican II Anti-council, not the Catholic Church. The original, traditional Catholic SSPX's Archbishop-Founder, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, publicly called Schneider's New Order sect "not the Catholic Church."
The fact that Fellay seems pleased to be recognized as a Newchurcher in good standing tells you all you need to know about just where Fellay's "mind" is. This is just more of the same self-serving vanity from Fellay that we have heard for over fifteen years now. Fellay wants to be a "recognized" member of the sect headed by an anti-Catholic Marxist Modernist.
Lost in all Fellay's "negotiations," "sell-outs," and intimate dates with New Order prelates (which Schneider himself calls "cordial"), is one fact that stands out in the period since the Vatican II Anti-council. Only one person was able to win against Vatican II and its Newpopes: Archbishop Lefebvre. And how did he do that? He finally had had a belly full and completely broke off contact in 1988 with the New Order sect as if he were kicking a heroin habit once and for all. He publicly called the New Order sect exactly what it was: "not Catholic." Fellay has never said anything like that.
The result of the Archbishop's break with the anti-Catholic Newchurch and its Newpopes, was truly remarkable. Newrome, instead of writing off Lefebvre and his SSPX, beat a path to his door. In the last three years of his life, after the 1988 Episcopal Consecrations, the Archbishop batted off like pesky mosquitos the cadre of Newchurch prelates who wanted to "dialogue" with him, including the infamous Josef Ratzinger. The more the Archbishop said "No!", the more the Newprelates chased him.
Fellay used the completely opposite tac. It was he who sought out the New Order sect's leaders and publicly drooled to become one of them. He was willing to sell his soul to become a leader of the New Order sect, but, in the end, Providence intervened, and blew up like the Twin Towers in New York the nearly-signed Fellay-Ratzinger concordat in 2012.
True Catholics, like the foolish virgins of the Biblical parable, Fellay invested all his efforts and those of his Neo-SSPX in brokering a sellout to the New Order sect starting in 2000. Now, 15 years later, what does he have to show for it? Nothing -- and worse than nothing. Francis-Bergoglio has essentially blown him off, and Fellay has wasted all those years during which he could have been building up his organization by leaps and bounds. Just imagine where we would be if for the last fifteen years Fellay and his Neo-SSPX had, like the Archbishop, ignored Newchurch and devoted an equal amount of effort and money toward building up traditional Catholicism instead of tearing it down.
In addition to being a Marxist, Francis-Bergoglio seems now to be a Pagan, as he is now promoting what appears to be the worship of "Mother Earth," known in Pagan circles as "Gaia," the Pagan Greek Goddess of the Earth. On August 6, 2015, Bergoglio instituted the Day of Prayer, which he openly admitted was suggested to him by the heretical-schismatic Greek Orthodox Metropolitan John Zizioulas.
Bergoglio wants Newchurchers to "reaffirm their personal vocation to be stewards of Creation." A Catholic pope would have spoken of reaffirming their personal vocation to be followers of the true God, Jesus Christ. Bergoglio wants his Newchurchers to ask forgiveness for the "sins committed against the world in which we live." A Catholic pope would have spoken of asking forgiveness for the sins committed against God.
Twice in his unofficial Encyclical Letter on Global Warming, still not released in its official Latin form, the Marxist Newpope Bergoglio uses the term "Mother Earth," the goddess of Nature. One of Bergoglio's associates, Marxist Mikhail Gorbachev, the former President of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, articulated the Bergoglian Paganism quite directly: "I believe in the Cosmos. All of us are linked to the Cosmos. Look at the Sun. If there is no Sun, then we cannot exist. So Nature is my god. To me, Nature is sacred. Trees are my temples and forests are my cathedrals." Gorbachev openly describes himself as an atheist. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World News.]
True Catholics, Francis-Bergoglio's own words condemn him as an anti-Catholic. He does not talk of Christ, but of "Mother Earth." He even composed a Pagan prayer not to Our Lord Jesus Christ, but To the Earth, contained in his latest unofficial Encyclical Letter. What an affront this man Bergoglio is to the Catholic Church: a Marxist, a Pagan, a Paedophiliac. No wonder his Newchurchers are running away from Newchurch of the New Order in record numbers. It seems that these days only Bernie Fellay of the Neo-SSPX wants to join his Pagan organization!
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
You frequently decry the woeful state of the "church" in Newrome. Have you ever considered the possibility that God permitted Vatican II and its rotten fruit in order to preserve, in a sense, His own honor and dignity and to foil evil men?
Suppose the Vatican II Anti-council had never been convened, the Novus Ordo Mess had never come into being, and Paul VI-Montini's invalid rites of ordination and consecration had never been enacted. What, then, would the current state of affairs be? The scandals and falling away from the true faith would still have come about, due to the influence of the Secularist, Modernist, Humanist world, but in this situation God would have valid ministers of His Church -- valid priests, bishops, and cardinals -- daily defiling His True Body and Blood, His True Image and Likeness, His Tabernacle, and His True Sacraments.
Acting to preserve His own dignity, perhaps God, knowing the hearts of men, allowed Vatican II in order that the perpetrators so prevalent in today's "church" cannot validly consecrate, cannot confer the sacraments, cannot forgive sin. And as a consequence, being mere presbyters, neither can they defile what is truly God's.
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
Yes, we have mentioned that possibility in the past. The irony that we have often pointed to, of Newchurch so often shooting itself in the foot when trying to do damage to the true faith, could have a Providential cause. Or maybe it is as St. Paul explains in the first chapter of his Epistle to the Romans: men who want to embrace evil are allowed by God to suffer the natural consequences of their own evil.
Whatever may be the case, traditional Catholics can stand by amused while evil men in Newchurch do their worst against God and the Catholic Faith, but in the end come to naught, as we are told by the same Apostle Paul in his Epistle to the Galatians (6:7/DRV): Nolite errare: Deus non irridetur!
Francis-Bergoglio is a loyal child of the Modernist Vatican II Anti-council. He openly counters Catholic doctrine, hates the Catholic Mass, and embraces Marxism. So it is no surprise that his Newvatican has announced that Bergoglio will devote his address on September 26, 2015, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to the topics of "religious liberty," the Vatican II heresy that teaches "all religions are equal," "all gods are the same," and "we all worship the same god." This teaching has been condemned in the strongest terms by Bergoglio's pre-Vatican II predecessors as a heresy, known officially as the Heresy of Syncretism. Vatican II tried to get around that by teaching the same heresy, but by calling it something different: "Oecumenism."
Francis-Bergoglio's Newpapal junket to Philadelphia, to the locus of the U.S. secular government in Washington, D.C., and to the financial center in New York, will come at the close of the World Meeting of Families, a triennial conference designed to strengthen family bonds. Bergoglio, on the contrary, has worked to weaken family bonds. He has essentially approved homosexualism and sodomy of children by his perverted Newclergy, which he has done nothing concrete to stop in over two years. He pushes giving the (invalid) Novus Ordo cookie to divorced-and-remarried Newchurchers, in contravention to the Bible teaching of Jesus Christ Himself, whose "vicar" Begoglio purports to be.
Francis-Bergoglio will also simulate an invalid Novus Ordo Mess on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway in Phiadelphia, earning himself the ire of Phiadelphians who are protesting his throwing their city into anarchy for three days, not to speak of earning himself the ire of traditional Catholics because he propagates a false Mess and a Protestantized "presbyterate" instead of a Catholic priesthood. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
True Catholics, Francis-Bergoglio's number is up. More and more hostility is being expressed toward him for his anti-Catholic teachings and his narcissistic self-promotion. Don't believe his own Newvatican "information service," which churns out false self-promoting propaganda as if there were no judgment. Objective polls show that his "popularity" is sinking by leaps and bounds. Many Newchurchers are officially dumping him and his Newchurch. Current projections are that his New Order sect will be essentially dead within one generation, just a little behind the demise of the heretical Anglican/Episcopalian sect.
August 6, 1978, marked the end of the pontificate of the first Newpope of infelicitous memory, Paul VI-Montini. Those traditional Catholics who blame Pope John XXIII for the New Order seem ignorant of that fact that Pope John approved not one document of the Modernist Vatican II Anti-council. Montini did that, personally promulgating every single one of its sixteen heretical documents. In fact, Pope John's traditional council was highjacked by the Modernists while he suffered, and eventually died, from stomach cancer.
Most traditional Catholics are ignorant of the fact that Pope John wrote one of the most cogent defenses of the Traditional Latin Mass and the Catholic Church's Latin language ever written, in his Apostolic Constitution, solemnly promulgated on February 22, 1962, in St. Peter's Archbasilica before the Cardinals assembled. For further information, click on LATNECES: Necessity of Latin for the Roman Catholic Church, from the Writings of Roman Catholic Saints, Popes, and Theologians in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files: FAQs and Traditional Apologetics department.
Pope John's close friend and the only layman to server as a peritus at the Anti-council reported that on his deathbed, Pope John's words were: "Stop the Council. Stop the Council." For further information, click on FAQ08: What Is the Authority of Vatican II? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files: FAQs and Traditional Apologetics department.
Pope John hated Modernism in the liturgy, in doctrine, and in morals. In fact, the Half New Order "Mess of 1962" was not Pope John's at all. It was fabricated under Pius XII and promulgated by John XXIII only because, as he himself stated publicly, his beloved predecessor had done the work. Pope John fired the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini, later to become the Chief Fabricator of the invalid Protestant-Masonic-Pagan New Mess of 1969. Pope John silenced Karl Rahner, the Modernist theologian and bosom-buddy of Card. Ratzinger (later Newpope Benedict XVI). Pope John was disgusted by paedophiles in the clergy and imposed severe penalties, like those of Pope St. Pius V, to get rid of them.
Paul VI-Montini, on the other hand, a full-throated Modernist, in 1964 wrenched authority for overseeing the "New Mass" out of the hands of the highly-traditional Sacred Congregation of Rites, which had authority over the Sacred Liturgy since Pope Sixtus V in 1588, to a new Consilium ad exsequendam Constitutionem de Sacra Liturgia, whose most important official, its Secretary General, was the same Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini whom Pope John had fired for involvement in the heresy of Modernism.
True Catholics, it was thus on December 4, 1963, with his promulgation of the first document of the Modernist Vatican II Anti-Council, Sacrosanctum concilium, that Paul VI-Montini, not Pope John XXIII, began the destruction of the Catholic Mass (Traditional Latin Mass). On November 24, 1964, Montini officially substituted for the Catholic Church a new universalist sect as a cohabitation for all religions, now known as the Newchurch of the New Order, with its invalid Mess, Sacraments, doctrines, and morality, under which false sect the Newchurchers, bereft since then of God's grace, suffer to this day.
Francis-Bergoglio has put his foot in his mouth yet again at his August 5, 2015, General Audience. This time he read the text of his address rather than winging it extemporaneously, but he still caused so much confusion in what he said that 104 of his Newbishops and over 405,000 of his laypeople have signed a petition telling him that they need a "clarification" because his teaching is so confused and contradictory.
Bergoglio tried to explain the situation of divorced and civilly-remarried people, their access in his Newchurch to the (invalid) cookies and Kool-Aid, and excommunication. Their petition states that he has failed to teach clearly on issues of sexual morality, which include sodomy and paedophilia. Not only do they call for a "clarification," but they criticize him for adding to "the creeping advance of the Cultural Revolution promoted by anti-Christian forces, which for decades have sought to undermine people's moral convictions based on the Gospel and the Natural Law."
Traditionally, any Catholic who marries before a non-Catholic minister or civil official incurs an automatic excommunication. This is perfectly logical. By attempting marriage before a non-Catholic minister or mere civil official, the Catholic is proclaiming by a public act that he is leaving the Catholic Church. (Persons having questions about their personal marriage situations should consult a traditional Catholic priest directly. It is most improper and fruitless to attempt such questions on the internet, as the details of each individual situation vary.)
One Newcardinal commented: "I am hearing from laypeople that there is really just a growing confusion about what the [New]church really teaches, and we're not coming to any clarity." He criticized Bergoglio for implying that the Newbishops will come to an "Extraordinary Synod on the Family" in October 2015 and vote on these issues. "But that isn't the way [New]church doctrine is formulated. And that's not the way [New]church discipline is formulated. The [New]church is not a democracy." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the New York Times.]
True Catholics, Francis-Bergoglio has, mostly behind the scenes so far, utterly without authority to do so, tried to change the immutable Catholic and Apostolic teachings of Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Apostles. Bergoglio is permissive on sodomy, rape, paedophilia, civil "marriage," and even "gay marriage." The limitations of papal authority was clearly decreed in perpetuity by the dogmatic Vatican Council I in 1870:
For the Holy Ghost was promised to the successors of Peter not so that they might, by His revelation, make known some new doctrine, but that, by His assistance, they might religiously guard and faithfully expound the revelation or Deposit of Faith transmitted by the Apostles.
If you thought that the Marxist Newpope Francis-Bergoglio's question in 2013, "Who am I to judge a homosexual", was merely casual, now it has become clear that he was simply using the Vatican II techniques: nuance and ambiguity to introduce the most anti-Catholic doctrines and practices.
The Newcardinal-Primate of the United Kingdom, Vincent Nichols, has indicated that he is planning to roll out "Gay" Messes throughout England and Wales. Nichols had already approved the "Gay" Messes that have been going on in London for several years, designated for the "LGBT Catholics" -- what an oxymoron! -- in, of all places, Our Lady of the Assumption Church. What a sacrilege he perpetrates upon Our Lady! Isn't it remarkable that Newchurch has what it calls an "LGBT Community" and has appointed a "chaplain" to it? Next they'll be having a "Paedophiles' Community" or a "Community of Thieves." (Well, they already have those!) [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by CathNews.]
True Catholics, aren't you blessed that you have nothing to do with the invalid and anti-Catholic -- and just downright phony -- New Order Messes! Francis-Bergoglio is a sly old coot, looking more and more like a Marxist mole who was planted into the Newpapacy to kick up the perversion of Newchurch into high gear, just as the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini was placed at the Vatican II Anti-council to pervert the Mass into an invalid New Order service.
On August 3, 2015, Newcardinal Gerhard Mueller, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the [New Order] Faith, let the cat out of the bag: Mueller outed Fellay, revealing that after Fellay told his Neo-SSPXers that he wasn't "negotiating" with Lefebvre-condemned Newrome, Fellay has nevertheless been continuing to do so. Said Mueller:
"In the past months we met in various ways to strengthen our mutual trust."
Why didn't Fellay want this fact to leak out? Aside from the fact that it exposes him once again as a mendacious meddler, who has persistently lied to his membership and clergy, he is too thickheaded to see the handwriting on the wall in the breakup of his Neo-SSPX fabrication. Because of his associations with the Modernist Newchurch, he has already lost 20 per cent of his clergy and 25 per cent of his bishops. Nor can he consecrate any new bishops for fear of being re-"excommunicated" by Francis-Bergoglio from the Newchurch of the New Order. Fellay has really shot himself in the foot! [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Katolische.]
True Catholics, clearly Fellay has not given up drinking the Modernist waters that flow through the fountains of Newrome, vehemently condemned by the founder of the original SSPX, Archbishop Marcel Lefebfvre, which Fellay has reorganized as a much more New Order-friendly Neo-SSPX or, as some put it, the "Ex-SSPX (xSPX)." Gradually, his membership is leaving him high and dry, just as Newchurchers are deserting the Marxist Francis-Bergoglio.Germany is the richest Newchurch country in the world after the United States, but it won't be for long. A record 217,716 Germans officially cancelled their membership of Newchurch in 2014, the defections increasing by 22 per cent in just one year, from 178,805 in 2013. In contrast, a mere 2,809 people entered the Newchurch. Over 820,000 quit in the last five years and personally took the trouble to contact the tax authorities to make it official.
In fact, the bulk of German Newchurchers have fled the New Order sect since Vatican II. Two-thirds of German Newchurchers (16,700,000 of 24,700,000) have contacted the government to cancel their tithe, or kirchensteuer, to Newchurch. The paedophiliac German Newpope, Benedict-Ratzinger, turned out to be the death of his own German Newchurch. More and more, German Newchurchers want to have nothing to do with any of these paedophiliac Newpopes and their New Order sect.
Germany has been rampant with a paedophile holocaust, with Newchurch clergy sodomizing, raping, and otherwise sexually assaulting children with a virtual green-light from Ratzinger. In fact, Ratzinger had so many paedophiliac skeletons in his closet that his complicity is generally considered to be the reason for his forced abdication in 2012. His paedophiliac successor, Francis-Bergoglio, is no better -- in some cases even worse.
Even Benedict-Ratzinger's brother, Newmonsignor Georg Ratzinger, was involved in the Newchurch scandal. He practiced masochism toward the boys in the boys' school choir that he directed in Regensberg, even going so far as to attack them with chairs that he hurled at them so hard that his false teeth fell out on one occasion.
Moreover, the German Newbishops have come under heavy fire for their participation at the "Sodomy Synod," aka the "Extrordinary Synod on the Family," of October 2014, called by Francis-Bergoglio to water down already effete Newchurch teaching on public adulterers, bigamists, and homosexuals. The German Newbishops wanted to join Bergoglio in moving toward liberalist Protestantism by "welcoming" homosexuality and giving the (invalid) Novus Ordo cookie and Kool-Aid to public adulterers and bigamists. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the U.K. Catholic Herald.]
True Catholics, Germans have grown sick of financing Newchurch's depravity, to the tune of 6,221, 000,000 billion dollars in 2014. The Newarchdiocese of Cologne alone has assets of 3,669,000,000 dollars -- more than Newvatican's entire wealth. In comparison the falsely-maligned "Bishop of Bling" spent only a few millions, and that to build church administrative buildings and restore Limburg's historic cathedral. Instead, we should be calling Benedict-Ratzinger and Francis-Bergoglio the "Co-Newpopes of Bling!"
Through John XXIII popes stayed in Rome. It was Paul VI-Montini who started galavanting around the world after the Modernist Vatican II Anti-council at Newchurchers' expense. The "Unsaint" JPII-Wojtyla openly admitted that he hated Rome and hated dealing with the critical Newcuria, so he got out of Rome as much as possible in order that he could bask in the adulation of crowds who just want to see a "celebrity." Benedict-Ratzinger promised in his Priumum Nuntium that he would stay in Rome, but he forswore his promise, many times. Francis-Bergoglio, like Wojtyla, says that he hates Rome, but loves being hailed as a "celebrity" by the crowds.
Now a coalition of Philadelphians has approached the mayor of the city to cancel Francis-Bergoglio's September 26-27, 2015, extravaganza at their expense. The group consists of pregnant women who fear dying on the way to the delivery room because impeded by traffic and congestion. Of businessmen, who will be cheated by Bergoglio out of three days of income. Of workers, who fear not being able to get home. Of taxi-drivers, who fear that they will be barred from their destinations. Of commuters, who will be forced to participate in a lottery for a train seat to get to work.
The United States, taking on security for Bergoglio (Newvatican just expects that the host country will pick up the expensive tab), fearing a terrorist attack, is planning massive security fencing and kilometres of street closures, which will bring a Marxist anarchy to the city. The U.S. Secret Service is going to be diverted from Obama to Bergoglio, all at taxpayer expense. No wonder the Philadelphians are angry at Bergoglio!
With long, circuitous walks required for getting to and from various "events," police expect that many Philadelphians will be deprived of bathrooms and food establishments. The City of Brotherly Love is beginning to have a hatred for Bergoglio's self-serving fiasco and contempt for his staff, who have been accused of incompetence in not making clear to Philadelphians what the arrangements are. The police chief is telling Philadelphians to treat Bergoglio's junket as a "national disaster." He is recommending that they fill up with gasoline, stock up on milk, bread, and other staples, which may be inaccessible during Bergoglio's junket.
True Catholics, it is ironic that the United States cannot provide fencing to keep criminals from entering its borders illegally, but it can find plenty of fencing to keep Philadelphians out of their own city, just to fan the ego of "Mr. Narcissist" Francis-Bergoglio. Meanwhile, the man whose Vatican Bank has been tagged for fraud by the European Union continues to defraud the world to pay for his self-serving, superfluous junkets. He should stay in Newrome to clean out his Newchurch of his paedophile Newclergy and his Mafia-connected Vatican Bank.
Although in the years since 2012, when the SSPX's senior bishop Richard Williamson left Bernie Fellay's New Order-leaning Neo-SSPX, Williamson has taken courageous stands for traditional Catholicism, his latest "swerve" has troubled many who previously supported his courage. First, in an answer given during a June 28, 2015, conference in New York, he gave a weak answer about attending the New Order Mess of 1969, an answer that has scandalized traditional Catholics.
Let us TRADITIO Fathers make it perfectly clear if Williamson cannot: there is NEVER a justification to participate at the Protestant-Masonic-Pagan New Order service. It is an invalid anti-Catholic abomination. You might as well be participating at an Anglican/Episcopalian service. If anything, Newchurch's New Order service is far worse, far more blasphemous, far more sacrilegious, and just as invalid as the Anglican/Episcopalian service. For further information, click on CURAE: Apostolic Letter Apostolicae Curae [On the Nullity of Anglican Orders] in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files: FAQs and Traditional Apologetics department.The invalid New Order service is being "simulated" -- that is a Catholic theological term for a "faking" a sacrament -- by New Order presbyters, who, like Anglican/Episcopalian ministers, who were never even ordained under the valid Sacrament of Holy Orders, by merely "installed" under the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini's New Ordinal of 1968 "to preside over the assembly of the people." In fact, the New Ordinal of 1968 is based substantially upon the invalid Protestant Anglican/Episcopalian Ordinal. For further information, click on FAQ03: Should I Ever Attend Newchurch's "Ordinary" or "Extraordinary" Messes" in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files: FAQs and Traditional Apologetics department.
As if Williamson's pussy-footing on Newchurch's "abomination of desolation," the invalid Novus Ordo service, weren't bad enough, in his August 1, 2015, Bulletin, he becomes so wrapped up in disassociating himself from the strawman of sede-vacantism that the normally perceptive bishop makes a singularly witless and feckless statement: "At present I am more and more disinclined to impose even a true viewpoint on anybody, because souls are now so confused that the least imposition is liable to increase rather than decrease that confusion." To the contrary, because souls in our time are so confused, it is the particular duty of traditional bishops, as accepted at his consecration, to present the true Catholic Faith, Mass, and Sacraments to the faithful. We can only hope that Williamson suffered lapsus linguae because of temporary illness and will correct his badly-phrased statements in due course.
True Catholics, all leaders have clay feet. The Scriptures are clear that we are to trust no leaders completely, but only Our Lord Jesus Christ. We must never forget that even the first pope was a liar and a perjurer, whose pride Christ condemned before the Apostles assembled in chilling words:
And Peter answering, said to him: Although all shall be scandalized in thee, I will never be scandalized. Jesus said to him: Amen I say to thee, that in this night before the cock crow, thou wilt deny me thrice.... Then he [Peter] began to curse and to swear that he knew not the man (Matthew 26:33-34,74/DRV).
On July 31, 2015, the United States's most populous city, New York, slammed the doors shut permanently on 74 churches, may of them historic, while Newchurchers paid the price for their treason in selling out to the anti-Catholic Newchurch of the New Order, which took over the structures in 1964 after the Modernist Vatican II Anti-council. Many Newchurchers wept at the loss of their churches, perhaps realizing that if they had fought against the New Order takeover, their churches might never had had to be closed.
But even the final Messes in these churches, fifty years ago perverted into Novus Ordo temples, were of no consolation to New York's Newchurchers. Starting in 1951 and continuing to 1969, the Traditional Latin Mass was mangled by Pope Pius XII, butchered by Pope John XXIII, and finally destroyed by Paul VI-Montini in 1969. The resultant New Order service is no longer a Mass, no longer valid, no longer offering grace, but a Protestant-Masonic-Pagan fraud completely shunned by true Catholics.
The 74 churches, built by traditional Catholics when there was no New Order sect, have been ordered destroyed by New York's Newcardinal Timothy Dolan, who has earned the title "Laughing Cow" because he takes nothing about the Catholic Faith seriously and is often seen throwing his head back in an animalist guffaw. Instead of admitting that the Newchurch of the New Order, which took over Catholic church buildings in 1964 and in the succeeding fifty years ran them into the ground, has failed miserably. The "smoke of Satan" that Montini stated publicly had been introduced by the Modernist Vatican II Anti-council has by now completely consumed the New Order sect. Even "Laughing Cow" Dolan had to admit to the press that as a result of the Anti-council and its wake, three serious problems have forced the closings:
True Catholics, when Francis-Bergoglio arrives in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in September 2015, on his latest Newpapal junket, he will be recognized as the head of a sinking New Order ship approaching a final shipwreck of having no laypeople, no presbyters, and no money. It seems, though, that there is still enough ill-gotten loot in the collection-plate for him to expropriate millions of dollars to prance around on yet another one of his extravagant "Mr. Humble" junkets. Truly, this is the "Newpope of Bling."
Things are becoming ugly for Francis-Bergoglio as his own Newchurchers tire of his inaction on serious issues while he parades around the world posing as "Mr. Popularity," even though his popularity is sinking. His first charge, as given to him by the College of Newcardinals at his election, was to clean out the Augean stables of Newchurch's paedophile clergy. It has been two and a half years, and Bergoglio has done nothing on this deliverable, except to appoint a few members to a powerless "child abuse" committee, whose operating charter he hasn't written even yet.
On July 28, 2015, Bergoglio's honeymoon was over. Newchurch clergy and religious demanded that he take action against his notorious Newarchbishop John Myers, of Newark, New Jersey, who infamously assisted his paedophile presbyters to continue their sodomies and rapes of children with impunity. These Newchurch clergy and religious are going to Newrome to demand that Bergoglio fire Myers, who continues, even to this day, to reject any reports of crimes by his perverted presbyters.
It must not be forgotten that, as the TRADITIO Network called it from the beginning, it is Newchurch's "Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust. It is often forgotten how much the sex crimes are associated with crimes of embezzlement from the Newchurch collection-plate. Myers, for example, diverted funds from charitable projects to build for himself a retirement spa, complete with Olympic swimming pool and sauna. But Bergoglio has not fired a single one of his corrupt Newbishops, Myers included, for involvement in sex crimes against children. One parent of a sodomized boy stated that Myers threatened with libel lawsuits and "excommunication" from the New Order sect those Newchurchers who reported his paedophile presbyters.
Newbishop Robert Finn, of Kansas City, Missouri, was convicted of facilitating in sex crimes against children and at long last resigned in 2015. Newarchbishop John Nienstedt, of St. Paul and Minneapolis, Minnesota, also resigned in 2015, after civil prosecutors filed child-endangerment charges against his Newarchdiocese. Newmonsignor William Lynn, Head of Clergy in the Newarchdiocese of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is currently in prison for child endangerment in facilitating the sodomy and rape of children. Philadelphia Newcardinal Justin Rigali, associated with Lynn, resigned in 2011. Lynn is such an embarrassment to Bergoglio that he has been shipped away from Philadelphia, which Bergoglio will visit in September 2015. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
True Catholics, even Francis-Bergoglio's press spokesman admitted to the international press that, other than appointing a committee in June 2015 without a full complement of members and without an operating charter -- and even that baby step took him over two years! -- Bergoglio had done nothing. And it isn't for nothing that Bergoglio has earned his title "Third Paedophile Newpope."
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I've come to the sad realization that most Newchurchers adhere to their Protestantized Newparishes because of "willful and culpable ignorance." They see it as an easy way to fulfill their Newchurch obligation. Indeed, church on Sunday (or now, more often, on the Saturday Jewish Sabbath) for them has become a self-centered Sunday Social Club, not worship of God. I've challenged a number of them, and they either (1) don't want to hear about it, 2) think the idea of apostasy in their New Order sect is crazy, or (3) don't want to give up their easy-peasy way of life.
However, is Francis-Bergoglio's upcoming October 2015 "Gay Rights" Anti-synod, if it produces clear statements about accepting what the Bible calls "an abomination," likely to open Newchurchers' eyes and give them cause to look for the true barque of Peter. Surely such a strategy by Newvatican, to define its terms clearly and to embrace immorality clearly, goes against its previous Vatican II-speak using intentional ambiguity and obfuscation. Do do you think that by going for too much, this new approach will expose Newchurch's hand and prove self-defeating?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
The history of the last fifty years indicates that Newchurchers will remain, by their own will, deliberately ignorant. You are correct in your analysis of their "willful and culpable ignorance." Because their acts against the First Commandment of God are both willful and capable of being corrected by them -- Newchurchers are not ignorant aboriginals in the backwoods without books and television -- they carry with them the moral penalty of Mortal Sin. They cannot wish that away with false excuses; they are morally culpable. The Newchurchers are Protestants -- in fact, worse than Protestants.
Your question raises an extremely interesting issue. Obviously, the Catholics of the 1950s and 1960s, contrary to the uninformed opinion of many traditionalists -- had a weak Faith, for which they refused to fight against the Modernists for the true Mass, Sacraments, Faith, and Morals when the Vatican II Newchurch took them away in 1964. As a result, Providence gave them what they wanted (Romans 1:24) and took away the grace of the true Sacraments. No wonder Newchurch is so confused and racked with the worst sins!
It is remarkable that already some 200 years ago, even before Pope St. Pius X's condemnation of Modernism 100 years ago, Pope Gregory XVI foresaw exactly this situation and condemned those, like today's Newchurchers, who are part of the heresy:
We now come to another and most fruitful cause of the evils that at present afflict the Church and that we so bitterly deplore. We mean Indifferentism..., or that fateful opinion, everywhere diffused by the craft of the wicked, that men can by the profession of any faith obtain the eternal salvation of their souls, provided their life conforms to justice and good morals.... Let them tremble, then, who imagine that every creed leads by an easy path to the court of blessedness.... Consequently, they will perish eternally without any doubt if they do not hold to the Catholic faith and preserve it entire and without alteration. --Pope Gregory XVI (1831-1846), Mirari Vos, "On Liberalism and Religious Indifferentism," No. 14, August 15, 1832
Having lost the true Mass and Sacraments fifty years ago, will Newchurchers now fight for the Moral Law against Francis-Bergoglio's efforts to undermine God's Law? Our assessment would be: not in the long run. In the short term, to be sure, there will be some pushback, but because the Newchurchers have allowed the Catholic Church to be taken away from them, they will be without spiritual armament and will quickly fail. As a result, the vast majority will become disillusioned within a generation and will be swallowed up in Secularism, because they have deprived themselves of any real alternative.
The latest Pew and Gallup polls, reported on in our Daily Commentaries, indicated clearly that the New Order sect will be almost as dead as the Anglican/Episcopalian sect in less than a generation. Thus, Newchurch will achieve merely a Pyrrhic victory if it pushes the "gay" agenda. Remember, the Newchurch "authorities" are fully imbued with the heresy of Modernism and now, with Bergoglio, even Marxism. They do what they do because, by this point, they are far from Catholic, far from Christian, probably far from believing in any true God.