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Francis-Bergoglio leaked the contents of a November 22, 2020, handwritten letter in which he appeared to encourage a group of women in a shantytown of his native Buenos Aires, Argentina, who are protesting a proposed new law to legalize abortion.
The problem, as always with Bergoglio, is: what does he mean? He never speaks in terms of abortion in terms of God's Natural Law or Catholic doctrine. He merely asks questions, as in this case: “Is it fair to eliminate a human life to solve a problem?" His "fuzzy" method, which is characteristic of the post Vatican II Anti-council period, is deliberate in order that he does not have to take a clear moral stance on any issue.
Bergoglio's statements in the past on abortion have been entirely contradictory. Sometimes he seems to be opposed to it; sometimes he seems to be tolerant of it. That duplicity is to be expected. Bergoglio is an apostate Marxist/Communist, a master at twisting language to achieve his political, not spiritual, ends. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Vatican News.]
True Catholics, notice that this case involves Argentine women. The Marxist/Modernist Francis-Bergoglio say anything if it pertains to his native Argentina. If in this case he is addressing "innocent life," he is otherwise not speaking out against the millions of babies and adult innocents, many in his own Newchurch sect, who are being murdered by the atheistic Communist government of China, which he loves and to whom he has sold out his sect, allowing the Communists to appoint his Newchurch bishops.
On November 23, 2020, the New York State Attorney General charged Newbishops Richard Malone and Edward Grosz, and the Buffalo Diocese itself for failing to protect children from the predations of their criminal paedophile presbyters and for engaging in a decades-long cover up of sex crimes perpetrated by paedophile presbyters. The Attorney General is also seeing to force full public disclosure of paedophile presbyters and their criminal actions.
The Newbishops in question and the Newdiocese of Buffalo, New York, as the charges read, knew of paedophile crimes by more than sixty presbyters, but these crimes were not reported to either civil or Newchurch authorities. Instead, the presbyters were shielded from public disclosure. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by ABC News Buffalo.]
True Catholics, the Attorney General is prosecuting these charged criminals under New York's Charities Law, as Newdiocesan funds, including Newchurchers' donations to the Novus Ordo collection plate, have been essentially embezzled for criminal purposes. This case is just one more reminder that no true Catholic should ever set foot in a Newchurch or contribute one cent to its criminal activities.
A convicted presbyter thief has now been charged with paedophile crimes as well. On November 21, 2020, presbyter Marcin Garbacz, a chaplain and teacher of the Newdiocese of Rapid City, South Dakota, who had been convicted in March 2010 on 65 federal theft-related crimes of stealing donations from his Newchurch parishioners, now faces new charges of sexually assaulting a child and possessing child pornography.
The theft-related charges included wire fraud, money laundering, transporting stolen money, and tax crimes. The presbyter had stolen money from Newchurch and spent it on expensive artwork and religious objects, a diamond ring, a grand piano, a Cadillac, and other items. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
True Catholics, when Newchurch substituted itself for the institutional Catholic Church in 1964 at the Vatican II Anti-council, it gave free reign to hundreds of thousands of criminal presbyters, Newbishops, Newcardinals, and Newpopes in what was to become Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust, which is blazing now even more than when it was revealed to the public by the Boston Globe Spotlight investigation in 2002. Since that time Newchurch presbyters and Newhierarchs, as well as Newpopes, have become more heretical, more apostate -- and more criminal.
Wilton Gregory hasn't even received the red hat yet as Francis-Bergoglio's Newcardinal-designate of Washington, D.C. and already he is falling into line with the Marxist/Modernist Newpope in pontificating on November 24, 2020, that he will hand out the fake (invalid) Novus Ordo cookie and Kool-Aid to Joe Biden, the putative U.S. President Elect. Biden has been denied the cookie even by many Newbishops in the United States because he publicly supports abortion and the public funding thereof.
Biden, who claims to be a "Catholic," i.e., a Newchurcher, is said to attend the fake Novus Ordo Mess on Sundays. Yet he openly "married" two sodomites as Vice President in his official residence. Newchurch should Novus Ordo-excommunicate Biden outright, but it is too pusillanimous to do that, so instead many Newbishops have simply refused to give him the Novus Ordo cookie. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic News Service.]
True Catholics, Wilton Gregory, a Black man who claims to love the poor, scandalized Newchurch with his hypocrisy when he diverted 2,200,000 dollars of his Atlanta, Georgia, Newarchdiocese's money from charitable activities to buy for himself a lavish archiepiscopal mansion. So pilloried was he by the public that within three months he was forced by public opinion to give up his mansion. As to Biden's support for murdering foetuses, a most grave sin spitting on God-created human life, Gregory treats it as an inconsequential "disagreement." With leaders like Francis-Bergoglio and Wilton Gregory, no wonder Newchurch has lost all moral authority -- if it ever had any.
A red-chalk drawing of Jesus Christ by the famous Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), has been newly discovered in a private collection in Lecco, Italy. The discovery was announced to the world on November 19, 2020. The drawing is known as "Salvator Mundi" (Savior of the World).
Leonardo, died, probably of apoplexy, at age 67 in 1519, two years after the Arch-heretic Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the door of the Wittenberg palace church in 1517, an act that is now regarded as the start of the Protestant Revolt. He is considered to be one of the great men of the High Renaissance, a polymath, inventor, and painter.
Leonardo's "Mona Lisa" and "L'Ultima Cena" (Last Supper), the latter painted for the refectory of the Convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan, are known by all. His notebooks, written in mirror image (Leonardo was himself left handed), treat of engineering, anatomy, and various sciences.
True Catholics, Leonardo, a (traditional) Catholic, was buried in the collegiate church of Saint Florentin at the Château d'Amboise in 12 August 1519 with Francis I of France in attendance. The art historian Vasari writes that in his last days Leonardo sent for a priest to administer the Sacrament of Penance and Holy Viaticum.
On November 17, 2020, Italian police found more than 700,000 U.S. dollars in cash in a Newvatican official's two homes. Fabrizio Tirabassi, a Newchurch layman employed at Newvatican's Secretariat of State, has been implicated in financial corruption, along with four of his colleagues. Some of the cash was found hidden away in an old shoe box. Gold and silver coins worth over 2,000,000 dollars were found hidden in a wardrobe.
Tirabassi has been implicated in the London real-estate scam, in which 416,000,000 dollars of Newchurchers' donations were lost or embezzled. He seems to have served as a middle man in the scam, receiving his kickbacks from the ill-gotten gains as "commissions" through a dummy corporation. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic News Agency.]
True Catholics, Tirabassi is seemingly still on the payroll of Newvatican, even though he has been involved with fraudulent investments and financial transactions under the umbrella of the Newvatican Secretariat of State. The extent of financial and sexual corruption of Newvatican that has been exposed under Francis-Bergoglio's "shop of horrors" is truly stunning!
The story of corruption in Newvatican is getting crazier and crazier. On November 18, 2020, Newcardinal Angelo Becciu, Sostituto (No. 2) of Newvatican's Secretariate of State, who was deposed in 2018 from the Newcardinalate for financial corruption, is now suing an Italian weekly newsmagazine L'Espresso, for 12,000,000 U.S. dollars. He claims that his deposition deprives him of any chance to be elected Newpope and that any future Newpapal election may therefore be invalid. After Becciu's guilt became virtually undeniable, Francis-Bergoglio, after initial inaction, was forced to depose Becciu from the Newroman Curia.
Becciu has censured Francis-Bergoglio's prosecutors investigating the case of a fraudulent London real-estate scam in which Newvatican was engaged. The deal went sour, and 416,000,000 dollars of Newchurchers' donations were embezzled, while Newvatican enriched its own pockets. Becciu was also caught funneling 119,000 dollars in Newchurch funds to a corporation run by his brother. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
True Catholics, what ambitions for power and money these Newchurch prelates have! Becciu thought that he was a Newpapal preferito. The fact that he was associated with a huge theft of money from Newchurchers and with funneling Newchurch funds to his brother apparently didn't even resonate with him.
The devastating report on paedophile Newcardinal Theodore McCarrick, released on November 10, 2020, by Newvatican ignores some real theological (as well as moral) problems in the case -- even for Newchurch.
First, McCarrick was sacrilegiously celebrating thousands of Messes in a state of grave sin. Granted that his Protestant-Masonic-Pagan Novus Ordo Messes were not valid, true Masses at all, and so were invalid (fake) anyway, yet the heretic Newchurch erroneously considers them valid.
Second, even if McCarrick confessed these sins, he apparently confessed them to his sex-partner presbyters in violation of the canon solemnly prohibiting partners in sin to confess and give absolution to one another. By doing so, all presbyters, Newbishops, and Newcardinals involved were automatically excommunicated by their actions. Granted that Newchurch abolished the true Sacrament of Penance (Confession) in 1973 and replaced it with with an invalid, non-sacramental "Rite of Reconciliation," so these "confessions" were invalid (fake) anyway, yet the heretic Newchurch erroneously considers them valid. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by LS News.]
True Catholics, it was St. Peter Damian, the eleventh-century Doctor of the Church, who condemned prelates sodomizing lower clerics and who condemned such sodomite prelates, if finally unrepentant, to the deepest Hell. Yet the McCarrick Report does not even mention such grave theological crimes that the Newcardinal committed up and down the East Coast of the United States for decades. Obviously, three decades into Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust, Newchurch and its Newpopes still don't get it.
On November 13, 2020, a sharp-eyed journalist spotted the fact that Francis-Bergoglio, almost 84, had "liked" the photograph of a Brazilian porn model on Instagram. Natalia Garibotto, 27, is pictured on Bergoglio's official Instagram page, Franciscus. As soon as he was asked for an explanation, the photograph was quickly removed, but Bergoglio offered no explanation to the press. Garibotto's Bergoglio-"liked" photo showed her in a raunchy pose, dressed in lingerie resembling a Newchurch school uniform and exposing her buttocks.
Garibotto's publicity firm stated that her web site had “received the [New]pope's official blessing." That web site indicates that "likers," like Bergoglio, receive "sexy content" and "signed Polaroids." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.]
True Catholics, the porn star claimed that Francis-Bergoglio's statement indicated that she is "on her way to Heaven." The star is obviously an air-head, as, even if Bergoglio were a true pope, he would have no authority to determine who is going to Heaven; that is God's judgment alone to make. What is clear is that both Garibotto and Bergoglio give every indication of being headed to a much hotter place than Heaven after they pass from this life.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I am a new convert to the traditional Catholic Church. The new liturgical year will start soon, on November 29 in 2020 with the First Sunday of Advent. I am looking forward to introducing some liturgical traditions to my home. Is there any resource that could guide us during the liturgical year with some traditions that we can implement in our families, such as Advent wreaths?
As in all such cases, your first resource for such information would be your own traditional Catholic priest, when he touches upon these matters in his Sunday sermons to you as the seasons progress. If he has not been doing so, ask him to include this information in future.
Other than your pastor, your own traditional Catholic handmissal would give you such information. The most detailed of these is the Saint Andrew Daily Missal for Sundays and Feasts with Kyriale. For information on this and other resources, click on FAQ05: "What Traditional Catholic Resources Do You Recommend?" in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) department.
The use of Advent wreaths is the subject of controversy. Some see it as coming from Protestantism. Others say that they were used in Germany before the Protestant Revolution. Whatever the conclusion one reaches about the history of this practice, it would be fair to say that they have become markedly more prominent since the fabrication of the Newchurch of the New Order in 1964. For further information on this topic, click on FAQ11: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Practices? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) department, in the section "Advent: Candles / Wreath."
Francis-Bergoglio and his Newchurch of the New Order are continuing to careen into apostasy, uprooting God's Natural Law and Catholic teaching by approving of sodomitic homosexuality and "transgenderism" in contravention of even his own published Newchurch education policy. His modus operandi is now clear. He publishes one thing in fake "official" texts, like the "Catholic" Catechism, which is anything but Catholic, then he changes that doctrine by giving a press interview or approving some local violation of morality.
That is exactly what happened when Newarchbishop William Lori, of Baltimore, Maryland, approved a third-grade girl's "transition" into a boy. She/he started by cutting her/his hair short and wearing pants. Even Newchurch parents were so irate that they forced out the girl/boy's father, who was employed by the Newchurch school. It turns out that the father disagreed with Catholic teaching and should not have been hired in the first place. Now parents are denouncing Lori as immoral and anti-Catholic. The father publicly stated that he was "proud and excited" about his "transgender boy [sic]."
Newchurch's own 2019 document from its Congregation for Catholic [Sic] Education denounces transgenderism as condemned "gender ideology." Lori allowed the girl/boy to call her/himself by a male name. The school's handbook was altered to allow "transgenderization." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.]
True Catholics, the fact is undeniable that Newchurch, headed by Francis-Bergoglio, is not the Catholic Church. Any Protestant sect is now more "Catholic" than the Newchurch sect. Newchurch has no valid Mass, no valid Sacraments, has corrupted doctrine worse than Protestant, and morals more redolent of a pig sty than anything Catholic, or even Christian, for that matter. That fact is that, although all the Newpopes have been corrupt and apostates from the Catholic Faith, the Marxist/Modernist Bergoglio is the worst. It may just be that almighty God has allowed such a thing to happen so that faithful Catholics could be more clearly separated from the modern-day Judases lurking in Bergoglio's Newchurch.
On November 16, 2020, just ten days after he was deposed from the Newcardinalate for covering up paedophile sex crimes among his Newclergy, Henryk Gulbinowicz, the Primate of Poland gave up the ghost. 382 Newchurch clergy in Poland have now been fingered as paedophile criminals for sexually assaulting 624 victims. The firestorm of Newchurch crimes in Poland was the subject of a 2019 documentary, "Tell No One," which is said to have been watched by virtually every Pole.
Gulbinowicz was apparently so stunned at the fact that he was deposed that he fell mortally ill and died ten days later. A provision in the deposition order prohibits Gulbinowicz from having a funeral service in his see's St. John the Baptist Newcathedral in Wroclaw, Poland. He has also been interdicted from ecclesiastical burial there. [Some information for this Commentary was provided by the Catholic News Agency.]
True Catholics, Newcardinal Gulbinowicz was once the most powerful man in Poland. Now, because of paedophile crimes, he is now a man without a country. There are several ironies in the fact that it was the First Paedophile Newpope, the "Unsaint" JPII-Wojtyla, a Pole himself, who appointed Gulbinowicz to be a Newcardinal. But that shows just how corrupt the Newchurch and its paedophile Newpopes are.
True Catholics around the world have been shocked at the possibility that Joe Biden could become President of the United States, although the outcome of the November 3, 2020, U.S. Presidential election is still in doubt,
Donald Trump, a mainline Presbyterian-Episcopalian, has been, in terms of his moral policies, the most Catholic of presidents that the United States has had, with the possible exception of John Kennedy. Trump has stood strongly against abortion and infanticide. He has vocally combatted atheistic Communism with a clarion voice not heard since Fr. Charles Coughlin, Fr. Leonard Feeney, and Bp. Fulton Sheen. Trump instituted an international commission to protect the lives of Christians in the Middle East and elsewhere. Trump took official recognition with a presidential proclamation of Ash Wednesday. Trump had, if not traditional Catholics, several ultra-conservative Newchurchers on his White House staff.
Joe Biden, on the other hand, claims to be a "Catholic." Of course, he is not a Catholic, but an apostate of Newchurch, which is barely a Protestant sect. Biden has fallen short even of Newchurch standards. He has been denied the Novus Ordo cookie and Kool-Aid in several Newdioceses in the United States because of his pro-abortion policy. Biden even wants the government to fund abortions. Biden is soft on atheistic Communism. During the presidential campaign evidence was published showing that Biden took what were essentially bribes from the Communist dictatorship of Xi Jinping. Biden publicly, officially, and proudly "married" two sodomites and has hired a "transsexual" for his purported transition team. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.]
True Catholics, clueless of religion as most are today, Biden will wrongly be viewed as a poster boy for "Catholicism," and his public advocacy of gross Mortal Sins will be viewed as the "book" on what is Catholic. Surely, Biden's fellow traveler, the apostate Marxist/Modernist Newpope Francis-Bergoglio, will do nothing but support Biden and his anti-Catholicism. He already has. It remains for traditional Catholics never to fail to educate and speak out about true Catholicism with their family, friends, coworkers, and the general public.
On November 10, 2020, the defendant in the dock in Paris was none other than the Newpope's Nuncio (Ambassador) to France, Newarchbishop Luigi Ventura. So offensive were Ventura's crimes that his Newvatican diplomatic immunity was rescinded.
Ventura has operated in France under cover of Newpopes Benedict-Ratzinger and Francis-Bergoglio since 2009. Ventura was so brazen that he assaulted a young man at a January 17, 2020, ceremony right at the City Hall of Paris. To add to the vileness of Ventura's actions, he was considered, as Newpapal Nuncio, the dean of the foreign ambassadors to France and was treated with special respect. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by La Croix International.
True Catholics, it seems that under Francis-Bergoglio Newchurch's crimes have come to a head, and all Hell has broken loose. In recent days, two Newcardinals have been deposed, and now a Newarchbishop's head is on the block. And these are few from the only Newprelates deposed. The stink of the New Order, festering and growing since the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965) has spread like gangrene into the very top levels of Newchurch, including the Newpope.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Advent will soon be upon us, and I am inquiring about the law of the Church pertaining to fast and abstinence during the holy season of Advent. Could you review the laws that the Church prescribes for fasting and abstinence to prepare us during this holy time of expectation?THE TRADITIO FATHERS REPLY.
The season of Advent begins in 2020 at Vespers on Saturday, November 28, 2020, when we leave behind the green color of the season of Pentecost and take up the violet color of the penitential season of Advent . The Church traditionally has prescribed fasting and abstinence during this penitential season, which is not, however, as penitential as is the season of Quadragesima (Lent), for the Sacred Liturgy anticipates the joy of the Nativity of Our Lord on December 25.
The law of fast and abstinence (the Second Precept of the Church) binds Catholics under grave obligation to prepare us for the coming of Our Lord on Christmas. The days prescribed in 2020 are as follows:
For details on the definitions of fast and abstinence and for detailed information on each day of the liturgical year, including fast and abstinence, click on the TRADITIO Network's Traditional Liturgical Calendar department.
The top leaders of Newchurch of the New Order are now falling like bowling pins. On November 10, 2020, the final report on the deposed paedophile Newcardinal Theodore McCarrick, of Washington, D.C., was issued. Two days later on the other side of the world, Newcardinal Henryk Gulbinowicz, of Wroclaw, Poland, has been deposed, found guilty by his own Newchurch of sexually assaulting 15-year old boys. Gulbinowicz, now 97, has also been denied ecclesiastical burial in his own Newcathedral.
The downfall of the Polish Newchurch, which was one of the most devout before the Catholic Church was replaced in 1946 at the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965) by the Newchurch of the New Order, has been called “one of the deepest in the Polish [New]church's history." Gulbinowicz, Poland's Newchurch Primate, was described as one of Newchurch's "most honored hierarchs, enjoying undeniable authority for decades." As in the case of Theodore McCarrick in the United States, leaders of Newchurch have known for over twenty years of Gulbinowicz's crimes and did nothing about them. Most guilty in this seamy affair may be the Polish Newpope, "Unsaint" JPII-Wojtyla, colleague of his Polish Newcardinal.
Other Polish Newbishops are under investigation as a result of no fewer than twenty legal petitions. Newbishop Edward Janiak, of Kalisz, was already deposed in October 2019 for covering up sex crimes. In February 2020, Newbishop Jan Szkodon, of Krakow, was also suspended for sexually assaulting an under-age girl. Newarchbishop Slawoj Glodz, of Gdansk, is already being investigated for a major criminal cover-up. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by The Tablet.]
True Catholics, Providence apparently will not allow officials of the apostate Newchurch who dare to act in His name when committing the most vile crimes to get away with impunity. The latest Newcardinal to fall, Gulbinowicz, was caught even at the advanced age of 97. With so many Newcardinals falling -- a thing virtually unheard of before the Vatican II Anti-council -- one can only wonder when the ringleaders responsible for suborning such crimes may have to pay the price: the "Nazi" Newpope Benedict-Ratzinger, age 93, and the Marxist/Modernist Francis-Bergoglio, age 83.
One day after the release of the devastating November 10, 2020, Newvatican report on the Paedophile Newcardinal Theodore McCarrick, of Washington, D.C., Francis-Bergoglio inadvertently admitted to the truth by stating: "I renew my closeness to the victims of sexual abuse." Indeed, he has been close. The report shows that it has been under his Newpapacy, as well as that of his two predecessors, JPII-Wojtyla and Benedict-Ratzinger, that child victims of sex crimes have been consistently ignored, berated, and even vilified in order to protect the likes of McCarrick, the arch-paedophile, who sodomized children and young Newseminarians along the East Coast for more than two decades.
There can be no real doubt that all three Paedophile Newpopes knew full well what McCarrick was doing. Laypeople, presbyters, and Newbishops have publicly displayed letters that they had written to Wojtyla, Ratzinger, and Bergoglio about McCarrick, who encapsulates the sex crimes that hundreds of thousands of Newchurch clergy around the world have been perpetrating, mostly since the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965), which vitiated the discipline of the Church in favor of unquestioning "mercy" to Newchurch criminals, but no real mercy to their victims.
Bergoglio's November 11, 2020, statement was his expected cover-up of his role over the last seven years in Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust, which has continued, and even accelerated, under his regime, while for a generally clueless press he affected the visage of some guiltless avuncular personality to conceal his deep stains of guilt. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Zenit News Service.]
The report itself ignored significant evidence of Bergoglio's complicity because, after all, he controls the report, which was conducted not by an outside, objective agency, but by the Newpope's own servants. Yet McCarrick's crimes were so widespread and so public that even his extortive fundraising and electoral support for Bergoglio could not save him.
A Newvatican congregation was forced to concede on January 11, 2019, that McCarrick was guilty of:
True Catholics, the paedophile McCarrick was not even fired by Bergoglio, who merely "accepted his resignation from the Newcardinalate." McCarrick was supposed to enter into a "life of prayer and penance," but it seems that McCarrick instead was posted to a small house near a school where children attended. The latest few crocodile tears from Francis-Bergoglio just make the stark, even satanic, evil of his Newchurch regime stand out all the more.
On November 10, 2020, the long awaited Newvatican report on the paedophile Newcardinal Theodore McCarrick was released. It has taken two years and weighs in 450 pages -- yet it is still seriously incomplete. In the report the three Paedophile Newpopes "Unsaint" JPII-Wojtyla, "Nazi" Benedict-Ratzinger, and "Marxist" Francis-Bergoglio are all implicated, though the report, under the control of Bergoglio, unsurprisingly gives the short shrift to Bergoglio's collusion.
The report documents that Newchurch officials from the Newpopes down to Newcardinals, down to Newbishops, down to presbyters knew about McCarrick's crimes for years and did virtually nothing about them, while desperate parents, in fear of retaliation, tried to protect their children. The report excoriates Newchurch's bishops for providing "inaccurate and incomplete information" in order ward off any investigation of the corruption. The charges of whistleblower Newpapal Nuncio of Washington, D.C., Newarchbishop Carlo Vigano against the Newpopes and Newprelates of Newchurch have been vindicated, although the report desperately tries, and fails, to plead ignorance on the part of Bergoglio.
And how did McCarrick get away with his crimes? Besides the three Paedophile Newpopes being "soft on crime," more interested in propping up the sinking reputation of Newchurch than in protecting children from being sodomized and raped by its Newclergy, the main reason seems to be the fact that McCarrick was an extortionist, who brought corrupted money into the coffers of the three Paedophile Newpopes. As long has he did that, Wojtyla, Ratzinger, and Bergoglio seemed quite content for him to ravage children and young Newseminarians up and down the East Coast of the United States. In fact, Wojtyla, knowing of the reports of McCarrick's crimes, still went ahead and appointed him Newarchbishop and Newcardinal of Washington, D.C. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World News.]
True Catholics, what the report barely touches on is the evidence that McCarrick was protected by a homosexual network and was advanced in his career by prelates of the homosexual "Lavender Mafia." He also gained power by supporting the Marxist/Modernist Newjesuit Jorge Bergoglio to become Newpope. The report entirely fails to investigate the McCarrick-Bergoglio liaison. All in all, the long-awaited report is unsurprisingly a whitewash and continuing cover-up of the corruption of Newchurch itself and the Newpopes that have run it. Is anyone surprised?
On November 7, 2020, even the Wall Street Journal took note that the Marxist/Modernist Francis-Bergoglio has deviously been using Marxist tactics to destroy Catholic doctrine, the same tactics that the Vatican II Anti-council used between 1962 and 1965 to destroy the Mass, the Sacraments, Catholic doctrine, and Catholic morality. And indeed all these have been destroyed in the Newchurch of the New Order, founded by that Anti-council in 1964, which is most certainly not the Catholic Church.
The Journal uses as an example Bergoglio's recent undermining of God's Natural Law by tolerating sodomite "civil unions." He does this not forthrightly -- as then even the Neocons would have to declare him a heretic -- but by innuendo, interviews, and biographical films. It is all a Marxist ploy on is part. Basically, it allows Newchurchers to believe as "Catholic" anything they want. In 2016 Bergoglio already undermined Catholic teaching on artificial contraception by off-hand remarks.
True Catholics, Francis-Bergoglio started off his undermining of God's Natural Law, which binds not only Catholics, but everyone, by declaring on the subject of sodomy, "Who am I to judge?" Is it any wonder the sodomitic paedophilia continues to run rampant in Bergoglio's Newchurch while Bergoglio lets them off scot free, while the children's lives are ruined? It is hard to think of anything more anti-Catholic and more vile.
A federal Grand Jury on October 23, 2020, returned a ten-count indictment for sex trafficking of minors and adults by force, fraud, or coercion against presbyter Michael Zacharias, pastor of a Newparish in Findlay, Ohio. He is charged with "using his status and position as a religious and community leader to seek out troubled minors and exploit their personal challenges for his own satisfaction."
The Federal Bureau of Investigation, which undertook the investigation that led to the indictments, found that Zacharias had been committing these crimes over a period of 21 years, from 1999 to 2020. He started out while a Newchurch seminarian, then continued as an installed presbyter. Among other crimes, the presbyter coerced children, and drug-addicted adults, to perform commercial sex acts. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the United States Attorney's Office.]
True Catholics, as each day goes by, more and more vile crimes perpetrated by Newchurch clergy are exposed. Meanwhile, the "Unsaint" JPII-Wojtyla, the "Nazi" Benedict-Ratzinger,, and the "Communist" Francis-Bergoglio have essentially stood by and cheered their criminal Newclergy on. Very few of them were ever punished. Thus, the Newpopes effectively set the policy that presbyters, Newbishops, and Newcardinals were welcome to violate children at will.
Francis-Bergoglio says that his Newbishops should live a simple life. In reality, this is just propaganda. His Newbishops are living posh lives, and Bergoglio does nothing about it. It is just another example of Newchurch's "all talk and no action." Bergoglio himself lives the Five Star Hilton-like Casa Sanctae Marthae.
Robert Byrne, Newbishop of Hexham and Newcastle, England, on November 1, 2020, moved into his new Newepiscopal mansion in the posh Gosforth High Street district of that city. And the clueless Newchurchers are footing the bill of over 1,200,000. The "most impressive, refurbished" mansion boasts six bedrooms, en-suite bathrooms for each, a sun terrace, and a fully-equipped gymnasium.
Byrne, with his mouth, vowed to fight poverty. What he actually did was to steal an indecent amount of money from his own Newchurchers to live the life of a prince. His former residence, the historic East Denton Hall Manor House, wasn't good enough, it seems. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Newcastle Chronicle.]
True Catholics, Byrne is being charged with hypocrisy and uncharity by his Newchurchers, who are livid that he lives the life of a prince while many in the Manchester area are ravaged by poverty. "Few parishioners would ever be able to afford anything like that and when there's so much poverty," said one Newchurcher, who was afraid to be identified because of fear of retaliation from Newchurch.
The trial of two Newvatican presbyters for sex crimes and their cover-up began at Newvatican on October 27, 2020, with lawyer of one turning the tables on Newvatican by petitioning the court to sue Newvatican's St. Pius X Pre-seminary, where the crimes occurred, and the Opera Don Folci group, which runs the pre-seminary, for "lack of vigilance" and "gross negligence." The petition was granted by the court.
Presbyter Gabriele Martinelli, 28, has been charged with numerous violent sex crimes, including sodomy, from 2007 to 2012 against boys aged 12 to 18 in the pre-seminary and with committing the crimes "under color of authority." Presbyter Enrico Radice, 72, rector of the pre-seminary for twelve years, has been charged with impeding investigation of the crimes. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic News Agency.]
True Catholics, this trial has deeply embarrassed Francis-Bergoglio, because the crimes were perpetrated right under his nose. The boys from the pre-seminary, who number only about a dozen, service Bergoglio at his Newpapal Messes at St. Peter's Archbasilica.
Like the monolith that Newchurch is, every single one of the 335 presbyters in the Newarchdiocese of New Orleans, Louisiana, gave his "enthusiastic" vote of confidence to Newarchbishop Gregory Aymond. It made no difference that 70 children, with more coming forward every day, had accused Aymond of mishandling sex crimes by his presbyters. It didn't matter that a full and complete investigation has yet to be concluded. One wonders how much pressure was put on his presbyters by Aymond. Not one among them had the basic morality to say: "I'll wait until the investigation is concluded."
Aymond has been so incompetent that his malfeasance has led to his Newarchdiocese to declare bankruptcy. Lately, the crisis has come to a head as the chaplain of the (Unsaint) John Paul II High School in Slidell admitted that he had sexually assaulted a student. The successor chaplain proceeded to stage a pornographic film of himself conjugating with two notorious professional dominatrices atop the Novus Ordo "altar" of his church. It seems that Aymond had issued a false statement when it claimed that no local presbyters had sexually assaulted children since 2002, when Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust was exposed to the public.
The "porno" presbyter has been arrested, and the sheriff's department is currently conducting an investigation into his predecessor chaplain's crimes. Calls are increasing for the firing of Aymond for malfeasance in failing to control his Newclergy. Some have even gone so far as to suggest that if Aymond cared about the sexually-assaulted children, he should burn down every one of his churches. Seventy-two New Orleans presbyters are now on a list of sex criminals. [Some information for this Commentary was provided by the New Orleans, Louisiana Times-Picayune.]
True Catholics, any notion that Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust has been addressed since 2002 is completely vitiated by the crimes in New Orleans and in many other Newdioceses around the world. If anyone thinks that Francis-Bergoglio will do anything, they will be severely disappointed. Bergoglio refuses to touch his Newbishops in any serious way. After all, as he claims to be pope of the Newchurch sewer, he is the one most responsible for destroying the children's lives.
The latest travesty, reeking with the odor of heresy, that Newchurch has come up with is "Kippah Day," November 8, 2020, the Octave Day of All Saints, on which Newchurchers in the Newarchdiocese of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, both laymen and clergymen, will wear kippahs, the head covering of male Jews. The travesty has already been staged in the Newarchdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis.
Catholics -- which, of course, Newchurchers are most certainly not -- do not wear kippahs because they are not Jews. The Jewish sect of the Old Covenant was superseded by the New Covenant of Jesus Christ. Even the Jewish leader turned Christian, the great St. Paul, wrote time and time again in his New Testament epistles about this fact.
By wearing a kippah, a man essentially rejects Christ and Christianity. Even the Newbishops of the Newarchdiocese are doffing their zucchetti, the skullcaps that prelates wear so that they can become "Jews for a day." There should be no surprise in this. After all, Newchurch prelates are not Catholic, but as the New Order heretics they are, they support it. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle.]
True Catholics, this latest Newchurch travesty takes its origin from the Vatican II Anti-council's heresy known as "Oecumenism" (we all worship the same gods, all religious are true). Is it any wonder that attendance at Newchurch's Protestant-Masonic-Pagan New Mess has sunk? And the Chinese Virus has made attendance even worse -- permanently.
On All Souls Day, November 2, we were reminded once again that the Roman Catholic Church's Gregorian Chant still inspires the world, whether the world knows it or not. The origins of the chant are debated even to this day. Some writers have thought the chant so seminal and so sublime that the Holy Angels must have composed it. The Roman chant, the proper music of the Roman Catholic Church, is named after St. Gregory (ca. 600), not because he composed it, but because he compiled it into a canon, or standard, of Church usage.
Although there are many Gregorian-chant melodies that are unforgettable, such as the soaring "Haec Dies," which is sung at Lauds, Mass, and all the Hours of the Divine Office of Easter, yet the melody that has had the most influence throughout the centuries is the "Dies Irae" Sequence (Hymn) for the Traditional Latin Requiem Mass. Naturally, the tin-eared Newchurch deleted it from its funeral service and ludicrously replaces it with pop singer John Denver's frivolous ditty, "Leaving on a Jet Plane."
Usually attributed to a Franciscan monk of the thirteenth century, Thomas of Celano, the text and melody of the "Dies Irae" are the most quoted in all of Western music. The text at the beginning describes the trumpets of the Last Judgment, at which the damned are consigned to the flames of Hell, whereas at the end the saved enjoy the mercy of Jesus Christ.
A panoply of noted composers have used the Gregorian chant theme of the "Dies Irae," to name but a few: Bach, Byrd, Charpentier, Bloch, Berlioz, Brahms, Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Goldsmith, Gounod, Holst, Honegger, Khachaturian, Liszt, Mahler, Morricone, Mozart, Mussorgsky, Palestrina, Rachmaninoff, Respighi, Saint-Saëns, Shostakovich, Sondheim, Tallis, Tchaikovsky. Twentieth and twenty-first century films have also used the theme, among them: Star Wars, Lion King, It's a Wonderful Life, The Hobbit, Jurassic Park, Ground Hog Day.
True Catholics, you can be proud that your own proper music for worshipping God, the Angelic Gregorian chant, is your possession, which has influenced every century up to and including the present and has shaped Western Civilization itself. Our colleagues at the St. John Schola for Gregorian chant have made this wonderfully Catholic music conveniently available to you. We recommend that you inspect the Society's offerings in the TRADITIO Network's Gregorian Chant department.
Francis-Bergoglio is truly an anti-Catholic. He has canceled Newvatican's Christmas festivities in favor of a "virtual liturgy," purportedly because of Coronaphobia. But fears of the Coronavirus did not stop him from breaking the World Health Organization's two-metre distancing rule at an oecumenical gathering on October 20, 2020, held to celebrate the film Francesco, in which he advocated "civil unions" for sodomites in violation of Catholic moral theology.
The condemned syncretist gathering -- which Newvatican likes to call "oecumenical" after the Vatican II Anti-council -- featured the usual passel of infidels, pagans, heretics, and schismatic sect heads. Bergoglio himself desecrated the Archbasilica of St. Mary Major by conducting a "prayer service" with heretic Christians, in which number he himself is numbered as being the head of the heretic New Order sect. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic World Report.]
True Catholics, Francis-Bergoglio is shooting his Newvatican in the foot -- maybe that is his true intention as a Marxist/Modernist. Newchurchers, only about one in ten of whom even bother to attend the fake (invalid) New Order service, now so brazenly violate the First Commandment of God that Newchurch will never come back, even to its previously enfeebled condition before the Chinese virus. Meanwhile, as Newvatican sinks into oblivion and irrelevance, independent traditional Catholic churches, oratories, and chapels around the world will be offering with full solemnity the Traditional Latin Midnight Mass of Christmas, and perhaps other day Masses. Make plans now to locate a site by clicking on the TRADITIO Network's Official Traditional Catholic Directory department.
The phony "apparitions" at Medjugorje, Bosnia, have been picking the pockets of clueless Newchurchers since 1981, when six fake "visionaries" claim to have seen the Blessed Vision Mary, and the "visions" have not stopped up to the present day. In fact, there is now a big business in "apparitions," as Newchurchers become more and more ignorant of Sacred Scripture and Tradition and instead fall for the kind of "apparition" fakery against which the Saints have warned. For further information on this topic, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) department, in the section "Apparitions, Miracles, Private Revelations, and Visions."
Newvatican has now become so embarrassed by the fakery that on October 23, 2020, it announced that it had Novus Ordo "excommunicated" the spiritual director of the Medjugorje "visionaries," Tomislav Vlasik, who had already been laicized from the Newfranciscans in 2009 for "teaching false doctrine, manipulating consciences, disobeying ecclesiastical authority, and committing acts of sexual misconduct."
The fake visionaries, as usual with these frauds, claimed to have special "secrets" about future events. The same kind of "secrets" were claimed by the Fatima "visionaries." Such contentions are in direct contradiction to the teaching of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Who proclaimed: "I have spoken openly to the world... and in secret I have spoken nothing" (John 18:20/DRV). The notion of special "secret" teaching is anti-Catholic and is a characteristic of the Gnostic heretics. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic News Agency.]
True Catholics, in spite of the fakery, the Marxist/Modernist Newpope Francis-Bergoglio allowed the "apparition business" to continue to scam his Newchurchers by allowing pilgrimages to continue to the site, which even he has not claimed is authentic. In Bergoglio's Newchurch true doctrine is ignored while money talks. That is why Bergoglio is up to his neck in embezzlement scandals, in which he and his henchmen are accused of losing more than 200,000,000 U.S. dollars of Newchurchers' donations to charity.
On October 22, 2020, Francis-Bergoglio announced the effectivity of a formal extension of his two-year "secret" pact with Communist China, by which the Communists will henceforth make appointments of Newchurch bishops in that imprisoned land. The announcement was highly defensive, attempting to justify the sellout that has been widely condemned both in Newchurch and by national governments.
Bergoglio's pact goes much farther in also recognizing the many fake bishops already appointed by the Communists without Newpapal approval. Ironically, Bergoglio's announcement included a statement that the pact was originally drafted by the "Nazi" Newpope Benedict-Ratzinger. Other terms of Bergoglio's pact with the Communists remain secret.
True Catholics, even the U.S. Secretary of State on October 1, 2020, confronted the Newvatican Secretary of State on the issue of Bergoglio's sellout to the Communists. Newcardinal Joseph Zen, who has fought the atheistic Communists all his life, has also repeatedly condemned Bergoglio's sellout. Even Bergoglio's own Newchurchers in Red China, who are most affected by the sellout pact, have condemned his sellout. But the Marxist Newjesuit Newpope would not budge from his loyalty to his Communist brethren.
Francis-Bergoglio's pathetic attempt to play the sycophant to the Mohammedan infidels has blown up in his face and once again proves that one cannot expect any good outcome from the Vatican II Anti-Council's (1962-1965) anti-Catholic syncretism/oecumenism/indifferentism doctrine ("we all worship the same gods," "all religions are true"). Bergoglio calls Mohammedans "Abrahamic people" in order falsely to equate them with Christians and Jews. He is currently funding an "Abrahamic" mosque for them on a Saudi Arabian island. He also devoted much of his October 3, 2020, encyclical letter, Fratelli Tutti, to sycophancy toward Islam.
On the morning of October 29, 2020, a Mohammedan terrorist stormed into the Basilica of Notre-Dame de Nice and slew three Newchurchers with a knife. Reports indicate that the terrorist beheaded one of the victims, a 70-year-old woman. The basilica's sacristan was the second victim. A woman in her forties was able to run out, but perished nonetheless. The "vision of horror," as police described it, was linked to a Mohammedan terrorist organization.
The 21-year-old Mohammedan terrorist arrived in France from Tunisia via Italy. He screamed the terrorist cry "Allahu Akbar" (God is great) repeatedly during the attack. Thirteen earlier a teenage Mohammedan terrorist had screamed the same terrorist phrase after beheading a teacher on a Paris street. Thereafter he posted an image of his victim's severed head on the Anti-social Media Network Twitter, run by the international media megalomaniac, Jack Dorsey, who claims to be a Buddhist. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the U.K. Guardian.]
True Catholics, although Francis-Bergoglio has gone over to the Dark Side, the mayor of Nice got it right when he announced: “Enough is enough.... We have to remove this Islamo-fascism from our territory.” One has to wonder whether Bergoglio's own Newchurch sellout to terrorists has not created an atmosphere in which such terrorist attacks are precipitated.
Stephen Kelly decided that being a Novus Ordo presbyter wasn't fulfilling enough, so he turned political activist. No surprise there. He was raised in the seedbed of the Newjesuit Order, which turns out "Liberation Theology" fanatics and Communists, like the current top Newjesuit, Francis-Bergoglio. Kelly conspired with six other seditionists to break into a U.S. Naval Base in St. Mary's, Georgia. As a consequence of his betrayal of his vocation (if one can even say that being a presbyter in the fake Newchurch is a vocation any more than being a Protestant minister, Jewish rabbi, or Muslim imam), he was confined to a dingy cell -- not of the monastic kind! -- for three years, compliments of a jury of his peers and Uncle Sam.
A year ago, Kelly and six fellow activists were convicted by a jury of conspiracy, trespass, destruction of government property, and other charges stemming from their arrest at Kings Bay Naval Submarine Base. The hypocritical presbyter Kelly argued that he should not suffer imprisonment because he acted on a "sincere religious belief," but the federal judge would have none of it, and consigned him to three years of "penitence and relfection," as Newchurch would call it, in community with other criminals. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Religious News Service]
True Catholics, presbyter Kelly was a repeat offender, having served more than eight years in prison for other trespassing and vandalism convictions. In fact, he was still on probation when he committed his latest crime. One wonders what work Newchurch is paying its presbyters for? The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that presbyters can make upwards of 100,000 dollars, in addition to perks, such as a car allowance, room and board in the rectory, health insurance, and a retirement plan. Obviously, they are so idle that they can engage in criminal activities as their major occuption.