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Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Is the recently-written book by David Limbaugh, Jesus Is Risen, worthwhile reading for traditional Catholics?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
Better to stay away from it because it is written by an Evangelical Protestant heretic. It is going to be filled with dangerous heretical notions such as "oecumenism" (all religions are equal), arch-heretic Martin Luther's Fides Sola (salvation by faith alone), etc.
There are so many good Catholic books available, why not peruse them instead? For further information on this topic, click on FAQ05: What Traditional Catholic Resources Do You Recommend?" in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) department.
In further indication that the U.S. Department of Justice is investigating all 271 Newchurch dioceses for indictments under the RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations) Act was contained in a demand from the DOJ to every Newchurch diocese in the United States. The demand required that Newbishops not destroy any documents related to their handling of child sodomy, rape, and assault. The demand was contained in a seven-page letter and set of instructions from a federal District Attorney to the president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic [Sic] Bishops, who was to distribute it to all Newchurch dioceses. The distribution was accomplished on October 23, 2018, although USCCB lawyers were already resisting the demand.
Not only are child assault matters included in the demand but also the transfer of presbyters across state or international borders -- which is a federal crime, not just a state matter -- or to treatment centers. The demand includes "confidential" and "secret" files kept by each Newdiocese.
This demand indicates that the federal investigation into Newchurch is growing far more extensive, as such a demand is usually the first step in the investigatory process. Newchurch in the United States could be charged under the RICO Act, which brought down the Mafia and the Ku Klux Klan. It could well bring down the corrupt Newchurch of the New Order and its corrupt leaders, including, ultimately, Francis-Bergoglio.
During the previous week, the U.S. Department of Justice had announced the opening of an investigation into all eight Newchurch dioceses in Pennsylvania and the Newdiocese of Buffalo, New York. Now it appears that all 271 Newchurch dioceses are going to be investigated. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the New York Times.]
True Catholics, the noose is tightening around the corrupt Newchurch of the New Order, founded in 1964 by the Vatican II Anti-council to replace the Catholic Church as the "institutional" Church. The Catholic Church remains vigorous, however, throughout the world by faithful traditional Catholic bishops, priests, and laypeople not associated with the corrupt Newchurch. If Newchurch is brought down for its corruption, the traditional Catholic Church can once again become the "institutional" Church.
Martin Holley, Newbishop of Memphis, Tennessee, has charged that Francis-Bergoglio fired him on October 24, 2018, because the infamous Donald Wuerl, Newcardinal of Washington, D.C., wanted revenge against him. Bergoglio refused to fire Wuerl, even though implicated in a paedophile ring in the Pennsylvania Grand Jury's August 2018 report. Instead, Bergoglio praised Wuerl in glowing terms and re-appointed him Apostolic Administrator of Washington.
On October 25, 2018, Newbishop Holley charged that the vague justification of "mismanagement" (having nothing to do with paedophilia) used by Francis-Bergoglio to fire him was merely a ruse. In fact, Holley contends, Wuerl had pressed Bergoglio to exact "revenge" on Holley.
In 2012 Wuerl was slated to become Newvatican Secretary of State, but Holley, then an auxiliary bishop in Washington, when asked for input on the potential appointment, fingered Wuerl as unqualified, undoubtedly knowing about Wuerl's paedophile associations. Thus, charges Holley, Wuerl now used Bergoglio to take revenge on him by dismissing Holley as Newbishop from Memphis. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic News Agency.]
True Catholics, it appears that Francis-Bergoglio violated his own 2016 Newcanonic procedures in removing Newbishop Holley to please his favorite, Newcardinal Wuerl, even after Wuerl was outed as a paedophiliac in the Grand Jury Report. Instead, it seems that Wuerl connived in his capacity as a member of the Congregation for Newbishops to get rid of Holley.
It is clear that Bergoglio's regime is the most corrupt since the previous "Bad Pope," Alexander VI-Borgia. Bergoglio's regime is mired in personal vendettas and pig-sty morality. Both Newchurch clergy and laity are publicly turning against him. "The fish stinks from the head." But it is too late. The Newchurch of the New Order and its heretical Newpopes is rapidly dying before our eyes.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I recently saw this comment of Francis-Bergoglio to a meeting of Newjesuits in the Baltics, which troubles me greatly:
I don't think it's hard for a Jesuit to work in secret, as a clandestine. Fr. Hugo Rahner used to say that Jesuits have to be able to discern both in the field of God and in that of the Devil. I think that discernment gives us this ability, this sense of the supernatural: the sense of the divine and of the diabolical in the moments of human life and in history. We need to ask to know both the intentions of the Lord and those of the enemy of human nature and his deceptions.
How is a Newjesuit supposed to "discern" the Father of Lies without regular and direct contact with the Enemy? Is he supposed to sit somehow above both God and the Devil to "discern" the intent of each? Is this really what is expected of the Newjesuit now, treating God and Satan as equals?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
Your skepticism is well founded. The Jesuits were a strange group even before the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965), when they morphed into the Newjesuits and associated themselves with heretical Liberation Theology, which involved the actually murdering conservative government officials in Latin America, and with Marxism, which was and is rife in Latin America.
The Jesuits had historically gone off the rails into secular political machinations on so many occasions that finally the Pope Clement XIV abolished the order outright in 1773 with his Bull Dominus ac Redemptor. The order was not restored until well into the nineteenth century. The Jesuits are, by their very structure, a highly autocratic group with a pridefulness in their intellects. Yet, as is the situation with the Freemasons, many rank-and-file Jesuits do not know what is going on in their order, which is reportedly run by a small inner council.
You are correct in pointing out that the Jesuits seem obsessed with the idea of what they call "discernment." Francis-Bergoglio, as a Marxist/Modernist Newjesuit himself, often mentions it. Our opinion concurs with yours: when you play with fire, you are burnt -- all the more so with Satan. Of all the once-Catholic religious orders, the Newjesuits after Vatican II Anti-council went most berserk. Many of the leaders of that Anti-council were, in fact, Jesuits, including:
If you wish to read further on this matter, we can recommend Fr. Malachi Martin's The Jesuits: The Society of Jesus and the Betrayal of the Roman Catholic Church (1988). Fr. Martin, a best-selling author and Vatican expert, got out of the Jesuits in the early 1960s when he saw how evil they were becoming. Fr. Martin later left the Newchurch of the New Order entirely and became a traditional Catholic priest. He was a prolific author and a frequent guest on radio programs explaining and defending the traditional Catholic Faith.
More bad news for the Newchurch of the New Order was announced on October 22, 2018, by the National Statistics Bureau of the Netherlands. Weekly attendance at the Novus Ordo Protestant-Masonic-Pagan "New" Mess has sunk to an all-time low of 6 per cent.
Newchurchers are a minority of 24 per cent of Netherlanders. 51 per cent do not belong to any church or religion whatsoever. 25 per cent belong to the Dutch Reformed Church, the Protestant sect, or Islam. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Servizio Informazione Religiosa.]
True Catholics, it is ironic that it was the Netherlands, Germany, and other Northern European countries that were the biggest force behind the Modernist heresies of the Newchurch created at the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965), including the New Mess, the New "Sacraments," the New Doctrine, and the New Morality. The Northern European big names at the time were Josef Ratzinger (later Newpope Benedict XVI), Karl Rahner, Joseph Jungmann, Hans Kung, Edward Schillebeeckx, and Hans Urs von Balthasar -- Modernists all, declared under suspicion of heresy by the Holy Office. It has taken fifty years, but now the heretical Newchurch is suffering its inevitable demise. Unfortunately, Newchurch has lost more souls to the true Catholic Church than the Protestant Revolt.
I want to inform TRADITIO readers that traditional Roman Catholic Bishop Paul Petko passed away on October 20, 2018, at St. Vincent's Hospital in Indianapolis, Indiana. His funeral was held on October 25. He very much enjoyed the TRADITIO Network, and we had countless discussions about many things that were featured on the site.
Bishop Petko was originally installed as a presbyter-minister in 1995 by the Fraternity of St. Peter, which does not have the true Mass or Sacraments because its bishops are not consecrated in the traditional Sacrament of Holy Orders, but are merely "installed" as Newbishops under the invalid New Ordinal of 1968.
When Bishop Petko realized that the Fraternity of St. Peter was merely a fancy front for the New Order sect, he left the FSSP to study for the traditional Roman Catholic priesthood. He was ordained and then consecrated by a traditional Roman Catholic bishop in 2011. He served at the Shrine of Our Lady of Good Remedy in Lizton, Indiana, a suburb of Indianapolis.
Deus, qui inter apostolicos Sacerdotes famulum tuum Paulum pontificali fecisti dignitate vigere: praesta, quaesumus; ut eorum quoque perpetua aggregetur consortio.
Just when you think that the hypocrisy of the Newchurch hierarchy cannot get any worse, it does. Francis-Bergoglio claims that Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust is caused by "clericalism," yet he is Newchurch's Chief Cleric! Now a Newchurch bishop at the ongoing Synod of Bishops on Young People (October 3-28, 2018) claims that "dumbed-down" Catholicism is the cause.
Robert Barron is an auxiliary Newbishop of Los Angeles, California, and one of the 266 Newbishop delegates to the Synod. At an October 22, 2018, press briefing in connection with the Synod, Barron claimed that "dumbed-down" Catholicism has been "a pastoral disaster in the West." He points to the so-called "nones," those with no religious association or interest, which he claims is a "huge issue" in the United States and in the West. These are people, Barron, says, who are not looking for spiritual direction, don't believe in God, and think that the Church is corrupt. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Vatican News.]
True Catholics, Barron's statement reeks of hypocrisy, as it is he and his fellow Newbishops who have dumbed down Catholicism into Protestantized Newchurchism with its phony Mess and Sacraments, its heretical doctrines, and its vile immorality. As to the "nones," why indeed should they look for spiritual direction from the very place that is causing the corruption: the Newchurch of the New Order and the Newpopes of the New Order, headed by Francis-Bergoglio?
On October 17, 2018, Francis-Bergoglio kicked off the latest scandal in his Newpontificate. In connection with the Newchurch Bishops' Synod on Youth going on October 3-28, Bergoglio strutted around wearing a "Rainbow Cross," which is the symbol for promoting homosexuality, lesbianism, bisexuality, and transsexualism as moral. Other Newchurch bishops wore the "Rainbow Cross" as well.
The cross was designed by youth members associated with the synod and with the Marxist-inspired World Youth Day, some of whom are known to be promoting LGBT in stark opposition to the moral teaching of Christianity and Natural Law. It is no secret that Bergoglio has been suborning what the Bible teaches is one of the Four Sins that Cry out to God for Retribution.
There is a widespread belief that Francis-Bergoglio's regime is using the Synod on Youth to advance the normalization of homosexuality and other perversions within that New Order sect. Youth groups at the synod have already called for recognition of immoral "gay marriage" and "surrogate pregnancy." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the LS News Service.]
True Catholics, Francis-Bergoglio will be read as promoting the "Rainbow Church," and thus reveals himself as anti-Catholic. He has already revealed his denial of the teachings of Christ by notoriously saying "Who am I to judge?" about one of the four sins, sodomy, Biblically defined as the worst. No wonder Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust has skyrocketed under his regime.
On October 19, 2018, Newarchbishop Carlo Vigano, Francis-Bergoglio's former Newpapal Ambassador to Washington, D.C. released his Third Memorandum on Bergoglio's personal involvement in the paedophile sex scandal in Newchurch. In this Third Memorandum, Vigano, who knows where the skeletons are buried, declared that Bergoglio knew full well of the serious problem that existed (although he has at times feigned ignorance) and that Francis-Bergoglio was himself involved in the scandal, not an innocent bystander (as he often claims to be).
Vigano gives a chronology of Bergoglio's knowledge and personal involvement, including the following points:
True Catholics, this tornado, once visible only in the distance, is now with power and might lifting up the truth from underground, where the Newpopes and their accomplices have tried to bury it. Newarchbishop Vigano has called on Newbishops and presbyters "who have access to documents that can put the matter beyond doubt" to speak out now. As more and more facts come to light, more and more witnesses will speak out. Not even the vast propaganda machine upon which Francis-Bergoglio has spent many millions of dollars from the collection-plates of his Newchurchers will be able to conceal the corruption and his involvement in it.
On October 18, 2018, U.S. Department of Justice announced that it has served subpoenas to Pennsylvania Newchurch dioceses to open an investigation into sex crimes against children by Newchurch clergy. The federal crimes involved, from 2001 on, are transporting minors across state lines to assault them, and the production or distribution of illegal pornography, including electronically. The investigation may also focus on charges related to Newchurch's cover-ups or conspiracy, in contravention of the RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations) Act, which has been successfully used to prosecute organized crime, such as the Mafia.
This is the first such probe ever launched by the U.S. Department of Justice. The subpoenas follow a scathing Pennsylvania Grand Jury report that found 301 "predator presbyters" in Pennsylvania had assaulted more than 1,000 children over seven decades and that Newchurch leaders had covered up for the offending presbyters and Newbishops. The intervention by the federal government opens a new front of legal peril for Newchurch, as such investigations heretofore have been handled exclusively by state and local authorities.
The investigation has involved at least seven of Pennsylvania's eight Newdioceses: Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Scranton, Erie, Greensburg, Allentown, and Harrisburg. There is no indication -- as yet -- that the Justice Department is planning a nationwide investigation, although a Newdiocese in New York has also been subpoenaed. The subpoenas seek documents stored in Secret Archives, Historical Archives, or Confidential Files, and records related to the Newdioceses' organizational charts, finances, insurance, clergy assignments, and treatment of presbyters.
The Justice Department is seeking evidence that Newchurch officials took children across state lines for illicit purposes; sent sexual images or messages via phone or computer; instructed anyone not to contact police; reassigned suspected predators; or used money or other assets as part of the scandal. Eastern-rite Newchurch dioceses are also being investigated. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
True Catholics, U.S. Newcardinals Theodore McCarrick and Donald Wuerl have already been caught in the dragnet. The heat is now being turned up on Francis-Bergoglio himself, who on October 18, 2018, refused to let Newcardinal Luis Laderia Ferrer, the No. 3 Man at Newvatican as Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the [New Order] Faith, testify under subpoena in France, where Newcardinal Philippe Barbarin has been charged with failing to report paedophile crimes in his Newarchdiocese of Lyon.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I was wondering whether the Tan version of the Baltimore Catechism is faithful to true Catholicism or whether it has been corrupted to suit the New Order sect?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
The Tan Books so-called "Baltimore Catechism" has been, just as you suspected, corrupted to conform to Newchurch doctrine and practice. Tan Books is notorious for modifying (Novus Ordoizing) the original texts of books that it claims to be "reprints." The advertising blurb for this book includes the sneaky phrase "with updated typesetting."
What that means is that the original is not reproduced faithfully, but by re-typesetting (now easily done on computer), updates to suit the New Order sect can easily be introduced into the text. This is the case with Tan's so-called "Baltimore Catechism," which is a Novus-Ordoized version of the original text, though this fact is concealed from the potential buyer because the publisher would lose sales from true Catholics.
The TRADITIO Network has a completely-authentic Baltimore Catechism in its Library of Files, accessible from the main menu, together with authentic versions of the Catechism of the Council of Trent and the Catechism of Pope Saint Pius X. For these traditional editions, click on the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) department.
Also TRADITIO readers should be sure to click on FAQ05: What Traditional Catholic Resources Do You Recommend? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) department to access the:
In his Novus Ordo "homily" given on October 16, 2018, at his St. Martha Hilton, Marxist/Modernist Newpope Francis-Bergoglio again lashed out at traditionalists, using one of his many code words for them: "rigid." It seems that he stays up nights trying to think up other words with which to disparage true Catholics, including:
In Francis-Bergoglio's mind those who follow the Catholic Faith are rigid hypocrites. Because Bergoglio suffers from Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), it probably never occurs to him that it is he who is not Catholic because he does not believe in the Catholic Faith, but instead in the heresies of Modernism, as defined by Pope St. Pius X, and atheistic Marxism/Communism.
Curiously, one of Francis-Bergoglio's suborndinates, Newcardinal Robert Sarah, Prefect of the Congregation for [Novus Ordo] Worship, was proclaiming a different message on the same day. Sarah told Bergoglio's Synod of Newbishops that Newchurch teaching should not be "watered down" (the opposite of "rigid"), just because some Newchurchers disagree with Newchurch teachings. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic News Service.]
True Catholics, it seems that Bergoglio's Newvatican has its wires crossed, or there is now more open rebellion against Bergoglio. Newchurch doctrine is completely topsy-turvey. In Marxist philosophy everything is in a state of flux. This notion was introduced by the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965). There used to be a Catholic Mass and Sacraments, Catholic doctrine, and Catholic Morality. Newchurch tossed all of that out because it was "too rigid," i.e., "too traditional." Newchurch has paid the price for its heresy. It no longer has a valid Mass and Sacraments, its doctrine is essentially Protestant, and its morality is worse than that of the heathens.
It would seem that a new scandal is brewing in Francis-Bergoglio's Newcuria. Today, Bergoglio finally appointed a new Sostituto, Newvatican's Deputy Secretary of State. Newarchbishop Edgar Pena-Parra will be the second-highest official in the Secretariat. The problem is that the new appointee is suspect in his home country of Venezuela, and charges of paedophile crimes may be in the offing.
On October 16, 2018, Francis-Bergoglio expelled for sex crimes against children two Chilean Newbishops, who were already sidelined for many years for reasons of health and old age. The effect of the expulsions is to soften the blow that is to come. It indicates that Bergoglio has every intention of battening down the hatches and weathering the storms to come. He hopes to hold on to his corrupt Newpapacy, no matter what.
Meanwhile, Francis-Bergoglio has resumed appointing Marxist/Modernist Newbishops, and more Communist Newprelates are being elevated to the College of Newcardinals. Two days previous, Bergoglio had con-anized as a Novus Ordo "Unsaint" one of these Communists, Oscar Romero, whom even Benedict-Ratzinger wouldn't recognize.
The rate of Newepiscopal appointments has now returned to its former breakneck speed. We can say with certainty that by the end of October 2018, more than half of the sitting Newbishops of the fake Newchurch of the New Order will be Marxist/Modernist Bergoglians. To these must be added the numerous Leftist Newbishops put in place by the last two Newpopes to "keep the peace" and ensure a balance of forces, craven as that was. Well, Bergoglio has shredded to pieces that peace and balance now!
The latest statistics show that the bloom is off the Newchurch of the New Order. Attendance at Newchurch Messes is sinking fast. The Modernist Newpope Paul VI-Montini showed a rare flash of insight when he proclaimed just seven years after the close of the Vatican II Anti-council, which replaced the Roman Catholic Church as the "institutional" Church with a fake Newchurch:
We have the impression that through some cracks in the wall the smoke of Satan (fumus Satanae) has entered the temple of God: it is doubt, uncertainty, questioning, dissatisfaction, confrontation.... We thought that after the [Anti-]Council a day of sunshine would have dawned for the history of the Church. What dawned, instead, was a day of clouds and storms, of darkness, of searching and uncertainties.
"Unsaint" Paul VI-Montini had personally promulgated all sixteen of the heretical documents of the Anti-council. In those early years, the Newpopes, the Newchurch, and the Newchurchers, with very few exceptions, fell into just the trap that St. Paul wrote of:
For there shall be a time when they will not endure sound doctrine but, according to their own desires, they will heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And will indeed turn away their hearing from the truth, but will be turned unto fables (2 Timothy 4:3-4/DRV).
Now, fifty years later, attendance at the phony "New Mess" has tanked. Newchurches are closing down right and left, in some Newdioceses more than half. Newchurchers all over the world are walking into their city halls to demand to be officially taken off the Newchurch rolls. So what is Newchurch and its Marxist/Modernist head, Francis-Bergoglio, to do?
The latest ploy is to encourage Gregorian chant as the "cultural frontline of the New Evangelization." But it won't work. The small number of Newchurchers that remain were brought up on the camp song "Kumbaya" and, for funerals, the folk ditty, "Leaving on a Jet Plane." Moreover, Newchurch's "Gregorian chant" is a Modernist knockoff. It jars with the sacrilege of the "New Mess" because it was written for the true Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the Traditional Latin Mass. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the U.K. Catholic Herald.]
True Catholics, it's like a putting lipstick on a pig. And that's true for the Half Novus Ordo Vatican II "Extraordinary" Mess of 1962 as well. This Novus Ordo perversion of Gregorian chant is now "niche" for those Newchurchers with a case of St. Paul's "itching ears." They are like the heretic Anglicans, who on rare occasions use a vulgar-tongued form of Gregorian chant. It is said that the Angels in Heaven sing the Sacred Chant. If that is true, those Holy Angels are today spitting down on Newchurch for its desecration of the true Faith and the true music of that Faith.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Do clergy associated with Newchurch's pseudo-traditional "Indult" societies like the FSSP-Fraternity of St. Peter and the ICRSS-Institute of Christ the King have the required valid intention of the Catholic Church when attempting to confect the Sacraments?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
As you know, to confect a Sacrament validly, a priest use the proper form and matter and have a valid intention toward the Sacrament. All three must be valid for the validity of the Sacrament. Thus, Newchurch does not have a valid priesthood because it uses a Protestantized form under the New Ordinal of 1968 to "install" (not ordain) "presbyter-ministers," not priests. Newchurch does not have a valid Mass because (inter alia) it uses the invalid matter of cookies and Kool-Aid instead of simple, unadulterated wheat bread.
In addition to valid form, matter, and intention, most Sacraments (except in rare cases Baptism and Matrimony) require a priest for validity. With the "indult" organizations, one doesn't have to speculate about valid intention, because they don't have valid priests, but invalid Novus Ordo presbyter-ministers. Therefore, they can't validly celebrate Mass, even if they use valid form, matter, and intention. Moreover, the Newbishops who are "installing" (not ordaining) these presbyter-ministers are themselves not validly consecrated as bishops, but likewise merely "installed" under the invalid New Ordinal of 1968.
For further information on this topic, click on FAQ03: Should I Ever Attend Newchurch's "Ordinary" or "Extraordinary" Messes? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) department, in the section "Five Practical Rules for Dealing with the New Order Sect."
The Newchurch of the New Order has redefined into heresy and invalidity practically every principle of Catholicism. Now it has redefined the term "resignation." On October 12, 2018, Francis-Bergoglio supposedly accepted the resignation of the paeodphiliac Newcardinal of Washington, D.C., Donald Wuerl, who had been outed in the August 14, 2018, Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report as running a paedophile ring in his former Newdiocese of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (1988-2006), as well as suborning decades of sex crimes there.
In his October 12, 2018, letter supposedly accepting Wuerl's resignation, Francis-Bergoglio actually defended the paedophiliac Wuerl as having a "record of leadership" and as having sufficient reason to "justify" his actions, including the operation of the paedophile ring. "Of this, I am proud, and thank you," wrote the Marxist/Modernist heretic Newpope Bergoglio.
On the same day that Wuerl lost the title of Newarchbishop of Washington, D.C., he gained the new title of Apostolic Administrator of Washington, D.C. Only the names have been changed to protect the guilty. Wuerl remains a Newcardinal and is supposed to keep his roles in various powerful Newvatican offices, including the Congregation for [New]bishops, which effectively appoints Bergoglio's (paedophile) Newbishops around the world. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the U.K. Catholic Herald.]
True Catholics, Newchurch prelates, in addition to Francis-Bergoglio, have shoveled mounds of false praise onto Newcardinal Wuerl, who has been involved in the vilest of sins against children and others. It was St. Paul who beautifully wrote Wuerl's (and Bergoglio's) epitaph: "THEY WHO DO SUCH THINGS, ARE WORTHY OF DEATH; AND NOT ONLY THEY THAT DO THEM, BUT THEY ALSO THAT CONSENT TO THEM THAT DO THEM" (Romans 1:32/DRV).
I am a traditional Catholic whose daughter has just informed me that she is possessed. I have been seeing manifestations of possession and truly believe that she is possessed. My priest said that she needs a psychiatric evaluation. I am in the process of trying to find a Catholic, open-minded psychiatrist. Is this the correct procedure?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
We recommend that you take it one step at a time. Possession is actually quite rare after Apostolic times. Just as Providence provided certain special charisms that used to exist in the early Church as a way of "jump-starting" the Faith (such those listed in 1 Corinthians 12, e.g., speaking in tongues and prophesying), but these became obsolete by the time of the Church Fathers (about the 4th-5th centuries), so too the cases of possession became much rarer than during the Biblical period.
The true Catholic Church is always careful to pursue the rational and natural first, not to jump helter-skelter into unnecessarily supernatural and extraordinary fancies for what in most cases are natural events. After all, you are hardly in a position to recognize "possession." That your priest's advice to seek a suitable psychiatrist is entirely in accord with Catholic teaching. Moreover, a complete medical evaluation should be performed, as well as the psychiatric examination, as in many cases problems of the mind are actually generated by physical ailments.
Adopt St. Luke the Evangelist and the physician as your Patron Saint during this time. Every day meditate upon several verses of his consoling Gospel.
In 1973 the Newchurch of the New Order killed the Sacrament of Penance. In that year the fake Newchurch substituted an invalid Protestantized "Rite of Reconciliation." Now, not only in the rite invalid, but there are no Catholics priests with the power to forgive sins. In 1968 Newchurch had killed the Sacrament of Holy Orders, substituting an invalid Protestantized New Ordinal that merely "installed" people known as "presbyters" (ministers). The New Ordinal struck out the power to offer Mass and to forgive sins. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Patheos News Serivce.]
After a half century of the New Order, the statistics are in. Although a small number of Newchurchers munch the Novus Ordo cookie and swill the Novus Ordo Kool-Aid, few of them go to "reconciliation." Here are the 2018 figures, for example, for the United States:
How often do Newchurchers in the United States go to "reconciliation"?
45% never
30% less than once a year
12% once a year
12% several times a year
02% once a month or more
True Catholics, it just may be that the Newchurchers have figured out the non-sacrament of "Reconciliation" is a fraud, so they just don't bother. Then why do some of them still partake of the phony Novus Ordo cookie and Kool-Aid? That is just a matter of social convention. They hang out on Sunday with their family and friends, so they have refreshments together as a convenience. It's as simple as that. It's not a matter of belief for them. Newchurch lost the Catholic Faith decades ago.
It has now been revealed that Newcardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio, a close collaborator of Francis-Bergoglio, was present at the sodomite-cocaine orgy that took place in Newvatican in May 2017. It has now come out that the Newvatican gendarmes instructed the Newcardinal to "absent himself" immediately, before they began arresting those present. In initial reports, it was falsely stated that Coccopalmerio was not present. In fact, Bergoglio was aware of his presence there, according to three presbyters living in Rome.
The Newcardinal's Newmonsignor secretary was arrested, as he was the tenant at the apartment. At the time only his arrest was mentioned. Now we learn that there were a number of "arrests" (plural number). So who else was arrested on that infamous day in May 2017? Obviously, the participants included presbyters and perhaps some others, maybe even some "rent boys" (prostitutes).
One might wonder if the participants will ever be identified. Are they Newcurial officials who work in various Newvatican offices? After all, this orgy took place in an apartment of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the [New Order] Faith within the Newvatican precinct. You can be sure that Francis-Bergoglio, who has now been caught by the international press in several major lies, will be the very opposite of transparent. More revelations indicate that the orgy-goers had been using the Newcardinal's limousine to smuggle in the cocaine, as Newcardinals' limousines are not checked for drugs by the police. There is no indication that Francis-Bergoglio has changed that inane policy.
Francis-Bergoglio was said by the informant presbyters to have known about Newcardinal Coccopalmerio's involvement. He was not fired, but allowed to stay to the end of his term and then retire "honorably." This is Standard Operating Procedure the for the corrupt Bergoglio. Benedict-Ratzinger had dirty hands too. It was Ratzinger who promoted Coccopalmerio to the Presidency of the Pontifical Council for [New Order] Legislative Texts in 2007 and elevated him to the College of Newcardinals in 2017.
According to the recent Vigano Memoranda, written by the former Newpapal Ambassador to the United States, who is exposing the corruption of the Bergoglio regime, Coccopalmerio was one of the leading sodomites in the network of the perverts who have been running Newvatican and Newchurch.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I have been attending an independent traditional Catholic Church for about a year now since I left Bernie Fellay's Neo-SSPX. It is a very nice church, but I am wondering about the position of the altar crucifix. I thought that the crucifix had to be touching the mensa, or table, of the altar. Is my understanding correct?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
No, it is not correct. The Rubricae Generales Missalis Romani provide that the crucifix should be "super altare." That position could be on the mensa of the altar or above it. There is no requirement that the crucifix touch the altar. That is usually the Novus Ordo placement, which follows the practice of the heretical sects. You will see this irreligious placement in many of Francis-Bergoglio's own foreign Newpapal Messes.
In traditional churches, chapels, and oratories, the altar crucifix is usually placed above the altar (above the candlesticks) for two good reasons. First, the crucifix must be prominent and visible not only to the priest but also to the congregation. Placement on the altar, when both priest and people are facing toward it, would obstruct the congregation's view of it. Because the Novus Ordo sect irreligiously turns its phony "dinner table" around to face the congregation, it chooses to set the smallest and scrawniest crucifix right on top of its table.
A second reason why the crucifix is usually placed above the altar in a traditional church is that if there is a tabernacle on the altar, the crucifix must be visible above it, not in front of or behind it. Thus, it is placed above the tabernacle.
On October 7, 2018, Francis-Bergoglio hypocritically encouraged recitation of Sancte Michael Archangele, the prayer to St. Michael familiar to traditional Catholics as part of the Leonine Prayers after Mass, but wholly unfamiliar to Newchurchers. Bergoglio claimed that "Devil ... wants to divide the Church."
In fact, it is Francis-Bergoglio and his Newpope predecessors after the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965) who have divided the Church. They went into heresy and formed the anti-Catholic Newchurch of the New Order in 1964 during the Anti-council. Since 1899, by order of Pope Leo XIII, the St. Michael Prayer for the protection of the Church had been said by traditional Catholics after Low Mass (with some exceptions). In 1964, the "Unblessed" Newpope Paul VI-Montini and his Masonic liturgical henchman, the infamous Hannibal Bugnini, spurned the Prince of the Heavenly Army, St. Michael the Archangel, when he suppressed this prayer after Mass.
Pope Leo XIII had ordered the prayer for a very specific reason. He reported that he had seen, while celebrating Mass, a vision in which the forces of evil were working against the Church in the modern world. Yet when all seemed almost hopeless, there appeared St. Michael the Archangel, radiant in a halo of light. It was then that Pope Leo himself composed the prayer that is still said after Mass by traditional Roman Catholic priests, pleading for the powerful intercession of the Archangel against the "malice and snares of the Devil."
Newchurch is now paying the price for 55 years of failure to pray to the Archangel for the protection of the world against the powerful incursions of Satan against the true Church. In fact, the Newpopes starting with Paul VI-Montini and continuing through Francis-Bergoglio have themselves, lacking the protection of the Holy Archangel, fallen into heresy and separated themselves from the true Church of Christ. At the same time the Newchurch of the New Order is sinking like a rock into the depth of the sea, becoming ensnared into the most filthy of moral sins and the most wide-ranging of heresies, Modernism, which Pope St. Pius X had so strongly condemned in the early twentieth century.
In fact, Almighty God quickly chastised Paul VI-Montini for his heresies, as Montini had promulgated every single one of the heretical documents of the Vatican II Anti-council. Montini soon came to regret his actions. In 1968, he proclaimed that the Newchurch of the New Order, then just four years old, was engaging in "self-destruction." In 1972, a mere seven years after the Anti-council closed in 1965, Montini proclaimed that the Anti-council had been infiltrated with "smoke of Satan" (fumus Satanae). [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Zenit News Service.]
True Catholics, According to Catholic teaching, a Marxist/Modernist heretic Newpope like Francis-Bergoglio is in league with the Devil. In calling for prayers to St. Michael, Francis-Bergoglio, as a Marxist/Modernist heretic, is ironically praying for his own downfall as a false vicar of Christ!
There is just no doubt now that Francis-Bergoglio's Newchurch is not the Catholic Church. Nor was the Newchurch of his predecessor Newpopes, but they were slier in concealing the truth from their clueless New Order sectarians. At least with the Marxist/Modernist heretic Newpope Francis-Bergoglio, what you see is what you get.
Francis-Bergoglio's Newbishop of Munster, Germany, Felix Genn proudly pontificated at an September 26, 2018, press conference: "I do not want pre-conciliar clerical guys, and I will not ordain [sic] them." First of all, Genn has no power to ordain anyone. He was neither ordained as a priest not consecrated as a bishop, but was merely "installed" as a presbyter-minister in 1976 and as a Newbishop in 1999 under the invalid Protestantized New Ordinal of 1968.
Secondly, Genn doesn't have much opportunity to "install" anyone. In 2017 he "installed" three Protestantized presybter-ministers for a supposed 1,900,000 Newchurchers in Munster. He is too clueless to understand why he has "sleepless" nights about vocations to the New Order sect, which can hardly attract any men to its Newseminaries, because of its heresy, immorality, and non-Catholic vulgar worship services. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the LSN News Service.]
True Catholics, it turns out that Genn is the superior of a group founded by the heretic Hans Urs von Baltasar, one of the heretic Newjesuits who were in control of Vatican II. Just before the Anti-council, Baltasar was declared under suspicion of heresy by the Holy Office and banned from teaching. Of such ilk is the foundering New Order sect composed.
One of Davide Pagliarani's Neo-SSPX schools in Canada has been exposed as having a set of policies that make it look like all a perverted Newchurch school. These Neo-SSPX policies provide that students and families must be "open" and "welcoming" to homosexuals and promote "gay-straight" clubs. Bernie Fellay's Neo-SSPX already imposed this policy on one of its schools in England. It seems that the Devil is continuing his infiltration into Archbishop Lefebvre's traditional Catholic work, first through Bernie Fellay and now through his puppet successor David Pagliarani.
In Catholic schools before the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965), there was already tremendous "diversity," if that is what the new goal is. Many of the students came from Italian backgrounds, but some were of Polish extraction; some, of French; some of Irish. Other backgrounds were represented as well, such as Maltese, Czech, even Chinese. After all, "Catholic" means "universal."
The infiltration of the Neo-SSPX, both doctrinal and moral, now an incipient arm of the heretical Newchurch of the New Order, is coming from the greatest enemies of the Catholic Faith. It is long past time for traditional Catholics to get militant against the Enemy. Instead, Pagliarani and Fellay bow before the Enemy. So what good is their Neo-SSPX? Truly Catholic families should keep away from the Neo-SSPX and go to independent traditional Catholic chapels, churches, and oratories. They should go to the associated independent schools or homeschool their children. As Bishop Fulton Sheen wrote in the 1960's -- and his advice is even more pertinent today:
You are better off going to a state school where you will have the chance to fight for your Faith, than going to a modern Catholic [sic] school where you will have the new watered-down, Modernist version of the Faith spoon-fed to your unsuspecting minds, so that you will be apt to lose your Faith.
On August 11, 2018, Francis-Bergoglio went for a "teach-in" to the ancient Roman Circus Maximus, where, in addition to horse-racing and other ludi Romani (games), gladiators killed each other, and the government killed Christian Martyrs. It was at this location on August 11, 2018, attended by tens of thousands of young people, that Bergoglio debuted his new papal crozier (ferula, staff), which, if possible, is even worse than the "Twisted Serpent" crozier debuted by the "Unblessed" Paul VI-Montini and used by each Newpope thereafter: JPI-Luciani, the "Unsaint" JPII-Wojtyla, the "Nazi" Benedict-Ratzinger, and the Marxist/Modernist Francis-Bergoglio.
The heretic Newpope Francis-Bergoglio's new crozier appears to be what is called by witches a "stang," the word coming from Proto-Indo-European for "stick" or "pole." He is slated to use this Satanic inversion of a bishop's crozier at the opening Mess of his Synod on New Order Youth, to be simulated on October 3, 2018. Among witches, the stang is said to signify, among other things, their "god" Satan himself. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
True Catholics, the true popes traditionally used as their papal crosier a cross, not a crucifix. In contravention of this tradition, the Newpopes started using a "crucifix" modeled after the "Bent Crucifix," or, as some call it, the "Twisted Serpent Crucifix," which has Satanic associations according to even modern witches and sources in heretical Protestant charismaticism. It consists of a bent, or broken, crucifix with a distorted figure of the Christ.
For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files: FAQs and Traditional Apologetics department, in the section "Papal Crucifix."
Like a bolt of lightning, Michigan's Attorney General raided at dawn all the Newchurch dioceses across the state for secret clergy misconduct records, stating: "The Michigan Department of Attorney General has determined that a full and complete investigation of what happened within the Catholic [Sic] Church is required." It all happened at once at dawn on October 3, 2018, in order that Newchurch officials could not conceal the criminal records before the raid.
All seven of Michigan's Newdioceses reporting to Francis-Bergoglio were raided: Lansing, Detroit, Grand Rapids, Saginaw, Marquette, Kalamazoo, and Gaylord. The Attorney General's Office is looking for evidence that Newchurch presbyters and bishops have been running a paedophile-crime and cover-up operation all across the state.
Michigan's investigation was launched in the wake of the Pennsylvania Grand Jury Investigation, released August 14, 2018, that exposed hundreds of "predator" presbyters and Newbishops, including the current Newarchbishop of Washington, D.C., Donald Wuerl, who have sexually assaulted more than 1,000 children in just six Newdioceses of Pennsylvania alone.
True Catholics, Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust has just gotten worse under Francis-Bergoglio, the Third Paedophile Newpope, who has now been confirmed to have personally covered up crimes against children and stopped their investigation. In the United States, only 30 per cent of regularly-attending Newchurchers now view Bergoglio favorably, a drop of 29 per cent just since January 2018. The barque of Newpeter is sinking fast. One can only hope that the whole Newchurch boat will quickly sink without Christ to blow away the winds of its vile scandals.
The regime of Marxist/Modernist Newpope Francis-Bergoglio officially announced on October 2, 2018, yet two more anti-Catholic "firsts." Bergoglio will "unsaint" the Communist Oscar Romero and the heretic Newpope Paul VI-Montini on October 14, 2018, with a blasphemous ceremony in St. Peter's Archbasilica.
Giovanni Battista Montini, aka Paul VI, could be the most heretical of all the persona in the history of the Church who claimed to be pope. He alone signed every single document of the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965), including the document that on November 21, 1964, replaced the Catholic Church with the heretical Protestantized Newchurch of the New Order as the "institutional" Church. Montini, with his partners in crime, including the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini and the Modernist heretic leader Josef Ratzinger, destroyed the True Mass and Sacraments, replaced Catholic doctrine with Protestant doctrine, and corrupted Catholic morality to the point that even Newchurch's Newpopes, Newcardinals, and Newbishops are to this day perpetrators and accomplices in paedophilia.
Oscar Romero, Newchurch archbishop of El Salvador (1977-1980) was an atheistic Communist who had deeply offended his own Newchurchers. Romero was an associate of the murderous "Liberation Theology" Movement in Latin America, in which Newjesuits took up weapons to fight conservative governments and fight with violence for Marxist "social and economic justice." In 1980 Romero became the victim of his own violent philosophy, killed while simulating an invalid New Order Mess at his own Novus Ordo "dinner table." Romero was not even a Catholic bishop, as he was never consecrated a bishop in the valid traditional Sacrament of Holy Orders, but only "installed" under the invalid Protestantized New Ordinal of 1968. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Zenit News Service.]
True Catholics, Newchurch has not had valid canonizations since the Newpopes took over after the Vatican II Anti-council, but only fake "con-anizations," so called because they "con" the Newchurchers. True canonizations traditionally were very few and took centuries to confirm. These latest two haven't even been dead half a century. The true Roman Catholic Church investigated possible Saints for centuries because it did not want to make a mistake. For example, St. Thomas More, who stood courageous for the Catholic Faith against the murderous, lecherous, heretical regime of the multi-bigamist King Henry VIII of England, was martyred in 1535. More was not canonized until 1935, exactly 400 years after his martyrdom.
For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files: FAQs and Traditional Apologetics department, in the section "'Canonizations' - New Order."
Like other Neocon Newchurchers, the Neo-SSPX, led by Davide Pagliarani and Bernie Fellay, can't come to grips with the fact that their leader, Francis-Bergoglio, is knee deep into paedophilia and is being outed almost day after day as having some personal involvement in the crime, whether by stopping the investigation of his Campaign Manager for the 2013 Newpapal election or by playing deaf and dumb to the multitudinous reports of children sexually assaulted, raped, and sodomized.
The Neo-SSPX's U.S. District Superior, Jurgen Wegner, after virtual silence on the part of the Neo-SSPX, issued a pathetic "Letter to the Faithful" on September 29, 2019. Wegner barely mentions the man now responsible for suborning the vile crimes involved in Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust: Francis-Bergoglio, whom Wegner still calls "Holy Father." How can this man be a "Holy Father" when he is a New Order heretic and an exposed accomplice with those who commit sexual assaults against children?
It is perhaps the irony of Providence that on the very day Wegner came out with his pusillanimous letter, Newarchbishop Carlo Vigano issued his second Memorandum against Francis-Bergoglio, Vigano did not mince words. He noted that in the five weeks since his detailed Memorandum was issued outing Bergoglio "neither the [New]pope nor any of the [New]cardinals in [New]rome have denied the facts I asserted in my testimony. How can one avoid concluding that the reason they do not provide the documentation is that they know it confirms my testimony?"
Yet Bernie Fellay and his puppet, the new head of the Neo-SSPX, Davide Pagliarani, have been as close-mouthed as the storied three deaf, dumb, and blind monkeys. The reason is simple. The Neo-SSPX wants to join the fake Newchurch of the New Order and its head, the Marxist heretic Newpope, Francis-Bergoglio. Because they have sold their souls to Mephistopheles, they must remain mute in the face of Newchurch's evil. Archbishop Lefebvre must be spitting mad at what has become of his original, traditional Society of St. Pius X, now in the hands of the sellouts Fellay, Pagliarani, and their henchmen.
In answer to a frequent question, the number of Newchurch bishops who were validly consecrated in the valid, traditional Roman Rite before August 15, 1968, when the invalid, Protestantized New Ordinal was promulgated for Newchurch is now, give or take, only forty. The number of Newchurch bishops in the world is approximately 5,000. Thus, the once-valid group old group constitutes fewer than one ten-thousandth of the total. For all intents and purposes, Newchurch has no valid bishops. Even for those who are valid, when they simulate the New Mess, that Mess is, of course, invalid.
Most of the infinitesimal once-valid old group are in their nineties, and the very youngest one is 83. Two of them are over 100. Ironically, some of the wildest and most radical of the oldest Newchurch bishops, who are all heretics, of course, because they attach themselves to the heretical Newchurch, were once validly consecrated.
Truly independent traditional Roman Catholic bishops are, of course, consecrated under the traditional Roman Catholic Ordinal and are valid.
Newarchbishop and former Newpapal Nuncio to the United States, Carlo Vigano, issued a follow-up memorandum dated September 29, 2018, from his place of hiding, a little over a month since his Memorandum of August 22, 2018, which shocked the world. Vigano documented that Francis-Bergoglio, together with Newcardinals and Newbishops, have been complicit in covering up the sex crimes against children and young Newseminarians by Theodore McCarrick, Newcardinal of Washington, D.C.
This knowing cover-up by Francis-Bergoglio and his henchmen Vigano called "indefensible and a devastating crime for the [New]church." He said that he spoke out "in order to protect the [New]church ... not to cover up and become complicit in crimes committed by some of her members." He said that he himself had been a witness of shocking facts.
Newarchbishop Vigano noted that in the five weeks since his detailed Memorandum was issued "neither the [New]pope nor any of the [New]cardinals in [New]rome have denied the facts I asserted in my testimony. How can one avoid concluding that the reason they do not provide the documentation is that they know it confirms my testimony?" Vigano went on to say that the McCarrick case was not an isolated one with Francis-Bergoglio: "[Bergoglio] has defended homosexual clergy who committed serious sexual crimes against minors or adults. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.]
True Catholics, Newarchbishop Vigano concluded his follow-up memorandum with the question: "Has Christ perhaps become invisible to His vicar?" The answer of us TRADITIO Fathers from the beginning of this Newpapacy has been a resounding Yes!. Bergoglio, a Marxist/Modernist who is a heretic, praises sodomites, and proudly calls atheists his best friends, is not representing Christ. Bergoglio he is Christ's enemy, the High Priest Caiphas.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I withheld confessing "gossip" because I was not sure whether it was a Mortal Sin, or even a sin at all. Should I now make a General Confession and confess all my sins again since then? My confessor told me that it was not necessary and absolved me.
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
You should follow the judgment of your confessor. From what you have described, the absolution given to you seems perfectly valid and appropriate. For you to dwell on this matter itself could be sinful, as not to trust in the forgiveness of God after having received Saacramental absolution smacks of a sinful attitude toward the theological virtue of Hope.
There is no sin of "gossip" as such. What people generally mean by the term in English is an exchange with family, friends, and neighbors of personal and public news of the day, often about people whom they know in common. Such talk has gone on since time immemorial as a way to keep informed on matters related to people whom one knows. It can be seen even in passages of the earliest work of Western Literature, Homer's Odyssey, for example. As such, this kind of exchange is usually not sinful.
St. Thomas Aquinas, the Universal Doctor of the Church, in his authoritative Summa Theologica does mention two sinful varieties of similar speech: detractio (sometime rendered "backbiting") and susurratio (sometimes rendered "tale-bearing"). The detractor intends to expose to those who have no need know about these faults his neighbor's secret faults in order to defame him. The tale-bearer wishes to expose such faults in order to sow contention with the neighbor. Such sins are usually venial, unless their purpose and effect is especially malicious, e.g., to damage seriously a neighbor's reputation or to put his job at risk.
It should be pointed out that it is not sinful, but even commendable, to expose faults to those who need to know. For example, if a paedophile moves into the neighborhood, there is nothing sinful in making known that information to parents who have children in the neighborhood. Similarly for drunk drivers, in order that people can take proper precautions. Also, in the political area in a democracy, when public (not private) matters are being discussed, or even in the case of members of an organization speaking publicly about their organization's leaders, it is not "gossip" to discuss forthrightly one's observations about a leader's actions and character.
As to General Confessions, these are not generally made except at significant stages in life when one enters upon a Sacrament such as Holy Orders or when one changes state of life, as a single person entering upon marriage.
Marc Newcardinal Ouellet, who is considered Neopapabile by Newchurch Leftists, on September 26, 2018, issued an official statement favoring solidarity and loyalty to the heretic Newpope Francis-Bergoglio. What is interesting about his call to rally around Bergoglio is that Ouellet, who serves in the Bergoglio regime as Prefect of the Congregation of [New]bishops, does not call into question even one of the charges made against Bergoglio, to wit, that
So what is Newcardinal Ouellet angling for in his sycophancy to the Third Paedophile Newpope? The Leftist Ouellet wants Francis-Bergoglio's job, of course! He calls for unity and loyalty to Bergoglio and yet incredibly cannot dispute a single charge made against this heretic Newpope.