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The painting represents the moment immediately preceding the crucifixion of St. Andrew, at which Saint is stripped of his clothes while the torturers arrange the wooden poles from which he will be hung, as St. Andrew was tied and not nailed to the decussate cross, so as not to resemble in any way the sacrifice of Jesus.
Now Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust has affected even the Apostles The relic of St. Jude the Apostle that was touring the United States was suddenly canceled by Illinois police on November 21, 2024, because the tour leader was accused of paedophile crimes. Apparently, the presbyter involved, Carlos Martins, known for his "Exorcist Files" podcast, himself needs to be exorcized!
Martins was involved in a paedophile incident on that date, and the police were immediately called in. He has already been expelled from his Newparish and his Newdiocese. In September 2023 he began a tour of U.S. Newchurch parishes with relics of St. Jude the Apostle. The wooden reliquary containing the relics are in the shape of an arm. Bergoglio's Newvatican itself had designated the paedophile presbyter to conduct the tour personally. It turns out that it wasn't the Devil that did in the child victims; it was the Newchurch presbyter, personally selected by Newchurch! [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic news sources.]
Traditional Catholics, while the perverted presbyter was injuring the children with his sex crimes, he hypocritically claimed that the tour was for "healing." The Newbishops of Joliet, Illinois, and Gary, Indiana, joined in the cancellations. What else could they do? Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust is continuing unabated. Any propaganda from Francis-Bergoglio and his minions that the Holocaust is over is just another Newchurch lie.
The apostate Newpope Francis-Bergoglio is playing hooky again. It seems that he now agrees with those Newcardinals and Newbishops of his own New Order sect who have declared him an invalid (fake) pope. It seems that Bergoglio himself is increasingly relinquishing his Newpapacy as he turns 88 on December 17, 2024.
Bergoglio will spurn the reopening of the famous mediaeval Cathedral Notre Deme de Paris, which was gutted by a fire on Holy Monday 2019. That reopening is to take place on Sunday, December 8, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Bergoglio also spurned the personal invitation of French President Emmanuel Macron to attend.
Bergoglio announced his plan to bask in the sun on the Mediterranean island of Corsica. In September 2024, Bergoglio had already taken a jaunt in the South Pacific. Newchurch bishops in France were fuming over the slap in the face, finding that Bergoglio's absence was "a snub aimed at France." Other Newbishops indicated that Bergoglio was superfluous. Who needs him? [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Agence France-Presse.]
Traditional Catholics, it is scandalous that Francis-Bergoglio's junket to Corsica will be the 47th time on which he has abandoned his duties in Rome. And the junket isn't even a religious one. He is there to talk about his favorite secular subjects: migration and global warming. More and more Newchurchers are wondering: with Newpopes like Bergoglio, do they even need to waste their money paying for a Newpope anymore? Newchurch should be forced into a situation of sede-vacante for a good long time, until the Lord Himself evacuates the Newroman sewer.
The German Superior of Bernie Fellay's Neo-SSPX (which is not Archbishop Lefebvre's original Society of St. Pius X, but since 1994 a Modernized new corporation with Novus Ordo leanings) has announced that the Neo-SSPX is desperate and will bend the knee to the apostate Newpope Francis-Bergoglio for the crass purpose of "getting a bishop," since Senior Bishop Richard Williamson abandoned the Neo-SSPX in 2012 and Bishop Bernard Tissier de Mallerais died on October 8, 2024. Only two Neo-SSPX bishops remain: Bernie Fellay (age 66) and Alfonso de Galaretta (age 67). Pfluger says that the Neo-SSPX "will try everything to obtain the approval of Rome [sic] for possible episcopal ordinations [sic]."
The Neo-SSPX, still run by the Novus Ordo sellout Bernie Fellay pulling the strings from behind the curtain, has fallen into ignominy since the death in 1991 of the founder of the original Traditional Catholic Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. The Archbishop seriously doubted that the Newpopes arising out of the Vatican II Anti-council (since 1963) were true popes. He said that they ran the "Conciliar Church" (which we now call the Newchurch of the New Order), not the Church of Eternal Rome (the traditional Catholic Church). The Archbishop considered these Newpopes to be heretics from the true Catholic Faith and running a scam operation on the faithful.
Ironically, Bergoglio cannot even be the "Bishop of Rome," as he was never ordained as a Catholic priest or consecrated as a Catholic bishop. When Pfluger said that the Neo-SSPX would sell out to the apostate Newchurch to "ordain a bishop," he was using heretical Novus Ordo theology, not Catholic theology. In the (traditional) Catholic Church, bishops are not "ordained"; they are consecrated. In 1968, the Newchurch of the New Order adopted an invalid (fake) Protestantized "New Ordinal" to "install" (Newchurch no longer ordains, but "installs," as Newchurch itself says, like the invalid Protestants) Newdeacons, presbyters, and Newbishops. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by (Neo-)SSPX News.]
Traditional Catholics, because the Novus Ordo Ordinal of 1968 is invalid, no one has been validly ordained a priest or consecrated a bishop in Newchurch since that time. Newchurch's Apostolic Succession has been broken since then, just as it is with the Anglicans and Episcopalians (but not with the Eastern Orthodox and Old Roman Catholics). Yet Pfluger proclaimed the Neo-SSPX to be "under the pope [sic]." Pfluger went on to say that sede-vacantists, i.,e., those who hold that the papacy is currently vacant because of apostasy, are even now being purged from the Neo-SSPX ranks to please the apostate Bergoglio. It is well known that many Neo-SSPX presbyter-priests are closet sede-vacantists, afraid to speak out because they fear vengeance from Fellay & Co.
On November 21, 2024, the bankrupted Francis-Bergoglio announced that Newvatican's pension fund has gone under. Newvatican's 4,500 employees are enraged. They are demanding that Bergoglio show them the ledgers. They are afraid that Bergoglio has blown not only their pensions, but will soon cut their salaries. For his own part, Bergoglio seems to be on a spending spree, taking expensive junkets all over the world instead of staying in his supposed bishopric, Rome, and dealing with all the problems there.
European financial experts have declared Newvatican's financial situation "precarious" after years of mismangement by Bergoglio, who has spent exorbitant amounts on his pet projects, like the "Great Synod on Synodality," and on personal junkets around the world, while the actual work of Newvatican is collapsing in financial scandals and budget deficits. When Francis-Bergoglio entered onto into the Newpapacy in 2013, the pension fund was declared to be "in sound financial health," but Bergoglio has depleted it in just ten years into bankruptcy. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
Traditional Catholics, Newvatican's lay employees stated that they had already sacrificed much in Bergoglio's cuts. Newvatican employees' salaries are not indexed to the cost of living. The Association pointed to Bergoglio's hypocrisy in talking about giving workers dignified wages and paying special attention to the needs of families, whereas in reality Bergoglio has been slashing their income and refusing to talk to them. They have filed a class-action lawsuit against Bergoglio for cutting salaries and not paying overtime for excessive extra work in his desperate attempt to shore up his bankrupted Newvatican.
In what has become standard operating procedure for several New Order temples -- they can hardly be called churches since the advent of Newchurch -- the presbyter-pastor of a Novus Ordo temple in New York City (Brooklyn) allowed a half-naked trash-rock starlet named Sabrina Carpenter to shoot a pornographic music video entitled "Feather" on the eucharistic dinner table -- it can hardly be called an altar since the advent of Newchurch -- on November 17, 2024. Apparently, this was not the Newmonsignor Jamie Gigantiello's first offence. Newcardinal Timothy "Laughing Cow" Dolan, who claimed to be "appalled," was nevertheless aware of other "instances of mismanagement" and did nothing, but this time he was cowed into "strip [Gigantiello] of his duties."
Not only was Gigantiello a pervert, but he was also a thief, having embezzled nearly 2,000,000 USD from Our Lady of Mount Carmel - Annunciation Newparish collections to an associate of New York Mayor Eric Adams. He also made sure to pay himself off "substantially" by a church credit card for non-Newparish personal expenses. Gigantiello excused his perversion as "a lapse in judgment." He did not comment about his embezzlement. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Breitbart.]
Traditional Catholics, all of this just goes to prove that Newchurch has no priests and no churches. These are pagan presbyter-ministers and pagan temples. Since 1968 the Newchurch of the New Order has had no Sacrament of Holy Orders when it adopted the invalid (fake) Protestantized New Ordinal. Thus, Newchurch, which is most certainly NOT the Catholic Church, has no valid clergy to confer valid Sacraments. Its Protestantized ministers receive no Sacramental grace at their invalid "installations" (no longer called "ordinations").
Newchurch has lost the Seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church: Baptism (now called "Initiation"), many invalid because of defect of form); Penance (now called "Reconciliation"), always invalid; Holy Eucharist, invalid because of the absence of true priests and a true Mass; Confirmation, always invalid because of defect of form; Holy Orders, always invalid because replaced by Protestant forms), Extreme Unction, replaced by a mere "Blessing of the Sick". Only Matrimony may be valid because, according to Catholic theology, it is conferred not by a priest, but by the couple themselves upon each other.
On November 9, 2024, Francis-Bergoglio has decreed that there will no longer be a universal calendar in his Newchurch of the New Order, only a babel of local calendars where anything goes, in accordance with Article 37 of the Vatican II Anti-council's 1963 decree "Sacrosanctum concilium." There won't even be an identifiable Novus Ordo calendar any long. The calendar of the New Latin Mess of 1962, if it is not entirely suppressed, will also be broken up, in accordance with the 2008 decree "Summorum pontificum" of the apostate Modernist Newope Benedict-Ratzinger. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by (New)vatican Press Office.]
Traditional Catholics, Francis-Bergoglio has directed that Newchurch round up all its "local" Unsaints to be thrown into a big basket and venerated all together in a Modernistic mulch on November 9. This decree continues the destruction of the Traditional Roman calendar that began in earnest in 1956 and that led up to the ever-changing New Order "liturgy," just renamed the New Age "liturgy," which cast aside many great Saints venerated by the True Church for millennia, such as St. Christopher, St. Valentine, St. Barbara, St. Philomena, and so many others.
The City of Oakland, California, has fallen on bad times in recent years, as has its Newdiocese. Its mayor and district attorney were recalled for corruption by an overwhelming vote in the November 5, 2024, election, and the city is facing bankruptcy. Already the Oakland Newdiocese had pulled a fraud on its Newchurchers and plundered its Newparochial school system blind to build in 2005 the monstrosity called the "Cathedral of Light" for 131,000,000 USD, after having promised that it would not do so.
That sacrilege occurred after the barbarian Newdiocese destroyed literally with a wrecking ball the Gothic Cathedral of St. Francis de Sales, built in the 19th century by traditional craftsmen. Even the Protestants of Oakland were against the destruction of the cathedral and offered to pay for its restoration after the Loma Prieta Earthquake of 1989. But Oakland's corrupt Newchurch officials were bound and determined to destroy the landmark because they wanted to build a Novus Ordo monstrosity in its place.
Inundated by financial problems caused by mismanagement and subornation of Newchurch's continuing Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust, the Newdiocese of Oakland was declared officially bankrupt on May 8, 2023. On November 15, 2024, the Newdiocese announced that it reluctantly cough up not even 200,000,000 USD to pay off the 345 children who had been raped, sodomized, and otherwise sexually assault by Newchurch presbyters. 14,250,000 USD of that amount will again be plundered from the Newdiocesan school system, from the very children that were injured by the Newdiocese in the first place. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic News Agency.]
Traditional Catholics, Oakland Newbishop Michael Barber's proposed settlement has been slammed as a "shell game" and a "scam and a sham" by abused children's groups and has not been accepted by the U.S. Bankruptcy Court. The Newdiocese has some 4,000,000,000 USD in real-estate holdings alone, yet the hypocritical Newchurch can't fork up 5 per cent of that amount in reparation for its presbyters' crimes against children. The Court should order the corrupt Newdiocese to turn over the deed to the Newcathedral of Light as an even trade. Then that abomination could be razed and put to good use as a home for abused children!
These days Francis-Bergoglio is frightened out of his wits. The truth is coming out that he is not a pope. More and more of his own Newclergy -- Newcardinals, Newbishops, and presbyters -- are publicly calling him a fake "pope," merely a pretender. Bergoglio is taking the most severe action he can against his challengers: expelling (laicizing) them from his apostate Newchurch, i.e., removing them from his Newclergy.
On November 13, 2024, an Italian Newdiocesan presbyter since 2011, Fernando Maria Comet, was expelled for performing his duty in calling the Marxist/Modernist apostate Newpope Bergoglio a fake, never having been validly elected and thus merely a pretender "anti-pope." Comet is a native Argentinean and knows the truth about Bergoglio from his own backyard, as Bergoglio resided in Argentina until 2013, when he left for Newrome to play pretend Newpope. A second Newcleric is a Discalced Newcarmelite, whose expulsion is pending for the same act as Comet.
Both Newclerics have, as is required by Our Lord Jesus Christ, recorded in St. Matthew's Gospel (18:15-17), have called out Bergoglio, Comet in a book entitled Habemus Anti-papam?; Fare in a booklet entitled I Won’t Deliver the Lion, which details the multitude of doctrinal heresies that Bergoglio has made from the Catholic Faith. "Bergoglio is not the pope and never has been," states Fare. Comet has degrees in Theology and Patristics from the Augustinian Patristic Pontifical Institute in Rome. Fare is also a published author, whose works include a 2019 book on the True Mass. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Crux News Service.]
Traditional Catholics, Cornet and Fare join Alessandro Minutella, who was expelled by Bergoglio for the same reason in 2021. The three are members of Marian Priestly Sodality, which consists of seven other presbyters who have publicly denounced "Mister" Bergoglio as an "anti-pope" and a Freemasonic excommunicate. So, Bergoglio is now being denounced as a fake even by his own Newclergy. The truth is getting out, and Bergoglio is scared silly, lashing out against his own Newchurchers.
The true Church, the Roman Catholic Church, has only one precedential rite, that of the traditional See of Sts. Peter & Paul at Rome, known as the Roman Rite, sometimes called the Traditional Latin Mass (the 1962 New Latin Mess is most certainly NOT the Traditional Latin Mass). Then came Bergoglio's overtly-pagan Synodal Newchurch of the New Age, inaugurated on October 26, 2024, with the promulgation of the Final Document of his Great Synod on Synodality. The Synodal Newchurch supersedes the Newchurch of the New Order, fabricated by the Vatican II Anti-council on November 21, 1964.
On November 6, 2024, the Synodal Newchurch concocted its first New Age fake (invalid) official Pagan Mayan Mess, which features pagan dancing, women performing liturgical functions at the eucharistic dinner table (formerly altar) in the Tseltal, Tsotsil, Ch’ol, Tojolabal, and Zoque ethnic Mayan groups of the Newdiocese of San Cristobal de Las Casas, Mexico Such blaslphemies and sacrileges are in accordance with the Vatican II Anti-council's heretical teachings in Article 37 of the Anti-council's 1963 decree "Sacrosanctum concilium." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by LS News.]
Bergoglio previously approved the "Pachamama Mess" for the pagan fertility goddess Pachamama, which is spreading throughout Mexico and Central America; the "Atacama Mess" for the pagan sun god Atacama; and a "Congolese Mess" for God-only-knows what pagan god of Africa.
Traditional Catholics, how any true Catholic could have anything to do with the apostate Newchurch of the New Order, with its Protestant-Masonic-Pagan "New Mess," or now with the Synodal Newchurch of the New Age, with its overtly Pagan New Messes, is beyond any reason -- idolatrous, blasphemous, and sacrilegious, a Grave Sin against the First Commandment of God. The Newchurchers now seem possessed by the pagan gods that their Synodal Church and their apostate Newpope are worshipping.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Is it true that the first President of the United States, George Washington, saw an apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary and that he converted to (Traditional) Catholicism on his deathbed?
There is evidence both that America's first President, George Washington, saw an apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary and that he may have converted to (Traditional) Catholicism on his deathbed.
Pope Leo XIII (r. 1878-1903), in his Encyclical Letter "Longinqua oceani" (January 6, 1895), highly praised the American Republic and its wise founders, even calling George Washington "the Great." He wrote: "Thanks are due to the equity of the laws which obtain in America and to the customs of the well-ordered Republic. For the Church amongst you, unopposed by the Constitution and government of your nation, fettered by no hostile legislation, protected against violence by the common laws and the impartiality of the tribunals, is free to live and act without hindrance."
Pope Leo had a particularly high regard for the Father of the American Republic, referring to him as "The Great Washington." Washington himself acknowledged the crucial role played by Catholics in the founding of the Republic. He lamented anti-Catholicism, contributed to the construction of a Catholic Church in Baltimore, and petitioned government support for Catholic missionaries among the Indians.
As to George Washington's vision, Wesley Bradshaw, one of the last living persons who knew George Washington, gave an account of Washington's vision, which originally appeared in The National Tribune, vol. 4, no. 12. Dec. (1880). Washington claimed that he saw a "beautiful woman" at Valley Forge who warned him about the dangerous days ahead for the American Republic, which had at that time yet to win its freedom from England. The prophesies have a ring of truth in them, for they were first reported in 1880, but are only now being fully realized.
As to George Washington's conversion to Catholicism, there is some evidence. A picture of the Blessed Virgin Mary and one of St. John were among the effects found in an inventory of the articles at Mount Vernon at the death of George Washington, first President of the United States. The Rev. W.C. Repetti, S.J., archivist at Georgetown University, reports that he has discovered this information in an appendix to a biography of Washington. The book is "A Life of George Washington by Edward Everett, published by Sheldon & Co. in New York in 1860. "The fact that he had a picture of the Blessed Virgin is rather unexpected, and, to the best of my knowledge, has not been brought out," says Fr. Repetti.
The long report among slaves of Mount Vernon as to Washington's deathbed conversion would be odd unless based on truth. These were not Catholic Negroes; it is part of the tradition that weeping and wailing occurred in the quarters that "Massa Washington" had been snared by the Scarlet Woman of Rome, whom they had been taught to fear and hate. Supposedly, Father Neale was rowed across the Piscatawney by Negro oarsmen; and men often talked freely when slaves were nearby, confidently ignoring their presence. --The Denver Register, May 11, 1952.
It was a long tradition among both the Maryland Province Jesuit Fathers and the Negro slaves of the Washington plantation and those of the surrounding area that the first President died a Catholic. These and other facts about George Washington are reported in the Paulist Information magazine by Doran Hurley.
The story is that Father Leonard Neale, S.J., was called to Mount Vernon from St. Mary's Mission across the Piscatawney River four hours before Washington's death. Washington's body servant, Juba, is authority for the fact that the General made the Sign of the Cross at meals. He may have learned this from his Catholic lieutenants, Stephen Moylan or John Fitzgerald. At Valley Forge, Washington forbade the burning in effigy of the Pontiff on "Pope's Day." Several times as President he is reported to have slipped into a Catholic church to hear Sunday Mass. (From an article in The Denver Register, February 24, 1957.
At the turn of the new millennium the apostate Newpope JPII-Wojtyla proposed adding the Arch-heretic Martin Luther to the roll of Newchurch Unsaints. He was hindered in his plan, but in October 2016 his successor Francis-Bergoglio installed a statue of Luther for veneration in St. Peter's Basilica. Now, on November 14, 2024, the apostate Newpope Bergoglio declared that he would add heretic, and schismatic "martyrs" to the roll of Newchurch Unsaints.
In furtherance of his heretical purposes, Bergoglio has set up a Commission for the New Martyrs - Witnesses of the Faith. But these are most certainly not witnesses to the true Faith, any more than Luther was. Although these heretic and schsimatic New Martyrs are supposedly to be distinct, by the principle of Modernism, they will soon be folded in with true Catholic Saints from before the establishment of Newchurch at the Vatican II Anti-council in 1964. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World News.]
Traditional Catholics, do we have to say it again? The Newchurch of the New Order is most certainly NOT the Catholic Church, and Francis-Bergoglio is most certainly NOT a Catholic pope. And Newchurch, not being the Catholic Church, has no power to canonize anyone. Whatever it does in that direction is merely a "con," a "con-anization." No true Catholic can have anything to do with it.
On November 13, 2024, the conflict between Francis-Bergoglio and his Eastern-rite Newchurchers broke out again. The Syro-Malabars, the second largest rite in the Eastern Newchurch, was inflammed against Bergoglio and his newly-appointed "apostolic administrator," because of the conflict over turning the altars around. The Syro-Malabar Eastern-rite has 5,000,000 members, including 600,000 in the metropolitan Newarchdiocese of Ernakulam in India. The irate Easterners burned Bergoglio's edict in front of St. Mary's Basilica and 200 Newparishes, and Bergoglio's recently-appointed "apostolic administrator" was rejected and barred from entering the basilica.
The apostate Newpope, in trying to enforce his New Order-style liturgical regulations, has encountered much stronger resistance in the East than in the West. The Eastern-rite liturgy remains "crippled" by the better feud against the Marxist/Modernist Bergoglio. An installation ceremony of presbyters, delayed almost a year because of the conflict, was relocated to the Newarchdiocese's minor seminary. The majority of presbyters boycotted the Mess and have refused to sign a declaration that they would simulate Bergoglio's "synodal" Mess. Dozens of police had to be called in to keep the peace.
The Easterners were also protesting the appointment of Joshy Puthuva as chancellor of the Newarchdiocese. Puthuva has fifteen cases pending against him for crimes involving a land scam. Bergoglio's Newarchdiocesan administrator threatened severe disciplinary action if presbyters violated Bergoglio's New Order liturgical edict. He also banned sermons and statements by presbyters against Bergoglio's edict. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.]
Traditional Catholics, Francis-Bergoglio is rapidly losing control of his Newchurch, both in the East and the West. His totalitarian stance in favor of replacing even the apostate Newchurch of the New Order with an openly-pagan Synodal Church is meeting with severe resistance. More Newcardinals and Newbishops are denouncing him as an heretical pretender (fake) "pope."
Newarchbishop Borys Gudziak, of the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia, told the U.S. Conference of Catholic [Sic] Bishops' annual meeting November 13, 2024, that if should reinstate the traditional Friday abstinence from fleshmeat, which goes back to Apostolic times, But the apostate Gudziak would do it for the wrong reason. True Catholics abstain from fleshmeat on all Fridays of the year (except when a Holyday of Obligation falls on a Friday) to do penance and reparation for sin, recalling Christ's sacrifice on Calvary to repair for the sins of mankind.
The befuddled Gudziak wants the Friday abstinence to be repurposed "as a way of acknowledging the importance of caring for creation." This notion smacks of paganism and politics, not religion. Moreover, he wants to link it to the tenth anniversary of the apostate Newpope Francis-Bergoglio's heretical encyclical "Laudato si'," a pagan encyclical that ends with a pantheistic poem to the earth goddess. Is this rank sycophancy on Gudziak's part or what?! [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.]
For further information on this topic, click on FAQ11: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Practices? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) department, available from the TRADITIO Network's main menu (www.traditio.com) in the section "Friday Abstinence."
Traditional Catholics, first must come the reinstatement of the true Mess, not the fake (invalid) Full-blown "New Mess" of 1969 or the fake Half "New Latin Mess" of 1962, the deceitful stepping-stone to the Full Blown Protestant-Masonic-Pagan New Mess of 1969, still used by Newchurch as its "ordinary" Mess. But there is a problem. Newchurch gave up the Catholic priesthood in 1968 when it adopted the invalid (fake) Protestantized "New Ordinal." So, Newchurch has no validly-ordained priests to offer the Traditional Latin Mass nor any valid-consecrated bishops to consecrate such priests.
As of November 8, 2024, there are now only nine valid bishops left in the Newchurch of the New Order, and three of them are over 100 years old. Newchurch adopted the invalid, Protestantized "New Ordinal" on June 18, 1968. Since that time Newchurch has not validly ordained any deacons, priests, or bishops. This fact Newchurch itself admits by calling the invalid rites not Sacramental "ordinations" (for deacons and priests) or "consecrations" (for bishops), but merely "installations" like invalid (fake) Protestant bishops. Even the Eastern Orthodox and the Old Catholics have valid bishops, although officially schismatic. Newchurch has none, other than the nine.
Of these nine, three are now over the age of 100. The youngest of them, by far, is Newcardinal Francis Arinze, aged 92, a comparative "spring chicken." Their average age is 97.4 years. The oldest among them is also the oldest Newbishop in Newchurch and the only one left who was appointed and consecrated bishop under John XXIII. He is the Mexican Newbishop Jose de Jesus Sahagun de la Parra, who will turn 103 on New Year's Day, if, gratia Dei, he survives.
The Neo-SSPX bishops are validly consecrated under the Traditional Catholic Ordinal. However, one of them (Richard Williamson) has abandoned the Society, and another one (Bernard Tissier de Mallerais) has recently died. Of the two remaining, one is regarded as legitimately traditional (Alfonso de Galarreta) but the other is, well, you know, he's all-but-Newchurch-affiliated Bernie Fellay.
Fortunately, the apostolic succession continues unabated, with not only the officially-schismatic Eastern Orthodox and Old Catholics, but a number of Traditional Catholic bishops. Some are connected to the Society of St. Pius V (SSPV); others, to the Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen (CMRI); others are independent of any organizational affiliation except to the (true) Roman Catholic Church. This number does NOT include Newchurch-affiliated groups such as the Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP) and the Institute of Christ the King (ICRSS), which do NOT have valid Traditional Catholic bishops, consecrated under the Traditional Catholic Ordinal.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I am a volunteer working with a Christian group in work in the United Kingdom. The group is dominated by Protestants and African Baptists, who are constantly quoting from various Bibles. Could you briefly explain the difference between the King James Version and the Catholic Douay-Rheims Version?
The Douay-Rheims Version (New Testament 1582, Old Testament 1609) is roughly contemporary with the King James Version (1610), but consists of all the books that have been dogmatically defined as part of the Sacred Scripture by the early Church councils up to the dogmatic Council of Trent and that have been confirmed by early Catholic writers, such as St. Justin Martyr (ca. 100 - ca. 165).
The Douay-Rheims Version, being a translation of the official Latin Vulgate, includes the seven books (Tobias, Judith, Esther additions, Wisdom, Ecclesiasticus/Sirach, Baruch, Daniel 13-14, 1 Maccabees, 2 Maccabees, and in the appendix 3 and 4 Esdras, Prayer of Manasseh, 3 and 4 Maccabees) accepted as canonical from the early Church and quoted in the New Testament, which Martin Luther struck out of Protestant Bibles because he didn't personally agree with certain Catholic doctrines that they taught (e.g., praying for the dead and Purgatory). Protestants today, however, are beginning more widely to accept the Catholic judgment and include these books in their Bibles.
The Douay-Rheims version is based on the official Catholic Latin Vulgate Bible translated by St. Jerome, Great Doctor of the Church, at the commission of Pope St. Damasus I circa A.D. 400. St. Jerome had access to manuscripts that are now lost to modern translators, who rely on a number of later manuscripts, some of which are corrupted or disputed.
Even today the Protestants argue incessantly about which of their sources is more accurate, whereas the Catholics have the solid Latin Vulgate, which has been continually used in the Church since the year 400. As you have discovered, the Protestants are still arguing about which is the best Greek original or which is the best "translation." You are fortunate to be a Traditional Catholic and are safe staying first of all with the Latin Vulgate and, if you need a translation, the Douay-Rheims Version.
The King James Version, although it has a few flaws, is the most reliable Protestant version. Beware of any "translation" after about 1950. There are about 1,000 of these in English alone -- isn't that ridiculous?!, which tend to inject personal, often heretical, doctrines into the translation rather than rendering accurately even the best originals. Watch out particularly for anything that has "New" prefixed to the title, such as the "New King James Version (used by the Protestants) or "New" American Bible (used by the Newchurch heretics).
For further information on this topic, click on BIBLE.TXT: Why Do Christians Have Different Bibles? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) department, available from the TRADITIO Network's main menu (www.traditio.com).
Continuing his purge of the Half New Order Vatican II "New Latin Mess" of 1962, as first planned in Benedict-Ratzinger's 2007 "Summorum pontificum," then by Francis-Bergoglio's own 2021 decree "Traditionis custodes," Bergoglio has ordered shut down the New Latin Messes in Tyler, Texas, involving the Newcathedral of the Immaculate Conception and four Newparishes (Mary Queen of Heaven in Malakoff, Sacred Heart in Texarkana, St. Francis of Assisi in Gilmer, and Sacred Heart in Nacogdoches), effective December 1, 2024.
Newbishop Joe Vasquez announced Bergoglio's edict on November 6, 2024. Vasquez was appointed in 2023 by Bergoglio to replace the "too traditional" former Newbishop of Tyler, Joseph Strickland, who was fired putatively because he refused to implement "Traditionis custodes," which effectively banned the "New Latin Mess" of 1962. The 1962 Mess is most certainly NOT the Traditional Latin Mass, but merely a corrupted stepping-stone to the Protestant-Masonic-Pagan "New Mess" of 1969, which Newchurch uses as its "ordinary" Mess to this day.. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by National Catholic Register.]]
Traditional Catholics, the November 6, 2024, edict curiously described the 1962 New Latin Mess as being contained in "the liturgical books approved" by the [Newpopes] Paul VI[-Montini] and JPII[-Wojtyla] "in accordance with the Second Vatican Council." In fact, it was John XXIII , who was pope in 1962. Is Newvatican completely losing it, as its pending bankrupt state has forced it to lay off scores of workers from its now incompetent bureaucracy?
For the first time, on November 7, 2024, a U.S. federal bankruptcy court has ordered a Newchurch archdiocese and its Newarchbishop to open its personnel files to the public, to expose its paedophile presbyters. Since May 2020 the Newarchdiocese of New Orleans, Louisiana, has been lingering in bankruptcy court because of the huge judgments it has to pay out for the sex crimes against children perpetrated by its presbyters.
The corrupt Newchurch is still not owning up to the sex crimes that it has committed against children. It is offering a paltry 65,200,000 USD settlement to the child victims, who are demanding 1,000,000,000 USD. The U.S. court has not been willing to let the Newarchdiocese off the hook until it does penance for its crimes, which ultimately connect back to the Newpopes who were the facilitators and accomplices in the crimes: JPII-Wojtyla, Benedict-Ratzinger, and Francis-Bergoglio.
The court has demanded "public accountability and transparency" as part of any settlement. So far, the Newarchdiocese has simply issued meaningless platitudes. The court has also demanded that the Newarchdiocese "remove all plaques, pictures, statutes, or other public recognitions” on its properties of any diocesan officials credibly accused of sexual abuse." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.]
Traditional Catholics, as a result of its crimes against children, Newchurch in New Orleans has already shuttered 34 Newchurches and will now shut down another 21 entities. Newchurch worldwide has been shutting down its churches at an ever increasing rate because of its crimes and because attendance at its fake (invalid) Protestant-Maonic-Pagan New Mess has been tanking, along with contributions to its collection-plates. What true Catholic would contribute to the rape of children or set foot in one of Newchurch's pagan temples?
One of the characteristics of the apostate Newpope Francis-Bergoglio is his record of lying. Again on October 26, 2024, Bergoglio approved the Final Document of his Great Synod on Synodality without modification. That document declares his "openness" to deaconesses, which have three times been rejected by Bergoglio's own theological commissions as being unbiblical. Bergoglio himself had said that deaconesses are not possible, but now he has approved the Final Document declaring "openness" to them.. Perhaps he naively thought the no one would notice or that the clueless Newchurchers would say the (New)pope wouldn't lie, would he?
The Final Document's paragraph 60 states: "women’s access to diaconal ministry remains open." This, despite Catholic teaching infallibly stating that the matter is closed, understood as a degree of the Sacrament of Holy Orders." In fact, Newchurch has no Sacrament of Holy Orders. In 1968 it replaced the Catholic Sacrament with an invalid (fake) Protestant formulation that no longer "ordains priests," but merely "installs presbyters" (like Protestant ministers) "to preside over the assembly of the people" (not "to offer the Sacrifice of the Mass for the living and the dead").
Bergoglio had promised that the subject would not be mentioned at the Synod; nevertheless, there it is in the Final Document, which Bergoglio approved. It had not appeared at all in the draft report. Yet Bergoglio had previously decreed that "the Final Document participates in the Ordinary Magisterium of the Successor of Peter." In fact, it is all a ruse. Heresy can never be part of the Ordinary Magisterium of the true Church, and Bergoglio, being an apostate from the Catholic Faith, cannot be regarded as the "Successor of Peter," nor can the Newchurch of the New Order, in 2025 to become the openly-pagan Synodal Newchurch of the New Age, be regarded as the.Catholic Church. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by LS News.]
Traditional Catholics, you know the modus operandi of the camel's nose under the tent. First Newchurch will approve deaconesses, then presbyteresses, then bishopesses. To see this path, all you have to do is look at the sect of the Anglican/Episcopalians. They did exactly this! Newchurch, as always, follows the heretics.
At Newchurch's Great Synod on Synodality, held in October 2-27, 2024, through which the apostate Newpope Francis-Bergoglio plans to establish in 2025 his pagan Synodal Newchurch of the New Age, Neocon Newchurchers who cling to the corrupted "New Latin Mess" of 1962 were completely shut out. In the "consultative" process Bergoglio consulted schismatics, heretics, apostates, paedophiles, transsexuals, homosexuals, and lesbians -- but no Neocons.
The "New Latin Mess" of 1962 is most certainly NOT the Traditional Latin Mass. It was deliberately concocted by the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini, later Chief Architect of the New Order Liturgy, to be a deceptive stepping stone to the Full-blown Protestant-Masonic-Pagan "New Mess" of 1969, still used as the Mess in the Newchurch of the New Order. And the clueless Neocon Newchurchers fell for the ruse hook line and sinker.
There was no mention of the "New Latin Mess" either in the preparatory documents, the synod's sessions, or in the Final Document, already approved by Bergoglio. The apostate Newpope mendaciously promised "listening and dialogue," but it is clear that that promise pertained only to the Marxist/Modernist topics he wanted to push, like deaconesses. The Neocons tried to appeal directly to the synod, but were rebuffed, apparently because Bergoglio prohibited any mention of the topic. One Neocon from a U.S. group reported that "from its inception up through to its final document, the Synod on Synodality refused to acknowledge or act upon the input it received from traditional [sic] Catholics, both religious and laity." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register..]
Traditional Catholics, Francis-Bergoglio is shutting down the "New Latin Mess," as is crystal clear from his 2021 decree "Traditionis custodes." In doing so, he is simply following the precedent established by Benedict-Ratzinger's, whose 2007 "Summorum pontificum" was explicitly envisioned as a temporary sop. Newchurch, as an apostate sect much like the Arch-heretic Martin Luther's, hates the Half New Order Vatican II "New Latin Mass," let alone the real Traditional Latin Mass (1950 and before).
Newchurch's corrupt anti-Catholic morality and "oecumenism" has led to the death of one Newchurch presbyter and his "hook-up," an Anglican minister, who had traveled to Belgium to be present at Bergoglio's junket there on September 26, 2024 . This is yet another example of Francis-Bergoglio's programme of oecumenical "walking together" -- to damnation.
The Anglican minister died after a drug-filled orgy with "Fr. Bernard," a Newchurch presbyter stationed in Belgium, who now faces criminal charges for drug trafficking. The Newchurch in Belgium is one of the most immoral and heretical in Europe, as a result of which attendance at the fake (invalid) Protestant-Masonic-Pagn Novus Ordo Mess has tanked to one of the lowest in Europe. Belgians well remember the infamous case of Newbishop Roger Vangheluwe, who was caught raping his own two minor nephews.
Meanwhile in the United States, it has taken six years for Bergoglio's incompetent regime to "defrock" sex-crazed Portland, Maine, presbyter Anthony Cippole, whose fornicatrix was murdered in the latest of a number of immoral scandals and crimes, including drug possession, assault, theft, insurance fraud, and attempted murder. He told his fornicatrix that "his personal interpretation of [Newchurch] canon law allowed priests to break the vow of celibacy, and asked her to confess to him naked." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the U.K. Daily Mail and Breitbart.]
Traditional Catholics, as we have written many times, Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust continues unabated. But the main point should not be lost: Newchurch is most certainly NOT the Catholic Church, and no true Catholic should set foot in any Newchurch temple -- and that includes for the phony "New Latin Mess" of 1962, which is most certainly NOT the Traditional Latin Mass.
Archbasilica of Our Most Holy Savior
and of St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist at the Lateran
Bearing the title:
Mother and Head of All the Churches
Of the City [of Rome] and of the World
The Roman emperor Constantine the Great donated the Lateran Palace ca. 313 to become the Cathedral of Rome, the seat of the popes as the bishops of Rome. It was dedicated on November 9, 324, by Pope Sylvester I. It is one of the four great archbasilicas of the city of Rome, center of the Roman Catholic Faith.
On November 1, 2024, Newcardinal Angelo Becciu called on Francis-Bergoglio to resign as head of Vatican City and to remove himself from its temporal governance. "He should no longer be a head of state." Becciu stated that Bergoglio has extreme conflicts of interest. Becciu served 2011-2020 as Sostituto, or Deputy Secretary of State, the second-most powerful man in the Newcuria, reporting daily to the Newpope.
Bergoglio had been implicated in a court trial with Becciu concerning the embezzlement of 350,000,000 USD in the 2014 London Real-estate Fraud. Becciu testified under oath in court that he was innocent, that Bergoglio was daily informed of his activities and had approved all of his actions. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World News.]
Traditional Catholics, Bergoglio himself refused to testify under oath at the trial and was caught changing the rules of the trial, in order that Becciu would become the scapegoat for the embezzlement, and Bergoglio would get off scot-free. Bergoglio also refused to permit an audit of Bergoglio's purported charitable fund called Peter's Pence, which has been involved in several scandals.
The Church has taught from Apostolic times that we here on earth not only are able but also have a responsibility to help the Holy Souls in Purgatory hasten their admission to Heaven by our prayers and good works. There is no more effective way to assist the faithful departed among your family, friends, and benefactors than by your personal participation at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass during the month of November, which is dedicated to the Holy Souls. Holy Mother Church, in her generosity toward the Holy Souls in Purgatory, opens wide the possibility for indulgences to be gained for these souls on All Souls' Day, November 2, and throughout its Octave, i.e., through November 9, and throughout the month of November. The following are indulgences applicable solely to the Holy Souls in Purgatory.
For the 36-hour period between noon on All Saints Day and midnight of November 3rd, a Plenary Indulgence is gained for the release of one suffering soul from Purgatory for each and every visit, Toties Quoties (As Often As), to a Traditional Catholic church, when one there devoutly prays vocally (not mentally) six Paters, Aves, and Glorias for this intention, plus an additional one of each for the traditional intentions of the true papacy (the exaltation of Holy Church, the propagation of the Faith, the extirpation of heresies, concord among Christian rulers, and the welfare and tranquility of the Christian people).
The "usual conditions" for receiving a Plenary Indulgence also attach, which are the reception of the Sacrament of Penance within the period of one week before or one week after the act is performed and also the reception of Holy Communion from one day before to one week after the act. If this act is not able to be performed on Holy Souls Eve and Day itself, it may be transferred to the following Saturday after noon and Sunday. Given the difficulty for some people of the unavailability of a Fully-Traditional Latin Mass, the "usual" conditions" might be fulfilled by eliciting a sincere Act of Perfect Contrition and a Spiritual Communion.
For a visit to a Catholic cemetery or to a blessed Catholic grave in a secular cemetery during the eight days between November 2nd and 9th, a Plenary Indulgence is gained for the release of one soul from Purgatory per day for each day one visits during this time. During the visit a vocal prayer of one's choosing should be recited for the intention along with the "usual conditions" and the Toties Quoties prayers as above.
For the recitation of the Stations of the Cross in a Traditional Catholic church or when meditating upon a Crucifix, a Plenary Indulgence is gained, along with the "usual conditions" and the Toties Quoties prayers as above.
For a visit to a blessed cemetery or grave and reciting one prayer, a Partial Indulgence of seven years' equivalent to the ancient penances is granted, without the "usual conditions."
In 1956 numerous major corruptions were made to the traditional Catholic liturgical calendar to accommodate the coming Half New Order "New Latin Mess" of 1962 and fully Protestant-Masonic-Pagan "New Mess" of 1969. One of these corruptions involved the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, December 8. In the fully Traditional Catholic calendar, if this feast falls on a Sunday in Advent, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception takes precedence, with the Sunday of Advent being reduced to a commemoration.
This is how the Feast of the Immaculate Conception is properly listed in the TRADITIO Network's "Traditional Catholic Calendar Following the Rubrics of Pope St. Pius X (pre-1951) for the Universal Calendar (Roman Rite) of the Church " For further information, click on the TRADITIO Network's Traditional Catholic Calendar department, available from the TRADITIO Network's main menu (www.traditio.com).
Although the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini, reprehensibly appointed by Pius XII in 1947 to be his de facto head of "liturgy" and later going on to become the Chief Architect of the fake (invalid) Protestant-Masonic-Pagan "New Mess" of 1969, still used as the "ordinary Mess" of Newchurch, thus degraded the Immaculate Conception in 1956, John XXIII fired Bugnini as one of the first acts of his pontificate and then restored the privilege of the feast of Our Lady to take precedence over the Sunday of Advent. After the death of John XXIII, the apostate Newpope Paul VI-Montini restored the heretic Bugnini and once again degraded the feast of Our Lady.
Later, the corrupt Newchurch went even farther afield, by transferring the feast to December 9, if December 8 fell on a Sunday, as it does in 2024. True to its perpetual incompetence, Newchurch has now caused confusion around the world. For example, the U.S. Conference of Catholic [sic] Bishops and the Newvatican are now in a contretemps about whether or not the transferred feast on December 9 is a Holyday of Obligation. The apostate Newchurch has published calendars that show it both ways. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World News.]
Traditional Catholics, Francis-Bergoglio's intimate Blase Cupich, Newcardinal of Chicago, Illinois, is just one Newbishop who has decided to dump the Feast of the Immaculate Conception this year for the "spiritual good" of his Newchurchers. What a bunch of nonsense! If the Newchurch of the New Order had not rejected the Catholic Church and had kept the fully-Traditional Catholic calendar, it would not have shot itself in the foot and would not have come that much closer to its demise.
Newcardinal Fridolin Ambongo of Kinshasahas pulled the veil off Francis-Bergoglio's directive on September 29, 2024, for a "hasty" con-anization of King Baudouin, of Belgium (ob. 1993) as a mere political sop, like so many of Bergoglio's invalid con-anizations," such as that of the Communist agitator Oscar Romero in 2018.
It turns out that Baudouin may have been an accomplice to assassination, viz., that of Patrice Lumumba, the first Prime Minister of the Congo, after it had secured independence from Belgium in 1960, whence it was once called the Belgian Congo. Lumumba's assassination, arranged by the Belgian government in 1961 is held to have been approved personally by Baudouin. In 2002 Belgium officially apologized for its role in the assassination. In addition, Baudouin publicly praised his predecessor, King Leopold III's, torture and starvation of as many as half of the Congolese population, known as the Congolese Genocide [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World News.]
Traditional Catholics, the Newchurch of the New Order, founded in 1964 at the Vatican II Anti-council to replace the Catholic Church as the "institutional" Church, because it is most certainly NOT the Catholic Church, has no power to canonize anyone validly. Instead, its "canonizations" are fakes, known derisively as "con-anizations," because they are "cons" of the clueless Newchurchers. Almighty God knows who is in Heaven, and when the Catholic Church is completely restored, valid canonizations can begin again.
Traditional Catholic producer Mel Gibson is working on a new limited television series on the Christian victory over the Mohammedans at the 1565 Great Siege of Malta. Gibson said that by the end of September 2024, three hours of the series have already been written, and locations for the filming have already been scouted. This siege led to the famous naval Battle of Lepanto in 1571, when the Christian forces, under the leadership of Pope St. Pius V and with the suffrages of the Confraternities of the Most Holy Rosary, 700 Catholic knights decisively defeated 40,000 infidel Mohammedans and their ships to thwart for centuries Sultan Suleiman's plan to take over Catholic Europe.
When the Muslims planned to destroy Western Civilization, Pope St. Pius V called upon the Confraternities of the Most Holy Rosary throughout the Catholic world to offer up their Rosaries for protection against the impending invasion. Dominican, Franciscan, and Jesuit religious embarked on each vessel of the Catholic fleet to celebrate daily Masses and to see that the soldiers and sailors fulfilled their religious duties and refrained from gambling, swearing, and blasphemy, for which there were severe penalties. The Holy Rosary was recited daily on each ship.
Although the Catholic fleet was greatly outnumbered with 214 ships and 80,000 sailors against the Muslims' 275 ships and 120,000 sailors, by about 5 o'clock in the afternoon of Sunday, October 7, 1571, the Austrian admiral, Don Juan of Austria, son of Emperor Charles V, who commanded the Catholic fleet, though he was only 24 years of age, won a miraculous victory over the Mohammedan Turkish admiral, Ali Pasha. Ali Pasha was killed in the battle along with 25,000 of his sailors in the Gulf of Lepanto, or Gulf of Corinth, in southern Greece. "The sea was full of dead men [and] mostly bright with red blood," wrote one eyewitness. The Catholics freed 15,000 men enslaved by the Mohammedans to man their galleys.
Thus was broken the aggressive designs of the Mohammedan Turks to overrun Christian civilization. Pope St. Pius V did not hesitate to attribute the victory entirely to the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and her Most Holy Rosary. He said: "Neither valor, nor arms, nor leaders, but the Rosary of our Lady gave the victory." He, therefore, added the title Auxilium Christianorum (Help of Christians) to Our Lady's Litany of Loretto, and he instituted the feast of Our Lady of Victory, later to become known as the Feast of the Most Holy Rosary. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by LS News.]
Traditional Catholics, although Mel Gibson is producing the series, as well as the sequel to his 2004 blockbuster film "The Passion of the Christ," entitled "The Passion of the Christ: Resurrection," he is not currently sure whether he will play one of the rules in the television series. This Traditional Catholic is almost the only significant producer left that can produce major-release films depicting courage and faith, including 1995's "Braveheart," 2000's "The Patriot", and 2006's "Apocalypto."
So much for Newchurch's vaunted "love," which embraces Communists, Modernists, heretics, apostates, sodomites, paedophiles, and transsexuals, but not devout handicapped and elderly nuns who are deemed "too traditional." The Newchurch of the New Order and its Marxist/Modernist Newpopes are some of the most hateful people around. And they hate Catholics with a special passion.
Newbishop Michael Olson, acting in complicity with the apostate Newpope Francis-Bergoglio, on October 29, 2024, expelled Mother Superior Agnes Gerlach, handicapped and confined to a wheelchair, and the elderly nuns of the Carmelite Monastery of the Most Holy Trinity in Arlington, Texas, in the Newdiocese of Fort Worth, Texas. The nus were "too traditional" for standing firm with the New Latin Mess, albeit the Half New Order corrupted version of 1962.
Olson and Bergoglio tried to take over the Carmelites, but, handicapped and elderly as they were, they were not cowed, by courageously stood up to both and left Newchurch, taking with them the monastery and school, which they owned as private property, and went independent together with the many followers whom they had won over because of their charitable work. The savvy nuns enlisted the help of knowledgable laypeople to keep the property successfully out of the hands of the ever-grasping, bankrupted Newchurch. Olson and Bergoglio were left with much egg on their face. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.]
Traditional Catholics, the Marxist/Modernist Francis-Bergoglio, no Catholic he, openly spurned the verse in Sacred Scripture, in which the Lord says: "Amen I say to you, as long as you did it to one of these my least brethren, you did it to me" (Matthew 24:40/DRV). Maltreating the handicapped and elderly, particularly because they want to be true Catholics, is a species of one of the Four Sins that Cry out to Heaven for Retribution. The penalty for those engaging in such vile behavior and contumacy against the Lord is clearly specified in the very next verse: "Depart from me, you cursed, into everlasting fire."
On October 21, 2024, Newvatican's news agency, Agenzia Fides, came out with more bad news for the Newchurch of the New Order. The Newchurch population in Europe fell by nearly half a million in 2022, the latest year for which figures are available. The total population of Europe fell by approximately the same amount. The percentage of Newchurchers by overall population also went down, as it has for several years now.
More than that, the shortage of presbyters declined for the fifth straight year. Newchurch has not ordained priests in the Sacrament of Holy Orders since 1968 when it adopted the invalid (fake) Protestantized New Ordinal, but now merely "installs presbyters" like Protestant ministers. In the Americas too the number of presbyters has been plummeting. Now there is only one Novus Ordo presbyter worldwide for every 15, 682 Newchurchers. No wonder Newchurch is closing down large numbers of its churches! [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic News Agency.]
Traditional Catholics, the biggest hit was the loss of Newseminarians around the world, but most significantly in the Americas and Europe. The number of Novus Ordo nuns has also plummeted, by the thousands. Smart young men have decided, by and large, to shun the Newchurch of the New Order, which is most certainly NOT the Catholic Church. Wisely, they are not going to waste their lives serving the Protestant-Masonic-Pagan institution that is the Newchurch of the New Order and be raped, sodomized, and otherwise sexually assaulted by Newchurch's corrupt clergy. Bad as the current generation is, the next generation is far worse. It will be starved for clergy so badly that more Newchurch closures and Newdiocesan bankruptcies will -- thank the Lord! -- radically curtail the fake Newchurch's activities.