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Two advertising-jingle writers for Ford Motor Company have set the Novus Ordo rosary to rock music. Said one 25-year-old Newchurcher: "I don't make it to church every week, so it's just kind of my way of keeping in touch with my faith." What faith is that, we wonder? Some even-more-than-usually wacked out New Order sect?
"It's not like preaching to you or anything like that." Heavens no! We wouldn't want any Newchurcher to feel bound to the Catholic Faith. 80% of them now approve abortion, "gay" marriage, "living together" in sin, and other immoralities, so too much "Catholicism" wouldn't wash with these crazies.
Needless to say, the basis of this travesty is the Novus Ordo rosary that includes the Masonic-titled "Luminous" Mysteries. The "musical" accompaniment includes rock lyrics, percussion, and electric guitars. Have these crazies ever heard of Gregorian chant?
Dear Fathers:
As a former SSPXer, I just wanted to drop a line of support. Gilbert's "The SSPX's New 10 Commandments" is a classic, one of the best Commentaries! I admit to being a former supporter of the SSPX, but was asked to leave because I couldn't accept the SSPX doctrine requiring acceptance of Benedict-Ratzinger's Modernism. The SSPX also teaches that Novus Ordo presbyters installed, not ordained, under the Freemason Hannibal Bugnini's New Ordinal of 1968 are not to be considered invalid and that "only God can judge things like that."
What hypocrites Fellay and his hangers-on are! They love to tell guys in the pew like me that I can't judge anything, but that doesn't stop them making a whole lot of judgments themselves. But I think that it goes even deeper than Fellay. I wouldn't be surprised if the SSPX actually becomes the New Order's false front of Tradition. The SSPX puts on this air of old- fashioned piety and Tradition, but in the end it accepts the New Order hook, line, and sinker. What a crazy contradiction! You can't have it both ways.
Fellay is paying the price for his dealings with Newrome. Ordinations of SSPX priests has dropped close to zero. Even he had to admit in his sermon at the Winona, Minnesota, seminary on June 22, 2008, that there were no priests for him to ordain. Traditional Catholics don't want a sellout to the Newrome that they have been fighting for forty years now. They want the true Catholic Faith, Mass, Sacraments, doctrine, and morals, and that certainly isn't to be found in Newchurch. If the SSPX doesn't give them that, many more, like me, will go to other traditional organizations or to independent traditional Catholic priests.
Reports from the decennial Lambeth Conference of the Anglican sect indicates that by the end of the three-week session on August 4, 2008, the Anglican sect, founded by King Henry VIII of England in 1538, will essentially be split into three separate organizations: the Modernist, the Institutional, and the Traditional.
The Modernist organization will openly embrace the principles of Liberalism: modernized Christian doctrine, open sodomy as realized in "gay" marriage and a "gay" clergy, and the worldwide "ordination/consecration" of priestesses and bishopesses. The Institutional organization, which may become the smallest of the three, defines its Anglicanism by "communion" with Rowan Williams. The Traditional organization will unabashedly practice the traditional form of Anglicism, some elements of which are quite close to traditional Catholicism, based in Scripture and Tradition. The leading nominee to head the Modernist Anglican sect is the United States bishopess, Katherine Jefferts Schori, who has publicly embraced all the heresies of Modernism. [Some information contributed by the London Times and the UK Telegraph.]
Benedict-Ratzinger has rejected the traditional Anglicans and has thrown his weight behind his bosom-buddy, Rowan Williams. No surprise there. With Benedict-Ratzinger, the "Organization" comes ahead of Christian doctrine.
Good Catholics, when we look at what is happening to the Anglican sect, we see mirrored what is going on the "Catholic" side. The only difference is that the Anglicans admit the reality of what is going on, while Newchurch and its water-carriers try to bury their heads in the sand. Most of the former Catholic Church is now Modernist, espousing, like the Anglican sect, the principles of Liberalism/Modernism. Benedict-Ratzinger is desperately trying to hold on to his crumbling Institutional structure, which is New Order with a misleading little veneer of conservatism, defined by a personal attachment to him. Traditional Catholics maintain the true Roman Catholic Faith, ignoring or rejecting the New Order entirely.
In 2005, the Philadelphia Grand Jury, in its Report on Paedophilia in the Philadelphia Diocese, charged Edward Cullen, Newchurch bishop of Allentown, Pennsylvania, with "perpetuating an unwritten policy of obfuscation and excuse-peddling in dealing with sexually-abusive priests [sic]. His priority was not to protect vulnerable members of the flock, but rather to attempt to insulate the [New]church hierarchy from the scandal."
In 2008 Cullen is closing almost a third of the parishes of the Allentown Newchurch diocese. He has publicly claimed that the closings are "the necessary result of an aging clergy and a lack of vocations to replenish the ranks." Cullen's lie was exposed when the Coalition of Churches got hold of an E-mail, in which one of his diocesan officials refers to the closed parishes as "hot properties." This is the tone that Cullen has set for the Newchurch diocese. Traditional churches, once lovingly built by hand as testaments to the Catholic Faith, are now merely "hot properties" for sale to the highest bidders in order to pay off for rampant sex crimes suborned by Cullen.
Cullen claims that assets of closed parishes will go to the surviving, merged parishes. But, in reality, Philadelphia Newchurchers are smart enough to realize that the silver paid by commercial interests Cullen for these "hot properties" will end up, after a suitable waiting period, as a special dividend to the episcopal private purse. [Some information contributed by the Allentown Morning Call]
Dear Fathers:
After hearing the spate of "excommunications" by the SSPX of its own laity for the crime of only hearing a lecture on Benedict-Ratzinger and after hearing of its purging from its chapels worldwide of traditional Catholic literature critical of Bernie Fellay's pro-Newchurch position, I realize, as a former SSPX member, that the SSPX has effectively promulgated its own set of Ten Commandments, which it wants its adherents to follow strictly, under pain of mortal sin and denial of the Sacraments. The following is a humble attempt to collate the SSPX's new Ten Commandments.
After all the hoopla since 2001 about "improved translations" of the invalid Novus Ordo service, the English bit that Newvatican has just approved from the U.S. bishops involves hardly any significant changes at all, just more of the same New Order phraseology. Even these corrections will have to wait some time for implementation -- at least another two years according to Arthur Serratelli, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic [sic] Bishops' Committee on Divine Worship.
The Latin third edition of the Novus Ordo in just thirty years was issued in 2001 and has been left unimplemented because of disputes over its "translation." It has taken seven years to get a translation of just one-twelfth, but the remaining eleven-twelfths still remain mired in controversy and have recently failed a ratification vote. One controversial element, on which reports disagree, is the "translation" of pro multis in the Novus Ordo "Eucharistic prayer." Of course, whichever way this phrase is "translated" cannot change the invalidity of the Novus Ordo service, since its invalidity is as to its entirety, not to any individual phrase. Moreover, its invalid "consecration" implements other changes to the canonized form besides pro multis. For further information, click on CURAE: Apostolic Letter Apostolicae Curae, Given by His Holiness Pope Leo XIII.
All of this is, of course, typical New Order lunacy. No language can be "translated" into another. Each language has its own way looking at the world and of expressing things and cannot be "translated" into some foreign way of looking at the world and expressing things. The Latin language was given to the Roman Catholic Church at its outset, when the Divine will moved St. Peter from the East, from at his seat in Antioch, to Rome. There, he was joined by the greatest of the Church's missionaries, St. Paul, who preached in Latin, so the evidence indicates, to the Roman emperor Nero and exchanged fourteen letters in Latin (which are extant) with the esteemed Roman Stoic philosopher Seneca, who was Nero's principal advisor.
Recent archaeological evidence from Pompeii has devastated the obsolete theory that Greek was the language of the early Church in Rome and Italy. This evidence, to the contrary, indicates that Latin was well established in Rome and Italy as the language of the Church by the time Mount Vesuvius erupted, that is, in A.D. 79. The Latin language has been honed by Providence over 2000 years into the most clear and precise expression of the Roman Catholic Faith. No wonder the Novus Ordo service uses the vulgar tongues instead of Latin!
The time that the New Order sect has wasted in these phony "translations" of its invalid Novus Ordo is laughable. It has taken these incompetent Newchurch bishops seven years to make a few minor changes -- and these changes involve only one-twelfth of the Novus Ordo service texts. A "translation" for the other eleven-twelfths was just rejected by the U.S. bishops, and it will be at the end of 2010, at the earliest, that the "translation" of the remaining eleven-twelfths will be finished -- if ever! [Some information contributed by CNS]
Good Catholics, the Newchurch bishops would have been smarter, not to say more Catholic, to have stayed with the Traditional Latin Mass and to have spent all this wasted time in evangelizing the true Roman Catholic Faith. Unfortunately, the Newchurch bishops have all lost the true Faith, so maybe it is better that they now waste their time impotently in playing "translation" games rather than evangelizing for their New Order. Christ laugh from above at their vanitas vanitatum.
For further information, click on LATNECES: The Necessity of Latin for the Roman Catholic Church, from the Writings of Roman Catholic Saints, Popes, and Theologians. Also click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) in the section, "Sacred Languages: Latin, Greek, and Hebrew."
Even after Raymond "Bully" Burke, the extortionist and consecrator of a "transgenered" nun, who was duly appointed by Benedict-Ratzinger to head Newchurch's Supreme Court, flew off in shame to lie in the bosom of Newpope, the Newchurch archdiocese of St. Louis, Missouri, still cannot let alone the parish that went independent from Burke so as not to have its church, St. Stanislaus Kosta, now worth $12,000,000, be stolen from it to pay off Burke's sex-crimes tab. The archdiocese has now entered a lawsuit in yet another attempt to extort the property into the hands of Novus Ordo sex criminals.
The church's lay Board of Trustees was given a perpetual charter by the first archbishop of St. Louis to operate independently, as long as it built and maintained the church entirely from its own funds -- a condition that was scrupulously kept by the parish even during the Great Depression of the 1930s. All went well for over 125 years until Burke became the Newchurch archbishop, having been transferred by JPII out of La Crosse, Wisconsin, where he earned the ire of the diocese by "consecrating" a surgically-transgendered man as a Newchurch "nun" and viciously concealed the sex crimes of his presbyters against children. [Some information contributed by CWN]
The church's gutsy lay Board of Trustees and the new Polish pastor, Marek Bozek, whom it hired, courageously stood up to Burke's frustrated fulminations and Novus Ordo "excommunications" of everyone in sight. Then Burke tried to smear the good name of Marek, who is described locally as rather conservative. (Yes, he did attend, but did not participate in, an ordination at a local Unitarian church to thank that church's support of him and his parish against the extortion and to indicate to Burke that Burke couldn't control the independent church.) Bozek has also spoken out about Burke's attempt to shut down other Newchurch parishes:
I have witnessed what church closings do to people. They don’t go to another denomination; they don’t go to the "cluster parish" or the new suburban parish. They simply do not go anymore. A very sad outcome when the salvation of souls is at stake. This is obedience for the sake of obedience, not for the building up of Christ's Church. The church my father was baptized in and the one he grew up in were both closed and have been ransacked [by the Novus Ordo bishop].
The now-independent church has trebled its membership, as Fr. Bozek has brought a more conservative, granted Newchurch, leadership and an improved morality than Burke's criminal administration did.
Dear Fathers:
Please explain your rhetorical purpose in referring to SSPX's bishop Fellay as "Bernie?"
The Fathers Reply.
In our day it is a technique of hypocritical bureaucrats to hide behind grandiose titles. We use more expressions to strip away the facade and force our SSPX readers out of their inertia to look at what their leadership is actually saying and doing, rather than giving them false weight because their activities are shrouded under fancy titles. Similarly, we never use the term "Holy Father" of the present occupant. An individual cannot honestly pretend to be a "Holy Father" when he is responsible for the rape and assault of tens of thousands of his children and shows no personal remorse whatsoever.
In the case of Fellay, our mailbox has been inundated in recent years from SSPX clergy and laity viciously and unjustly persecuted by the Fellay administration. You have undoubtedly read of many such cases in these Commentaries. In addition, Fellay has earned personal opprobrium because of his efforts to sell out the SSPX to the New Order (stopped by, among other factors, the public exposure of his plans by the TRADITIO Network), his vicious and calumnious attacks upon his own SSPX clergy and laity, his devious political machinations to take control of the Society, his rejection of Archbishop Lefebvre's clear stand against the New Order and its supporters, and his efforts to sideline the other SSPX bishops. To be sure, he covers over the reality, as Benedict-Ratzinger does, with hypocritical words. But that means you have to be all the more critical in your evaluations of what is going on in your Society.
To the contrary, Our Lord never put on false airs. He was well known, as the Scriptures repeatedly tell us, not to be a "respecter of persons." In his eyes, the leper in rags was morally better than the Pharisee in his fancy phylacteries. We follow Our Lord. In fact, he savagely criticized the Church leaders of his time for just this use of an hypocritical facade to conceal the most sacrilegious and immoral acts:
Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites: because you are like to whited sepulchres, which outwardly appear to men beautiful, but within are full of dead men's bones and of all filthiness. So you also outwardly indeed appear to men just: but inwardly you are full of hypocrisy and iniquity (Matthew 23:27/DRV).
The origin of the word that Our Lord used is pertinent. In classical Greece, an hypocrites was an actor, one who played a part on the stage. The outward character being acted was, therefore, different from the actor beneath the mask. But by New Testament times, 500 years later, the word had taken on the meaning that we ascribe to its English analogue today: a pretender, a dissembler. Christ harshly condemns these Pharisees, in spite of the fact that they were essentially the popes and bishops of the Church at His time.
Dear Fathers:
I want to let you know about some disturbing new activities of the SSPX, both here in the United States and abroad. I will also explain to you why I have decided to stop attending the SSPX. The purging of non-SSPX material was the last straw. Yes, the Society has begun a purge of traditional Catholic publications and materials from its chapels worldwide!
I can tell you from my own experience here in the U.S. that any "traditionalist" publication that does not tow the SSPX party line is discarded, especially any newspapers or publications by those that have doubts about the current occupant of the papacy. This happened at my former chapel, where I have seen whole stacks of books get pulled.
The atmosphere at my former SSPX chapel is very guarded now; the general idea is that you are either with the SSPX or against the SSPX. Frankly, I am sick of the inbred and holier-than-thou nature of the SSPX. The SSPX can criticize everyone, but the SSPX can do no wrong. And the only time the SSPX talks to other traditional Catholics is when they try to connive the properties and assets away from aging independent priests.
I'm finding that I can't understand the SSPX position about Benedict-Ratzinger, when the Society officials fail even to address the question of the fact that Benedict-Ratzinger was not traditionally consecrated as a bishop, but under Bugnini's Novus Ordo Ordinal of 1968, the first pope not to have been consecrated traditionally in the history of the Church. It seems that to accept Benedict-Ratzinger as pope, you have to accept the Novus Ordo sacraments.
I also was unaware that the Mass of the Society is the modernized 1962 rite of John XXIII, and not the rite codified by Pope St. Pius V. What a shock! I feel like a fool. Why doesn't the SSPX advertise that its refuses to do pre-1962 "liturgies"? Because half their of their churches would be empty! For these two reasons, I will be staying home on Sundays with my traditional (pre-1956) missal until I find a truly traditional Catholic site.
Dear Fathers:
Since the TRADITIO Network has previously published several reports on the purge that the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) is conducting in the United States to cleanse SSPX sites of anyone who has doubts about Benedict-Ratzinger, I wanted to report to your readers on the fact that the purge has now spread to New Zealand.
During the week of July 14, 2008, a prominent traditional Catholic lecturer visited several locations in New Zealand to discuss the current state of the Catholicism and Benedict-Ratzinger. One of the SSPX priests here, Francois Laisney, the SSPX's former District Superior in the United States, who had been graciously invited to join the lecturer at the discussion, instead had one of his subordinates come and stand at the back of the room as a "spy," taking pictures with his camera of the audience. Several whom he identified as SSPXers, he proceed to "excommunicate" from the Society.
The "excommunicated" SSPX members were understandably shocked that they had been "excommunicated" for merely listening to a lecture and demanded to know what "public mortal sin" they had committed. To their astonishment, Laisney claimed that in attending the lecture, they "refused to be subject to the Sovereign Pontiff."
We New Zealanders who once supported the SSPX, but have now withdrawn our affiliation are shocked at the hypocrisy of this statement from an SSPX official. These former SSPX members were "excommunicated" from the Society for merely attending a lecture, while Laisney himself completely "disobeys" Benedict-Ratzinger, by his own admission, and refuses to be subject to Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch administration! Another formerly SSPX couple here said:
We just can't stand any more lies that we are being given constantly from the pulpit and in letters, etc. The propaganda is terrible, and it looks like a sect mentality. There is no room for truth any more. We thought it was time to speak and be counted.
The SSPX under its new superior, Bernie Fellay, has conveniently purged from its consciousness (as well as its web sites and publications) the fact that its founder, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, accepted the possibility that the Conciliar popes had vacated their office by public heresy, according to the long-standing canonic principle, Papa hereticus est depositus. As recently as 1998, before Fellay began his revisionism of SSPX history, SSPX bishop Bernard Tissier de Mallerais, wrote in a SSPX organ:
He [Archbishop Lefebvre] said more than once about these popes -- about Paul VI from 1976, and about John Paul II, after the prayer meeting of religions at Assisi in 1986 -- that he did not exclude the possibility that these popes were not popes, that one day the Church will have to examine their situation, that a future pope and his cardinals might have to pronounce the finding that these men had not been popes.
Bishop Tissier de Mallerais, who wrote an extensive biography of Archbishop Lefebvfe, has several times stood against Fellay's Novus Ordo-leaning administration. Most recently, commenting on what the Archbishop's position would be of Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch today, stated:
He [Archbishop Lefebvre] would denounce not only Liberalism -- that was the case with Paul VI -- but Modernism, which is the case of Benedict XVI: a true Modernist with the whole theory of up-to-date Modernism! ... So Archbishop Lefebvre would shout: "You heretics, you pervert the Faith!"
My conclusion is that since the August 29, 2005, "Beheading" Meeting between Benedict-Ratzinger and Fellay, the SSPX has been undergoing deep internal convulsions over this issue, which it attempts to ignore or deny in public. Fellay, either because he hankers for the scarlet or because he made some secret deal with Benedict-Ratzinger eventually to sell out the Society, has been punishing clergy and expelling laity right and left if they do not adhere to the Fellayite policy of compromise with the New Order. SSPX clergy who speak against this policy are relegated to the boondocks, and laity who even attend lectures discussing the very real issue of the current papacy are spied on, photographed, and "excommunicated." The whole thing sounds like a page out of Josef Stalin's pogroms!
It is said that on his deathbed, the man whose name became an eponym for "traitor," Benedict Arnold, said: "Let me die in this old [American] uniform in which I found my battles. May God forgive me for ever having put on another." It seems that already the traitorous Transalpine Redemptorists are seeing the "vale of tears" that their sellout is already bringing them.
Their leader, Michael Mary, who recently wrote that all traditional Catholics should sell out to the New Order as he did, has now admitted to the world that part of what he had to agree to in order to be accepted by Benedict-Ratzinger into the New Order was the obligation of the group to simulate the Novus Ordo service:
Of course, we have to accept that outside the monastery if one of our priests wants to concelebrate [the Novus Ordo] we cannot stop him. Fine. This is something we do not particularly like, but that we accept.... Outside the monastery it will be up to each priest if he chooses to say the New Mass [sic]; that is the law of the [New]church. This choice may entail that somebody may "soften" and say the New Mass [sic] or concelebrate when outside the monastery.
Good Catholics, Dario Hoyos and Benedict-Ratzinger have pulled yet another hoax on the neocon Newchurchers. The Ecclesia Dei Commission's Protocol 1411 of 1999 was not rescinded when the "Motu" Mess was fabricated on July 7, 2007. That protocol requires that any presbyter in Newchurch -- "Indult," "Motu," or whatever -- must concelebrate the Novus Ordo service whenever he is asked to by a Newchurch bishop. Moreover, his "Motu" superior cannot prevent him from simulating the Novus Ordo service whenever he himself pleases.
It seems that the bloom is now off the rose with Benedict-Ratzinger's Great "Motu" Mess Hoax. In the U.K. now it's being called the "Motu" Fiasco. Originally hailed by neocon Newchurchers as the new "Hula Hoop," the neocons are gradually losing interest, just one year later, as the butchered artifact of Bugnini's Modernized "Mass of 1962," as further butchered by Benedict-Ratzinger in 2007 and 2008, is being suffocated within the context of the New Order, where it is a gagging fish out of water.
The Newchurch bishop of Liverpool, Patrick Kelly, had dangled the possibility of a "Motu" Mess church, when, on July 15, 2008, in typical Novus Ordo fashion, Kelly pulled the rug out from under the idea, claiming that he had changed his mind after a discussion with the Council of Presbyters, which Benedict-Ratzinger's New Canon Law requires. "I have decided not to go ahead with the change that I proposed." St. Vincent de Paul Church, Toxteth, the proposed site, was the work of Britain's greatest Catholic neo-Gothic architect.
Organizer Damien Thompson now freely admits that he was blindsided by what he thought was the "pope's programme of renewal." Now he calls Benedict-Ratzinger's "Motu" Mess just what it is: "What a fiasco!" [Some information contributed by UK Telegraph]
At World Youth Day it appears that, far from being more "traditional," Benedict-Ratzinger actually took a giant step toward an even more bizarre Novus Ordo than his precedessor, the "Clown Pope"! In fact, Benedict-Ratzinger's "Racetrack" Mess and other "happenings," including his prancing around like some rock-star instead of the supposed pope of the Roman Catholic Church, were so bizarre that even a papolator who has flip-flopped once again to become a Novus Ordo admirer of Benedict-Ratzinger, finally had to admit the truth:
Some disgusted viewers of WYD 2008 will reach the rash judgment that Pope Benedict revealed his true colors by appearing at Sydney. Benedict. They will declare, it is just "John Paul the Great" all over again.
Well, he certainly got that right. He sure fooled the neocon Newchurch ignoranti didn't he?!
When Bishop Joseph Adamec, of Pennsylvania, required any of his presbyters that were to say a "Motu" Mess to have a requisite knowledge of Latin, it seems that a Novus Ordo presbyter took Adamec's Latin examination and failed. Now the neocon Newchurchers blowing a gasket, denouncing Adamec to Dario Hoyos' Newchurch Ecclesia Dei Commission
But Adamec was doing only what Benedict-Ratzinger himself required in Article 5.4 of Summorum pontificum. Moreover, Pope John XXIII, in 1962, the same year as the "Mass of 1962," indicated in a solemnly-proclaimed Apostolic Constitution, Veterum sapientia, exactly what background priests must have in that language: 7-9 years of study in the classical and ecclesiastical authors, with their seminary courses being taught in Latin, their class discussions being conducted in Latin, and their examinations being written in Latin. No less.
Do the neocon Newchurchers want to have those ignorant of Latin badly mouthing a "Motu" Mess in a language of which they do not have the requisite knowledge demanded by their beloved Benedict-Ratzinger and John XXIII? Aren't these neocon Newchurchers doing exactly what they claim traditional Catholics are doing: disobeying the pope? Just more hypocrisy from the neocon Newchurchers!
Blah, Blah, Blah. Benedict-Ratzinger eked out a few more words of "apology" to the children and mentally-ll Australians who have been the victims of his bishops' and presbyters' sex crimes. He hypocritically stated: "Those responsible for these evils must be brought to justice," but he himself, like a Pilate, has washed his hands of doing anything to bring them to justice.
Victims were quick to criticize Benedict-Ratzinger's words as a propaganda ploy without any action to accompany the words. The father of two Australian girls who were raped by a Newchurch presbyter criticized Benedict-Ratzinger for offering "no practical assistance for victims. What we haven't had is an unequivocal, unlimited practical response that provides for all the victims for their lifetime. The practical response needs to include both financial help ... and psychological help."
Victims of Newchurch sexual assaults in Australia, who number in the thousands, say the Newchurch covered up of the scale of the problem and fought compensation claims lodged in civil courts. "Sorry is not enough. Victims want action, not just words," stated one victims group.
Benedict-Ratzinger hasn't even put on in Australian the same propaganda show that he put on during his April 2008 United States junket. There, he staged an "apology" display for television using a few hand-picked victims. He has declined to meet with the leading victims-rights group in Australia. He did, however, meet with four hand-picked victims. A victims' group leader accused Benedict-Ratzinger of "stage-managing the meeting to keep the details secret and of picking victims who would not speak to the pope directly about the thorny issue of compensation, which many victims are demanding." He said that "the victims met by the pope were carefully chosen as people who would not cause trouble." It doesn't alter things, because it's purely public relations. I think it's a cynical exercise." [Some information contributed by Associated Press]
Good Catholics, the salient point about Benedict-Ratzinger is that he has never taken personal responsibility for his Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal. He is reminiscent of U.S. President Richard Nixon, who, when caught flatfooted in the Watergate crimes, lied to the American people, saying, "Your president is not a crook." The Americans didn't fall for it. Benedict-Ratzinger is similarly telling Newchurchers, "Your pope is not a sex criminal." And the Newchurchers are falling for it!
But how can they? They claim that he is the "supreme head of the Church." Thus, in the words of another U.S. President, "the buck stops here." In fact, Benedict-Ratzinger was put in charge of Sex Crimes from 2001; then he became pope in his own right in 2005. So, for seven years now Benedict-Ratzinger has been personally responsible for the rape and assault of tens of thousands of children and the mentally ill. This ilk should be so ashamed of himself that he would resign -- immediately. Instead, he prances around like some silly racehorse in a Santa Claus hat!
Dear Fathers:
The Novus Ordo "sendoff" for former White House press secretary Tony Snow was held on July 17, 2008, in Washington, D.C., at the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. Snow, 53, passed away July 12, 2008, succumbing to his long battle with colon cancer. He resigned from his White House post on August 31, 2007. [Some information contributed by RTT]
The example that Snow's traditional Catholic longsuffering and resignation offered us during his last months deserved more than the invalid Novus Ordo "flim/flam" service that he got. He is just another victim of the Newchurch of Hate, which has sent him without immeasurable graces of a valid exequial Mass into the next world. He was deprived of the valid, traditional Requiem High Mass that his soul deserved to enter the next life.
The Anglican-Episcopalian sect prefers not to have a precise definition of itself doctrinally. It no longer makes reference to the Bible even, but speaks only about individuals "being in communion with the Archbishop of Canterbury." This redefinition raises the question of what "being in communion" really means, whether in the Anglican-Episcopalian sect or in the Newchurch sect, which likewise now defines itself de facto not by belief in Catholic doctrine, but by "communion with Benedict-Ratzinger." Anglicanism and the Newchurch have now both come to define themselves by Modernist heretical concepts.
The Fathers Reply.
This is an interesting explanation of why being a "Catholic" [sic] in Newchurch is defined by being "in communion with Benedict-Ratzinger," not by belief in Catholic sacraments, doctrine, and morality. It is a facile defintion, which avoids having to believe in anything. Surveys have consistently shown that Newchurchers, while they may be "in communion with Benedict-Ratzinger" are certainly not in communion with Catholic doctrine or morality (most approve of abortion and "gay" marriage, for example.
As in the fourth century during the Arian Heresy, we once again have a situation where Catholics have to make a choice between Catholic doctrine and a pope. In the fourth century, those who stayed with Catholic doctrine against the pope were the ones vindicated by the Church. They are the great Saints now: St. Athanasius, St. Basil the Great, St. Augustine, St. Martin of Tours, St. John Chrysostom, inter alios. The heretic-leaning pope of the time is little remembered and is now despised by the Church and history for his cowardice in failing to stand against the heresy.
If Americans essentially gave Benedict-Ratzinger a pass on his complicity in the rape of tens of thousands of Newchurch children, the gutsy Australians have not. Benedict-Ratzinger's propaganda junket to Sydney for World Youth Day has been dogged by remarkable numbers of Australians who are demanding that Newpope fess up to his leadership of the Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal, which in Australia has involved the rapes of hundreds of mentally-ill patients by his Newchurch presbyters.
Benedict-Ratzinger's staatspolizei desperately tried to shut down Australians' protests against him for abetting his presbyters' sex crimes upon the very youth that Newchurch's World Youth Day is supposed to celebrate. There have been 107 convictions of Newchurch presbyter abuse in Australia already; more are to come. "It's really shameful of the [New]church to be doing this. They're just stopping people from being heard," said one protester against Newpope's abetting of assaults and rapes. The protesters were carrying banners reading "Hands off our kids" and "Speak out against abuse."
Another protester, who was physically attacked by a band of WYD Newchurchers (so much for the phony "love" of the New Order), told the press before she was forced to flee: "I've worked on a sexual abuse hotline, and I've seen suicides because of the cover-ups Ratzinger has been involved in. If it happened to them [the WDYers], it would be a different issue. They would understand where I am coming from."
Protesters were told that they had to move away from the cathedral because they did not have a "protest permit." One Newchurch woman spoke against the protesters, saying, "Why are you spoiling our fun?" Apparently, WYD is no more than a fun rock-fest to these Newchurchers. There is no religious or moral dimension about it for them. Benedict-Ratzinger, who is rapidly earning the eponym, "Hypocrite Pope," in Australia, was warning Christian leaders inside the cathedral to join together against violence, while simultaneously police, acting as if they were his own personal staatspolizei, were forcibly putting down any protest against him. In Newchurch, you see, respect is not earned; it is forced. [Some information contributed by AFP and Reuters]
Newvatican's World Youth Day Office has confirmed that at the final World Youth Day Mess at Randwick Racetrack in Sydney on July 20, 2008, he will give the Novus Ordo cookie in the hand and standing to whoever wants it that way. The Newvatican statement contracts one made by Newcardinal George Pell, of Sydney. The cookie will obligatorily be given in the hand by all the other presbyters at Benedict-Ratzinger's "Racetrack" Mess. Moreover, tThe WYD Office has also confirmed that Latin will be banned from the papal Mess. It is expected that as a trivial accommodation to neocon Newchurchers, only the Pater Noster will be recited in the Church's language.
Benedict-Ratzinger has a well-deserved reputation as the "Hypocrite Pope," and shows that Newpope is as committed to the New Order as ever.
When will these neocon Newchurchers learn? The Society of St. Pius X's Transalpine Redemptorists of Scotland were supposed to be embraced into the Newchurch of the New Order after they had left the SSPX and had sold out to Newchurch, now calling themselves Filii Sanctissimi Redemptoris [Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer]. On February 7, 2008, Vatican Radio broadcast the real story. Newcardinal Dario Hoyos. Now it turns out that something is rotten in the kingdom of Newchurch.
According to a statement issued by Fr. Michael Mary on July 1, 2008, of the Transalpine Redemptorists, "our community now truly rejoices in undisputed and peaceful possession of communion with the Holy See because our priests [sic] are now in canonical good standing." Well, not only has Michael Mary turned out to be a Benedict Arnold. Newvatican has called him a liar. As always, Newrome gets the last laugh. Let this be a warning to other "traditionalists" contemplating treason with the New Order!
On February 7, 2008, Vatican Radio broadcast the real story. Newcardinal Dario Hoyos, Benedict-Ratzinger's hatchet-man against "traditionalists," had accepted three of the Redemptorist clergy, but rejected the community as a whole. Hoyos said that there would be a "longer process of negotiations." Isn't this the same thing that Newvatican tried to pull on Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, who finally had the guts to see the ploy and rejected the New Order in Newrome completely?
Nor can the Transalpines return home to the SSPX. Fr. Paul Morgan, the SSPX's District Director for Great Britain, announced on July 14, 2008: "the Transalpine Redemptorists are effectively severing their links with those who are working for the restoration of Tradition and the necessary public rejection of the Modernist errors of Vatican II."
Good Catholics, isn't this what the TRADITIO Network has said since the August 29, 2005, "Beheading Meeting" of Benedict-Ratzinger with Fellay? Yet Fellay writhed like a dying fish when this network exposed his rosy-colored plans to sell out to Newchurch and its lupine head. Only the TRADITIO Network was then courageous enough to speak out against his treachery, except for one French web site. Now maybe Fellay has learned at least some of the lesson. All well and good, but we are waiting for our apology from Fellay for his ridiculous calumnies.
Dear Fathers:
I thought that you would find this interesting. It is from a conservative, mainly Republican, newsletter. It claims that Benedict-Ratzinger "rues the Second Vatican Council." It find this point extremely amusing as Benedict-Ratzinger has been the one who has pushed through the Vatican II propaganda machine!
The Fathers Reply.
This reinventing of Benedict-Ratzinger is simply a resurrection of the old "Vatican II was misunderstood" ploy, that Vatican II was "interpreted" in a way that wasn't intended. To the contrary, it has been proven beyond any reasonable doubt by historians of the last forty years that the leaders of Vatican II very deliberately set out to introduce Modernism openly into the Church: into the liturgy, into doctrine, and into morality. In this, they have succeeded -- as far as the Newchurch of the New Order is concerned.
Fr. Ratzinger was a Modernist before Vatican II, he was a Modernist at Vatican II, and he remains a Modernist to this day as Newpope. The fact that now he needs to connive money from neocon Newchurchers to pay for his expensive international junkets (that he promised when he was elected that he would not make) and because his Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal has drastically reduced contributions to Newchurch, and so is playing a hoax on neocon Newchurchers by introducing a little Latin, while he himself continues full speed ahead with the Novus Ordo bandwagon doesn't change his loyalty to Modernism and Vatican II. Those who have fallen for his hoax simply have rose-colored contact lenses permanently attached to their eyes. The wizard of Newchurch Oz behind the curtain is still a balding dwarf.
San Francisco outshines New York and Chicago as being the most corrupt municipal government in the United States. Not only does it violate federal law by harboring illegal aliens, but now it has violated the First Amendment by creating a atmosphere of prejudice against the Catholic religion's moral principles.
The homophile Board of Supervisors and mayor there adopted a resolution that officially labeled the Catholic church's moral teachings on homosexuality as "insulting to all San Franciscans," "hateful," "defamatory," "insensitive" and "ignorant," whereas the resolution itself, which is insulting to all San Franciscans, hateful, defamatory, insensitive, and ignorant, is being challenged in court. The resolution was adopted, unanimously, in response to objections to placing innocent children in the homes of "gay" predators under the euphemism of "foster parents."
On July 16, 2008, the Ninth Federal Circuit Court of Appeals will hear the case against the city. Appellants argue that the U.S. Constitution plainly forbids hostility toward any religion. "In total disregard for the Constitution, homosexual activists in positions of authority in San Francisco have abused their authority as government officials and misused the instruments of the government to attack the Catholic Church." One week after the anti-Catholic resolution, the Supervisors adopted another resolution against Christian Evangelists.
Speaking about insensitivity, how about the mayor of that city, Gavin Newsome, who shacked up in adultery with the wife of his best friend while that friend was on business for Newsome out of the country?! Speaking about hatefulness, how about "gay" bigot California Assemblyman Mark Leno telling a rally that though religious people may be few, "they're loud, they're obnoxious, they're disgusting, and they should get out of San Francisco"?! Truly, San Francisco, perhaps along with Amsterdam, has got to be the most disgusting place on God's earth!
Early reports from Sydney, Australia, the locus of Benedict-Ratzinger's World Youth Day "Woodstock" July 15-20, 2008, indicate that "hisself," having bamboozled the neocon Newchurchers with his Great "Motu" Mess Hoax, is now endearing himself to the punks at this rock-fest. Here are some highlights of his Newchurch Woodstock so far:
The Australian press is full of stories describing how prostitutes have been gearing up for blockbuster business during World Youth Day. They are providing free prophylactics and giving a discount on bimbos to those who can show a WYD ticket. Rubber factories and opiate factories in Australia have gone into overdrive to provide the complete the trio of sex, drugs, and rock and roll to meet the demand by "Catholic" youth. [Some information contributed by Reuters, Australian Age, and India Times Now Television]
Contrary to previous reports that Newpope was going to take advantage of the break-up of the Anglican-Episcopalian sect over the issue of homosexuality and female clergy in order to win transverts into his New Order sect, Benedict-Ratzinger, always "the Fox," has shocked everybody by publicly supporting his bosom-buddy, the heretic Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, who supports homosexuality and female clergy. In a move that may be unprecedented in Newchurch, Benedict-Ratzinger has intruded into the internal affairs of another sect to try to stop traditionalist Anglican-Episcopalians from leaving the Liberalist-Modernist Rowan and his acolyte, U.S. Head Bishopess Katherine Jefferts-Schori.
Benedict-Ratzinger has sent his Modernist three stooges to the current Anglican-Episcopalian bishops' conference in Canterbury, England, to act as personal intermediaries: Ivan Dias, the head of Newvatican's Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, Walter Casper "the Oecumenical-friendly Ghost," and his twin ghost, Cormac Murphy O'Connor. Benedict-Ratzinger has announced that he wishes the traditionalist Anglicans to stay with the liberalist Rowan and will not accept them into Newchurch. And why should he? They are far more traditional that Benedict-Ratzinger and his sect, who are flaming Modernists! Reports are that he is terrified that if the Anglican-Episcopalians split the issue of homosexuality, he is going to get push back from the neocon Newchurchers for his own homophile policies, which have turned Novus Ordo seminaries into little better than "gay" brothels. [The UK Independent]
Good Catholics, you would think that Benedict-Ratzinger would support the traditionalist Anglican-Episcopalians, who are against homosexuality and female clergy? Isn't Benedict-Ratzinger supposed to agree with those positions himself? Isn't he supposed to be "traditional," or at least "conservative"? Yeah, sure, and pigs fly!
Dear Fathers:
Someone told me that the chair [pictured above] in which JPII is sitting is the original "Chair of Peter" because St. Peter was crucified upside down. This one is hard for me to believe. What is your comment on this?
The Fathers Reply.
The chair in the picture is obviously of modern construction. It features the inverted cross, or St. Peter's Cross, based on the tradition that St. Peter was crucified upside down. There is a relic in the Vatican that is sometimes put forth as the "Chair of Peter," but it is unlikely that there was any true artifact of this kind. The Vatican chair was not mentioned before 1217.
Both in Latin, as in English, we are accustomed to use metonymy when referring to such concepts as the "crown" or the "throne" or the "Holy See." Or, as we say in English, so-and-so "chaired" the meeting. There is a feast in the traditional calendar for the Chair of St. Peter at Antioch (February 22) and one for the Chair of St. Peter at Rome (January 18). As archaeological studies have progressed, it is more generally agreed that these "chairs" refer not to a physical artifact, but to the pontifical office itself.
Traditionalist Anglican-Episcopalians are separating from their Liberalist/Modernist leaders. And now Mormon elders have confirmed traditional morality and decorum by excommunicating their member, Chad Hardy, for creating and merchandising a calendar that features shirtless Mormon missionaries. Hardy was excommunicated after a disciplinary meeting with local church leaders in Las Vegas, Nevada. "Men on a Mission" included pictures of 12 returned missionaries wearing black slacks, but denuded of their trademark white shirts. Some of the 12 models have also been called to disciplinary meetings.
In the Church of Latter Day Saints (Mormons), an excommunicated person is removed from official church rolls, but is still welcome at services. Excommunicated members are prohibited from receiving the sacrament and can't perform church callings such as teaching or preaching during meetings. They also cannot enter sect temples. [Some information contributed by Associated Press]
Good Catholics, maybe one of these days Benedict-Ratzinger will end his complicity in the rape and assault upon some 100,000 children and excommunicate the 10,000 bishops and presbyters who have perpetrated these crimes under his administration. One can always hope, we suppose, but it is far more likely that Hell will freeze over than that Benedict-Ratzinger's cold heart will warm up enough to take responsibility for one of the most criminal papacies in the history of the Church.
The characteristics of the Liberalist/Modernists cross sect lines. Whether Newchurcher or Anglican/Episcopalian, the attitude is to eschew any talk about doctrine and sell out to a vapid, doctrine-less unity among thieves.
Take the case of the Anglican/Episcopalian sect now in meltdown because traditional/conservative Anglicans have finally told their Modernist leaders that they will no longer accept leadership from the likes homophiles like Rowan Williams, the pretender Archbishop of Canterbury, and Katherine Jefferts-Shori, the Episcopalian coven's head bishopess. When it was clear that the traditionalists were not merely going to talk, but were going to take action by separating from the Williams-Schori duet, there were the voices of "compromise the Faith!" from the likes of Archbishop Desmond Tutu, winner of that infamous Nobel "Peace Prize."
Tutu's voice is no different from the voices of "Compromise with the New Order!" from neocon Newchurchers who are willing to accept Benedict-Ratzinger's phony "Motu" Mess to get a grain of "recognition" from the New Order. "The Anglican church prides itself," said Tutu, "and this is one of its greatest attributes -- it prides itself on being the church that is comprehensive, meaning that it includes all kinds of points of view." In other words, it is not right that counts; inclusivity of wrong is what counts. What is Tutu saying: We welcome murderers, thieves, rapists, Nazis, Communists. Inclusivity is the important thing"? The traditionalist Anglicans are quite right. People like Tutu have no idea about what Christianity is. Christ Himself told us: "If you love, keep my Commandments" (John 14:15/DRV). [Some information contributed by Associated Press]
Good Catholics, imagine what might happen if neocon Newchurchers abandoned Benedict-Ratzinger, just as the neocon Anglican-Episcopalians have abandoned Rowan Williams, the pretender Archbishop of Canterbury. Maybe Benedict-Ratzinger might actually be terrified into cleaning up the criminal stink of his papacy!
As if things could not get more bizarre, a "gay" crazyman is suing the Holy Bible for passages against homosexuality. He is claiming in U.S. district court that the Bible portrays homosexual acts as a sin and thus have caused the sodomite "emotional pain and mental instability."
On July 7, 2008, Bradley Fowler filed against Thomas Nelson Publishing and Zondervan Bibles for $70,000,000. Fowler has chosen to represent himself in the case, thus having a fool for a lawyer according to the maxim. Fowler claims that the copyrighted "translations" of the Bible's referring to homosexuality as a sin (the originals are, of course, in the public domain) have made him an outcast from his family and contributed to his physical discomfort and periods of "demoralization, chaos, and bewilderment." He is particularly offended by 1 Corinthians 6:9-10:
Know you not that the unjust shall not possess the kingdom of God? Do not err: Neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers: Nor the effeminate nor liers with mankind nor thieves nor covetous nor dunkards nor railers nor extortioners shall possess the kingdom of God.
If Fowler has actually read the Bible, he would object also to Leviticus 18:1-2, Leviticus 18:22, Leviticus 20:13, Romans 1:26-32, Ephesians 4:19, Ephesians 5:12, 1 Timothy 1:10, and Jude 1:6-7.
Good Catholics, this crazy case provides yet another reason why, as the Catholic Church has traditionally taught, translations into the vulgar tongues should be eschewed and that the Sacred Languages of Latin, Greek, and Hebrew, Latin and Greek should be used for authenticity; you can't muck with them. Those who are ignorant of the authentic texts have been bamboozled by so-called vulgar "translations" that have manipulated authentic Christian teaching, foremost among which translations are the New American Bible and the New English Bible.
Newvatican, fearing for the 81-year-old's failing health, has insisted that Benedict-Ratzinger rest in a luxurious Newchurch country-estate for five days after he arrives in Australia. With little advance notice, Benedict-Ratzinger has canceled his Wednesday public audience on account of ill health and has canceled his private audience with Ingrid Betancourt, who was recently freed after more than six years as a hostage in the Colombian jungles and expressed a desire to see the pope.
In 2006 Benedict-Ratzinger admitted to German television that he was failing, was "really tired," and does not feel strong enough to continue the burdens of the papacy much longer. Although Newvatican doesn't like to talk about it, he has suffered two strokes and one brain concussion, and his brother has stated to press that Newpope is not long for this world. [Some information contributed by Associated Press]
Here we go again. Benedict-Ratzinger bamboozled Americans on his April 2008 junket by "apologizing" to a hand-picked group of victims, while directing his Sex-crimes Czar back in Newrome to loosen Newchurch canon law so that sex-predator bishops and presbyters could escape prosecution. Now aboard his private jet en route down under for the World Youth Day woodstock, he says that he's going to try to pull the same propaganda routine on the Australians that he pulled on the Americans. He's going to give them phony words, but he won't actually do anything to prosecute the criminals operating under his protection.
But Benedict-Ratzinger quickly transitioned from reporters' questions about his complicity in Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal to call upon the rank and file Newchurchers to "go green." Of course, conservation does not apply to Newpope, who is consuming 20 hours of polluting jet fuel to travel from Newrome to Australia. There are no reports that the air-conditioning has been turned off on the plane, at Newvatican's bureaucratic offices, or at Newpope's summer palace at Castel Gandolfo. [Some information contributed by Associated Press]
Good Catholics, Benedict-Ratzinger is just another hypocritical liberalist politician who requires conservation from others while he himself ranks among one of the world's biggest polluters. Is Benedict-Ratzinger taking lessons from the discredited Albert Gore?
If you go to the Holy City, you see them: the Fourteen Stations of the Cross, inscribed in Latin at various locations in the city. Traditional pilgrims still follow the footsteps of Christ as He carried His Cross to Calvary.
But not Benedict-Ratzinger. To please the Jews (which Christ refused to do), Newpope has deconstructed the traditional Stations of the Cross, eliminating several of them that were offensive to the Jews. He intends roll out his Newstations out during World Youth Day in Sydney, Australia, on Friday, July 18, 2008.
He needn't have bothered. Apparently, he has learned nothing from the controversy over the traditional Good Friday prayer in his "Motu" Mess. The political Jewish elements are never satisfied. Benedict-Ratzinger's rejection of Christ's Stations were not enough for those elements. He has now had to schedule a special meeting with five Australian Jewish leaders to set their minds at ease that the remaining Stations will not represent the Christian view.
The Jews are particularly concerned about the depiction of Christ's condemnation by the leaders of the Jewish Church, the Sanhedrin. The Jews claim that the depiction of the reality could spark "anti-Semitism," however they define that political term this year. In 2004 they objected to Mel Gibson's film The Passion of the Christ by that term just because it literally represented the biblical account.
Benedict-Ratzinger's people have assured the Jews that that Newstations of the Cross will be manipulated to conform to Vatican II's Nostra aetate. Now Newpope will personally become the mouthpiece for his beloved Vatican II by addressing the Jewish leaders directly to assure them that Newchurch has no desire to proselytize for Christianity! [Some information contributed by Jewish & Israel News]
I have provided TRADITIO readers an explanation why the Conciliar establishment, paralleling the Parable of the Unjust Steward, has lost all credibility. For further information, click on Benedict-Ratzinger, You Are Steward No Longer in the TRADITIO Network's Special Features department.
Sydney's Newchurch archbishop, Newcardinal George Pell, has publicly admitted charges that he covered up the numerous sex crimes of one of his presbyters. This devastating admission by one of Benedict-Ratzinger's inner circle has sent shockwaves through Benedict-Ratzinger's July 12, 2008, arrival for the New Order's upcoming World Youth Day in Sydney.
Pell was exposed as an outright liar when Australia's ABC Television Network revealed on July 7, 2008, that he had written to a victim of his presbyter's sexual assault, telling him that there had been no other complaints against the presbyter, whereas on the very same day Pell wrote another letter acknowledging numerous sexual assaults by the same presbyter. In his July 8, 2008, statement, Pell attempted to prevaricate on the clear documentary evidence of his lie by stating that his letter had been "badly worded" and that he had no intention to be "deceitful." Sure, George, and pigs fly! [Some information contributed by CWN]
Good Catholics, here we have a Newchurch prelate who is frequently described as "conservative," even "traditionalist," and yet we find again that such descriptions are pure propagandistic malarky, as with Raymond "Bully" Burke, of St. Louis, Missouri, and Fabian "Phony" Bruskewitz, of Lincoln, Nebraska. In Australia Pell has presided over the violation of the mentally ill in Newchurch hospitals. Benedict-Ratzinger's New Order can't get much lower than that! As the Psalms warn us: "There is none that doth good, no not one" (13:1/DRV). When Newpope sets foot on down-under soil, he may be stung by a scandal as deadly as one of those Australian funnel-web spiders!
Paul Zachary Myers, a professor at the University of Minnesota, has pledged to desecrate the Novus Ordo cookie. He is responding to what happened recently at the University of Central Florida, when a student walked out of the Novus Ordo Mess with the cookie, holding it hostage for several days. Myers wrote, on the University's web site:
Can anyone out there score me some consecrated communion wafers? If any of you would be willing to do what it takes to get me some, or even one, and mail it to me, I'll show you sacrilege, gladly, and with much fanfare.... I will treat it with profound disrespect.
All this would be horrible, of course, if the cookie were actually the Corpus Christi. But it is not. The true Sacrament cannot be consecrated by a Novus Ordo presbyter and in the Protestant-Masonic-Pagan Novus Ordo service.
But here's a thought. Since all the purported "sacrileges" that we are hearing about are happening with the Novus Ordo cookie (including JPII's having all his extra cookies dumped into the Hudson River after his 1995 New York Mess), isn't it just possible that Our Lord is protecting His true Body and Blood from sacrilege because the Novus Ordo cookie is phony? When was the last time you heard of sacrilege occurring a Traditional Latin Mass, celebrated by a traditional priest who placed the true Host on the tongue of each communicant and saw it consumed in front of him? The Newchurch of the New Order is not deserving of the true Corpus Christi. Thus, Our Lord has deprived it of that of which it is not deserving.
Good Catholics, take comfort in the fact that by divine Providence, Benedict-Ratzinger, JPII, and Paul VI have unwittingly seen to the prevention of sacrilege by ensuring the invalidity of the Novus Ordo service and the Novus Ordo presbyterate. The true Corpus Christi, then, is maintained only at traditional Catholic churches and chapels, where it is revered and protected. As St. Paul wrote: "God is not mocked" (Galatians 6:7/DRV).
The United States can finally say "Good Riddance!" to Raymond "Bully" Burke, whom Benedict-Ratzinger like some Deus ex machina in a Euripidean tragedy to spirit off from scandal to his bosom in Newrome as Chief Justice of Newvatican's Supreme Court. Isn't it amazing how Benedict-Ratzinger seems to surround himself with the worst ilk: Tarcisio Bertone, William Levada, and now Raymond Burke?
Burke, known for his vehement cover-up of sex crimes, his "consecration" of a surgically-transgendered male as a Newchurch "nun," and his attempt to extort $12,000,000 from a perptually-chartered St. Louis church to pay off for his sex crimes, has now had to pay out yet another half a million dollars to nine new victims of sex-crimes. Over $8,000,000 was already paid out in just the last seven years to settle 103 sexual-assault cases against children. More cases are still pending in the courts, but Benedict-Ratzinger has now gotten Burke out of his U.S. morass so that he can do more dirty work in Newrome. [Some information contributed by St. Louis Today]
In 2005 Benedict-Ratzinger spirited William Levada, former Newchurch archbishop of San Francisco, California, to his bosom in Newrome. Levada was then laboring under two U.S. federal subpoenas to testify about his involvement in the sex crimes and bankruptcy of his two archdioceses. A year later he made Levada a Newchurch cardinal.
Dear Fathers:
Is it true that the Society of St. Pius X's Transalpine Redemptorists, who have recently transverted to the Newchurch of the New Order, have no ministry while they await a new name and garb from Modernist Newrome, other than posting entries, under pseudonyms, favorable to themselves on various blogs?
The Fathers Reply.
It is entirely possible. It is to be noted that a periodical associated with the Charismatic "Fatimist" movement has been giving this former SSPX organization, now-exposed as an advocate of the New Order, multi-page propaganda spreads for its so-called "Purgatorian League," a operation that appears intended to be a front organization for the Novus Ordo intended to dupe ignorant neocon Newchurchers to fork over their money to further the New Order. For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) in the section, "Fatima."
Good Catholics, you must be very careful when considering subscribing to the periodicals of front organizations for the New Order. For example, several struggling periodicals that describe themselves as "traditional" in order to gain more subscriptions are simply subtle mouthpieces for the New Order. Such periodicals are filled with effusive praise for the Modernist pope of the New Order, Benedict-Ratzinger "the Fox," who has in fact perpetrated the Great "Motu" Mess Hoax and who has done more than any previous Conciliar pope to destroy traditional Roman Catholicism and the lives of children, deflowered by his bishops and presbyters with impunity.
For further information on truly traditional Catholic periodicals, click on FAQ05: What Traditional Books Do You Recommend? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) in the section, "Fatima."
Dear Fathers:
According to a television program, How It's Made, only one factory now makes hosts used in Novus Ordo services, and these hosts now use a radically-different recipe to allow for communion in the hand, because the traditional Hosts used to be made to melt on the tongue after immediate consumption instead of being partially dissolved by the sweat and bacteria resident in the human hand, sometimes after the communicant returns to his seat. Do you know whether this is true?
The Fathers Reply.
Yes, it is true that Novus Ordo hosts now use radically-different recipes. Published "recipes" from many Novus Ordo dioceses are obviously invalid by defect of matter (not to say of form and intention). Even Newvatican has admitted the fact that that "communion," at least in the United States, is invalid, as containing foreign, invalidating elements. As to the disease-bearing bacteria in the human hand, even the Newchurch bishops have admitted this fact, since they themselves prohibited communion in the hand during the SARS epidemic.
The Novus Ordo recipes indicate that foreign matter such as raisins, cinnamon and nutmeg, bleached white flour, baking soda, baking powder, vegetable oil, Crisco, and salt are being added to Novus Ordo hosts to make them more "bulky" than traditional Hosts, which are made only of wheat flour and water. According to the bimillennial teaching of the Church for the validity of the matter, traditional hosts contain only wheat flour and water, i.e., unleavened bread, the bread of the Passover, which Christ Himself used at the Last Supper. The addition of the other elements change the Novus Ordo host from bread into invalid cookies.
In 1979 what has been termed the "American Scandal" was admitted by Newvatican itself. With JPII's personal approval, a letter of May 9, 1979, from Franjo Cardinal Seper, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, was sent to Newchurch Archbishop John Quinn, of San Francisco, California, President of the U.S. Conference of Catholic [sic] Bishops, indicating that Newvatican had received credible reports that Novus Ordo services in the United States were being simulated with invalid matter and demanded that such services offered under stipend must be redone. Newrome asked that Quinn to refer this matter to the USCCB for action. There is no evidence that he ever did, but the papally-approved letter did become public, and invalid matter continues to be used to this day.
Thus, in addition to the invalid form and intention of the Novus Ordo service, the Protestant-Masonic-Pagan service is invalid on the basis of matter as well. This is a "deep, dark secret" that Newchurch keeps under wraps now so that Newchurchers will not be aware that when they are receiving what they think is "communion," they are eating merely an invalid cookie, no more the Corpus Christi than a Methodist communion saltine.
Newchurch bishop Raul Vera, of Saltillo, Coahuila, is sponsoring a youth group that promotes sodomy and transvestism, holds "Gay Pride" festivals, and openly affiliates itself with the pro-abortion group Catholics [sic] for the Right to Decide. Vera is also an open supporter of the State of Coahuila's "civil union" legislation for sodomites.
It is ironic that the group, which in 2002 took the name of the Lesbian and Gay Community of San Elredo, has as its patron a Saint that vehemently denounced sodomy. The Newchurch presbyters who counsel the group teach that sodomy is not sinful, as long as the two sodomites are really "in love" (in lust?). One of the presbyters involved, Robert Coogan, originally from New York, stated that Newchurch "does not condemn homosexual behavior as sinful and does not teach that any acts are evil in themselves." [Some information contributed by LSN]
Good Catholics, so far has sodomy become accepted in just three years of Benedict-Ratzinger's papacy. No wonder the Novus Ordo seminaries are seed-beds of "gay" activity, little better than homosexual brothels. Benedict-Ratzinger does nothing to clean these Augean stables of his, any more than he does anything to expel his criminal bishops and presbyters from their positions in control of the lives of children -- the latest one exposed being his advisor George Pell, Newcardinal of Sydney, Australia.
Newchurch has approved an "oecumenized" Bible for India that includes references to pagan Hindu scriptures. Oswald Gracias, Newcardinal of Bombay, who is considered a "conservative," approved the New Community Bible - Catholic Edition, which he called an "adaptation" of the Bible for the Indian community. Adaptation appears in the documents of Vatican II (1962-1965) as a code-word for Modernism. Such paganizing concepts were pushed also by Mother Teresa of Calcutta, whose New Order "sainthood" is being rushed through by Benedict-Ratzinger without a serious investigation. [Some information contributed by Mumbai Mirror]
Reports that the Novus Ordo service in the United States would become more "conservative" have been shot to the proverbial Hades as the Newchurch bishops of that country rejected a "conservative" translation from the Latin of the Propers of the Novus Ordo 2002 Missal. The "liturgists" now have to go back to the drawing-board and "modernize" their proposal for submission to the November 2008 meeting of the National Conference of Catholic [sic] Bishops.
At this point the "translation" cannot be approved until November 2010 at the earliest -- if ever. The bishops rejected the "archaic language" in the rejected "translation" and want to use Modernist language based upon Vatican II's liturgical revolt. Meanwhile, Novus Ordo presbyters are simply rejecting "official" Novus Ordo texts and making it up as they go along. [Some information contributed by CWN]
The UK Telegraph reports that Benedict-Ratzinger is on the verge of welcoming as full members of Newchurch the Old Catholics (Anglo-Catholics), who are disaffected from the liberalist Anglican Church, which has just voted to consecrate bishopesses, in contravention of Sacred Scripture. (The Anglican Church of the United States, called the Episcopalian Church there, as well as some other national Anglican sects, already consecrate bishopesses. In fact, the head of the Anglican/Episcopalian sect in the United States is a liberalist female, Katherine Jefferts-Schori.
The episcopus vagans of Ebbsfleet, Andrew Burnham, is reported to be arranging to lead his own group of Old Catholics from the Anglican Church into the Newchurch of the New Order. The now-worldwide Old Catholics, who broke with the Church in 1870 over the definition of the papacy, have, even since then, always been recognized by Catholic Church as completely valid. In fact, in spite of the contretemps over the papacy, the Old Catholics have often maintained the traditional Roman Catholic Liturgy and Sacraments after Bugnini's Protestantized Novus Ordo of 1969 was imposed upon Newchurch.
Bishop Burnham is expecting that Newrome will allow him and his Anglo group to operate independently, except for the "guidance" of a Newchurch bishop. Most of the Old Catholic congregations use the traditional Roman liturgy, so this may be a sticking point unless they agree to go over to the Novus Ordo service. Some of Old Catholic priests and bishops are married, but Newchurch has already "excepted" even former Anglican-Episcopalians from this Apostolic requirement. For further information on the necessity of celibacy among Catholic clergy, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) in the section, "Clerical Celibacy."
Good Catholics, you are seeing how a few weak souls are jumping from the frying pan into the fire by falling into the deceptive claws of Benedict-Ratzinger the Fox. People like the SSPX's Transalpine Redemptorists and the Anglo-Catholics think that they are "going Catholic," whereas they are simply becoming Modernists in Newchurch's New World Order.
Benedict-Ratzinger is learning that leaders can cover up corruption and crime in their administrations, but eventually the truth will out. As Scripture puts it: Magna est veritas, et praevalet (1 Esdras 4:41/Vulgate).
Just days before Benedict-Ratzinger arrives in Australia for his July 12-21 junket, protests against his corrupt administration are rising, fired by reports that his bishops and presbyters have been raping the mentally ill in Newchurch institutions. On July 9, 2008, the protests reached such a peak that Prime Minister Kevin Rudd issued a statement literally begging Australians to "show the pope respect." To ensure that "respect," Sydney had legislated Draconian penalties against even wearing a T-shirt protesting Benedict-Ratzinger, providing for jail terms and fines of $5500. A rally leader commented upon Sydney's Draconian legislation: "This again is an attempt to intimidate people to not come to our rally and say their piece against the pope." An even bigger rally is planned against Benedict-Ratzinger on July 19, 2008. [Some information contributed by AFP]
We TRADITIO Fathers say: Respect is earned, not legislated. Benedict-Ratzinger has not earned the world's respect; he has earned the world's condemnation for his Reign of Terror in permitting his bishops and presbyters to rape and assault children while he stands by, protecting the rapists! We say nothing of his policy of continuing the policies of his Conciliar predecessors by replacing the Catholic Faith with a New Order Faith based in Protestantism, Freemasonry, and even paganism.
And as if these considerations weren't bad enough, neocon Newchurchers are irate about the fact that Benedict-Ratzinger, after he said that he would change it, is still including in the papal Messes the heretical "for all" formula. The evidence is documented in the official Novus Ordo "Missal" published for the junket. There it is the Bugninized "eucharistic prayer," in the vulgar tongue, complete with the heretical "for all" teaching of the Novus Ordo the "consecration" formulation in the papal Messes for July 19 and July 20, 2008.
It seems that Benedict-Ratzinger is so incompetent that he can spend billions of lire on a woodstock junket, but can't instruct his printers to change one word in his Novus Ordo Missal! (Not that it would make any difference, as there are so many other corruptions in the Novus Ordo that make it invalid.)
Since when has a pope made Esquire magazine's list of the World's Best-dressed Men, as Benedict-Ratzinger did in 2007, when he was named the "Accessorizer of the Year"? What about trying to make the list of the World's Best True Catholic! No, with this Newpope, not but the most expensive haberdashery. He wears Serengeti. Prada. Gucci.
Newvatican has been so buffeted by comments about Benedict-Ratzinger's expensive tastes in clothing that it has issued what must be one of the most asinine statements to come out of Newrome yet: Benedict is "not dressed by Prada but by Christ." Well, Christ never wore Prada. He may have worn simple sandals -- or gone barefoot. He didn't wear Serengeti sunglasses. [Some information contributed by L'Osservatore Romano]
Too bad that Benedict-Ratzinger can't see his way clear to putting that money in the poor box, to pay the poor victims of his raping bishops and presbyters.
Benedict-Ratzinger has sent his Master of Ceremonies, Presbyter Guido Marini, to L'Osservatore Romano, Newvatican's semi-official newspaper, to reveal his plans for changing the "Motu" Mess into the Novus Ordo service. Thus, Newvatican has confirmed what the TRADITIO Network has stated from the beginning, that the "Motu" Mess is a Great Hoax intended to entice Newchurch neocons into the New Order, then spring the trap on them.
On June 26, 2008, Marini revealed that Benedict-Ratzinger is looking to a "mutual enrichment between the two forms of the Roman rite." That very statement contradicts the Tradition of the Catholic Church, as there is only one Roman rite. The concoction of an "Ordinary" Rite and an "Extraordinary" Rite is a completely Modernist notion, not a Catholic one. In 1993 Benedict-Ratzinger himself wrote that the Novus Ordo Protestant-Masonic-Pagan service authored by the Freemason Presbyter Hannibal Bugnini and his Committee of Six Protestant Ministers was "fabricated and manufactured." Now Benedict-Ratzinger has imposed that phony and invalid service on the entirety of Newchurch as its "Ordinary" Rite.
Marini also confirmed that the practice of giving out the Novus Ordo cookie in the hand would remain, as the national bishops' conferences have asked for it. Marini propagandizes that there is no difference in the traditional Church before Vatican II (1962-1965) and after. He stated: "Terms like 'preconciliar' and 'postconciliar,' it seems to me, belong to an outdated language, and if they are used with the intention of indicating a discontinuity in the Church's journey, I maintain that they are mistaken and typical of highly reductive ideological views." In other words, a pox on you traditional Catholics. We Modernist Newchurchers are in charge now! [Some information contributed by
Dear Fathers:
The nearest Traditional Latin Mass to where I live is about 35 minutes away. I could make the drive every Sunday, but it would be very inconvenient. How far a distance is reasonable to travel to a Latin Mass?
The Fathers Reply.
The true Mass should be the center of your spiritual life. That distance does not seem to far at all for attending the true Mass. We know of people that travel four hours on a Sunday to get to a true Mass and are happy to do so. A good rule of thumb would be how far you would drive for employment. For most people that would be about 80-100 kilometres, or an hour of driving each way.
Reports are circulating at Newrome that Raymond Burke, Newchurch Archbishop of St. Louis, Missouri, was transferred to the Apostolic Signatura at Newrome to silence the corrupt bishop under the watchful eye of Newvatican. You remember "Bully" Burke. When as bishop of La Crosse, Wisconsin, he engaged in a scandalous cover-up of his presbyters' sex crimes and then "consecrated" a surgically-altered male as a Newchurch "nun," he was transferred to St. Louis. There he caused another scandal by trying to extort the property of a $12,000,000 church that had been chartered by the first Archbishop of St. Louis, to be run and financed in perpetuity by a lay Board of Trustees, which in fact had done so for over 125 years.
Yet Burke's personal propaganda machine tries to paint him as a "conservative," or even a "traditionalist" -- just another deceit for which Newchurch bishops are famous. Of course, Benedict-Ratzinger would never admit Burke's corruption publicly. Newvatican is afraid that if the widespread extent of corruption in Newchurch were ever admitted, Newchurchers wouldn't think the pope infallible (not that appointments or anything but the pronouncement of traditional doctrine is infallible). Well, Benedict-Ratzinger should be aware that Newchurchers now consider him infallible. Far from it. In fact, the Conciliar popes have publicly and voluntarily renounced their infallibility.
When will Newchurch admit that the Novus Ordo service is not Catholic, is not a valid, and can't be made so by some "cosmetic" changes. Scuttlebutt is again going around Newvatican that years down the line some minor modifications will again be made in the Novus Ordo Protestant-Masonic-Pagan service. Among the changes mentioned as part of a possible "study" are the relocation of the "Hug of Peace" and the addition of a few Latin words. [Some information contributed by CWN]
The amusing part of such nonsensical "reform of the reform" is that past supposed changes were never put into effect. A couple of "conservative" changes to the service were supposed to have been implemented in 2002. However, the English "translations" are still a matter of dispute, and nothing has been implemented for over four years. "For all" was supposed to be replaced by "for many" in the Novus Ordo "eucharistic prayers." That never happened either. Benedict-Ratzinger himself prominently used the "for all" phrase in his Baseball "Messes" during his April 2008 junket to the United States. He also used the Freemason Hannibal Bugnini's "fabricated and manufactured" (Benedict-Ratzinger's own words from 1993) eucharistic prayer #2, the so-called "Presto" canon.
It seems that Benedict-Ratzinger "the Fox" is one more keeping up his campaign of bamboozling of Newchurch neocons who cling with all the zeal of Protestant Charismatic Evangelicals to any little droplet of deceit from this Modernist Conciliar pope. Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.
On July 1, 2008, two 11-year-old students were disciplined after refusing to kneel down and worship the Mohammedan god Allah during a lesson at a British private school. The teacher forced the students to watch a film extolling Mohammedanism and then said, "We are now going out to pray to Allah." The boys refused to profane their Christian God in this way and were disciplined after refusing to kneel down and worship the Mohammedan god Allah. The teacher also got prayer mats out of the cupboard and required children to wear Islamic headdresses.
Now it is the school that is coming under fire, accused of human-rights violations against the students by forcing them to worship a false god, which is not even the recognized Christian God of the British people. Said one protesting parent: "Making them pray to Allah, who isn't who they worship, is wrong." Another Christian parent charged: "People think they can ride roughshod over our beliefs and the way we live." The teacher has not shown up for class since the incident. She is said to be hiding out from the ire of the parents. The irate parents may force her suspension. [Some information contributed by UK Telegraph]
Good Catholics, one can think of these boys in the same way as young Saints of the early Church, like St. Cecilia, who refused to offer a pinch of incense to worship the pagan Roman god-emperor. So, the light of Faith does survive, even among the government-sponsored paganism of our age.
The body of the Brazilian presbyter who ascended into heaven with the assistance of helium balloons after his April 20, 2008, Novus Ordo "Balloon" Mess was finally found drowned in the Atlantic Ocean near Rio de Janeiro, more than two months afterward.
The remains of Adelir Antonio de Capri were recovered by an ocean-going oil-rig tugboat. Unfortunately, de Capri was no Elias, taken up into heaven in a whirlwind (2 Kings 2:1-15/DRV). When Capri got as high as 6000 metres, he was blown backward out to sea, where pieces of some of the dozens of Mess balloons were later found. His body was found about 700 kilometres northeast of where he disappeared. [Some information contributed by Bloomberg Network]
This incident only proves once again that Novus Ordo Messes can be fatal to your life -- spiritual and physical!
To pretend that the Novus Ordo cookie is the Corpus Christi is clearly just another Newchurch deceit. The Newchurchers themselves, even the Conciliar popes, certainly treat it that way. JPII had his acolytes dump his extra cookies into the Hudson River after his October 2001 papal Mess in New York's Central Park.
More recently, on the Feastday of Sts. Peter & Paul, June 29, 2008, a University of Central Florida student took a cookie from the Novus Ordo communion line. The student is holding the cookie "hostage" in a plastic bag. [Some information contributed by WFTV Television of Orlando, Florida]
Good Catholics, this "sacrilege" would not have been possible if the presbyter involved and his legions of "eucharistic ministers and ministresses" had not violated the solemn condemnation by popes since the second century against giving communion into filthy hands. The New Order has made its bed. Now it has to lie in it. It has turned what once was Holy Communion into a cookie that is invalid and totally worthless. You may as well throw it to pigs to eat. They would probably treat it with more "reverence." For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) in the section, "Communion in the Hand."
Recently a group of liberalist radicals took control of the awards committee of the Order of Canada, the foremost order of chivalry in the Dominion. These radicals then urged the committee to support the induction of Henry Morgentaler as a Member of the Order. Morgentaler is probably the most famous abortionist in the world.
In our time this recommendation is not surprising. However, Newchurchers might yet be surprised that their group of gutless wonders known as the Canadian Conference of Catholic [sic] Bishops could barely summon up a mild letter of protest, saying that they were "dismayed" by the recommendation. Not outraged, just dismayed. Did they command Newchurchers who are members of the Order of Canada to return their badges and medals in protest? Not on your life!
Nor could these Newchurch bishop issue a ringing denunciation of abortion as the murder that it is. They described it as merely a "harmful procedure." It's a procedure, like tying your shoes. It's harmful. Yes, I'd say that decapitation and dismemberment is harmful to a child in the womb.
The message from these Canadian traitors to Jesus Christ is obvious. They don't give a tinker's damn about the babe in the womb. But they do wish to treat this as a minor problem, so that their cowardice and lack of faith will not be too obvious to the world. These Canadian Newchurch bishops are a tribe of shameless miscreants. What they lacked as children was the rod from their fathers!
The Knights of Columbus before Newchurch took it over in the 1960s was a noted Catholic organization. Now it is one of the most immoral Newchurch organizations around, just like the immoral "Catholic" Charities. Don't be fooled: the Knights of Columbus is an entirely different organization now, which is using an old name to deceive Newchurchers.
Sixteen Knights of Columbus in the Massachusetts state legislature on June 14, 2007, defeated the efforts of 170,000 citizens to put traditional marriage on the ballot in 2008. The sixteen Knights were: Speaker Sal DiMasi, House Majority Leader John Rogers, State Representatives Garret Bradley, Bob DeLeo, Stephen DiNatale, Chris Donelan, Chris Fallon (who is also a Freemason), Kevin Honan, Paul McMurtry, Charles Murphy, Bob Nyman, Angelo Puppolo, Bob Spellane, and State Senators Michael Knapik, Tom McGee, and Michael Morrissey.
Seven Knights of Columbus have earned from the radical immoral group, Planned Parenthood, its top rating: Sal DiMasi, Garret Bradley, Chris Donelan, Kevin Honan, Charles Murphy, Bob Spellane, and Tom McGee. Other Knights of Columbus who support abortion, abortion candidates, and "gay" marriage include Ray Flynn, former ambassador to Newvatican, and Newcardinal Sean O'Malley, of Boston.
At least 9,684 sterilizations for contraceptive purposes and even abortions were performed at Newchurch hospitals in Texas between 2000 and 2003, state records reveal. While Newchurch moral doctrines are supposed to govern Newchurch healthcare systems, a report claims that "all six U.S. Catholic [sic] hospital systems operating in Texas do not follow these directives.
The report's researchers said that they were motivated by a desire to increase transparency and accountability in Newchurch hospitals, to inform the public about practices in Newchurch health systems, and to encourage accountability for the Newchurch nuns who own and run the systems. The researchers believe that the immoral practices are taking place nationwide in Newchurch hospitals.
Among those Newchurch hospitals involved are Ascension Health System, CHRISTUS Health System, Franciscan Services Corporation, Sisters of Mercy Health System, Trinity Mother Frances Health System, and St. Joseph Health System of Orange, California. We wonder what these eponymous Saints would say to the Newchurch personnel using their names in vain to commit immoral acts!
Of course, the Newchurch bishops in Texas claimed to be clueless about the crimes that were going on in their names. [Some information contributed by Catholic News Agency]The bloom is definitely off Benedict-Ratzinger's rose. Australians are rising up against Newpope's World Youth Day, to be staged July 15-20, 2008, in Sydney. Newpope had said when he was elected pope that he would cancel these disgusting woodstocks. But he didn't keep his word on that either.
In Sydney, site of the July 20, 2008, papal "Horsetrack" Mess at Randwick Racetrack, Australia PM reports that there has been a swelling tide of anger at new regulations that give police the power to arrest and fine anyone $5,500 who causes "annoyance or inconvenience to pilgrims," even for wearing a T-shirt with a sentiment that is not approved by papal representatives. In other words, Australians had better not demonstrate or say anything against Benedict-Ratzinger, Head of the Sex Crimes Syndicate for Newchurch. Even Newchurchers have protested the "gag" laws. "This is very like imagining Jesus asking for police protection at his entry into Jerusalem," said one of the WYD coordinators. "When Jesus did do this, you know the people in the crowd shouted out things that the religious authorities found offensive. And they asked Jesus to tell them to shut up, and He said I can't make them shut up."
Moreover, attendance is falling disastrously. The Sydney Morning News has reported that Newchurch officials in the United States can barely scrape up 15,000 to attend the papal woodstock, the smallest contingent sent by the American Newchurch to a World Youth Day celebration in a decade. The 15,000 will be led by Newcardinal Francis George, of Chicago, who has been exposed as a sex-crime abetter, having posted one of his presbyters, whom he personally knew to be a sex criminal, to a principal over youth at a Newchurch school. George had sent 500 to Cologne in 2005; this year he could round up only 43 for Sydney. Newchurch in the U.S. sent 25,000 to Cologne in 2005, 57,000 to Toronto in 2002, and 20,000 to Rome in 2000. Newvatican is so desperate to shore up attendance that it has appealed to the Charismatic crazies at the the Neocatechumenal Way to come!
Then there is the controversy about papally-approved (at least by cooperative silence, if not by abetting) sex crimes in Australia. The newspapers there have been filled with stories about how Newchurch presbyters have preyed in Australia not, as in the United States, upon children, but upon the mental-defectives being "cared for" in Newchurch "charitable" institutions.
News Australia has reported that victims-support groups have demanded a "meaningful" papal apology, and Benedict-Ratzinger won't give it. 150 Newchurch parishes across Melbourne may, therefore, stage a demonstration against Benedict-Ratzinger because of his complicity in the rapes of mental-defectives. Even Sydney archbishop George Pell indicated that Newpope should fess up and issue a meaningful apology. A victims-rights representative stated: "The fact that the pope's representatives had not responded showed the Church didn't want to face the issue of sex abuse. The World Youth Day is an issue in that the churches are prepared to spend so much money on it, to attract young people into the church, but do not want to face up to and acknowledge the enormity of the sexual abuse issue."
There is, however, one group that is happy that Benedict-Ratzinger is coming: prostitutes. Previous World Youth Day participants have left used prophylactics even in the venue of previous papal Messes. One Sydney brothel manager, known only as Catherine, said that she was rostering extra girls and would probably take on another receptionist to handle the increased demand. She is expecting a "huge turnover," a 150-200 per cent hike in business to be sent her way by Benedict-Ratzinger. She is expecting a number of "first-timers" from the Newchurch youth festival.
In Paddy Chayefsky's Network, Howard Beale, fed up with institutional crime and corruption, throws open the window and yells for all to hear:
I'm as mad as Hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore. I want you to get up right now, sit up, go to your windows, open them and stick your head out and yell -- "I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore!" Things have got to change. But first, you've gotta get mad! You've got to say, "I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this any more!"
This could well be the rallying cry for traditional Catholics, who have put up with forty years of post-conciliar popes who have dragged the Roman Catholic Faith into the sewer and now have to endure a gray-haired grandfather with a demonic smile who wants to cajole them by deceit into the Newchurch of New Order by throwing in a few words of Latin.
Although Newchurchers have been gutless wonders in failing to fight the unCatholic crime, corruption, and doctrinal/sacramental invalidity in Newchurch, we have to give credit to the traditional Anglican-Episcopalians who have taken up Howard Beale's cry. They have proclaimed: We're not going to take "gay" bishops and feminine bishopesses. The London Times wrote in a July 1, 2008 front-page article on the action by 1,300 Anglican priests and bishops to leave the liberalist archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams: "The crisis is unprecedented since the Reformation devastated the Roman Catholic Church in England in the 16th century."
On the Feastday of Sts. Peter & Paul, Sunday, June 30, 2008, some 300 traditional bishops and archbishops announced the creation of a new group that does not recognize the authority of Williams, who has essentially abandoned the Christian Faith. The prelates, who reject liberalist officials' advocacy of homosexuality and of priestesses and bishopesses, proposed a council of primates, formed of five African bishops and one South American bishop, to lead a Traditional Anglican Church, called the Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans (FOCA).
The liberalist Williams, who has refused to stop "gay" and feminine clergy, is to preside over the July 16 to August 4, 2008, decennial Lambeth Conference of the liberalist Anglican/Episcopalian "mainstream." Williams' liberalist wing was responsible for the "consecration" of Barbara Harris as the United States' first bishopess in 1989 and Gene Robinson as its first "gay" bishop in 2003. The traditional Anglicans have said, Enough!, proclaiming that the Bible and the fundamental tenets of the Christian faith reject such actions as essentially pagan. [Some information contributed by AFP]
As had been predicted previously by the TRADITIO Network, the SSPX's Transalpine Redemptorists have made good their promise to spit on Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and the Society of St. Pius X, who they themselves admitted helped them when no one else would. So much for loyalty among thieves!
The Transalpines approached Benedict-Ratzinger's gauleiter for transverting neocons, Dario Hoyos, President of Ecclesia Dei, on June 18, 2008, and received the Judas kiss from him on June 26, 2008, welcoming them into the Novus Ordo. Whether thirty pieces of silver exchanged hands, there has as yet been no report. The announcement was made by presbyter Michael Mary, Transalpine vicar general, who disgraced the two names he bears, one of the Archangel, who refused to sell out to Lucifer, and the other of the Mother of God, who stood by her divine Son against the Church authorities.
This so-called Michael Mary admitted that he has been deluged with vehement criticisms from faithful traditional Catholics, like Paul's scorching public criticism of Peter for Peter's false faith. In the opinion of these Fathers, "Michael Mary" deserves every bit of the criticisms -- and yet more for their treason against the Catholic Faith!
In an official release SSPX Superior General Bernie Fellay has admitted what was previously reported here on the TRADITIO Network, that when Newchurch summoned, Fellay and his acolyte Alain-Marc Nely traipsed pusillanimously off to the Newrome Fox's lair on June 4, 2008. There things did not go well for Fellay.
Fellay got no Judas kiss, but rather an ultimatum from the New Order, which he had to reject in order to keep control of a Society of St. Pius X that is increasingly looking at him as a traitor to SSPX founder Archbishop Lefebvre's courageous positions. The New Order treated Fellay just as shabbily as they did the Archbishop, and just as shabbily as they did even the half Novus Ordo President of Una Voce International, the late Michael Davies, who admitted on his deathbed that his fifteen years of "negotiating" with Card. Ratzinger were a waste of time, that the Fox had played Davies like a puppet.
Good Catholics, why is Fellay so concerned about the invalid Novus Ordo "excommunications"? Archbishop Lefebvre took them as a badge of honor, proving that he was not with the New Order. SSPX Bishop Richard Williamson has recently declared: "Catholics should in no way be frightened by any threat of being declared formally, i.e., properly and officially, in schism, or out of the [New]church."
A study from the noted Pew Forum, released June 30, 2008, has demonstrated that Newchurchers cannot call themselves Catholics. Among the findings of the widest study yet, the Pew Forum found out about Newchurchers that:
The Pew study found that one-third of "cradle" Catholics were so disgusted by the Novus Ordo of 1969 that they have walked out and no longer practice the Catholic Faith. In fact, the study showed that there has been a "massive exodus" from the Catholic Faith.
The TRADITIO Fathers wish to congratulate Benedict-Ratzinger and his Conciliar predecessors for destroying the Catholic Faith. That Faith obviously means nothing to the Modernist Benedict-Ratzinger, who worships with Protestants, Jews, and Mohammedans equally. Therefore, we renew our call to him to resign as pope. Josef, your papacy is hoax, a deceit. Your predecessor JPII is known as the "Clown" pope. You are now becoming known as the "Joke" pope. Step aside, Josef, so that what is left of the Catholic Church might have a pope who is actually in communion with the Catholic Faith.
"Monsignor" Joseph Creegan, sacked after having an 18-year affair with an adulteress, has stunned Benedict-Ratzinger by bringing against him a landmark action against Newchurch for lost wages. Newvatican's pathetic response is that Creegan worked "not for the Church, but for God." The TRADITIO Network wants to know: did God throw down Euros to Creegan, or did Benedict-Ratzinger's agents write good old secular paper checks to him?! The adulteress has admitted the secret sexual affair, during which the presbyter and the adulteress holidayed together and jointly bought a boat.
Benedict-Ratzinger had better watch out. Creegan was one of his "enforcers," compiling dossiers on bishop and presbyter drunkards and adulterers within Newchurch. Its contents are said to be "explosive" and possibly including indiscretions even by Benedict-Ratzinger himself. Newchurch, therefore, may settle the case with a massive payout rather than risking the public exposure of the immoralities of Benedict-Ratzinger and his bishops. [Some information contributed by UK Mail]
It seems that, finally, as the TRADITIO Network has been calling upon them to do since the August 29, 2005, "Beheading" Meeting of SSPX Superior General Bernie Fellay with Benedict-Ratzinger, the other bishops of the SSPX are finding the guts to speak out against the Fellay administration's constant and debilitating pussy-footing with the New Order.
We have already covered in these Commentaries SSPX Bishop Alfonso de Galarreta's June 20, 2008, strong rejection of Benedict-Ratzinger-Hoyos's "five conditions" as a "demolition venture. Now senior SSPX Bishop Richard Williamson has come out on June 26, 2008, with his own strong rejection of the New Order ploy. He called the "five conditions" an act of desperation on the part of Newcardinal Hoyos, whom he described as "losing patience with his eight years of carrot, and turning once more to the stick."
Bishop Williamson echoed the sage position of the SSPX's founder, the courageous Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, together with the calls from the TRADITIO Network and others, to reject the New Order nonsense once and for all. Bishop Williamson proclaimed:
Catholics should in no way be frightened by any threat of being declared formally, i.e., properly and officially, in schism, or out of the [New]church. Proper Catholic officialdom would judge, like Our Lord tells us to judge (John 7:24), by reality and not by appearances. The reality is obvious: it is the Conciliar "Renovation" and not Catholic Tradition that has broken with the Catholic Church.
Maybe after eight, or 20, or 38 years of the Society's resistance they really are losing patience, but does not all past experience tell them that each time they use the stick, it stiffens rather than dissolves that resistance? And if they did go ahead with such a declaration [that the SSPX is officially in schism from the New Order], Catholics should rejoice, because after several years of some ambiguity there would once more be some clarity!
Good Catholics, while the pusillanimous Fellay tries to straddle traditional Catholicism and New Orderism, Williamson has hit the nail on the head, as the TRADITIO Network has so many times called upon Fellay himself to do: the SSPX should reject the Newchurch of the New Order, its chief spokesman Benedict-Ratzinger, and its gauleiter Dario Hoyos and get back the clarity that Archbishop Lefebvre gave to the SSPX before his death in 1991. Maybe if Fellay will not listen to the advice of his membership, he might listen to the prudent advice of Bishops Galarreta and Williamson and stop playing puppet to the New Order puppet master Benedict-Ratzinger.
We reported previously in these Commentaries that the controversial head of the SSPX's seminary was to be transferred to a Canadian backwater. Now reports are coming to the TRADITIO Network that the SSPX's District Superior, John Fullerton, is to be replaced by a Frenchman in a shakeup of SSPX officialdom worldwide as an act of desperation by SSPX Superior General Bernie Fellay to keep the reins of power in the SSPX. Other changes are reported to be in the offing as well.
Fellay has been the subject of increasing hostility from SSPX members because of his tendencies to sell out the SSPX to the Newchurch of the New Order. He has also been the subject of criticism for his use of Novus Ordo presbyters instead of traditional Catholic priests at SSPX Mass sites. More and more SSPX members are deserting the Society as Fellay deserts the founding principles of its founder, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. SSPX members want a valid Mass and Sacraments, and Fellay is gradually withdrawing these from the SSPX in a move to cozy up to the New Order.
Long before the johnny-come-lately neocon Newchurch talking-heads were born, the TRADITIO Network held up to ridicule SSPX Superior General Bernie Fellay's August 29, 2005, "Beheading" Meeting with Benedict-Ratzinger and his tendencies to sell out thence and thereafter to the Newchurch of the Novus Ordo. Evidence in recent months, as confirmed by our internal sources within the Society of St. Pius X, has indicated that Fellay has been listening at least a little more closely the TRADITIO Network's practical advice.
Now it is reported that in a June 27, 2008, letter Fellay has in essence rejected the Benedict-Ratzinger-Hoyos "five conditions," previously reported in these Commentaries, and will not at this point sell out the SSPX, or at least whatever SSPXers agree, to the Newchurch of New Order. On June 20, 2008, Fellay has stated:
We are, shall we say, something like at a crossroads. In a certain way, Rome is telling us, okay, we are ready to lift the [invalid] excommunications, but you cannot continue this way. So we have no choice. We are not going this way. We are continuing what we’ve done. We have fought now for forty years to keep this faith alive, to keep this Tradition, not only for ourselves, but for the Church. And we are just going to continue. Happens what happens. Everything is in God’s hands.
Moreover, on June 27, 2008, almost twenty years to the day after Archbishop Lefebvre courageously rejected Ratzinger personally and his Newchurch of the New Order and proceeded to consecrate four traditional bishops, SSPX Bishop Alfonso de Galarreta stated:
{As to] the ultimatum of Cardinal [Hoyos], to call this an "ultimatum" is to say too much. It is, for us [the SSPX], a desire to alarm us, to build pressure for a purely practical agreement. This way that they wish to impose upon us is a dead way, and we will not follow it. We cannot commit to betraying the Profession of Faith nor to letting ourselves be signed up for a demolition venture. Thus, our response to the Holy Father is to follow step by step the known prerequisites and enter into a doctrinal discussion. This will produce the answer: either a pause or a stagnation in our contacts with Rome, or a new condemnation -- and we ask ourselves which -- or a withdrawal of the excommunications.
Another cause for Fellay's apparent rejection of the "five conditions" at this juncture is the fact that many SSPXers in recent months have gotten a head of steam up against Fellay because of he is importing invalid Novus Ordo presbyters to serve at SSPX sites. It seems that more and more of the SSPX natives are restless against Fellay, and these are his bread and butter (read: sources of money), even though his responses to letters from SSPX members questioning his pro-Novus Ordo policies are nasty and condemnatory. He ironically hurls at his own SSPX members the same "excommunication" that he claims does not cling to him!
So, the real question is: why does Fellay continue to play footsie with Benedict-Ratzinger and his New Order? Does he have visions of scarlet dancing in his head? To the contrary, the SSPX's founder, Archbishop Lefebvre, called a spade a spade and refused to negotiate with the New Order, pronouncing the following words.
I have summed it up to Cardinal Ratzinger in certain words, of course, because it is difficult to sum up this whole situation, but I said to him: "Eminence, see, even if you grant us a bishop, even if you grant us a certain self-government in relation to the bishops, even if you grant us all the liturgy of 1962, if you grant us to continue the seminaries and Society, as we do it now, we cannot collaborate. It is impossible, impossible, because we work in two diametrically opposed directions. You, you work for the de-Christianization of society, of the human person, and of the Church, and we, we work for its Christianization. They cannot be in agreement.
Good Catholics, Fellay should heed the words of his founder, get away from playing footsie with this unCatholic administration of Benedict-Ratzinger, and let the SSPX get on with work to transmit the traditional faith. For, you see, as long as the New Order puppet master is pulling Fellay's strings, the SSPX's attention is directed away from its own mission and becomes a servant of the New Order, which steals the SSPX's time and attention away from promoting traditional Catholicism. The wise Archbishop obviously understood that. Fellay, however, is still a babe in the ecclesiastical woods and is being played for the fool by the Fox.
In a landmark decision the United States Circuit Court ruled on June 27, 2008, that traditionalists who wish to leave the control of liberalist parent organizations may vote to disaffiliate. Although the decision pertained to eleven conservative Episcopalian churches, the decision has future implications for traditional Catholic congregations who want to disaffiliate from the New Order.
The conservative church members invoked the law to split from the Episcopalian Diocese of Virginia when that diocese upheld the 2003 "consecration of a "gay" bishop who was living in public sin with his "lover." The churches are seeking to take tens of millions of dollars in property with them. But Episcopalian Chief Bishopess Katherine Jefferts-Schori, scared to death that her liberalist administration will be deprived of the money it needs to forward its "gay" feminist programme, is trying to hold on to the property. Several Virginia churches began voting in 2006, by a fair and open vote, to disaffiliate from the liberalist bishopess and her ruling organization.
Virginia law lets a state court determine whether a division exists within a denomination and gives a congregation the right to disaffiliate itself and retain its property. Similar cases have emerged nationwide as the liberalist rulers struggle to remain their power amidst internal debate over the "ordination" of gays and lesbians and other liberalist policies, which the conservatives argue contravene Episcopalian, and even Christian, doctrine. Many conservative parishioners have aligned with Nigeria's conservative Anglican Archbishop Peter Akinola, who created the Convocation of Anglicans in North America as a haven for disaffected congregations. Akinola is Anglican-Episcopalianism's analogue to the courageious traditional Catholic Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. [Some information contributed by Associated Press]
Andre Rivest, Newchurch Bishop in the Province of Quebec, Canada, has notified Benedict-Ratzinger and Newcardinal Dario Hoyos that he will not permit the "Motu" Mess of 1962-2007-2008 in his territory. This decision was reached after consultation with his Presbyteral Council, composed of various presbyters of the diocese, at its May 19, 2008, meeting.
Rivest cited Benedict-Ratzinger's statement in his Letter to the Bishops accompanying his Apostolic Letter Summorum pontificum: "Nothing is taken away, then, from the authority of the Bishop, whose role remains that of being watchful that all is done in peace and serenity. In accordance with that provision, Rivest declared: "The bishop has the role of preserving the unity in the diocese and he has authority and responsibility over the liturgy and the pastoral care of the faithful. The permission to celebrate Masses in the 'extraordinary' form: will be a source of division among priests [sic] and faithful, and the impact of such a celebration may well be negative." The bishop's representative, Msgr. Jean-Roche Gaudin, forestalled any appeal to Hoyos's Ecclesia Dei Commission by quoting Benedict-Ratzinger's own stated policy: "It is not the pope who is the first person responsible for pastoral care and the liturgy in the diocese, but the bishop." [Some information contributed by DICI]
Good Catholics, this is a fair presentation of the essential Newchurch position against the "Motu" Mess. Outside of a propaganda piece, Benedict-Ratzinger is no more interested in taking real action on the "Motu" Mess than he is in protecting his children from the predations of his pervert presbyters and bishops. It is all, as we have said from the beginning, a Great Hoax.
It used to be that the Newvatican was criticized for being too close to the Mafia. JPII in particular was accused of turning a blind eye to organized crime's connection with his administration. Benedict-Ratzinger has become more noted for appointing criminals and perverts to his top posts, ilk like William Levada, his Sex-crimes Czar, whom he whisked away to the protection of Newvatican before Levada, under two federal subpoenas in the United States, could testify under oath about his involvement in a sex-crime rampage in the two dioceses over which he ruled as bishop.
Now, as the TRADITIO Network had previously predicted in these Commentaries, Benedict-Ratzinger has appointed Raymond "Bully" Burke, Newchurch archbishop of St. Louis, Missouri, as the Chief Justice of his Supreme Court. Talk about putting the fox in charge of the henhouse! Burke has racked up a truly despicable record wherever he has been bishop. He covered up sex crimes with a vengeance in La Crosse, Wisconsin. There he also "consecrated" a surgically neutered male as a Newchurch "nun." Then he moved to St. Louis, where he tried to extort St. Stanislaus Kostka from the lay Board of Trustees that had been given a perpetual charter from the first archbishop of St. Louis. Burke wanted to take possession of and then sell off the church and grounds worth $12,000,000 to pay off his archdiocese's sex crimes.
Good Catholics, Benedict-Ratzinger has appointed a criminal to head his Crimes Department. His administration must make him one of the most corrupt popes in the 2000-year history of the Church, easily besting Alexander VI, when you consider the amount of crime, particularly child rape, that Benedict-Ratzinger has abetted with his consistent refusal to punishing mightily the offending Newchurch bishops and presbyters.
Finally some justice! On June 24, 2008, a bishop was convicted by an ecclesiastical court of sex-crime cover-up and now faces excommunication. Unfortunately, this was not a Newchurch bishop, but an Episcopalian bishop. Benedict-Ratzinger doesn't have the guts to excommunicate his sex-criminal bishops. He won't even convene ecclesiastical courts to investigate his bishops accused of raping children, of whom there are 24 in the United States alone.
Charles Bennison, an Episcopalian bishop of Pennsylvania, was found guilty by an ecclesiastical court for covering up his clergyman brother's assaults upon a teenage girl. Bennison was convicted of engaging in conduct unbecoming of the clergy. As a result of the verdict, Bennison could be excommunicated from the sect. [Some information contributed by Associated Press]
Well, hooray for the Episcopalian sect at least, which does have the guts that Benedict-Ratzinger lacks. Since the Newchurch of the New Order is based substantially on Anglican/Episcopalian models -- its service, its sacraments, and its doctrine -- perhaps Benedict-Ratzinger will start to emulate the better nature of the sect. Surely all his bishops are guilty of conduct unbecoming a bishop -- of any sect!