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As countless sex-crime scandals have rocked Newchurch over the last several years, American families have been leaving Newchurch in droves, taking with them their much-needed money. The coffers of Newchurch have been running on empty; thus, Newchurch has had to seek other sources of new money.
One of these sources is Benedict-Ratzinger's Great "Motu" Mess Hoax, which is intended to transvert traditional Catholics to Newchurch by eking out a little Latin in a ploy known as the "Motu" Mess. Deluded traditional Catholics will sell out to the "Motu" Mess and bring their bodies and pocketbooks back to the New Order Church -- so the plan goes.
A second source of new money is illegal aliens, a significant percentage of whom are nominal Newchurchers. Benedict-Ratzinger, during his April 2008 junket to the United States stooped to encouraging Newchurchers in that country to welcome illegal aliens in contravention of civil law. Now here's a question: when was the last time a pope on foreign soil urged contravention of the civil law in his host country?
Benedict-Ratzinger, through his Pontifical Commission for Latin America, made a large donation to help build a shelter for Central American illegals who violated the borders of the United States. Between 2005 and 2007, the number of Central American nationals caught by the Border Patrol entering the United States illegally has averaged 11 per cent of their total apprehensions, although the majority of the 875,000 caught sneaking across the border annually (just a fraction of the total are caught) are Mexicans. A particularly violent gang known as MS-13 hails from El Salvador, but now has many Honduran and Guatemalan members as well. It has been responsible for killing 1,276 U.S. citizens since 2000. Chicago Police Superintendent Philip Cline has stated that MS-13 is much more violent than the Italian Mafia, which has connections within the walls of Newvatican itself.
In June 2005, Benedict-Ratzinger's gauleiter in Los Angeles, Newcardinal Roger "Rogue" Mahony, wrote an op-ed piece for the Los Angeles Times in which he defended and even encouraged aliens to enter the United States illegally. In 2006, Mahony directed all presbyters in Los Angeles to violate federal law by refusing to check the legality of any person before Newchurch "welfare" is given to aliens.
Newchurch in the United States alone has been forced to pay-out billions of dollars to the victims of presbyter criminals. Fed up with the hypocrisy and disregard for the lives of innocent children, many Americans have fled Newchurch. Thus, new sources of money to fund Newchurch and its New Order are necessary. Newchurch has sponsored massive rallies to support illegal aliens. For example, a March 2006 rally held in Washington, D.C. was sponsored by, inter alia, the Archdiocese of Washington's Office of Justice and Service, Catholic Charities of the Richmond Diocese (which has recently been implemented in a scandal of signing warrants for abortions), and the so-called Catholic Social Justice Lobby Network. [Source: NBU]
In his desperate campaign to win over gullible neocon Newchurchers, Benedict-Ratzinger may start handing out the Novus Ordo cookie on the tongue, said one of his aides. That this is just another ruse is clear, since he has publicly on worldwide television handed out the cookie in the hand for over three years now as pope, and for all the previous decades as bishop! What, has he got "religion" now? Yet Benedict-Ratzinger refuses to condemn the Novus Ordo practice, which has been condemned time and time again by popes since the early second century, proving once again that he is completely out of Tradition with his predecessors. [Source: Associated Press]
Good Catholics, Benedict-Ratzinger's plan is clear. Keep the neocon natives less restless by giving them a little concession here and there so that they can praise him to the skies for crumbs. But what Benedict-Ratzinger will not do is reject Modernist Vatican II and its Protestant-Masonic-Pagan services, which, to the contrary, he is the first pope to declare the "Ordinary" service of Newchurch. Note too that Newchurch demands from the SSPX's Bernie Fellay unqualified acceptance of the Novus Ordo service and Vatican II. That remains the sine qua non for any Newchurcher.
Timothy Dolan, the Newchurch archbishop of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, has seen a record-breaking drop in weekly Novus Ordo service attendance from 2006 to 2007: a stunning 600 per cent, the greatest reported loss in archdiocesan history. In 2006, 3,957 Newchurchers left; in 2007, a staggering 26,398 Newchurchers left.
One of the main causes for the exodus is the continued abetting of clergy sex crimes by Dolan. Wisconsin had laws that grant civil immunity to clergy sex criminals and their bishops. No longer. The Wisconsin Supreme Court has ruled that Dolan and his fellow Newchurch bishops can be sued for fraud in the cover-up of sex crimes against children. Cases against bishops personally are now moving through the courts. Dolan has also been forced by court order to release never-before-seen diocesan documents detailing a horrific four decades of sex-crime cover-up.
As a result of the mass exodus of Newchurchers, Dolan has laid off numerous archdiocesan employees. Audits are now underway after the disclosure that well over a dozen Newparishes have been involved in financial embezzlement or fraud. And what is Newchurch planning for this malfeasant Dolan? Benedict-Ratzinger put him on the short list to become archbishop of New York!
Newchurchers are finally beginning to display their disgust and outrage over the continuous and catastrophic moral failure of their bishops to protect children and are finally beginning to face up to their complicity in child rape by employing the only measures left to them: they are voting with their with their wallets by withholding contributions, which they don't want to see used for covering up sex crimes. They are also voting with their feet, leaving the sinking ship of the Newchurch of the New Order. [Source: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel]
Fr. Marc Nely, the Second Assistant to the SSPX's Bernie Fellay, has confessed to the Swiss Catholic News Agency that Fellay has broken his word to the SSPX membership and had held a June 4, 2008, secret meeting with Newcardinal Dario Hoyos, Benedict-Ratzinger's hit-man against traditional Catholics, in which Newvatican required Fellay's acceptance of the following "conditions," some antecedent:
Dear Fathers:
I don't think that Bernie Fellay will have half the trouble that you might think trying to push many SSPX members to join Newrome and the New Order, as they are being quietly prepared to accept this transversion.
In a large midwestern city of the United States, there is a Novus Ordo presbyter who services the SSPX chapel. He says "Mass" and hears "confessions." If you tell the SSPX that this presbyter is conferring invalid "sacraments," the SSPX, per order of Fellay, will expel you. So it seems that Fellay and his people have already accepted the Novus Ordo and its Protestant presbyters.
I wrote to Fellay about all of this some time back and received his response stating that I must accept Novus Ordo presbyters in the SSPX. And this in spite of the fact that in the next sentence he admitted that many of these presbyters were invalid "because of general principles"! When I asked Fellay to clarify that phrase, he flipflopped and said that the SSPX did not have a problem with this and hoped that my confidence in the SSPX would be restored. I have since left the SSPX.
It appears to me that Fellay & Co. have been preparing the SSPX members surreptitiously by having Novus Ordo presbyters visit them and confer invalid sacraments. I understand from friends that have remained in the SSPX that the SSPX's practice of using Novus Ordo presbyters is worldwide, just in the United States.
When I called the SSPX's U.S. Headquarters and asked to know which SSPX clergy were Novus Ordo presbyters and not traditional priests, I was told it was none of my business. Yet these presbyers visit back and forth among the SSPX chapels. The Novus Ordo presbyter visited the midwestern chapel twice before a second Novus Ordo presbyter was stationed there permanently. If SSPX accepts these invalid presbyters, then we cannot accept them and must leave the SSPX. The reason that more SSPX members don't leave the Society, as I did, is that they are Novus Ordo at heart and would miss the social life and the traditional "trappings."
It seems that Bernie Fellay, the Society of St. Pius X's current Superior General, while he has been going around dumping on Vatican II to play up to his membership, has been having a secret meeting with Newcardinal Dario Hoyos, Benedict-Ratzinger's point man to draw as many neocon Newchurchers into the New Order as he can. The Milan daily Il Giornale reports that during the week of June 15, 2008, Fellay engaged in a secret backdoor meeting with Hoyos, who told him that Newchurch would welcome the SSPX into its bosom if if Fellay accepts five "conditions," some antecedent, among which are:
Reportedly, Fellay has been personally promised the Novus Ordo purple if he, like a Judas, betrays the SSPX to the New Order. Well, of course, he already has the purple, but apparently he doesn't regard it as "official," as it did not come from Newvatican. Fellay, for all his anti-Vatican II propaganda to appeal to his SSPXers who stand against Newvatican and whom he fears losing in an internal SSPX schism, apparently regards himself as a poseur, since he persists in dunning Newvatican to "lift" the so-called excommunications of the SSPX bishops, which occurred when they rejected the New Order in 1988. It seems that at least Fellay is now going back on that rejection.
To the contrary, Archbishop Lefebvre, the SSPX's founder, rejected the "excommunications" as null and void and took pride in them, as they indicated that he and the SSPX were not partners in the anti-Catholic doctrines, liturgy, and morality of the New Order. The archbishop's position was later confirmed publicly by eight Newchurch canon lawyers, three of them Newcardinals, including the President of the Pontifical Commission for Authentic Interpretation of Canon Law. So why is Fellay so concerned about a nullity? Or is he, as inside sources continue to report to the TRADITIO Network, angling to exchange his traditional purple for Novus Ordo scarlet?
Fellay is reported to be ready to jump at joining the New Order, a goal toward which he has been hankering at least since 2000. The problem is that there is strong resistance among SSPX members, who would view Fellay's acceptance of such "conditions" as a betrayal of their courageous founder, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, and as a betrayal of Catholicism itself.
Fellay is supposed to put the Mephistophelean agreement before the SSPX's next chapter meeting, to be held at the end of June 2008. The question is: will SSPX leaders like Bishops Richard Williamson, Tissier de Mallerais, and Alfonso de Galarreta, all of whom are reported against any agreement with unCatholic Newvatican, stand up and put a stop to Fellay's pandering to the phony New Order sect? Will they have the courage to reject, as did their Archbishop founder, the meretricious blandishments of the unCatholic New Order? This chapter meeting might be just the occasion to depose the poseur Fellay and elect a real superior general in the mould of Archbishop Lefebvre, who didn't pander to Newvatican, but rejected it as the anti-Catholic, anti-Christian cesspool that it has clearly been shown to be since the Archbishop's death in 1991.
In any case, the SSPX constitutes less than half of traditional Catholics around the world. There are many truly traditional Catholic organizations in existence who do noot take their marching orders from the Newchurch of the New Order.
Dear Fathers:
I understand that a reporter recently asked Newcardinal Hoyos whether Benedict-Ratzinger was serious about promoting the use of the "Tridentine" Mass. Hoyos said that Benedict-Ratzinger does encourage it, even to the extent that he has instructed all seminaries to help all candidates for the Novus Ordo presbyter to learn this Mass. Is this true?
The Fathers Reply.
No, it isn't. There has been no formal "instruction" to Novus Ordo seminaries, let alone one that would be enforced. In any case, Novus Ordo seminaries do not produce priests who are ordained to "offer Mass for the living and the dead," but merely produce Novus Ordo presbyters who are "installed to preside over the assembly of the people." These are not Catholic priests, so whatever service they use is immaterial. It is invalid.
Moreover, the Novus Ordo seminaries are too busy serving loci of Modernist and homosexual programmes to be concerned about anything as insignificant as the "Motu" Mess." Hoyos is acting like Benedict-Ratzinger's personal Goebbels to forward the Great "Motu" Mess Hoax, the purpose of which is to try to hold onto the bodies and the money of the neocon Newchurchers to shore up a Newchurch that is drowning in red ink and leaking members like a sieve.
We have seen such deception used many times since Vatican II (1962-1965). A series of gutless popes, popes in name only, who try to play all sides at the same time. From time to time they will appear to favor a little Latin or a little chant, but at the same time they are fully committed to the Vatican II Modernist Programme. Benedict-Ratzinger has even said so publicly on several occasions, starting with his Primum Nuntium, or First Announcement, on the day after his election.
So, to shore up the Newchurch of the New Order, Hoyos is going around mouthing platitudes that will simply be ignored at the same time that his principal, Benedict-Ratzinger, is openly schmoozing with the heretical Anglicans, pandering to the schismatic Eastern Orthodox, praying with Mohammedan imams in their mosques, and praying for the coming of the Messias with the Jews in their synagogues. The Motarians are simply part of that same unCatholic congeries.
What is noteworthy about the Great "Motu" Mess Hoax is only the fact that that a certain number of neocon Newchurchers have ignorantly become traitors to the traditional Catholic Faith and fallen hook, line, and sinker for this Great Hoax of the New Order. There are many more traditional Catholics, however, who are quite familiar with the modes of deception of the Newchurch of the New Order and vocally reject this "Motu" deception out of hand.
I have provided TRADITIO readers an exclusive, no-holds-barred critique of Benedict-Ratzinger's butchering of the traditional Stations of the Cross. For further information, click on Newchurch Strikes Again: The Butchering of Stations of the Cross in the TRADITIO Network's Special Features department.
Although Benedict-Ratzinger seems blind to what is sacred, Queen Elizabeth isn't. As the nominal monarch of Australia, she has censured Benedict-Ratzinger's use of a horse-racing track in Sydney as the site of the papal Mess for World Youth Day on July 20, 2008.
Meanwhile, the Sydney Morning Herald reports that, by and large, most Sydney business have ignored the papal junket. Only a handful of businesses say that they will close their doors or send their staff home. However, prophylactic manufacturers have gone into high gear to provide materiel for the sex orgies that consistently take place at these papal Woodstocks.
Sydney residents are reportedly steaming about the papal junket, as taxpayers are expected to be hit with a bill four times that footed by Canadians and Germans when they hosted the shivaree, to the tune of over $100,000,000.
In 1999 Presbyter James Haley supplied Paul Loverde, the Newchurch bishop of Arlington, Virginia with the names of adulterous priests, homosexual clergy, and presbyters involved with child pornography. Instead of removing the exposed presbyters, Loverde turned against the whistleblower himself. On October 23, 2001, he gave Presbyter Haley four hours to move out of his rectory and suspended him from all clerical functions. In 2002 Presbyter Haley put his statements in a sworn 232-page deposition filed in Arlington County Circuit Court against a presbyter who had run off with a female parishioner.
In 2004 the case of the courageous presbyter reached Benedict-Ratzinger's Newvatican. There it has been placed into the "limbo" that Newvatican says doesn't exist, at least in the traditional theological sense. Benedict-Ratzinger has compiled a record in his three years as pope of supporting his corrupt bishops and denying justice to presbyters who call out their corruption. Said another whistle-blowing presbyter: "The political reality is that [New]rome doesn't like to go against its bishops. If there is some question as to the virtue of your bishops, the whole house crumbles." And that is just what is happening: Newchurch is crumbling.
Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi is using his political muscle to get Benedict-Ratzinger to lift the ban on the Novus Ordo cookie for excommunicated divorced and remarried Newchurchers like himself. The irony was that Berlusconi made the plea in a speech transmitted by satellite to Newchurch's "Eucharistic" Congress being held in Montreal, Canada, where many of the Newchurch-baptized majority commonly ignore Church teachings. [Source: International Herald Tribune]
Newcardinal Dario Hoyos, the current President of the Ecclesia Dei Commission, performed the ordination of four presbyter-priests at a Novus Ordo seminary in Nebraska on May 30, 2008. While there, he let the cat out of the bag about what the TRADITIO Network has consistently called the Great "Motu" Mess Hoax:
While I am pleased to promote our Holy Father's will expressed in his Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum and invite you in implementing this important document, I also invite my dear sons and brothers to strive to be an integral part of the dioceses in which you will serve, brothers of your brother priests showing deep respect for the Ordinary Form [that is, the invalid Novus Ordo service] of the Roman Rite, concelebrating with your bishops at the Chrismal Mass and when this sign of priestly communion is specially appropriate.
In other words, Hoyos has admitted that the Motarian clergy cannot separate themselves from the Novus Ordo. They must be prepared to concelebrate the invalid Novus Ordo Protestant-Masonic-Pagan service (which Benedict-Ratzinger has now declared the "Ordinary" service of Newchurch) "in communion with" Novus Ordo bishops. This adherence to the Novus Ordo is a concomitant requirement to their being given the crumb of the bastardized "Extraordinary" service every so often.
Here you have it right out of the horse's mouth. Benedict-Ratzinger's "Motu" Mess is intended to be a great hoax. It is not intended to be a complete alternative to the Novus Ordo service. To the contrary, the "Motu" Mess is explicitly stated to be in league with invalid Novus Ordo service.
True Catholics cannot turn traitor to their Faith and accept the crumb of a phony "Extraordinary" service. They must spurn the "Motu" Mess like the Modernist plague that it is; otherwise, they cannot call themselves Catholic. They cannot call themselves in communion with the popes. They are just Newchurchers like the other Novus Ordinarians, except they dress in fancier clothes and mouth a few words of Latin.
Dear Fathers:
Concerning the "artwork" of Ronald McDonald depicted as Christ Crucified, public blasphemy, if you believe what God has said, will be dealt with severely, especially when levied against the Blessed Mother of God. It is said that one of the seven Archangels that stand before the throne of God will deal with those miserable children of Adam and Eve that blaspheme against the Virgin Mother of God. What, then, do you think will happen to those that blaspheme against the Son of God? What do you propose?
The Fathers Reply.
The "art" exhibition in which Ronald McDonald was portrayed as Christ Crucified is a public, secular matter. The responsibility falls primarily upon you laypeople. The Lutheran girls who physically confronted the exhibition's organizer didn't seem to be puzzled like so many "Catholics" about what to do. The girls took direct action. We have often said that if lay Catholics had taken such courageous action against the perpetrators of the New Order in the 1960s, we probably wouldn't be having to fight it, so ensconced, now.
Even now, the pope of the New Order and his bishops are engaged in grievous crimes against children. Benedict-Ratzinger, outside of a few mealy-mouthed words to puff up his image for propaganda purposes, has done absolutely nothing to stop the crimes that he and his prelates are abetting, and even committing. Why don't you organize a group and do what the Newchurchers of Boston did to get rid of Newcardinal Bernard "Lawless" Law. A few pickets demonstrating before the cameras and calling for his resignation as a pervert got him ousted in a matter of just days! These corrupt prelates rely on your silence to continue their predations.
You Newchurch laypeople don't know what power you have. You continue to put money into the Newchurch collection plate (it doesn't matter whether at the "Ordinary" or at the "Extraordinary" rite -- the funds go to the same criminal Newchurch of the New Order in either case), and you continue to support the Newchurch criminals with your recognition of them and your attendance up them. If you sit on your hands and abet their criminality by your silence, the you deserve the crime and corruption that you get! God has done nothing to you; you have done it to yourselves!
On June 21, 2008, ten gutsy girls attacked the organizer of an art exhibition, Tony Peakall, for displaying Janitzio Moreno's figure of Ronald McDonald as Christ Crucified. The "artwork" was displayed in the United Kingdom in an exhibition at Alexandra Palace. The teenage protesters literally pinned the exhibition organizer to a wall as they demanded the removal of the blasphemy. They grabbed at him and shouted at him to take it down. They put the fear of God into Peakall. He said, "It was scary. They threatened me saying I would be lucky if something doesn't happen to me." The blaspheming artist said: "I'm not apologizing for it." Apparently the courageous girls have more work to do. You go, girls!
But these girls weren't from Newchurch; they were Lutherans. Their pastor said: "In this country people get away with all sorts of ridicule of the Christian faith." At least the Lutheran pastor taught them right from wrong. Where were protesting Newchurchers? Nowhere to be found, as usual! One visitor to the exhibit said: "Religion is important to people, and they have the right to protest. Faith is more important than art." Even the McDonald's Corporation objected. A spokesman said: "It seems inappropriate to place an image of Ronald McDonald on any religious artifact."
You see, good Catholics, anti-Christian bigots are not expecting to be called to task for their blasphemies. Ten girls had to show Christians the way to deal with such outrages. Just think what would have happened if traditional Catholics had similarly attacked Novus Ordo bishops and even popes before the blasphemous and invalid Novus Ordo Protestant-Masonic-Pagan service got a foothold in Newchurch. The Modernist powers-that-be were counting on traditional Catholics to be too cowardly and pusillanimous to do anything. Newchurch certainly got that right!Giving further indication that Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch is softening its position against homosexuality, William Newman, a Newchurch bishop of Baltimore, Maryland, spoke for the so-called Catholic Pastoral Committee on Sexual Minorities: "I lead the Church community in seeking the forgiveness of our living God for the sins individually and collectively the Church has committed against the gay and lesbian community."
Newman cited Benedict-Ratzinger himself as the source for Newchurch's "Soft on Sodomy" policy. Newman had no words of censure for the grave sin of sodomy, one of the Four Sins that Cry to Heaven for Vengeance. He offered no correction to those who were living in a state of sin. Undoubtedly, he proceeded to give out the phony Novus Ordo cookies and Kool-Aid to them.
Now we have a good indication why Benedict-Ratzinger and Newchurch are pandering to the immoral "gay" lobby. A recently-released massive survey of 36,000 people conducted by the noted Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life reported that 58 per cent of Newchurchers defy the Bible and the traditional teaching of the Church in holding that society should accept homosexuality. Benedict-Ratzinger, as in other matters, is simply pandering to retain his members and their money. Interesting, the surveys of secular society indicate that 70 per cent reject homosexuality. Is it possible that secular society is now becoming more "Catholic" than Newchurch members?
Good Catholics, Newchurch is terminally ill, and its bishops are corrupt beyond measure. No wonder the Great Doctor of the Church, St. John Chrysostom, pronounced: "The floor of Hell is paved with the skulls of rotten bishops." It was true in his fourth century; it is certainly true in the 21st century.
In accordance with JPII's and Benedict-Ratzinger's public statements that they wish to relinquish the Roman papacy in favor of a more "oecumenical" form (cf. Ut unum sint of May 25, 1995), Oecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I has proposed to Benedict-Ratzinger a "dual unity," in which Benedict-Ratzinger would join the schismatic Eastern Orthodox sect, and Bartholomew would join the Newchurch sect.
The "dual unity" would apparently involve a "dual papacy," with a Pope of the West and a Pope of the East. At the same time Bartholomew also called upon the Eastern Uniate Churches, that is, the Eastern rites associated to Newchurch, to return from Newchurch to schismatic Eastern Orthodoxy. [Source: Religious Information Service]
Dear Fathers:
What is Newcardinal Dario Hoyos up to now? It seems that he is trying to rope neocon Newchurchers into the Novus Ordo sect by dangling the "Motu" Mess of 1962-2007-2008 in front of them. He claims that he is "regularizing" certain SSPX and other groups. Doesn't "regularization" mean acceptance of the Novus Ordo?
The Fathers Reply.
Yes, Benedict-Ratzinger's gauleiter Hoyos is going on a junket to perpetrate Benedict-Ratzinger's Great "Motu" Mess Hoax, the object of which is to entice neocon Newchurchers into the New Order. In order to get a crumb of bastardized "Motu" Mess, they have to acknowledge the invalid Novus Ordo service as their "Ordinary" service.
Even a recent Newsweek article stooped so low as shovel out the Newchurch party line, mostly, but one must remember that there are few journalists left who have any real knowledge of the Catholic religion. There is no religion beat any longer, just temp hacks that are brought in to supply a screed from time to time. The only periodical that has even come close to doing a half-way decent analysis of the objective state of Newchurch is the Wall Street Journal.
Moreover, these "Motu" Messes will be invalid because they will be simulated not by priests, but by Novus Ordo presbyters, who have merely been "installed to preside over the assembly" at the Protestant-Masonic-Pagan Novus Ordo service, not ordained to offer the Traditional Latin Mass "for the living and the dead." Newchurch presbyters who are drawn into the Great Hoax will, so says Newrome, be required to simulate the Novus Ordo on Maundy Thursday and any other days on which the their local Newchurch bishop demands it.
Good Catholics, Benedict-Ratzinger "the Fox" is playing his Novus Ordo Modernism to the hilt. Collection-plate contributions by Newchurchers have fallen drastically since his Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal. Benedict-Ratzinger's New Order is currently drowning in red ink, according to reports from Newchurch financial officers. He desperately needs to get new bodies and their money into the New Order. Thus, the Great "Motu" Mess Hoax. Unfortunately, a number of neocon Newchurchers are falling for the hoax and accepting the New Order, together with its service, sacraments, doctrine, and morality, if only they get a crumb of Latin on the side. These neocon Newchurchers are, purely and simply, traitors to the Roman Catholic Church.
Newcardinal Francis George, of Chicago, Illinois, is supposed to be one of the Newchurch "conservatives"! Yet here he is on May 31, 2008, installing a statue of Mary as a pagan Hindu-Buddhist goddess in St. Stanislaus Kosta Newchurch Temple atop the table. The official description of this so-called Ark of Mercy Shrine speaks of Mary as "exhaling" in the Yoga "Lotus position." This Buddhist ceremony was approvingly covered by that abominable EWTN Charismatic Cable Network. For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) in the section, "Yoga."
Good Catholics, this story shows that there are no conservative bishops in Newchurch. Remember that Francis "Faker" George, known for his placement of a known presbyter sex criminal as principal of a Newchurch school, was the ilk that the U.S. Conference of Catholic [sic] Bishops elected as their 2008 President!
U.S. authorities have notified the U.S. Conference of Catholic [sic] Bishops that as a result of a federal investigation, Newchurch bishop Francis DiLorenzo, of Richmond, Virginia, has been implicated an illegal abortion administered on January 18, 2008, to a 16-year-old Guatemalan girl through the auspices of the local Catholic Charities organization under his supervision. The abortion violated Virginia law because Catholic Charities illegally signed an abortionconsent form, whereas the law specifies that only a parent, grandparent, or adult sibling may sign. Catholic Charities also drove the minor to and from the abortion clinic and had two months earlier fitted the minor with a contraceptive device.
The case has been referred by U.S. authorities for further action, as the action of the bishop and his subordinates violated Virginia law and federal policy. In an official letter dated April 23, 2008, David Siegel, Acting Director of the Health and Human Services Refugee Resettlement Office, criticized the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops for its failure to meet legal standards of "management, oversight and monitoring." Siegel noted that the federal government would never have approved the abortion if Catholic Charities had not provided the falsified consent form. Now here is an irony: the secular U.S. government would have prohibited the abortion whereas the Newchurch bishop's agents approved it! [Source: Washington Times]
Good Catholics, Newchurch's "Catholic Charities" have been implicated in numerous violations of Catholic moral law, not only abortions but also the placement of minors with sodomite "couples." While Newrome mouths platitudes about being against abortion, its agents procure abortions for minors and place minors with sodomites. Benedict-Ratzinger, of course, will take no action against his malfeasant bishops. Others may be "excommunicated," but his bishops go scot free. It is all part of the hypocrisy of Newchurch, to call which "Catholic" is an abominable deception. Benedict-Ratzinger "the Fox," by his consistent cooperation in the crimes of his subordinates, bears the moral responsibility as Head of Newchurch -- yes, we have to say it, even to the murder of children.
Less than a month ahead of the Lambeth Conference of Anglican/Episcopalian leaders, traditional bishops angry about the liberalism of the sect in the United States, Canada, and elsewhere are meeting for a June 18-29, 2008 strategy summit at the Global Anglican Future Conference. "This is a show of force, unity, and global significance," said one traditional dean. "The Anglican Communion is in the process of breaking up." About 1,000 delegates from the 77,000,000-member sect, including 280 bishops (the same number, incidentally, as the number of U.S. Newchurch bishops), clergy, lay people, and their families, are participating in the conference, which is taking place just one month before the decennial Lambeth Conference of all Anglican/Episcopalian bishops.
These bishops are boycotting Lambeth, mainly because Rowan Williams invited bishops and bishopesses from the U.S. Episcopalian Church, the Anglican Church of Canada, and elsewhere who believe that the Bible permits "gay" marriage and hold other unChristian doctrines. The U.S. Episcopalian sect caused an uproar in 2003 by "consecrating" the first openly "gay" bishop, Gene Robinson, of New Hampshire. A more conflict arose when it was revealed on June 15, 2008, that two "gay" Anglican ministers "married" in a May 31, 2008, public, formal ceremony in a London church.
Episcopalian Bishop Martyn Minns, head of the conservative Convocation of Anglicans in North America, said that traditional Anglicans/Episcopalians are being shut out by liberalist autocrats like Williams and Jefferts Schori, just as traditional Catholics have been shut out by liberalist Newchurch bishops. Minns leads a network of Episcopalian parishes based in Virginia that have affiliated with traditional bishops elsewhere. "We need to stop reacting to the latest American ideas and get along with the business of the Gospel," Minns said.
The Episcopalian Diocese of Virginia has sued to keep the parish property, worth millions of dollars, which Minns' departing group wants to take with it. Jeffert Schori has been fighting tooth and nail to keep possession of property away from departing traditionalist congregations, much as Newchurch archbishop Raymond "Bully" Burke, of St. Louis, Missouri, tried to keep St. Stanislaus Kostka Church, worth $12,000,000, away from the Newchurch congregation that was fed up with his liberalism. [Source: Associated Press]
Traditional Catholics have much to learn from the courage of the Anglican/Episcopalians, as both have been faced with the same New Order taking over their respective sects. Newchurchers, however, have generally been pusillanimous and have allowed the New Order to take over their liturgy, sacraments, doctrine, and morality. The Anglican/Episcopalians, on the other hand, are fighting like soldiers of Christ!
Two weeks after his racist sermon at U.S. Presidential Candidate Barak Hussein Obama's Protestant Trinity United Church of Christ led to Chicago's Newchurch Cardinal Francis George to ask presbyter Michael Pfleger to take a voluntary two-week all-expenses-paid leave to "think," Pfleger, on his return, spit in George's face by telling him that he would remain an activist. "I'm me. I'm not changing. This is how I've been since I've been born. I'm not changing," he vowed.
Pfleger promised to turn his June 22, 2008, Novus Ordo Mess (which Benedict-Ratzinger now calls the "Ordinary" service of Newchurch) into a personal political screed (do these presbyters ever give sermons about religion any longer?). When asked by a reporter whether he could be an activist and a Newchurcher at the same time, he replied, "Absolutely." Apparently, his two-week paid voluntary leave did him no good. George should have canned him outright, but George is afraid of the radical charismatics at Pfleger's St. Sabina Newchurch Temple in Chicago. Pfleger was widely attacked as a racist bigot for his remarks. George has taken no action in the face of Pfleger's contumelious behavior. [Source: Chicago Tribune]
Good Catholics, it has now been demonstrated beyond a shadow of a doubt that Newchurch is filled with sex criminals and embezzlers from bottom to top. Now we find out that Newchurch sponsors a coven of racial bigots who operate with support from the highest levels -- but only against "Whitey." Racism against Blacks is, of course, verboten and will lead to the immediate suspension that Pfleger did not get.
As we haven't had a Novus Ordo Mess addition to our Novus Ordo Service Photo Gallery in a while, we wouldn't want TRADITIO Network readers to think that the Novus Ordo is any more "reverent" under Benedict-Ratzinger than under JPII, who was famous for the "Clown" Mess.
Here we have presbyter Jim Profit caught simulating the "Haystack" Mess on a haystack at the Jesuit farm in Guelph, Ontario, Canada, June 1, 2008. Some kid blithely walks behind the presbyter as he elevates the cookie and Kool-Aid while the ceramic "ciborium" leans precariously upon the haystack.
For further information on Novus Ordo Messes, including the Great "Motu" Mess Hoax, click on the TRADITIO Network's Novus Ordo Service Photo Gallery.
Typical of the Newchurch's identity crisis, the wake for White House Correspondent and Meet the Press host Tim Russert, who died suddenly June 12, 2008, will be held at St. Alban's Episcopalian chapel in Washington, D.C. Russert, described as a "devout" Newchurcher, sent his son, Luke, to the heretical Episcopalian high school, whose motto is Pro Ecclesia et Pro Patria. But which ecclesia is it? The heretical Episcopalian sect is headed by Bishopess Katherine Jefferts Schori, who supports female and "gay" clergy.
Good Catholics, it is interesting how close it turns out that Newchurchers are to the heretical Episcopalian sect. The Chief Architect of the Novus Ordo, the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini, took most of his "liturgy" from the Anglican/Episcopalian service and sacraments declared invalid by Pope Leo XIII.
Benedict-Ratzinger has hardly been pope for three years, and already the Newchurchers are erecting statues to His Godliness. The village of Lutchay in Byelorussia unveiled a statue of Benedict-Ratzinger on June 15, 2008. In 2005 the village of Mosar had erected a statue of JPII no less than 180 metres high. The statue of the man known as the "Clown" Pope exceeds the height of the Great Pyramid of Cheops by over 30 metres.
Compare this Modernistic Newchurch "rock star" mania over the two popes who have presided over one of the Church's greatest scandals in 2000 years, the episcopal and presbyteral rape of tens of thousands of Newchurch children, with the humble Catholicism of the great architect, Michelangelo, who deliberately made the dome of St. Peter's Basilica slightly smaller (about two metres less) than the Pantheon, classical Rome's greatest domed building, the inspiration and paradigm for all others.
Fr. Peter Scott of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) is in trouble again. Scott was for twelve years the SSPX's District Superior for the United States. His administration was so vicious toward clergy and laity that at the time the TRADITIO Network's inside sources revealed that Superior General Bernie Fellay wanted to get rid of him. According to those same sources, however, Scott threatened Fellay with the revelation of certain information (undefined) that led to Fellay's pulling back.
After two six-year terms, however, Fellay reassigned Scott to the Australian boonies as rector of Holy Cross Seminary in that country. There, Scott spoke out against Newrome and against Benedict-Ratzinger, in contravention of Fellay's conciliatory policy toward the New Order. Originally, sources inside the SSPX reported to the TRADITIO Network that Fellay was going to transfer Scott again, this time to Belgium. Scott's final assignment, however, turned out be the headship of an as-yet non-existent grammar school in the boonies of Canada as punishment for his contradiction of Fellay's pro-Newrome policies.
The TRADITIO Network's inside sources in Newrome indicate that Benedict-Ratzinger is on the verge of appointing one of the greatest cover-up kings of the Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal in the United States as Chief Justice of the Apostolic Signature, Newvatican's Supreme Court: Raymond "Bully" Burke, current Newchurch archbishop of St. Louis, Missouri.
It fits. Benedict-Ratzinger, as Sex-crimes Czar of Newchurch since his appointement to that post by JPII in 2001, has been the principal abetter of Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal. Why should he not pick one of his own to head Newvatican's "justice" system? Burke has a notorious reputation for injustice, starting with his vice-like cover-up of sex crimes in his former diocese of La Crosse, Wisconsin, and his "consecration" of a surgically-transgendered man as a Newchurch "nun." Then he was "kicked upstairs" to St. Louis, Missouri, where he began a campaign to steal $12,000,000 US from St. Stanislaus Kosta Church, which had received a perpetual independent charter from the first archbishop of St. Louis. Burke wanted the money to pay off for sex crimes. The church refused to be robbed, and Burke, ever the just man, hurled Novus Ordo "excommunications" against the courageous Board of Trustees and laymen of the church, which has since gone independent and has trebled in size!
Now the King of Injustice is to be Benedict-Ratzinger's Chief Justice. Yes, good Catholics, it all fits into one of the most corrupt papal administrations in the history of the Catholic Church.
Fr. Peter Cowell and Fr. David Lord have become the first two priests (as the Anglican/Episcopalians term them) to contract a "gay" marriage at St. Bartholomew the Great, one of London's oldest churches, featured in the 1994 film, Four Weddings and a Funeral. This is reported to be the first "gay" wedding in the Church of England -- and between two Anglican priests at that! Heretofore, only occasional "blessings" of "gay unions" had occurred. It was announced that the couple exchanged vows and rings in a "traditional" church marriage ceremony in May 2008, officiated by the parish's pastor, Martin Dudley, with readings, hymns, and the Anglican cookie. The service was conducted partially in Latin, a là the Novus Ordo-"Motu" service. The Anglican/Episcopalian archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, refuses to condemn the action.
News of the ceremony could not come at a worse time for the worldwide Anglican communion, which is looking at a formal schism because of member churches' diverging attitudes towards homosexuality, particularly amongst clergy, since the "consecration" of an openly "gay" U.S. priest, Gene Robinson, as a bishop in 2003. Traditional Anglicans/Episcopalians are getting fed up with the pushing of a liberalist agenda by Rowan Williams, Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury, and U.S. Presiding Bishopess Katherine Jefferts-Schori. A formal schism between liberal and traditional Anglicans is expected to arise in conjunction with the upcoming July-August 2008 Lambeth Conference in Canterbury. [Source: Sunday Telegraph and other sources]
There are also rumors that Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch of the New Order may unite with some of the more conservative Anglicans. The Newchurch's Novus Ordo Ordinal (1968) and "Mess" (1969) were closely modeled by the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini and his Committee of Six Protestant Ministers upon the Anglican/Episcopalian rites, which Pope Leo XIII in 1896 declared invalid. As the Anglican Church goes, will Newchurch be far behind? Newchurch head Benedict-Ratzinger and Anglican head Rowan Williams are reported to have become bosom-buddies since the 2004 papal election.
Rumors are starting to fly that U.S. President George Bush, after he leaves office in January 2009, may become an official member of the Novus Ordo. Well, that's not exactly correct: he already is Novus Ordo. Although he is a Republican, he is certainly not a solid conservative. Bush is known for being a spokesman for and promoter of the Novus Ordo Seclorum, the motto that appears on the reverse of the Great Seal of the United States, said to derive from the relativist principles of Freemasonry.
In fact, Bush's religious past shows a clear indication of sinking from conservative to Modernist. Thus, the rumor that he might join Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch of Modernism makes sense. Bush started out in a conservative Episcopalian church, where he served as an altar boy at services that are far more conservative than Newchurch's Novus Ordo service. Then, in early adulthood, Bush abandoned conservative Episcopalianism for Presbyterianism, a Protestant sect that is based upon the radical teachings of the Swiss John Calvin. Ironically, it rails against the pope as the "whore of Babylon."
In 1977, Bush changed his religion once again and sank further, this time to Protestant Evangelicalism/Charismaticism in the United Methodist Church, known for its "diversity of theological opinion." This lack of any objective theological principle is clearly demonstrated by the fact that Republican George Bush is a pewmate of liberal Democrat Presidential candidates Hillary Clinton John Edwards.Methodists are full-blown oecumenists ("all religions are equal"), a tenet held also by the Newchurch of the New Order. Bush himself has joined in common prayer with Sikhs and Hindus. His Public Liaison to Christian Groups, Tim Goeglein, has stated that Bush "believes that truth is found in all religions and that all people who pray pray to the same god." That statement that could have come right out of the Newchurch of the New Order's "New Catechism."
Well, you say, Bush may be a Modernist theologically, but he's conservative morally, isn't he? Is he? He gives political speeches to "pro life" groups, but has never said that abortion is tantamount to murder, nor has he proposed that all abortions should be illegal. He is supposedly against "gay" marriage, but he has never condemned homosexual acts as against the natural law upon which the U.S. Constitution is supposedly based. It seems that Bush is right at home with the Modernist ploy of never taking a truly definitive moral position -- better yet, the ploy of standing on both sides of a moral issue. This Modernist ploy is one that Benedict-Ratzinger "the Fox" plays with deceitful aplomb.
Therefore, it is not outside the realm of possibility that Bush could become the Novus Ordo's newest "convert" after he leaves office. In that, he would join former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, a recent Novus Ordo convert, who as an Anglican committed sacrilege by taking the Novus Ordo cookie from JPII and whose Newchurch wife, Cherie, a radical feminist, opposes most Catholic moral teachings. (We pass over the much more grievous sacrilege of JPII and Benedict-Ratzinger in knowingly handing out to heretics the cookie.) Moreover, Bush's brother Jeb went Modernist Novus Ordo some years ago and became a Third Degree Knight of Columbus in that Novus Ordo-ized organization that now bears a strong resemblance to the Freemasons, whose Master Masons are called "Third Degree" Masons.
Three presbyter-pastors who were suspended in the autumn of 2007 because they insisted on simulating only Benedict-Ratzinger's "Motu" Mess of 1962-2007-2008, have been permanently removed from the Novus Ordo presbyterate. Newchurch bishop Renato Corti, of Novara, Italy, took the action on June 9, 2008, against presbyters Alberto Secci, Stefano Coggiola, and Marco Pizzochi. [Source: Catholic World News]
Good Catholics, what have we told you? Benedict-Ratzinger has perpetrated a great hoax on ignorant neocon Newchurchers with his "Motu" Mess, which isn't even the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini's "1962" Mess, but has since been modified twice further in 2007 and 2008. Those who stand against the Novus Ordo service, which even Benedict-Ratzinger admitted in 1993 was "fabricated ... manufactured," are still cast into the outer darkness by his minions.
What the neocons Newchurchers fail to tell you is that the vaunted Apostolic Letter Summorum pontificum of July 7, 2007, beyond all doubt establishes the invalid Novus Ordo service as the "Ordinary Rite" for Newchurch, with the corrupted "Motu" Mess being a third-class "extraordinary rite." Benedict-Ratzinger "the Fox" has gotten the neocon Newchurchers to swallow the phony Novus Ordo service by giving them a crumb of a corrupted "extraordinary" rite. The neocons deserve exactly what they get: the phony service, phony doctrines, and phony morals of the Newchurch of the New Order.
Under Benedict-Ratzinger's Great "Motu" Mess Hoax, nothing has changed: all Newchurchers must accept the validity of the Novus Ordo Protestant-Masonic-Pagan service. Thus, those who support the "Motu" Mess are sellouts to the New Order, pure and simple. They don't want you to realize that, so they never talk about it, but it is the elephant in the middle of their room.
Dear Fathers:
Didn't Benedict-Ratzinger admit in his "Motu" that Newchurch bore blame for the persecution of traditional Catholics because the true Mass was never abrogated? Didn't he thereby admit that Fr. Gommar DePauw and all the other pioneers of the Traditional Catholic Movement were right all along and that the Conciliar Church was wrong? Why then hasn't Benedict-Ratzinger scheduled a grand "apology" service in St. Peter's for all the traditional Catholics who stuck by what he now admits was right?
The Fathers Reply.
The answer is simple: because Benedict-Ratzinger is a hypocrite. He is not concerned in doing justice to traditional Catholics, any more than he is concerned with doing justice to the tens of thousands of children raped by his Newchurch bishops and presbyters. He is all German talk, and no Roman action.
You are absolutely right. A papal apology is owed in justice most to those who hung in from the beginning, who Ratzinger claims now were right all along. We're still waiting for that public apology to Fr. DePauw, the Founder of the Catholic Traditionalist Movement. Ratzinger's recent junket to the Washington, D.C., area would have been perfect for that, since Fr. DePauw was Dean at Mt. St. Mary's Seminary in the D.C. area from 1952 to 1964 and left to found the CTM in New York when the pre-Novus Ordo came in that year.
It is the shame of the neocon Newchurchers, otherwise known as Motarians, that they have bought into Benedict-Ratzinger's Great "Motu" Mess Hoax, accepting without comment a third-class status in the New Order, so that a few of them can have the corrupt "Mess of 1962-2007-2008" in the back corner of a few Novus Ordo temples, while they have abandoned entirely any fight against the invalid Novus Ordo Protestant-Masonic-Pagan service, which Benedict-Ratzinger "the Fox" simultaneously declared as the "Ordinary" service of his Newchurch of the New Order.
The Motarians have signed the contract with Mephistopheles on the dotted line. They will come to regret that and, as did Peter after his denial of Christ, "weep bitterly."
Newvatican has officially reiterated its doctrine that "all religions are equal." The head of Benedict-Ratzinger's Papal Council, Newcardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, proclaimed: "We mustn't get the impression there are first-class religions and second-class religions.... The Holy Father is insisting on freedom of religion, freedom to have a religion and not to have just one, and the freedom to change religion." [Source: Holy Land Review]
The Newchurch of the New Order is embroiled in an internal dispute about whether it should merge with the Protestant "Traditional" Anglican Communion after the Anglicans' July 16 - August 3, 2008, Lambeth Conference. Reports are that while JPII refused to merge en masse with the heretics, Benedict-Ratzinger feels more comfortable with heretics and infidels and may give the green-light to the merger, as well as to accepting Anglican service and "Orders," papally-declared invalid.
Why there should be any hesitation about the merger on the part of Newchurch is puzzling, as the invalid Novus Ordo service devised for Newchurch after Vatican II (1962-1965) by the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini and his Committee of Six Protestant Ministers was modeled principally after the heretical Anglican service. That service was formally declared invalid by Pope Leo XIII's 1896 Apostolic Letter Apostolic curae because it is based on Anglican "Orders," which were themselves declared invalid. Newchurch's own "Orders" are just as invalid, as they themselves are based on the Anglican ones imported into Newchurch's New Ordinal of 1968, fabricated by Bugnini & Committee. [Source: National Catholic Register]
For further information, click on CURAE: Apostolic Letter Apostolicae Curae [On the Nullity of Anglican Orders], Given by His Holiness Pope Leo XIII in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics).
Newchurch could learn from its Episcopalian colleagues. Benedict-Ratzinger has consistently refused to subject his Newchurch bishops to ecclesiastical trial for covering up and even engaging in sex crimes. Since Newchurch took most of its Novus Ordo liturgy from the Protestant Episcopalians, it might as well take these procedures for justice in the case of its bishop-criminals. The Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal would dry up almost overnight if these bishops were subjected to trial for their crimes.
In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, an Episcopalian bishop, Charles Bennison, Jr., has been indicted in an ecclesiastical court for concealing the sexual assault by his brother, a married lay minister, on a 14-year-old girl. The mother of the victim testified in the special court about the cover-up on June 9, 2008, stating that she found out about the abuse when her daughter was in college and asked Bennison about it. She said that he told her he had known about it, but thought it was the girl's place to tell her family. "He said, 'I know what this is about,'" testified the mother.
The ecclesiastical indictment charges that Bennison reacted "passively and self-protectively" and "failed to take obvious, essential steps to investigate his brother's actions, protect the girl from further abuse, and find out whether other children were in danger." The indictment also charges that Bennison continued to "fail in his duties" by knowing about the abuse, but not stopping the ordination of his brother, who never faced criminal charges. The sexual assaults were said to have started when the girl was 14 and continued for five years. Bennison did not put a stop to it and did not alert the sect.
A panel of bishops, ministers, and sect members will decide whether Bennison, the leader of the United States' fifth-largest Episcopal diocese of Pennsylvania, may resume his duties. In November 2007 Bennison was ordered to cease all "ministerial and canonical acts." A special Court for the Trial of a Bishop was chosen to hear the evidence and announce within 30 days its verdict on whether the bishop may resume his duties. [Source: Associated Press]
After a mere two weeks of leave for "reflection," the anti-White racist presbyter Michael Pfleger was restored to his position as pastor of St. Sabina Newchurch Temple by Francis George, Newchurch cardinal of Chicago, Illinois. Like crazed charismatics, parishioners danced in the aisles of the temple. In the May 25, 2008, sermon, delivered in U.S. Presidential candidate Barack Hussein Obama's Protestant church, Trinity United Church of Christ, which Pfleger thought was not being recorded because of technical difficulties, Pfleger launched scorching attacks against all Whites as racists, specifically fixing on Obama's chief competitor, U.S. Senator Hillary Clinton, "because of her white skin." Pfleger also charged in his sermon that "America is the greatest sin against God."
Obama's radical Protestant church used to be pastored by the infamous Jeremiah Wright, who for twenty years preached anti-White racism while Obama sat in the pews. More recently, he told the National Press Club that the White Government had infected the Black race with AIDS to kill it off. Obama, who had strongly supported Wright up to that point, could see his candidacy dissolving, so had "his good friend" Wright expelled from the pastorate. [Source: Chicago Tribune]
Good Catholics, you know full well that if Newchurch presbyter Pfleger had advocated anti-Black racism and attacked Obama as a racist, Newcardinal George would have thrown him into the outer darkness immediately and permanently. Nothing new here: just more hypocrisy from the Newchurch of Hate. Nor should it be forgotten that George, whom the corrupt U.S. bishops elected as their head for 2008, was charged with knowingly placing one of his sex-criminal presbyters as principal of a Newchurch school so that he could rape more children.
Two elderly Italian Carmelite nuns were locked and chained to a lamp post outside the Vatican on June 8, 2008, claiming they had been wrongly expelled from their cloistered convent and demanding justice from Benedict-Ratzinger. The Vicar of Christ ignored his elderly and sick nuns while he blithely proceeded with his Sunday palaver. The two nuns, Sister Albina Locantore, 73, and Teresa Izzi, age 79, who have been been ill for several months, courageously spoke out against the rampant injustice in the Newchurch of the New Order. "After 50 and 60 years of monastic life dedicated to the Church, we were thrown helpless into the street like two sacks of garbage." [Source: Reuters]
Good Catholics, this is certainly not the first instance of how the Newchurch of Love and its head, Benedict-Ratzinger, act, even toward their own. Benedict-Ratzinger is the same despicable church official who abused the victims of rape by his presbyters and bishops as a photo op for his "sympathy," while he rescinded his Sex-crimes Czar's announced plans to get criminal presbyters out of the Newchurch ministry on an accelerated basis. Nothing new here: just more hypocrisy from Newchurch and its head.
The Newchurch of the New Order is not the only far-out sect around these days. A recent survey indicated that the two fastest-growing Christian sects in the United States and Canada are the Jehovah's Witnesses and the Mormons. These sects are certainly on the fringes of Christianity at best! The Jehovah's Witnesses reject the Trinity. Mormons place the Book of Moroni ahead of the Bible.
Newchurch supposedly stayed about even in membership, but if illegal aliens from Mexico are subtracted from the number (whom Newchurch likes to count as members, though many of them are hardly even "cultural Catholics" any longer), true Newchurch membership would be shown as having fallen like a rock!
Liberalist Protestant sects such as the Episcopalians (Anglicans), Lutherans, and Presbyterians, suffered large losses in membership. These sects are currently undergoing an internal schism over traditional Christian moral teaching on such topics as homosexuality, "gay" marriage, and abortion. What is left of nominal Christianity is primarily Pentecostal/Evangelical sects and Americanized African sects.
I was once a loyal member of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), but not any more. I have no regrets because without the Society I wouldn't be a Catholic, but likewise I have no regrets about leaving it because of its double-talk on the validity of the Novus Ordo "sacraments." I personally know of a Novus Ordo presbyter functioning within the Society, who was a Salesian installed in the Novus Ordo rite of 1968 fabricated by the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini and his Committee of Six Protestant Ministers. This presbyter wanted to be "conditionally" ordained to ease the minds of the congregation about his being an invalid presbyter. SSPX bishop Bernie Fellay denied his request, and he continues to offer Mass for the SSPX, or I should rather say continues to simulate a Mess.
You must denounce what Fellay is doing as wrong. Fellay is undermining the souls of many SSPXers by his liberalist acceptance of Novus Ordo presbyters as valid when in fact they are not. He is dangerous. I know that SSPX bishop Williamson once volunteered to ordain a Novus Ordo presbyter "conditionally," but the presbyter quite propertly rejected this deceipt. I met Bishop Bernard Tissier. He publicly denounced Benedict-Ratzinger from the pulpit; I was there.
I totally refuse to go to any SSPX chapel because I'm never sure whether any one of its priests is validly ordained, or merely installed as a Novus Ordo presbyter. The sede-vacantist priests are at least valid because they are all ordained by traditional bishops in the traditional Roman Rite. With the SSPX one never knows. There are those in the SSPX hierarchy that do not care about the salvation of souls when it comes to the validity of the Sacrament of Holy Orders.
The Fathers Reply.
The so-called "conditional" ordination of Novus Ordo presbyters is a deceit of putting a band-aid over a gaping wound that cannot be healed except by numerous stitches. It is sacrilege to resort to this deceit merely to "ease the minds of the congregation."
"Conditional" ordination is an attempt to sit on the fence about the invalidity of the Novus Ordo "orders." Under traditional Catholic Sacramental theology, you cannot be "conditionally" ordained when you were clearly never ordained in the first place. Novus Ordo presbyters are merely installed as Novus Ordo presiders under the Freemason Hannibal Bugnini's Protestant New Ordinal of 1968; they are not ordained. The only honest thing for the SSPX to do is to state clearly that Novus Ordo presbyters must be considered as never having been ordained at all.
If, after a suitable period of traditional study and reflection in traditional Catholicism, a Novus Ordo presbyter wishing to convert is judged qualified, he can be ordained, in the traditional Roman Rite of Holy Orders, not "conditionally," but de novo. "Conditional" ordination implies that Novus Ordo presbyteral installation may be valid. It is not valid and should not ever be implied as being so.
Fellay & Co. simply don't have the guts to call a space a spade. They want to sit on the fence so that they can have wiener schnitzel with Benedict-Ratzinger on one day and then chastise him on the next day while they chomp on escargot.
Dear Fathers:
Concerning the Mass attendance of high officers of the U.S. Government, from an eyewitness perspective I can say that U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas does not -- and possibly has never -- attended the "Motu" Mess in Washington, D.C. Former U.S. Presidential candidate Patrick Buchanan attends the "Motu" Mess every Sunday when he is in town. U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia attends the "Motu" Mess there only about five time per year. His son, Paul, recently became a Novus Ordo presbyter, who says the Novus Ordo service 20 minutes away in Alexandria, Virginia. U.S. Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy has attended the "Motu" Mess recently.
The Fathers Reply.
We note that just half an hour away from this D.C. location, in Vienna, Virginia, is a fully Traditional Latin Mass, not a "Motu" Mess of 1962-2007-2008, but a true Mass from before the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini's corruptions introduced in the 1950s leading up to his Novus Ordo Mess of 1969. So, any of these federal officers could easily have their chauffeurs drive them in comfort on Sundays to a true Mass. It is sad to see them sell out to a phony "Motu" Mess when the real thing is so close. We know of individuals and families that drive even four hours or more on Sundays because they are Catholics and won't settle for anything less than a fully Traditional Latin Mass.
When Benedict-Ratzinger arrives on his World Youth Day junket to Australia July 15-20, 2008, he will find a Newchurch gradually sinking, as it is in most other countries around the world. In 1997 Mass attendance at the invalid Novus Ordo service had fallen to 16 per cent of Australian Newchurchers. In 2001, that number fell again to 15 per cent. In 2006, that number fell yet again to 14 per cent.
Good Catholics, these numbers closely parallel those in the United States, which has seen a precipitous drop from 79 per cent Mass attendance in 1958. In spite of all the Newchurch propaganda for the Novus Ordo service, which Benedict-Ratzinger defined on July 7, 2007, as the "Ordinary Mess" for Newchurch, Newchurchers around the world are continuing to abandon that invalid service in increasing numbers. [Source: Census Catholic]
The Society of St. Pius X's Superior General, Bernie Fellay, has once again displayed his Janus face. On the one hand, he has decreed that all SSPX priest-presbyters should sing Te Deums to Benedict-Ratzinger for his Great "Motu" Mess Hoax. But on June 1, 2008, at a "homily" at Saint-Nicolas-du-Chardonnet in Paris, he took a slam at both Benedict-Ratzinger and at the United States, many of whose soldiers died to protect his Europe from devastation by the Nazis:
And now, we have a perfectly liberal pope, my very dear brothers. As he goes to this country [the United States], which is founded upon Masonic principles, that is, of a revolution, of a rebellion against God.
Fellay has conveniently ignored the fact that it was a traditional pope, Leo XIII (1878-1903), who in his Encyclical Letter Longinque oceani of January 6, 1985, highly praised the American Republic and its wise founders. Leo XIII wrote: "Thanks are due to the equity of the laws which obtain in America and to the customs of the well-ordered Republic. For the Church amongst you, unopposed by the Constitution and government of your nation, fettered by no hostile legislation, protected against violence by the common laws and the impartiality of the tribunals, is free to live and act without hindrance."
Pope Leo had a particularly high regard for the Father of the American Republic, referring to him as Washingtonius Magnus, the Great Washington. Washington himself acknowledged the crucial role played by Catholics in the founding of the American Republic. He lamented anti-Catholicism, contributed to the construction of a Catholic Church in Baltimore, and petitioned government support for Catholic missionaries among the Indians. Reports from members of his household indicate that he attended Catholic Mass on occasion and died a convert to the Catholic Faith on his deathbed.
Good Catholics, not only is Fellay a Janus face like Benedict-Ratzinger; he is apparently an ingrate as well.
Just another broken promise of Benedict-Ratzinger, who said that he would stop the Newvatican-sponsored World Youth Days, which have become Newchurch's own drug- and sex-crazed Woodstock, complete with frenzied rock music and prophylactics being handed out at the papal Mess. Newchurch youth have certainly absorbed the secularist immorality introduced by Vatican II (1962-1965).
At Sydney, Australia's July 15-20, 2008, World Youth Day, the sex industry is preparing to be "blessed" with an increase in customers from the Newchurch youth. A report by industry analysts at IBIS World predicted that the 2008-09 financial year would see strong growth for brothels, strip clubs, and prostitutes, primarily on the back of a marked increase in tourism levels to Sydney as a result of Newchurch's World Youth Day.
IBIS World expected Benedict-Ratzinger's World Youth Day to boost sex industry's revenue in Australia to grow from $1,130,000 in 2007-08 to $1,220,000 in 2008-09, a boost of eight per cent, well above the 2.75 per cent growth rate for the overall economy predicted in the federal budget. Ramada Khawley, function manager for the strip clubs Men's Gallery and Pure Platinum said, "We'll keep a table reserved for the pope." [Source: News Australia]
Further information is now available on how Benedict-Ratzinger will butcher the traditional Stations of the Cross. The following are the traditional Stations of the Cross and how they are being butchered to satisfy Protestant and Jewish elements. For further information, click on the TRADITIO Network's Holy Cards, California Missions & Stations of the Cross.
Statio I Christus condemnatur ad mortem [Jesus is condemned to death] Statio II Iesus suscipit crucem [Jesus takes up His Cross] Statio III Iesus prima vice sub cruce labitur [Jesus falls for the first time under the Cross] - DROPPED Statio IV Iesus obviat matri [Jesus meets His mother] - DROPPED Statio V Simon Cyrenaeus angariatur [Jesus is compelled into service] Statio VI Veronica Christo sudarium porrigit [Veronica offers a handkerchief to Christ] - DROPPED Statio VII Iesus ad portam urbis Ierusalem cadit secundo [Jesus falls for the second time at the gate of the city of Jerusalem] - DROPPED Statio VII Turba mulierum plangunt super Iesum [The crowd of women lament over Jesus] Statio IX Iesus terio cadit ad ascensum Calvariae [Jesus falls for the third time at the ascent to Calvary] - DROPPED Statio X Iesus exuitur vestibus [Jesus is stripped of His garments] - MERGED WITH STATION 11 Statio XI Iesus cruci affigitur [Jesus is nailed to the cross] - MERGED WITH STATION 10 Statio XII Iesus in cruce moritur [Jesus dies on the cross] Statio XIII Corpus Christi de cruce deponitur [The body of Christ is taken down from the Cross] - DROPPED Statio XIV Corpus Christi in sepulcro ponitur [The body of Christ is laid in the tomb]
Because the anti-White racist harangue given on May 25, 2008, by presbyter Michael Pfleger, of Chicago, at U.S. Presidential candidate Barack Obama's church gained so much notoriety in the press, Francis George, Newchurch cardinal of Chicago, was, apparently reluctantly, forced to act. Pfleger's harangue at the Protestant Trinity United Church of Christ was recorded and videocast around the world. In the "homily," Pfleger described Hillary Clinton as "tearing up at a campaign appearance upset because a Black man, Barack Obama, was stealing [her] show."
In a June 3, 2008, statement, George "asked" Pfleger to "step back from his obligations ... and take leave for a couple of weeks from his pastoral duties." George's statement referred obliquely to Newchurch's "regulations" for all presbyters, but did not define what those regulations were or how specifically Pfleger had violated them. George's action is hardly disciplinary, but a paid vacation for this racist presbyter, who preaches anti-White racism at Protestant churches. Pfleger then spued his venom at George for taking any action at all.
Yet even this almost non-existent slap on the wrist stirred the crazies at St. Sabina's Newchurch Temple, where Pfleger serves as pastor, to cry foul! The Newchurch crazies, through their Newparish-council president, demanded that George rescind Pfleger's little paid leave of absence. In the audience of 2800 at a temple meeting was the notorious Jeremiah Wright, former pastor of Barak Obama's Protestant church, who is an outright anti-White racist, telling the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., that the U.S. government deliberately spread AIDS among the Black populations. Pfleger and Wright supped together after the meeting. (Birds of a feather....) The Newchurch crazies want Pfleger back because he acts like a political "activist," not a presbyter.
Good Catholics, the irony is that Pfleger only talked like a crazy man. Newcardinal George himself acted like a crazy man in placing a presbyter known to him to be a sex criminal into a position as a school principal. George should join Pfleger in taking a permanent leave of absence. What is more, the U.S. Conference of Catholic [sic] Bishops selected this crazy to be their President! It all figures for Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch, doesn't it? Out of control as usual. [Source: Chicago Sun-Times, Newchurch Archdiocese of Chicago]
It seems that Tony Blair, former British prime minister, who only recently "converted" to become a member of the New Order sect, is already playing the part of "oecumenist." Blair hardly saw the New Order "light" before he decided to launch a "faith foundation," the purpose of which is "to bring religions together to tackle major global issues such as the UN's eight millennium development goals, which range from eradicating extreme poverty to ensuring environmental sustainability." So it seems that Blair has sold out to the secularists at the United Nations as well, which is still trying to recover from its Secretary-General, Kofi Annan's Food Oil for Food scandal. [Source: UK Telegraph]
Meanwhile, Tony Blair's wife, Cherie, who describes herself as a "good Catholic girl", though known to be a radical feminist, was caught with contraceptive paraphernalia while a guest of Queen Elizabeth at Balmoral Castle. [Source: Catholic News]
Of course, neither of the Blairs is a Catholic. Both promote "gay" marriage. Both advocate priestesses and bishopesses. Neither of them would never have been allowed to enter the Roman Catholic Church before the 1960s, but since anything goes in Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch, they are free to join his New Order sect without pronouncing the public Abjuration of Heresy required for conversions to real Catholicism.
Andrea Gemma, a Newchurch bishop and once the Vatican's top exorcist, told a magazine in Italy that Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch was perpetrating a fraud by profiting from the phony Medjugorje "apparitions" through the sale of pilgrimages, lodging houses, and the sale of trinkets. "This whole sham is the work of the Devil. It is a scandal."
The Medjugorje phenomenon began on June 25, 1981, when six children fabricated a story for the local Newchurch presbyter that they had seen the "Virgin" on a hillside near their town. A Newchurch investigation dismissed the vision, and Newvatican banned pilgrimages to the site in 1985, but many Newchurchers ignored the ban, and Newchurch continued to profit from sales concessions. Today, the phony "seers" own smart houses with security gates, tennis courts, and expensive cars. One is married to a former U.S. beauty queen. [Source: London Daily Mail]
Denver, Colorado's new auxiliary Newchurch bishop was personally appointed by Benedict-Ratzinger -- and is he a doozy! James Conley, a "transvestite" from Presbyterianism, is best known for his infamous binge at a tavern in Rome, where he closed down the place with a bunch of 20-somethings. In his inaugural "homily," Conley quoted the Scriptural passage that not all who say "Lord, Lord" are following God. What a perfect condemnation of himself and the other bishops of Newchurch in the phony New Order sect! [Source: Rocky Mountain News]
Conley joins Newchurch archbishop Charlie "Commanche" Chaput, who is notorious for his "Indian Feather" Mess, in which Chaput donned an Indian's chief's headdress at the altar of Denver cathedral while tom-toms provided "music" for his Mess. For further information, click on the TRADITIO Network's Novus Ordo Service Photo Gallery department.
Yes, good Catholics, thanks to Benedict-Ratzinger, Denver now has two -- count them two -- wacko Newchurch bishops. The proof is in the pudding: his corrupt episcopal appointments, which sources have told the TRADITIO Network that he pours over for months, if not years. In fact, it did take him three years to find Conley. Well, we Fathers guess that it must take Benedict-Ratzinger a lot of effort to find the worst wackos to staff his Newchurch!
The city of Bolzano in Northern Italy, some 250 kilometres from Venice, is featuring an "artwork" portraying Our Lord Jesus Christ as a crucified frog, demonstrating that even in Benedict-Ratzinger's own backyard of Italy, the Catholic Faith is held in contempt and derision.
The one-metre-high work by late German artist Martin Kippenberger depicts a "warty, pop-eyed amphibian nailed to a cross with a frothing mug of beer in one hand." It is being displayed at Bolzano's Museion of Modern Art. And if you think that this is blasphemy, you would have loved another artist's offering in March 2008 of a life-sized statue of Jesus Christ with female breasts and a membrum virile erectum. [Source: ANSA]
Good Catholics, who is responsible for these blasphemies but Benedict-Ratzinger himself and his Conciliar predecessors, who have turned Newchurch into a degenerate brothel of sex criminals and embezzlers? Oh, sure, they'll try to fool the Newchurch ignoscenti with the dollop of a Great "Motu" Mess Hoax and a carefully-staged papal "apology" service to selected victims for propaganda purposes, but compared to the blasphemies of these artists, what Benedict-Ratzinger and his Newchurch has done is a far, far worse blasphemy of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
As reported in the Chicago Sun Times, Michael Pfleger, a liberalist Chicago Newchurch presbyter and longtime friend of U.S. Presidential candidate Barack Obama, gave a blatantly racist speech on May 25, 2008, from the pulpit of Obama's Black Protestant church against competing candidate Hillary Clinton and the White race as a whole. The Sun Times describes Trinity United as the church that has been Obama's "spiritual home for [twenty] years," until very recently pastored by the notorious Jeremiah Wright, Obama's close friend, who spewed anti-White racism from his pulpit and then stated in a speech before the National Press Club that the U.S. government had been responsible for spreading AIDS among the Black population to kill it off.
In his "sermon" from the pulpit of Obama's church, Pfleger screamed out a "bitingly caustic racial diatribe against Hillary Clinton and White people," according to the Sun Times. In another bout of hypocrisy, Obama immediately denounced the "Catholic" presbyter, whereas for weeks he had supported the even more flagrant racism of the Protestant pastor Wright, who had preached to Obama for twenty years and baptized his children.
Poor Obama! His moral and religious principles are now so confused that he can be called both an anti-White racist and an anti-"Catholic" racist. Sometimes he doesn't even seem to be exactly sure whether he's a Christian or a Mohammedan. Like hypocritical Newchurch, Obama seems quite the hypocrite himself. Any White candidate who had associated with anti-Black racists would long ago have been drummed out of the campaign, never to be tolerated in public office again. Why isn't sauce for the black goose the same sauce as for the white gander? Or is Obama's goose deservedly now cooked?
On June 3, 2008, in the 14th year of its apostolate on the internet, the TRADITIO Network logged its 8,000,000th reader. TRADITIO was the first traditional Roman Catholic site to appear on the internet. We were here even before Newvatican was, even before Amazon.com was! We thank the Lord for our 8,000,000 readers over these years and for our hundreds of dedicated correspondents from all over the world, who keep us current on everything going on in the bowels of Newvatican, in the inner sancta of various traditional organizations, and at Traditional Latin Mass sites. TRADITIO was determined by an Alexis-Amazon statistical survey to be the most read traditional Roman Catholic web site on the internet.
In their Daily Commentaries, the TRADITIO Fathers do not just copy news reports or "talking-heads" from secular and religious publications, which in fact have very little background or understanding of what they write about, nor does TRADITIO represent any particular organization's viewpoint. Instead, TRADITIO provides the hard-hitting, independent analysis and perspective of over half a century of Roman Catholic experience, even from before Vatican II. TRADITIO is avidly read even within the bowels of Newrome and Menzingen.
We are touched by the many thousands of messages that we have received from Newchurchers who say that they have been converted, or have reverted, to the traditional Roman Catholic Faith because of TRADITIO's uncompromising, independent commentaries and materials. The TRADITIO Network is one of many means through which Our Lord appears be working out the Traditional Catholic Restoration of the 21st century.
Dear Fathers:
I discovered that one of my judicial heroes (I am an attorney), U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, in his professional life espouses conservative legal principles like stare decisis and original intent, but in his spiritual life, he goes along with the New Order. Perhaps he does not have as much time to study his Faith as he does his law books! I think that the sorry state of our judiciary on both the state and federal levels has many ties to the New Order.
A case in point. Scalia stated in his dissenting opinion in the Casey case: "The states may, if they wish, permit abortion-on-demand, but the Constitution does not require them to do so." Clearly the bandied-about statement that Scalia is "pro life" is not only false but misleading to the core. The human embryo has basic rights. Scalia, who is allegedly "pro life," does not deserve that title. He may be a strict interpreter of the Constitution of the United States in the opinion of some, but he is not "pro life."
The Fathers Reply.
Modernism in civil society and in the Church today both arise from the same subjectivist philosophers, principally the German philosophers of the last few centuries. Therefore, it is no surprise that the Arch-Modernist in Newchurch, Benedict-Ratzinger, is a German, steeped in these subjectivist/Modernist philosophies, which he taught during his pre-papal academic career.
On the contrary, Catholic theology is based on the principles that there is a natural law and that there is objective truth. The subjectivist philosophies, which are the basis of the defined heresy of Modernism and of the New Order, hold that any moral principle can be changed at whim and written into positive, that is, man-made, law.
In the civil law before the Vatican II (1962-1965), positive law was relatively minimal, just what was necessary for the common good. This approach was in basic accord with St. Thomas Aquinas's Catholic philosophical system. Underpinning the positive law was always the natural law, which was universally accepted. After Vatican II the Modernists (who exist in civil society as well as Newchurch) have gone on a binge of legislating moral principles, often immoral principles that are contrary to natural law, for example, "gay" marriage. The civil Modernists are now succeeding in forcing everyone to accept this perversion by imposing it through legislation or court decree, in just the same way that abortion was imposed.
As to Scalia, he is a supporter of Newchurch and the New Order, so one could hardly call him even "conservative" in ecclesiastical matters.
We TRADITIO Fathers laugh every time someone claims that Benedict-Ratzinger is "traditional." Rather, he is a patent fraud. Having perpetrated the Great "Motu" Mess Hoax, which allows, on an "extraordinary" basis only, the Freemason Hannibal Bugnini's Modernized Mess of 1962, as modified again in 2007 and 2008 to accommodate the Novus Ordo, Benedict-Ratzinger has now decreed a modify of the traditional Stations of the Cross because six of them are "anti-Semitic." Benedict-Ratzinger has become such a puppet for the radical secular Jews that one has to wonder whether even he considers himself any longer a pope!
When Benedict-Ratzinger was elected in May 2005, he promised to cancel after 2005 any of the triennial Newchurch "Woodstocks," called World Youth Days, instituted by his predecessor JPII, the "Clown" Pope, at which there had been scandalous instances of prophylactics passed out during the papal Mess and a generally drunken, sex-crazed "punk-rock" environment. Yet, here he is, three years later, starring in yet another one on July 15-20, 2008. So much for Benedict-Ratzinger's "promises."
The Newchurch "stations" will be rolled out at this 2008 World Youth Day extravaganza, in the Sydney Opera House on July 18, 2008. Six of the traditional stations will be dropped by papal fiat. These are the "non-Scriptural" stations, as Newchurch de facto rejects Sacred Tradition, just like Martin Luther and the Protestants. For further information, click on the TRADITIO Network's Holy Cards, California Missions & Stations of the Cross department.
In order to inaugurate the de-Catholicized New Order devotion, Benedict-Ratzinger will meet that morning with Protestant heretics, Eastern Orthodox schismatics, Jews, Mohammedans, and pagan Buddhists and Hindus earlier that morning. Benedict-Ratzinger's spokesman, Anthony Fisher, Newchurch auxiliary bishop of Sydney, pronounced: "We want to make it very clear to people that the Passion of Christ celebrated in the Stations of the Cross is not intended to be, is no excuse for being, an attack on anybody and certainly for nurturing any prejudices that people may have in their hearts. In the choice of scriptural texts you can choose ones that are less likely to be misinterpreted by people [Protestants and Jews] to encourage that kind of feeling and we've chosen those texts carefully and in consultation with others [Protestants and Jews]." [Source: Sydney Morning Herald]
Good Catholics, any notion that Benedict-Ratzinger is a "traditional Catholic" is patently absurd. His predecessor destroyed the Most Holy Rosary by adding five phony new "Mysteries." Now Benedict-Ratzinger himself is destroying the Stations of the Cross by dropping six of the fourteen.
Raymond "Bully" Burke, Newchurch archbishop of St. Louis, Missouri, has got to take the prize for being the most vindictive of the Newchurch bishops. When virtually the entire parish of St. Stanislaus Kosta prevented him from stealing their $12,000,000 US church, which under the decree of the first archbishop of St. Louis, the parishioners were to possess in perpetuity and govern by a lay Board of Trustees, a common arrangement at the time, Burke like a pagan Jupiter hurled his thunderbolts of excommunication from the Novus Ordo. The parish and its pastor thumbed their nose at Bully Burke and his New Order, and membership in the parish, now independent of Burke, has now trebled!
The Least Reverend Burke is still fuming, so now he is taking his unChristian wrath out against the canon lawyer who was only doing his job representing his clients before Newvatican's tribunals. Presbyter Thomas Doyle has a Juris Canonici Doctor degree, the highest in Canon Law, and is a religious of the Dominicans, who have traditionally been known for their fairness in consonance with the teachings of the Universal Doctor of the Church, St. Thomas Aquinas, a Dominican.
The moral of this story: dump your Newchurch bishop, go independent, and you will treble your membership! Anyway, who would want to be under the thumb of the such a degenerate as Burke, who, in addition to his attempted thievery 7and vehement cover-up of sex crimes, had the temerity to "consecrate" a "transgendered" man as a Newchurch "nun."