MARCH 2023


TRADITIO Traditional Roman Catholic Network, including the Official Catholic Directory of Traditional Latin Masses
Directory Front Cover
For answers to many questions, consult the CURRENT MONTHLY REVISED EDITION of the Official Traditional Catholic Directory, Listing All Traditional Latin Masses and Traditional Resources for North America. For further information, click on the TRADITIO Network's Official Traditional Catholic Directory department, provided to the TRADITIO Network by the National Registry of Traditional Latin Masses.
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The TRADITIO Network has been informed by the National Registry of Traditional Latin Masses that the new March 2023 Monthly Revised Edition of the 28th Annual Edition (2023) of the Official Traditional Catholic Directory, Listing All Traditional Latin Masses and Traditional Resources for North America has been published. For further information, click on the Official Traditional Catholic Directory department, provided to the TRADITIO Network by the National Registry of Traditional Latin Masses. The annual use fee is due for those who wish to use the new 2023 Original Edition and its Monthly Revised Editions. Site representatives, be sure to check your traditional site's listing for correctness.


The TRADITIO Network recommends the Gregorian chant recordings of the St. John Schola, which is recording a series on CD and MP3 consisting of live recordings of the type of chant pieces that may be used at traditional churches and chapels. It makes no pretense to being professional, but to what is achievable, with a little work, by the average small lay choir. The hope is that this series will serve as a practical guide for the wider use of Gregorian chant in the traditional Roman Catholic liturgy. For ordering and descriptive information on the series, click on A Traditional Chapel Sings Gregorian Chant. This month's featured Gregorian Chant CD is: MARCH: HOLY WEEK AND EASTER (VOLUME IX) .
St. John Schola Volume IX

March 31, 2023 - Seven Dolors of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Double Major Feast

Newcardinal Liturgy Head Admits Newchurch Is Not the Catholic Church
"The Theology of [New]church Has Changed," He Pontificates, Obviously Speaking for Francis-Bergoglio

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Arthur Roche & Francis-Bergoglio

Head of Newchurch "Liturgy," Newcardinal Arthur Roche
Stands over Francis-Bergoglio, His Apostate Co-conspirator
For Whom He Was Obviously Speaking
When He Pontificated that Newchurch's Theology
Is "Changed" from That of the Catholic Church
Thus, Roche Has Finally Stated What Traditional Catholics
Have Been Saying Since 1964
That the Newchurch of the New Order
Is Most Certainly Not the Catholic Church
But a Different Organization, Worse than the Arch-heretic Luther's

On March 19, 2023, we finally had an admission from one of Francis-Bergoglio's sitting Newcardinals, in fact, the Prefect of his Dicastery on Divine Worship, that the Newchurch of the New Order is not in fact the Catholic Church. This is, of course, what Traditional Catholics have been maintaining since the foundation of the Newchurch of the New Order on November 21, 1964, explicitly to replace the Catholic Church as the "institutional" Church.

You know that the theology of the Church has changed. Whereas before the priest represented, at a distance, all the people. They were channeled, as it were, through this person who alone was celebrating the Mass. It is not only the priest who celebrates the liturgy, but also those who are baptised with him. And that is an enormous statement to make.

Indeed it is an enormous statement for Bergoglio's appointee Roche to make. It is outright heresy. The arch-heretic Martin Luther could not have said it better!

It was on November 21, 1964, that the first Newpope Paul VI-Montini (r. 1963-1978) promulgated -- as he did every single one of the documents of the Vatican II Anti-council whereas John XXIII did not approve a single one -- the document that gave the Newchurch of the New Order its constitution, "Lumen gentium," subtitled the "Dogmatic Constitution on the Church."

From this Newchurch came a series of Newpopes: Paul VI-Montini (whom Newchurch proclaimed a spurious Newsaint), JPI-Luciani (who survived only a month), JPII-Wojtyla (whom Newchurch proclaimed a spurious Newsaint), Benedict-Ratzinger (who was a leader of the heretic Modernists at the Vatican II Anti-council, wrote part of the Newchurch Constitution for them, and remained a Modernist heretic all his life), and now Francis-Bergoglio.

From this Newchurch also came an invalid (spurious) New Mess, invalid Sacraments, heretical changes to Catholic and Apostolic doctrine, and invalid new moral doctrines. The Newchurch of the New Order, steeped as it is in numerous heresies and schisms, is clearly apostate from the Catholic faith. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the British Broadcasting Corporation.]

Traditional Catholics, as if to confirm Newcardinal Roche's statement that the Newchurch of the New Order is not Catholic, almost on the same day, Francisco Robles Ortega, Newcardinal of Guadalajara, Mexico, publicly endorsed the legal recognition of "gay marriage." In furtherance of that statement of heretical morality, a transgender "drag queen" performer there received an official certificate from the Newarchdiocese affirming his female "self-identity." None of this is the Catholic Church founded by Our Lord Jesus Christ.

March 30, 2023 - Ferial Day

A Reader Asks: "Was Pius XII a True Pope?
If So, How Could He Have Permitted the Abominations in the Mass and Sacraments?"

From: Bruce
Hannibal Bugnini & Paul VI-Montini

Paul VI-Montini Sells out the Catholic Church
To the Freemason Presbyter Hannibal Bugnini
Architect of Invalid (Fake) New Order
Protestant-Masonic-Pagan "New Mess" in 1969
But It Was Pius XII Who Appointed Bugnini
To Head the "Reformation Committee"
Which Gradually from 1951 to 1962 to 1969
Destroyed the True Mass of the Catholic Church
The Traditional Latin Mass
(Which Is Not the 1962 New Latin Mess)

Dear TRADITIO Fathers:

Was Pius XII a true pope? If he was a true pope, how could he have permitted the abominations in the Mass and Sacraments, including the destruction of Holy Week, that were instituted during his reign under his appointee as head of "Liturgical Reformation," the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini?


We have no doubt that Pius XII was a true pope. He did not explicitly deny any doctrines of Catholic and Apostolic faith and morals, but, unfortunately, he seemed to lack the cardinal moral virtue courage (fortitude) in much of what he did, including his imprudent appointments like Hannibal Bugnini, a known Modernist heretic, to destroy the Mass and Sacraments of the Catholic Church, including Holy Week.

The dogmatic teaching of the Vatican I Council (1870) about the papacy seems to be unknown to many Catholics. It is important to know it and to understand what it means:

Neque enim Petri successoribus Spiritus sanctus promissus est, ut eo revelante novam doctrinam patefacerent, sed ut eo assistente traditam per apostolos revelationem seu fidei depositum sancte custodirent et fideliter exponerent.
[For the Holy Ghost was promised to the successors of Peter not so that they might, by His revelation, make known some new doctrine, but that, by His assistance, they might religiously guard and faithfully expound the revelation or Deposit of Faith transmitted by the Apostles.]

It may not have been so clear at the time (Pius XII should certainly have been smart enough to realize it), but now we can see clearly that the 1950s explicitly began the process of dismantling the Catholic Mass and Sacraments, which led to the corrupted half New Order New Latin Mess of 1960-1962, and ultimately to the invalid (fake) full-blown Protestant-Masonic-Pagan New Mess of 1969, which is Newchurch's current Mess. That Newchurch of the New Order was founded to replace the Catholic Church as the "institutional" Church, and was given its constitution on November 21, 1964, by the Vatican II Anti-council's "Dogmatic Constitution on the Church" (Lumen gentium). The Newchurch of the New Order is most certainly not the Catholic Church.

Catholics must review their basic catechism and recall that, as Sacred Scripture (Ephesians 5:23/V) explicitly teaches us: "Christus caput est ecclesiae," the head of the Church is Christ. A valid pope is merely Christ's vicar and has no power other that what is given to him from above. This is the explicit dogmatic teaching of Vatican I. When under Pius XII the Catholic and Apostolic liturgy was corrupted -- even in violation of his own 1947 Encyclical Letter "Mediator Dei" -- true Catholics have the obligation not to follow the corruptions. We know from history that many bishops and priests in the 1950s, for example, refused to accept the "horrible changes" (that is what they called them) of the "New" Holy Week of 1956, later reused in the New Latin Mess of 1962, which is most certainly not the Traditional Latin Mass.

March 29, 2023 - Ferial Day

"Vox Populi Vox Dei" as Parents and Donors Withdraw Funding
From a Christian School that Supported Sodomy and Was as a Result Forced to Close

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
School Closed

A Christian School that Supported Sodomy
One of the Four Biblical Sins
That Cry out to God for Retribution
Lost 80 per Cent of Its Funding
From Parents and Donors
It Was therefore Forced to Close Its Doors
These Parents Had Learned from Pope St. Pius X:
"The Greatest Obstacle in the Apostolate of the Church
Is the Timidity, or Rather the Cowardice, of the Faithful"

Vox Populi, Vox Dei -- the phrase variously attributed to Julius Caesar and Alcuin -- certainly came into play when recently a K-8 Christian school in Missouri, the so-called Urban Christian Academy of Kansas City, lost its funding from parents and donors when it started to teach that sodomy, one of the Four Biblical Sins that Cry out to God for Retribution, was "holy." The school announced on St. Valentine's Day, February 14, 2023, that it was closing because of the parental defunding.

By six months after it decided to alter its mission statement to include the outrageously anti-Christian statement, the school had lost 42 per cent of its financial support from parents and donors. By the end of 2022, it had lost 80 per cent.. All eight local churches that had given financial support to the school withdrew their funding, citing Christ's dictum: "Go, and now sin no more" (John 8:11/DRV). [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Kansas City Star.]

Traditional Catholics, as the English statesman Edmund Burke wrote: "For evil to triumph, it is only necessary for good men to do nothing." This thought was reflected by Pope St. Pius X, who wrote: "The greatest obstacle in the apostolate of the Church is the timidity, or rather the cowardice, of the faithful." When Christians and Catholics stand up for clear Biblical principles, nothing is impossible with God.

March 28, 2023 - St. John Capistrano, Confessor
Semidouble Feast

Newchurch under Ten Years of Francis-Bergoglio Has Been a Bust
The Latest Statistics Show a Steep Decline, and No Hope for the Future

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Declining Newchurch

Newchurchers Are Abandoning
The Newchurch of the New Order
In an Ever-steeper Decline
Which Has Accelerated under Ten Years
Of Francis-Bergoglio
The Invalid "Sacraments" of Newchurch
Are All Down, as Are the Numbers
Of Newchurch Clergy and Religious
According to the Latest Figures
And the Demographic Projections for the Future
Show No Hope for the Apostate Sect

Newchurch under ten years of Francis-Bergoglio has been a bust since his election as Newpope on March 13, 2013. In fact, the Newchurch of the New Order has been sinking ever since the Vatican II Anti-council ended in 1965, but particularly since the year 2000. These figures come from Newvatican's own statistics, according to the latest, 2001, update to the Annuarium Statisticum Ecclesiae. Here is a summary of the numbers for the decline Newchurch under Bergoglio [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic World Report]:

  1. "Initiations" (formerly baptisms) -- many of them invalid -- dropped by 2,000,000 worldwide
  2. First "eucharists" -- reduced to invalidity by Newchurch 1968 -- dropped by 13 per cent
  3. Confirmations -- reduced to invalidity by Newchurch in 1971 -- dropped by 12 per cent
  4. Marriages dropped by 33 per cent
  5. Newchurch "nuns" dropped by 27 per cent in the U.S.
  6. Newchurch brothers dropped by 19 per cent in the U.S.
  7. Presbyters (ministers) -- Newchurch stopped ordaining priests in 1968 -- dropped by up to 15 per cent in the U.S.
  8. Newseminarians dropped by almost 6 per cent in North America and Europe
  9. Attendance at the invalid (fake) New Order Mess has dropped to well below 15 per cent in Europe
  10. 1,000 Newparishes have closed in the U.S.

Traditional Catholics, Newchurch's future looks even worse. The demographic projections indicate that fewer "initiations" (formerly baptisms), first "eucharists," and marriages are in the offing. The number of Newparochial school students, an important indication for the future, will decline. Francis-Bergoglio has pushed the Newchurch into a steeper decline, and there is no improvement foreseen for the future. He should just wrap up the failing and corrupt Newchurch corporation and give the money to the poor, while meanwhile true Catholics attend the fully Traditional Latin Mass and fully Traditional Latin Sacraments wherever they can be found outside of Newchurch.

March 27, 2023 - St. John Damascene, Confessor & Doctor
Double Feast

French Pseudo-traditional Newbishop Is Likely to Be Francis-Bergoglio's Next Target
Rey Sponsored "Too Many New Latin Messes" in Violation of Bergoglio's Decree of Suppression

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Dominique Rey

Newbishop Dominique Rey, of France
Will Soon Be Hearing from Francis-Bergoglio
Now that Bergoglio's Inquisitors Have
Submitted Their Final Report of Inquisition
Rey Sponsored Too Many Half New Order
New Latin Messes of 1962 in His Newdiocese
These Messes Were Suppressed by Bergoglio
In His 2021 "Traditionis Custodes"
And Rey Has More of Them than Any Other Newbishop
Bergoglio Will Likely Give Him His Gold Watch
A Little Sooner than He Expected
And Forcibly Retire (Fire) Him Early

Francis-Bergoglio rarely fires those of his Newbishops who are paedophile sex criminals, but if you exhibit the list hint of "traditionalism," you're out. Now it appears that after the conclusion of the Inquisition dispatched by Bergoglio to the Newdiocese of Frejus-Toulon, France, which sponsors more Half New Order New Latin Messes of 1962 than any other Newdiocese in the world, the fix was in.

Newbishop Dominique Rey of Frejus-Toulon has had it. His walking papers are said to be already written. He has already been barred from installing presbyters. Neo-Roma dixit; causa finita est. Now over 70, Rey is approaching Bergoglio's artificial mandatory retirement age, so, as the apostate Newpope has done in other cases of pseudo-traditionalist bishops, Bergoglio will probably just give him his gold watch and put him out to pasture early, viz., fire him.. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic News.]

Traditional Catholics, there is no surprise in any of this. Rey ran brazenly afoul of Francis-Bergoglio's 2021 decree "Traditionis custodis" virtually banning the New Latin Mess, which isn't even the Traditional Latin Mass. The 1962 pastiche was concocted as a stepping stone to the full-blown Protestant-Masonic-Pagan New Mess of 1969. Benedict-Ratzinger in 2008 allowed it to be used on an "extraordinary" basis for only a few years. The pseudo-traditionalists just didn't want to hear the message, even though both Benedict-Ratzinger and Bergoglio warned them explicitly. Now the Neocons and pseudo-traditionalists are paying the just price for their self-imposed cluelessness.

March 26, 2023 - Passion Sunday
Semidouble Feast of the First Class

Presbyters Are Robbing Their Congregations' Collection Plate at an All-time High
They Are Stealing Large Amounts, and Corrupt Newchurch Bishops Are Excusing the Crimes

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Newchurch Presbyter Thief

One of Many Newchurch Presbyters
Caught Stealing Large Sums of Money
From the Collection Plate
Rarely Do Newchurch's Corrupt Newbishops
Do Anything to Stop or Punish the Thefts
Meanwhile Presbyters Spend Their Stolen Funds
To Support Gambling and Sex Liaisons
With Both Men and Women
And Newpope Francis-Bergoglio
Who Himself Has Been Implicated
In Large Embezzlements
Doesn't Care Either

A 2023 report entitled "Exploring Embezzlement by Catholic Priests in the United States: A Content Analysis of Cases Since 1963" has documented the fact that since the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965), Newchurch presbyters have been robbing their congregations blind with large-scale thefts from the collection plate. Moreover, Newbishop and Newpopes don't seem to care. They rarely bother to do any auditing at all.

Ninety per cent of the criminal thieves were actively serving Newchurch parishes. An average amount of nearly 500,000 USD was stolen over a period of six years. Many of the presbyters were repeat offenders. The thefts involved taking cash directly from the weekly collection and poor box, coercing elderly Newparishioners to fork over money to the Newparish or the presbyter, falsely endorsing checks to presbyters' personal accounts, and creating personal slush funds from Newparish funds.

What did the presbyters do with the stolen money? Particularly identified were gambling and illicit sexual relationships. One presbyter in Virginia stole 591,000 USD in Newparish funds to support his "secret wife and three children." Another presbyter in Connecticut stole1,000,000 USD to support his sodomitisic liaisons with three men. A third presbyter stole 32,000 USD to "entertain" homosexuals he met through a "gay" web site. A fourth presbyter stole 300,000 USD to maintain his "gay" lover in a lavish New York apartment. A fifth presbyter stole 73,000 USD to finance his "pilgrimages" to strip clubs and massage parlors. A sixth presbyter stole 650,000 to gamble it away. Other presbyters embezzled money to send back to families in their native countries, such as Nigeria, Mexico, and Lebanon. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Journal of Forensic and Investigative Accounting.]

Traditional Catholics, not only do corrupt Newchurch bishops ignore most of these large-scale thefts by their presbyters, but even those who are criminally convicted in the secular courts of embezzlement, fraud, or larceny are often returned to their former positions leading Newparishes. And why should this be any surprise when the head of Newchurch, the apostate Newpope Francis-Bergoglio, has himself been several times been caught embezzling Newchurch charitable funds for the poor, for hospital , and most especially with his London Real Estate fraud, in which 350,000,000 USD of charitable funds was lost.


A Reader Asks: "Is It Acceptable for Laymen to Use
The Fr. Lasance Missal for the Latin Mass?"

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Fr. Lasance's New Roman Missal

Beware the Fr. Lasance New Roman Missal
Which Was Traditional in 1945, when It Was Published
But Now Has Been "Modernized"
To Include the Bugnini/Pius XII Corruptions up to 1958
These Corruptions Include the Gutting
Of the Most Ancient Rites of the Church
The Sacred Rites of Holy Week
We Recommend Instead the St. Andrew Daily Missal
Which Is Still in Print in the Unrevised 1945 Edition

Dear TRADITIO Fathers:

Is it acceptable for laymen to use the Fr. Lasance missal for the Latin Mass?


First of all, the term "Latin Mass" is condemned for Traditional Catholics because it includes the invalid (fake) New Order Mess in Latin and the Half New Order New Latin Mess of 1962. The correct term is "Traditional Latin Mass," which properly excludes the corruptions of the 1950s that led up to Newchurch's current Protestant-Masonic-Pagan "New Mess" of 1969. The term "Traditional Latin Mass" is correctly applied only to the true Mass before it was corrupted starting in 1951. The term does not properly include the corrupted Half New Order Vatican II Mess of 1962, which was the stepping stone to Newchurch's "New Mess."

Fr. F.X. Lasance's New Roman Missal in Latin and English was originally published in 1945. That edition is acceptable for Traditional Catholics and may be found through used-book sources. However, the only edition currently in print seems to be a version that was "modernized" to 1958. That edition is not fully acceptable because it contains "additions" introduced by the Chief Architect of the New Order Mess, Hannibal Bugnini under Pius XII from 1945 to 1958.

The best traditional and most complete Catholic handmissal is the St. Andrew Daily Missal with Vespers for Sundays and Feasts and Kyriale, which was published in 1945. An exact reprint of that traditional Catholic handmissal with no "updates" is still in publication. For further information on this missal, click on FAQ05: What Traditional Catholic Resources Do You Recommend? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) department in the section "Mass -- Handmissals," available from the TRADITIO Network's main menu at www.traditio.com.

March 24, 2023 - St. Gabriel, Archangel
Double Major Feast

Newchurch Switches to Cardboard-cutout Parishioners
To Replace the Newchurchers Who Have Left since Vatican II

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Cardboard Newchurchers

In Accordance with Francis-Bergoglio's
New Motu Proprio to Fill Empty Newchurches
Cardboard Cutouts Will Be Used
To Replace Parishioners
Who Have Left since Vatican II
An Added Advantage of Bergoglio's Decree
Is that the Two-dimensional Newchurchers
Will Not Complain when Presbyters
Preach New Doctrines in Contravention
Of What the Bible and Tradition Teach

To fill out empty Newchurches, Francis-Bergoglio has issued a new Motu Proprio to encourage the use of cardboard-cutout parishioners. His Holiness pontificates that the move will help Newchurch congregations appear "full and vibrant," even though most of them have left Newchurch since Vatican II. The Motu Proprio comes in the wake of a new wave of Newchurch dioceses declaring bankruptcy and the permanent closure of up to half the parishes in these bankrupt dioceses and many others.

"Finally, our churches will be full again," said one presbyter as he set up a row of young, happy churchgoer cutouts right up in the front. "I haven't seen this place this packed since before Vatican II."

Newchurch presbyters are excited that they'll be able now to preach new doctrines at their whim without a word of complaint from the mute congregation. "We can say pretty much anything now," said one presbyter. "Usually you get some objecting looks when you start saying that the Bible and Tradition must be changed.

One downside of the Motu Proprio is that the personalities of the remaining Newchurchers are only two-dimensional. [This satirical Daily Commentary was inspired by the "Babylon Bee: Fake News You Can Trust."]

March 23, 2023 - Ferial Day of Lent

A Reader Asks: "Was Pope Pius XII Ultimately Responsible
For the Destruction of the Traditional Latin Mass?"

From: Raymond
Pius XII

More and More Evidence Has Come to Light
Over the Intervening Years
That Pope Pius XII Was Not as "Traditional"
As Many Traditional Catholics Seem to Believe
In Fact, He Himself Appointed in 1948
The Destroyer of the Traditional Latin Mass
Divine Office and Sacraments
The Presbyter Who Became the Chief Architect
Of the Half New Order New Latin Mess of 1962
And of the Full-blown Protestant-Masonic-Pagan
New Mess of 1969
Since then Used by the Newchurch of the New Order

I have read that, although Pius XII (1939-1958) may have been a valid pope and did not teach outright heresy, he set the stage for the disaster that followed in the destruction of the Traditional Latin Mass, Divine Office, and Sacraments. Pius XII, at that critical point in Church history when papal support for the protection of the traditional Catholic rites was essential, was on the side of the Modernists, aligning himself with those who aimed to demolish the Tradition of the true Church.

That Modernist side was headed, as far as the Mass, Divine Office, and Sacraments were concerned, by Pius's own appointee in 1948, the infamous Modernist heretic presbyter Hannibal Bugnini, who began his destruction of the traditional Catholic liturgy under Pius's aegis, starting in 1951. By the time of Pius's death in 1958:

  1. Holy Bible had been tampered with
  2. The Apostolic Eucharistic fast had been trivialized
  3. Vulgar tongues had been introduced into the Sacraments
  4. The traditional rubrics and calendar of the Mass and Divine Office had been corrupted
  5. The rites of Holy Week, going back to the Apostolic and Patristic Age, had been gutted
  6. Sacred Music, particularly Gregorian chant, had been tampered with

Thus, it was Pius XII and his appointee Bugnini who kicked off the Modernist corruptions and eventually, heresies, that led to the Half New Order New Latin Mess of 1962 (which John XXIII proclaimed had been initiated by Pius XII, not himself) and, finally, the invalid Protestant-Masonic-Pagan full-blown New Mess of 1969. (For further information, click on the TRADITIO Network's Traditional Latin Mass, Divine Office & Sacraments department.)

The Ultra-montanist extremists at the time, now represented by the ranks of the Newchurch Neocons and pseudo-traditionalists, refused to hold popes accountable for disastrous errors and attempted to push a false notion of papal infallibility and a blind obedience far beyond what was dogmatically defined at the Vatican I Council (1870). A pope is merely a "vicar" of Christ, not Christ Himself., and has only limited power -- certainly not the power to change the God-given Doctrine of Faith, publicly transmitted in Sacred Scripture (Bible) and Sacred Tradition. One may compare the truly Catholic response of Pope St. Pius X, when he was importuned by many to add St. Joseph's name into the ancient Sacred Canon of the Mass. The sainted pope replied in no uncertain terms that such an action was unthinkable and impossible for a pope. "Who am I to have the power to do that? I am merely the pope!"

Even during the 1950s there were many outspoken prelates who denounced Pius XII and Bugnini's corruption of the Sacred Liturgy. Among the most outspoken critics was Msgr. Leon Gromier, a Prelate of the Papal Household, a Canon of St. Peter’s Archbasilica, and Consultant to the Sacred Congregation of Rites. He excoriated the 1956 Holy Week corruptions, exposing the false liturgical science and the false reasoning behind them. In fact, he called them an “act of vandalism" and “an immense loss and an outrage to history."

Objections to the 1956 corruptions of Holy Week inundated the Vatican from prelates as well. Cardinal Francis Spellman, Archbishop of New York, who was virtually a "second pope" at the time, repudiated the corruptions, as did Archbishop John McQuaid, of Dublin, and many other prelates and clergy. Respected laymen joined the chorus of denunciation of Pius XII and Bugnini's corruptions of the Sacred Rites of Holy Week. The internationally-respected British author Evelyn Waugh, a convert to Catholicism, called the corruptions "ruinous to spiritual life and a danger to the faith itself."


For Traditional Catholics, the practical upshot of your well-documented facts is that the corrupted 1956 rites of Holy Week, which were incorporated wholesale into the 1962 Half New Order New Latin Mess, should be unhesitatingly rejected, and certainly not attended, by true Catholics, who should search for a fully Traditional Catholic church, chapel, or oratory not associated with the apostate Newchurch of the New Order and maintains only the fully Traditional Latin Mass, Divine Office, and Sacraments. For further information, click on the TRADITIO Network's Official Traditional Catholic Directory department, provided to the TRADITIO Network by the National Registry of Traditional Latin Masses.

March 22, 2023 - Ferial Day of Lent

Newdioceses Are Tumbling into Bankruptcy Like a House of Cards
The Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust Is Burning down the Perverted Newchurch of the New Order

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Oakland Newcathedral

The Newdiocese of Oakland, California
Lied and Raided Its Schools
To Build the Monstrosity Known As
Christ the Light Newcathedral
The Result Was an Unneded Barbaric Edifice
Which Features an Idol
Of What Appears to Be an Extraterrestrial

On March 16, 2023, Newbishop Michael Barber, a fellow "Liberation Theology" Newjesuit henchman of Francis-Bergoglio announced that the Newdiocese of Oakland, California, has been so inundated with lawsuits for sex crimes against children by its presbyters that it can no longer be sustained. It will go into bankruptcy. In the last week the Newdioceses of Santa Rosa, California, and Sacramento, California, the state capital, announced that they too will go into bankruptcy. 33 of the 194 Newdioceses in the United States are now in bankruptcy. This is more than one out of six Newdioceses in that country.

Barber announced that since the end of 2022, he had been swamped with 330 lawsuits charging paedophile crimes by the presbyters in his Newdiocese. Barber said that, in essence, his Bergoglian "Mission Alignment Process" is out the window. Like Santa Rosa and Sacramento, Oakland is looking at shutting down Newparishes and selling them to commercial enterprises, perhaps as restaurants and breweries. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World News.]

Traditional Catholics, it seems that the Just God is really shaking the anti-Catholic Newchurch of the New Order to its very foundations. Its phony "Mess" and "sacraments," its outright pagan doctrine, and its pig-sty morality are finally doing it in -- with the vengeance of God. The prayers of Traditional Catholics are being answered. All it took was a little patience and the realization that the Newchurch of the New Order is most certainly not the Catholic Church.

March 21, 2023 - St. Benedict, Abbot
Double Major Feast

Francis-Bergoglio Issues New Modernistic/Pagan Architectural Rules for Newchurches
Now Favored Is the "Zen-style" Layout; Gothic, Romanesque, and Neo-classical Are Out

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
'Zen' Newchurch

The Apostate Francis-Bergoglio
Following up on His "Traditionis Custodes"
Has Directed that Newchurches
Must Be "Modernized," even "Paganized"
Suggested as a Model of This
"Contemporary Architectural Language"
Based upon the Prescriptions
Of the Vatican II Anti-council
Is the "Zen-style" Layout Above
Gone Are the Lofty Gothic, Romanesque
And Neo-classical Models
That So Beautifully Reflected the Catholic Faith

In his continuing "wreckovation" of everything Catholic, Francis-Bergoglio, in a March 21, 2023, address to the Newpontifical Academies, followed up on his 2021 decree "Traditionis cusodes" by directing the modernization, even paganization, of Newchurches around the world -- what he called "contemporary architectural language."

Gone are the lofty Gothic, Romanesque, and Neo-classical models that have so beautifully reflected the true Catholic faith before the barbaric Vatican II Anti-council of 1962-1965 destroyed the Catholic Church as the "institutional" Church, replacing it with an apostate Newchurch of the New Order, which rejects Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition, dogmatically the two fonts of the Catholic Faith. One favored model is a "Zen-style" layout pictured above, which won an award from Bergoglio. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Vatican News.]

Traditional Catholics, Francis-Bergoglio stated that Newchurch architecture must "draw inspiration from" the Protestant/Masonic/Pagan "New Mess" of the Newchurch of the New Order, as required by the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965). Is it any wonder that the beauty of the Catholic Church has been lost in the Newchurch, whose art, music, and architecture are truly barbaric? Newchurch is most certainly not the Catholic Church.


Release Your Secret List of Names of Your Criminal Paedophile Newbishops
Demands Leading Watchdog Group of Francis-Bergoglio and Publishes Its Own Comprehensive List

From: The TRADITIO Fathers

International Watchdog Organization
Outs Francis-Bergoglio
For Failing to Keep His Own 2019 Decree
To Release His Secret List of Names
Of His Paedophile Presbyters
Bergoglio Has Been Charged
With Repeatedly Interfering
With the Reporting of Sex Crimes against Children
By His Newbishops and Presbyters
To Civil Authorities
So the Watchdog Organization Itself
Has Now Called Francis-Bergoglio's Bluff
And Published Its Own Comprehensive List
Of His Criminal Newbishops Itself

On March 15, 2023, the infamous Ides of March, the leading watchdog group for child victims of Francis-Bergoglio's paedophile Newbishops publicly excoriated the Newpope for his persistent secrecy, foot-dragging, and even obstruction in revealing his secret list of the names of his paedophile Newbishops. Bergoglio himself issued in 2019 the decree "Lux Estis Vox Mundi," which was supposed to "reform" Newvatican's corrupt handing of charges against Newbishops for sex crimes against children. Like all of Bergoglio's previous pronouncements on this issue, the 2019 decree has been basically ignored from Bergoglio on down.

The watchdog group, Bishop Accountability, founded in 2003 in the aftermath of the Boston Globe's "Spotlight" investigative series, denounced the Newpope at an international news conference for failing to give a "full accounting" of the crimes. The watchdog organization outed Bergoglio for repeatedly claiming that he wants "transparency," but in fact doing nothing for four years.

Bergoglio's failure in the area of dealing with his criminal Newbishops has marked the ten years of his Newpapacy. So far, only half of Bergoglio's criminal Newbishops have been disciplined. Moreover, those who have been disciplined have received very light punishment after they ruined childrens' lives. Bergoglio allowed many of the criminal Newbishops to continue in their offices. None but the notorious sex criminal Newcardinal Theodore McCarrick, after a multitude of complaints even from his fellow Newchurch bishops, has been expelled. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Washington Post.]

Traditional Catholics, the watchdog organization itself has now called Francis-Bergoglio's bluff and has blown the lid off Bergoglio's secrecy by publishing its own comprehensive list of criminal Newbishops itself. Bishop Accountability stated at its international press conference that Bergoglio has repeatedly interfered with the reporting of sex crimes against children by his Newbishops and presbyters to civil authorities. He wants to have dictatorial control over the cases so that he can ignore most of his criminal henchmen and let just a few off with a slap on the wrist for publicity's sake. Meanwhile, Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust continues worse than ever.

March 19, 2023 - Fourth Sunday of Lent - "Laetare Sunday"
Semidouble Sunday of the First Class

As Newchurch in Germany Goes into Schism over the "Blessing" of Sodomite "Marriages"
Now Africa Is Separating Itself from Francis-Bergoglio's Immoral Pro-"Gay" Teaching

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
African Newchurchers

African Newchurch Leaders and Laymen
Are Denouncing Francis-Bergoglio
For Proclaiming that to Criminalize Sodomy
Is a "Sin" (?)
Whereas the Teaching of God's Natural Law
And of Catholic Morality Is
That Sodomy Itself Is the Sin
The German Newchurchers
Are about to Go into Schism
Will the African Newchurchers Join Them?

Newchurch in Germany is going into schism from Newchurch, as the Germans insist upon "blessing" sodomite "marriages" and installing homosexuals as Protestant-style presbyters (Newchurch has not ordained priests since abolishing the Sacrament of Holy Orders and adopting a Protestantized New Ordinal in 1968). Now Bergoglio is starting to lose his African Newchurchers, even though Africa is about the only place left in the world where the New Order is not catastrophically declining.

On February 5, 2023, returning from a jaunt to two African countries, Bergoglio stunned even Newchurchers by proclaiming that to criminalize sodomy is a "sin" (?), whereas the teaching of God's Natural Law and of Catholic morality is that sodomy itself is the sin. Bergoglio has shown himself to be an apostate from the Catholic Faith in a multitude of doctrinal, moral, and liturgical areas, but this pronouncement was shocking even for him. Not even a purported pope has the authority to overrule the moral doctrine of Christ and His Church. Even the Vatican I Council (1870) made that clear when it proclaimed dogmatically:

Neque enim Petri successoribus Spiritus sanctus promissus est, ut eo revelante novam doctrinam patefacerent, sed ut eo assistente traditam per apostolos revelationem seu fidei depositum sancte custodirent et fideliter exponerent.
[For the Holy Ghost was promised to the successors of Peter not so that they might, by His revelation, make known some new doctrine, but that, by His assistance, they might religiously guard and faithfully expound the revelation or Deposit of Faith transmitted by the Apostles.

African Newchurch leaders and laymen were quick to condemn Bergoglio, as the African Newchurch still holds -- as it must -- not to Bergoglio's apostate ideas, but to Sacred Scripture (Bible). The Africans of 32 of 54 countries on the continent declare sodomy a crime, and three even prescribe the death penalty (Nigeria, Mauritania, and Somalia), in accordance with St. Paul's dictum in his Epistle to the Romans (1:32). [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by La Croix.]

Traditional Catholics, the gutsy African Newchurchers at least had the moral integrity to declare Francis-Bergoglio as not being the "magisterium of the Church." Several Newcardinals have also spoken out to the effect that Bergoglio has slipped into apostasy. It is the natural consequence of such apostasy of the Newpopes and the heresy of the Newchurchers that the Newchurch of the New Order is ripping itself apart. We are seeing the fulfillment of Our Lord's pronouncement: "Every kingdom divided against itself shall be brought to desolation" (Matthew 12:25/DRV).

March 18, 2023 - St. Cyril of Alexandria, Bishop, Confessor & Doctor
Double Feast

Newchurch's Regional Synod of Latin America Worships Pagan Fertility Goddess
The Idol of Pachamama Was Formally Promoted and Blessed by Bergoglio over St. Peter's Tomb

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Pachamama Goddess

Francis-Bergoglio "Blessed" the Idol
Of the Pagan Fertility Goddess Pachamama
Over the Tomb of St. Peter in St. Peter's Basilica
Now the Goddess Is Being Introduced
Into the Regional Synods
Preparatory to Bergoglio's Great Synod
(Aka Vatican III)
To Take Place in Newrome in October 2023
At Which Pantheism, Sodomy
Priestesses and Worship of the Green Goddess Gaia
Is to Be Featured

"I am the Lord thy God. That shall not have strange gods before me." --First Commandment of God.

On March 10, 2023, the pagan fertility goddess Pachamama, formally endorsed and "blessed" in St. Peter's Archbasilica by the apostate Newpope Francis-Bergoglio was enthroned at Newchurch's Regional Synod of Latin America preparatory to Bergoglio's Great Synod on Synodality (aka the Vatican III Anti-council). Several Newbishops "concelebrated" the fake (invalid) Protestant-Masonic-Pagan "New Mess," at which the goddess was venerated before the New Order dinner table (formally an altar).

At the Mess Pachamama was described in terms of the pantheism of nature religions. Pantheism is condemned by the Catholic Church as a false philosophy. That condemned philosophy was promoted by the apostate Bergoglio in his 2015 Encyclical Letter "Laudato Si'." He even wrote a Latin poem to the goddess in the Letter. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by LS News.]

Traditional Catholics, not only paganism but also sodomy, installation of priestesses, and worship of the Green Goddess Gaia were also featured at the Regional Assembly, which will feed into the Great Synod on Synodality in Newrome in October 2024. Once again Bergoglio and his henchmen showed anyone with eyes to see that they are not Catholics, not Christians, but pagans, if not atheists. After all, Bergoglio has stated publicly that his best friends are atheists, and "birds of a feather flock together."

March 17, 2023 - St. Patrick, Bishop & Confessor
Double Feast

Thirtieth Newchurch Diocese Files for Bankruptcy in the United States
Santa Rosa, California, Has Been Inundated with 200 New Paedophile Sex-crime Lawsuits

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Robert Vasa

Robert Vasa, Newbishop of the Newdiocese
Of Santa Rosa, California
Is Caught Speechless
As 200 Lawsuits Are Filed against Him
For the Sex Crimes
Of Newchurch Presbyters There
He Has Declared His Newiocese Bankrupt
And Will Probably Have to Begin
Selling off Newparishes to Pay Judgments
To the Children Who Were Raped
Sodomized, and Otherwise Sexually Assaulted

On March 13, 2023, Newbishop Robert Vasa threw in the towel and admitted that his Newdiocese of Santa Rosa had been so inundated with sex-crime lawsuits by his paedophile presbyters that it had sunk into bankruptcy. 41 Newparishes and 22 missions are now in jeopardy. The lawsuits involve crimes going back to the establishment of Newchurch in 1964 at the Vatican II Anti-council after the death of Pope John XXIII.

The Newdiocese's excess property is now depleted, and insurance is either nonexistent or exhausted. The Newdiocese may have to close sites and sell them Newparishes to meet judgments against paedophile presbyters. The Newdiocese may also have to reroute funds from charities to pay out for its crimes. Santa Rosa is trying to squirm out of paying the full amount to the child victims by engaging in legal manoeuvres, but the victims have already challenged the Newdiocese's actions in court. Meanwhile, Francis-Bergoglio's latest appointment as Newcardinal, Robert McElroy, of San Diego, California, is also facing bankruptcy.

Traditional Catholics, the Newbishop of Santa Rosa, California, Robert Vasa, was forced to admit the truth: "We have had pr[esbyters], religious, and lay persons commit evil and immoral acts against the youth, which were of a sexual nature. We know that those who have been harmed in these ways may never be fully healed. No one can undo what was done to them." Santa Rosa marks the thirtieth Newdiocese out of 194 bankrupted by presbyters' sex crimes. That adds up to 15 per cent, or one out of seven. So far Newchurch in the United States has paid out 4,000,000,000 USD in reparations to the child victims of its paedophile presbyters. If any organization deserves to be bankrupted and extinguished for good, it is the Newchurch of the New Order, which is most certainly not the Catholic Church.

March 16, 2023 - Ferial Day of Lent

A Reader Asks: "Is there a Traditional Catholic Dispensation from the Lenten fast and Abstinence
On Friday, March 17, 2023, Which Is the Feastday of St. Patrick, Bishop and Confessor of the Church?"

From: Alan
Abstinence from Fleshmeat

Abstinence from Fleshmeat Binds
On All Fridays of the Year
Except Holydays of Obligation
According to the Second Precept of the Church
There Is No Universal Dispensation
For St. Patrick's, Feastday, March 17
In Any Case, the True Catholic Does Not Look
For Every Excuse to Avoid the Lenten Penances
But Welcomes Them for the Good of His Soul

Dear TRADITIO Fathers:

I keep getting different answers on this question, so I turn to you for a definitive reply. Is there a traditional Catholic dispensation from the Lenten fast and abstinence from fleshmeat on Friday, March 17, 2023, which is the Feast of St. Patrick, Bishop and Confessor?


There is no universal dispensation for St. Patrick's Feastday. St. Patrick's is not a high feastday, but only a feast of double rank, which is the same rank as most of the other Saints' feastdays in the traditional Catholic calendar. However, if St. Patrick is the Patron Saint of a particular area, there may be a traditional dispensation in place, for example, in Ireland, which for centuries has recognized St. Patrick as its Patron Saint.

Yet even in such dispensed areas, there is no obligation to break the fast and eat fleshmeat on the Friday. By the way, Newchurch's restriction of abstinence to Fridays of Lent is just another anti-Catholic fabrication of that apostate sect. The Apostles made no such distinction, nor may the true Catholic, according to the traditional Second Precept of the Church, which binds under pain of Mortal Sin.

It is Lent, after all. Even if there were a dispensation, the true Catholic should be willing to make a little extra effort to fast and abstain on that day for the good of his soul, which is certainly the more commendable practice. If a true Catholic had to choose between breaking the fast and eating fleshmeat on that Friday, or preserving the Lenten fast and abstinence in the season's spirit of penitence and sacrifice reflecting Our Lord's Own sacrifice for us on that Good Friday, which course do you think he would choose? Which course do you think St. Patrick himself would choose, particularly now that his holy feastday has been perverted into a secularized sham devoid of religion, just as the Holy Martyr St. Valentine's feastday has been?

March 15, 2023 - Ferial Day of Lent - Ides of March
Gaius Iulius Caesar, Summus Pontifex Romanus, Interfectus Est Idibus Martii XLIV A.C.

Newchurch "Vocations" Continue to Plummet Worldwide
Some Newchurch Dioceses Have Not Had a New Presbyter in Ten Years

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Empty Choir Stalls

"Bare Ruin'd Choirs" (Shakespeare)
Most Newchurch Seminaries Are Being Closed
Whereas Before the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965)
They Were Bursting with Seminarians
Now No Young Man in His Right Mind
Would Subject Himself to the Apostate Doctrine
Invalid "New Messes," and Perverted Morality
In the Newchuch of the New Order
Let Alone Subject Himself to Rampant Sodomy
Buy Its Newcardinals, Newbishops, and Presbyters

On March 7, 2023, Newvatican's own just-released Annuarium Statisticum 2021, its annual record of statistics, showed that the number of "vocations" to Newchurch -- if one can correctly speak of "vocations" to an apostate sect -- has been plummeting since 2011, from 120,616 to 109,895, a 9 per cent decline in just a decade. The decline has been increasing substantially since 2019. The decline in Newseminarians was much faster than the decline in clergy and religious, but the number of presbyters, religious brothers, and religious sisters, all declined too. This leading indicator shows that Newchurch is dying -- finally.

Because of the plummeting number of "vocations" to Newchurch, some Newdioceses have not had a new presbyter in ten years. For example, in once-Catholic Ireland, the last installation to the presbyterate (Newchurch has not ordained priests since the New Ordinal of 1968, but merely "installs presbyters to preside over the assembly of the people"), the local Newbishop warned the few remaining Newchurchers that there will no longer be a residential presbyter in each Newparish. By 2032 he predicted that there would be only 12 presbyters in the entire Newdiocese. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World News.]

Traditional Catholics, what young man would want to waste his life as a presbyter functionary, worse than a Protestant minister, with no valid Holy Mass to say, no valid Sacraments to administer, and no true Catholic doctrine to preach? The word is finally getting out that Newchurch is crashing and burning, and the smart young men are running away as fast as possible from the burning edifice, which is most certainly not the Catholic Church.

March 14, 2023 - Ferial Day of Lent

A Reader Asks: "If I Do Not Have a Traditional Catholic Church Nearby with Stations of the Cross
Can I Still Perform the Via Crucis Devotion for Lent?"

From: Pat
Via Crucis

Performing the Via Crucis
With the Fourteen Stations of the Cross
Is an Ancient and Tradional Devotion
Particularly Suited to Lent
The Newchurch of the New Order
Has Corrupted This Devotion
As It Has So Many Others
So Traditional Catholics Must Be Careful
To Use only the Traditional Fourteen Stations

Dear TRADITIO Fathers:

I do not have a Traditional Catholic church, chapel, or oratory nearby with Stations of the Cross. Is there any way that I can still perform the Via Crucis devotion for Lent?


You most certainly can! Yours is an especially common situation today, when many Traditional Catholics do not often have access to a Traditional Catholic church, chapel, or oratory with Stations of the Cross erected. Nor was this situation all that uncommon in many places in the years before the Vatican II Anti-council. You will be edified to learn that Holy Mother Church, as early as the time of Pope St. Clement XVI (1773), has provided for an alternate method for those hindered from making the Stations of the Cross in their ordinary form.

The following is the alternate method. While performing the Via Crucis, hold in your hand a Crucifix blessed by a traditional Catholic priest in the Traditional Latin form from the traditional Rituale Romanum. With a contrite heart and a pious meditation on the Passion of the Lord, recite twenty Paters, twenty Aves, and twenty Gloria Patris, one (Pater/Ave/Gloria Patri) for each of the fourteen Stations, five in honor of the Sacred Wounds, and one for the liberty and exaltation of the (traditional) Catholic Church.

This devotion carries with it a Plenary Indulgence (attributable to the Holy Souls in Purgatory). If you receive Holy Communion on the same day, normally a Sunday, you gain yet another Plenary Indulgence. If you cannot complete the entire devotion, you gain a Partial Indulgence of ten years (in equivalent ancient penance) for each Station so performed.

You would commendably use (but are not required to use) one of the many traditional (look for an Imprimatur before 1951) Catholic meditations for the Via Crucis, such as that of St. Francis or of St. Alphonsus Liguori. The devotion of the Via Crucis is particularly appropriate to the season of Lent (Quadragesima).

Be careful to use only the traditional Fourteen Stations of the Cross. The apostate Newchurch of the New Order and its subordinate groups, as usual, have not hesitated to corrupt the traditional devotion Via Crucis in various ways, including the substitution of different Stations or the addition of a fifteenth Station. The following are the only correct Catholic Stations.

  1. Jesus is condemned to death.
  2. Jesus takes up his Cross.
  3. Jesus falls the first time.
  4. Jesus meets his Mother.
  5. Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus carry the Cross.
  6. Veronica wipes the face of Jesus.
  7. Jesus falls for the second time.
  8. Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem.
  9. Jesus falls for the third time.
  10. Jesus is stripped of his garments.
  11. Jesus is nailed to the Cross.
  12. Jesus dies on the Cross.
  13. Jesus is taken down from the Cross.
  14. Jesus is laid in the tomb.

March 13, 2023 - Ferial Day of Lent

Francis-Bergoglio Loses Control of Newchurch
As a "Suspended" Newchurch Sex Criminal Laughs at Bergoglio and Simulates the New Mess

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Marko Rupnik

Fellow Newjesuit Presbyter Marko Rupnik
Is Laughing in Francis-Bergoglio's Face
He Was Originally Excommunicated for Soliciting Sex
In Newchurch's "Reconciliation Room"
Then Supposedly Suspended from All Presbyteral Activities
But He Nevertheless Publicly "Concelebrated"
The New Mess in Newrome
Right under Bergogio's Nose

It seems that Francis-Bergoglio is losing control of Newchurch. His German Newbishops have gone into virtual schism, as they plan for implementing a "blessing" for "gay marriages" and installing flaming homosexuals as Protestant-style presbyters (Newchurch has not ordained priests since abolishing the Sacrament of Holy Orders and adopting a Protestantized New Ordinal in 1968).

On March 5, 2023, a once-"excommunicated" and now supposedly "suspended" sex criminal Newjesuit -- the same Newchurch order in which Bergoglio is a member -- laughed in Bergoglio's face and publicly simulated the New Order Mess, right under Bergoglio's nose in Newrome, "concelebrating" and along with several of Bergoglio's other presbyters.

Presbyter Marko Rupnik ravaged women from 1985 to 2018 and even committed the Most Mortal of Mortal Sins, soliciting sex in Newchurch's "reconciliation room" (Newchurch abolished the Sacrament of Penance in 1973, substituting a Protestantized session on a psychologist's couch). For the latter crime he was excommunicated from Newchurch, but Bergoglio remitted the excommunication because the criminal claimed that he was sorry, after having ruined the numerous Newchurch "nuns: involved. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.]

Traditional Catholics, let's face it. A significant number of Newchurchers and Newclergy are in revolt against Bergoglio, and he is unable, or unwilling, to do anything about it. His heretic Newchurch is coming crashing down around him, and the Neocon Newchurchers and pseudo-traditionalists are whistling through the graveyard, while their souls are bound up with their apostate Newpope.

March 12, 2023 - Third Sunday of Lent
Semidouble Sunday of the First Class

They Lied to Us: Notre-Dame de Paris Is Not Being Restored to Its Original Traditional Form
Its Interior Is Going to Desecrated to Newchurch Modernistic Standards

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Notre-Dame de Paris

A Large Part of the Historic Thirteenth-century
Cathedrale Notre-Dame de Paris
Was Lost in an April 2019 Fire
Donors Were Promised that Its Restoration
Would Be to Its Original Traditional Form
Now the French Government and Newchurch
Have Reneged and Are Desecrating Its Interior
With Some Kind of Pagan "Contemporary Art"
And Novus Ordo Chairs instead of Pews
The Heated Controversy Resulting
Has Stifled Donations to Complete the Project

Talk about sins against the Eighth Commandment of God! The French government and Newchurch conspired to steal the donations of all those who contributed to the restoration of Notre-Dame de Paris, the great cathedral that was gutted by fire on April 15, 2019. There is dispute about what caused the fire, but a Newchurcher in the cathedral at the time is one suspect, and a Jihadist Mohammedam is another suspect.

The world was told that it would be restored to its original traditional form, but that was a lie. Its interior is going to be desecrated to pagan Newchurch Modernistic standards, not those of the thirteenth century, when it was built to traditional Catholic standards. A heated controversy has arisen about using Modernistic, contemporary "chairs" instead of traditional pews. The side chapels with their historic art will instead feature "contemporary art" and a "catechetical path" that sounds straight out of Francis-Bergoglio's push toward modern paganism. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.]

Traditional Catholics, the Conservation Commission announced that the historic cathedral would reopen in December 8, 2024, but not in its original form, as promised. In effect, one of Our Lady's greatest artistic shrines will become the plaything for secularists and Newchurchers to push their barbaric trash upon the world. However, donors have caught on to the fraud, and donations have consequently fallen. The Newarchdiocese of Paris is some 7,000,000 USD short of finishing the project. Perhaps Notre-Dame should have been left unmolested as a ruin to be venerated like the temples of Ancient Rome or Greece for the artistic masterpieces they once were.

March 11, 2023 - Ferial Day of Lent

Newchurch Is Rapidly Running out of Presbyters as "Vocations" Tank
Meanwhile Traditional Catholic Churches Have Found the Key

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Empty Pulpit, Empty Church

The Future of the Newchurch of the New Order
Empty Pulpit, Empty Pews
Newchurch's Latest Statistics Indicate
That by the Year 2030
Most Newparishes Will Not Have a Presbyter
What Intelligent Young Men
Would Want to Waste Their Lives
On a Fake "New Religion"
That No Longer Ordains Catholic Priests
Or Has a Valid Catholic Mass or Communion?

You know that things are getting really bad in Newchurch when many Newdioceses have no "vocations" at all -- if one can even say that there are "vocations" to the apostate Newchurch, any more than to the Protestant, Jewish, Muslim, and other sects. Newchurch is so heretical, corrupt, and paedophiliac that practically no intelligent young men want to become Novus Ordo presbyters. This is the unfortunate reality for Newchurch, which is now expecting to run out of presbyters by 2030. What intelligent young man would want to waste his life on a fake "New Religion" that no longer ordains Catholic priests or has a valid Catholic Mass or Communion?

In the United States 145 of 175 Newdioceses have failed to install a number of presbyters that would allow the Newdiocese to continue operations, considering the rate at which existing presbyters are dying and retiring. (Since adoption of the Protestantized 1968 New Ordinal, Newchurch has stopped ordaining priests and now merely "installs presbyters," like Protestant ministers, who have no sacrament powers at all.) These statistics come from Newchurch's own so-called Vocation Ministry.

In just the years (2014-2021) since the apostate Newpope Francis-Bergoglio took over Newchurch, there has been a 9 per cent decrease in active Newdiocesan presbyters, a 14 per cent decrease in active religious presbyters, a 22 per cent decline in the number of Newseminarians, and a 24 percent decline in total presbyter installations each year, with that decline becoming even more precipitous in the years since 2020. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.]

Traditional Catholics, Newchurch's own Vocation Ministry found that the larger the Newparish, the fewer Newchurch "vocations" it had. Thus, what Traditional Catholics have learned and put into practice since the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965) has proven to be the key: to keep congregations smaller, after the mode of the early Catholic and Apostolic Church, in order that the priest may have a personal relationship with his congregation. Newchurch has been more like a corporate factory, in which congregation members are just ciphers to cough up money to send off to a far off Newchurch headquarters in Newrome, where much of their donations are embezzled or spent on "administration."

March 10, 2023 - Forty Holy Martyrs
Semidouble Feast

Francis-Bergoglio Reconstitutes Executive Committee of Newcardinals to Run Newchurch
Among the Nine Modernist Apostates Whom He Appointed Is a Pro-sodomite Activist

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Francis-Bergoglio & Jean-Claude Hollerich

Two Apostates Shake on It
Francis-Bergoglio and Jean-Claude Hollerich
Bergoglio Has Reconstituted His Executive Committee
To Govern the Newchurch of the New Order
And Has Appointed a New Majority
Devoted to Bergoglio's Own Principles
Of Marxist/Modernist Apostasy from the Faith
Hollerich, Reputed to Be Bergoglio's Intimate
Is Now a Member and Has a History of Activism
On Behalf of Sodomy and "Gay Marriage"

On March 7, 2023, Francis-Bergoglio reconstituted his Executive Committee of nine Newcardinals (Consilium Cardinalium Summo Pontifici) that runs Bergoglio's Newcuria, the body that governs Newchurch. The Committee now has a majority of new members, who reflect even more clearly Bergoglio's own Leftist/Modernist apostasy than the previous members. The most prominent of the new members is Newcardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich, of Luxembourg, who is an avowed pro-sodomite activist, who wants Newchurch to approve "Gay Marriage."

Hollerich is also the Relator General (Chief Official) of the Synod on Synodality, aka Vatican III, which is expected to reorganize completely the Newchurch of the New Order, to include paganism, female clergy, tolerance of sodomy, "gay marriage" (or at least "gay unions") and further paganizing changes to the heretical "New Mess." It is no surprise that Hollerich, like Bergoglio himself, is a Newjesuit, in the post-Vatican II Anti-council's incarnation of that order, which espouses Leftist/Communist principles, including "Liberation Theology," including the assassination of rightest government leaders in Latin America. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by National Catholic Register.]

Traditional Catholics, the handwriting on the wall for Newchurch is even more obvious than when Baltasar, King of Babylon, saw on his wall the warning "Mene Mene Tekel Huparshin," which prophesied the Fall of Babylon. The Newchurch of the New Order has fallen so far that it doesn't even recognize Christ, but is starting to spread outright paganism in the world, through the worship of false gods like Pachamama and Acatama. No true Catholic can have anything to do with it, or otherwise be stained with its apostasy, moral corruption, idolatry, blasphemy, and sacrilege.

March 9, 2023 - St. Frances of Rome, Widow
Double Feast

A Reader Asks: "Are All My Past Novus Ordo Confessions Invalid and Worthless?
Do I Need to 'Re-confess' to a Traditional Catholic Priest to Be Truly Absolved?"

From: Tom
Girl with Francis-Bergoglio

The Apostate Newpope Francis-Bergoglio
Perpetrates a Fraud on a Girl
Pretending to Give Her Absolution
Whereas Newchurch in 1973 Abrogated
The Sacrament of Penance
And Replaced It with a Protestantized
"Rite of Reconciliation," Which Is Invalid
Moreover, Bergoglio Was Never Ordained a Priest
He Was Merely "Installed as a Presbyter [Minister]"
In the Invalid (Fake) New Ordinal of 1968
Which Merely Installs Protestant-style Ministers
Not to Offer the Sacrifice of the Mass and Forgive Sin
By Merely "to Preside over the Assembly of the People

Dear TRADITIO Fathers:

The news reports are making a big hoopla about the change that Newchurch is making in its "order of penance," so that the rite will be changed yet again. I am so fed up with these constant changes that I have finally decided to get out of Newchurch. I have come to the conclusion that Newchurch and its Newpopes after the Vatican II Anti-council are in no way Catholic and are simply frauds, worse than Protestants.

It's all a bunch of folderol anyway because Newchurchers never go to confession, or whatever they call it now. I am really, really ticked off.


Newchurch's "Rite of Reconciliation" is invalid (fake), i.e., useless and worthless. On December 2, 1973, the Newchurch of the New Order abrogated the valid traditional Sacrament of Penance and replaced it with a new Protestantized (at best) "Rite of Reconciliation," which is not a sacrament and is not valid. This was the time when the form (text) and the intention of the Sacrament were corrupted into invalidity. As your question correctly indicates, Newchurch is still playing around with the wording of their invalid non-sacraments to make them even more invalid as of 2023, if that were possible.

Moreover, on June 18, 1968, Newchuch adopted an invalid (fake) Protestantized New Ordinal, which no longer ordains "priests to offer the Sacrifice of the Mass for the living and the dead" and no longer imparts the Sacramental power, viz., "whose sins thou shalt forgive, they are forgiven them: and whose sins thou shalt retain, they are retained." Since 1968 Newchurch has not ordained priests in the Sacrament of Holy Orders, but merely "installs presbyters [like Protestant ministers] to preside over the assembly of the people."

Thus, Newchurch's "Rite of Reconciliation" is doubly invalid (fake), both because the form and intention are corrupted and because a priest is not administering it. Any absolution given in Newchurch by a Newchurch presbyter is invalid worthless. Anyone having confessed in Newchurch should immediately seek a Traditional Catholic Priest for an absolution in the valid traditional Catholic Latin form of the Sacrament of Penance.

March 8, 2023 - St. John of God, Confessor
Double Feast

Newvatican, Now Veering into Bankruptcy, Slashes Its Employees' Salaries Yet Again
As the Apostate Newpopes and Their Newcardinals Bleed the Newchurch of the New Order Dry

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Newvatican Employees

Newvatican Employees
Enjoyed What May Be Their Last Lunch
Francis-Bergoglio Is Slashing Wages
After Having Done So Already in 2021
His Newvatican Is Going Bankrupt
As a Result of Paedophile Crimes
And Embezzlements by Him
And His Newcardinal Lieutenants
Moreover, Collections and Donations
Are Tanking for the Same Reasons

No one would want to be an employee of Francis-Bergoglio's Newvatican these days. Like a madman, he has been slashing wages again and again. Actually, he has no choice. He and his Newcardinals have been bleeding Newvatican dry, as with the 350,000,000 USD London real-estate embezzlement.

Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust is raging on without mercy, and the victims are no longer giving the "Unholy Father" a pass. The victims, most of them children, have been suing Bergoglio and his lieutenant Newbishops like crazy -- and winning the large financial judgments that are due to them in justice. Moreover, collections and donations to Newchurch are drying up because of across-the-board malfeasance on the part of the apostate Newpopes and their henchmen.

On February 28, 2023, Bergoglio again slashed Newvatican employees' salaries. Bergoglio decided that his employees, not he, have to "make an extraordinary sacrifice" as a result of his own financial malfeasance. The new cuts follow the 3-10 per cent cuts already made in 2021. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Reuters.]

Traditional Catholics, the sins of the Fathers, particularly the Unholy Fathers, the Newpopes, are coming home to roost. Newchurch at this point is so mired in the muck of sodomy, rape, embezzlement, money laundering, and other crimes that the consequences can no longer be hidden. After sixty years of suffering from the malign "spirit of Vatican II," many Newchurchers are sick and tired of the fabled "reform" and the destruction of the traditional Roman Catholic Church as the "institutional" Church. They are abandoning Newchurch entirely. A certain number are going over to Traditional Catholic groups operating independently of Newchurch. These will in due course be the core of the restoration of the Roman Catholic Church, Deo volente.

March 7, 2023 - St. Thomas Aquinas, Confessor & Doctor
Double Feast

Ancient Antioch Was Devastated by the February 6, 2023, Earthquake in Turkey
Antioch Was the First See of Peter and the City Where Christ's Followers Were First Called "Christians"

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Church of St. Simeon

Ruins of the Church of St. Simeon
Ancient Antioch Suffered Greatly
In the February 6, 2023, Earthquake
And Its Aftershocks
Antioch Was the First See of St. Peter
For Seven Years
Until He Came to Rome
And the Roman Catholic Church
Was Established in Perpetuity There

Before St. Peter came to Rome, and the Roman Catholic Church was established in perpetuity there, he held a see in Antioch, in the Roman province of Syria, for seven years. There is still a feast in the Traditional Catholic Calendar for St. Peter's Chair at Antioch (February 22). In 2023 this feast fell on Ash Wednesday.

It was here that the Acts of the Apostles (11:26), the fifth book of the New Testament, tells us that "at Antioch the disciples were first named Christians." Antioch was called "the cradle of Christianity." It was founded in the 4th century B.C. by the Hellenistic Greeks. In 63 B.C. the Romans took control and made it the capital of their province of Syria. At one time it was called the "Rome of the East." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Aleteia.]

Ancient Antioch, now within the country of Turkey, was one of the cities most devastated by a calamitous earthquake on February 6, 2023, and its aftershocks. Entire streets were reduced to rubble, and historical and religious sites were gravely affected.

March 6, 2023 - Sts. Perpetua & Felicitas, Martyrs
Double Feast

Francis-Bergoglio's Paganism Is Spreading throughout Latin America
Now Newdioceses Will Incorporate Mayan Paganism into the New Mess There

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Francis-Bergoglio Blesses Pagan Goddess

After the Apostate Newpope Francis-Bergoglio
Blasphemously Blessed the Idol of the Pagan Fertility Goddess
Pachamama, Right in Front of the High Altar of St. Peter's Basilica
Paganism in Newchurch Is Spreading Like Wildfire
It Used to Be Thought that the Newchurch of the New Order
Founded on November 21, 1964, at the Vatican II Anti-council
Was to Adopt Heretical Protestant Principles
Now We Know that Protestantism Was just a Stepping Stone
The Endgame All Along Was to Make Newchurch Officially Pagan
In Line with Marxist/Modernism

It's the Vatican II Anti-council's Modernist notion of "inculturation" on steroids, the notion that local aberrations should be incorporated into Newchurch's "New Mess." These are exactly the kind of aberrations that the dogmatic Council of Trent jettisoned when the Catholic and Apostolic Traditional Latin Mass was purified and canonized in 1570 by Pope St. Pius V, who brought down on any who would dare to tamper with the True Mass "the wrath of Almighty God and of the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul."

In October 2019 Francis-Bergoglio committed the grave Sins of Blasphemy and Idolatry, when he dared to "bless" the idol of the pagan Andean fertility goddess Pachamama before the high altar of St. Peter's Archbasilica. Since then, worship in Newchurch of the pagan goddess has spread in Mexico and throughout Latin America. In some churches the idol of the pagan goddess has already replaced the the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Now the Newdiocese of San Cristobal de Las Casas in Mexico wishes to expand paganism in Newchurch and is sending Bergoglio a petition to include Mayan rites, including pagan dance, music, and priestesses, into Newchurch Messes simulated there. Bergoglio has already approved pagan rites to be incorporated into New Messes in Zaire, Africa. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by El Debate.]

Traditional Catholics, Pagan Maya was noted for its human sacrifice, with decapitated heads being rolled down the sides of its pyramids to please the pagan gods while the people cheered. Now the apostate Newpope Francis-Bergoglio and his Newchurch leaders from Mexico are cheering for the approval of this Blasphemy and Idolatry, which Bergoglio is sure to give. Truly, the Newchurch of the New Order is evil, and no true Catholic can associate with it in any way without peril of his immortal soul.

March 5, 2023 - Second Sunday of Lent
Semidouble Sunday of the First Class

The Newbishop of Sacramento Is About to Throw in the Towel and Declare Bankruptcy
His Newdiocese Has Been Inundated with Hundreds off New Lawsuits from Child Victims of His Paedophile Presbyters

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Jaime Soto

Newbishop Jaime Soto, of Sacramento, California
Is Agape as He Hears that a Cadre
Of 200 Additional Child Victims
Have Recently Come Forth
To Accuse His Paedophile Presbyters
Like So Many Other Newchurch Dioceses
The Sacramento Newdiocese Is So Inundated with Crime
That Soto Is on the Verge of Declaring the Newdiocese
Bankrupt and Turning Its Fate over to the Courts
One out of Seven Newchurch Dioceses in the U.S.
Are Now Bankrupted
And Newchurches Are Being Closed Down
All over the Country

It now looks as if Sacramento, the capital of the state of California, will become the 31st Newchurch diocese in the United States to declare bankruptcy because of continuing out-of-control sex crimes against children by its presbyters. Newbishop Jaime Soto admitted that in recent months he has been inundated by an additional "more than 200 lawsuits" involving sex crimes against minors filed against the Newdiocese, [which has] become insolvent," i.e., bankrupt.

So rampant are Newchurch's paedophile sex crimes in Northern California that a state judge has been designed to manage a special judicial proceeding in all the Northern California counties. It seems almost impossible to believe that the Newchurch of the New Order and its clergy (who have not been ordained priests and consecrated bishops since 1968, when Newchurch adopted an invalid Protestantized Ordinal that merely "installs presbyters [Protestant-likeministers] to preside over the assembly and Newbishops who are merely administrators over the respective Newdiocesan corporations.

The following is the current list of bankupted Newdioceses as of February 28, 2023: This number constitutes more than one out of every seven Newdioceses in the United States. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World News.]

1. Archdiocese of Portland, OR (filed 7/6/04, emerged)
2. Diocese of Tucson, AZ (9/20/04, emerged)
3. Diocese of Spokane, WA (12/6/04, emerged 06/2007)
4. Diocese of Davenport, IA (10/10/06)
5. Diocese of San Diego, CA (2/27/07, emerged 09/2007; may re-enter 02/2023)
6. Diocese of Fairbanks, AK (3/1/08, emerged 01/2010)
8. Diocese of Wilmington, DE & MD (10/18/09, emerged)
9. Archdiocese of Milwaukee, WI (1/4/11, emerged)
10. Diocese of Gallup, NM (11/12/13, emerged)
11. Diocese of Stockton, CA (1/15/14, emerged)
12. Diocese of Helena, MT (1/31/14, emerged)
13. Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, MN (1/16/15, emerged)
14. Diocese of Duluth, MN (12/7/15, emerged 10/24/19)
15. Diocese of New Ulm, MN (3/3/17, emerged)
16. Diocese of Great Falls-Billings, MT (3/31/17, emerged)
17. Archdiocese of San Juan, PR (2018)
18. Archdiocese of Agana, Guam (1/16/19)
19. Diocese of Winona-Rochester MN (09/12/18, emerged)
20. Archdiocese of Santa Fe, NM (11/2018)
21. Diocese of Rochester, NY (9/12/19)
22. Diocese of Camden, NJ (2020)
23. Diocese of Harrisburg PA (2/19/20)
24. Diocese of Buffalo, NY (2/29/20)
25. Archdiocese of New Orleans, LA (05/2020)
26. Diocese of St. Cloud, MN (announced 05/26/20)
27. Diocese of Syracuse, NY (06/19/20)
28. Diocese of Rockville Center, Long Island, NY (10/01/20)
29. Diocese of Norwich, CT (07/15/21)
30. Diocese of Santa Rosa, CA (may enter 02/2023)
31. Diocese of Sacramento, CA (may enter 02/28/23)

Traditional Catholics, the consequences of Newchurch's ongoing Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust are incalculable. The Newchurch Holocaust has ruined the lives of countless children, a significant number of whom have committed suicide, not to speak of the lives of parents, grandparents, sisters, brothers, and other relatives and friends of the victimized children. The Newpopes have been worthless in sitting on their hands and doing virtually nothing to stop the crimes, but openly supporting their criminal presbyters, Newbishops, and Newcardinals. Each successive Newpope has been worse than his predecessor: the First Paedophile Newpope "Unsaint" JPII-Woytla, the Second Paedophile Newpope "Soon-to-Become-Unsaint" Benedict-Ratzinger, and the Third Paedophile Newpope Francis-Bergoglio, the worst of them all.

March 4, 2023 - St. Casimir, Confessor
Ember Saturday of Lent

Francis-Bergoglio and His Newchurch Go Pagan Yet Again
Newchurch Wants Its Clueless Newchurchers Not to Fast Traditionally from Fleshmeat, but from Evil "Fossil Fuels"

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Pagan Priestess 'Blesses' Francis-Bergoglio

A Pagan Priestess "Blesses" Francis-Bergoglio
In Newvatican Itself
Bergoglio Fancies Himself the "Green God"
Who Worships the Mother Goddess Earth
And "Blesses" Pagan Statues
Right in Front of the Descerated High Altar
Of St. Peter's Archbasilica
On Top of the Tomb of the Apostle

The apostate Newpope Francis-Bergoglio is proudest of his "Green" Encyclical Letter "Laudato Si'," which is so overtly pagan that it ends with an originally-composed poem to Earth as if a pagan goddess. Now he wants to toss out the Catholic and Apostolic abstinence from fleshmeat, actually found documented in Sacred Scripture (the Bible), and substitute instead a "fast" from "fossil fuels." Is there no anti-Catholic paganism to which this Newpope will not sink?

Bergoglio's own newspaper, L'Osservatore Romano, urges Newchurchers to dump the traditional Catholic and Apostolic abstinence from fleshmeat and to abstain instead from "fossil fuels," to "fast from gas" (isn't that just so cute?). At the same time his own Europeans, who are shivering without gas this cold winter, are going so far as to cut down, in their grave necessity, trees in public parks to gather enough wood to build a fire to stay alive. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Breitbart.]

Traditional Catholics, the apostate Newpope Francis-Bergoglio has never been Catholic. In addition to his being a Marxist -- a fact that he has never denied and which is in fact affirmed in his own book -- he views himself as the "Green God," worshipping like a pagan a Mother Goddess Earth To achieve his Marxist/Modernist political ends, he continues to convert charitable collections and donations from his clueless Newchurchers to fund his paganism and impose it upon his Newchurch of the New Order.

March 3, 2023 - Ferial Day of Lent
Ember Friday of Lent

The Abandonment of the Newchurch of the New Order Is Progressing So Rapidly
That Not Only Half of Newparishes Are Shutting down, but Newdioceses Are Disappearing as Well

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Empty Newchurch

As More and More Newchurchers
Desert Newchurch
For the Anti-Catholic Fraud that It Is
Not only Are More and More Newparishes
Being Shuttered for Good
But Now even Newdioceses
Are to Be "Merged" out of Existence
The First One Appears to Be
The Most Leftist Newdiocese in the U.S.
Steubenville, Ohio
The Hotbed of the Novus Ordo Devolution

Newchurch parishes in the United States and around the world are closing right and left, even up to half their number. Seattle, Washington, is the latest Newdiocese to have announced the closing of half its Newparishes, but there are others to come. The abandonment of Newchurch by its own Newchurchers has now reached such a pitch that whole Newdioceses are about to go on the chopping block, "merged" out of existence.

The Newdiocese of Steubenville, Ohio, one of the most Leftist of all, is on track to be merged out of existence into the Columbus, Ohio, Newdiocese. An audit is even now going on to determine whether Steubenville has the wherewithal to continue in existence. Adding to the problem is that Newchurch officials in Steubenville, as around the U.S. and the world, and even in Newrome itself, are bleeding their Newdioceses dry by embezzlement. In Steubenville, the Newdiocesan comptroller and the vicar general pled guilty to embezzlement. Francis-Bergoglio himself is being accused by many witnesses in the ongoing Newvatican trial of being the "mastermind" behind a 350,000,000 USD embezzlement from Newchurch collections and donations in a London real-estate scam. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Newchurch's Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA).]

Steubenville is now among the smallest Newdioceses in the U.S. In 1944, it was so big that it had to be split off from the Newdiocese of Columbus. Now so many Newchurchers have deserted it that it appears likely to be "merged" back out of existence into Columbus once again. Before the Vatican II Anti-council, in 1950, Steubenville had 62,000 Catholics. In 2020 it had shrunk by more than half to just 30,000 Newchurchers. After Steubenville, the next likely U.S Newdioceses to be merged out of existence in the near future are:

  1. Fairbanks, Alaska
  2. Rapid City, South Dakota
  3. Baker, California
  4. Crookston, Minnesota
  5. Alexandria, Virginia
  6. Great Falls-Billings, Montana
  7. Salina, Kansas
  8. Lexington, Kentucky
  9. Shrevesport, Louisiana

Traditional Catholics, the rate at which the Newchurch of the New Order is dissolving is breath-taking. Before the eyes of the world its apostasy and corruption are driving it into the ground. If the Good Lord is in his divine Providence accelerating Newchurch's demise, may Traditional Catholicism once again return as the "institutional" Church, the one, holy catholic, and aposotolic Church, which does not merely "subsist in," as the apostate Newpope Benedict-Ratzinger fancied, but actually "is" the only true Church of Christ.

March 2, 2023 - Ferial Day of Lent

Was Francis-Bergoglio Involved in the Cover-up of His Fellow Newjesuit Sex Criminal?
Presbyter Marko Rupnik Was Likely "Protected" by Bergoglio and His Newcardinal Prefect Ladaria

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Marko Rupnik

Come and Get Me, Says Presbyter Marko Rupnik
Charged with Dozens of Sex Crimes
Against Newchurch "Nuns"
As Well as Laymen and Laywomen
Is Being "Protected" by Francis-Bergoglio
And His Newcardinal Prefect Luis Ladaria
Even though He Had Already Been Convicted
Of the Worst Sin a Clergyman Can Commit
Crimen Sollicitationis
Solicitation in the Confessional
For Which He Was Excommunicated
But Fellow Newjesuit Bergoglio
Immediately Remitted the Excommunication

Newcardinal Ted McCarrick, Presbyter Marcial Maciel -- these and many other names are on the list of criminal Newchurch clergy. Their predations extended to countless boys and girls, men and women, Newseminarians, "nuns," and others. The latest addition to the list is presbyter Marko Rupnik, a Newjesuit like Bergoglio, living and working Rome. Instead of punishing and expelling the criminal, Newchurch and its Newpope Bergoglio are once again playing the cover-up game. Newchurch remains the same criminal organization it has always been. That is why its Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust will not go away, with more and more crimes by its Newclergy being reported daily.

Because of the overwhelming number of charges against Rupnik, the Newjesuit organization had no choice but to admit on February 21, 2023, that it was considering expelling Rupnik from the Newjesuits, who in the modern era have become Liberation Theologists, deeply tainted by atheistic and violent Communism. These charges had been forwarded to Newvatican by the victims for over thirty years, going back to the mid-1980s, but Newchurch had done nothing.

Newchurch, as usual, is acting much too little and much too late. Even the Newjesuit organization had to admit that it has known about Rupnik's predations for years before they went public in December 2022, because Rupnik had branched out and sexually assaulted not just "nuns," but Newchurhers both male and female. Rupnik had a particular penchant for sexually assaulting Newchurch "nuns," whose spiritual advisor he was supposed to be. But Rupnik had other things on his mind.

In fact, Rupnik had been convicted of the worst crime that a priest can commit (of course, Rupnik is not a priest, but, like other Newchurch clergy, he was merely "installed" as a "presbyter" in the Newchurch's invalid (fake) Protestantized New Ordinal of 1968 "to preside over the assembly of the people," not to offer the true Mass). That delictum gravius is solicitation in the confessional, as a result of which Rupnik had been excommunicated in 2020. This sin is so serious that, even though Rupnik quickly "repented," it had to be forgiven personally by the Newpope, and, of course, Rupnik's fellow Newjesuit Bergoglio remitted the excommunication as soon as it came to his desk.

Even the Newjesuits threw in the towel on their cover-up. They recommended that Newvatican initiate a trial. With control over that decision was yet another Newjesuit, Luis Ladaria, Prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the [New Order] Faith, who denied the Newjesuits' request to try Rupnik. Given the record of Bergoglio, we can see the Newpope's fingerprints all over this matter, a charge that Bergoglio himself admits in part. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.]

Traditional Catholics, so what is the next step? The Newjesuits want Rupnik to "repent" again, so that they can throw the whole matter under the table. But the plot thickens. Rupnik has refused to answer investigators' questions -- these investigators who report to Bergoglio, who is an apparent accessory after the fact. The Rupnik affair is just the latest example of the modus operandi of the Newvatican crime syndicate. In comparison to the corrupt Newchurch and its Newpopes, the Italian Mafia is looking very good these days!

March 1, 2023 - Ferial Day of Lent
Ember Wednesday of Lent

Francis-Bergoglio Perpetuates His Money Grab
Now He Says that All Newchurch Funds Belong to Him

From: The TRADITIO Fathers

Francis-Bergoglio Issues Yet Another
Infamous Motu Proprio
By Which He Claims
That All the Money and Property of the Church
Are His "by Right"
His Legal Authority for This Avaricious Statement
Is Not Clear
But If You Are a Dictator, Like "Il Papa Dittatore"
As He Is Called in Europe
You Make up Your Own Law

On the heels of more revelations at the ongoing Newvatican trial about Francis-Bergoglio's role as "mastermind" behind the 2014 London real-estate swindle, which lost 350,000,000 in Newchurchers' collections and donations, the apostate Newpope had the gall on February 23, 2023, to issue yet another one of his infamous Motu Proprios, "Il Diritto Nativo," which continues the power grab of all the Church's money and property into his personal hands.

Under this power grab, which began with the so-called Apostolic Constitution "Praedicate evangelium" of March 19, 2022, "all property, movable and immovable, including cash and securities," no matter how a donor intended it, now revert to "the name and authority" of the current Newpope, now Bergoglio himself, "by right." Bergoglio's legal authority for this avaricious statement is not clear, but if you are a dictator, like "Il Papa Dittatore", as he is called in Europe, you make up your own law.

Traditional Catholics, as the dictatorial Louis XIV, King of France, is said to have pontificated: "Le loi, c'est moi (I am the law). Too bad he lived in the eighteenth century. Louis would have made a perfect Newpope!

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