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The Lutheran Church of Sweden, the largest Lutheran Church in the world, is now ordaining more priestesses than priests. The Lutheran church in Scandinavia tends to be very conservative, calling their clergy priests (or priestesses) rather than ministers and having bishops and parishes. The Primate of the Church of Sweden is the Archbishop of Uppsala.
Significantly more women than men are now training to become Church of Sweden pastors. Between 1998 and 2008, 588 women and 331 men have been admitted to training courses for priests. More than one in three Church of Sweden pastors is now a woman.
The first priestesses in Sweden were ordained in 1960, just two years before Vatican II convened. In 1971 a priestess first became a pastor of her own parish. The way this largest Lutheran Church is going, male priests will become a thing of the past in the relatively near future, and the Lutheran Church will become feminized. [Source: Dagens Nyheter]
Increasing pressure is being put on Newrome to go in the same direction, and Newchurch is so eager to ape the Protestants in an oecumenical frenzy, one can easily imagine priestesses in Newchurch within a few decades' time.
The Newchurch nuns of Our Lady of Guadalupe Monastery in Phoenix, Arizona, site of the February 3, 2008, football Superbowl XLII, are renting out their rooms, at a profit, to be sure: $250 a night! At this price one wonders whether the "nuns" will throw in complementary nocturnal "visitations"! The Superbowl transients do not have to pass any religious qualifications. Any pagan will do. There will be no curfew. The men may carouse until all hours of the night. Said one Sister Linda: God "wants people to enjoy life." [Source: KPHO Television Phoenix]
Given the fact that Newchurch male presbyters and religious have been prostituting themselves and committing rapes against children in record numbers, some in what police describe as "Satanic" rites, all with the open or tacit approval of the Newchurch "authorities," these "nuns" have acted in an absolutely imprudent way, to say the least. St. Scholastica, St. Benedict's brother and foundress of the first Benedictine convent, would never have countenanced putting up men in her convent so that they could the more easily attend the gladiatorial games the next day!
Dear Fathers:
We have witnessed the "Motu" Mess here in the local Newchurch diocese being altered and amended to become a "mix and match" liturgy, a personal adaptation with little or no regard for the rubrics of even the 1962 Missal. Our concerns were expressed in written and verbal exchanges with the two Newchurch bishops and with the Ecclesia Dei Commission in Rome. Nothing was corrected. In fact, I have seen information that the American Newchurch bishops have already requested 7-8 "alterations" to the rubrics of the 1962 Missal.
I was personally present at a diocesan "Motu" Messes when a four-year-old infant "served" a "Motu" Mass. At the Canon of the Mess, this infant joined the presbyter at the altar to "concelebrate"!
You TRADITIO Fathers are absolutely right to condemn the "Motu" Mess as a hoax perpetrated by the current pope to deceive conservative Newchurchers into contributing to the collection-plate, most of which goes to pay for continuing sex crimes on the part of the Newchurch clergy.
Today, in many conservative Newchurch circles, Benedict-Ratzinger is hailed for "liberalizing" the watered-down "Mass of 'Blessed' John XXIII," while Newchurch bishops who have "allowed" such nonsense are exalted. Not surprisingly, there has arisen a new group of "Motu" Mess periti, both religious and lay, who conduct running commentaries on its progress, while championing its cause.
The obvious question that must be asked is: Where were these "Johnny-come-latelies" during the dark years following Vatican II, when the Catholic world was subjected to Bugnini/Paul VI’s new worship service? None of them had the temerity to condemn him or his successors, but went along under the guise of false "obedience" to a Newchurch that was literally Hell bent to eradicate as much of Catholic Tradition as humanly possible.
These and other factors are developed in a new article that I have written exclusively for TRADITIO readers. For further information, click on The Plight of Benedict-Ratzinger in the TRADITIO Network's Special Features department.
At least JPII had sense enough to keep away from that radical cesspool of Protestant Modernism, the World Council of Churches. Even many conservative Protestant groups refused to become members. Benedict-Ratzinger, however, is a much more radical Liberalist/Modernist, so will meet with the Rev. Dr. Samuel Kobia, General Secretary of the WCC on January 25, 2008. Joining them will be members of the Joint Working Group between Newchurch and the WCC, another one of Newchurch's false oecumenical groups.
Later that day, the same pope that conservative Newchurchers claim is "traditional" because of his Great "Motu" Mess Hoax, will personally "preside" at a sacrilegious oecumenical Vespers service, to be held in one of the great archbasilicas of Rome, St. Paul's Outside the Walls, which he has made into a center for a One World Religion. [Source: Eccklesia]
This sacrilege simply confirms how duped conservative Newchurchers are who claim that Benedict-Ratzinger is "traditional" in any sense of the term. He is clearly the same suit-wearing radical Liberalist/Modernist that he was at Vatican II, button-holing bishops to get them to vote to include Protestant heresies in the Council's documents.
Dear Fathers:
Our Holy Father's name is Pope Benedict XVI. I've never heard of popes being referred to by their regnal names combined with their surnames. Can't we show him our support for the good that he has done rather than berate him for not having gotten to the finish line by only the second year of his papacy? And as traditional Catholics, can't we be free to show respect to the Vicar of Christ, in general?
The Fathers Reply.
In general, yes; in specific cases where respect is not merited, no. Many people who call themselves Catholic, even traditional Catholic, have no idea of the history of the Catholic Church. There have been many corrupt popes in the past, and the Saints and the people did not let them get away with their corruption. St. Augustine, St. Basil, St. Thomas More, and St. Theresa are just a few of the Saints who railed against the corrupt popes of their respective times. The people threw one of the worst popes into the Tiber River. Another was exhumed, dressed in papal regalia, and beaten, while his papal successor excommunicated him. For further information, click on POPELIM: Limitations of Papal Authority to Change Sacred Tradition, From the Writings of Roman Catholic Popes, Councils, Saints, and Theologians in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics).
One must get past fancy titles, which are these days used as propaganda weapons, to see the reality of the Big Picture. The notion among some that the pope is some kind of God, who can't be criticized, is not Catholic. It is sacrilegious papolatry, or pope-worship, a grievous sin against the First Commandment of God. It is the very pusillanimity that Our Lord condemned in His disciples. Moreover, it is just plain ridiculous.
Our Lord Himself criticized the leaders of the Church of his time in the most graphic language. He showed them no "respect." Later, St. Paul took on St. Peter when the latter abandoned Apostolic teaching and Judaized. St. Peter was a true pope. He humbly admitted his error before the Apostles and reverted to Catholic teaching and practice.
Benedict-Ratzinger has always been and continues to be an adherent of the Modernist sect condemned by Pope St. Pius X. The fact that he plays traditional "dress-up" from time to time does not change that fact. To be sure, he toys with the conservative Newchurchers. He knows how to push their buttons. Sure, he gives them a little Latin and a few old vestments, and they are his for life. No matter that he is just as Modernist as he was at Vatican II. Then "Fr. Ratzinger" was dressing up in a business suit to show that he was just like a Protestant minister.
We believe that titles and respect must be earned. What father allows his children to be raped and even murdered without seeking justice for them and preventing future crimes against other children? Sorry, we cannot call "Holy Father" someone who, both as JPII's chief lieutenant and in his own right as pope, has been directly responsible for the heavy-handed cover-up and abetting of rape and even murder of children by his own officials, his presbyters and his bishops. The sooner this man resigns, the better. God give us a pope who is worthy to be called "Holy Father"!
In 1972, the world was fixated on the World Chess Championship match between Robert J. "Bobby" Fischer, of the USA, and Boris Spassky, of the USSR, regarded as the quintessential Cold War Battle. Fischer won that match in Reykjavik, Iceland, becoming the first, and so far only, American to win an official World Chess Championship.
Fisher had at one time been associated with a Fundamentalist Protestant group, the Worldwide Church of God, to which he gave $61,000 of his prize money, but he left the sect and publicly denounced it when its leader, Garner Ted Armstrong, was implicated in a series of sex scandals. Fischer, at the time of his death, asked to be buried as a Catholic, and on January 21, 2008, he was in fact buried in the Catholic cemetery outside of Laugardaela, a small city 60 kilometres southeast of Reykjavik. By his wish only five friends were present. Fischer had been living in Iceland since 1992.
How Fischer came to ask for a Catholic burial is uncertain. In a radio interview on January 14, 1999, he praised the Catholic Church because it "taught for a long time about that they're [the Jews] guilty of the murder of Christ." Fisher apparently hadn't kept up with "oecumenical" developments in Newchurch. Also, Fr. William Lombardy, a priest who himself played in several U.S. Chess Championships and international chess competitions, served as Fischer's second at the 1972 World Championship Match. Lombardy later left the priesthood.
The Newchurch of the New Order in Germany is heading for rock bottom. Only 14% of Catholics attend the Novus Ordo service on any one Sunday, and only 264 men volunteered last year to become presbyters. 14% is about the same percentage as Newchurch who attend the Novus Ordo service on Sundays in the United States -- a dismal one out of seven, whereas in 1958 the percentage was 80%.
As a result, the Newchurch diocese of Hildesheim will close and possibly raze eighty of its churches, to the objection of those who call them "architectural jewels." Moreover, since the diocese can no longer sustain services in many of its churches, it has appealed to the Lutherans to merge with their churches as sites for the Novus Ordo service. Since the Novus Ordo is essentially a Protestant service anyway, the Lutherans see no problem aborbing the already-Protestantized Newchurchers. As Hildesheim goes, so will go the rest of Germany. The German Benedict-Ratzinger can't even maintain the New Order in his own country's churches.
The ax is falling down hard on Roger "Rogue" Mahony, who, as Newchurch archbishop of Los Angeles since 1985, has presided over rampant sex crimes among his Newchurch clergy. To date, Mahony and his cohorts have accrued close to $1,500,000,000 in damages for his madadministration.
He has now been forced to sell off his own twelve-story headquarters for $31,000,000, a drop in the bucket, to pay the damages for 503 of these crimes -- and that is just the beginning. He is also going to close, for a start, fifty Novus Ordo temples, Novus Ordo schools, and Novus Ordo religious houses to pay for his sinful administration -- and even that won't begin to pay off the damages. [Sources: Associated Press, The Tidings]
Good Catholics, the real question here, as Mahony and his Newchurch archdiocese finally implodes from its ghastly sins, is why Benedict-Ratzinger doesn't fire the son-of-a-gun. Could it be that Mahony knows where Benedict-Ratzinger's skeletons are buried? After all, Benedict-Ratzinger has pretty much sat on his hands, both as JPII's gauleiter and as pope in his own right, while his New Order clergy and bishops went about raping children with impunity. Newchurchers should be screaming bloody murder for the expulsion of both these Judases to the Catholic Church.
Dear Fathers:
I was reading St. Paul's Epistle to the Galatians and was knocked over, when these version that I've read before finally struck home:
But through we, or an Angel from heaven, preach a gospel to you beside that which we have preached to you, let him be anathema. As we said before, so I say now again: If any one preach to you a gospel, besides that which you have received, let him be anathema (1:8-9/DRV).
With all the changes brought about since Vatican II and promoted by Paul VI, JPII, and Benedict-Ratzinger, these men have preached another gospel than what has been traditionally taught as Catholic. I know that the Council of Trent proclaimed anathema to anyone who would change the Mass, but St. Paul's curse on the Modernists dates all the way back to Apostolic times, not just from the fifteenth century. Moreover, St. Paul proclaims a double curse upon these Modernists.
The noted Biblical commentator Fr. Haydock states regarding this passage: "The terrible sentence awarded by St. Paul bears equally strong against modern as against ancient innovators in religion." How much plainer can it be? St. Paul proclaims a double curse on all people who preach and teach another gospel than what has been from Apostolic times been preached as Catholic. There is no doubt Vatican II and its Consiliar popes have preached another gospel than what was handed down to us by the Apostles. The conclusion to be drawn is obvious.
Dear Fathers:
When a monthly Newchurch "Indult" Mess began at Our Lady of Victory Church in Mahim, India, in January 2001, the SSPX leaders and SSPX priests in India told SSPXers in Bombay not to attend it. When a monthly Newchurch "Motu" Mess began in Bombay at the Jesuit church of St. Peter in Bandra (3 kilometres away from Mahim) on January 20, 2008, the SSPX leadership actually encouraged SSPX attendance. What a difference seven years makes! Archbishop Lefebvre must be turning over in his grave.
In fact, some SSPXers had actually been among those who asked for the "Motu" Mess. Some SSPXers attended, and one prominent SSPXer provided logistic support such as vestments, an altar boy, books, etc. Before the celebrant started the Mess, he made an announcement that ladies were not bound to cover their heads. While the "Motu" Mess was being simulated, shunted away in the loft of St. Peter's, a Novus Ordo Mess, in Marathi, a local vulgar tongue, was simultaneously being simulated in the main area of the Novus Ordo church below.
One SSPXer told me that he had contacted the India SSPX District Superior as to whether he could attend the Mess and that he not only received the SSPX Superior's encouragement to attend the Mess, but that the SSPX Superior hoped that abundant blessings would descend upon St. Peter's parish from the holding of this "Motu" Mess! From Fellay's lips to his ears.
I have learned indirectly that in mid December 2007 three SSPX priests, including Bernie Fellay's Second Assistant, who happened to be in India to resolve a dispute between and SSPXer and an SSPX priest, had been to a Novus Ordo church and a Novus Ordo seminary to promote the "Motu" Mass hoax. Other SSPX priests have very certainly gone to more diocesan churches to hawk the "Motu" Mess.
Given that St. Peter's is less than one kilometre from the hired hall where the SSPX celebrates its Masses, one wonders how the SSPX justifies continuing in business, if it is only going to shunt its members off to "Motu" Messes of the New Order anyway! Rather, it may be getting to that time for the SSPXers to abandon the Society for committed traditional Catholic sites, lest in due course the SSPXers find that their SSPX ship has docked completely to the Vatican II Enterprise!
Reacting to widespread criticism of his "Motu" Mess within Newchurch, Benedict-Ratzinger sent his Papal Master of Ceremonies to Vatican Radio to dispel any suggestion that Newpope is not 100% committed to the Novus Ordo Mess. "These are certainly incorrect inferences and interpretations," Msgr. Guido Marini said. "The path of Catholic liturgy is 'development in continuity,' in which change never loses touch with the Church's living traditions." That is gobblegook for: Modernism in the Novus Ordo Messes, regular or "Motu," will continue unabated.
Good Catholics, Newchurch supporters of the "Motu" Mess are simply fooling themselves. They have bought the Novus Ordo hook line and sinker, as they must attend Novus Ordo temples with their dinner-tables and presbyter-ministers. Like the cowards of the early centuries of the Church, they have chosen to put the pinch of incense into Caesar's thurible to get a little Latin and the occasional hymn. Already Benedict-Ratzinger is planning to undercut them by introducing changes even to the "Mass of 1962," which is already full of two major Protestant rewrites by Bugnini. To be fair to Benedict-Ratzinger, he did warn the Newchurchers in his Apostolic Letter that he would do this. They just covered up their ears like the proverbial monkey and didn't want to hear it.
The Italian daily, La Stampa has exposed the fact that two Satanic rituals have been celebrated at a church in Turin, Italy. The events have been tied to followers of the founder of the Church of Satan, Anton La Vey. According to the national daily, which based in Turin, the city is home to two of Italy's seven Satanic organizations: the Church of Satan and the 100-member children of Satan.
From: The Fathers
On January 11, 2008, Newchurch bishop Patrick McGrath, of San Jose, California, sat aside three Episcopalian bishops at the installation of the first bishopess in California, Mary Gray-Reeves, at Trinity Episcopalian Cathedral in San Jose. McGrath was dressed to the teeth in full episcopal (episcopalian?) regalia. According to eyewitness reports, he was right up there "in the sanctuary, at the altar, participating." He processed in before the so-called "priests" of the Anglican rite, and half of whom were priestesses.
When McGrath's office was asked how he could participate in such a service with three heretical Episcopalian bishops, his spokesman said that he was only doing what Benedict-Ratzinger did with the Anglican archbishop of Canterbury. By his participation McGrath was validating for the Newchurch that he represents a false religion, a false worship service, and false priests and priestesses, all of whom are invalid. [Source: CCD]
Now we see again clearly what a despicable example Benedict-Ratzinger is even for Newchurch. He is no better than a drunkard and doper of a father, whose children fall deeper and deeper into the very perversion that he models for them.
One thing that you can count on with these post-Conciliar popes is that you can't count on them. With one hand, Benedict-Ratzinger is preparing to violate his "Motu" Mess by making it more acceptable to the Jews, but with the other hand he has yanked the sales permits of the Jewish souvenir-sellers and expelled them from St. Peter's piazza for the first time in over four centuries. Go figure!
Of the existing 113 licenses that allow souvenir-selling in Newvatican, 112 belong to Jewish vendors. The profession dates back dates to the pontificate of Paul IV (1555-1559). The Jewish urtisti, literally, "bumpers," i.e., those who bump into the tourists, deal in small plaster Catholic statues, crucifixes, rosaries, and pictures of Saints and popes. [Source: EJP]
It appears that the Newroman "vixen" (to use Our Lord's term of King Herod) cannot be trusted as far as the Tiber!
Dear Fathers:
I've written to you before about Ave Maria University in the Naples, Florida, area, and you've commented significantly on both the university and Thomas Monaghan's part in it. Although the university claims to be "conservative," Monaghan, the founder of Domino's Pizza, who runs it, is a full-on Novus Ordo sectarian.
In travelling from the west coast to the east coast of Florida, my wife and I, out of curiosity, decided to go to the town of Ave Maria and check it out. Although the chapel is laid out at the social and geographic center of the new town, the structure itself is horrid. Although some pictures show it with the "crystal cathedral" look, it is actually "industrial"-looking. The "mitered" appearance on the outside is there with extensive rock-ledging work, and the rest of the chapel's shell is of a grey metal. Either this was done to save money, or the glass idea was recognized as being ludicrous. Either way, the end result is as absurd as the glass. The inside of the chapel is equally bad. With metal beams going off in arched, odd angles, it looks entirely Novus Ordo.
Ignorantly, I thought early on that Monaghan was going to do something great for Catholicism. How wrong I was about him! He is not even Catholic, but Newchurch. His chapel peaks volumes about his Modernist beliefs. At a minimum, you'd think that with all the money he expended, he would have produced a truly Catholic structure architecturally.
Are the Newchurchers, who think that the Newchurch has any chance to be rehabilitated, all dupes? I, as a former member of the Newchurch club -- but no more --, have come to the conclusion that the answer to that question is a resounding Yes!.
Dear Fathers:
I confess to Almighty God and to you Fathers that I committed a grievous sin by going to a Novus Ordo service this weekend. The experience that I had there taught me once and for all to abandon completely this sacrilegious and invalid blasphemy against Our Lord Jesus Christ.
A man behind me was sitting with his wife or girlfriend or mistress (you never know these days). He kept up a running commentary during the whole service, criticizing and making fun of people. Then at one point he started recounting to his wife/girlfriend/mistress what he had done on Saturday, and during this recounting he repeatedly cursed. I was completely astonished and never expected to hear someone say that in a church. Then he went up and took the cookie and Kool-Aid and walked out. I was completely shocked!
But now I have grown up. I have come to understand what you Fathers have been saying all these years about how sacrilegious, blasphemous, and invalid the Novus Ordo service is. This I have concluded because of this kind of ilk that it attracts. I used to be part of that ilk -- but no more. I will no longer set foot in a Novus Ordo temple with Novus Ordo ministers and a Novus Ordo dinner table, from which is served what is no better than cookies and Kool-Aid for children.
In December 2006 Poland -- a Catholic country until Vatican II and JPII came along -- had the opportunity to vote Jesus Christ as the honorary king of Poland. Political parties backed the resolution in the Polish parliament, but the resolution eventually failed, not because secular authorities opposed it, but because the Newchurch bishops, including Tadeusz Goclowski, archbishop of Gdansk, opposed it.
Now Goclowski has decreed that a message be read at all Novus Ordo services in Gdansk on Sunday, January 13, 2008, forbidding Newchurchers any association with the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) and encouraging Newchurchers to pray for the "conversion" of the "Lefebvrist group," as if they were worse than Protestants or Jews. The SSPX is butting heads with Newchurch in Gdansk, where the Society has a chapel, but Goclowski has prohibited even the "Motu" Mess. [Source: Catholic World News]
Of such ilk as Goclowski is Newchurch made. He wouldn't recognize Christ if He came "in the clouds of heaven with much power and majesty" (Matthew 24:30/DRV)!
It seems that the Jesuits are in trouble again. The Jesuit Order has really gone bonkers from the time of Vatican II, not that they didn't have their problems even before. Two centuries ago they got so involved in secular politics that Pope Clement XIV suppressed the entire order throughout Christendom for over forty years, from 1773 to 1814.
Around the time of Vatican II, the Jesuits were again getting involved in secular politics. Jesuit priests were joining the Communists in Latin America, physically taking up arms against the conservative governments there. Even Paul VI was so enraged at the Order that he ejected them from Rome. The noted author Fr. Malachi Martin, originally a Jesuit, was so offended by what the Newjesuits were doing around the time of Vatican II that he applied to Paul VI to be secularized from the Order to become a regular (not a religious-order) priest.
Newchurch's prefect of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated life, Newcardinal Franc Rode, opened the Jesuit General Congregation meeting on January 7, 2008, for the election of a new Superior General, known as the "Black Pope," so called from the black Jesuit clerical garb and the influence of its Superioir General, sometimes said to be as powerful as the pope. Rode expressed his anxiety to the General Congregation meeting about the future of the Order:
It is with sorrow and anxiety that I see that the sentire cum ecclesia of which your founder, St. Ignatius, frequently spoke, is diminishing in some members of religious families. With sadness and anxiety I also see a growing distancing from the hierarchy. The Ignatian spirituality of Apostolic service under the Roman Pontiff does not allow for this separation.
Once again we see the bias of the Newchurch of the New Order, which regards as its highest virtue false obedience to the Conciliarist/Modernist papacy, not obedience to Our Lord Jesus Christ, His Scripture and Tradition.
While all the ignorant bloggers were saying that Benedict-Ratzinger would not tamper with the "Motu" Mess, we Fathers said that his track record indicated that he would capitulate to the Jews and tamper with one of the most ancient prayers of the Church, the prayer chanted on Good Friday for the conversion of the Jews from their darkness:
Oremus et pro perfidis Judaeis: ut Deus et Dominus noster auferat velamen de cordibus eorum; ut et ipsi agnoscant Iesum Christum, Dominum nostrum. Omnipotens, sempiterne Deus, qui etiam iudaicam perfidiam a tua misericordia non repellis: exaudi preces nostras, quas pro illius populi obcaecatione deferimus; ut, agnita veritatis tuae luce, quae Chistus est, a suis tenebris erantur.
[Let us pray also for the faithless Jews: that God and our Lord may lift the veil from their hearts; that they too may acknowledge Jesus Christ as our Lord. Almighty, eternal God, Who dost not bar even the faithlessness of the Jews from Thy mercy: hear our prayers, which we offer for the blindness of that people; in order that when they have acknowledged the light of Thy truth, which is Christ, they may be delivered from their darkness.]
Just a few days before, the Secretary of the Ecclesia Dei Commission had announced that the "Motu" Mess would "not" change the traditional Good Friday prayers. This embarrassing contradiction indicates just how far out of the loop the Ecclesia Dei Commission is.
The problem is that the prayer makes it clear that Jews are called upon to abandon Old Testament Judaism and accept Christ as their Messias. It also recalls the eyewitness report of St. John the Evangelist that the Jews (at least most of them, suborned by Caiphas and his co-conspirators) called for their Messias to be crucified. That, of course, is a big "anti-Semitic" no-no for the likes of the anti-Catholic bigot, Abraham Foxman, and his B'nai B'rith (Sons of the Old Covenant). Jewish leaders, including Foxman and the chief rabbis of Jerusalem, harshly criticized this prayer and asked for its modification along Vatican II "oecumenical" lines.
Il Giornale, the conservative daily of Milan, reported on January 18, 2008, that a formal announcement is expected "within days" by Benedict-Ratzinger that he is changing the prayer from the traditional form to an "oecumenized" form that will not be offensive to the Jews. Action has to be taken quickly, as Good Friday is very early this year, March 21, 2008, the first Good Friday since Benedict-Ratzinger's Summorum pontificum of July 7, 2007, created the Great "Motu" Mess Hoax.
According to the report in Il Giornale, Benedict-Ratzinger himself prepared the draft of the decision, which will be released through his Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments. Not only has Benedict-Ratzinger established a reputation as a Judaizer, even attending Jewish synagogue services, but hopes to visit the Holy Land in 2009. If he doesn't capitulate to Jewish interests before then, he may be declared a persona non grata and barred entry by the Jewish government, which has already been taking an anti-Catholic policy, standing by while Novus Ordo presbyters are spat upon and attacked in Israel.
Even Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, Newvatican's Secretary of State, supported substituting for the traditional Catholic version the New Order version of 1969. But Benedict-Ratzinger has reportedly decided to rewrite the prayer completely, thus constituting the first of his many changes to the "Motu" Mass to come, as he indicated in his Letter to Bishops accompanying the July 7, 2007, Apostolic Letter. [Source: Il Giornale]
In a move that may set the stage for moves by traditional Catholics to take over Newchurch parishes and make them traditional again, Virginia Attorney General Robert McDonnell has moved to intervene in the cases currently being heard in Fairfax Circuit Court in which traditional Episcopalians are seceding from their liberalist mainline establishment and seeking to retain their churches as traditional churches. The Attorney General's Office has made it clear that he supports the right of the traditional Episcopalians to secede and keep their property.
The liberalist Episcopalian establishment, lead by bishopess Katherine Jeffers Schori has argued to the court, in an incredible denial of the obvious facts, that a division has not occurred with the diocese or the sect as a whole. Protestant and Jewish establishment are shaking in their boots that they might be forced by the court to recognize the rights of their traditional members to secede and keep their property.
Good Catholics, just think what it would mean if the courts recognized the rights of traditional Catholics to take back their churches that were stolen from them by the New Order! No wonder Benedict-Ratzinger has phonied up the Great "Motu" Mess Hoax to keep conservative Newchurchers under the control of Novus Ordo presbyters in Novus Ordo temples!
Having already lost its Fresno and Virginia dioceses and a hundred U.S. parishes, the liberalist Episcopalian establishment has suffered an even greater loss as its traditional Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, bishop, Robert Duncan, courageously seceded, with his diocese, from the liberalists who have taken over the Anglican/Episcopalian sect, teaching the morality of homosexual practices, "gay" marriage, abortion, and other liberalist precepts against Christian teaching and the natural law.
The mechanisms of the institutional Episcopalian Church were taken over, in a manner exactly reminiscent of the Modernists' takeover of Vatican II, by liberalists rejecting traditional Christian moral and doctrinal teaching. The Pittsburgh diocese is one of the largest in the Episcopalian sect, encompassing eleven counties. Many traditional Episcopalians believe that the Episcopalian sect, the Anglican body in the United States, is abandoning the authority of Scripture and traditional teachings on truth, salvation, and homosexuality. In 2003, the liberalists in the Episcopalian Church consecrated their first openly "gay" bishop, Gene Robinson, of New Hampshire, who is publicly living in sin with his paramour. A majority of the 77,000,000 Anglican Communion believes that the Bible condemns gay relationships.
To rub salt in the wounds, in 2007 the liberalist Episcopalians in the United States elected themselves a bishopess, Katharine Jefferts Schori, as their Presiding Bishop, at the same time that significant numbers of Episcopalians reject the validity of priestesses and bishopesses. Several traditional Episcopalian bishops have refused to ordain priestesses and have been threatened for their position by the institutional sect, even though bishops are supposed to have "freedom of conscience" in the matter.
Jefferts Schori has now gone power-mad in a liberalist pogrom, demonstrating that when women get into ecclesiastical positions, they are just as vengeful as men. The bishopess would certainly whine about how she was discriminated against as a woman in the Episcopalian sect, but she is perfect willing to practice the same discrimination against traditional Episcopalians who don't buy her unChristian liberalist version of the sect. On January 15, 2008, Jefferts Schori notified Duncan that he had "abandoned the communion" and that she is seeking permission to "inhibit" him, the Anglican version of interdiction.
In reality, as with officials in the Newchurch of the New Order, Jefferts Schori and her liberalists, who refuse to follow the Bible or Tradition, are the ones who have "abandoned the communion." Jefferts Schori wrote to Duncan: "I would, however, welcome a statement by you within the next two months providing evidence that you once more consider yourself fully subject to the doctrine, discipline and worship of this Church." In justice this is the statement that the pretender Jefferts Schori and her liberalists should be signing! Duncan wrote back, stating that he has been "loyal to the doctrine, discipline and worship of the Episcopal Church. I will continue to serve and minister as the Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh," he said, thus courageously throwing down the gauntlet to Jefferts Schori and her liberalists and challenging her, "Come get me if you can!"
Already sixty parishes and three dioceses (Pittsburgh, Fresno, and Virginia) have seceded from the liberalist institutional sect to become traditional. Many others outside the United States have similarly seceded. The liberalist establishment already "inhibited" Fresno's bishop, John-David Schofield. The seceding traditional Episcopalians have assembled a $2,000,000 war chest and a committee of prominent attorneys to fight the liberalist establishment in court and to retain church property. [Source: Times Leader]
Good Catholics, just think how quickly the New Order in Newchurch would have fallen if Catholics had acted like the courageous traditional Episcopalians and turned its back on the New Order sect, which teaches unCatholic doctrine, worships with an unCatholic and invalid "liturgy," and practices a morality that is not only unCatholic, but has sunk to the level of pigs in a pig-stye. Even now we find people calling themselves Catholics who are all too eager to sell out to some "Motu" Mess, simulated on Novus Ordo dinner-tables, presided over by Novus Ordo presbyters, and staged in Novus Ordo temples. These sellouts have obviously learned nothing about the deceptions of the New Order and its officials since Vatican II.
Msgr. Dale Fusek, the presbyter who founded the Life Teen ministry program, a Newchurch charismatic operation, has left the jurisdiction of Newchurch to establish a Protestant-style nondenominational Praise and Worship Center in Phoenix, Arizona. The center has been offering a Novus Ordo-style worship service. Fushek stated that the goal of the center is to create the type of spiritual renewal experience found at the Protestant "tent revivals."
Fushek "resigned" from the Newchurch presbyterate in late 2004, when he was accused of raping children. In 2005 he was formally charged with several misdemeanor criminal counts of assault, contributing to the delinquency of a minor, and indecent exposure. Fusek's Life Teen associate, presbyter Mark Dippre, left Newchurch in 2002 to get married. [Source: CNS]
For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) in the section, "Charismatic Movement."
13-year-old Danny Croteau was murdered in 1972, and his father is praying that his son's killer will finally be brought to justice now that thousands of pages of case file records are to be released the week of January 20, 2008. "We've been in the dark for years," said Carl Croteau, whose son, Danny, died from a blow to the head on April 15, 1972.
The family's former parish presbyter, Richard Lavigne, has from the beginning been considered the prime suspect in the death. One of the documents includes a statement from a witness who claims that she saw Lavigne the night Danny was killed, but was threatened by the then-Newchurch bishop and the district attorney in cahoots with the bishop not to come forward. "This statement alleges a grave abuse of authority by the district attorney in 1972 and raises concerns about law enforcement authorities' relationships with the diocese and their handling of evidence incriminating Lavigne," the judge wrote.
The Croteaus and their attorney on January 14, 2008, called for a federal investigation into the killing and how the district attorney's office handled the original local investigation in 1972. Lavigne was considered a suspect in Croteau's killing from the beginning, but was not named publicly as a suspect until the 1990s. In 1992 Lavigne was convicted of sexually assaulting two children and served 10 years of probation.
Local reports indicate that perhaps the delay in deposing Lavigne was due to the fact that he was friendly with Newchurch bishop Thomas Dupre, of Springfield, Massachusetts, and had served for several years in various leadership roles in the Springfield diocesan curia: on the board of consultors, on the priests' [sic] senate and as diocesan "liturgist." Lavigne was responsible for wreck-o-vating many churches in the Springfield diocese until he was finally caught assaulting boys. After his conviction Lavigne still remained on the Newchurch payroll, receiving health insurance and working as a consultant on wreck-o-vations in the dioceses of Spingfield, Worcester, Boston, Fall River, and Manchester, among others. One of the auxiliary bishops reportedly said that "they can't touch Lavigne because he knows too much. He's buried the bodies for them for too long."
It wasn't until 12 years after the conviction that Newvatican removed Lavigne from the presbyterate. It seems that justice is very slow in Newvatican, in spite of the legal principle "Justice delayed is justice denied." [Source: Associated Press]
Monsignor Bernard Prince, described as a "personal friend" of the late JPII, was sentenced on January 14, 2008, in an Ontario, Canada, Superior court to four years for raping 13 children aged 10 to 16 between the years of 1964 and 1984. Prince had originally faced more than 30 charges, including buggery, indecent assault, and gross indecency. The incidents took place at Prince's cottage, his Ottawa apartment, his car, and even the victims' own homes. Detective Inspector Jeff Bahm, who headed the investigation known as "Project Betrayal," praised the courage of the men who came forward.
Prince showed no emotion as he read from a handwritten statement, apologizing to his victims for his "legal and moral" wrong-doing. One victim stated that he didn't believe Prince's display of remorse, accusing the presbyter of playing to the system to get the shortest sentence possible. Another victim stated, "I was morally and spiritually destroyed. He had stolen my life. How could I survive? I had met the devil."
Sworn testimony presented in court raised questions about what Newvatican and the Newchurch diocese of Pembroke knew about Prince's sex crimes. Two victims swore in open court that they had reported the crimes to Newchurch officials. Calling it a "conspiracy of silence," the victims' attorney said that he believes the evidence of some of the victims indicates Newchurch was negligent from early in Prince's career. Legal action is pending against the Newchurch diocese.
In handing down her sentence, Justice Julianne Parfett castigated Prince from the bench, saying that he had held a privileged position of trust in the community, and condemned him for not only for destroying his victims' lives but also their faith in God. Prince, who is Canadian, traveled the world as JPII's secretary general of the Pontifical Society for the Propagation of the Faith. [Source: Ottawa Citizen]
Regular readers of the TRADITIO Commentaries will remember well the case of St. Stanislaus Kostka Church in St. Louis, Missouri. Although the church had received a charter over 125 years ago from the St. Louis Archbishop to finance and administer itself independently from the archdiocese through a Board of Trustees, Raymond "Bully" Burke, when he became Newchurch archbishop in 2003, immediately attempted to steal the church, worth $11,000,000, to pay off for sex crimes. Burke had already established a reputation as one of Newchurch's kookiest bishops by consecrating as a Novus Ordo "nun" a man who had been surgically "transgendered."
St. Stanislaus is a conservative church and gave the archbishop a resounding No!, as was their right under civil and ecclesiastical law. "Bully" Burke, thwarted in his theft, excommunicated the church's Board of Trustees. The Board thumbed its nose at the bishop and in 2005 hired a Polish presbyter as pastor. St. Stanislaus' congregation has since doubled to over 1000 members in just two years. Burke's Novus Ordo "excommunications" seem to have had entirely the opposite effect. In fact, the pastor, Marck Bozek, says that the publicity inadvertently given to St. Stanislaus by Burke has actually been a major contributor to the increase.
According to Fr. Bozek, "Bully" Burke has now flipped his lid and proceeded to threaten him personally because "things did not go as he [Burke] wished." Burke sees "that our church is rapidly growing and becoming extremely popular in St. Louis." He says that Burke's personal threats against him are just "another intimidation tactic." [Source: Fox 2 News]
Good Catholics, the case of St. Stanislaus should be an important lesson for all traditional Catholics. These Newchurch bishops, in addition to not being Catholic, are paper-tigers, who are powerless when courageous people stand up to them. The score now is 3-0 for St. Stanislaus. And they still have total control of their $11,000,000 church and a congregation that is growing by leaps and bounds!
Ave Maria University, run by Domino's Pizza founder Robert Monaghan, a "conservative" supporter of the the Newchurch of the New Order, has been embroiled in charges of corruption since its move to Naples, Florida, with both students and faculty dogging Monaghan's heels. Monaghan built a giant glass monstrosity of a chapel costing $24,000,000, in which to hold the Novus Ordo service, occasionally in Latin.
The chapel was supposed to be dedicated on January 13, 2008, by the Newchurch Bishop of Venice, Florida, Frank Dewane, but Dewane has since declined to consecrate the chapel for the Novus Ordo service. The planned dedication was publicized in a full-page ad to donors. Instead, Ave Maria will hold a golf tournament at the town's new Del Webb course. Meanwhile, Dewane will simulate a Novus Ordo "Circus Mess" at a Sarasota Novus Ordo temple, accompanied by presbyters wearing colorful Ferris wheels, clowns, giraffes, unicycles, lions, and merry-go-rounds on their vestments. [Source: Naples Daily News]
Undoubtedly the conservative Newchurchers will regale traditional Catholics with the news that Benedict-Ratzinger "celebrated parts of Sunday's Mass with his back turned on the congregation, re-introducing an old ritual that had not been used in decades" (Reuters). As usual, the press got it all wrong. The service involved was not a Mass of 1962, or even a Mass at all, but a Novus Ordo service all the way. There can be no doubt about this because the service was broadcast over international media for anyone to see.
It was the Novus Ordo service that Benedict-Ratzinger simulated on January 13, 2008, under Michelagelo's fresco of the Last Judgment in the Sistine Chapel, undoubtedly to the condemnation of all the popes that had celebrated the true Traditional Latin Mass there since Pope Sixtus IV in 1483. This service was Novus Ordo all the way. Benedict-Ratzinger:
Good Catholics, when are these Newchurch conservatives going to wake up to the fact that this Modernist pope is playing them for fools? It has been the practice since Vatican II to throw conservatives a crumb (as here: with back to the people) while the most sacrilegious goings-on are practices (as here: the invalid, concelebrated, vulgar Novus Ordo service). No, there is no compromise possible with the Newchurch of the New Order. The "Motu" Mess is a total sham, celebrated by unordained Novus Ordo presbyters on Novus Ordo dinner tables in Novus Ordo temples.
Edward Braxton, Newchurch bishop of Belleville, Illinois, was caught with his hands in the poor box, and the sixteen-member Finance Council of the diocese wants Newvatican to investigate him. The Council has filed a complaint with Benedict-Ratzinger's nuncio in Washington, D.C., claiming that money donated for the poor around the world was appropriated by Braxton for his own purposes, including the purchase of expensive furniture for his offices. Asking Benedict-Ratzinger to investigate his own clergy is like asking the fox to investigate the chicken coop!
Benedict-Ratzinger has personally tried to bind all Newchurch officials under an oath of secrecy not to reveal crimes among the clergy, particularly bishops. Thus, the Finance Council would not say how much money was spent or what it was spent on. Bishop Braxton did not respond to written questions submitted to him. Nor did pope's nuncio, Newchurch archbishop Pietro Sambi, respond to questions. It seems that Maxwell Smart's "Cone of Silence" is now in the possession of Newchurch!
A representative of the charity to which the money was supposed to go admitted: "I will say that the priests [sic] in Belleville are extremely concerned by this.... The public's confidence in donating to help the poor is at stake." On January 8, 2008, two organizations of presbyters in the diocese met and unanimously passed a motion, calling on the Finance Council to "report openly and honestly about alleged misappropriation of funds."
In December 2007, the board of the local charity for the poor, to which the donations were supposed to go, publicly criticized Braxton for blowing $10,100 from the poor box for an expensive wood conference table and chairs for a meeting room in his office. Apparently, the bishop was too good for standard business conference table and chairs that he could have picked up for $1000 from Office Depot and was content to steal the food right out of the mouths of the poor.
The Finance Council has stated that its concern over this and other financial shenanigans has caused it to question the propriety, not to say the validity, of the "oath of secrecy" imposed by Benedict-Ratzinger against reporting crimes to the police, but has not had the guts to blow the whistle all the way on the bishop. Obviously, the Finance Committee knows about a lot more of Braxton's skeletons than it has revealed to date.
One of the most disgusting violations of Catholic teaching after Vatican II is Newchurch's acceptance of the Freemasonic and pagan custom of burning dead bodies and throwing out their ashes. Even Cicero, an enlightened classical pagan, condemned the practice as being against ancient Roman tradition.
On July 5, 1963, Paul VI opened the door to cremation, and JPII opened the door wider in 1997 by doing something that horrified even Newchurchers: he permitted the invalid Novus Ordo service to be celebrated over ashes! Now Benedict-Ratzinger has jumped into the breach head on. With his approval as Patriarch of Italy, the Italian bishops have now issued new Novus Ordo funeral rites, in which cremation and the "scattering" of ashes is acceptable. Funeral services may now be held in crematoria or over ashes. Then the ashes can literally be thrown to the wind.
When a Novus Ordo presbyter in Northern Italy refused a Catholic funeral to a man who directed that his ashes be scattered in the mountains, his Newchurch diocese undercut him and forced the funeral through. The presbyter had acted correctly, as, traditionally, any Catholic who directs his body to be burned like Freemasons and pagans must be denied ecclesiastical burial.
Even the Italian civil government was, until very recently, more Catholic than the pope. Until 2001 Italian law prohibited the scattering of ashes. The Cremation Society's international statistics noted that in 2005 just under 9 percent of Italians (Catholic and non-Catholic) who died were cremated; the percentage in the United States for the same year was about 32 percent. [Source: Avvenire]
The Catholic Church has consistently viewed cremation as a sign of aversion to Christ's Church and its teachings. Our Lord Himself was not cremated. Even the ancient Jews abhorred the practice (though many secularist modern Jews adopt the practice). Newchurch claims to "respect life" and "respect the body." JPII even came up with some New Order sop called the "Theology of the Body." Now here is Newchurch adopting anti-Christian, pagan rites. No wonder Newchurch has lost the high ground on abortion, failing to discipline, or even correct, prominent Newchurchers like U.S. Senators Kerry and Kennedy, and "converted" U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair.
For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) in the section, "Cremation & Traditional Funeral Instructions" and "Catholic Charismaticism" and "Modernism and 'Theology of the Body.'"
Dear Fathers:
My father is 81 years old and suffers from severe spinal stenosis. It is very difficult for him to walk more than three metres without numbness in his feet and a lot of pain in his legs and feet. Would he fulfill his obligation to attend Sunday Mass if he watched the Mass on television?
The Fathers Reply.
First of all, there is no Traditional Latin Mass broadcast on television: they are all associated with the Novus Ordo. But even if there were, the answer is an emphatic NO!. Watching a service on television is never a valid substitute for assisting personally at Holy Mass. One's physical presence is required; otherwise, you might as well watch cartoons and munch on popcorn, for all the sacramental value a "Television Mass" has.
The real answer to your question lies in a different principle. Someone who is significantly ill, such as your father, is excused from the ecclesiastical obligation of assisting on Sundays and Holydays at Holy Mass to worship his Creator. Nevertheless, the general commandment to keep holy the Lord's Day remains. Any private devotions may be used for this purpose: reading Sacred Scripture, the lives of the Saints, or passages from the Roman Missal; saying the Penitential or Gradual Psalms, meditating upon the mysteries of the Faith; singing the Sacred Chant (which St. Augustine tells us is praying twice); or even viewing the recording of a truly Traditional Latin Mass. For further information, click on FAQ05: What Traditional Catholic Books Do You Recommend? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics).
Yet another timebomb is still ticking in Benedict-Ratzinger's Great "Motu" Mess Hoax. That Mess includes a Good Friday prayer that God and Our Lord will take away the veil from the hearts of the faithless [some later versions omit this word] Jews, that they too may acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord. This prayer is perfectly traditional in its call for the Jews to acknowledge the Christ as their Messias, but, of course, the Jewish establishment detests this theology. Several Jewish leaders have publicly called for Benedict-Ratzinger to expunge the prayer. The Jewish leaders deny outright the Christian doctrine that Christianity is the fulfillment of Old Covenant, which is therefore obsolete.
The principal anti-Catholic bigot in the United States, Abraham Foxman, of the influential B'nai B'rith (Sons of the Jewish Covenant), has zeroed in on this traditional prayer as one of the Top Ten Issues Affecting Jews. He has positioned it as undermining the "reforms" of Vatican II and Newchurch-Jewish relations. Foxman put Benedict-Ratzinger on the same list of anti-Semites as Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
Foxman also conducted a campaign of calumny against traditional Catholic producer-director Mel Gibson, when Gibson released his 2004 blockbuster, The Passion of the Christ. Note especially Gibson's use of the definite article: the Christ. Even many traditional Catholics are ignorant of the fact that Christ is not a name; it is the Latinized form of the Biblical Greek Christos, which means Messias. In Biblical Greek it is always used with the definite article: the Christ (Latin does not have a definite article). Gibson, in using this less familiar, but more accurate, locution was actually drawing special attention to the fact that Christ is the Messias of the Jews -- a dogmatic teaching that is, of course, anathema to Foxman.
Benedict-Ratzinger has already come under criticism for his anti-Catholic sellouts to Judaism. He wrote a preface to a Pontificial Biblical Commission book in which he seemed to advocate the heresy that the Jews did not have to accept Jesus Christ as the Messias, but could look for another Messias of their own. He has also publicly attended Jewish synagogue and prayed with the Jews for the coming of the Messias, as his predecessor the "Subito Santo" JPII did.
Already Benedict-Ratzinger's #2 Man, Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone, has advocated that the "Motu" rite be modernized to use the Novus Ordo prayer. This would then become the camel's nose under the tent, leading to more extensive modernizations of the "Motu" rite to conform to the Novus Ordo. In fact, Benedict-Ratzinger himself, in his accompanying Letter to Bishops, indicated that just such a thing will be happening when the Ecclesia Dei Commission got around to it in the future. Bertone during the week of January 6, 2008, already indicated that the Ecclesia Dei Commission was working on "clarifications," so that updating of the traditional prayer to the Novus Ordo form may be one of these.
Newvatican's Congregation for the Cause of the Saints has announced that the beatification of the great Anglican convert and scholar, John Henry Cardinal Newman (1801-1890), is "imminent." Newman was clearly the leading Catholic thinker of the 19th century, an obvious candidate for Doctor of the Church. His Arians of the Fourth Century, a beautifully written and researched treatment of how most bishops and some popes of the fourth century fell into the Arian heresy, which denied the divinity of Christ, is a classic that has renewed relevance today, when the conciliar bishops and popes have likewise associated themselves with heresy.
On May 12, 1879, Pope Leo XIII created this priest of the Oratorians of St. Philip Neri a cardinal of the Church. Newman took occasion while in Rome to insist on the lifelong consistency of his opposition to "liberalism in religion." Although historical revisionists from Newchurch have tried desperately to make Newman out to be a liberalist/Modernist, we have confirmation of Newman's absolute Catholic orthodoxy from the mouth of the anti-Modernist pope himself, St. Pius X, who said that Newman had explained more correctly than anyone else in the Church the true doctrine of Pastor Aeternus. Vatican I's document on the question of papal infallibility. Already in 1870 Newman foresaw the coming error of papalatry, that is, attributing to the papacy divine powers that it does not have.
To be sure, we know that Newchurch "conanizations" are far from infallible, but when true Catholicism is restored completely to Christ's Church, some, like Padre Pio and Cardinal Newman, could be validated. For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) in the section, "Canonizations, Post-conciliar."
One of the things that has outraged traditional Catholics more than most of the other sacrileges of Newchurch was JPII's allowing of the image of Buddha to be placed atop the tabernacle at the Oecumenical Prayer Meeting at Assisi, on October 27, 1986. At this meeting the Church of St. Peter was given over to the Buddhists, who placed a golden statue of Buddha on top of the tabernacle together with a banner displaying the words "I go in for Buddha's law," while a statue of Our Lady of Fatima was denied entrance to the church.
It is not widely known that Benedict-Ratzinger himself specifically approved the sacrileges at Assisi. In an Address to Cardinals on December 21, 2007, he stated:
That we must all coexist and cooperate in tolerance and reciprocal respect goes without question. The Catholic Church is actively committed to this and, with the two meetings in Assisi, has left evident signs of it, signs that we renewed again at this year's Meeting.
In that same address, Benedict-Ratzinger toyed with heresy when he stated:
St. Paul traveled tirelessly, taking the Gospel with him. He even felt under a sort of "compulsion" to proclaim the Gospel "not so much out of concern for the salvation of the single non-baptized person who had not yet been reached by the Gospel, but rather because he was aware that history as a whole could not attain fulfillment until the Gospel had reached the full number of Gentiles."
This statement reeks of a Modernist mumbo-jumbo "mystical" view of history instead of the traditional doctrinal value of each individual soul. Is this an early indication of the kind of unCatholic nonsense that Benedict-Ratzinger is going to spew forth during Newchurch's 2008 "Year of St. Paul"?
The niece of Padre Pio is saying, in the words of Howard Beale in Paddy Chayefsky's Network, "I'm mad as hell, and I'm not gonig to take it any more." Benedict-Ratzinger's Newvatican has announced plans to move the corpse of Padre Pio from the traditional church of San Giovanni Rotondo, where it now rests, to a Modernistic "shrine." Moreover, the local Newchurch archbishop, Dominico D'Ambrosio, wants to dig up Pio's corpse and put it on public display before the move.
The padre's niece and other living relatives are scandalized. They call the Newchurch archbishop's plan, approved by Benedict-Ratzinger and his Congregation, "barbaric." Requiescat in pace, they say, and have taken the archbishop to court, arguing his incompetence in the matter. Just another instance of the lack of charity of the "Newchurch of Love," which cannot seem to find a way to satisfy a grieving family. After all, what's the rush to dig Pio up? He died only forty years ago.
Pia Forgione, a niece of Padre Pio, acted for Pio's living relatives in initiating legal action to stop the dig, arguing to an Italian court that D'Ambrosio does not have proper authority to put Pio's remains on public display in a "barbaric" exhibition. [Source: CWNews]
Padre Pio, even before the end of Vatican II, when someone announced to him that soon he would have to celebrate a Novus Ordo service, in the vernacular, wrote to Paul VI begging to be able to continue to celebrate the Traditional Latin Mass. When Antonio Cardinal Bacci, who later joined with Alfredo Cardinal Ottaviani in issuing a public document declaring the Novus Ordo to be invalid and unCatholic, came to Padre Pio bringing the authorization, Padre Pio told the pope's messenger: "For pity sake, end the Council quickly!" Thus, Padre Pio never even celebrated the pre-Novus Ordo. He never said Mass in Italian or facing the people. For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) in the section, "Padre Pio."
George Niederauer, the personal appointee of Benedict-Ratzinger as Newchurch archbishop of San Francisco, still reeling from criticism for simulating a "Gay" Mess and blessing a Newparish's participation in the annual nudie "Gay" Parade, will host a Novus Ordo Mess on January 8, 2008, for the city's recently-reelected mayor, Gavin Newsom. The sacrilege is to be held in the Mission Dolores Basilica.
Well, why not? Newsom is a posterboy for New Order "Catholicism":
And this is the Newchurch that the "Motu" fanatics want to sell out to for a little Latin!
Benedict-Ratzinger has refused once again to fire its bishops and presbyters associated with sex crimes. He himself allows culprits like Roger "Rogue" Mahony, of Los Angeles, and Francis "Faker" George, of Chicago, to remain in office. And they say that Caiphas was a hypocrite!
Instead, Benedict-Ratzinger's personal appointee to head the Newchurch Congregation for the Clergy, the Communist-leaning Newcardinal Claudio Hummes, announced in Newpope's name on January 7, 2008, for an idolatrous worldwide prayer service to worship the invalid Novus Ordo cookie. No wonder Heaven refuses to hear the prayers of the New Order, and Newchurch sinks every day deeper into the immoral muck!
Benedict-Ratzinger personally has been accused of obstructing the investigation of sex crimes of his clergy. He has yet to take action to expel his guilty Newchurch prelates. [Source: UK Guardian]
It is sad that most traditional Catholics do not even know who founded their movement. Some might erroneously think that it was Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, but he came around only in the early 1970s. The "neocon" periodicals will never tell you the truth, because the founder of our Movement left the "establishment" New Order Church in order to continue celebrating the Traditional Latin Mass publicly. The neocons, on the contrary, want their heroes to be part of the unCatholic New Order establishment, you see. Yet this founder of our Movement was a courageous individual, whose use of modern communications methods to spread the traditional Catholic message in the 1960s have not been equaled to this day. He is an example for all traditional Catholics, priests and laymen alike. We have much to learn from him still.
Fr. Gommar Albert Julien Marie DePauw was born on October 11, 1918, in East Flanders, Belgium. His educational credentials rivaled those of his contemporary, Fulton Sheen. After graduating as a Diplomate in Classical Humanities magna cum laude, from the College of St. Nicholas, Belgium, he entered the diocesan seminary of Ghent, Belgium, for his philosophical and theological studies. At the outbreak of World War II he fought as a combat medic with the Ninth Belgian Infantry Hunters Regiment in the campaigns of Belgium, Holland, and France, where at the Battle of Dunkirk he was taken prisoner.
After escaping from the prison camp he returned to the seminary. Upon completion of his theological studies he was, by special indult of the Holy See, ordained to the priesthood in 1942, at the early age of 23. Three years of post-graduate studies followed at the Catholic University of Louvain. Besides the three-year courses in Canon Law, Moral Theology, and Church History, he also took the one-year-courses in Civil Law, Social Economy, International Law, and Archaeology. From the University of Louvain, he earned the Triple Major Licentiate in Canon Law, Moral Theology, and Church History.
On March 15, 1949, Father DePauw left Rotterdam, studiorum causa, joined his family in the United States, and served for two years as a parish priest in New York City, at St. Stephen's in Manhattan and St. Clare's in the Bronx. Hailing from a family of early American settlers, Fr. DePauw became a United States citizen on May 9, 1955, a day that he himself described as one of the proudest of his life. Fr. DePauw was eternally grateful to the United States for what it had done to defend his country of Belgium and repaid that debt to his dying day with unfailing patriotism. He served as substitute chaplain at the U.S. Army War College at Carlisle, Pennsylvania, while at the same time preparing his doctoral dissertation on The Educational Rights of the Church for the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C., where he was promoted to Juris Canonici Doctor in 1953.
Meanwhile, in 1952, he had accepted the Chair of Moral Theology and Canon Law at Mount St. Mary's Major Seminary & Graduate School of Theology in Emmitsburg, Maryland, a position he held for thirteen years. From 1955 he also served simultaneously as Professor of Fundamental Dogmatic Theology and Dean of Studies at the same institution and as Associate Professor of Philosophy and General Secretary of the Administrative Council of the College of the same name. His weekends and vacations were devoted to parish-work at St. Ignatius Church in Buchanan Valley, Pennsylvania.
Between 1962 and 1965 Fr. DePauw participated as a peritus, or expert theological advisor, and as a procurator at the Second Vatican Oecumenical Council. During that Council the then Vatican Secretary of State, Amleto Cardinal Cicognani, personally promoted Father DePauw to Domestic Prelate, with the title of Right Reverend Monsignor, an honor subsequently supplemented with the granting of the Silver Medal of Pope Paul VI's pontificate, as "a mark of the Holy Father's appreciative gratitude for Fr. DePauw's work."
But it was his time at Vatican II that sounded alarm bells to Fr. DePauw. He saw the Modernists take over that Council and their first point of attack: the Sacred Liturgy. Fr. DePauw left the Council determined to fight what he prophetically saw as the coming storm of the New Order replacing the Roman Catholic Church. Fr. DePauw was also prophetic in seeing the gradual takeover of Mount St. Mary's Seminary by the "pinkos." This development disgusted him and contributed to his desire to leave the Newchurch that was starting to reject its Roman Catholicism. After three years as professor at Mount St. Mary's, he transferred from the Diocese of Ghent to the Archdiocese of Baltimore, until November 16, 1965, when the Holy See placed him under the jurisdiction of the Bishop of Tivoli-Rome, in order to enable him to resume the leadership of the Catholic Traditional Movement (CTM), publicly launched by him on March 15, 1965 (though founded in 1964).
When he left his prestigious position at Mount St. Mary's, Fr. DePauw went to New York and there in the Pan American Building took the courageous step of celebrating, without "permission," the Traditional Latin Mass publicly in defiance of Hannibal Bugnini and the other architects of the New Order. As a Doctor of Canon Law, Fr. DePauw was the first to publicize the fact that the Novus Ordo service was invalid and unCatholic under Pope St. Pius V's Solemn Papal Bull, Quo primum, a position that has become the hallmark of traditional Catholicism ever since.
Four years later he established the Ave Maria Chapel, in Westbury, Long Island, New York, which at its opening on June 23, 1968, became the first and only publicly-functioning traditional Roman Catholic parish in the United States. Through his long life, Fr. DePauw never sold out to the New Order in any way, no matter what the personal consequences to him. It was reported that in 1978 Fr. DePauw was asked by Pope John Paul I to head a Vatican Commission to rescind the Novus Ordo and reinstate the Traditional Latin Mass in the Church, but that pope regrettably died in office 33 days after his election before the Commission could be announced.
The best known of Fr. DePauw's own numerous publications is his Traditional Roman Catholic Mass, published in paperback form, still found in public libraries around the United States. Much later, an "indult" group would mimic Fr. DePauw's idea by publishing what it called a "booklet missal." He also produced numerous phonograph records, as well as audio and video cassettes of the Traditional Latin Mass. He founded a traditional periodical, Sounds of Truth and Tradition, and later a news bulletin, Quote ... Unquote.
But outshining his original uses of modern communications to publicize the Catholic Traditional Movement was his brainstorm of placing the Traditional Latin Mass as a half-hour advertisement on more than a dozen radio stations in metropolitan areas across the United States. In those dark days after Vatican II, the "Sunday Radio Mass brought to you from Ave Maria Chapel in Westbury, Long Island" became the salvation of traditional Catholics. This Mass was eventually broadcast worldwide via radio, short-wave, and internet.
When our founder went into eternity on May 6, 2005, he left a vigorous Catholic Traditional Movement. He showed traditional Catholics how to fight for Truth and Tradition, not selling out in any way to the New Order. He showed us how to use modern communications media to spread the Traditional Catholic Movement's message against the New Order in a way that much larger groups, such as the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), has never equaled.
For further information, click on traditional author Patricius Anthony's A Priest for Our Times: Fr. Gommar A. DePauw - Obituary in the TRADITIO Network's Special Features department.
The #2 man at Newvatican, Tarcisio Bertone, admitted on January 3, 2008, that Benedict-Ratzinger's Great "Motu" Mess Hoax is already failing after not even six months. Part of the problem is that Benedict-Ratzinger violated his own Vatican II dogma of "collegiality" in issuing Summorum pontificum. He did not have the consensus of the College or Cardinals or the Newchurch bishops.
To the Modernist Benedict-Ratzinger, the Mass is not a question of doctrine, not a question of obedience to Christ, but one of merely human "obedience" to indicate one's membership in the New Order "club." Benedict-Ratzinger, of course, has no right to any obedience on this score as he teaches Modernism, not Catholicism: he has publicly rejected the teaching of the dogmatic Council of Trent and the teaching of all his papal predecessors on the doctrine of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass through and including John XXIII (1958-1963). For further information, click on The Limitations of Papal Authority to Change Sacred Tradition, From the Writings of Roman Catholic Popes, Councils, Saints, and Theologians in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics).
Close observers of the hoax have noticed that Benedict-Ratzinger isn't even using the term "Mass of Pius V" any more, but instead talks about the "Mass of 'Blessed' John XXIII," in spite of the fact that many traditional Catholics have serious doubts about just how "blessed" John XXIII was. But even "Mass of Pius V" is a carefully-chosen misnomer, which the Newchurch of the New Order loves to use, as it wishes to imply that each and every pope can fabricate his own Mass, like the "1962 Mass of "Blessed' John XXIII" or the 1969 "Mass of Paul VI." This is nonsense is not in any way part of Catholic teaching. Quite the contrary; it clearly reeks of the odor of heresy.
Pope St. Pius V did not fabricate his own Mass. The Traditional Latin Mass that he canonized "in perpetuity" in 1570 was in all its essentials passed on by St. Peter, the first pope, to the Church. The Apostles themselves, according to St. Ambrose, worked at its elaboration. It reached its complete perfection with Popes St. Damasus (fourth century) and St. Gregory the Great (sixth century). As the great liturgical scholar, Fr. Adrian Fortescue, wrote, this Mass is "the most venerable in all Christendom, with a history of unbroken use far longer than that of any Eastern rite, there being no doubt that the essential parts of the Mass are of Apostolic origin."
Conservative Newchurchers who have sold out to Benedict-Ratzinger's Great "Motu" Mess Hoax are simply pusillanimous pantywaists. They seem perfectly willing to sell out to the heresy and sacrilege, not to say the criminality, of the Newchurch clergy as long as they can have their Hoax Mess simulated on a dinner table, in a Novus Ordo temple, by a presbyter who is not even ordained a priest and who gives them a cookie from hands that are associated with the rape of children.
In several clippings that TRADITIO readers have sent it, it seems that the Newchurchers (or at least the reporters) are abysmally ignorant of the fact that the Traditional Latin Mass never went away. "Latin hasn't been heard in forty years," they ignorantly proclaim. Nonsense! Because of the courage of truly Catholic priests, like Fr. Gommar DePauw, thousands of Catholic Mass sites around the world and thousands of priests who remained Catholic, rejected the unCatholic New Order and continued to offer the true Mass, Sacraments, and Faith. The johnny-come-lately Quasi Novus Ordo/Motu Mess and the Novus Ordo presbyters who simulate it is a joke in comparison with the true Traditional Latin Mass celebrated by Catholic priests outside the Novus Ordo/Anglican environment.
Good Catholics, we are no longer speaking of courageous traditional clergy immediately after Vatican II, like Fr. Gommar DePauw and Fr. James Wathen, or courageous laymen like P.H. Omlor, all of whom called the New Order what it was: illegal, invalid, and not Catholic. We instead now hear the sycophantic conservative Newchurchers who sing Te Deums to Benedict-Ratzinger for giving them a rancid crumb of a phony "Motu" Mass instead of the Traditional Latin Mass that every Catholic has a right and obligation to -- in perpetuity.
One hundred years ago, the Catholic Church was in a pretty sorry state. Since the middle of the 19th century, it had become increasingly infiltrated with Modernists, whose liberalist ideas Pope Pius IX Pius IX had condemned in his Encyclical Letter Quanta cura of 1864, which was accompanied by the Syllabus of Errors, an appendix reiterating in eighty condemned propositions the Church's condemnation of pantheism, naturalism, socialism, communism, freemasonry, and other doctrinal errors of religious liberalism.
Fortunately, in 1903 a Saint was elected pope, Giuseppe Sarto, who took the name Pius X. He was not satisfied to sit around while Modernists took over the seminaries and interpretive commissions of the Holy See itself. He was a true Defender of the Faith and a dogged fighter. On September 8, 1907, he sent shockwaves through the Church with the release of his Encyclical Letter Pascendi Dominici gregis, Shepherding the Lord's flock.
Pascendi was a sweeping and vehement condemnation Modernist scholars, philosophers, and theologians who called themselves "Catholic." Pope Pius X called them what they really were: heretics. He labeled Modernism for what it really was, not just a single heresy, but summa omnium heresum, the synthesis of all heresies. The Modernists were influenced by secular philosophy and liberalist Protestant theology. They looked to individual intuition and mere opinion as the basis for religious belief rather than to Catholic dogma and doctrine, supported by the argumentative proofs of the Universal Doctor of the Church, St. Thomas Aquinas, and his successors.
Pope Pius X recognized Modernism for what it was. As his predecessors, he saw the Catholic Church under siege, intellectually from rationalism and materialism, politically from liberalism and anti-clericalism. In Pascendi, he portrayed the Modernists as a traitorous conspiracy of like-minded individuals with a coherent program and a secret agenda that would destroy Catholicism. His Encyclical Letter did not hesitate to ascribe ulterior motives and covert intentions to the Modernists: they were driven, he wrote, by curiosity, pride, and obstinacy. They were "the most pernicious of all the adversaries of the Church" because they worked from within, employing "a thousand noxious arts" to spread their "poisonous doctrines craftily."
Although his predecessors wrote about the heresy of Modernism, Pope Pius X did something about it. He called for carefully screening seminarians and firmly grounding them in Catholic theology based upon St. Thomas Aquinas and his successors. He took steps to ensure that Catholic publications contained correct doctrine. He commanded that every diocese should set up a body to be vigilant against the infiltration of Modernist and "to nip the evil in the bud." The pope later decreed, in 1910, that all current and future Catholic clergymen swear a detailed Oath against Modernism, based on Pascendi. Thus, the courageous pope, by taking decisive action, was able to stamp out Modernism in the Church for several decades. His Encyclical Letter and his ensuing action were vindicated when many Modernists eventually turned against the Church.
However, the Modernists were sly as foxes. They went underground and engineered their eventual victory at the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) and their formation of the Newchurch of the New Order after the Council. In 1967 they wiped out the Oath against Modernism. How could they not? The New Order Church consisted of the very Modernist heretics that Pope Pius X and his predecessors had condemned! They resurrected the Modernistic heresy in the guise of a Post-modernistic heresy.
This resurrected heresy, which ran rife at Vatican II, preached subjectivism and sentimentalism, which led to False Oecumenism, known as the "annihilation of all religions," and the "we all worship the same god" philosophy. False Oecumenism is the "virtual reality" of the Post-modern Newchurch, which has unhinged itself from real tradition, real definitions, and real dogma. Post-modernism in Newchurch is a denial of objective, unchanging truth and tradition, as well as deliberate obfuscation of words.
In Pascendi, Pope Pius X condemned Modernists for deliberately moving away from established doctrines. In contravention to the Pope-Saint's directives and warnings, the post-conciliar popes -- Paul VI, JPII, and Benedict-Ratzinger -- made a radical U-turn from Catholic doctrine and made statements that could not be squared with Pascendi, with their predecessors, or with the Roman Catholic Faith.
In summary, Pope St. Pius X smelled a rat, the rat of Modernism, and for half a century was able to suppress it with Pascendi. Unfortunately, a century later a new "Rat" took over the Church to spread the resurrection of the Modernist philosophy that Roman Catholic popes before Vatican II had condemned as the "synthesis of all heresies."
The TRADITIO Network has been the earliest and most outspoken voice to call Benedict-Ratzinger's "Motu" Mess a "great hoax" and predicted that before long Novus Ordo elements would be inserted into the Vatican II "Mess of 1962." A recent action of the U.S. Conference of Catholic [sic] Bishops now supports our assessment.
Presbyter Dennis McManus, of the Bishops' Committee on Ecumenical and Inter-religious Affairs, stated during the annual autumn meeting of the USCCB that those "Motu" communities that use the "Motu" Missal on Good Friday may substitute, in place of the traditional prayer for the conversion of the Jews, the prayer of the 1970 Ordo Novus service book, in order to reflect the erroneous teaching of Vatican II's Nostra aetate.
And before you conservative Newchurchers get all up in arms about how this is not in conformity with Benedict-Ratzinger's documents, his own Letter to the bishops on Summorum Pontificum and the official Newvatican Explanatory Note to Summorum Pontificum both state that Benedict-Ratzinger envisages future changes to the 1962 Missal." For further information, click on "Indults" for the Modernized Vatican II Mass of 1962 & Related Documents in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics).
Newchurch with its False Oecumenism is always saying that "we all worship the same god." Benedict-Ratzinger is going to meet with Mohammedans in "dialogue" because "we all worship the same god." But do we? Apparently, the Mohammedans themselves don't think so! Sometimes you hear Newchurchers excusing their bishops, like Washington, DC's Newcardinal Theodore McCarrick, for publicly praying in the name of Allah because Allah simply means God. But now we have an official statement from the Mohammedans telling Benedict-Ratzinger and his Newchurch: "Christians, stop using the name Allah"!
The Mohammedan Malaysian government has reiterated that non-Mohammedans cannot use the word Allah, sparking concern yesterday among Newchurchers who use it to refer to God in their Malay-language Bible and other publications. The Minister for Islamic Affairs stated on January 3, 2008, that Allah refers to the Mohammedan God and can be used only by Muslims. "The use of the word Allah by non-Muslims may arouse sensitivity and create confusion among Muslims in the country," he said.
The government's statement is the latest twist in a long-drawn controversy involving the Herald, a weekly organ of Malaysia's Newchurch. It was told by the Internal Security Ministry in December 2007 that its Malay-language section would be banned unless it stops using Allah as a synonym for God. [Source: Taipei Times]
A Newchurch presbyter was arrested on perjury charges January 3, 2008, charged with lying about his relationship with a mobster in testimony to a grand jury investigating organized crime. Presbyter Joseph Sica was accused of lying to the grand jury in August 2007 about his relationship with the late Russell Bufalino, an organized-crime boss who served lengthy prison terms in the 1970s and 1980s. Presbyter Sica, when arrested, threatened a state troopers who arrested him. Prosecutors said that a photograph showed the presbyter arm-in-arm with Bufalino and that another photograph showed him with William D'Elia, who reputedly heads the Bufalino crime family now and is now in prison awaiting trial on federal charges of money-laundering and conspiring to kill a witness.
Presbyter Sica wrote letters on behalf of Mafia Boss Bufalino, seeking his release from prison following his 1982 conviction for conspiring to kill a mob witness. Boss Bufalino attended a party celebrating Sica's ordination as a Newchurch presbyter in 1982. Prosecutors provided photographs to the grand jury of Sica and Bufalino together at the ordination party and at a barbecue. Sica is also seen in photos with Bufalino and William D'Elia, who, according to the Pennsylvania Crime Commission, took over as head of the Bufalino family after Bufalino's death. Yet Presbyter Sica stated to the grand jury under oath that he had no "personal relationship" with Bufalino!
Presbyter Sica currently serves as an adviser to Louis DeNaples, who is the subject of the grand jury's organized-crime investigation. Sica has regularly appeared with DeNaples before the state Gambling Control Board hearings as a middleman for the reputed Mafia boss. This is "not something one would expect from a priest" [sic] the district attorney told the grand jury judge during Sica's arraignment. If convicted, Sica could face seven years in prison and a $15,000 fine. One wonders what knowledge, or even involvement, Scranton's Newchurch bishop Joseph Martino has in this Mafia affair. [Source: Associated Press]The Newchurch diocese of Scranton has been the center of several recent scandals. An organization that was pushing JPII's "Indult" Mess had been approved by Martino's predecessor, Newchurch Bishop James Timlin, and was later discovered to have been involved in fund-raising fraud and sex crimes. Even when the evidence was overwhelming, Timlin continued to support the "Indult" organization, whose "indult" clergy eventually fled to South America to avoid prosecution. Timlin retired in 2003 when the bishop's own involvement in the scandal could no longer be denied.
Good Catholics, several "Indult" (now reborn as "Motu") organizations, which are willing partners in the Newchurch of the New Order, have been found to be infected with the same criminality as the New Order itself. In addition to the organization just described, another "Indult"/"Motu" organization has seen its former Superior General imprisoned for sex crimes and one of its priest-presbyters imprisoned for grand theft!
Yet this "Motu" organization, the Institute of Christ the King, is still operating in the open and sending out fancy brochures to extort funds from clueless Newchurch conservatives, at the same time associating with corrupt Newchurch bishops to support its association with the New Order. One of these bishops, Newcardinal Francis George of Chicago, has been accused of having placed a presbyter, known by him personally to be a child-abuser, in charge of children. And guess who the corrupt U.S. Conference of Catholic [sic] Bishops elected as their 2008 President? You guessed it: George! To paraphrase Lord Acton's well-known assessment, "Power corrupts, and Newchurch power corrupts absolutely."
Benedict-Ratzinger has invited a high-level delegation of Mohammedans to Newrome to open a Christian-Mohammedan "dialogue," on the basis of "their common belief in one god." [Source: Italian Catholic]
But which God is it? With Benedict-Ratzinger, it's hard to know. He rarely speaks of the traditional Catholic God. He seems to embrace the Old Testament god of the Jews, the god of terror of the Mohammedans, and the god of the New Order equally.
The Presiding Bishopess of the Anglican/Episcopalian sect in the United States, Katherine Jefferts-Schori, refused to criticize U.S. parishes that carry out services of blessing for "gay" couples, as more and more Anglicans/Episcopalians are giving her and the heretic Anglican archbishop of Canterbury the raspberry and joining the Traditional Anglican Communion (TAC).
In Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch, several Newparishes have already been granting blessings to "gay marriages." Unfortunately, conservative Newchurchers don't have the guts that the traditional Anglican/Episcopalians have. Instead, many of them remain in the Novus Ordo Church and even accept a phony "Motu" Mess, celebrated on New Order dinner tables and presided over by unordained New Order presbyters.
Can deaconesses, presbyteresses, and bishopesses in Newchurch be far behind in Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch?
Former U.S. vice president Albert Gore pushed "global warming" pseudo-science for political purposes and was then exposed as one of the world's worst energy-wasters. Now Benedict-Ratzinger, having long ago ceased talking about religious dogma, has again turned political to embrace "global warming" pseudo-science -- to sell out to the secularist United Nations to boot.
Benedict-Ratzinger has told the international community that it needs to respect and encourage a "green culture." He has not spoken so incessantly about the international community respecting and encouraging conversion to a Christian culture. Newvatican has designated as its ally in this campaign the secularist United Nations. Newpope's apostolic nuncio to the United Nations (why does Newchurch even have such a post?!), archbishop Celestino Migliore, joined Newvatican at the hip to the UN's Economic and Society Council. (Is that the same body that is pushing for abortion?) At the same time that Newvatican is pushing "global warming" pseudo-science, many parts of the world are suffering one of their coldest winters in history!
Good Catholics, when you lose your Catholic Faith, as Benedict-Ratzinger essentially has, what is left but rank politics? That is what the Newchurch bishops have learned, who, since Vatican II, have talked nothing but politics in lieu of religion. When is the last time that you heard of a traditional Episcopal Letter on the Most Blessed Trinity?!
It is common at the end of the civil year to review the main developments in various topical areas over the past year. As regards developments in Newchurch around the world over the past year, the TRADITIO Network has covered many of these in depth for you. Here is a small selection of developments, some well known, others not so well known, demonstrating the continued decline of the Newchurch of the New Order. [Source: RU France]
2007 was another devastating year for the Newchurch of the New Order and Benedict-Ratzinger!
Newchurch's Primate of England & Wales, Cormac Murphy-O'Connor, has accused Polish Newchurchers of effective schism because they insist on retaining their own vernacular, Polish, instead of switching over to the English vernacular. During the week of December 30, 2007, he attacked his own Newchurchers: "The Poles are creating a separate church in Britain. I would want them to be part of the Catholic [sic] life of this country." He demanded that the Polish Newchurch community "do more to learn English and integrate into local parishes."
Leading Polish community figures said that they felt "violated" and "spiritually raped" by Murphy-O'Connor's words. After all, it is the Polish and other Eastern European Newchurchers who are substantially keeping the Newchurch of the New Order alive in Britain. The number of Newchurchers in Britain fell 40% between 1963 and 1991, but the arrival of Polish Newchurchers after 1991 kept the weekly Mess attendance relatively even, from 917,500 in 2005 to 927,154 in 2006.
Murphy-O'Connor has finally been confronted with the realities of the unCatholic vernacularization of Newchurch after Vatican II (1962-1965). Vulgar tongues in place of Latin are now a right. Grazyna Sikorska, of the Polish Catholic Mission for England and Wales, said that the Polish community was enraged at Murphy-O'Connor. "How can he demand that we stop praying in Polish? Is it a sin? I feel my inner conscience has been violated, leaving me spiritually raped." Presbyter Tadeusz Kukla, the vicar-delegate for Poles in England and Wales, said: "If we lose our national identity, we lose everything."
Now there's a sentiment worthy of Martin Luther!
The plot thickens. Newvatican is now denying the public announcement of its senior exorcist, Dom Gabriele Amorth, that Benedict-Ratzinger has directed his Newchurch bishops to set up "exorcism squads" to tackle the rise of Satanism. Federigo Lombardi, of Newvatican's press office, on December 28, 2007, contradicted Amorth's announcement. It should be pointed out, however, that Lombardi has been caught in gross errors in his statements before. [Source: United Press International]
On one occasion, he stated to the press that Benedict-Ratzinger was celebrating the Vatican II "Mass of 1962" in his private chapel. When Lombardi's statement was challenged by notable personages who had been in attendance at private papal Messes, Lombardi admitted that he didn't really know the difference between that Mess and the Novus Ordo Mess! He had to correct his report and admit that Benedict-Ratzinger actually simulated the Novus Ordo Mess, usually in Italian, sometimes partially in Latin.
Dear Fathers:
Would you please address the status of Fr. Malachi Martin? As you know, there are those who claim that he never offered a single Mass, but made lots of money off novels that traditional Catholics bought.
The Fathers Reply.
From a good deal of evidence, it seems pretty clear that Fr. Malachi Martin's thinking was quite traditional, more and more so as the years went by. Reliable sources indicate that he said a private Traditional Latin Mass every day in his home chapel. He never left the priesthood. He simply asked to be released from the Jesuits to become a secular priest, when the Jesuit order went over the edge, once again, after Vatican II. Paul VI did release him.
Certainly Martin made money off his novels. That was his primary means of support. His readership was quite broad; traditional Catholics were a very small part of the total. Whatever his personal situation, no one seems to have seriously doubted that his information about Newvatican was anything but authentic and highly informed from direct knowledge of the conciliar popes and other parties concerned.
We have heard reports even more incriminating about what is going on in Newvatican than what Martin revealed. He openly stated -- and we have no reason to doubt it -- that if he had written nonfiction instead of stating the truth in the literary form of novels, he might well have been killed, as were putatively Fr. Alfred Kunz, of Dane, Wisconsin, and Fr. John Minkler, of Albany, New York, who publicly stood up "too publicly" to the New Order pretenders.
In what has got to be one of the weirdest emanations from the Conciliar papacy in recent years, Dom Gabriele Amorth, senior exorcist in the Newchurch diocese of Rome and Vatican City, announced on December 27, 2007, that Benedict-Ratzinger has ordered his Newchurch bishops to set up "exorcism squads" to tackle the rise of Satanism. It seems that Benedict-Ratzinger is deaf, dumb, and blind to the fact that the Satanism is emanating from Newrome itself, in fact from the Apostolic Palace. Just ask the children who have been raped by Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch clergy in Satanic rites (according to police) without his making any attempt to raise a papal finger against it.
Just two years after the imposition of the New Order in 1970, Paul VI was claiming that the Council had been an agent of Satan. Paul VI shocked Newrome when, in his sermon on the occasion of the ninth anniversary of his coronation, June 29, 1972, he declared:
We have the impression that through some cracks in the wall the smoke of Satan has entered the temple of God: it is doubt, uncertainty, questioning, dissatisfaction, confrontation.... We thought that after the Council a day of sunshine would have dawned for the history of the Church. What dawned, instead, was a day of clouds and storms, of darkness, of searching and uncertainties.
Paul VI, who had been snookered by the Freemason Hannibal Bugnini and his Committee of Six Protestant Ministers to sign the documents implementing the unCatholic New Order, died six years later, a broken man, ranting up and down the Apostolic Palace, according to one of his closest friends, beseeching God to believe that he was still Catholic! For further information, click on FAQ08: What Is the Authority of Vatican II? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics).
Paul VI's assessment was also documented by, among others, by Fr. Malachi Martin, a well-known Vatican expert and documentarian of Newrome's corruption since Vatican II in several best-selling books. In his 1996 Windswept House, Martin vividly described a secret ceremony called "The Enthronement of the Fallen Archangel Lucifer," dedicating Newrome to Satan, held in St. Paul's Chapel in the Vatican, linked with concurrent satanic rites in the United States on June 29, 1963, a week after the election of Paul VI. In that book, Joseph Ratzinger is hidden under the pseudonym of Cardinal Reinvernunft.
In an interview with The New American, Martin confirmed that the ceremony did indeed occur as he had described. "Oh yes, it is true; very much so," Martin said, "but the only way I could put that down into print is in novelistic form." An archbishop several years ago also accused high members of the hierarchy in Rome of practicing Satanism. For further information, see the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files for WIND: Who's Who in Windswept House: A Key to the Characters in Fr. Malachi Martin's Windswept House. in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics).
Supposedly, Benedict-Ratzinger wants to tell each bishop to have in his diocese a number of presbyters trained to fight demons. Yet, as a post-conciliar pope, he has bought into his conciliar predecessors' suppression of the Prayer to St. Michael, contra nequitiam et insidias diaboli esto praesidium, "be our protection against the malice and snares of the Devil." This prayer, since the time of Pope Leo XIII in the late 19th century, has been recited at the end of nearly every Traditional Latin Mass. [Source: London Evening Standard]
In any case, Paul VI on August 15, 1972, proceeded to suppress the Minor Order of Exorcist, so the Newchurch of the New Order no longer has any clergy specifically ordained with the power of exorcism. Traditional priests are always ordained to that Order, as well as to the other Minor Orders and the Major Orders of the Subdiaconate and Diaconate. Novus Ordo presbyters are not so ordained, but merely installed "to preside over the assembly" like Protestant ministers.