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De mortuis nil nisi bonum, but the deification of U.S. Senator Ted Kennedy on August 18, 2009, is about as absurd as that of the Roman emperor Claudius. Claudius was at least intelligent enough to know that his impending deification by an obsequious Roman senate was a travesty. He is reported to have said satirically on his deathbed: "I feel that I am becoming a god!" Already Newchurch is getting Ted Kennedy in line to become a Novus Ordo Saint, right after John Paul "the Clown Pope" II and Mother "the Hindu-Catholic" Teresa. Yet what do we publicly know of Kennedy as a "Catholic"?
Kennedy committed a grave, public violation of the Fifth Commandment in the death of his female aide, Mary Jo Kopeckne, who died on July 18, 1969, in the cold waters of Chappaquiddick Island in the car being driven by the (probably drunk) Kennedy. He made no attempt to save her and didn't even report her death to the police until hours later, so that he could consult his lawyer and get his cover story ready. He demonstrated no public remorse; at least the Kopeckne family didn't think so.
Kennedy committed a grave, public violation of the Fourth Commandment, against piety to family, by waking his nephew, William Kennedy Smith, from a sound sleep to get him to accompany Kennedy to a bar for a binge. Smith didn't just end up drunk: he picked up two tarts at the bar and took them back to the Kennedy estate in Palm Beach, Florida, where one of them claimed that he had raped her. So Ted Kennedy's moral turpitude now oozed onto others.
Kennedy committed a grave, public violation of the Sixth Commandment in annulling his marriage of 34 years, with a Novus Ordo "annulment" from JPII's Roman Rota, no less, and marrying a divorcee. Kennedy and Joan were married on November 29, 1958, before Francis Cardinal Spellman, of New York City. Kennedy then put Joan away by Novus Ordo annulment to "marry" Victoria Reggie on July 3, 1992, before a civil official. By that act he traditionally incurred the penalty of excommunication from the Catholic Church. Yet Kennedy continued publicly to receive the Novus Ordo cookie in numerous acts of sacrilege, and Newchurch hypocritically said not a word. He demonstrated no public remorse, even though Our Lord spoke unambiguously about such a situation: He that marrieth her that is put away from her husband, commmitteth adultery" (Luke 16:18/DRV).
So this excommunicated individual now gets a Newchurch "white" funeral Novus Ordo Mess, celebrated by the Newchurch archbishop of Boston. The eulogy will be delivered by a Protestant layman, Barack Obama, who had refused to visit the dying senator. This whole "apotheosis" is an act of sacrilegious hypocrisy on the part of the Newchurch of the New Order. But what is to be expected from the Benedict-Ratzinger's Church, when that "Holy Father" has already become a hypocritical Caiphas in the Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal that he has suborned in his Newchurch. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by KCVB-TV Boston.]
Newvatican's Press Office announced on August 26, 2009, confirmed on August 28, 2009, by Newvatican's No. 2 man, the Secretary of State, Newcardinal Tarcisio Bertone, that Benedict-Ratzinger had no plans to "reform" the Novus Ordo service. The so-called "reform of the reform" is dead. This is the term that is used to describe the desire of Neocon Newchurchers for changes in the Novus Ordo service to make it more "conservative." But these Neocons reject the elimination of the invalid Novus Ordo and the restoration of the Traditional Latin Mass and Divine Office (prior to the phony "Motu" services) as the complete solution to the Novus Ordo's invalid "liturgy."
Monsignor Bernard Prince, of Pembroke, Ontario, described as a "personal friend" of JPII, was convicted of 13 sex crimes against children under 14 yeras of age by the Canadian civil courts in January 2008. Yet Benedict-Ratzinger would not can him from Newchurch. It even took 16 months, until May 4, 2009, before Benedict-Ratzinger removed the criminal from Newchurch. Then it took another three months, until August 14, 2009, before Benedict-Ratzinger would announce his removal publicly. This case is typical of Benedict-Ratzinger's efforts to suborn Newchurch's ongoing Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal, not to root it out.
It is uncertain whether Benedict-Ratzinger would have done anything at all to remove the criminal if he and the Catholic [sic] Church had not been sued for millions of Canadian dollars. Prince is currently serving a four-year sentence in a Canadian federal penitentiary for sexually assaulting 13 children over a 20-year period. A lawyer for 11 of the 13 child victims said: "The question would be why wasn't it done a long time ago. Some of the victims came forward as early as 1990." Well, that's Benedict-Ratzinger for you: Don of the Criminal Cover-up!
The assaults against the children started in 1964, in the "anything goes" atmosphere in Newchurch immediately after Vatican II, and continued unabated to 1984. Prince tried to hide in Benedict-Ratzinger's bosom in Newrome when the Canadian gendarmes came after him in 2005, but when he returned to Canada in February 2006, he was nabbed. At Prince's sentencing the presiding justice denounced Prince to his face, for destroying not only his victims' lives but also their faith in God and the Church. In addition to the four-year prison sentence, Prince must submit a DNA sample to the national databank and be listed on the sex-offender registry for the next 20 years. He is also banned for life from visiting parks, swimming pools, or other areas where children younger than age 14 may gather. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Ottawa Citizen.]
"While blindness like that of these [Conciliar] popes is objectively blameworthy, it can be subjectively more or less sincere." This is from the SSPX's Senior Bishop Williamson. It is hard to believe that he now defends Benedict-Ratzinger as being sincere! And he also recently said that Catholic authority and Catholic truth are no longer united. The SSPX is in a downward spiral. Please continue to provide the truth about the SSPX's sellout to the Newchurch of the New Order.
In an August 26, 2009, interview, Benedict-Ratzinger's Newcardinal of Mainz, Germany, Karl Lehmann, lashed out at the Society of St. Pius X:
Within the church the conflict with the SSPX is in no way resolved. In early summer the Society illicitly ordained priests. That Rome cannot put up with.... The SSPX must not repeat their provocations in word and deed. They do this all the time.
One should distinguish. The SSPX is highly fragmented, a catchall for all kinds of disappointed and frustrated people. Some do not come to terms with modernity, others not with the French Revolution, others not with freedom of religion, still others not with the liturgical reforms of the 1960s. Some of them will be able to be won back. But there are the unteachable, as the case of holocaust-denier [sic] Richard Williamson shows.
In today's world there is nothing so dark and backward as excommunication. But when certain people like the SSPX do not fit into the scheme, the call for excommunication surely comes. Then suddenly a new Inquisition, which is not so bad after all.
Lehmann's statement makes it clear that Benedict-Ratzinger considers that the SSPX has no authority to perform the Sacraments. Since it has no authority to ordain, consecrate, marry, etc., and still does so, it is considered to be an organization of outlaws. But Lehmann does understand a point that is often overlooked: the SSPX is not a unified organization. Its members are all over the map liturgically and doctrinally. Some are willing to accept the Novus Ordo service as valid; others are not. Some are willing to accept the "Motu" Mess; others are not. Some are willing to accept "freedom of religion"; others are not. Some of them are willing to accept the "holocaust" as Catholic doctrine; others are not. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Kreuz.]
Good Catholics, this lack of unity in the Neo-SSPX, deriving directly from the hypocritical double-speak of the Neo-SSPX's leader, Bernie Fellay, is what will ultimately destroy it, and Benedict-Ratzinger will happily pick up the pieces of Archbishop Lefebvre's once-great campaign for traditional Catholicism.
Dear Fathers:
When confronted with the evidence that the SSPX does not provide us with the fully Traditional Latin Mass and, further, that it offers something that is deceptively made to look like the it, I telephoned my SSPX pastor of three years. He told me, when I first attended here, that he celebrated "only" the Traditional Latin Mass. His answer concerned -- and angered me.
What I learned was that a new transitional rite from the Traditional Latin Mass was issued in 1962, in flagrant violation of Pope St. Pius V's Solemn Papal Bull, Quo Primum after the dogmatic Council of Trent. The SSPX adopted this new rite of 1962 and made further changes to this rite. Very, very few SSPX priests now know how to celebrate the Traditional Latin Mass that was attended by every Saint in Church history.
To say that I am outraged by what is nothing but an act of deception, is a major understatement. Because I have to ask myself, how can I call myself a Traditional Catholic, a restorationist, and a warrior who demands nothing but the One True Mass, if every Sunday I attend such bastardized, Modernist muck?
What do you do when you give a dinner, and no one comes? You advertise!
The Newchurch bishops in the United States are losing money hand over fist. They are desperate to get Newchurchers back into the pews of the Novus Ordo. They can't use "mortal sin" because they've pretty much done away with sin entirely. They can't use reverence toward God, because the Novus Ordo service is so irreverent. So, they're going to use Madison Avenue.
In the Sacramento region of California, for example, only 136,500 attend the Novus Ordo service regularly out of a total Newchurch population of 800,000. That's about 17 per cent, or only one out of every six. Actually, that figure is a bit higher than the average, which is now under 15 per cent. In 1958, according to a Gallup Poll, that figure was 80 per cent, or four out of five. No surprise there. We all know that Vatican II and the New Order destroyed Catholicism.
So, Jaime Soto, the Newchurch bishop of Sacramento, will be one of eight bishops bombarding Newchurchers with 1,200 television ads for six weeks from December 18, 2009, to January 31, 2010. And who is going to be dunned to pay for these junk ads? None other than the current Newchurchers, to whom the desperate dioceses are turning to ante up. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Sacramento Bee.]
Good Catholics, such a campaign will be like the "Motu" Mess: a temporary blip up, only leading to a fall lower than when it started. Sure, advertising can mislead people for a time into believing in a Wizard of Oz, but eventually the curtain is pulled back, and the fraud is exposed.
Dear Fathers:
I just read a statement from an official of the Society of St. Pius X that blew me away: "Those who attend the Novus Ordo are not all in mortal sin, and many do not even commit any subjective sin at all in attending the Novus Ordo, given that they do not understand the disorder or that they have a choice. Consequently they place no obstacle to grace in attending the Novus Ordo." Is this the kind unCatholic nonsense being pandered by the SSPX now?
The Fathers Reply.
This is certainly "begging the question." The premise is entirely wrong! The Novus Ordo is not a "Mass." It is a Protestantized worship service, for which, by his own admission, its chief architect, the Freemason presbyter, Hannibal Bugnini, imported 75 per cent of the Protestant services, with a little of the Jewish service thrown in as well.
Whoever wrote that statement seems imbued with the condemned subjectivist philosophies, such as those of Hegel and Kant, rather than the objective philosophy of the Catholic Church's Principal Theologian, St. Thomas Aquinas. One cannot receive "grace" from a fraud, no matter whether the purported recipient knows that it is a fraud or not. If a doctor gives what the recipient believes is a life-saving shot for a deadly disorder, but the shot is in fact only water, the recipient dies, no matter how firmly he believes that the shot will cure the disorder. That is the difference between the subjectivism and the objective: death!
Good Catholics, all the Philadelphia-lawyering in the world won't change the obvious fact of the matter: the Novus Ordo is an invalid Protestant-Masonic-Pagan worship service, not a Catholic Mass. It fails the criteria for a valid Mass in form and/or matter and/or intent, as Pope Leo XIII so clearly put those criteria in his Apostolicae curae. For further information, click on CURAE: Apostolic Letter Apostolicae Curae, Given by His Holiness Pope Leo XIII.
Dear Fathers:
I had been offering a "Motu" Mess -- I know that it isn't the real Traditional Latin Mass, but that's all the Newchurch bishop here would allow -- on Sundays at the parish of X. in this Newchurch diocese. Recently, however, the bishop of S. moved a large number of the presbyters in the diocese into new assignments, and I was one of these who was moved. The unfortunate thing is that I was also demoted from administrator to parochial vicar and placed with a pastor who has made it very clear that he will not accept the "Motu" Mess in his parish.
As it stands now, the Newchurch diocese of S. has lost three "Motus" sites within L. County. Soon a "Motu" celebrated in W. County will close as well. Very high-ranking members of the diocesan curia want to prevent any celebration of even the "Motu," let alone a Traditional Latin Mass. They are currently doing all they can to make sure that "Motu" stays out of the parishes.
The Fathers Reply.
The various lists and newspapers report all the new "Motu" Messes, but they never report the ones that are being shut down. The National Registry of Traditional Latin Masses has reported to us that after an initial "bump," more and more phony "Motu" Messes are being discontinued, just as we had predicted. Newchurchers, imbued after forty years of the invalid Novus Ordo service, have become too corrupted to appreciate it. Some leave because of the Hula Hoop Syndrome: it was a novelty in 2007, but the "Motu" is already passe. More Motarians are learning that the "Motu" Mess is a hoax, not the Traditional Latin Mass that they were led to believe it was.
Dear Fathers:
I read with interest your Commentary on the Modernist whom Benedict-Ratzinger appointed as archbishop of Westminster, England. Vincent Nichols got right to work having the gradine of the high altar of Westminster moved back so that the "Motu" Mess can no longer be performed there. He moved the gradine outside the baldachino so that the Novus Ordo service could be simulated facing "the people." No longer can a bishop's Canon be rested against anything for a traditional Mass, if one were ever to be celebrated there.
It was announced during the week of August 16, 2009, that SSPX Superior General Bernie Fellay had appointed bishop Alfonso de Galarreta to be the chairman of the SSPX Sellout Committee. This was a surprise, as many SSPXers thought that the spot would go to bishop Tissier de Mallerais, a more senior bishop. He had close connections to the principles of SSPX Founder-archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and became his principal biographer upon release of his 718-page The Biography: Marcel Lefebvre, published in 2004.
It was also announced that Galarreta would remain in charge of the SSPX's La Reja Seminary, which lies 40 kilometres west of Buenos Aires, Argentina, only as long as his seminary duties did not interfere with his commission to be Fellay's agent in selling out the SSPX to Newchurch by a specious theological cover-up. The sellout is much more important to Fellay than the traditional training of priests. With Fellay's silencing of Bishop Williamson, the SSPX "hierarchy" is getting spread pretty thin these days. La Reja is the seminary from which Fellay fired his senior bishop, Richard Williamson, earlier this year. Fellay desperately needs to consecrate another SSPX bishop, but he knows that if he does so, Benedict-Ratzinger will excommunicate him all over again. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Panorama Catolico International.]
Good Catholics, as we have always said, Fellay is on an unswerving path to selling out his Neo-SSPX to the Newchurch of the New Order. In fact, it seems that Fellay is so bound and determined to sell out to Newchurch that he is willing to transfer all his resources to that end. Just think how traditional Catholicism would be furthered if Fellay told Benedict-Ratzinger to go pound sand and turned all his resources to iniativing a vigorous anti-Newchurch campaign to revert Newchurchers to the traditional Catholic Faith!
Dear Fathers:
Your recent Commentary about the Last Gospel reminded me, again, about how frustrating and anti-Catholic the SSPX really is. With the Conciliar-Bugnini "1962 Mess," the Last Gospel was one of many parts of the Mass that were tampered with. The SSPX claims unity with all the Conciliar popes, but also defies them by using its own version of the bastardized 1962 Mess.
But that makes me wonder: if you are going to defy the pope and insist somehow that you are here to save Tradition, why would you take a bastardized 1962 Mess and add things to it, making it a brand-new rite? Why not go back to the Traditional Latin Mass, as it existed in 1950, before the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini introduced a slew of "modernizations" leading up to the Bugnini-Conciliar "1962 Mess." That proves that Fellay's Neo-SSPX cares nothing for preserving Tradition. Try to talk to SSPXers about this issue sometime. They don't want to hear it. They might have to change their Sunday routine!
The Fathers Reply.
To be sure, the SSPX is duplicitous on the "1962 Mess." That Mess was engineered by the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini, the chief architect of the Novus Ordo to prepare Catholics for the abomination of the invalid Novus Ordo service of 1969. But Bugnini had been appointed to his post not by John XXIII, but by Pius XII, who turned over to him the newly-created "Liturgical Reform Committee." The 1960-1962 "modernizations" were promulgated by John XXIII only because, he said, they were completed under the papacy of Pius XII. In fact, it was John XXIII who fired Bugnini, although Paul VI later hired him back.
So the Neo-SSPX does use the first (1956) and second (1960) waves of Conciliar "modernizations" engineered by Bugnini. It is true that Archbishop Lefebvre did accept, in part, the Bugnini-Conciliar Mess of 1962, but only reluctantly, as he was concentrating on fighting Modernism on a number of other fronts. However, the Archbishop did not accept all of the 1962 Mess provisions, such as the elimination of the Confiteor before the Communion of the congregation and various changes to the traditional rites of Holy Week. Sources close to the Archbishop have indicated that after 1988 he was seriously considering rejecting the 1962 Mess entirely and going back the Traditional Latin Mass, pre-Bugnini.
In May 2009 Benedict-Ratzinger replaced the retiring the Cardinal-archbishop of Westminster, England, Cormac Murphy-O'Connor, with Vincent Nichols. It seems that Benedict-Ratzinger is already souring on his "Motu" Mess, as his own appointee is more hostile to it than that Murphy-O'Connor!
Nichols has decreed that if any presbyters perform the "Motu" Mess, they must also celebrate the Novus Ordo service; otherwise, they will be punished and prohibited from performing the "Motu." Moreover, his presbyters have been warned that if they criticize Vatican II, they are kaput. Nichols has also commanded that the Novus Ordo cookie be given always in the hand, not on the tongue.
Dear Fathers:
I was in Northern California last Sunday on vacation and attended a Traditional Latin Mass. At the end of the Mass, it did not sound like the Last Gospel from St. John. I was puzzled. Is there anything that allows a substitution for the regular Last Gospel at a Traditional Latin Mass?
The Fathers Reply.
Indeed there is. The Prologue to St. John's Gospel is usually, but not always, the Last Gospel at a Traditional Latin Mass. The fully-traditional rubrics provide that when a higher-ranking feast takes precedence over the Sunday, the Gospel of the Feast is the Gospel of the Mass, and the outranked Gospel of the Sunday becomes the Last Gospel.
This is what happened on August 16, the Feast of St. Joachim, the Father of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which fell on a Sunday this year. In 1879 Pope Leo XIII raised this feast to the rank of a Double of the Second Class. The Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost, which also fell on that Sunday this year, is only a Semidouble Sunday. Therefore, the Feast of St. Joachim outranked it liturgically, and the Gospel of the Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost was correctly read as the Last Gospel. In contravention of the Traditional Latin Mass, the "Motu" services, based on the Conciliarist-Bugnini "Liturgical Books of 1962," suppressed the Double Feast of St. Joachim. This is just another instance demonstrating how the "1962 Mess" is not traditional.
So, you were indeed privileged to assist at a fully-Traditional Latin Mass, celebrated by a fully-traditional priest well educated in the traditional rubrics, who properly celebrated the Feast of St. Joachim and used the Gospel of the Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost as the Last Gospel. For further information, click on the Traditional Liturgical Calendar department of the TRADITIO Network.
Most have probably forgotten it, but back in 2002, JPII issued the Third Edition of the Novus Ordo Missal. The Original Edition of the Novus Ordo Missal, fabricated by the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini and his Committee of Six Protestant ministers, was issued in 1970. A Second Edition was issued just five years later, by Paul VI in 1975. This edition contained five more fabricated Novus Ordo "Eucharistic Prayers" to add to the three new ones that were fabricated in the Original Edition. The Third Edition extended universally the permission to receive the Novus Ordo cookie/Kool-Aid combination. So the Novus Ordo Missal has had to be revised significantly three times in some thirty years! But that was only the beginning of the New Order's problems. The Novus Ordo missals were released in Latin and had to be "translated" into the vulgar tongues. This process has been ongoing since 2000 and is not expected to be completed for several more years.
The release of the Third Edition (2000) was at the time hailed by the Neocon Newchurchers and was supposed to be a "reform of the reform," getting the service back to some conservative principles. Now part of the English "translation" is out, and the "reform of the reform" is shown to be just more of the same invalid claptrap. For example, there was a lot of hoopla about "correcting" the Novus Ordo words of consecration, not that such a correction could make the Protestant-Masonic-Pagan Novus Ordo vulgar-tongued service valid. But even that was not done. The Apostolic formula, mysterium fidei [mystery of faith], is still missing.
Let's look at some of the other "significant" changes. The Miseratur is changed from "May almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sings, and bring us to everlasting life" to "May almighty God have mercy on us and lead us, with our sins forgiven, into eternal life." There isn't an iota's difference. The response after the Gospel, Per evangelica dicta, is changed from "May the words of the gospel wipe away our sins" to "Through the words of the gospel may our sins be wiped away." Another really significant change, isn't it? And on and on it does. Just pointless Novus Ordo diddling with the vulgar-tongued translation. But the content of the service remains just the same as in 1969 -- an invalid abomination -- which Catholics can have nothing to do with. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the U.S. Conference of Catholic (sic) Bishops.]
Good Catholics, you can put sprinkles on a banana split, but it still remains the same heart-destroying concoction of saturated fat. Yet the Motarians won't admit publicly that this Novus Ordo is, as decreed by that Vatican II Modernist, Benedict-Ratzinger, for the first time in history, the "Ordinary Rite" of Newchurch. All Novus Ordo presbyters -- including "Extraordinary-rite" presbyters -- must use it on Maundy Thursday and other days whenever requested by their Newchurch bishop. If they refuse, Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch gauleiters will cast them out into the outer darkness, where they will be forced to write 1000 times on the blackboard: The "Motu" Mess Is Not the Traditional Latin Mass!
Dear Fathers:
I am a professional college-level volleyball referee, and one skill that's drilled into us in training is achieving great consistency and accuracy in our signals (at the beginning and end of each point and so on). I've received comments such as, "You need to move your arm five centimetres out away from the net when signaling ball-down." I think there's an analogy with the Traditional Latin Mass. In that setting, I've noticed the priests strive to make gestures very carefully, in the way that has been handed down through the centuries.
In volleyball we are told that our signals are important so that information is conveyed accurately (of course) and so that we are not noticeable to the coaches, players, or spectators. The match is not about us. If we improvise, "improve" our signals, or get creative, then we differ from other officials, causing the attention of those present to be drawn to us, and that is the last thing we want.
I think it's the same way with the Traditional Latin Mass priests. They understand that it's not about them. It is about Our Lord. Creativity is a great thing -- but it has its time and place.
The Newchurch presbyters that I've witnessed feel very free to change things (as you so ably document) to their heart's content -- including their gestures and much more. This makes them the center of attention. Those attending, who should be thinking about the Mass (if it actually were a Mass), instead find themselves thinking, "I never saw that before; interesting" (or "terrible," perhaps).
I have learned much from your site. Thank you.
Dear Fathers:
Notwithstanding his staunch traditionalism with respect to the Roman liturgy, John XXIII did, on his own, insert the name of St. Joseph into the Canon of the Mass in 1962 and thus became the first violator of the Sacred Canon of the Mass, which had been fixed since the early Church. This little seed of error opened a floodgate of later changes to the Canon, eventually leading to the total demolition of the Mass.
The Fathers Reply.
No question: John XXIII had no power to touch the Sacred Canon and should not have done so. But there is no evidence that the reason he took this action was anything other than his long-standing and well-known devotion to St. Joseph, Confessor and Patriarch. Others afterward may have used the situation in the way that you mention, but not John XXIII. After all, the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini, the Chief Architect of the New Order, hardly needed such a precedent. Pope Pius XII, usually considered a "traditional" pope, had already acceded to two great waves of "modernization" of the Mass in preparation for the Novus Ordo service. Even the rites of Holy Week in the Missale Romanum were corrupted during his papacy.
After all, the idea of adding St. Joseph to the Canon of the Mass did not originate with John XXIII. It went back at least to the 19th century, when devotion to St. Joseph was growing markedly in the Church. Many cardinals, bishops, and faithful petitioned Pope Pius IX incessantly to add the name of St. Joseph to the Sacred Canon of the Mass in two places. Pope Pius IX did declare St. Joseph the the Patron of the Universal Church in 1870, but declined to add the Saint's name to the Sacred Canon, stating: "How can I do that? I am only the pope!" John the XXIII in 1962 ended up adding the name of the Saint in only one place, disappointing many of the Saint's devotees, who wanted it in two places.
And, remember, it was Pius XII who in 1948 made the Freemason presbyter, Hannibal Bugnini, the General Secretary of his Pontificia Commissio pro Generali Liturgica Instauratione, the pontifical commission that was supposed to institute a "general liturgical modernization." It was though this commission of Pope Pius XII that Bugnini did his dirty work to lead up to the invalid Novus Ordo service of 1969. In fact, John XXIII fired Bugnini, but Paul VI reappointed him and made him chief architect of the Novus Ordo.
Edward Slattery, Newchurch bishop of Tulsa, Oklahoma, is quite happy with the invalid Novus Ordo service, but has decided to throw a traditional "sprinkle" on it by simulating it ad orientem in his cathedral, that is, in the traditional direction toward the altar. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the East Oklahoma Catholic.]
No doubt the Neocon Newchurchers and the Motarians will praise him for this traditional "sprinkle," while ignoring the fact that the Novus Ordo, in whatever direction Slattery chooses to face, is an invalid, a Protestant-Masonic-Pagan service. He may as well face down, because that is where he is looking for turning his back on the Catholic Faith! This situation is typical of the "Cafeteria Catholic" approach of the Neocon Newchurchers and Motarians. They will take some little detail, like the direction of the altar or kneeling for Communion, and make a big deal of out of. They completely ignore the Big Picture: the complete invalidity of the Protestant-Masonic-Pagan Novus Ordo service. Facing east or west, kneeling or standing. It makes no difference.
The former Director of the Sistine Chapel Choir has waited until his retirement to lash out at the Novus Ordo popes, including Benedict-Ratzinger.
On August 12, 2009, in an Italian interview, Msgr. Dominico Bartolucci confirmed the TRADITIO Network's long-standing interpretation that the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini's corruption of the traditional rites of Holy Week in 1956, which became part of the "1962 Mess," were the result of a scam. "In this connection," he said, "I come to think of the Reform of the Holy Week in the 1950's, made with some hurry under the pontificate of a Pope Pius XII who was already exhausted and tired." In fact Pius XII was gravely ill from 1954 until his death in 1958. It was within that period, 1956, that Bugnini forced through the first wave of Novus Ordo changes without Pius XII's signature. Many priests in Europe at the time simply refused to implement the changes.
Bartolucci also confirmed the TRADITIO Network's long-standing interpretation that Pope John XXIII, contrary to the picture of him that the Modernist liturgical revolutionaries try to paint in order to make him one of their, "in liturgical matters was of a convinced and moving traditionalism." John XXIII was not a liturgical revolutionary. He was one of the staunchest traditional popes on the liturgy, and on doctrine as well. The first and second waves of Novus Ordo changes were engineered, paradoxically, under Pius XII, in 1956 and in 1960, when John XXIII promulgated Pius XII's second wave in the Motu Proprio Rubricarum instructum.
Too bad that Bartolucci didn't have the guts to tell JPII and Benedict-Ratzinger to their faces what he thought of their corruptions of the Sacred Liturgy, based upon his decades of service to the popes as Director of the Sistine Chapel Choir.
The Idaho Public Charter School Commission during the week of August 9, 2009, banned the Bible constitutionally from being studied even as a literary text, in spite of the fact that its contents had a greater literary and historic impact that any other single work of literature. The Nampa Classical Academy in southwestern Idaho had said that it planned to teach about the literary and historic influence of the Bible, not to teach religion. Nampa is a public charter school based upon the Classical liberal arts. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
Good Catholics, this is just another instance demonstrating that homeschooling may be the only real solution to the State's interference in parents' education of their children under millennial classical and Christian norms.
French newspapers are reporting that the mayor of Ariege in the French Pyrenees has put a parish church up for auction on the internet because the local Newchurch diocese cannot provide a Novus Ordo presbyter to serve it. The municipality states that three churches have been abandoned by Newchurch and that the cost for their upkeep takes more than one-fifth of the municipal budget. Naturally, the Newchurch diocese doesn't like the municipality's action, but what can it do? It has abandoned Catholicism in the area.
Good Catholics, Newchurch is rapidly dying in Europe. Benedict-Ratzinger beats his gums about the subject, but takes no action except dish out more Vatican II Modernist: an invalid "New Mess," the Great "Motu" Mess Hoax, New Doctrine, New Morality, the Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal. At this point all he can do is, like an incompetent ship captain, go down with his sinking Novus Ordo ship.
Dear Fathers:
Like one of your readers who checks in on the EWTN Cable Network, I was watching it for the first time in years. The Novus Ordo service was on, so I watched it. I think I heard the presbyter say some parts in Latin. Why do they add some Latin in with the Novus Ordo service? Does Mother Angelica still run EWTN?
The Fathers Reply.
EWTN uses a few Latin words to deceive Neocon Newchurchers and pseudo-traditionalists. The Novus Ordo Service, in whatever language it is simulated, is an invalid Protestant-Masonic-Pagan service that is to be shunned by all true Catholics. Moreover, it isn't even a Mass, because it is simulated by a Novus Ordo presbyter, who was never ordained to celebrate a Mass, only "to preside over the assembly of the people."
Mother Angelica suffered several strokes some years ago. She is out of the picture. Her station has been taken over by Protestant Charismatics posing as Newchurchers.
John Favalora, Newchurch Archbishop of Miami, Florida, has announced that he is not even going to let the dust settle: he is closing the doors of thirteen more Miami Novus Ordo churches by October 1, 2009. A number of the churches to be closed are "Black" churches, and the Blacks are complaining that if they have to join non-Black congregations, they won't be above to hold their "Black Dance" Messes. Now won't that be a loss. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Miami Herald.]
Readers of the TRADITIO Network Daily Commentaries will remember Favalora. He persecuted one of his own presbyters for blowing the whistle on sexual and financial crimes in the archdiocese. The unusually-courageous presbyter didn't stand for guff from this corrupt Newchurch archbishop, however. In May 2005, he sued Favalora and his archdiocese on several counts: for wrongly firing him, slander, and whistle-blower retaliation when he blew the whistle about financial improprieties and rampant homosexual activity and fraud by another presbyter. To counter his presbyter's accusation, Favarola attempted to commit him for "psychological treatment" -- apparently on the grounds that anyone who attacks corrupt Newchurch and its bishops must be demented!
Some at the closed churches are complaining that they will be inconvenienced by having to go a little farther now to another invalid Novus Ordo service. These Newchurchers sound like whiny ingrates when you think that for forty years some traditional Catholics have been driving as far as four hours on a Sunday to assist at a fully-Traditional Latin Mass!
The novelty of the invalid Novus Ordo service and sacraments, the modification of Catholic doctrines and practice, and the rampant immorality among the Newchurch clergy are taking their toll. Richard Lennon, Newchurch bishop of Cleveland, Ohio, announced in March 2009 that he was slamming shut the doors of one in every four Novus Ordo churches there. Timothy McDonnell, Newchurch bishop of Springfield, Massachusetts, is going to slam shut church doors in a third wave of Novus Ordo church closings.
Good Catholics, the Novus Ordo chickens are coming home to roost. Analysts attribute the ongoing shutdown of Benedict-Ratzinger's Novus Ordo Church primarily to three causes:
Dear Fathers:
Every now and then, I check on EWTN to see what kind of warped advice it is handing out. Recently, in answer to a viewer question, one of the Charismatic cable station's female theologesses claimed that SSPXers may be more culpable than Newchurchers because the Newchurchers may not be conscious of what they are doing"! The EWTN theologess stated:
In fact, given their [SSPX members'] professed attachment to Tradition, they may be even more culpable for their disobedience to legitimate Church authority than those alleged "liberal, heterodox, stupid, silly" Catholics [sic] who may not be deliberately and consciously rejecting legitimate Church authority (e.g., they may think that what they're doing is just a "good idea" and not conscious rebellion), as it seems has been done by at least some of those in positions of leadership in the SSPX.
The Fathers Reply.
Clearly, EWTN has been so taken over by Charismatic Protestants like Scott Hahn, the immoral Life Teen programme, and JPII's sensual "Theology of the Body" that obedience to thoroughly immoral sex criminals, doctrinal devastators, and fake Messes must never be questioned! EWTN has recently been accused of spreading "silent apostasy" through the Church. It is no "Catholic cable network." It is a witches' brew of Protestantism and Paganism with a Novus Ordo veneer.
Holy Spirit Newparish in Quebec, Canada, can count on barely 100 attendees at its Novus Ordo service on Sunday. Such is the lot of Quebec's churches these days. Quebeckers have abandoned Newchurch. Before Vatican II (1962-1965), Catholics adorned Quebec with the biggest, most ornate parishes in the New World. Just before Vatican II, Quebec's attendance at Sunday Mass was 90 per cent.
Immediately after Vatican II, in 1966, Quebec's Catholic churches were emptying. A Ledger Marketing poll for 2008 puts attendance now at 6 per cent. 14 out of 15 Catholics have left the Newchurch just 40 years! The great churches have become mere tour-bus stops, with tourists milling in the "worship space" around the "table," having no sense of a sanctuary or an altar. Once-Catholic Quebec now has among the highest rates of fornication, bastards, abortion and suicide in the developed world. 77 per cent of Quebeckers are in favor of the legalized murder known as euthanasia. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Montreal Globe & Mail.]
Good Catholics, the Newchurch of the New Order is so desperate to get new members that it now baptizes anyone who walks through the door. Most of the parents aren't married and don't attend the Novus Ordo service. The children grow up to become part of that irreligious group commonly called "baptized pagans." Only 9 per cent of high-school-aged Quebeckers identify themselves as Newchurchers. The Newparish steps where their forefathers assiduously greeted the priest each Sunday has become, for young Quebeckers, nothing more than a good place to skateboard. Such has been the devastation of the Modernist New Order to which Benedict-Ratzinger publicly declares his unfailing devotion and to which he dedicates his "Motu" Mess of 1962, the Year of the Modern Robber Council, Vatican II.
Dear Fathers:
Something is up. Our Superior General, Bernie Fellay, has shuffled the staunchest priests across the USA. Although the official line is that the transfers are "normal," am I the only one smelling the stench of a rat?
It is policy in the SSPX not to allow its congregations become too attached to their pastors, because the congregations might then stand with the local pastor against Fellay and his cohorts at the SSPX headquarters in Menzingen, Germany. But this shakeup is big. Is Fellay trying to consolidate his dictatorial hold over the SSPX against more and more of his priests who are speaking out against him for abandoning our Founder-archbishop Lefebvre's anti-Newchurch principles?
Newchurch's ongoing Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal does not pertain to any single country. Here's a new report about one of Benedict-Ratzinger's Australian presbyters. Robert Fuller, of All Saints Newparish in Liverpool, Australia, has been arrested and charged with sending 13-year-old girls (actually police officers posing as such) a series of sexually explicit chat-room messages. In July and August 2009, Fuller tried to arrange a sexual assignation with one of the "girls."
Fuller had communicated on Yahoo Messenger with someone who he thought was a 13-year-old girl. In fact, the other person was an investigator from the Sex Crime Squad’s Child Exploitation Internet Unit. Presbyter Fuller had a total of 25 conversations with the investigator. "During the communications the accused was sexually explicit with the [investigator] with a view to grooming and procuring 'her' for sexual activity," court documents stated. The accused committed solitary sex acts in front a of a web camera and encouraged the presumed 13-year-old girl to join in.
Police seized laptop computers, documents, photographs, and a mobile phone from Fuller's rectory, which adjoins three schools. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Sydney Morning Herald.]
Aren't you just repelled by this kind of article in ignorant local newspapers reporting on the "Latin Mass":
[Presbyter F.] plans to undergo training next month in which he will learn the Latin Mass's exacting language, gestures, and genuflections. F. said he doesn't have a clear preference between Latin Masses and the standard Mass [the invalid Novus Ordo service] now celebrated by Catholics [sic]. But the Latin Mass does have a certain sense of mystery, solemnity and reverence for the Eucharist that can be lost in the modern Mass [the invalid Novus Ordo service] if it isn't celebrated well, he said.
What is the reality about such "Motu" Messes performed by presbyters?
First of all, Presbyter F. doesn't know the difference between a "Latin Mass" and a Traditional Latin Mass. A "Latin Mass" can be the Protestant-Masonic-Pagan Novus Ordo service in Latin or partly in Latin -- such as the one that the Charismatic Cable Channel EWTN uses to fool pseudo-traditionalists and Neocon Newchurchers. The fully Traditional Latin Mass is that of 1950 and the many centuries before before -- before the Modernistic corruptions of Hannibal Bugnini were introduced.
Secondly, Presbyter F's five-day program is a joke, when traditional priests must usually have five years of seminary and 7-9 years of Latin. That is what was decreed by Pope John XXIII in 1962, the base year of the supposed "Mass" that these presbyters are performing. What language can be mastered in a mere five days, particularly one as challenging as Latin? What will this presbyter come out knowing: the equivalent of buenos dias? Actually, Presbyter F. is better off that most "Novus Ordo/Motu" presbyters, who get merely a two-day weekend seminar. Traditional Catholics should reject these phony "Novus Ordo/Motu" presbyters out of hand.
Thirdly, Presbyter F. is not ordained as a priest under the traditional Ordinal of the Church "to celebrate Masses both for the living and for the dead." His " 1962 Messes" are patently invalid. He is merely a Novus Ordo presbyter, installed like a Protestant minister under the Novus Ordo Ordinal of 1968, to "preside over the assembly of the people" at the invalid Novus Ordo service.
Good Catholics, this is just another reason why Benedict-Ratzinger's "Motu" Mess is a hoax: it is being offered by unordained men, who have no power to offer Mass, 1962 or otherwise. What they are doing is performing a sham service for Neocon Newchurchers and pseudo-traditionalists who are willing to accept even an invalid, sacrilegious "Motu" service just to be in communion with the phony and immoral Newchurch. The German Fox has invaded the henhouse and lured many of the chickens to their spiritual death. But God has fooled them all. The Novus Ordo cookie remains a cookie. These presbyters are powerless to confect the Sacrament. Mmmm, don't those raisin cookies taste good!
Outside of Fr. Gommar DePauw, who courageously and prophetically founded the Catholic Traditionalist Movement (CTM) outside the structure of Newchurch in 1964, there is probably no one more associated with the exposure of the Novus Ordo as an invalid fraud than Patrick Henry Olmor, named after the American revolutionary patriot who proclaimed: "Give me liberty, or give me death!" Omlor's cry could have been: Give me the valid Mass, or give death to the Novus Ordo!
In 1967, two years before the full-blown Novus Ordo service was published, the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini and his Vatican II liturgical commission corrupted the traditional Roman Canon, which was handed down to the Church from the Apostolic Fathers themselves. Bugnini made up three additional Protestant "Eucharistic Prayers," which are used almost exclusively now, even by Benedict-Ratzinger. The Sacred Roman Canon had not been touched since the period of the Apostolic Fathers. Even popes publicly proclaimed that they lacked the authority to change it. Bugnini was so unCatholic that he did not even hesitate to touch the very words of Consecration, which came from Christ and the Apostles, even before the writing down of the Gospels and Epistles.
Omlor did not hesistate to call a spade a space and issued a monograph that shocked the Novus Ordo Church. It was entitled: Questioning the Validity of the Masses Using the New, All-English Canon. In it, he demonstrated by the rigorous principles of Thomastic Catholic Sacramental Theology that this Novus Ordo concoction was invalid. Omlor's book is the foundational work of the Traditional Catholic Movement. For further information, click on FAQ05: What Traditional Catholic Resources Do You Recommend?
The TRADITIO Network has received news that Omlor's health has been on the decline. He remains in his native Australia. If anyone deserves the prayers of traditional Catholics it is the founder of our movement, the late Fr. Gommar DePauw and the Patrick Henry Omlor. How many souls have found their way to the true Faith or back to the true Faith because of the work of these two pioneers?!
Good Catholics, it is shocking how the pseudo-traditionalist rags, together with the Indultarians and Motarians have failed, either through culpable ignorance or deliberate injustice, to mention these pioneers, without whom the Traditional Catholic Movement might never have taken off. Such self-proclaimed pseudo-traditionalists show themselves to be thoroughly reprehensible ingrates and deceivers by failing to acknowledge their dependency upon the work of these pioneers, who had the courage to leave the corrupt and invalid Novus Ordo in order to preserve the traditional Catholic Faith, without the compromise that so many "traditionalist" are now willing to make.
For our readers who have been inquiring about the status of Brother Joseph, who was previously reported as having suffered a fall at Mt. St. Michael on May 31, 2009, the TRADITIO Network has been informed that he is back at the rectory after two months at medical facilities. He is continuing with speech therapy and mobility therapy. "All things considered, he is doing remarkably well," we are told.
New accusations of immorality were lodged on August 12, 2009, against JPII's bosom-buddy, Newchurch presbyter Marciel Maciel, who before his death was head of the Legionaries of Christ, which deceived many under its guise as a "conservative" organization. Three more Mexicans have filed suit that they are the biological children of Maciel and that JPII knew that Maciel was a womanizer blatantly violating his vows while he publicly showed Maciel every sign of papal favor.
The Legionairies first denied the charges, but have now have admitted that Maciel regularly broke his vows and conjugated like a rabbit with numerous Newchurch girls who thought that he was a Newchurch "saint." Maciel's accomplice, JPII, was also considered by some to be a Newchurch "saint," although he too has been charged with womanizing. Maciel had already been charged with fathering at least three other children. The Legionaries, in order to keep the sins their founder quiet, had been supporting some of the bastards from funds contributed by laypeople thinking that the Legionaries and Regnum Christi were actually legitimate. The evident corruption of the founder has raised serious questions about the viability of the Legionaries and their affiliated lay movement, Regnum Christi. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by La Jornada.]
Dear Fathers:
I have a close friend whose son has sacrificed much to become a priest for the SSPX. But when I asked my friend whether she thought that Novus Ordo presbyters ordained according to the Freemason presbyter Bugnini's invalid Novus Ordo Ordinal of 1968 are actually priests, she could not bring herself to say that they are not. She also claimed that the Novus Ordo performed with "Eucharistic Prayer I" is almost the same as the true Mass. There is a massive confusion abroad regarding the essentials of a true Latin Mass and of a true priest, in part, no doubt, because of JPII's "Indult" scheme and Benedict-Ratzinger's "Motu" scheme.
The Fathers Reply.
If you read the TRADITIO Network's Daily Commentaries from the TRADITIO Fathers department, you will find no confusion at all, but a clear, consistent, traditional Catholic approach: the Novus Ordo service is invalid, among other reasons, because of the principles for validity confirmed by Pope Leo XIII in the Apostolic Letter Apostolicae Curae, which found the High Anglican Mass invalid. For further information, click on CURAE: Apostolic Letter Apostolicae Curae, Given by His Holiness Pope Leo XIII.
Although the Novus Ordo service is also invalid by form (the words, even in the so-called Eucharistic Prayer I, which in any case not even Benedict-Ratzinger uses) and invalid by matter (most Novus Ordo services use invalid matter, as even Newvatican officially has declared), Pope Leo's principles for validity went to the intention of the celebrant.
It is clear that the intention inherent in the Novus Ordo service of 1969 is invalid. At that time many of the most prominent Roman theologians publicly told Paul VI exactly this. The definition of the Novus Ordo service in the 1969 document is not the definition of a Mass, but rather of a Protestant memorial supper. If Pope Leo found the High Anglican service invalid, how much more invalid is the Novus Ordo service, which is much worse than the High Anglican Mass? For further information, click on the Novus Ordo Service Photo Gallery department of the TRADITIO Network.Unfortunately, your friend's son was deceived by the Neo-SSPX now run by Bernie Fellay. Her son probably thought that he was joining the organization founded by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and based on that prelate's clear principles of the traditional Catholic Faith. Since Fellay took over after the Archbishop's death, the SSPX has become a different organization, a Neo-SSPX, ready to sell out to the New Order, to the Modernist Benedict-Ratzinger, and to the Modernist Council Vatican II, all of which the Archbishop had rejected. Fellay now holds that the patently invalid Novus Ordo service, based upon the Protestant and Modernistic theology of the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini and Vatican II, is actually valid!
If your friend's son can read the signs of the times and wishes to remain faithful to the Archbishop's traditional Catholic principles, he will get out of Fellay's Neo-SSPX as quickly as possible before his own Faith becomes irretrievably corrupted.
Cabrini College, a Newchurch institution, is drawing ire from anti-abortion advocates upset that it recently bestowed an award on pro-abortion news Cokie Roberts. Cabrini has honored Roberts with its Ivy Young Willis Award "for outstanding contributions in public affairs."
The "Catholic" Roberts is a supporter of abortion on demand and embryonic stem-cell research, both of which violate Catholic doctrine, not to speak of God's moral law. She endorses even partial-birth abortions and has vilified those opposed to abortion as "extremists." When the United States Supreme Court upheld a ban on partial-birth abortions, she said that she found the decision "offensive as a woman." Apparently, Cokie doesn't understand that God's moral law applies to women as well as men.
An anti-abortion group that strongly urged Cabrini College president Marie Angelella George to revoke the award to Roberts never received a response. The group stated: "The Catholic community and Catholic institutions [sic] should not honor those who act in defiance of our fundamental moral principles. They should not be given awards, honors or platforms which would suggest support for their actions." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Life News.]
Good Catholics, what these Neocon Newchurch anti-abortion groups fail to realize is that what they are dealing with is not the Catholic Church. It is a phony Newchurch dedicated to the New Order and Modernist moral doctrines. When one understands this fact, the college's actions make sense. Once again we see Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch giving awards to people that are hostile to Catholic teaching. They should be given excommunication, not awards! But, as we all know, excommunications in Newchurch are reserved for traditional Catholics who stand up for the Faith and against popes who stray from the Catholic Faith.
The Institute for Public Affairs, the largest Orthodox Jewish public-relations organization in the United States, representing over 1,000 member synagogues, issued on August 11, 2009, a diatribe entitled "Peace in Our Time" against SSPX Senior Bishop Richard Williamson.
The Orthodox Union's rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein had previously vilified all traditional Catholics on January 23, 2009, at the Wiesenthal Center, when he said "The difference between accepted [New]church teaching and this group of Latin-speaking extremists are not the subject of reconciliation.... There still is resistance to the new teachings in some traditional Catholic circles, still much work to be done to erase old ideas."
If one reads that statement carefully, Adlerstein is contradicting himself. How can "new teachings" be "accepted teaching," rabbi? No, new or traditional -- one or the other. And, by the way, if a traditional Catholic called radical Jews "Hebrew-speaking extremists," the heavens would fall down on him, as they have for poor Bishop Williamson, who has been ostracized not only by radical Jews, but also by his Society of St. Pius X's supposedly "traditional" head and the Modernist head of Newchurch.
Most religious orders in the U.S. suffer from aging membership, diminishing numbers and few if any new candidates, according to the study conducted by Newchurch's Georgetown University Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate. The study indicated, in fact, that the apostolate would be essentially dead in a decade or two.
34 per cent of women's orders and 22 per cent of men's orders surveyed had zero candidates. Almost half the orders that do have someone on the early path toward vows have no more than one or two candidates in the pipeline. Many factors have contributed to the precipitous abandonment of Newchurch by potential candidates, but the Newchurch's ongoing Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal remains significant.
Liberalism or conservatism in Newchurch, according to the study, makes little difference. 32 per cent of orders in the liberal group and 26 percent of those in the conservative one have zero candidates in early formation. In other words, conservative Newchurchers are essentially as Novus Ordo as liberalists. About the only difference is that the one takes two lumps in the Novus Ordo coffee; the other takes only one. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
Dear Fathers:
The Neocon Newchurchers and Motarians will go to any length to defend the Novus Ordo, whose approval they have secured with the coin of silence and total inaction. They are quite content with their little side chapel of "tradition" in the Modernist cathedral, a corner like an Anglican High Church wing in the Novus Ordo smorgasbord of cafeteria "Catholicism." I have observed the following techniques that these pseudo-traditionalists use to pull out all the stops to defend their Novus Ordo puppetmasters.
Instead of the Almighty accommodating himself to suit the accursed Novus Ordo, shouldn't the pseudo-traditionalists remain true, without compromise, to the real Mass and Sacraments rather than play the proverbial ostrich in the sand? We all know the correct answer: the Traditional Latin Mass, the whole Traditional Latin Mass, and nothing but the Traditional Latin Mass. No Novus Ordo service -- not ever. No "Motu" Mess of 1962-2007-2008.
The German SZ-Magazine reports that the progress of proceedings against the SSPX's Senior Bishop, Richard Williamson, who was extradited from Buenos Aires, Argentina, and now resides in a suburb of London, England, is currently unclear. The Chief Prosecutor in Regensburg, Germany, confirms that proceedings are stalled because the Swedish TV journalist involved in the broadcast in which Williamson questioned a disputed matter of secular history cannot be interviewed as a witness under Swedish law. Currently the European Judicial Network is attempting to obtain the statement of the journalist. "If nothing comes from Sweden, we must pause to consider how to proceed without this statement," said the chief investigator. In Germany, denial of the "holocaust" is a criminal offense.
The existence of long-standing "anti-Semiticism" in the SSPX has been reported by several sources. Yet the SSPX's Superior General, Bernie Fellay, has not stood by his colleague. Instead, he has imposed a perpetual silence on him and has thrown him to both the Newchurch and secular dogs. Benedict-Ratzinger, who is supposed to stand for human rights as proclaimed by Vatican II, has also failed to support Williamson's right to free speech from conscience and has likewise thrown him to the secular dogs for persecution and prosecution.
The hypocrisy of Benedict-Ratzinger and his administration is remarkable for its boldness. Caiphas could have polished his skills in that are if he had had Benedict-Ratzinger as a mentor!
On August 9, 2009, when performing the Angelus at his summer palace at Castel Gandolfo, Italy, Benedict-Ratzinger spoke not about the Blessed Virgin Mary, to whom the Angel announced the Incarnation of Our Lord Jesus Christ, but about a disputed matter of secular history. The pope claimed that the Nazi concentration camps were a symbol of the "hell that comes to earth when man forgets God and replaces him, usurping his right to decide what is right and what is wrong." The dogmatic Council Vatican I already cut the rug out from under him, however, decreeing that the pope was quite fallible in secular matters. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
Hypocritical words indeed coming from a man who has since 2001 been suborning Newchurch bishops and presbyters in their rampage of raping and assaulting tens of thousands of children in Newchurch's ongoing Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal. Benedict-Ratzinger has staunchly refused to take any effect actions against this criminal group for violating God's law, instead sending a secret memorandum to his Newchurch bishops that if they turned such criminals over to the civil police, they would themselves be excommunicated!
Hypocritical words indeed from a man who -- by his own admission -- at 16 vested in the uniform of the Nazi Hitler Youth and then went on to vest in the uniform of the Wehrmacht (German Armed Forces) as an anti-aircraft artilleryman against the Allies.
Hypocritical words indeed. But that is what we have come to expect of Benedict-Ratinzger, who purports to be Modernist and Traditionalist at the same time, Novus Ordinarian and Motarian at the same time, pope and bosom-friend of heretical theologians at the same time.
Dear Fathers:
I was surprised to see that your entry for August 11 failed to note the feast of St. Philomena. Was this an oversight? Our Lord has said that to Philomena nothing is refused. She is one of the truly great Saints and achieved the crown of martyrdom, an extremely rare grace indeed. St. John Marie Vianney was very devoted to her, as you must already know. It must be no coincidence that her feast day was set only two days after his and just one before that of St. Clare. The satanic church of Vatican II has "demoted" St. Philomena and relegated her to "non-visible" status. Please give her the honor and veneration that is her due.
The Fathers Reply.
No, it was not an oversight, but the determination of the traditional liturgical calendar. As explained in the TRADITIO Network's Traditional Liturgical Calendar department, the calendar that we use is the fully-traditional Roman Calendar of the Universal Church.
There are obviously far more Saints than days in the year, so only a few Saints are traditionally recognized by the Church for liturgical purposes. August 11 is, in the fully-traditional (pre-1951) Universal Roman Calendar, dedicated to Sts. Tiburtius and Susanna, who were early martyrs. St. Philomena's feast is found not in the body of the traditional Missale Romanum, but in an appendix entitled Missae Propriae pro Aliquibus Locis, Masses Proper to Some Places. You will not find her in the missal for the "1962 Mess" or the "Motu" Mess. She has been completely expunged.
For the full story of this remarkable Saint, click on PHILOMEN.TXT: St. Philomena, Wonder-Worker: A Patron Saint of the Traditional Roman Catholic Movement.
Charlie Chaput, of Denver, Colorado, is one of those Newchurch bishops that Neocon Newchurchers and Motarians love to put forward as their ideal. He has mouthed a few conservative platitudes, so, desperate as they are, they make him their exemplar. So beloved his he of these "conservatives" that they are organizing a dinner for him, an "Envoy of the Year Gala," on October 8, 2009.
This event is being hosted by the Envoy Institute of Belmont Abbey College in the United States. Sounds "Catholic" doesn't it? Except that the "mission statement" of the institute reads like a package of gobbledygook featuring New Order concepts of "confidence, comfort, and hope." There are, however, prominent pictures of some Modernistic-looking "Adoration Chapel," at which an invalid Novus Ordo service is being simulated in its "concelebrated" form, traditionally condemned by the Church except at Ordinations and episcopal Consecrations.
Let's look at who is going to be speaking at this "gala." First off, there is an officer from the Novus Ordo Knights of Columbus. The Knights used to be known for their traditional Catholic apologetics and advertising in newspapers and magazines. No more. They are full-blown Modernists now, and their flip-flopping on the moral issue of abortion has been covered in these Commentaries several times in the recent past.
Then we have one Monsignor Stuart Swetland, who is described in the program as an "EWTN personality." We all know about EWTN, the Newchurch cable network run by ex-Protestant Charismatics, who are cagey enough to throw in a few words of Latin every now and again to "keep those donations coming in." Yet the bulk of the EWTN programming is brazenly Novus Ordo, Modernistic, and Protestant Charismatic.
These are the "birds of a feather" with whom Charlie Chaput hangs out. But why should we be surprised? You may remember Chaput. He is the inventor of the Novus Ordo "Indian Feather" Mess, in which he sports Indian feathers and tom-toms at the Denver Cathedral Novus Ordo table. Conservative? Do pigs fly?
Good Catholics, some today say that traditional Catholics should settle for second best, a "conservative" Newchurch bishop like Chaput. They say that we should accept the Benedict-Ratzinger's "Ordinary Rite," the invalid Novus Ordo Protestant-Masonic-Pagan service. Or they say, like the SSPX's Bernie Fellay, that we should compromise with the Novus Ordo and accept the Modernist Council Vatican II -- in the "light of tradition," of course -- whatever that nonsensical phrase means. But we traditional Catholics won't settle for second best. We won't sell out to an unadulterated Catholic Faith. Because we believe in ours souls: for God, only the best -- without compromise!
It seems that Benedict-Ratzinger's "Motu" Mess is unwelcome even in Italy. The Organizing Committee of the Summorum Pontificum Conference in Mandas, Sardinia, has announced that the Newchurch archbishop there, Giuseppe Mani, has formally prohibited the holding of a conference there o August 9-11, 2009, to study Benedict-Ratzinger's "Motu" Mess.
The organizing committee let slip its Novus Ordo ties by claiming that the traditional Latin Mass and the invalid Novus Ordo Protestant-Masonic-Pagan service are "two forms of the one and only (Roman) Rite." This is like saying that arsenic and salt have the same chemical composition!
A year before his death in 2004, Michael Davies, President of the semi-traditionalist Una Voce International Federation and author of many books on traditional Catholicism, resigned his office and repudiated his work with the Ecclesia Dei Commission, Cards. Ratzinger and Hoyos, and Newrome. He was duped, he said. When he looked back on his over ten years of work, he said that Newrome had simply wasted his time and led him on with meretricious words, never intending to do anything to restore traditional Catholicism. His conclusion was the same one that Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, founder of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), had reached in 1988 after his dealings with Cards. Ratzinger and Hoyos.
At the 16th General Assembly of Una Voce International Federation in Rome, October 11-12, 2003, as reported in the official summary, Michael Davies reported to the General Assembly that the Ecclesia Dei Commission:
stated unambiguously that its ultimate aim is that of integrating the traditionalist faithful into the reality of the [Novus Ordo] Church..., that the Commission wished us to modify the celebration of Mass according to the 1962 Missal, not only by adopting the 1965 modifications, but by using the 1970 [Novus Ordo] calendar and adopting such practices as Communion in the hand.
Such is the duplicity of Newrome, from an eyewitness of over ten years. Newchurch is wedded to Vatican II and the New Order. Sure, it uses meretricious words and blandishments to lure clueless semi-traditionalists, like Bernie Fellay of the SSPX, into its Novus Ordo web, and they succumb just like the trapped fly. Archbishop Lefebvre learned his lesson in 1988, and after he was lied to, he had nothing more to do with Card. Ratzinger and his Newchurch. Michael Davies learned his lesson after he was lied to. Bernie Fellay and the Motarians still haven't learned their lesson. They will learn, probably only after they are destroyed by Newrome. You can count on it! Sic volvere Parcas.
An Italian Catholic magazine reports that far more Italian Newchurchers pray to Padre Pio than to Christ or Mary. This mindset indicates idolatry. Christ is God; He is to be worshipped above any creature. Creatures are not to be worshipped, even the Angels or Mary, only venerated. Nor is Newchurch adverse to the simony of profiting from Padre Pio. His shrine near Foggia, Italy, generates close to 200,000,000 U.S. dollars a year.
Nor does the story end there. A caricature of Padre Pio will soon be constructed to serve as a solar panel in the "Green" Movement. A sixty-metre-high image of the friar will be used to recycle solar energy atop a hill in Rignano Garganico, a seaside town some 20 kilometres away from the shrine of San Giovanni Rotondo. It is billed the first example of "green" religious art! [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Life in Italy.]
Since JPII appointed him Prefect of Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Card. Ratzinger has been in charge of Newchurch doctrine. During that time Newchurch "nuns" have been completely Novus-Ordoized without an effective peep from him. Now, after 25+ years of his doctrinal regime, he has hypocritically started to persecute these same "nuns" who simply "modernized" themselves as he encouraged them to. After Vatican II, many nuns embraced Newchurch teaching against war and nuclear weapons and for workers rights, shed their habits and traditional roles as teachers or hospital workers, and took up activism. This they did in accordance with the "spirit of Vatican II," fully endorsed by Card. Ratzinger.
Remember, Card. Ratzinger has always been a full-throated advocate of Vatican II and its principles. He said that in his Primum Nuntium, the first message that he gave to the cardinals on April 20, 2005, after his election. Who will be his next target: those who promote the "Motu" Mess?
The questionnaire delivered in early August 2009 to leaders of the 341 religious congregations for women seeks to determine, among other things, whether the Newchurch nuns are participating fully in the Novus Ordo Mess, which was declared by Benedict-Ratzinger on July 7, 2007, to be the "Ordinary Rite" of Newchurch. It also seeks to determine whether the doctrine that the nuns are teaching adheres to Vatican II and the Novus Ordo Catechism published in 1983 to replace the traditional Catechism of the Council of Trent.
A traditional Episcopalian bishop, who took his diocese out of Liberalist/Modernist bishopess Katherine Jefferts-Shori's Modernist mainstream synod, has vowed to continue his fight for traditional religion to the state appellate court. John-David Schofield was "deposed" in 2007 by the bishopess because he refused to recognize priestesses, bishopesses, and "gay" clergy. Jefferts-Shori replaced him with a Modernist bishop in the Episcopalian Diocese of San Joaquin, California. A state superior court judge in August 2009 accepted the Modernist bishop as head of the diocese.
Although the Episcopalians/Anglicans constitute an heretical sect -- and can't the same be said of the Newchurchers embracing the Novus Ordo sect? -- traditional Catholics can't help but admire the courage and determination of the traditional Episcopalians who are standing up for biblical morality and refusing to follow the moribund mainstream sect into immorality. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
Traditional Catholics cannot help but think of what Bernie Fellay, the Superior General of the Neo-SSPX, is doing to sell out to the Newchurch of the New Order. Too bad God didn't give him the virtue of fortitude, which is supposed to be the mark of a true Catholic bishop, to stand up uncompromisingly for the traditional Catholic Faith, as did the founder of the Society of St. Pius X, Archbishop Lefebvre.
Good Catholics, let's face it. If traditional Catholics in 1962 had had the guts to stand up for their Faith instead of allowing it to be sold out to the phony New Order, we wouldn't have had the replacement of traditional Catholicism with the New Order. As Pogo said: "We have met the enemy, and he is us."
Alfred Hughes, the Newchurch archdiocese of New Orleans, Louisiana, was nicknamed "The Vandal" because of his crusade to destroy every traditional Catholic church building in New Orleans, which was erected in 1793, during the presidency of George Washington. He deftly used the excuse of 2005's Hurricane Katrina to support his barbarism. He has already demolished 34 of the city's historic traditional church buildings.
In these days, when true Catholics can no longer count on Newchurch bishops to protect their historic Catholic church buildings, the civil government has, in many cases, stepped in like to resist the barbarian bishops, as Pope Leo the Great once saved Rome from destruction by Attila the Hun.
In New Orleans, the Neighborhood Conservation District Committee denied, on August 3, 2009, the archdiocese's request for a permit to demolish the 165-year-old historic Annunciation Church, whose doors had been slammed shut in 2001 by archbishop Alfred "Vandal" Hughes. Hughes then vilified locals who fought to save the historic church building. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
We Fathers have noted many times in these Commentaries that Catholic [sic] Charities under the New Order Church has accepted immoral governmental regulations, such as "abortion rights," "gay" marriage, and "gay" adoptions. Catholic Charities is one of the best examples of an organization that uses "Catholic" in its name to deceive potential contributors. After all, the clueless Newchurchers think, if it's called "Catholic," it's got to be Catholic, right. Yeah, sure, just like the Newchurch "Catholic" Mess and Sakruments!
Now Catholic Charities has sold out to the pro-abortion, pro-"gay" Obama administration in the United States in order to rake in 100,000,000 U.S. dollars in a five-year federal contract. Obama has been trying to lure Newchurchers into his liberalist government, and even Benedict-Ratzinger fell for the political maneuver by joyously welcoming him at Newrome and not saying one word about his pro-abortion stance.
But what is the price that will be paid for the money and the government strings attached to it? When a religious organization accepts any type of federal funding, the organization must lay aside its religious moral doctrines and comply fully with government requirements. The organization cannot restrict its hiring to members of its own sect, so Catholic Charities must hire Mohammedans, Jews, Buddhists, Pagans, not to speak of "gays," lesbians, transsexuals, etc. As the ungrammatical saying goes, "You have to dance with the one that brung you." And Newchurch is doing the tarantella with liberalist Obama!
The consequences of the sellout of Catholic colleges and universities to secular interests when they accepted federal funds gives a clear example of the price paid. Such formerly-Catholic schools are now staffed by faculties not even Newchurch, let alone Catholic. These schools have become an unCatholic fraud, in which students are taught liberalistic secularism, not Catholicism. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.]
A TRADITIO Network inside source who knows the Gibson family personally has revealed a different side of recent events concerning Mel Gibson from what has been published in the gossip magazines.
Our inside source states that Gibson had been diagnosed in 2002 with manic depression, a highly self-destructive disease, which often devastates families and friends and is often "acted out" in binge-drinking and womanizing. The source also reveals that the unending and virulent attacks upon Gibson and his traditional Catholic Faith for over two years by the anti-Catholic bigot and Jewish radical activist Abraham Foxman, National Director of the Sons of the Jewish Covenant [B'nai B'rith], who tried to derail the production of Gibson's The Passion of the Christ, was a major factor in Gibson's giving in to what he once called the demon in his life.
Our inside source reveals that Gibson has not been receiving Communion since his wife, Robyn, filed for a civil divorce on April 13, 2009. He attends Mass at Holy Family Church every Sunday with his seven children when he is in town. The source describes Robyn Gibson as a "wonderful woman," very hospitable, and totally supportive of Mel in his effort to build the traditional Holy Family Church.
Our inside source states that Hutton Gibson, Mel's 90-year-old father, appears to have been "a big problem" in the Gibson's marriage and that he and his second wife may be "meddlesome in-laws." Our sources thinks that things have gone downhill in Mel and Robyn's marriage when Hutton and his wife moved to Los Angeles, California, several years ago. The source says that she does not know for sure, but wonders whether Hutton may be gradually falling into senile dementia in his advanced age.
Our inside source summarizes the situation: "He [Mel] finally blew it big time with her [Robyn]" and says that Mel already regrets what has happened to his life. One can only hope that he will see the light of Faith, put aside his adulteress, and re-establish the marriage that he himself admitted was the best thing in his life next to his traditional Catholic Faith.
The 2008 American Religious Identification Survey, based at Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut, which began in 1990 and has been conducted about once a decade ever since, has recently revealed that the number of Jews in the United States who consider themselves "religiously observant" has dropped by more than 20 per cent over the last two decades. About half of all those in the U.S. who call themselves Jews, including those who consider themselves "religiously observant," claim in the survey that they have a secular, not a religious, worldview. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
Dear Fathers:
I was looking up last night the passage right before the one that was read as the Gospel last Sunday, the Ninth Sunday after Pentecost, St. Luke 19:27, right before Christ is to enter Jerusalem. I have heard that the meaning of this passage is much stronger than even the Douay-Rheims version, that instead of "killing them before Me," it means "cutting their throats before Me," that Christ's point is God is just and will not spare His enemies. Is that correct?
The Fathers Reply.
Yes, but the passage has even deeper meaning than that. A sphage, the Greek word that is the root of what is rendered "kill" above, is literally a sacrificial slaughter, as the slitting of a sacrificial animal's throat. The word is used in that sense as early as Herodotus, more than five centuries before Christ. Kata, when used as a verbal prefix in Greek, generally means "completely." Thus, the Jews unfaithful to Christ as their Messias are denounced by Christ as being subject to being sacrificed to the New Covenant.
The context both before and after this verse (Luke 19:27) is obviously about the Jews of Christ's time (as a group, although there were individual exceptions, such as the Apostles and the numerous Disciples) and their refusal to accept Him as their Messias. Those unfaithful (the literal meaning of controversial perfidi) Jews are the "enemies" to which this verse refers. The parable that precedes, concerning the money (mna, which the Douay-Rheims version renders as a British pound), is similar the parable of the talents (another amount of ancient money) and refers to the Jews, who were given so much more to start with as the Chosen People than the Gentiles, but most of them did not develop the special understanding that they were given into a recognition of Christ as their Messias.
The Gospel of the Ninth Sunday after Pentecost follows shortly after this verse. In it, Christ prophesies the destruction of the Temple of the Jews, an historical event that happened some forty years later when the Romans, commanded by the son of the emperor, conquered the resisters in what is known as the Jewish War. Then follows one of the strongest curses of Christ against the leaders of the Church of His time, whom he calls "a den of thieves." Although the Gospel apocope ends with the first sentence of verse 47, the second sentence is instructive: "And the chief priests and the scribes and rulers of the people sought to destroy Him." Clearly, the leaders of the Church were the enemies of verse 27.
It should be observed also that the word for "enemy" in verse 27, echthous, is not "the enemy," as would be used for the enemy in a war, but personal enemies. St. Jerome rightly renders the word in the Latin Vulgate as inimicos, which corresponds in Latin to personal enemies, as opposed to hostes, the enemy regarded as a group in war. Christ, by His vocabulary, is calling the leaders of the Church in His day His personal enemies.
The Vatican II-Modernist notion of the Jews taken as a group, particularly the leaders of that Church, as "revered brothers" is certainly not the way that Christ Himself spoke of them. He did not use reverential terms of them. He did not address them as "holy fathers" or as "most reverend." Rather, he considered them his personal enemies and denounced them in the strongest terms, just as He would denounce the leaders of the Newchurch of today as His personal enemies, and certainly not as representing Him and His doctrine vicariously.
It is hard to imagine any words of Our Lord in Scripture that are more applicable to the leaders of Newchurch, those "unholy fathers" and "least reverend," whose loyalty is to an unCatholic and immoral New Order of their own making, not the New Covenant of Christ as represented in the Gospels: "My house is the house of prayer, but you have made it a den of thieves" (Luke 19:46/DRV).
The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation netted another Newchurch presbyter criminal in a paedophile sting dubbed Operation Guardian Angel. Presbyter James Grady, pastor of St. Raphael the Archangel Church in south St. Louis, Missouri, was charged on July 30, 2009, with the federal crime of sex trafficking, which is used to pursue pimps and those supplying child prostitutes to perverts. The charge carries a mandatory minimum sentence of 10 years in prison, with higher minimums applying to those seeking sex with underage girls.
Grady was released on bail, conditioned on his wearing an electronic ankle monitor and confining himself to the Novus Ordo Vianney Renewal Center. The U.S. federal magistrate obviously didn't trust the presbyter. He ordered Grady to be supervised around the clock, with no access to the internet or vehicles, and to be forbidden from leaving the property without an approved reason and supervision. Grady is also slated for evaluation as a sex offender. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.]
Good Catholics, because Benedict-Ratzinger refuses to lift a finger against his criminal bishops and presbyters, Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal goes on and on and on. His clergy is now thoroughly invested with a large percentage of sodomites and child-rapists. Now some of these criminal bishops and presbyters have moved on to pimp the children to others, probably after they have "sampled the merchandise" themselves! The Newchurch of the New Order is sick unto death, and the "Unholy" Father is ultimately responsible for the most morally-degenerate and filthy papacy in the history of the Church. Benedict-Ratzinger is a moral blot on the Church and should long ago have resigned the office to which he has brought deep shame because of his own criminal complicity.
The demon that Mel Gibson once told BBC interviewer Michael Parkinson existed within him has come out in full fury. He has done a grave injustice to his wife of 29 years, Robyn, and his seven children by taking up, quite publicly to boot, an adulterous affair with Russian chantreuse Oksana Grogorieva, from which Grogorieva is carrying his bastard child. He has done a grave injustice to the traditional Catholic Faith that he claims to hold. Serious as these sins are, they could be viewed ultimately as the grave human failings of a man in mid-life crisis who has literally gone beserk.
But now the other shoe has dropped. Apparently, the once-devout Gibson, however flawed, has turned hypocrite against God. Gibson is being reported in the August 10, 2009, National Enquirer, which has a record of hitting the mark when it comes to actual people (in spite of teaser article about cats being found on Mars!), to have engineered an "annulment" by a bogus tribunal at the traditional Holy Family Church, which he built in Agoura Hills, California, partially from the proceeds of his 2004 The Passion of the Christ. The tribunal was reportedly presided over by his father, Hutton Gibson, aged 90, who also claims to be a traditional Catholic and publishes a monthly broadside entitled The War Is Now.
The report indicates that the "annulment" was secretly arranged just a month after his wife filed for divorce on Easter Monday, April 13, 2009. The "grounds" for the annulment were that Mel "felt pressured" into the marriage because Robyn was pregnant. (So Gibson now turns out to be an admitted fornicator as well as an adulterer.) "Father" Hutton, therefore, declared the marriage "untrue." Hutton is, as we all know, a completely unbiased party and the world's greatest expert on the traditional canon law of marriage. (Not!)
With phony "annulment" in hand, Mel Gibson, aged 53, reportedly plans to commit bigamy by marrying his 14-year-junior adulteress in a splashy Christmas 2009 wedding. Mel Gibson would thus join the cadre of phony "Catholics" who have become public sinners barred from the true Sacraments. One thinks of the husband of four wives, the self-proclaimed "Catholic" congressman, the late Sonny Bono. One thinks of the bigamist former congressman Joseph Kennedy, son of assassinated U.S. Senator Robert Kennedy, who finagled a phony "annulment" from the Novus Ordo Church against his wife Sheila Raunch Kennedy, who was so aggrieved by the simony of Newchurch in the affair that she wrote a scanting book, entitled Shattered Faith, about the injustice of her experience. And, although it is a secret covered up even more deeply than the rape and assault upon hundreds of children by Novus Ordo bishops and presbyters, the Newchurch archdiocese of Boston is suspected of having granted a "secret annulment" to current U.S. Senator Ted Kennedy, to enter into a bigamous "marriage" with his adulteress, Victoria Reggie.
This is the ilk, together the other 60,000 granted phony "annulments" by the Novus Ordo Church in the United States each year, with whom Mel Gibson now associates himself. (Before Vatican II there were only about 100 annulments granted worldwide.) Gibson's real wife is apparently no better. It is reported that Robyn Gibson hasn't even waited for the civil divorce to be granted before "having the time of her life with a new guy from Northern California."
Good Catholics, how are we to explain Gibson's precipitous fall from Faith? He himself given us all the clues we need. He has admitted that he has been fighting a demon all his life. The period of his 40s, when he returned to the practice of the traditional Catholic Faith and acted as a Catholic husband and father, were the most successful years of his life. He produced his best work: the Academy-Award-winning Braveheart (1995), The Patriot (2000), and The Passion of the Christ (2004).
As the Scriptures teach us about mankind: "They are corrupt, and are become abominable in their ways: there is none that doth good, no not one (Psalms 13:1/DRV). It is sad to see a man fall from the Faith so badly. But, worse, we see a Novus Ordo pope who has suborned the rape and assault by his bishops and presbyters upon tens of thousands of children. We see an Novus Ordo archbishop who is a sodomist and thief of a sizable sum of money from the Church poor-box to pay this catamite's blackmail. We see a bishop who claims to be traditional, yet who engineers the sellout of a large, supposedly traditional organization to the New Order that the organization's founder condemned as "not Catholic."
That, good Catholics, is the world we live in. That is why the true Faith is so important and why, when men fall from it, they fall hard.
Is Benedict-Ratzinger succumbing to senile dementia? Some of his statements lately are much farther out now than before. First, there was his third encyclical letter, Caritas in Veritate, in which he calls for a totalitarian supra-national organization to enforce economical policy on the world. Then he stated in a Teilardian fog that the Holy Eucharist is the Cosmos. Now he claims that his guardian angel threw him down and broke his wrist "on superior orders" -- of God. Scary! [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
Many readers will recognize the following words:
It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -— that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -— that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain.
Although U.S. President Abraham Lincoln was referring to those who had died in the War between the States, the words cannot fail to remind traditional Catholics of the honored dead in the War for Catholic Tradition, Fr. Gommar DePaw, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, Fr. James Wathen, and so many more. They gave the last full measure of their devotion to the cause, but it seems that SSPX Superior General Bernie Fellay wants to let these devoted warriors for traditional Catholicism die in vain and wants to sell out their principles, rather than taking increased devotion to the traditional Catholicism.
On July 31, 2009, Fellay gave an interview to the Italian arm of the Associated Press, in which he was confronted with pointed questions about the breakdown of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX). APCom challenged him with the statements of the three other SSPX bishops against his pro-Vatican II policy. SSPX Senior Bishop, Richard Williamson, called Vatican II a "poisoned cake" to be thrown in the "dustbin." SSPX Bishop Tissier de Mallerais declared that Vatican II should be "cancelled." SSPX Bishop Alfonso de Galarreta proclaimed that there is "not much to salvage" from Vatican II. In the face of that, Fellay played the politics of deception used by secular world leaders: denial of the obvious. With the straightest face that he could muster, he proclaimed: "There are no internal fractures." Sure, Bernie, and foxes don't each chickens!
Fellay demonstrated his growing adroitness with obfuscatory Vatican II-speak in answering Bishop Williamson's charge that Vatican II was a "poisoned cake":
It is a controversial phrase, but I do not condemn him. So many declarations today are made in a controversial tone. It is a provocation made in order to make people think. I would state the concept in another way, but I do not know if I am not in agreement. I would say it in another way, I would say that we must transcend the Council to return to that which the Church has always taught, and from which the Church cannot separate herself, and in a certain moment we must transcend the Council which intended to be pastoral, and not doctrinal, which wished to concern itself with the mutable situation of the Church.
Now there's a Vatican II-speak answer! From contact with Benedict-Ratzinger and his Newchurch, Fellay has lost the ability to speak without guile, as the Scripture says: "Yea, yea: no, no" (Matthew 5:37/DRV). Fellay is getting so good at Vatican II-speak these days that he should resign from the SSPX and go to Washington, D.C., to help Barack Obama further obfuscate his 1000-page healthcare plan for the U.S.!
And as for Williamson with his direct answer about the "poisoned cake" of Vatican II, Fellay yet again threatened to expel the SSPX's anti-Vatican II Senior Bishop from the SSPX. "At the moment, I see no grounds for expulsion. It depends on him, on the situation in which he placed himself."
Good Catholics, we can see the mind of this Judas to the Traditional Catholic Movement clearest by his concluding statement: "He [Benedict-Ratzinger] is an upright man, who regards the situation and the life of the Church most seriously." Bernie Fellay seems to be smoking opiates up there in the mountains of Switzerland, as his Archbishop-founder Lefebvre, who knew Card. Ratzinger intimately, said: "He is not a Catholic."
Benedict-Ratzinger is the "upright man" who has been responsible for suborning the rape and assault of tens of thousands of his Newchurch children. Benedict-Ratzinger is the "upright man" who was the first pope in the history of the Church to declare the invalid Novus Ordo service to be the "Ordinary Rite." Benedict-Ratzinger is the "upright man" whose gutting of Catholic doctrine includes a recommendation in his latest encyclical letter for the establishment not of the social reign of Christ, but of a totalitarian supra-national secular organization to dictate economic policy to the nations of the world.
This is far from the Catholic definition of "uprightness." Bernie Fellay has sold out to doctrinal, moral, and liturgical corruption, pure and simple.
Dear Fathers:
When Giovanni Benelli (1921-1982), Cardinal-archbishop of Florence, Italy, was asked whether the Traditional Latin Mass and the Novus Ordo Mess could co-exist, he replied: "No, the New Mass [sic] represents a different ecclesiology." Then how could Benedict-Ratzinger purport to "free" the Traditional Latin Mass inside a Universalist Newchurch, with enlarged frontiers to accommodate the "oecumenism of reconciled diversity," built on the pillars of Teilhardism, a Newchurch which is essentially hostile to anything traditional?
The Fathers Reply.
He can't. That's why we call it Benedict-Ratzinger's Great "Motu" Mess Hoax. Many of the clueless Neocon Newchurch have been fooled hook, line, and sinker into "full communion" with the Protestant-Masonic-Pagan Novus Ordo Church, whose "Ordinary Rite," proclaims Benedict-Ratzinger in that "motu," is that invalid service (it is not a "Mass") that Cardinal Benelli quite correctly stated could not coexist with the Traditional Latin Mass, that is, the Mass before the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini changed it into the Pre-Novus Ordo Mess from 1952 to 1962.
Encouraged by Benedict-Ratzinger's immoral inaction in Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal, New Order bishops and presbyters have had their way all too long in attacking children. Eventually, the tables were bound to be turned on such criminals. A while back, an irate father of one child-victims attacked Roger "Rogue" Mahony, the Newchurch archbishop of Los Angeles, California, on the street and knocked him down. Mahony is one of the most criminal bishops in Benedict-Ratzinger's New Order Church. According to court testimony, he has suborned the attacks upon children by his presbyters in a massive obstruction of justice.
Now the perversion that instigates these crimes has redounded upon a Newchurch presbyter. On July 26, 2009, a Brazilian transsexual stripped naked in front of the "table" at the Church of St. Babila and began physically to attack the presbyter who was presiding over the service. At first the congregation didn't know whether this was a scheduled part of the Novus Ordo Protestant-Masonic-Pagan service, at which on other occasions Novus Ordo maniacs filled with the "spirit" have danced around the table. When he-she then took up a pole and made for the presbyter, some of the congregation thought that this might be a Novus Ordo "Sadomasochism" Mess before anyone tried to do anything. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the ANSA News Agency.]
Strange as the incident was, it seemed to have a ironic similarity to the Biblical account of Christ ejecting the irreligious and corrupt out of the Temple: "And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the money changers, and the chairs of them that sold doves: And he saith to them: It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but you have made it a den of thieves" (Matthew 21:12-13/DRV).
Mel Gibson, producer-director of 2004's blockbuster The Passion of the Christ, lost it again at the Playhouse nightclub in Los Angeles, where he shared a VIP table with his pregnant adulteress, Oksana Grigorieva.
At first Gibson was polite to the media, and when he was asked for the photo originally, he politely refused. But the paparazza photographer became pushy, even crashing the VIP table in order to snap a photo. Security escorted the paparazza out and deleted the photos from her camera, but she then sent her boyfriend back in with her camera and asked him to take the photo instead. At this point Gibson reportedly "got hostile" and "pushed" the boyfriend. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Hollyscoop.]
Good Catholics, it is truly sad to see the man who courageously stood up for two years to the racist taunts of Abraham Foxman, director of the radical Jewish B'nai B'rith [Sons of the Convenant], to produce the most dramatic religious films on the last hours of Christ melt down into an adulterer and dipsomaniac. One can only hope that the strength of character that Gibson showed then and the traditional Catholic Faith that has sustained him in difficult periods in his past can lead him back to a Christian life.
Fr. Joseph Ratzinger is well known for aligning himself with the Modernist heretics of Vatican II. After all, Fr. Ratzinger himself was declared under suspicion of heresy by Pope Pius XII and the Holy Office. His book, Introduction to Christianity was banned because of heresy by Stefan Cardinal Wyszynski, Primate of Poland.
One of Fr. Ratzinger's closest friends remains Hans Kung, whose license to teach theology was revoked by Paul VI, after which Kung joined the Freemasons and excommunicated himself. Yet Benedict-Ratzinger has invited Kung to the papal summer palace at Castel Gondolfo for theological discussions. Now Benedict-Ratzinger has resurrected one of the biggest kooks of Vatican II, Teilhard de Chardin, and, in a sermon of July 24, 2009, praised the pantheist's vision of "a true Cosmic liturgy, where the Cosmos becomes a Living Host." In his 2006 Easter sermon, Benedict-Ratzinger took a page from Teilhard's book by describing the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ as "the greatest 'mutation.'"
And you thought that the Novus Ordo service, which Benedict-Ratzinger declared for the first time in his July 7, 2007, motu proprio to be the "Ordinary Rite" of Newchurch, was the worst it could get? Just wait for the unveiling of the new "Cosmic Mess."
Those, like Benedict-Ratzinger, who align themselves with the cult of Vatican II regard Teilhard as an "oecological god." Benedict-Ratzinger himself has "turned green" and has stopped preaching the conversion of the Jews, the Protestants, and the Mohammedans to Christ, but is now preaching "oecological conversion" of Newchurch to the New God of Oecology. He has chosen not "Our Lord Jesus Christ" or "the Blessed Virgin Mary" as the theme for World Peace Day, but the pagan-like, patheistic "Care of Creation." The Vatican II cultists have even established something called "environmental theology." How the Motarians can consider this Newpope "traditional" is beyond us Fathers!
Teilhard is sometimes referred to as the "Catholic Darwin" and was condemned as for his unCatholic pantheistic theology by both Pope Pius XII and John XXIII. Now, however, Benedict-Ratzinger's spokesman, Federico Lombardi, turned the tables on that judgment by stated: "By now, no one would dream of saying that [Teilhard] is a heterodox author who shouldn't be studied." Wow, Federico, did you get that one wrong! There are many traditional Catholic bishops and priests who are saying just that!
Teilhard developed an unCatholic theology of evolution, which taught that all creation is developing towards an "Omega Point." Even his own Jesuit order, in the ramp-up to Vatican II, condemned his theology, which seemed to deny Catholic teaching on Original Sin. In 1962, seven years after his death, John XXIII's Holy Office issued a warning that Teilhard's works "abound in such ambiguities and indeed even serious errors, as to offend Catholic doctrine." In 1982, four months before Ratzinger took over as prefect, the New Order's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith declared that the 1962 decision still stood. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Reporter.]
Teilhard is often described as a scientist, a palaeologist. Even that description is off the mark, as Teilhard was closely associated the discovery of the "Piltdown Man" in England 1912, which is universally acknowledged to have been a hoax. It seems that Teilhard's theology is just as crooked as his science!
The TRADITIO Network has been informed that Roman Catholic Faithful, a semi-traditional organization founded in 1994, is ending its existence. RCF in recent years had focused its activities on uncovering the rot of homosexual and corrupt presbyters and bishops, but had started out its existence by pointing out the defects in the Novus Ordo service.
RCF starts its last statement of philosophy by stating that "it accepts the authority of the Holy Father and all bishops in union with him." The problem is that it the (Un)holy Father and those Newchurch bishops who are themselves responsible for suborning the corruption that the RCF condemns. Like so many Newchurch-bent organizations, RCF wrings its hands over the deaths of those who die by arsenic poisoning while at the same praising arsenic as a health tonic!
In its last statement of philosophy, RCF goes far toward condemning the Newchurch of the New Order. Actually, that last statement reflects a lot of learning in the intervening 15 years. The organization that once worked in concert with the New Order establishment seems now to condemn that New Order pretty much unequivocally. RCF even seems implicitly to condemn even Benedict-Ratzinger's "Motu" Mess.
So, Roman Catholic Faithful ends its existence by sitting on the fence about the true Church, even if its fence does, at the end, lean decidedly toward traditional Catholicism instead of the corrupt Newchurch establishment. Good Catholics, have faith! Some people do live and learn.