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For answers to many questions, consult the Official Traditional Catholic Directory, Listing All Traditional Latin Masses and Traditional Resources for North America, 13th Annual Edition (2008) - March 2008 Monthly Revised Edition. For further information, click on the Official Traditional Catholic Directory department, provided to the TRADITIO Network by the National Registry of Traditional Latin Masses. |
Nothing demonstrates how bereft of substance the New Order religion is than the degree to which Newchurchers desperately glom onto supposed "apparitions." Well, why not? They don't have valid Mass any longer. Their sakraments, except for Baptism and Matrimony, are equally void. Bereft of any sacramental grace, they can do nothing else but attach themselves to deceptive idols?
Their latest idol is a light on a garage door in Minersville, Pennsylvania. They claim to see the "Blessed Virgin Mary" in the reflection, just as other Newchurchers claimed to have seen the Virgin in a tree's knothole, an oil slick in a Mexican subway, and in a grilled-cheese sandwich on eBay. [Source: The News Station WNEP]
Where the Newchurchers won't find the Blessed Virgin Mary is in their invalid Novus Ordo Protestant-Masonic-Pagan service with its cookies and Kool-Aid for "communion." No wonder that Our Lord Himself warned us against this nonsense:
An evil and adulterous generation seeketh a sign; and a sign shall not be given it, but the sign of Jonas the prophet. For, as Jonas was in the whale's belly three days and three nights; so shall the Son of man be in the heart of the earth three days and three nights (Matthew 12:29/DRV).
As any true Catholic knows, the sign is Jesus Christ Himself, the promised Messias and Second Person of the Most Blessed Trinity, who died to redeem man and rose on the third day from the dead, a foreshadowing of the resurrection of those who believe in Him into glory.
Benedict-Ratzinger is taking a leaf from Billy Graham and turning his April 15-20 junket to the United States into a Protestant Revival Meeting rather than anything even remotely Catholic.
The papal Novus Ordo invalid "Revival" Messes will be staged, like Graham's revivals, not in the great cathedrals available, but in secular sports stadia: Washington Nationals Baseball Stadium in D.C. and Yankee Baseball Stadium in New York. Any religious venue, such as St. Matthew's Cathedral and St. Patrick's Cathedral, do not fit the New Order concept of "liturgy." By the way, the deluded Motarians should note that there are no "Motu" Messes on Benedict-Ratzinger's schedule.
The music for Benedict-Ratzinger's junket will come almost exclusively from the Protestant Revival repertoire. At Yankee Stadium, Feast of Victory will be featured. This is a Lutheran hymn, whose copyright is held by Augsburg-Forth, the publishing house for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Thus, Benedict-Ratzinger will be funneling "Catholic" money into Protestant hands. Other Protestant ditties that will accompany the papal Messes include Negro gospel choirs rocking with spirituals entitled "Plenty Good Room" (which lacks as much grammar as it lacks Catholicism) and "Lord Make Me an Instrument" (the program does not indicate what instrument will be made: an electric guitar perhaps?). An "intercultural" choir (is that a new name for oecumenical?) will render Let’Isikia (don't ask!).
And Newvatican is not missing the opportunity to get advertising kickbacks in a scheme that smacks of simony. Whereas such events might in the past have been associated with Rosaries or Holy Water, Newvatican has licensed for this Protestant Revival the sale of "Benny Bears" wearing mock papal regalia. Newvatican has also approved the sale of cutoff shirts with papal insignia.
Well, in a way, you can't blame Benedict-Ratzinger. He's desperate. His Newchurch is rapidly sinking into the quicksand, and lire are not coming into the papal purse because so many Newchurchers have cut back their donations to the Newrome Sex Crimes Headquarters. Therefore, he's forced to hawkstering to keep his Newvatican financially afloat after billions of dollars of damage judgments against its presbyters' sex crimes, which he has failed abysmally to act upon.
Good Catholics, get set for six days of New Order nausea. Get your alternative traditional Catholic DVDs ready. For further information, click on the What Films Do You Recommend for Traditional Catholics? in the TRADITIO Library of Files (FAQs and Catholic Apologetics). Also, this would be a good time to visit the ancient churches of Rome, while Benedict-Ratzinger and his "Novus Ordo Nincompoops" band are out of town!
In St. Mary's, Kansas, site of the SSPX's St. Mary's Academy, members of the Society of St. Pius X have been accused of voter fraud and perjury. Those with ties to the Academy now make up about 50 per cent of the town's population of 2500.
The deputy county clerk stated that the 250 absentee ballots requested for the upcoming April 1, 2008, elections in the town is "unusually large." The total number of advance/absentee ballots issued in the whole county was only 150 in 2006 and 100 in 2007. In the 2006 City Commission election, claims of fraudulent voting by absentee ballot on the part of SSPX-affiliated parties were sent to the Kansas Secretary of State's Office, the Kansas Attorney General, the County Sheriff, and the County Attorney's Office.
After the April 4, 2006, town election, four poll watchers in St. Mary's, filed a written complaint with the County Commission alleging that fraudulent votes had been cast. The poll watchers believed that the number of fraudulent votes was large enough to change the outcome of the election. The complaint listed the names of 13 people whom the poll watchers claimed had voted fraudulently. "[We] saw the names of numerous individuals who registered under incorrect addresses on the list of advanced voters, as well as individuals registering under city addresses while residing outside the city limits," the poll watchers' election-fraud complaint stated. Fraud charges were also made against an SSPX-affiliated City Commissioner for encouraging fraudulent voting in the town elections by SSPX residents outside the city. [Source: Topeka Capital-Journal and other sources]
This whole affair is redolent of the foul odor of the 2006 SSPX elections that elected Bernie Fellay as Superior General. In that internal SSPX election, charges were made that Fellay had dismissed Electors who were against him and his pro Novus Ordo policy and had replaced them with Electors favorable to himself and the Novus Ordo.
On March 25, 1983, the Feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, nine American priests of the Society of St. Pius X left the SSPX to found the Society of St. Pius V (SSPV) because of serious differences that they had with the SSPX concerning doctrinal, moral, and liturgical matters:
It must be remembered that the Liturgical Commission that would bring to the world the invalid Novus Ordo Ordinal of 1968 and the Novus Ordo Mess of 1969, was originally instituted on May 28, 1948. This Liturgical Commission was headed by Ferdinand Antonelli and Hannibal Bugnini, a Freemason, who orchestrated all the deviations from the Traditional Latin Mass in the 1950s and the 1960s. For further information, click on the Traditional Latin Mass, Divine Office & Sacraments department of the TRADITIO Network for "The Road into the Black Hole of the Liturgical 'New Order.'"
In 1979 the SSPX published a book entitled The Liturgical Movement. written by Fr. Didier Bonneterre, a French priest of the Society. Abp. Marcel Lefebvre personally wrote a glowing preface for this book. Father Bonneterre, referring to the so-called "liturgical reforms" of the 1950s, wrote: "They are stages in the realization of a plot intended to bring about the death of the Church.... We must also recognize, in retrospect, for the reasons given above, they constitute the first stages of the 'auto-demolition' of the Roman liturgy."
Has the situation in the SSPX changed for the better in the last 25 years? Sadly not:
Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev candidly made clear on Good Friday 2008 that he remains an atheist, after European news agencies claimed that he had converted to Newchurch during a visit to the tomb of St. Francis of Assisi in Italy.
Gorbachev, the last Communist leader of the Soviet Union, confronted speculations that he had been a closet Newchurcher during an interview with the Russian news agency Interfax. "Over the last few days some media have been disseminating fantasies -- I can't use any other word -- about my secret Catholicism [sic], citing my visit to the Sacro Convento friary, where the remains of St. Francis of Assisi lie," Gorbachev said. "To sum up and avoid any misunderstandings, let me say that I have been and remain an atheist."
Gorbachev, who was baptized in the schismatic Russian Orthodox sect as a child, explained that his visit to the tomb was as a tourist and not as a pilgrim. He said that he looks forward to visiting Orthodox churches in Russia, New Order and Protestant churches in the United States and Europe, synagogues in Israel, and mosques in the Arab world.
Two decades after the fall of the Soviet Union, Christians still make up only about 17 to 22 per cent of Russia's population. [Source: Christian Post]
It has been reported that Newchurch is preparing to change the date of Easter. Newchurch has already moved the Biblical Ascension Thursday to "Ascension Sunday" and has changed the dates of numerous other holydays and feast days. Now it is reported that Benedict-Ratzinger is thinking about changing Easter from its traditional date to the second Sunday in April.
During the second century a heated dispute arose over the date of Easter. Pope Victor I terminated the Easter controversy by threatening with excommunication all those who failed to comply with the Roman custom, which set Easter on the Sunday following the 14th day of the full moon, when the Passover began. That day was regarded as the exact date on which Christ arose from the dead, according to the authority of Sts. Peter and Paul. The date was confirmed by the First Oecumenical Council of the Church at Nicaea, two centuries later.
Do these Conciliar popes have no fear of God? Do they have no veneration for the Holy Apostles? Do they have no obedience for Dogmatic Councils? Apparently not. By their whim, they sweep aside the Catholic and Apostolic Mass to simulate a phony New Order service, based upon Protestant and Freemasonic models. By their whim they sweep aside established Catholic theology, such as Original Sin and Baptism. By their whim, they sweep aside Catholic and Apostolic practice, such as the Friday abstinence.
Thank God, that popes too must obey God and the Faith; otherwise, their acts are null and void. For further information, see The Limitations of Papal Authority to Change Sacred Tradition, From the Writings of Roman Catholic Popes, Councils, Saints, and Theologians in the TRADITIO Library of Files (FAQs and Catholic Apologetics).
Newchurch presbyter Fred Lenczycki, who is completing a five-year prison term for sex crimes against 30 Newchurch children, was declared "dangerous" on March 19, 2007, by an Illinois country jury and will be locked up in a secured state mental hospital after he completes his prison term. Illinois in 1998 adopted a law allowing "sexually-violent persons" to be confined even after they have finished their prison terms. At least 17 other U.S. states have similar laws, though Lenczycki is believed to be the first Newchurch presbyter to be kept in custody under those laws.
Lenczycki was allowed by Newchurch bishops in three states, Illinois, California, and Missouri, to assault 30 children over a period of 25 years. Since the Newchurch bishops demonstrated gross incompetence and malfeasance in dealing with the situation, the state has now stepped in to lock Lenczycki up and essentially to throw away the key. Benedict-Ratzinger has announced no discipline whatever against his three bishops who allowed dozens of children to be raped by this Newchurch presbyter. [Source: Chicago Sun Times]
Vocations to the New Order presbyterate have been declining long before the Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal has rocked Newchurch. Declining vocations (priests and nuns), sexual assaults upon children, loss of the Catholic Faith, Modernism, Oecumenism, Liberalism, and other faults are all the result of the introduction of Protestant errors after Vatican II and its attempt to destroy the Church, starting with the exchange of the Anglican archbishop Cranmer's service for the Traditional Latin Mass. Because of Vatican II secular humanism has corrupted Newchurch.
It is interesting that of all the charges of the sexual assaults against children, none has been leveled against any of the traditional Catholic priests and societies where the Church is still considered sacred ground, Holy Communion is received on the tongue to protect against its being desecrated, the Most Holy Eucharist is recognized as the true Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, abstinence from fleshmeat is practiced on Fridays, Confession and Penance are welcomed on a regular basis, and all teachings and observances taught by the traditional Magisterium are followed with true fidelity.
Benedict-Ratzinger has spirited his beleaguered archbishop Pius Ncube, of Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, to shield him from the opprobrium that he deserves as an exposed philanderer, who carried on an affair with a married woman. Compromising photographs of Ncube conjugating with the married woman have been produced as evidence of his moral corruption. As a result of yet another Newchurch scandal, Ncube stepped down as archbishop, but presumes to function as a bishop.
Originally, Ncube and Newchurch claimed that Ncube was being railroaded by the Zimbabwe government because he had criticized that government. But what Newchurch denies almost invariably turns out to be true. In an interview with Frontier Africa TV recorded just before Easter 2008, Ncbueh admitted that he was a liar and actually was having an affair with the married woman. "It is true, I do admit that I did fail in keeping God’s Commandment with regard to adultery, having failed in keeping the Seventh Commandment 'Thou shalt not commit adultery....' I did fail my vows." Ncube committed a complex of grave sins. He spat on his oath as a priest. He knowingly and maliciously denied publicly that he was guilty of what he now admits.
Newvatican is obviously embarrassed about the whole matter. Presbyter Ciro Benedettini, the deputy Newvatican spokesman, has declined to comment about Ncube’s current concealment by Benedict-Ratzinger in Newrome. Adultery in Zimbabwe is a crime, and the married woman's husband has charged Ncube criminally. Thus, Ncube becomes a fugitive from justice, and, as with so many others of his criminal bishops, Benedict-Ratzinger is only too happy to shield them safe in his own bosom in Newrome. [Source: Zimbabwe Daily]
Dear Fathers:
I was always taught that the Seventh Commandment was "Thou shalt not steal." According to Pius Ncube, he broke the Seventh Commandment by committing adultery with a married woman. Shouldn't that have been the Sixth Commandment, or has Newchurch changed that too?
The Fathers Reply.
It seems that Newchurch has rejected, along with the Mass, the Sacraments, Catholic doctrine, and Catholic morality, the traditional numbering of the Ten Commandments and has adopted the Protestant version. As we have learned these last forty years, the theme of the New Order is change, change, change. Change everything. Thereby Newchurch can the more easily introduce the unCatholic novelties of the New Order. The Newchurchers' heads are spinning with this stuff. That is why they are always so confused about anything Catholic.
According to Catholic Sacramental principles of 2000 years, the water of Baptism must be poured upon the skin of the head, essentially upon the forehead, in order that the Sacrament be valid. Baptism is invalid if water is not poured upon the skin. Priests traditionally were trained how to administer the Sacrament validly, as the consequences of invalidity are so severe. However, it seems that after Vatican II, even popes seem to have forgotten how to baptize validly. JPII commonly administered Baptisms doubtfully in this way, and so does Benedict-Ratzinger.
For validity, the water must be poured upon the skin. Pouring water on the clothes or the hair is invalid. JPII and Benedict-Ratzinger have many times been seen to baptize with water on the hair at the back of the head. Did the water touch the skin? Maybe. Maybe not. Were these people validly baptized by the pope? Maybe. Maybe not. It is a sad day for the Church when even purported popes no longer know how to baptize validly!
Certainly Benedict-Ratzinger had a bad Easter in 2008. Because he presumed a power he did not have and attempted to change an Apostolic Good Friday prayer for the conversion of the Jews to their Messias, Jesus Christ, he has now earned the ire of traditional Catholics, who have refused to use his 2008 fabricated prayer, and of his own countrymen, the German Jews, from whom he has sought approval of his papacy. On August 19, 2005, he publicly participated in services at the synagogue in Cologne, Germany.
He might as well have held fast, as St. Paul prescribed (2 Thessalonias 2:14/DRV), to the Traditions that were passed down to him. Traditional Catholics have rejected him as lawless in trying to change an Apostolic prayer. Even the Motarians dislike the fact that his "Motu" Mess of 1962 has now become the "Motu" Mess of 2008. The Jewish leaders of his own country, Germany, whose blessing on his papacy he has made special efforts to garner, on Maundy Thursday 2008 denounced him as "anti-Semitic" in the Jewish conversion prayer brouhaha. The Apostolic prayer, based on the language of Sacred Scripture, calls upon God to end the blindness of the Jews who do not acknowledge the light of truth, which is Christ.
Berlin rabbi Walter Homolka in an interview with Der Spiegel stated that Jews found Benedict-Ratzinger's prayer "deeply offensive." He lambasted what he called "right-wing" (traditional) Catholics, who use the Apostolic prayer, or even Benedict-Ratzinger's fabricated 2008 prayer. This prayer had been untouched since Apostolic times until 1959, when John XXIII began the series of changes for Political Correctness' sake. Homolka did not hesitate to use the "A" word (anti-Semitic) of those Christians who believe in the New Testament. Homolka did not even hesitate to refer to Benedict-Ratzinger's Nazi past (the pope was an acknowledged member of the Hitler Youth). [Source: Deutsche Welle]
In many ways, this is a tempest in a teapot, as Benedict-Ratzinger, while "approving" a "Motu" Mess in 2007, loosely based on John XXIII's "1962 Mass," has essentially prohibited the use of that missal's Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday traditional Apostolic rites (Motu Proprio Summorum pontificum of 2007, Article 2). Traditional Catholics around the world, however, spurned Benedict-Ratzinger's illegal action in changing the Apostolic rites and used the ancient form of the prayer before the Modernist revisions of 1959, 1969, and 2007.
John-David Schofeld, the Episcopalian bishop of San Joaquin (Fresno), California, confronted the United States liberalist bishops and their presiding bishopess, Katharine Jefferts Schori, and rejected their support for "gay" bishops in the sect as unChristian. He acted boldly in taking the diocese traditional with him out of the mainstream liberalist sect. In an irony of what is happening both in the liberalist Episocopalian sect and in Newchurch, the presiding bishopess, having deposed the traditional Episcopalian Schofeld, has nominated a "Catholic" presbyter, Jerry Lamb, as the new bishop of the Episcopalian diocese.
The Newchurch presbyter, now turned Episcopalian-sect bishop, is talking "inclusion, communication, reconciliation. and congregational development" as his priority. In other words, Lamb supports the consecration of bishops living openly with their "gay" lovers ("marriage" partners?). He also supports another divisive issue: women ministers and bishopesses in the sect. Lamb left Newchurch to become an Episcopalian minister in 1977.
Meanwhile, traditional Episcopalians are challenging legally the validity of votes taken at the House of Bishops' meeting, which concluded on March 12, 2008, consenting to the deposition of traditional bishop John-David Schofield and another. Schofield has since affiliated his diocese with the traditional Argentina-based Anglican Province of the Southern Cone. [Source: Episcopal News Service]
It is an historic irony that Episcopalian delegates in San Joaquin will be asked to sign an Oath of Conformity to the liberalist wing's authority. English King Henry VIII also imposed an Oath of Conformity upon his subjects to recognize him as the Head of the Church in England. This act brought England into formal schism with the Catholic Church and eventually lead to the martyrdom of St. Thomas More, who refused to sign the schismatic oath.
Benedict-Ratzinger continues to dump on Sacred Tradition, and even his own "Motu" Mess. He will issue yet another apology to Jewish leaders about the prayer of the Traditional Latin Rites of Good Friday, which he recently revised in the "1962 Missal," which thereby became the "2008 Missal." Further, by Article 3 of his Motu Proprio Summorum pontificum of 2007, he has decreed in essence that Newchurchers will be barred from the traditional Catholic and Apostolic rites of the most solemn day in the Church's calendar.
Benedict-Ratzinger has directed his #2 guy, Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone, to issue a conciliatory statement to the modern Caiphas, the Chief Rabbi of Modern Israel, for Jews upset by the traditional Good Friday prayer that called for their conversion to their Messias, Jesus Christ. In February 2008 Benedict-Ratzinger "revised" the ancient traditional Latin prayer in his "Motu" Mess, which previously, in the language of Sacred Scripture, referred to the "blindness" of the Jews, who, it said, had a "veil over their hearts."
Benedict-Ratzinger has decided to place himself above the Sacred Scripture of the Man he is supposed to serve, Our Lord Jesus Christ. Like the first pope, Peter, who swore to remain loyal to Christ and then denied three times, once on oath, that he never even knew Christ, Benedict-Ratzinger will forswear his own papal oath. The apology will deny the Christian doctrine that Jews should be converted to the Messias of the entire human race, Jesus Christ.
Furthermore, Benedict-Ratzinger will reportedly state that Newchurch will make no attempt to convert what the ancient traditional Latin prayer refers to as "faithless Jews" because the vast majority of them decided rejected Christ as their Messias. Benedict-Ratzinger's letter will reportedly go on to call Christ's denunciation of the Jewish leaders of His time as "language of contempt." [Source: Reuters]
Dear Fathers:
It seems that at this time of year the subject of Judas comes up. I can't believe that people are wondering whether Holy Mother Church teaches that this traitor might be in Heaven. Can you direct me to some Holy Scripture or early Church Fathers that dispel this question?
The Fathers Reply.
We all just heard on Palm Sunday during the recitation of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ according to St. Matthew what Christ Himself said of Judas: "vae autem homini illi, per quem Filius hominis tradetur: bonum erat ei, si natus non fuisset homo ille" (26:24/Vulgate). Later, Judas regrets his action, but does not seek forgiveness of Christ. Instead, he commits the sin of despair, from which he commits the truly mortal sin of suicide: "laqueo se suspendit" (27:5/Vulgate). The obvious implication of Scripture is that Judas was damned. That has been the constant understanding of the Church from the time of the event itself.
The Ohio Supreme Court yesterday allowed a Toledo woman's lawsuit against Newchurch presbyter Gerald Robinson to continue, in which she charges that she was repeatedly raped and tortured by the presbyter in Satanic rituals. Robinson is currently in prison serving a 15-years-to-life sentence for murdering Sr. Margaret Ann Pahl in Satanic rites.
The new victim charged that Robinson and others dressed as nuns and used fake names when they raped and tortured her. Presbyter Robinson chanted Satanic verses, cut her with a knife as a sacrifice to Satan, drew an upside-down cross on her abdomen, and forced her to drink the blood of sacrificed animals. The victim charged that the men dressed in nuns' clothing used fake names such as "Carrie Jerry" and "Mary Jerry," and performed the rituals while she was on an altar table. She said that they restrained her when she tried to leave.
The Satanic ritual was said to have taken place in the basement of St. Adalbert Church in North Toledo. Presbyter Robinson was also said to have "had a close relationship" with the victim's mother, who also participated in the ceremonies and "was becoming [a] high priestess of Satan."
The Satanic presbyter remains as a presbyter in good standing with Newchurch, albeit he is an imprisoned convicted murderer of a nun. Neither Benedict-Ratzinger nor Toledo's Newchurch bishop, Leonard Blair, has expelled the convicted murderer of a nun from the New Order. So much for the sham of Newchurch "canon law." [Source: Toledo Blade]
The resignation of Newchurch bishop Edward Braxton, of Belleville, Illinois, who admitted embezzling $18,000 of Church funds, has been demanded in a public letter signed by half of the diocese's presbyters. Braxton has so far refused to leave, and Benedict-Ratzinger, remaining faithful to the immoral practices of his papacy, has not fired the embezzler. [Source: Associated Press]
U.S. Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is a Protestant Methodist, who has taken positions opposing traditional Catholic moral positions on such bedrock issues as abortion and stem-cell research, but Clinton nevertheless wins an overwhelming majority of clueless Newchurchers' votes in Democratic primaries. The support of Newchurchers has propelled Clinton to comfortable victories in states with large Newchurch populations. Clinton received 63 per cent of the Newchurch vote in Ohio and more than 60 per cent in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New York, and California. She is also getting the majority of votes from Hispanics, who, by and large, have deserted their traditional Catholic Faith to join even the more outlandish sects like the Evangelicals, Mormons, and Seventh Day Adventists.
Political observers say that Newchurch voters are ignoring her stand on moral issues such as abortion. One of these Newchurchers is the former ambassador to the Vatican City State, Ray Flynn. Naturally, neither Benedict-Ratzinger not the U.S. Conference of Catholic [sic] Bishops has denounced Flynn, who is now trying to propagandize for Clinton in Pennsylvania, where there are large pockets of Irish and Polish Newchurchers. [Source: Sun Chronicle]
Hillary Clinton is reportedly putting together the same type of political coalition that gained Franklin D. Roosevelt the presidency four times. Roosevelt was a Protestant Episcopalian, whose wife, Eleanor, was a noted anti-Catholic bigot. According to John Cooney in The American Pope: The Life and Times of Francis Cardinal Spellman, Eleanor "half-believed stories about papist plots and she adhered to some of the bigoted propaganda against Catholics that had been part of her upbringing. For all her sophistication and intolerance of most forms of prejudice, she was wary of Catholics."
Although there has been a Latin version of Benedict-Ratzinger's July 7, 2007, Motu Proprio Summorum pontificum circulating -- together with a number of purported "translations" of it -- the official text was never published. Now it has been, in the September 7, 2008, issue of the Acta Apostolicae Sedis, and the official version differs in some details from the one that had been previously circulated. For further information, see INDULTS.TXT: "Indults" for the Modernized Vatican II Mass of 1962 & Related Documents (Ecclesia Dei, Summorum Pontificum, etc.) in the TRADITIO Library of Files (FAQs and Catholic Apologetics).
Jewish leaders, stung by attacks that they are engaging in anti-Catholic hypocrisy in their opposition to the traditional Good Friday prayer, are now falling all over themselves trying to answer why their own Jewish prayers contain anti-Christian passages, for example, giving thanks that God did not make the Jews like the Gentiles, who "bow to vanity and emptiness and pray to a god which helps not."
Moreover, the Talmud, a collection of rabbinical sayings that is considered by Jews as the written expression of the oral law and as, for all practical purposes, superseding the Mosaic Law of the Old Testament, curses Jesus Christ as a "bastard" and the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Talmud condemns all Gentiles, and Christians in particular, in such passages as the following:
The Talmud advises Jews to curse Gentile buildings and cemeteries, to steal from Gentiles, to engage in usury against Gentiles, and prohibits Jewish physicians from treating Gentiles unless the Jewish physician or community is in danger from a refusal to treat or unless a profit is to be made. The Talmud also exonerates telling lies to Gentiles, so that even lying about the existence of such vile Talmudic passages would be blameless.
Abraham Foxman, the National Director of the B'nai B'rith's [Sons of the Old Covenant's] Anti-Defamation League, who was exposed as an anti-Catholic bigot during the controversy over Mel Gibson's 2004 biblical film, The Passion of the Christ, said that even if there are passages in Jewish prayers that are semantically similar, they are completely different when put into historical context. "In Judaism, for the 2,000 years we have prayed this prayer, it is not accompanied by inquisitions, conversions, and expulsion," he said. Of course, he conveniently ignores the fact that in Catholicism, for 2,000 years we have prayed the Catholic prayer. Just more hypocrisy from one of the world's Jewish leaders and greatest anti-Catholic bigots. [Source: Winston-Salem Journal]
We wonder by SSPX Bishop Williamson hasn't been speaking up this publicly and strongly before, while Superior General Bernie Fellay's policy of rapproachment with Benedict-Ratzinger's "Motu-vated" New Order has been taking over the Society of St. Pius X by default. It is often said that of all the four bishops consecrated by Archbishop Lefebfre, Bishop Williamson is the one whose mind is closest to the Archbishop's. Let's hear more of these fighting words from Williamson! With more of this attitude, maybe the SSPX could be saved after all.
Bishop Williamson often has the capacity to hit the nail on the head without weasel-wording, just as did the Archbishop, who did not hesitate to call man who is currently pope, a man whom he knew personally and well, "not a Catholic" and an "apostate." Here are some excerpts from Williamson's latest release:
Watch out, Bishop Williamson! With direct talk like that, Bernie Fellay will try to silence you the way he has done with all the other SSPXers who wouldn't go along with his pro New Order policy. Don't let him silence the voice of the raw truth that traditional Catholics need today instead of panty-waist, weasel words of praise for the New Order and its chief advocate, Benedict-Ratzinger.
Dear Fathers:
I was surprised to see that a Catholic (now Newchurch) high school in the area where I grew up, Dumbfries, Virginia, has been renamed "Pope John Paul the Great" High School. If anyone can label a person as "the Great," can anyone label anyone "Saint"? Hmmmmmmm.
The Fathers Reply.
Such a name is quite illegal, if Newchurch were in fact Catholic. Even Newchurch has not been able yet to ram through the conanization of this individual -- although it certainly will eventually, disregarding the fact that the man was surrounded with the odor of heresy. But "the fix is in."
You see, Newchurch is sinking fast. It is losing membership and money, as it sinks into corruption. It desperately needs to associate its unCatholic New Order with figures such as JPII and Mother Theresa, who commonly taught the syncretism of Catholicism and pagan Hinduism and presumed to hand out the Novus Ordo cookie to her "nuns," who refused to kneel to what they purportedly thought was the Corpus Christi.
Benedict-Ratzinger wants to make the Society of St. Pius X just one more religion in his visible world-wide Superchurch, which is not the Roman Catholic Church founded by Our Lord. He wants the SSPX to accept Vatican II and stop its embarrassing public opposition to that council. He wants the Novus Ordo Mess as the "ordinary" rite of the church. Next he would like to combine what he now calls the "ordinary" and "extraordinary" rites -- terminology that has never been used of the Catholic liturgy before -- and begin a new round of continuous updates until there is no more belief in Sacred Tradition.
I am sure that Benedict-Ratzinger wants to pick up SSPX property to pay for his Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal and pick off traditional priests for his New Order, as the number of his presbyters is getting desperately low. He could not care less about either the traditional Catholic Faith or the traditional faithful. I finally left the SSPX this summer to attend Mass with a truly traditional Catholic group.
I left the SSPX because the current Fellay administration of the SSPX will not stop being judgmental against those who after forty years believe that it is time to call a spade a spade and a Modernist a Modernist. But I think that Fellay is under the delusion the Modernists want him back. Also I read that the Newchurch archbishop of Denver, Colorado, Charlie Chapus, infamous for his "Indian Feather" Mess, has asked the SSPX to "concelebrate" a Mess with him as if the SSPX were already part of Benedict-Ratzinger's Superchurch. That shows me that Fellay's SSPX is already recognized as satellite of the New Order, although no actual "papers" have been signed yet.
During Holy Week, being the most sacred week of the Catholic liturgical year, Holy Mother Church offers special indulgences to the faithful who share in Christ's Passion and Death. By far, the most important sources of grace during this period are received from assisting at the Solemn Traditional Latin Rites of Holy Week, from Palm Sunday, through Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday. We Fathers have seen many miracles worked in the spiritual lives of those who follow Christ every day this week.
If you have access to the traditional rites of Holy Week, particularly with the ancient chant, you are particularly blessed and should treat them as you would Holydays of Obligation. If you have an option, you should assist at the fully traditional rites before they were changed in 1956-1962. If you do not have access to these rites, you should do the best you can to follow them day by day in your traditional handmissal. We recommend particularly for this purpose the St. Andrew Daily Missal with Vespers for Sundays and Feasts and Kyriale (1945). For further information, see FAQ05: What Traditional Books Do You Recommend? in the TRADITIO Library of Files (FAQs and Catholic Apologetics).
Plenary Indulgences for the living and the dead are granted by Holy Mother Church under the usual conditions during Holy Week to the faithful who:
For the usual conditions pertaining to the meriting of indulgences, click on the Official Traditional Catholic Directory department, provided to the TRADITIO Network by the National Registry of Traditional Latin Masses, in the chapter "Traditional Indulgences."
In these days when Motarian and neocon Newchurch periodicals pass themselves off as "traditional," the Fathers were delighted to receive the latest issue of the #1 traditional Catholic publication that we recommend -- and it's free!
For 24 years now the quarterly Catholic Voice, published by the Society of Traditional Roman Catholics, has been providing the best dead-on traditional Catholic coverage of erroneous trends in Newchurch and good Catholic teaching at the same time. Its articles are written for the most part by an independent traditional Catholic priest of many years' experience. These articles are crisp, to the point, and clearly written and edited for easy reading on a handy 215x280-millimetre format.
The articles do not go on and on ad nauseam on ungainly-sized pages. They are not written by laypeople who can't seem to take a firm stand for traditional Catholicism, but wander from the New Order on the one side to geocentric astronomy on the other side, with some "Motu" mania in between! The latest sixteen-page March 2008 issue includes the following variety of articles:
Although The Catholic Voice (P.O. Box 130, Mead, WA 99021) is free, everyone availing himself of this periodical should, in justice, enclose a $10 bill to offset a year's worth of publication and postage costs.
If you want to buy a pope's visit, you'd better be ready to cough up at least $3,000,000. Newchurch's Washington, D.C., archbishop, Donald Wuerl, has revealed that Benedict-Ratzinger is charging him that amount for security, transportation, and an April 17, 2008, phony Novus Ordo "Baseball" Mess at Washington Nationals Baseball Park. New York's Edward Egan hasn't yet announced how much Benedict-Ratzinger is charging him as the Newchurch cardinal of the other major city on the junket. Communities that sponsored previous papal visits are still trying to get out of near bankruptcy.
This papal junket is a waste of money. First of all, Benedict-Ratzinger will visit Ground Zero of the World Trade Center attack by the Mohammedans against the United States, but he has refused to visit Ground Zero of his Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal, Boston, Massachusetts, where the consequences of his sex-crimes cover-up policy has left thousands of children in that city raped and brutalized by his Newchurch presbyters. Meanwhile, he has personally housed Boston's discredited Cardinal Bernard Law in an elegant palace in Rome, given him an annual stipend, and appointed him to the juicy post of archpriest of St. Mary Major Archbasilica. The policy of the Benedict-Ratzinger papacy is commit a crime: get a perc!
On April 17, 2008, Benedict-Ratzinger will simulate a phony Novus Ordo Mess, not in a cathedral or even a church, but in a secular baseball park, several of whose denizens are now up before the courts on criminal drug-use charges. U.S. President John Kennedy's Requiem Mass in 1963 was celebrated by Cardinal Cushing at St. Matthew's Cathedral. At that time more noted kings, queens, and heads of state attended a Catholic service than any other time in recent memory. But anything that Catholic is, of course, out of the question for Benedict-Ratzinger. He prefers the company of balls and horses.
Later that day he will meet with Mohammedans, Jews, Buddhists, Hindu, Jain pagan sects to receive their "gifts," after which he will address his partner in his New Order secular intrigue, the United Nations. But, never fear, the Protestant sects won't be left out. An April 18, 2008, "Oecumenical" Mess will be reserved for them. Then another phony Novus Ordo "Baseball" Mess will be simulated in New York's Yankee Stadium, not in St. Patrick's Cathedral.
Oh, we almost forgot. "Motu" maniacs will be edified to learn that there isn't a single one of these Messes on the schedule of the papal junket!
The Rainbow Sash Movement, a homosexual activist group, has announced its plans to protest Benedict-Ratzinger during his April 2008 junket to the United States. The RSM plans to throw ashes at Benedict-Ratzinger because "ashes are an ancient and appropriate greeting for a sinner who has caused the Church so much division and pain," stated the Movement. "We will also be greeting him with whistles; these were used by the Polish people to show shame for the violation of human rights by the Communist government prior to the end of the cold war," added a RSM statement. [Source: LSN]
Of course, we Fathers deplore the Rainbow Sash Movement as immoral. However, it has a creative idea here. The New Order of Newchurch, which just an offshoot of the heresy of Modernism condemned by Pope St. Pius X, is even more immoral because it touches not only one moral doctrine, but all Catholic doctrine and morality, as well the Holy Mass and Sacraments. It was allowed to take over the Church because supposed Catholics rarely stood against it, but just rolled over like Charismatic Protestants to embrace a phony sect and its heresies.
Even today one sees this capital sin of sloth in standing up for the true Faith in the recent Great "Motu" Mess Hoax. The Motarians are swallowing this poison hook, line, and sinker -- even sending petitions of support to the same "Fr. Ratzinger" of Vatican II, who then introduced so much of the New Order that he is still pushing today.
If real Catholics had thrown ashes at Paul VI and blown police whistles at him back in the 1960s, he would have been forced to back off from Vatican II and its subsequent New Order, which he himself later admitted was responsible for introducing the "smoke of Satan" and "auto-destruction" into the Church. He was certainly right. Newchurch is already a sinking into the abyss and looks to become as dead as the Church of England within a couple of decades. For further information, click on FAQ8: What Is the Authority of Vatican II?
Traditional Catholics of Washington, D.C., and New York, get your ashes and police whistles ready! This is certainly a milder response that your predecessors in the Catholic Faith had to bad popes. Some they threw into the Tiber River. Some they ran out of Rome. One pope even dug up one of his evil predecessors, dressed him in the papal regalia, and excommunicated him!
Newchurch has been trying to play "We All Worship the Same God" oecumenical games since Vatican II. Benedict-Ratzinger has even announced it as the primarily goal of his papacy, but all he has accomplished is to leave egg on his face and of all Newchurch. The Jews in Jerusalem didn't allow a delegation of Newchurch cardinals to enter the precinct of the Wailing Wail because they were wearing crucifixes. Most of the Eastern Orthodox still don't recognize the pope. Now Mormons, loosely defined as a Protestant sect, have trashed a Newchurch site and mocked the Newchurch sect there.
On March 6, 2008, photographs were published of three Mormon missionaries vandalizing a local Newchurch shrine, the Shrine of the Mexican Martyrs, and mocking the Newchurch sect there. One photograph showed a Mormon missionary holding the severed head of a statue at the shrine, which sits next to the Stations of the Cross on a mesa above town. Another photograph depicted a Mormon missionary preaching from the sect's Book of Mormon inside the Chapel of All Saints. A third photograph showed one missionary pretending to sacrifice another missionary on the altar at the Shrine of the Mexican Martyrs.
The Mormon missionary supervisor for the region, Robert Fotheringham, acknowledged that the men depicted in the photographs were Mormon missionaries working in the San Luis Valley, but would not identify them. He didn't seem too concerned about the matter, but Corporal Scott Powell, of the Costilla County Sheriff's office, said that the men would face up to six charges, including felonies for criminal mischief and conspiracy. The Mormon missionary supervisor barely managed to eke out a half-signed "apology" from one of the vandals. [Source: Pueblo Chieftain]
A number in the Newchurch community didn't even want to press for prosecution of the Mormons in justice. No wonder Newchurch churches are being vandalized, barbarized, and destroyed, mostly by their own bishops without a word of "Stop!" from the Newchurchers. Deaf, dumb, and blind they are after forty years of the New Order.
You good Catholics learned in your traditional Catholic catechism that that the Seven Capital Sins are lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, and pride. These come to us from Sacred Scripture. But these human flaws, which have been recognized since the Garden of Eden, are not "Politically Correct" enough for Benedict-Ratzinger and his Modernist Newchurch.
No, you have to tear those pages out of your traditional catechism and insert instead these Modernist sins: polluting, genetic engineering, being obscenely rich, drug dealing, abortion, paedophilia and causing social injustice. You see, Newchurch is not only Modernist, but stupid. The Fathers understood what the basic human flaw are; Newchurch understands only what is dictated to it by Modernist secular politics.
The horselaugh is that Newchurch signally fails its own Modernist test. Paedophilia?! Who is responsible for that: Benedict-Ratzinger himself, who was given the responsibility for that as "Sex-crimes Czar" by JPII and now has the full responsibility as Newpope. His "infallible" pronouncement was to cover up all the sex crimes of his Newchurch officials, not to punish them. Thus, they remain out of control, as has been reported previously in the TRADITIO Commentaries.
The New Order Catechism of the Catholic Church states that "immediately after death the souls of those who die in a state of mortal sin descend into Hell." Therefore, how can we escape the conclusion that Benedict-Ratzinger himself is bound for the infernal regions, unless he publicly recants of his sins, does penance, and rights the wrongs that he has committed against his Newchurch children? But there is little change of that, as he now blames not himself and his corrupt Newchurch clergy for raping and abusing tens of thousands of children, but "the press."
To Newchurch, sin is not personal any longer; it is societal. Newchurch has eschewed any personal responsibility. This, of course, is the Modernist cop-out. That is why Benedict-Ratzinger and his Newchurch have been allowed by God, as the natural consequences of their immorality, to sink gradually into oblivion, as St. Paul teaches in his Epistle to the Romans: "Wherefore God game them up to the desires of their heart.... Who changed the truth of God into a lie" (Romans: 1:24-25/DRV).
When the news of this latest Modernist "revision" was mocked in the international press, Newvatican did what it usually does: issued some kind of a weasel-worded half-denial, claiming that the release was "misinterpreted." This is just the latest example of the post Vatican II axiom: usually what Newvatican denies turns out to be true! If Newvatican can't write a clear press release, this case just proves what the TRADITIO Network has been saying all along, that Benedict-Ratzinger and his lieutenants should be dismissed from their offices, and more competent people installed. Maybe at the same time the new people could clean up the Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal, which Benedict-Ratzinger and his crowd have been aiding and abetting.
The U.S. Religious Landscape Study of the Pew Forum has confirmed that Newchurchers are leaving the New Order religion in droves. The Study has shown that Newchurch membership has dropped from one in three to one in four. Those who leave Newchurch either drop out of that church entirely or join Pentecostal or Evangelical Protestant sects. One out of every ten Evangelicals is a former Newchurcher.
But the statistic that is really shaking Newchurch to its foundations is that Hispanic Newchurchers leaving at double that number and ending up in Evangelical or Pentecostal sects. Thus, the huge numbers of illegal immigrants on which the U.S. Newchurch bishops were relying to keep their numbers up are leaving in large numbers and no longer keeping Newchurch afloat. Newchurch is looking at its de-facto demise in the United States in only a few decades.
Newchurch in the United States had its worst financial year ever, according to information provided by the U.S. Conference of Catholic [sic] Bishops. It paid out $615,000,000 in damage judgments against it for sex crimes, and that figure does not include the $1,500,000,000 in damages adjudged against Roger "Rogue" Mahony's Newchurch archdiocese of Los Angeles. This is an increase of 54 per cent over 2006.
Any propaganda that Newchurch now has sex crimes within its ranks under control is false, as the bishops' own figures demonstrate. The annual report of the bishops' own paper-tiger Commission for the Protection of Children and Young People showed that 689 new allegations of sex crimes were lodged in 2007, showing no significant difference from previous years.
According to Bishop Accountability, an organization independent from the influence of the U.S. Newchurch bishops, considerably more than 5,000 New Order presbyters -- one out of eight Newchurch presbyters -- have been charged with sex crimes. What must be even more shocking to Newchurchers is that 22 U.S. Newchurch bishops themselves -- one out of twelve Newchurch bishops -- have been charged with sex crimes.
Good Catholics, it is clear that the criminality of Newchurch goes right to the top in the United States to the bishops themselves. With one out of every twelve bishops themselves being charged with sex crimes, it is no wonder that the Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal rages on. Obviously, the Newchurch presbyters are still being given a "pass" by their guilty bishops, who aid and abet them.
The only solution that makes any sense at this point is to purge the Church of its corrupt officials, from the top on down, following the example of Our Lord Jesus Christ when getting rid of ecclesiastical crime on the part of church officials of His time. He took up a whip and beat up the agents of the High Priest, running them out of the temple as he railed at them:
It is written, My house shall be called the ouse of prayer; but you have made it a den of thieves" (Matthew 21:13-14/DRV).
Any notion that the Newchurch neocons circulate about Benedict-Ratzinger being "conservative," let alone "traditional," is contradicted once again. Reports are now circulating that Benedict-Ratzinger is set to rule that the Arch-heretic Martin Luther, founder of Protestantism, whom Pope Leo X called "a drunken German who will change his mind when sober," was not a heretic after all and that, consequently, Protestantism is not a heresy.
Benedict-Ratzinger is set to invite his usual complement of odd ducks, ex-Catholics and heretics, including such dodo-birds as his bosom-buddy Hans Kung, to his summer castle, Castel Gandolfo, in 2008. Kung's license as a Catholic teacher was revoked even by Paul VI, after which Kung joined the Freemasons and excommunicated himself. "Birds of a feather flock together," they say.
Benedict-Ratzinger angered the Eastern Orthodox and the Protestants in July 2007 by indicating that they were "not proper Churches." His stated primary goal for his papal administration is "oecumenism," so he needs to issue a balancing statement. This is the modus operandi of the post-conciliar popes: to issue contradictory statements so that people can choose whichever statement they agree with. This is why Benedict-Ratzinger can be viewed as conservative and liberal at the same time.
Benedict-Ratzinger is also planning a shivaree at Castel Gandolfo with the Mohammedans to pander to their false sect after his "oecumenical" blunder in calling Mohammed a man of violence in a 2006 speech at a German University. Then on November 4-6, 2008, he will meet personally with a new, permanent Catholic-Mohammedan interfaith "forum," which he erected on March 5, 2008. [Source: London Times]
Benedict-Ratzinger already diddled with his "Motu" Mess to pander to the Jewish leaders, but they didn't buy it. Now he is reaching out to the Protestants. For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) in the section, "Martin Luther."
Newvatican later denied the London Times story. Usually what Newvatican denies turns out to be true. If Benedict-Ratzinger really wanted to be orthodox, he would stop having "theological" meetings with all those breeds of schismatics and heretics. He himself comes under what Catholic teaching calls "the odor of heresy" by his association with heretics and schismatics, such as his bosom-buddy Hans Kung, whose license to teach theology was revoked by Paul VI, after which Kung joined the Freemasons and excommunicated himself. Actually, Newchurch already sold out to the Arch-heretic Martin Luther in the "Joint Declaration" of 1999, which even traditional Lutherans had enough honesty not to sign and walked out of!
The Rev. Marek Bozek, pastor of St. Stanislaus Kostka church, refused on March 5, 2008, to appear before St. Louis's Newchurch archbishop Raymond "Bully" Burke. "I will not subject myself to any more of this humiliating process," the courageous Bozek said in a news conference at St. Stanislaus, just northwest of downtown St. Louis.
The controversy began in early 2004, only a couple of months after Burke was reassigned by JPII from La Crosse, Wisconsin, to St. Louis, Missouri, after Burke had raised the ire of the La Crossans by refusing to cooperate with authorities in arresting presbyters in his diocese who had been raping and assaulting children. La Crosse Newchurchers were also incensed at Burke for consecrating as a Newchurch "nun" a surgically "transgendered" man.
Immediately Burke set his sights on stealing St. Stanislaus Kostka Church, which had been given a Perpetual Charter by St. Louis's first archbishop, Peter Kenrick (1843-1895), over 125 years ago. This charter authorized St. Stanislaus to operate in perpetuum with a lay Board of Trustees, a common arrangement at the time. Burke, however, had a large bill to pay for sex crimes, so he wanted to steal the beautiful Gothic-style church, now worth $12,000,000, to pay off part of his debt. The parish Board of Trustees correctly charged that Burke's attempt was outright theft and so refused.
Burke then illegally "excommunicated" the board, which then outsmarted Burke by declaring, by an almost unanimous vote of its entire membership, its total independence from Burke's Newchurch archdiocese and hiring a Polish presbyter, Marek Bozek, to minister to its Newchurch congregation. Burke then turned his ire against Bozek, whose congregation doubled and even trebled in just two years under his pastorate. Now Bozek was "excommunicated" from Newchurch.
For some reason, "excommunication" from Newchurch is not enough for the frenzied Burke, who then summoned Bozek to a tribunal of inquisition with Burke himself as Chief Inquisitor. Bozek rightly smelled a kangaroo court and refused to attend. Burke, King of the Sex-crimes Cover-up, who had no problem consecrating a surgically "transgendered" man as a Newchurch "nun," has now threatened to "defrock" the presbyter, although he won't "defrock" the perverted sex-criminals that operate under his administration. Bozek has now called Burke's bluff, as the large parish is no longer part of Newchurch and itself hired Bozek. St. Stanislaus parish's Board of Trustees chairman, William Bialczak, stood beside Bozek at the news conference and stated that Bozek had the full support of the board and would continue serving the parish as its pastor.
"Bully" Burke has gotten a bad reputation in St. Louis in only four years there. He took on the Masons and then backed down. He took on the Society of St. Pius X and then backed down. He took on the Fraternity of St. Peter, an "Indult" organization, and has essentially suppressed its activities. He still plays cover-up in Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal. Now he is taking on his own Newchurchers and is getting black eye. Bozek said: "We believe the archbishop is realizing that he is losing this battle, and the people of St. Louis are standing strongly behind St. Stanislaus. He is giving us free publicity." [Source: St. Louis Post-Dispatch]
Bozek is unquestionably Novus Ordo, and we call him a presbyter, not a priest. He doesn't purport to call himself traditional, nor do we. We do note his courage in the face of immoral "Bully" Burke, who is far worse in trying to steal the $12,000,000 church building to pay off his sex-crimes bill, who does does deceitfully paint himself as at least a neocon Newchurcher, just as we note the courage of the Protestant Episcopalians who are breaking from their liberalist bishopess, who has abandoned Christian morality, to practice a more "traditional" form of Anglicanism.
Good Catholics, just think that if even 10 per cent of the Newchurch pastors stood up to the criminal and Modernist bishops, the New Order would be essentially dead. Unfortunately, most Newchurchers, unlike traditional Catholics and even Protestant Episcopalians, have no guts. They just go along supporting the corruption. They are getting the kind of sect they deserve: unCatholic, immoral, and moribund.
The TRADITIO Fathers have been getting a number of questions this month about what happens to the Feast of St. Patrick, the Feast of St. Joseph, and the Feast of the Annunciation in 2008 because they fall within Holy Week and the Octave week of Easter, which occurs as early as it ever gets. According to the fully-traditional Calendar of the Universal Church:
The TRADITIO Network provides a monthly calendar based on the fully-traditional form of the Roman rite, before the rubrical changes of 1950, 1956, 1960, and 1962. For further information, click on the TRADITIO Network's Traditional Liturgical Calendar department.
JPII stirred up the ire of traditional Catholics when he bowed in submission to and kissed the Mohammedan Koran on June 1, 1999, when presented to him by a delegation of Imams. Now Benedict-Ratzinger is going to outdo his predecessor in actions reeking of the odor of heresy. He will accept not only a Koran in green leather and gold-leaf edging, but also a Jewish menorah, a Jain metallic cube, a Hindu Om incense-burner, and a Buddhist Bell, when meeting with 200 delegates of Jewish, Mohammedan, Jewish, Jain, Buddhist, and Hindu communities on April 17, 2008, during his junket to the United States. [Source: U.S. Conference of Catholic [sic] Bishops Press Service]
Benedict-Ratzinger has proclaimed pursuing the equality of all religions as the primary goal of his papacy. He is noted for pushing the New Order doctrine that "all religions are equal" and "we all worship the same god." Traditional Catholics deny that this New Order doctrine is even Catholic, any more than Benedict-Ratzinger's anti-Christian teaching that Our Lord Jesus Christ is not the Messias for the Jews, who can look for another.
Don't let that term "Catholic hospital" deceive you. There are no Catholic hospitals any more. Newchurch has sold them all out.
A case in point. A Newchurch hospital will now be offering immoral sex-change operations. Seton Medical Center, of Daly City, California, once had a policy stating: "Transgender procedures or procedures that are part of the transgendering process may not be performed at Seton, as Seton is a Catholic Hospital."
Seton has now changed its policy in view of the fact that California does not allow religiously-based hospitals to deny elective surgery for transgender operations. So Seton has decided to perform the immoral surgeries, even though it admitted that "Catholic teaching prohibits the accommodation of sex-change operations." Typical Newchurch duplicity and hypocrisy. What's next: abortions in this "Catholic" hospital? "Transgender" group are, of course, claiming a victory over the "Catholic" Church.
Benedict-Ratzinger's personal appointee as archbishop of San Francisco, George Niederauer, has not prevented his "Catholic" hospital conducting immoral surgeries. [Source: CCD]
March 4, 2008, marks the tenth anniversary of the murder of traditional priest, Fr. Alfred Kunz. Kunz was found murdered at St. Michael Catholic Church school in Dane, Wisconsin, where he had been pastor since 1967. He was found with his throat slit, lying in a pool of blood. There were reports at the time that the murder had Satanic features, but police were very close-mouthed. Fr. Kunz had run afoul of the local Newchurch bishop of Madison, Wisconsin, William Bullock (1987-2003), because he insisted on celebrating only the Traditional Latin Mass and preaching the traditional Roman Catholic Faith.
Fr. Kunz was a thorn in the local Newchurch bishop's side. He often came to the assistance of Newchurchers trying to battle Modernist forces, including a group that was trying to remove its own local Newchurch bishop (1983-1999) of Springfield, Illinois, Daniel Ryan, for immorality. Ryan was in fact forced to resign in 1999. When informed of Fr. Kunz's murder, Bullock took five hours to make the half-hour trip from his chancery in Madison, Wisconsin, to Dane, too late to administer the Last Rites. Bullock never met with the children of St. Michael's school to console them on the loss of their pastor. After Fr. Kunz's death, Bullock revamped St. Michael's and instituted there the invalid Novus Ordo Protestant-Masonic-Pagan Mess, the Mess that Fr. Kunz rejected.
He had also exposed immoral activities on the part of several diocesan presbyters. Some at the time suspected that the bishop, or his agents, may have been involved in the crime. Said one parishioner of Kunz: He was "hard-nosed, uncompromisingly traditional priest. He told it like it was, sometimes getting in trouble [with the local Newchurch bishop] for his strong and clear messages about marital fidelity and abortion. He wasn't afraid of anything."
Said another: "He was a very dedicated person, a man of tremendous principles, and he followed them. This is unbelievable in a permissive age. People have no idea of what it means to be consistent. He had tremendous respect for the Mass and the Blessed Sacrament." This respect led him to reject the Novus Ordo and continue celebrating the Traditional Latin Mass, in spite of the fact that Newchurch "banned" such celebrations. Curiously, Newchurch has now admitted that this "ban" was illegal, yet it has done nothing to apologize to courageous priests, like Fr. Kunz, who persisted in the true Mass against spurious Newchurch "authorities." [Source: Capital Times of Madison, Wisconsin]
The Liturgical Committee here at St. Bozo's Catholic Community (we don't use antiquated terms like "Mass" and "Parish" any more) has appointed me, its chairperson, to give a lay homily at all Masses this Sunday, since this will be Father Flapdoodle's last Sunday here. I've been asked to express our deeply-felt felt-deeps to Father. As you all know, Fr. Flapdoodle is leaving because he's been suspended on account of three credible accusations of rape of children. He is just another victim of sexual McCarthyism.
Father has labored hard for years trying to make our Catholic Faith user-friendly. We're so grateful that Father never mentions mediaeval notions like Hell and the Devil. And he never brings up those pre-Vatican II obsessions about sex.
Father has allowed us to have Clown Liturgies and liturgical dancers. And inclusive language, thank Goddess, is mandatory here at St. Bozo's. Father, who also views himself as our mother, welcomes gays and lesbians with open arms, no questions asked.
Father has renovated our worship venue (we don't use the antiquated term "church" any more) and taken out those superstitious votive candles, those servile kneelers, and that barbaric crucifix. He has removed that funereal organ so that we now have a place for our groovy rock band. We always leave the liturgical festivity with positive energy now, ready to bring oecumenical tolerance and diversity to our hurting world.
Now we can offer our Modernized worship venue to the "Motu" Mess crowd. We'll have them worshipping at our Clown Liturgy in no time!
Padre Pio's family and several devotees called it "barbaric" and threatened to take the local Newchurch bishop, Dominico D'Ambrosio, to the Italian courts to try to stop it, but Benedict-Ratzinger's Newvatican was bound and determined to desecrate the body of Padre Pio. According to Italian reports, "like thieves in the night, Benedict-Ratzinger's lieutenants spirited away the body to "to avoid possible protests and disruptions." The padre's body was taken on March 2, 2008, by the Newchurch vandals to a "secret location" to protect it both from devotees trying to retrieve it from the New Order's desecration.
Newvatican is forcing the padre's body to be removed from the sanctuary crypt of his beloved traditional San Giovanni Rotondo to a new, ghastly, ultra-Modernistic Novus Ordo temple. The Capuchin friars of his order released a disturbing report that the skull of the cadaver had suffered significant decomposition in forty years, even though it had been injected with the preservative formalin at the time of his death, and that only "parts of the body" had been found to be "intact." Can the dead not be left to rest, or is Benedict-Ratzinger so crazed to make Padre Pio a poster-boy for the New Order that he would even desecrate the remains of the man whom many consider a true Saint? [Source: London Times]
Padre Pio, who died in 1968, just before the implementation of Hannibal Bugnini's Novus Ordo Mess, detested the New Order. He decried the Vatican II Council and its New Mess, and greeted the traditional archbishop Marcel Lefebvre with great respect. For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) in the section, "Padre Pio."
It is hard to think of a better representative of the Protestant-Masonic-Pagan New Order Church than Roger "Rogue" Mahony, who presides over the Newchurch archdiocese of Los Angeles. Mahony built his Taj Mahony cathedral, which makes little pretense to being anything other than a pagan temple, complete with dancers around its pagan altar. Mahony has also presided over a $1,500,000,000 sex-crimes rampage on the part of himself and his presbyters that makes Attila the Hun look civilized!
Just as the Newchurchers of Boston got sick of Bernard Law's crimes and rode his cardinaltial "eminence" out of town on a rail when JPII failed in his papal responsibility to do so, it seems that the Newchurchers of Los Angeles are not far from doing the same to "Rogue" Mahony since Benedict-Ratzinger has failed in his papal responsibility to do so.
On March 1, 2008, Newchurchers picketed the Religious Education Conference at the Anaheim (California) Convention Center. The conference is the world's largest training event for the New Order Church's teachers, to which Mahony invited a managerie of immoral and anti-Catholic speakers, as he has consistently done in past years. Included among his 2008 speakers were:
Good Catholics, actions speak louder than words. Benedict-Ratzinger must agree with Mahony and these principles of the New Order; otherwise, he certainly has the power to can the rogue. If you were pope, would you keep on a perverted anti-Catholic cardinal, responsible for the ruination of the lives of thousands of child-victims over the last 22 years and a $1,500,000,000 penalty judgment against him? [Source: Christian New Wire]
We've seen the Gucci sunglasses, the Prada shoes, and the fur-lined Santa Claus cap. Now Benedict-Ratzinger is spending Newchurchers' hard-earned money to make a thirty-piece ensemble to parade down the Newvatican runway. Have you ever heard of anything so queer?
Apparently, Benedict-Ratzinger is too puffed up to select from the collection of historical papal vestments at the Vatican. He had to have brand-new ones commissioned, at Newchurch expense, to satiate his clothes-horse covetousness for sartorial queerness. Newvatican has announced that on Palm Sunday Benedict-Ratzinger will parade around the Novus Ordo table in a brand new, and quite expensive, red-and-gold silk faux-baroque thirty-piece set of vestments bearing the motifs of Leo X (r. 1513-1521), the last Medici pope.
Leo X is known for being outwitted by Martin Luther. At first Luther's criticisms of the Church's abuses were academic, but Leo, by his abuse of indulgences and his politicking, proved himself to the world to be a despicable autocrat and earned the reproach not only of the likes of Martin Luther, but also of the two most respected Catholics of the age, St. Thomas More and Desiderius Erasmus.
Good Catholics, here we see another angle of the Modernist Benedict-Ratzinger's program of deception of the neocon Newchurchers. What he is doing is equivalent to presiding over the "marriage" of two lesbians in the most elegant vestments, so that the observers will remember the vestments, not the sacrilege. You can be sure that on Palm Sunday, Benedict-Ratzinger will be simulating yet another of his invalid Novus Ordo Mess extravaganzas. If the Newchurchers are lucky, he will use Hannibal Bugnini's "Presto" Canon, as he usually does, so that they can give him the hook and get him off the runway as quickly as possible!
Imagine thousands of lawsuits, each detailing sex crimes committed by Newchurch presbyters arriving at the office of Benedict-Ratzinger in Newrome. He would be forced, again and again, to come face to face with the results of his immoral and corrupt aiding and abetting of sex crimes for Newvatican. He will be forced to read legal summonses, again and again, about forced sodomy, sex with seven-year olds in seedy motels, Newchurch monsignors who kept adolescent boys as travelling companions, and presbyters who tricked young women seeking counseling into bed instead. Benedict-Ratzinger, facing trial in courts across the United States, could no longer avoid facing the immoral corruption that he perpetrated as JPII's Sex-crimes Czar and then as pope in his own right.
Louisville, Kentucky, attorney Bill McMurry has taken the fight for victims of Newchurch sex criminals up a notch. On March 18, 2008, in a Cincinnati U.S. Federal Court, the Vatican, whose Chief Executive Officer is Benedict-Ratzinger himself, is summoned to show cause why he should not stand civil trial. "We are suing the Vatican," McMurry said. "After we get through all the legal issues about whether the Vatican can be a defendant, then we can go forward with this case against the Vatican." If the case is allowed to go forward against the Vatican, anyone can sue the Vatican individually. On the eve of his April 2008 junket to the United States, Benedict-Ratzinger must now be contemplating Bernard Law's situation, just before he was run out of town by Boston Newchurchers who had had enough of the Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal.
McMurry is appealing the 2007 ruling that plaintiffs can sue only for actions by bishops in the United States, not by the pope or any of his agents in the Vatican. Last year a federal judge ruled that the Vatican enjoys immunity from its own misdeeds at the Vatican because of its foreign sovereignty, thanks to Fascist dictator Benito Mussolini, but that the Vatican is not immune for conduct of its bishops in the United States because the bishops are agents of the Vatican. "I want to sue them for what the pope and his guys are doing in the Vatican," said McMurry. "It will be for the pope like it's been for most of these archbishops and archdioceses: they have to wake up and realize what happened here."
McMurry is relying is relying on a provision in the law that the Statute of Limitations is suspended where it can be shown that the defendant (Vatican) conducted "hidden misconduct" or fraud during the years after the crimes were committed. If McMurry is successful, any Newchurch sex-crime victim will be able to sue the Vatican individually.
Bernard Law. The name sends chills down the spine of any true Catholic. This despicable Newchurch cardinal was King of the Sex-crime Cover-up. His criminal and perverted antics in Boston, supported by JPII and Card. Ratzinger, led to the greatest scandal in the Church in the United States since Colonial times and has been significantly responsible for the disintegration of the remainder of what purports to be Catholicism in the United States.
JPII didn't have the guts to fire Law. Card. Ratzinger, JPII's hand-picked Czar of Sex Crimes, didn't have the guts to fire law. Finally, the Newchurchers of Boston had enough of gutless popes and ran Law out of Boston on a rail in December 2002. Good for them, but Benedict-Ratzinger got the last laugh on them. With the support of Newpope, Law now lives as a VIP in the lap of luxury in corrupt Newrome.
Boston Magazine did a follow-up report on what Law is up to. It turns out that, far from being under censure for his immoral acts in the destruction of thousands of child-victims' lives, Law is living in palatial apartments, presiding over a stunning basilica, and enjoying as much power as ever under his other accomplice, Benedict-Ratzinger. Law disrespects the Archbasilica of St. Mary Major by his presence there as its archpriest. The "unSaint" JPII appointed him to that position and regarded the perverted Law as a "favorite."
Law's residence at the archbasilica is described as "palatial," a grandiose set of seven rooms decorated with priceless frescoes and three Newchurch nuns to pamper to his every whim. He saunters around Rome eating at pricey restaurants, where a single meal runs between $60 and $85. It apparently never occurs to him that for his public sins he should be eating bread and water and sending the money to the victims of his sex-crime ridden administration. Said a spokesman of the Survivors Network of Those Abused by P[resbyters]: "If things had happened differently in the United States, he might well have landed himself in jail." Law is seen as hopelessly tainted and unrepentant.
At least once every two weeks, Law leaves his palance and rides five kilometres across town to the Newvatican’s Apostolic Palace, where he sits on eight of the important curial dicasteries, where he handpicks Newchurch bishops for the United States. In effect, he is creating the New Order Hierarchy. As a Modernist, he is pushing "inclusive wording" in translations of the Newchurch Bible and expanding the role of altar-girls.
Law is well aware of the criminality of his acts as Newchurch archbishop of Boston. When his back trouble became severe during late 2004, he refused to fly to the United States for surgery, fearing that he might be arrested. Instead, he settled for the generally iffy quality of Italian healthcare.
More and more evidence is accumulating that the Superior General Bernie Fellay and his Fellayite wing of the Society of St. Pius X is preparing to disband the SSPX when (if) Benedict-Ratzinger's Great "Motu" Mess Hoax is successful.
The pastor of the SSPX's Our Lady of Sorrows Chapel at Crookston, Minnesota, Christopher Darby, gave an interview to The Forum newspaper of Fargo, North Dakota, in which he revealed that "the Society is very happy that the ["Motu"] Mass is being offered locally [in Fargo]. That's what we want is the Tridentine [sic] Mass to come back in the Church [sic]. For us, that is a very welcome development." The SSPX used to offer a Mass in Fargo, but now the "Motu" Mess is there, the SSPX has abandoned the site. Darby still offers the Mass in Crookston, Minnesota, about 140 kilometres away because there isn't a "Motu" Mess there yet.
The statements of Darby and Fellay seem to indicate that if a "Motu" Mess is offered in a given diocese, the SSPX may abandon that diocese to Newchurch. Rumors have been mounting that Fellay has a contingency plan effectively to disband the SSPX and sell out to Newchurch completely when (if) Benedict-Ratzinger's Great "Motu" Mess Hoax succeeds.
Good Catholics, beware Neocon Newchurchers activity cooperating with the hoax. One neocon periodical has even concocted a shoot-yourself-in-the foot petition to support Benedict-Ratzinger's changes to the "Motu" Mess! To the contrary, traditional Catholics are holding firm in resisting the hoax as being just another ploy to get the ignoscenti to accept a Novus Ordo service sugar-coated with a little Latin, this time fabricated by a Benedict-Ratzinger instead of a Hannibal Bugnini.
Dear Fathers:
Concerning his plans for a new mongrelized Novus Ordo/1962 service, Card. Ratzinger has already employed the words "new synthesis" with regard to such a service. That says all we need to know about his intentions. Being a Modernist at heart and an eclectic in his tastes, he long ago destined a "Motu" Mess, which is not even Hannibal Bugnini's 1962 version, for many changes.
If you recall, Benedict-Ratzinger in the 1960s criticised the Traditional Latin Mass for fossilizing certain liturgical norms in time and for encouraging devotions of which he appeared to entirely disapprove, such as the Rosary (Joseph Ratzinger, Problemi e risultati del Concilio Vaticano II, Brescia: Queriniana, 1967, pp. 25-27). In fact, Rosary societies in Newchurch are disbanding, and the Rosary is becoming obsolete, particularly since JPII modified it to make it a tool of the New Order.
Frankly speaking, a few dalmatics and "backs to the people" at Bugnini-fabricated Benedict-Ratzinger services do not fool a real traditional Roman Catholic. When we hear neocons claiming that the pope is going to make the Novus Ordo service more traditional, such an oxymoron demonstrates the paucity of genuine comprehension among the neocons. With oecumenical antics proceeding faster than ever, the post-conciliar post-Modernist roller-coaster of false religion, idolatry, and ceremonial abominations hurtle toward their ultimate and inevitable paroxysm.
No surprise here, except to papolatric Newchurchers. Benedict-Ratzinger's Newvatican Supreme Court has given the middle finger to Newchurchers trying to save their historic churches and has upheld the power of his Newchurch bishops to bring in the wrecking-ball. And his court considered the matter for less than two weeks before throwing it out in an apparently predetermined ruling. The Newchurchers of Boston took their case to Newvatican's Supreme Court on January 17, 2008, and Benedict-Ratzinger's hand-picked kangaroo court rendered its verdict on February 1, 2008. The Newchurchers now say that they have had enough of Benedict-Ratzinger's phony justice and are taking him before the civil courts of Massachusetts.
As goes Boston, so goes the United States. Ten other Newparishes have their cases pending before Newvatican's Supreme Court. Moreover, five of these historic churches have been physically occupied, so for as long as 40 months, to prevent the Newchurch bishops destroying them. It seems that the bishops were more responsive than Newvatican after local parishioners occupied the churches and got the backing of civic officials. Peter Borre, the Chairman of the Council of [Newchurch] Parishes, decried Benedict-Ratzinger's decree, saying, "This tells Catholic [sic] America that no parish is safe -- it means that under financial duress, any bishop can appropriate any parish, and that's a big issue."
Newchurchers are hopping mad at Benedict-Ratzinger, whose kangaroo court ignored "Canon Law," that is, the Novus Ordo parody of canon law enacted in 1983 under JPII. Without any reference even to the 1983 canons, the court simply stated that any bishop can close any parish "for the greater good of the diocese as he sees it." So much for "canon law" under the New Order! Moreover, it was revealed that Benedict-Ratzinger had given the Newchurch archbishop of Boston, Sean O'Malley, "maximum discretion" to dismantle the archdiocese to save it from "monetary ruin" because of the Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal. Of course, we all know who is behind that scandal: Ratzinger himself, first as JPII's hand-picked Sex-crimes Czar and now under his own authority as Newpope. [Source: Boston Globe]
Good Catholics, this case proves again that Newrome is a lawless Mafia, and Benedict-Ratzinger is no better than a Mafia don, just as the U.S. Conference of Catholic [sic] Bishops' own Investigating Committee reported. Newchurch is a moral cesspool, with its sewers capped by a phony Novus Ordo Mess. Keep your noses plugged: the stench is just going to get worse with the passage of time.
Circa 1300 the Italian poet Dante Alighieri, a Tertiary of the Order of St. Francis, honored in an Encyclical Letter by Pope Benedict XV as "the greatest of all Catholic artists," publicly called the pope of his time, Boniface VIII (r. 1294-1303) a "sewer of filth" [cloaca della puzza] and a "pervert" [perverso] (Paradiso XXVII.25-26). It seems that little has changed since the 12th century concerning the perversion of many popes.
Dear Fathers:
I heard that Benedict-Ratzinger is planning gradually to move the "Motu" Mess away from the "Mass of 1962" and fuse it with the Novus Ordo service. Is that true?
The Fathers Reply.
Yes, it is, from his own mouth, and this is another reason why the semi-traditionalists and Neocon Newchurchers should not sell out to his Great "Motu" Mess Hoax. In June 2003 then Card. Ratzinger wrote a letter to Prof. Heinz Lothar Barth, Professor of Classics at the University of Bonn, Germany, in which the man who was two years later to become Newpope proclaimed:
I believe that in the long term the Roman Church must have a single Roman Rite. The Roman Rite of the future should be a single rite, celebrated in Latin or in vernacular.
In his Letter to the Bishops that accompanies the Motu Proprio of July 7, 2007, and interprets it, Benedict-Ratzinger indicates that the "Motu" Mess will gradually be changed to become more like the Novus Ordo Mess, with a veneer, as it were, of conservatism. On February 5, 2008, he took the first step in that direction by changing for the "Motu" Mess the ancient litanical prayer for the Jews to make it more like the Novus Ordo prayer.
Benedict-Ratzinger has shrewdly engineered the "Motu" Mess so that it will be said by presybters "installed" in the Novus Ordo rite, in Novus Ordo churches, on Novus Ordo tables. Those presbyters, of course, must simulate the invalid Novus Ordo Mess too. Benedict-Ratzinger is not "restoring" the Traditional Latin Mass. He is simply starting with a Bugninized knockoff of it, the so-called "Mass of 1962," which will be changed more and more to the Novus Ordo service as time goes by.
Although Benedict-Ratzinger has publicly announced his policy of merging the "Motu" Mess with the invalid Novus Ordo Mess, semi-traditionalists and Neocon Newchurchers have conveniently turned a blind eye and ear to this reality, so sycophantic are they to an unCatholic Newchurch and Newpope. Won't they be left with egg on their face with Benedict-Ratzinger springs the Novus Ordo trap on them?!
Often we TRADITIO Fathers are asked what the lesson of the post-Vatican II times is. Certainly one lesson that we are being taught is the peril of the sin of presumption: how quickly the Faith can be lost if true Catholics don't fight for it.
What country in the world had been more associated with Catholicism than Ireland? Now Ireland embraces abortion, homosexuality, and euthanasia. Vocations -- if there can be said to be such a thing to the New Order presbyterate -- are virtually non-existent. In 2007, 160 Irish presbyters died; only seven were "installed" to preside over the invalid Novus Ordo cookie and Kool-Aid service. Only two women became Newchurch nuns in the whole country.
Within twenty years the prediction is that almost 70 per cent of Ireland's presbyters will be gone, leaving no more than 1500 presbyters for a country of 4,100,000, or one presbyter for every 2,733 Irish. The Newchurch bishops of Ireland have announced that in future weddings will have to be shared with other couples; funerals will have to be shared with other dead people. Even the Novus Ordo Mess will be canceled at many locations throughout the country. [Source: Catholic Courier]
Obviously, the Irish aren't buying the Newchurch line, but they aren't fighting for their traditional Catholic Faith either. They have abandoned it and are facing a plague of Modernist snakes.
To show that nothing has essentially changed in Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch since the Great "Motu" Mess Hoax, that the same kooky unCatholic nonsense goes on unabated, here is just a brief selection of news bulletins that our readers have sent us recently: