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The corruption in Francis-Bergoglio's Newvatican Bank just gets worse and worse. On February 16, 2023, the Bank President since 2014, Jean-Baptiste De Franssu, testified under oath that he was offered "protection" to approve a 150,000,000-USD loan in the 2014 London real-estate deal that ended up losing 350,000,000 USD of Newchurchers' collections and donated funds in a fraud.
In the Newvatican trail ongoing in Newvatican, several witnesses under oath have already fingered Bergoglio himself as the "mastermind" behind the fraud, which involved embezzlement and money-laundering. De Franssu says that two of Bergoglio's high officials offered him "protection" to approve the fraudulent deal, which ended up enriching Newchurch and its officials. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World News.]
Traditional Catholics, the number of high officials reporting to Francis-Bergoglio involved in this embezzlement is stunning. The corruption in Newchurch has reached heights under the apostate Newpope never seen before, Bergoglio himself has been fingered in trial testimony as being the "mastermind" behind the fraud. With the trial being held in Newvatican and under the control of the Bergoglio, who has already been called out for attempting to influence prosecutors, Bergoglio's actions will almost certainly be swept under the rug, as his other malfeasance has been. There is no justice in Newvatican.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Which Mysteries of the Rosary should I meditate upon during Lent? Of course, I shall not be meditating upon the Novus Ordo "Luminous" Mysteries, only the Joyful, Glorious, and Sorrowful Mysteries.
You are correct. No true Catholic prays the so-called "Luminous" Mysteries. This is a New Age concoction of the heretic Newpope JPII-Wojtyla in 2002 to undercut the true Catholic Church. What now has become the Rosary was originally a substitute for the traditional Catholic Divine Office when priests in the Middle Ages were travelling and did not have a printed Breviarium Romanum to take with them. The 150 Aves substituted for the 150 Psalms of the Old Testament Psalter, which are prayed in the Divine Office over the course of a week. 200 Aves is just another concoction of the Newchurch heretics, including the Newpopes after the Vatican II Anti-council, who wish to destroy the Catholic Church:
The custom is that the Sorrowful Mysteries are meditated upon during the Sundays of Lent. For the weekdays, you can use the usual distribution, or use the Sorrowful Mysteries for all days in Lent:
The Glorious Mysteries on Wednesday and Saturday
The Sorrowful Mysteries on Tuesday and Friday
The Glorious Mysteries" on Wednesday and Saturday
Remember that the heart of the Rosary is not the Aves, but the meditations. Unfortunately, most Catholics mumble through the Aves and almost skip right over the mediations. Remember, too, that many Saints have urged laypeople to pray the Rosary in Latin. Not only is it the unifying language of prayer of the Church, but the use of a tongue that is less familiar to many of them forestalls the temptation to mumble through in a vulgar tongue.
1o Annunciatio: B. Maria Virgo ab Angelo salutatur. (ad amorem humilitatis)
2o Visitatio: B. Maria Virgo Elisabeth visitat. (ad caritatem proximi)
3o Nativitas: Iesus Christus in Bethlehem nascitur. (ad animum paupertatis)
4o Presentatio: Iesus infans in templo prĉsentatur. (ad virtutem obedientae)
5o Inventio Christi in Templo: Iesus puer in templo inter doctores invenitur. (ad virtutem pietatis)
1o Agonia in Hortu: Iesus Christus, in horto orans, sanguinem sudat. (ad veram contritionem)
2o Flagellatio ad Pilam: Iesus Christus ad columnam flagellis cĉditur. (ad virtutem puritatis)
3o Coronatio Spinis: Iesus Christus spinis coronatur. (ad fortitudinem moralem)
4o Baiulatio Crucus: Iesus Christus, morte condemnatus, Calvariĉ locum, crucem baiulans petit. (ad virtutem patientiae)
5o Crucifixio Morsque de Iesu: Iesus Christus, cruci affixus, coram Matre sua moritur. (ad perseverantiam finalem)
1o Resurrectio: Resurrectio Iesu Christi. (ad virtutem fidei)
2o Ascensio: Ascensio Iesu Christi. (ad virtutem spei)
3o Descensus Spiritus Sancti: Spiritus Sancti supra beatam Mariam Virginem et discipulos descensus. (ad amorem Dei)
4o Assumptio Mariae in Coelum: Assumptio beatae Mariĉ Virginis in cĉlum. (ad devotionem Mariae)
5o Coronatio Maria in coelo: Beatae Mariae Virginis coronatio itemque Angelorum et Sanctorum gloria. (ad beatitudinem aeternam)
Furthermore, don't forget other traditional penitential devotions that may appropriately be substituted for the Rosary during Lent. These devotions are all more ancient than the Rosary. Among these devotions the best is the Seven Penitential Psalms (Septem Psalmi Poenitentiales). These should be found in the appendix of your traditional handmissal or in your Bible. (The following numbers are the traditional numbers in the Latin Vulgate and the Douay-Rheims and Confraternity Versions, not the Protestant King James Version and "modernized" Newchurch versions):
Psalm 6: Ne reminiscaris
Psalm 31: Beati quorum
Psalm 37: Domine, ne in furore
Psalm 50: Miserere
Psalm 101: Domine, exaudi
Psalm 129: De profundis
Psalm 142: Domine, exaudi
Also appropriate for Lent are the Approved Litanies of the Church. These should be found in the appendix of your traditional handmissal:
Litaniae Sanctorum (Litany of the Saints)
Litaniae Sanctissimi Nominis Iesu (Litany of the Most Holy Name of Jesus)
Litaniae Lauretanae Beatae Mariae Virginis (Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Loreto)
Litaniae Sancti Ioseph (Litany of St. Joseph)
Of course, the Passion of Christ in the four Holy Gospels, of St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke, and St. John, should be at the heart of your Lenten devotions. These will be found in your traditional handmissal under Palm Sunday, Tuesday of Holy Week, Wednesday of Holy Week, and Good Friday.
The Newchurch of the New Order is not only not Catholic, it is a joke. Those who have remained with the fake Newchurch, which is most certainly not the Catholic Church, and its apostate leaders, currently Francis-Bergoglio, are looking more and more like the fools that they have been since the Vatican II Anti-council. No wonder that the latest figures from the respected Pew Research Center show that attendance at the fake (invalid) Newchurch Messes have sunk to a new low, in the single digits. Newchurch is ever more rapidly dying before the eyes of the world, and it doesn't take a clown to see it!
On February 18, 2023, presbyter Michael Vehlken, aka "Fr. Bozo," in the Munster, Germany, Newdiocese simulated an officially-recognized "Clown Mess," as it was funded by the German Kirchensteuer, the German church tax that all Newchurchers must pay, approximately ten per cent of their income. Fr. Bozo was assisted by a Newchurch Clown Deacon, who preached the "homily," and altar girls "vested" in satanic witch hats with pointed feline ears. The "sacred music" for the Mess was punk rock. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by The News.]
As a result of such idiocies Newchurchers are deserting Newchurch in ever-increasing numbers, lining up at city halls to deregister from Newchurch, taking a page from Howard Beale in Paddy Chayevsky's 1976 play Network, who threw open the window of his office in a hospital run by a group of idiots and screamed out:
I'm as mad as Hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore. I want you to get up right now, sit up, go to your windows, open them and stick your head out and yell -- "I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore!" Things have got to change. But first, you've gotta get mad! You've got to say, "I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!"
Traditional Catholics, it is ironic that such beyond-sacrilegious fake Messes have been declared by Benedict-Ratzinger and Francis-Bergoglio to be the "Ordinary Mess" of Newchurch, whereas the New Latin Mess of 1962 (which is most certainly not the Traditional Latin Mass) is consuming Bergoglio's time, attention, and hatred. There is something very sick about all of this, and perhaps the sickest thing about it is the clueless Newchurchers who still support apostate Newpopes and a Newchurch religion that would make a clown laugh and a pig look clean.
Newvatican on February 20, 2023, revealed that Francis-Bergoglio met with Newcardinal Arthur Roche, Prefect of the Dicastery for Divine [Sic] Worship. Bergoglio wasted no time in publishing, the very next day, a rescript (official directive) that he had delegated his full Newpapal authority to that Dicastery to impose strict restrictions on the use of the New Latin Mess of 1962 per Bergoglio's decree of July 16, 2021, entitled "Traditionis custodes," and the Dicastery's Responsa of November 18, 2022. The New Latin Mess of 1962 is most certainly not the Traditional Latin Mass.
Bergoglio was reportedly "mad as Hell" that some Newbishops were trying to do an end run around his decree by illegally granting "exceptions" to the decree. Bergoglio has made it clear his decree is to be strictly enforced and that, inter alia, no New Latin Mess is to be simulated in a Newparish church, and no new presbyters are permitted to use this Mess. He clearly pontificated that Newbishops have no power under Newcanon Law to grant "exceptions" to his decree. In exceptional cases, of which Newrome stated that it will permit very few, in libraries, community halls, office buildings, and the like, might rarely be used, but in no case Newparish churches. The prohibition against the use of Newparish churches applies also to the Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP), the Institute of Christ the King (ICR), and other former "indult" societies, which have been illegally using Newparish churches.
Bergoglio is still considering the release of an Apostolic Constitution, the highest form of legislation in Newchurch, trumping inferior documents like a Motu Proprio, to proclaim that the New Latin Mass is essentially prohibited, likely to include Sundays. April 3, 2023, the 54th anniversary of the institution of the invalid (fake) Protestant-Masonic-Pagan New Order Mess by "Unsaint" Newpope Paul VI-Montini, has been suggested as the release date for this document. Such a document would further limit to practically nothing the New Latin Mass of 1962. The former "indult" groups (FSSP, ICR, etc.) would likely be severely restricted through the Dictastery for Consecrated Life, headed by Bergoglio's Modernist appointee, Newcardinal Braz de Avis.
More and more the question is being asked: when will the Newcon and pseudo-traditionalist Newchurchers come to their senses, embrace the Traditional Latin Mass (1950), and realize that Newchurch is most certainly not the Catholic Church? As long as these Newchurchers stick their head in the sewer and remain attached to the apostate Newpopes, they will remain Newchurch's primary target, especially owing to the Great Synod that is coming this October 2023 and is slated to make major changes in Newchurch doctrines, such as the Protestant Anglican/Episcopalians have in permitting even priestess and homosexual "bishops." The other shoe is about to drop, and it will be the doctrinal shoe.
The Newchurch of the New Order is panicked. Its numbers and donations are tanking. So it has decided to stage multi-million-dollar "National Eucharistic Revival" in 2024-25. Some Neocon Newchurchers in the United States have suggested a four-point plan to save Newchurch: [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic Citizens of Illinois.]
This plan is doomed to failure. A 2020 Pew Research Study asked Newchurchers whether they believe in the New Order "eucharist," 70 per cent said no. Newchurch will once again be pilfering from the collection plate to blow its wad on a worthless Madison-Avenue advertising campaign. The Newchurch leaders are merely rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic of the Newchurch of the New Order . The guts of the problem are that:
Traditional Catholics, Newchurch is most certainly not the Catholic Church, any more than Martin Luther's church is the Catholic Church, even though Martin Luther called it Catholic, just as Newchurch calls itself Catholic, with just as much lack of veracity as Luther. True Catholics have by now seen just how fake Newchurch is and have gotten out to one of those sites independent of the Newchurch that preserve the Traditional Latin Mass (1950, before the corruptions) and the Traditional Latin Sacraments, along with traditional Catholic doctrine and morality.
On February 18, 2023, police were called to a house in Los Angeles County, California, where they found Auxiliary Newbishop David O'Connell dead. Initial reports indicated the he had died of a heart attack, but rumors persisted that he had been shot. Later, the house turned out to be O'Connell's private residence. By February 20, the police were admitting that O'Connell had died of a gunshot wound in the torso, probably murdered. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by CBS News.]
But the TRADTIIO Network received a report from a reliable local source that paints a different picture:
The Newarchdiocese of Los Angeles has been thwarted by local law enforcement over the execution of Newbishop David O'Connell. The Newarchdiocese Chancery Office originally hoped to report that O'Connell died "peacefully" in his sleep, but that version was thwarted by the report of his homicide. So, a compromise was made: it was reported he was shot in the torso. Yet reliable sources from retired law enforcement here in Los Angeles say that he was shot in the mouth "execution style." Current speculation is that this was a drug deal gone bad or -- and this is more likely -- tied to the abuse of an illegal alien minor whom he was supposed to be "protecting."
Traditional Catholics, normally we would give the benefit of the doubt to the maxim, "De mortuis nil nisi bonum" But if the local source is correct, this could be yet another of those well-known cases where, under the guise of "charity," a Newbishop has been caught in paedophile crimes at his own house, and Newchurch has tried to cover up the truth. At this point a definitive determination cannot be made, but we'd be willing to bet that Francis-Bergoglio doesn't care to know the truth and will not investigate the matter. Let us hope that the Los Angeles secular authorities do care and do honestly investigate the truth.
Those Neocon Newchurchers and pseudo-traditionalists who were hoping that Bergoglio would soon bail out and abdicate like the former Newpope Benedict-Ratzinger were crestfallen when they heard Bergoglio announce that he intends to remain Newpope ad vitam. Ratzinger abdicated because his secret drug habit had finally overwhelmed him, and Bergoglio intimated in his February 2, 2023, announcement that Ratzinger set a very bad example by abdicating from his post as head of the Newchurch of the New Order. "It [abdication] didn't cross my mind," Bergoglio stated.
The Neocon and pseudo-traditionalist Newchurchers are too cowardly to leave the apostate Newchurch, which is most certainly not the Catholic Church, but they have been secretly hoping that Bergoglio would follow Ratzinger's lead and abdicate early. He has made it clear that he will not. Ratzinger lived almost to 96. Bergoglio has 10 years to go to reach that mark. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.]
Traditional Catholics, the likelihood is that the next Newpope of Newchurch will be even worse than Ratzinger and Bergoglio, not better. Bergoglio has by now appointed the majority of Newcardinals in order that they will elect a successor that will advance Bergoglio's apostasy to the next level, accelerated by the Great Synod on Synodality in October 2023, which will radically change once again the nature of Newchurch, now to an openly pagan organization.
If Newcardinal Blase Cupich, of Chicago, Illinois, has his way, St. Adelbert's traditional Catholic church will be sold to pornographers to raise money to pay off for the Newarchdiocese's sex crimes against children. Cupich already shuttered the church in 2019. The historic traditional church of breathtaking classical beauty was dedicated in 1914 and built in the Roman basilica style after the 3rd/4th-century Archbasilica of St. Paul outside the Walls.
Cupich's plans are well underway to sell St. Adelbert's to an organization, Temple House, that that has sponsored homosexual raves, frequently described as "orgies." This organization has already purchased a former synagogue to stage such events. The organization has also used its properties as venues to film pornographic music videos. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by LS News.]
Traditional Catholics, Francis-Bergoglio made the corrupt Blase Cupich into one of his Newcardinals in the first consistory after the Third Paedophile Newpope Bergoglio was elected Newpope of the Newchurch of the New Order. Not only are the Newpopes apostates from the Catholic Church, but they are cultural barbarians as well, accomplices in the destruction of some of the world's most beautiful traditional Catholic churches.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
With Easter not far away, the question always comes up about the legitimacy of "Easter Midnight Mass." Moreover, the people who practice this novelty claim that the Lenten fast ends after that "Easter Midnight Mass." None of that sounds very traditional to me. My 1945 traditional Catholic handmissal states that the Lenten fast ends at noon on Holy Saturday. Can you make any sense of this for me and others who are confused about what the real traditional practice is?
Your 1945 traditional Catholic handmissal is correct. The Protestantizing corruptions that led to the invalid (fake) New Order Mess of 1969 actually began in 1950 with the corruption of the Easter service, when a novel "Easter Midnight Mass" was introduced by Hannibal Bugnini, the Freemason presbyter who went on to destroy the very ancient traditional Holy Week in 1956, bowdlerize the Traditional Latin Mass further into a shadow of its former self in 1960-1962, and then dropped the axe of the "New Mess" in 1969. For further details, click on the TRADITIO Network's Traditional Latin Mass, Divine Office & Sacraments department, in the section "The Descent into the Black Hole of the Liturgical 'New Order.'"
Traditionally, the abbreviated First Mass of Easter, which is actually the conclusion of the traditional morning Holy Saturday rites, begins at noon on Holy Saturday. That is why the abstinence from fleshmeat and the Lenten fast ends at noon on Holy Saturday.
True Catholics really must abandon entirely the Newchurch of the New Order, which is most certainly not the Catholic Church, and find a fully Traditional Latin Mass as before the corruptions starting in 1950. These included the destruction of the very ancient traditional Holy Week in 1956. To find such a fully Traditional Latin Mass ahd Holy Week rites, consult the Official Traditional Catholic Directory, referenced above.
On February 6, 2023, the respected Pew Research Center, headquartered in Washington, D.C., released an enlightening new study showing why the Newchurch of the New Order is dying. The most salient finding is that two out of three Newchurch parents don't consider it "extremely or very important" what religion, if any, their children practice. We already know from previous Pew Studies that Newchurch parents don't care what relgion, if any, they themselves practice, so, even if they wanted to, how could they pass down their religion, if any, to their children?
It seems that Newchurch parents figure that if their children want to be Buddhists or Hindus or Sikhs or other pagans, that's perfectly acceptable. The Pew study just gives more evidence that Newchurch is merely a fake religion, whose own members don't even care about it. That finding also explains why Newchurch attendance is sinking into single digits and why few Newchurch parents bother to initiate "initiate" (formerly, baptize) their children. Moreover, they themselves in overwhelming percentages are not married or buried in Newchurch. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Pew Research Center.]
Traditional Catholics, as the apostate Newchurch of the New Order crumbles from within because doctrinal heresy and moral corruption, the Evangelicals are doing just fine. 70 per cent of Evangelicals, who are drawing far more attendance these days, consider it very important for their children to hold the same Evangelical religious beliefs as their parents, and they take decisive steps in their children's upbringing to ensure that they remain Christians and don't sink into secular paganism as adults.
Newchurch condemns itself out of its own actions. The "Mess" that Newchurch uses since 1969 is certainly not a Catholic Mass, but a joke. On February 12, 2023, which is Superbowl Sunday in the United States, presbyter Joseph Pham, of Mullica Hill, New Jersey, "vested" in a football jersey on American Superbowl Sunday instead of the already-ridiculous New Order "albo-chasubo" that Newchurch uses, resembling what passes for "high" Protestant garb, to simulate the fake (invalid) New Order Proestant-Masonic-Pagan Mess.
Nor is presbyter Pham the only one in Newchurch to have committed this sacrilege. The Newchurchers again and again tell us by their actions and by their words that they don't believe in the Catholic Faith. Instead, blasphemy, idolatry, and sacrilege have been embedded in the Newchurch of the New Order from its founding on November, 21, 1964. Our Lord said: "By their fruits you shall know them" (Matthew 7:16/DRV). The Newchurchers don't even believe their own Protestant/Pagan propaganda. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by LS News.]
But what do we now know beyond doubt about Newchurch and its fake Mess and "sacraments"?
Traditional Catholics, the facts are too obvious to deny. Newchurch is not serious, but populated by silly people, from the top on down, who have lost the Catholic Faith. For further information, click on the TRADITIO Network's Novus Ordo Service Photo Gallery. It most certainly is not the morally good, doctrinally true, and historically beautiful real Catholic Church of two millennia.
Like Ireland and Poland, Portugal used to be one of the most Catholic countries on the face of the earth. After all, it boasts the area of Fatima, which many believe (but it is not Catholic doctrine, as no private revelation is a matter of the Faith) was the site of a Marian apparition. But all that was before the Newchurch of the New Order, which is most certainly not the Catholic Church, took over as "institutional" Church in place of the Catholic Church on November 21, 1964, in a decree of the Vatican II Anti-council.
Now, in a February 13, 2023, independent Commission report, we learn that Newchurch presbyters have been raping, sodomizing, and otherwise sexually assaulting literally thousands children in Portugal, where the Fatima shrine is located, for decades, specifically since the advent of Newchurch. The report paints a "grim picture" of Newchurch crimes. The independent Commission's report validated 512 testimonies involving 4,815 child victims. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic News Agency.]
Traditional Catholics, the chilling reality is that these crimes were rampant under "Unsaint" Paul VI-Montini, "Unsaint" JPII-Wojtya, and "Probably-to-Be-Unsaint" Benedict-Ratzinger and are still widespread under the current Newpope of the New Order sect, Francis-Bergoglio, who refuses to discipline the criminals, who report to him. Fortunately, the nations of the world have done a much better job meting out God's justice than the men who claim to be (New)popes. Many of the filthy clergy of Newchurch have been thrown into prison for life. In view of the death penalty imposed by Our Lord for such criminals (Matthew 18:6), these Newpopes may think that they can escape God's wrath in this world, but likely death in Hell awaits them, "where "there shall be the weeping and gnashing of teeth" (Luke 13:28/DRV).
Well, that didn't take long. The apostate Newpope Francis-Bergoglio appointed in his latest consistory, on August 27, 2022, Robert McElroy, the Newbishop of San Diego, California, to be a Newcardinal, passing up the far more qualified and respected conservative Newarchbishop of adjoining Los Angeles, Jose Gomez, President of the U.S. Conference of Catholic [New]bishops. The Newarchbishop of Los Angeles is traditionally created a Newcardinal, but Bergoglio spits on tradition. And San Diego is not even a Newcarchdiocese.
McElroy proceeded to besmirch himself in a January 24, 2023, article for the flaming Leftist Newjesuit magazine America by advocating giving the fake (invalid) Novus Ordo cookie and Kool-Aid to unrepentant, practicing homosexuals, purportedly because "they can't help themselves from committing one of the Four Biblical Sins that Cry out to Heaven for Retribution.
It didn't take long for McElroy to crash and burn. On February 12 2023, he announced that the San Diego Newdiocese, which he had managed since 2015, when Bergoglio appointed him, was so badly off that he was about to declare bankruptcy. McElroy announced that because of continuing sex crimes against children in his Newdiocese, he has to pay the price of "staggering legal costs" to recompense the child victims. 400 such lawsuits are now pending against McElroy.
Meanwhile, the child victims are calling denouncing McElroy as "slapping them in the face" for using the manoeuver of bankruptcy to cheat them out of their just compensation. The Newdiocese was already forced in 2007 to pay some 200,000,000 USD for 144 other lawsuits by raped, sodomized, and otherwise sexually assaulted child victims. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by ABC News San Diego.]
Traditional Catholics, Francis-Bergoglio can sure pick them. The Newbishops and Newcardinals whom he has appointed have been called out for being some of the most criminal ilk, even more so than the ones that the Second Paedophile Newpope Benedict-Ratzinger, and the First Paedophile Newpope JPII-Wojtyla appointed, if that were possible. Yet the hundreds of millions of USD that Bergoglio has embezzled to create his propaganda empire continues to portray the Third Paedophile Newpope as some kind of saint is not doing the trick. The latest studies show that many Newchurch refused to give him a farthing. In fact, many Newchurchers have abandoned him and his Newchurch of the New Order, so that Newchurch attendance in many places has tanked into single digits.
Presbyer Anthony Bas didn't even dare to simulate the New Latin Mess of 1962. He was perpetrating Newchurch's New Order Mess of 1969, but he simulated it in the traditional posture ad orientem, i.e., facing away from the congregation. As a result, Francis-Bergoglio's bulldog and bosom buddy on February 8, 2023, took a bite out of poor presbyter Bas and publicly denounced him a Newcanonic criminal.
That is what happens when you deviate from Bergoglio's dictatorship even one iota. Of course, the "New Mess" of 1969 is fake (invalid), so you could simulate it standing on your head, and it would make no difference. It is totally incapable of bestowing any grace on those present, but actually makes at least material heretics of them, whether they know it or not. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by LS News.]
Traditional Catholics, presbyter Bas took the wrong path. Even now he has chosen to bend the knee to the apostate Newcardinal Cupich and the apostate Newpope Bergoglio. If Bas had done the right thing, he would long ago have gotten out of the apostate Newchurch of the New Order, with its heretic Newpopes and Newcardinals. Those presbyters who have done so have reported to us how relieved they now feel, how much lighter their consciences are, now that they have gone independent from Newchurch, which is most certainly not the Catholic Church. One even wrote to us: "Now I can sleep at night!"
As the history of the Newchurch of the New Order has shown, since its founding on November 21, 1964, at the Vatican II Anti-council: "As the Anglican/Episcopalians go, so goes the Newchurch of the New Order." On February 9, 2023, the Anglican/Episcopalian sect voted to "bless" sodomite "marriages," and all Hell has broken loose. The immediate result was more breakaways by traditionalist Anglican/Episcopalians, who retorted that their sect had no power to "bless" sinful relationships, a move that "departed from the Apostolic Faith." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.]
The Anglican/Episcopalian sect is the midst of a Great Divide, as is the Newchurch of the New Order. Traditionalist Anglican/Episcopalians are fed up with the Leftist infiltration of their sect by radical anti-Christian theology and practices, and they're not taking it anymore. Several traditionalist Anglican/Episcopalian sects have been formed and are drawing increasing numbers of defectors from the "institutional" sect, just as is happening with the Newchurch of the New Order. Reports indicate that now some "institutional" Anglican/Episcopalian churches are now drawing no more than five people to their Leftist services, whereas attendance at traditionalist services is increasing [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.]
Traditional Catholics, the Anglican/Episcopalian sect was rent in 2003 in the United States when a man openly practicing sodomy, Gene Robinson, was installed as a "bishop." Currently, there are a number of traditional Anglican/Episcopalian organizations that have broken from the "institutional" sect, just as there are many independent Traditional Roman Catholic organizations. Among the traditionalist Anglican/Episcopalian sects now are the Anglican Catholic Church, the Anglican Church of North America, and the Traditional Anglican Communion.
We are now are getting the post-pandemic data, and it doesn't look good for the Newchurch of the New Order. On February 1, 2023, Newchurch's own Center for Church Management in the Villanova University School of Business issued its first post-pandemic study on Newparish collections and donations in the United States, and it doesn't paint a pretty picture for the future of the Newchurch of the New Order.
Newchurch collections and donations have dropped by 16 per cent since the pandemic. This number is expected only to become worse because of Newchurch's worsening Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust. The study concludes: "This poses a risk to the long-term sustainability of many [New]parishes." Total collections and donations decreased in the major conduits in the Northeast and Midwest. Because of inflation Newparishes today have 11 per cent less spending power. This is what economists call the "money illusion." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World News.]
Traditional Catholics, Francis-Bergoglio's Newchurch of the New Order is collapsing financially, not to speak of its doctrinal and moral collapse. This declining condition explains why Bergoglio has found it necessary to resort to immoral expedients like embezzlement to sustain his tottering apostate regime, as with his 2014 London Real-estate Fraud. He has thereafter moved to take all Newchurch money into his own hands, through his corrupt Vatican Bank run by the Mafia. Meanwhile, he and his Newcardinals have been converting, i.e., embezzling, monies donated to the poor to support their collapsing Newvatican regime. That shows just how desperate they are.
Francis-Bergoglio has moved to shut down for good the largest site for the New Latin Mess of 1962 in the world, the small, rural Newdiocese of Frejus-Toulon, France, and its Newbishop Dominique Rey. On a per-capita basis, this Newdiocese simulates the largest number of New Latin Messes anywhere in the world, eighteen every-Sunday Messes.
On February 7, 2023, according to a Communique from the Newchurch Nunciature in France, "by mandate" (par mandat) of Bergoglio, his Dicastery for [New]bishops has dispatched two Neomonsignori to conduct an Inquisition of Rey and his Newdiocese, which have presented "a number of difficulties" (un certain nombre de difficultés) to Bergoglio. This is Newchurch language for the problem of the New Latin Messes and the impetus for a complete reorganization of the Newdiocese. The history is that when Bergoglio sends his Inquisitors to a Newdiocese that simulates the New Latin Mess, that is the end for that Mess and its supporters. That has already occurred for the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate in Europe and the Carmelite Contemplatives in the United States for being "too traditional." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Dicasterium pro Episcopis.]
Traditional Catholics, Francis-Bergoglio and his enthusiastic agents are ramping up their pogrom against the New Latin Mass of 1962 before issuing the final blow to the Neocon and pseudo-traditionalist Newchurchers in April 2023, when a new Apostolic Constitution is said to be prepared to shut down essentially all such Messes and supporters that remain worldwide. But Traditional Catholics are shedding no tears, as the New Latin Mass is most certainly not the Traditional Latin Mass, but a fraud that was intended to be just a temporary stepping stone to the full-blown heretic Protestant-Masonic-Pagan "New Mess" of 1969 that is now being used in Newchurches.
The New Latin Mess was fabricated by the same Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini who fabricated the "New Mess" of 1969. The 1962 version was only a transitional phase intended to replace the Catholic Faith with a Protestant one after the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965). Bergoglio now wants to move beyond Protestantism altogether in favor of pure Paganism, as with his cults of the Pachamama and Acatama, which are starting in Latin America. Hence new liturgical changes are to follow his revolutionary Synod on Synodality (aka the Vatican III Anti-council), which is to commence October 9, 2023.
Newbishops around the world are being censured and reversed on permitting New Latin Messes of 1962 in Newparish locations. Such permissions made by Newbishops are illegal, and Newvatican's Dicastery on Divine Worship is even now sending out letters over the signature of is Prefect, Newcardinal Arthur Roche, to Newbishops around the world that they have no authority to permit the New Latin Mess within their Newparishes or to allow new presbyters to use that Mess without explicit permission from Newrome, which is only rarely to be given and only in heavily-investigated individual cases.
The December 21, 2021, edicts of Newvatican's Dicastery on Divine Worship have decreed in no uncertain terms what was declared by Bergoglio in his July 16, 2021, decree "Traditionis custodes": "The exclusion of the parish church is intended to affirm that the celebration of the Eucharist [sic] according to the previous rite [i.e., the 1962 rite] ... is not part of the ordinary life of the parish church." This edict is now being enforced literally in all cases worldwide. Moreover, presbyters installed after July 16, 2021, are forbidden to use the New Latin Mess without express permission from Newrome, and that permission is to be given only rarely.
It should always be remembered that the Half Novus Ordo Vatican II "New Latin Mess" of 1962 is not the Traditional Latin Mass, but was merely a transitional Mess leading explicitly to the invalid (fake) Protestant-Masonic-Pagan New Order Mess of 1969. It was never to become permanent in Newchurch. That was also the import of Benedict-Ratzinger's 2007 "Summorum pontificum." Ratzinger and Bergoglio were in sync on this point.
Henceforth the "New Mess" of 1969 is the only recognized Mess of Newchurch, and Bergoglio wants the New Latin Mess extirpated. The Dicastery's edicts also now forbid bination; that is, a presbyter who simulates a New Latin Mess -- in the rare case that this is authorized -- cannot simulate a second Mess on that same day under any circumstances. Nor can he simulate a New Latin Mess if he has already simulated a New Order Mess on the same day.
Newvatican's Dicastery on Divine Worship has indicated that permission to have the New Latin Mass at a Newparish will only rarely be given, and only after an elaborate application process is followed, if then. Complete statistics must be provided to the Dicastery: number of people involved, number of New Latin Messes, etc. The main requirement is that the presbyters at the Newparish must have a program to wean their Newparishioners away from the New Latin Mess entirely, as it is not the approved Mess of the Newchurch of the New Order, but was only a temporary expedient.
In the words of the Dicastery's edicts: steps must be documented on how the Newparish has made efforts "to lead the [Newchurch] faithful who are attached to the antecedent liturgy towards the celebration of the liturgy according to the liturgical books reformed by decree of the Second Vatican [Anti-]council," i.e., the invalid (fake) Protestant-Masonic-Pagan Unholy New Order Mess of 1969. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Newvatican's Dicasterium de Cultu Divine et Disciplina Sacramentorum.]
Traditional Catholics, Francis-Bergoglio and his Newvatican are not kidding. The more the Neocon/pseudo-traditionalists try to do an end run around his decrees and edicts to suppress the New Latin Mess, the more Bergoglio lowers the boom on them. The goal of the Newchurch of the New Order is to end all such Messes as soon as possible. They were never really intended by Newchurch to remain. All true Catholics should long ago have gotten out of the Newchurch of the New Order, which is most certainly not the Catholic Church, and worked to find a fully Traditional Latin Mass from before the corruptions were introduced starting in 1950. For further information, click on the TRADITIO Network's Official Traditional Catholic Directory department, provided to the TRADITIO Network by the National Registry of Traditional Latin Masses.
Francis-Bergoglio has become is so desperate for money to support his bankrupted Newvatican that he is openly resorting to theft and embezzlement to sustain his regime. His latest predation is against the Poor Clare pseudo-traditional nuns. He seems to have a particular hatred for contemplatives. The Poor Clares were founded by St. Clare of Assisi in 1212. It is the height of irony that Bergoglio took the Newpapal name "Francis."
The Convent of St. Clare in Ravello, Italy, which has existed since the thirteenth century, was a particular target of Bergoglio because it had financial resources from its many years of existence and from generous donations to its work. The Convent had an associated church, a residence for the nuns, a guesthouse for visitors on retreat, and at one time a school. The nuns were able to sustain their religious works from the proceeds of three local businesses and a hotel in town. The church and other properties on the pricey Amalfi Coast are worth 50,000,000 to 60,000,000 USD. This was too juicy a target for Bergoglio's greed to pass up.
When Bergoglio announced that he was closing down the convent to build a luxury hotel on the property to enrich his coffers, the Poor Clares told Bergoglio to pound sand; they weren't leaving. Bergoglio, who constantly blathers about "mercy," mercilessly threw the remaining nuns out onto the street, one of whom was 97 years of age, and expelled the nuns from the religious life that they had lived for decades, one of them since 1955.
Even the Ravello City Council opposed Bergoglio because of the historical and cultural significance of the convent. A former mayor of the city is now heading up a cultural association to continue the fight against the "Dictator" Newpope Bergoglio "to restore truth, justice and dignity to the 'virtuous disobedience' of the nuns." In open rejection of Bergoglio, the association vowed to "vindicate the authenticity of the true [Traditional Catholic] Church," which is not the Newchurch of the New Order run by Bergoglio. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Crux News Agency.]
Traditional Catholics, Francis-Bergoglio may actually have done these nuns a favor. Now they are out of his apostate Newchurch clutches and can life a true religious life as Traditional Roman Catholic nuns without Newchurch interference. This incident, among many others, indicates beyond a doubt that Bergoglio is not only a dictator, but a barbarian, and moreover a hypocrite, who fraudulently preaches mercy, then throws 97-year-old women out of their house onto the street.
On February 4, 2023, Newrome was abuzz with the report that Francis-Bergoglio is planning to shut down worldwide the Vatican II Half New Order Mess of 1962 and all associated Sacraments and Sacramentals, effective April 3, 2023. This date is significant because the publication date of the document would be the 54th anniversary of Paul VI-Montini's Apostolic Constitution of April 3,1969, which replaced the traditional Missale Romanum with the invalid New Mess of 1969.
This is the Mess that was used at the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965), as designed by the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini, the Chief Architect of the "New Mess" of 1969, which is now still used, with further "modernizing" changes, in the Newchurch of the New Order. This is the Mess so beloved of the Neocon Newchurchers and pseudo-traditionalists, but is fake (invalid, null and void) because simulated by Newchurch bishops and presbyters who are no longer ordained, but who since 1968 are no more valid than Protestant ministers.
The reports indicate that, as we already knew, Bergoglio is hopping mad at Newbishops and presbyters who have tried to circumvent his decree "Traditionis cusodes" of July 16, 2021, which already ordered the suppression of most remaining New Latin Messes around the world. Therefore, intends to suppress the New Latin Mess altogether, together with the traditional Roman Pontifical and Roman Ritual, which contain the rites for traditional Sacraments, ordinations, blessings, and other traditional rites. Francis-Bergoglio's Apostolic Constitution, which trumps the mere Motu Proprio of Benedict-Ratzingzer entitled "Summorum pontificum" of 2007, specified by Benedict-Ratzinger to be of only temporary force, is to abolish the New Latin Mess of 1962 and associated rites as follows: [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by sources in Newrome.]
Traditional Catholics, first of all, good riddance to the fake New Latin Mess of 1962, which was being used to keep clueless Neocon Newchurchers and pseudo-traditionalists in the apostate Newchurch of the New Order, to keep them bending the knee to the apostate Newpopes, and to keep them funding Newchurch's paedophile and embezzlement schemes. Since 1968 Newchurch has had a fake (invalid, null and void) Mess and Sacraments, and anti-Catholic doctrines and morals. The question now is whether any of the clueless supporters of the Newchurch apostasy will be slapped into reality and finally leave Newchurch. Frankly, we doubt it. They have been so mesmerized into the New Order by now that most of them will be obedient little automata and switch over to the New Mess. They were never really Catholics to begin with.
Francis-Bergoglio's cat's paw, Robert McElroy, whom Bergoglio appointed his latest Newcardinal in the August 27, 2022, Newconsistory, has announced to the world that, contrary to what Bergoglio has been saying about the Synod, the plan is to overturn even conservative Newchurch teachings and paganize Newchurch thoroughly, just as Bergoglio has already approved the worship of the pagan gods Pachamama and Acatama. After the Synod pagan priestesses will start to be seen behind New Order "eucharistic" dinner tables, as they have already been in Switzerland.
McElroy, apparently speaking for Bergoglio, has announced that the Synod is the proper place to implement these changes. That it is the proper time and place to introduce the installation (Newchurch no longer validly ordains since its adoption of the New Ordinal of 1968) of first deaconesses first, then priestesses. He also indicated that sodomy would be accepted as moral for homosexuals, because chastity is purportedly impossible for them. The Novus Ordo cookie would become open to all who claim to be "Christian" by their own personal definition. Apparently, that would include Mormons, Seventh Day Adventists, and Unitarians, in addition to mainline Protestants. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.]
Traditional Catholics, just as at the apostate Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965), the final report is already being written before the Synod on Sodality, to run from October 2023 to October 2024, is even held. Francis-Bergoglio's Presiding Officer at the Synod, its Relator General, the heretic Jean-Claude Hollerich, Newcardinal of Luxembourg, has already proclaimed that homosexuality and sodomy need to be accepted as moral by Newchurch. What is ironic is that the clueless Neocons and pseudo-traditionalists are once again being fooled, as they have been since the Vatican II Anti-council, pledging their allegiance to apostate Newpopes and an apostate Newchurch of the New Order, which is far more heretical now than the mainline Protestant sects.
It is a Protestant and secular myth that the true Catholic Church somehow rejects true science. In fact, as Pope St. Pius X taught, true science and true religion cannot contradict each other because they both derive from the Truth. Historically, most of the scientists in the Christian era have been Catholics. Even controverted Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) was a devout Catholic who prayed the Seven Penitential Psalms every day. Most Catholics today don't even know what these are! Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543), who reintroduced the heliocentric theory to the modern age, in his De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium (after crediting the theory originally to the Alexandrian Greek astronomer and mathematician Aristachus (ca. 310-230 B.C.), was a Catholic religious.
From the early Church, the Fathers taught that there are two testaments, Sacred Scripture and God's creation, from which God Himself could be perceived, as any creator is by what he creates. King David wrote in Psalm 18/V-DRV: "Caeli enarrant gloriam Dei, et opera manuum eius adnuntiat firmamentum" [The heavens shew forth the glory of God, and the firmament declareth the work of his hands].
In a recently-discovered interview given on February 14, 1964, Fr. Georges Lemaitre, the Belgian priest and astrophysicist, explains his formulation of the "Big Bang" Theory of the universe's creation, which is now the generally-accepted scientific theory. Fr. Lemaitre formulated the theory in 1927 from Albert Einstein's equations of general relativity that the universe is expanding and that it therefore began in a big bang. Einstein himself was unable to reach this deduction from his own equations. It remained for the Belgian priest to become the first to propose the theory of the expansion of the universe from a massive explosion in contrast to the "Steady State" Theory, in which the universe is static. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.]
Traditional Catholics, any notion that the true Catholic Church is against true science is patently absurd and historically unfounded. In fact, we would still be in the dark ages without the Catholic Church, which preserved and developed the inspired notions of the ancient Classical and particularly Alexandrian Greek scientists in the centuries just before Christ. As Pope Pius XII wrote: "True science discovers God behind every door." And it has been primarily Catholic scientists who have opened that door over the last two millennia.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
As February 3, the Feast of St. Blase, Bishop and Martyr, is a weekday this year, I could not go to the Novus Ordo Mess for St. Blaise, where the Newchurch presbyter might have done the blessing of throats. Do the rubrics prevent the presbyter from doing this a day or two later, e.g., on the following coming Sunday? Also, on one occasion I recall that the Newchurch presbyter held up the crossed candles over the congregation and gave the blessing once for all. Is such a method valid?
No, it isn't. We find no authority for the aberration of dispensing with the individual blessing and simply holding up the candles for all. It is, however, specifically permitted for the blessing to be given on the Sunday following the feastday. This kind of "community blessing" is a typical New Order corruption, which ignores Christ's administration of Sacraments/sacramentals to individuals, as is so often exemplified in the Holy Gospels, but lumps individuals together in some kind of phony Protestant-style "community" sacrament/sacramental.
In any case, Newchurch has not ordained priests since its adoption of the Protestantized New Ordinal of 1968, but only "installs presbyters," who are like Protestant ministers, thus having to power to bless at all. It's all invalid, null and void in the apostate Newchurch of the New Order. True Catholics should never set foot in an apostate Newchurch.
The rubric in the typical edition of the Rituale Romanum of 1944 specifically instructs: "Deinde Sacerdos duos cereos in modum crucis aptatos apponit sub mento gutturi singulorum, qui benedicendi sunt, ipsis ante Altare genuflectentibus. [Then the Priest applies two candles in the manner of a cross under the chin to the throat of the individuals who are to be blessed, when they are kneeling before the Altar]. The rubric does not require that the candles be lighted, but does required that the individual kneel, not stand. The custom is not to light the candles because of the possibility of spilling wax onto the garments of those receiving the blessing.
As it becomes clearer and clearer that Francis-Bergoglio is lying when he says that his "Synod on Synodality" (aka the Vatican III Anti-council) is not intended to change doctrine, the reception by many Newchurchers themselves has been cold. Together with several Newchurch cardinals and Newbishops, more and more Newchurchers are reacting with "skepticism, fear, and even rejection" of Bergoglio's stratagem to take the Newchurch of the New Order the next step, from Protestantism to paganism.
The same "no change" claim was made about the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965). It was to be merely a "pastoral council," we were told, and was not intended to change the Catholic Mass, doctrine, or morals in any essential way. That was certainly a Big Lie. As a result of the Anti-council, the Catholic Church was destroyed as the "institutional" Church and replaced on November 24, 1964, by the apostate Newchurch of the New Order, which is most certainly not the Catholic Church. In that Newchurch the Mass and Sacraments were destroyed to invalidity, sacrilege, blasphemy, and idolatry. Basic doctrine was changed to the point where even Newchurch's bishops can't agree on what it is. And Newchurch's morality became a sewer, in which Newpope Bergoglio encourages and supports homosexuals, lesbians, transsexuals, and, most especially, paedophiles.
Newchurchers around the world are supposed to participate in the planning of the Synod, but most are totally uninterested. Spanish Newbishops, for example, admitted on January 31, 2023, that participation at the open preparatory phase has been "low," especially among young people. And it's getting worse. The Newbishops have said that participation is even less than in the previous phase. Not only are young people deserting Bergoglio's "synodal process," but they are leaving Newchurch itself. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic News Agency]
Traditional Catholics, one of the most ironic statements coming from the Newbishops is that they have found a need to "attend to the liturgy through formation and a greater comprehensibility of its rites and contents." Yet we have been told for sixty years now that when the Traditional Latin Mass was dumped and that instead a "New Mess" would be simulated in every profane tongue in the world, people would understand it. Now the truth has become obvious. What the Mass really signifies is better understood in sacred Latin than in the vulgar tongues. Now even the Newbishops are admitting that Newchurch was based on a lie.
The "Unsaint" Newpope JPII-Wojtyla came up with the flawed notion of a World Youth Day in 1984. His notion quickly degenerated into a pagan orgy, at which the Newchurchers were fornicating in the bleachers, and condoms were being handed out like candy. The Eleventh World Youth Day in 2005 featured condoms with Benedict-Ratzinger's picture on them, to imply his approval of the pagan immoralities.
The Seventeenth World Youth Day, scheduled for August 1-25, 2023, in Lisbon, Portugal, has already stirred controversy because of the 5,400,000 USD being spent on a miniature golf-style "eucharistic dinner table" (formerly called an "altar"). It is just the latest example of churches built on heretic Modernist principles mandated by the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965). This monstrosity, stretching over 5,000 square meters, is being built for the apostate Newpope Francis-Bergoglio's closing Mess, which isn't even a Mass, but the Vatican II Anti-council's Protestant-Masonic-Pagan "New Mess." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Crux News Service.]
Traditional Catholics, the Portuguese, who already had to bear the building of the blasphemous "tennis racket" basilica at Fatima, are vilifying Newchurch's latest blasphemy by hauling the Lisbon mayor to justify himself before Portugal's parliament. The project is being slammed as a "display of unnecessary opulence at such a difficult time." Yet Newpope Francis-Bergoglio, who in 2014 embezzled 350,000,000 USD essentially from the poor box to shore up his foundering Newchurch, falsely claims to be sympathetic to the poor. Now Portugal is going to be spending millions to host Bergoglio, 1,000 of his Newbishops, and 300 phony "concelebrants" for a fake Mess and God only knows how many condoms carrying Bergoglio's image to the randy Newchurch youth.
During Francis-Bergoglio's consistory of August 27, 2022, to create new Newcardinals for his Newchurch of the New Order, many suspected that "something was rotten in the kingdom" of Newchurch. The most outstanding indicator was Bergoglio's turning his back on the President of the U.S. Conference of Catholic [Sic] Bishops, the Newarchbishop of Los Angeles, California, Jose Gomez. The Newarchbishop of gigantic Los Angeles had traditionally been made a Newcardinal. What did Bergoglio have against this man? He was "too conservative."
Instead, Bergoglio slapped Gomez in the face by Newcardinalizing the Newbishop, not Newarchbishop, of smaller San Diego, California, nearby, Robert McElroy. Now the reason for that bizarre appointment has become perfectly clear: McElroy is a paedophiliac just like his master Bergoglio, the Third Paedopohile Newpope, pushing the agenda of the homosexuals/transexual radicals upon the apostate Newchurch of the New Order.
The Trojan horse for this metamorphosis is Bergoglio's vaunted "Vatican III Anti-council," also known as the "Synod on Synodality," to commence in October 2023, the same month that marks the 62nd anniversary of the original Vatican II Anti-council, which did, as was intended by the Modernist heretics who took it over away from the control of Pope John XXIII, to destroy the Catholic Church as the "institutional" Church.
McElroy on January 24, 2023, published a call for the "radical inclusion of LGBT people" into the Newchurch of the New Order, jettisoning chastity so that sodomy would now be recognized as "natural" for "these people," who "are not capable of chastity and should therefore be preached a lesser Gospel." Bergoglio himself had been caught the same week stating that homosexual acts, such as sodomy, should not be a crime.
Who is this McElroy? When McElroy was personally informed of the predations of the infamous Newcardinal Theodore McCarrick, who sodomized children and young men up and down the east coast of the United States, he did nothing. When he was personally informed of sex crimes being perpetrated by Newchurch presbyters, Newbishops, and other Newcardinals, he did nothing. In this, McElroy is the perfect disciple of the Third Paedophile Newpope, Bergoglio. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.]
Traditional Catholics, will the Newchurchers wake up to fact that clearly the Newchurch of the New Order and its Newpopes are not Catholic, but apostates from the Catholic Faith? Francis-Bergoglio's "synodal process" is a scam, just like the vaunted "spirit of Vatican II" (1962-1965), which included every shade of heresy. Many Catholics at that time never asked themselves, what "spirit" is that? Even the Modernist Unsaint Newpope Paul VI-Montini, just seven years after the Anti-council (June 29, 1972), preached that it was Satan himself:
We have the impression that through some cracks in the wall the smoke of Satan (fumus Satanae) has entered the temple of God: it is doubt, uncertainty, questioning, dissatisfaction, confrontation.... We thought that after the [Anti-]council a day of sunshine would have dawned for the history of the Church. What dawned, instead, was a day of clouds and storms, of darkness, of searching and uncertainties.
Now, just one month after the death of Benedict-Ratzinger on December 31, 2022, the explanation for the Second Paedophile Newpope's crazy Newpontificate has become clear. On January 27, 2023, the late Newpope Benedict-Ratzinger's biographer revealed the "real reason" why Ratzinger abdicated in 2013. The information came from a letter that Ratzinger sent to him. A year after Ratzinger was elected Newpope in 2004, he began to suffer from persistent, debilitating insomnia ever since he attended the 2005 World Youth Day at Cologne, Germany. At the time Ratzinger said that he had misgivings about the event, which had been established by the First Paedophile Newpope, Unsaint JPII-Wojtyla. This event had become highly secularized and vulgar, but Ratzinger had lacked the courage to cancel the event.
Ratzinger's guilty conscience over this event and the leading role that he had played in Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust had expressed itself in persistent, debilitating insomnia throughout his almost ten-year regime. For this condition he began taking megadoses of sleeping pills. Sleeping pills are dangerous drugs that can have significantly deleterious effects upon the body and the mind, particularly when taken in high doses over a period of time, all the more so when combined with alcohol in the wine and beer Ratzinger was known to drink. Moreover, these drugs are highly addictive.
Finally, the drugs caught up with Ratzinger. He had already had several accidents, such has hitting his head on a radiator and falling out of bed, when on his junket to Mexico and Communist Cuba in 2012, he experienced a full-blown syncopal episode, waking to find himself having passed out on the floor of his bathroom stained with blood. His physicians, now alerted to the fact that he was self-medicating himself to a dangerous degree and to the point of addition, slashed his supply of soporifics and ordered that he cut back his schedule.
Still afflicted with guilt over his complicity in Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlment Holocaust, Ratzinger apparently couldn't bear the thought of having to attend another World Youth Day to be held in Rio de Janeiro in July 2013. He abdicated in February 2013 in his (in)famous "Declaratio" of February 10, 2023, delivered in Latin before the Newcardinals convoked in consistory. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Katholische Nachrichten-Agentur Deutsche.]
Traditional Catholics, now everything makes sense. One has to consider whether Benedict-Ratzinger's actions as Newpope were tainted with the canonical impediment of non compos mentis to the point of invalidity. The same considerations came to light in 2005, when it was learned just how compromised Ratzinger's predecessor, the First Paedophile Newpope, the Unsaint JPII-Wojtyla, who suffered from several Parkinson's Disease, had been in the latter years of his Newpapacy.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Concerning your recent Daily Commentary about the order in a growing number of Newdioceses banning in Newchurches the traditional ad orientem (facing toward liturgical east) orientation and banning the use of a traditional altar, if one exists, instead requiring the use of Novus Ordo freestanding altars versus populum (toward the congregation, Protestant-style), can local Newpastors simply refuse? Are Newchurch clergy bound by a vow of obedience to commit sacrilege?
No vow can be used to excuse a sin. Any vow that requires the commission of sacrilege, idolatry, heresy, or apostasy, such as those in Newchurch, are null and void, having no legal force whatsoever.
If even a pope ordered you to commit murder, would your commission of that Mortal Sin make you any less a damned murderer? Absolutely not! In any case, those Newchurches that once had traditional altars have long ago been desecrated by fake presbyters (Newchurch has not ordained priests since the Protestantized New Ordinal of 1968) simulating the fake (invalid) Vatican II Protestant-Masonic-Pagan "New Mess" on them.
If and when these altars come back into the control oF Traditional Catholic priests and bishops not associated in any way with the apostate Newchurch of the New Order, they can be re-blessed or reconsecrated.