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We TRADITIO Fathers can only shake our heads over how clueless the Newchurchers are. After Rome's Santa Croce di Gerusalemme monastery was closed on May 25, 2011, the U.S.'s National Catholic Reporter, a periodical that claims to be independent of Newchurch control, perceived a "quiet revolution" in the management style of Benedict-Ratzinger. NCR crowed:
Without great fanfare, Benedict XVI has made it clear that today a new rule applies. No matter how accomplished a person or institution may be, if they're also involved in what the pontiff once memorably called the "filth" in the Church, they're not beyond reach.
Oh, no? Benedict-Ratzinger looked the other way for five years while the Roman monastery of Santa Croce in Gerusalemme acted on its motto, "Party, Party, Party." The Cistercian monks there were "entertained" by a nightclub lapdancer turned Novus Ordo "nun," who danced on the altar, crucifix in hand, for the monks, who also let out the monastery rooms (that's a euphemism) on a nightly basis. The Italian press has reported sodomy between the monks at the monastery. It was only when the situation was becoming a scandal for Benedict-Ratzinger personally that he closed the monastery, known for five years as Rome's monastic nightclub.
The "filth" in Newchurch is not "beyond reach"? What about Benedict-Ratzinger's Newcardinals and Newbishops, not to speak of his presbyters, who for thirty years under his control, have gotten away with "filth." What about Newbishop Roger Vangheluwe, of Bruges, Belgium, who raped his nephews for ten years and then crowed about it on television. Not a word from Ratzinger, who did not degrade him from the episcopacy, but merely sent him off to a Novus Ordo spa for "treatment."
Good Catholics, the filth rises to the top, to take a sentiment from an old adage. Who has presided over this "filth" from 1981 as Prefect, Sex Czar, and now Newpope? If Benedict-Ratzinger wants to purge the "filth" in Newchurch, he should start with himself!
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I have been to Santa Croce di Gerusalemme in Rome several times. In fact, some buildings like St. John Lateran and Santa Croce, besides having been built on a large piece of land donated by St. Helen, house some of the most important relics of the Church. Some of these relics are on permanent display. In Santa Croce you can see one thorn of the Crown Jesus wore during His Passion, at least one nail of the Cross, and a piece of the Titulum Crucis.
I was horrified that unreliable people had been entrusted with the care of such amazing relics. How can traditional Catholics guarantee that these sacred relics won't be neglected or even destroyed by the hoards of unfaithful Newchurch clergy? The whole of Christianity still has a lot to lose indeed!
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
Essentially, nothing can be done. The barbarians have taken over the Church. Attila the Hun was more civilized. He spared Rome.
Until May 25, 2011, five years after his election as Newpope, Benedict-Ratzinger did not have a papal tiara. On this day, however, he belatedly received a tiara from some German Newchurchers, but he was never crowned as pope in it. It is merely window-dressing, a museum piece. In this fact, he joined his predecessor Newpope, John Paul II-Wojtyla, who was not crowned as pope either and did not have a papal tiara either until some Hungarian Catholics gave one to him in 1982, three years after he was elected Newpope. This too was window-dressing, a museum piece.
Benedict-Ratzinger's tiara came principally from one Dieter Philippi, described as a "collector of religious headgear," who has a collection of 500 religious hats from numerous world religions. Because no Newchurch source had the knowledge or skill to make a papal tiara, Philippi commissioned the piece from an Eastern Orthodox source, which vestments and mitres for the schismatics.
Since the post Vatican II popes essentially reject the definition of the Roman papacy, they have not been crowned as popes. Paul VI-Montini was the last pope to be crowned, after which time he publicly took off the tiara and never used it again. His successors weren't even crowned as popes. After all, they essentially reject the dogmatic teaching of Vatican I (1869-1970) on the papacy and adhere rather to the essentially heretical Vatican II doctrine of "collegiality." The traditional coronation rite includes words which the Conciliar popes in essence reject:
Accipe thiaram tribus coronis ornatam, et scias te esse Patrem Principum et Regum, Rectorem Orbis, in terra Vicarium Salvatoris Nostri Jesu Christi, cui est honor et gloria in saecula saeculorum.
[Receive the tiara adorned with three crowns, and know that thou art the Father of Princes and Kings, the Ruler of the World, the Vicar on earth of Our Savior, Jesus Christ, to Whom is honor and glory for ever and ever.]
So much did Benedict-Ratzinger reject the traditional, dogmatic definition of the papacy that he didn't even bother to include the traditional tiara on his papal coat of arms. Actually, the absence of the tiara in the case of Benedict-Ratzinger fits. Benedict-Ratzinger was never consecrated as a bishop, but merely "installed" under the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini's Protestantized, invalid New Ordinal of 1968. For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics), in the sections "Papal Tiara." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic News Agency.]
All Rome is aghast with the latest sex scandal unfolding in Italy. One of Benedict-Ratzinger's closest advisors on sex crimes, Newcardinal Angelo Bagnasco, head of the Italian Bishops Conference, is now embroiled in a sex-crime scandal of his own, involving a presbyter in his Newarchdiocese of Genoa. Bagnasco has been working with Newpope on how to respond to previous scandals of paedophile presbyters.
Riccardo Seppia, a Newparish presbyter in the Newarchdiocese, was arrested last May 13, 2011, on paedophilia and drug charges. Seppia asked a Moroccan drug dealer to arrange sexual encounters with young and vulnerable boys. "I do not want 16-year-old boys, but younger. Fourteen-year-olds are okay. Look for needy boys who have family issues," he was recorded as saying in 2010. The presbyter told a former seminarian/barman, who is also under investigation, that the town's malls were the best places to entice minors.
Presbyter Seppia is charged with having groped an underage boy and of having exchanged cocaine for sodomy. Genoa's investigating magistrate views Seppia as a risk to other children and is holding the presbyter in jail pending investigation. Not part of the secular charges is the fact that during the recorded discussion, the presbyter and the former Novus Ordo seminarian both cursed God. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Italian daily La Stampa.]
Benedict-Ratzinger has announced yet another junket to his fatherland, Germany, for September 22-25, 2011, but has already refused to discuss then what is on his Newchurchers' minds there and around the world: his complete failure to address the continuing, rampant physical and sexual attacks upon children perpetrated not only by his presbyters, but by his Newchurch bishops and cardinals as well, not to say his own brother, Msgr. Georg Ratzinger, who was implicated in physical assaults against children when he was director of the Regensburg Boys' Choir.
There are nearly 25,000,000 Newchurchers in Germany, but figures from 2010 indicate that in 20 Newdioceses, 19 to 60 per cent more Newchurchers have formally quit Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch than in 2009. German authorities can easily track the numbers because members pay a church tax, unless they formally leave the congregation. Similarly in Austria, which also taxes church members in a way similar to those in Germany also, saw a significant increase in the number of departures from Newchurch. In 2010, 64 per cent more Austrian Newchurchers quit than in 2009.
Some Newchurchers even criticize the "modernizing" reforms of the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965), in which the current Newpope, then "Fr." Josef Ratzinger, took part as one of its Modernist leaders. The Council changed everything that was identifiable as Catholic and created a Newchurch of the New Order, based on Protestant models, which are well known to Germany, which was the seedbed of what is commonly known as the "Protestant Reformation." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
Fr. Basilio Meramo, a Prior of the Society of St. Pius X, who was personally ordained by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre in 1986 and expelled by Bernie Fellay, Superior General of the Neo-SSPX, on April 7, 2009, has established a new organization, Catholic Resistance, to expose Fellay's continuing sellout of Archbishop Lefebvre's SSPX to what the Archbishop called "Modernist Rome," as opposed to the Eternal Rome of Catholic Tradition, that is, Fellay's continuing sellout to Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch of the New Order.
Fr. Meramo charges that the Neo-SSPX under Fellay is essentially no different from the "Motu" organizations, like the Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP), who view the invalid Novus Ordo service as a "legitimate expression of the Roman Catholic rite." To the contrary, Archbishop Lefebvre called the Novus Ordo service "evil and illegitimate." The SSPX's former prior says that Fellay is so consumed with his authority and power as to deviate from the true aims of the SSPX, as established by Archbishop Lefebvre.
In a May 25, 2011, Bulletin, Fr. Meramo went on implicitly to chastise Fellay for his continued associations with the New Order sect and explicitly to chastise Benedict-Ratzinger for his Novus Ordo "beatification" of John Paul II-Wojtyla on May 1, 2011, calling it just more "errors, lies, and confusion," from the New Order sect and its leader, Benedict-Ratzinger.
Benedict-Ratzinger looked the other way for five years while the Roman monastery of Santa Croce in Gerusalemme acted on its motto, "Party, Party, Party." The Cistercian monks there were "entertained" by a nightclub lapdancer turned Novus Ordo "nun," who danced on the altar, crucifix in hand, for the monks, who also let out the monastery rooms (that's a euphemism) on a nightly basis. The Italian press has reported sodomy between the monks at the monastery. The monastery church was founded by St. Helen, mother of the Roman emperor Constantine, when she returned from the Holy Land with the remains of the Cross on which Christ was crucified. It houses some of the most sacred relics of Christianity.
Benedict-Ratzinger knew full well what was going on right under his nose and expressed his "disfavor" about it but did nothing: a typical response from Newpope, who is known for his "all talk and no action" papacy. Finally, after five years, when the situation was becoming a scandal for him personally (forget the monks!), he closed the Cistercian monastery, known as Rome's monastic nightclub. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Italian daily La Stampa.]
Good Catholics, can anyone doubt that St. Bernard, the founder of the Cisterians, or Strict Benedictines, in the eleventh century, would have whipped these monks out of the monastery just as Christ whipped the money-changers out of the temple?
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
For the May 24 feast of Our Lady, Help of Christians, I went through all the missals I have and could not find the Mass formulary for the feast. Would you happen to know why the missals don't carry this Mass?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
This is a question frequently asked about these secondary feasts. You won't find it in the main section of the Missale Romanum because that feast is not approved for the Universal Church, but falls into the supplemental section titled Missae Propriae Aliquibus Locis (Masses Proper to Some Places). These Masses are authorized only for specific areas, usually because the feast has had some specific connection with the place.
The checkered career of presbyter Joseph Fessio, intimate of Benedict-Ratzinger, founder of Ignatius Press, the primary English-language publisher of Newpope's writings, and the publisher several Newchurch periodicals, has reached a new ebb. Fessio has been a persistent defender of his bosom buddy, Benedict-Ratzinger, even defending the Paedophile Newpope's pro-condom book, which Fessio published.
Fessio sometimes falsely tries to pass himself himself as a "traditional Catholic," but he is all New Order. He founded the Adoremus Society for the Renewal of the Sacred Liturgy, which attempts to ensnare Neocon Newchurchers and Motarians into the Novus Ordo with his intimate, Benedict-Ratzinger. And now we know why.
In an article published in the May 25, 2011, San Francisco Weekly magazine, Fessio has been "outed." It has now come out that the family of a sixteen-year-old boy reported directly to Fessio that their son had been sexually assaulted and by his fellow Newjesuit, Donald Maguire, who is now in federal prison for numerous criminal acts against children. When presented with the evidence of the sex crimes against the teenager, Fessio said nothing and did nothing, thus making himself an accessory after the fact. California law, as well as Catholic law, holds such complicity to be a serious crime.
Nor did Fessio's cover-up involve a run-of-the-mill paedophile. McGuire has been described as the "Number One" predator presbyter in the United States. A criminal investigator said, "He truly is the Hannibal Lecter of the clerical world. He did more psychological and physical damage to children than anyone else."
Not only Joseph Fessio but also John Hardon, a now-deceased rampant Modernist, is reported to have covered up the crimes. In fact, Hardon was instrumental in getting the paedophile McGuire released early from psychiatric treatment, so that McGuire could go on to rape other boys for the next nine years. It may be shocking to Newchurchers -- but it certainly can't be surprising after the Novus-Ordo beatification of the paedophile facilitor John Paul II-Wojtyla --, that John Hardon is being considered by Benedict-Ratzinger for sainthood!
Good Catholics, even the pseudo-traditionalists have got Fessio's number -- and have spurned him again and again. In 1987 he was fired as Director of the St. Ignatius Institute of the Newjesuit University of San Francisco in a dispute over the management of a million-dollar donation. In 2002 he was essentially expelled from the Newjesuit Order for disobedience, although Fessio thinks that traditional Catholics should be obedient to the criminal New Order sect. In 2007 he was fired as provost from the Neocon Ave Maria University, of Naples, Florida, and in 2009 from the Ave Maria faculty. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by San Francisco Weekly magazine.]
Many Protestants, with their false interpretations of Scripture, and many Newchurchers, and even pseudo-traditionalists, with their reliance upon "apparitions" instead of dogmatic Scripture and Tradition, hid in shame on May 22, 2011, after their predicted the End of the World on May 21, 2011, never materialized. It seems that this ritual of predicting the End of the World has become an almost annual article of faith in Evangelical Protestantism and Newchurch Charismatic "Catholicism," fostered by the Novus Ordo sect and the EWTN Charismatic "Catholic" Cable Network. The latest prediction, posted on more than 2,000 billboards around the United States and broadcast for months on Family Radio Network, provided to be just as "unBiblical" as all the rest.
The ironic thing about all of this "Endtimes" nonsense is that it is not "Bible-based" at all. In fact, Christ condemns the very notion in the Bible itself. When the Apostles asked Him when the Endtimes would come, Christ told them in no uncertain terms: "It is not for you to know the times or moments, which the Father hath put in his own power" (Acts 1:7/DRV).
Associated with this Endtimes nonsense is the notion of the "Rapture." Some Protestants, have concocted an interpretation of St. Paul's First Epistle to the Thessalonians (4:16) that the "saved" will be taken to meet Christ in the air on a cloud ("raptured out") at the start of the also-contrived "Millennium" of Christ's rule on the earth.
Actually, the whole notion of the Rapture and the Millennium was taken not from the Bible, but from a note in the margin of a Protestant Bible. To the contrary, St. Augustine, the Great Father of the Church, whom these Protestants accept, and other Fathers of the Church, held that the statement is merely a metaphor, a figure of speech, as many other passage in St. Paul. For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics), in the sections "Apparitions/Private Revelations/Visions," "Charismatic Movement," and "Rapture."
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Why is there no feast of the Sacred Heart in June 2011?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
The Feast of the Sacred Heart falls on the Friday after the Second Sunday after Pentecost. Because in 2011 Easter fell only one day short of the latest date possible, the Feast of the Sacred Heart in 2011 falls on July 1. Since the date of Easter is moveable, so is the date of the Feast of the Sacred Heart. For further information, click on the TRADITIO Network's Traditional Liturgical Calendar department.
Throughout his Newpapacy Benedict-Ratzinger has shown complete confusion about how to deal with his sect in Red China -- and his supporters are dying because of it. In Communist China there are two sects that claim to be Catholic: the underground Newchurch, which claims Newpope as its head, and the overground Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association, which is affiliated with the Communist government and has as its object the furtherance of atheistic Communist objectives under a Catholic-looking veneer. Neither sect, of course, is really Catholic.
Pope Pius XII, in his Encyclical Letter Ad Apostolorum principis of 1956, condemned the activities of the Chines Patriotic Catholic Association and declared its Communist-affiliated bishops to be excommunicated. Benedict-Ratzinger has strayed far from Pope Pius XII's dictum that Communists are excommunicated from the Catholic Church. Once again Newpope has waffled and decided to join with the Red Chinese government in approving another Communist-affiliated bishop to serve government interests. Meanwhile, Benedict-Ratzinger's followers, known as the Underground Church, because it is persecuted by Red China's government, are suffering and dying for this man who they think is their pope, while the same is selling them out to the atheistic Commies!
On May 20, 2011, the Red Chinese government selected John Lu Peisen to be the CPCA bishop for Yanzhou. He will further the Communists' programme under veneer of Novus Ordo "Catholicism." And Benedict-Ratzinger approved him! The Red Chinese government still intends to "ordain" ten more Communist bishops, whether Benedict-Ratzinger approves or not. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by AsiaNews.]
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
You list May 18th as the Octave Day of St. Joseph. What is an Octave Day? Can you give more information about this day?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
An Octave Day is the eight day after a major feast. Traditionally, major feasts are celebrated by the Church not just on one day, but for an entire week. Starting in 1956, leading up to the Half Novus Ordo service of 1962 and the Full Novus Ordo service of 1969, the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini's Liturgical "Modernization" Commission started eliminating a number of Octaves to degrade the feasts of the Saints and the Blessed Virgin Mary.This corruption was just one of many introduced in 1956, followed by more in 1960, 1962, 1964-1968, until the full-blow invalid Novus Ordo service of 1969 was reached, and the Traditional Latin Mass was expelled from Newchurch. For further information, click on the TRADITIO Network's Traditional Latin Mass, Divine Office & Sacraments department, in the section "The Descent into the Black Hole of the Liturgical "New Order."
Benedict-Ratzinger is eager to following international "green" conventions, but has refused to comply with the international Convention on the Rights of the Child, which he signed. So said the world's largest human-rights organization, which has condemned Benedict-Ratzinger and his Newchurch in its 2011 annual report on human rights, released May 13, 2011. Amnesty International reports that Newpope continues the child-rape cover-up and refuses to remove known paedophiles in his Newclergy. Instead, he allows them to continue to work with children and refuses to co-operate with law-enforcement authorities.
The 2011 Amnesty International report indicates that there is increasing evidence of widespread sexual assaults against children committed by members of Benedict-Ratzinger's clergy over the past decades and of the continued failure of Newpope and his Newchurch to address these crimes properly. Such failures include not removing sex criminals from their posts pending proper investigations, refusing to cooperate with judicial authorities to bring the criminals to justice, and abdicating responsibility for reparations to the victims of his Newclergy's crimes.
The 2011 report equates the holocaust against children perpetrated by Benedict-Ratzinger and his Newvatican with those of such infamous human-rights violators as Red China, Libya, and Nigeria. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Examiner.]
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Who ordains the clergy of the Institute of Christ the King? Are they merely Novus Ordo presbyters?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
The Institute of Christ the King is part of the Novus Ordo sect, and its clergy is invalidly "ordained" by Novus Ordo bishops, who have never been consecrated in traditional Holy Orders, merely "installed" to oversee a Novus Ordo diocese under Bugnini's Protestantized New Ordinal of 1968. Thus, the clergy of the ICR, like the Fraternity of St. Peter, do not receive the valid traditional Holy Orders that would give them the Sacramental power to "celebrate Mass for the living as well as for the dead" and to forgive sins. The clergy of these "Motu" organizations are no different from Novus Ordo presbyters.
An enormous statue of the "Unblessed" John Paul II-Wojtyla, recently Novus Ordo beatified by Newchurch, has got to go, say Romans. The hideous statue, unveiled in front of Rome's central Termini railway station. "We don't want this statue; they have to get rid of it." The statue was unveiled on May 18, 2011, to the protests of even Newchurchers.
The five-metre-high bronze statue, designed by the Italian artist Oliviero Rainaldi, depicts the Newpope with his arms outstretched, reflecting the Newchurch propaganda of JPII's "message of welcome and openness towards others." Romans are well aware that JPII-Wojtyla was one of the most "unblessed" popes in the history of the Catholic Church, who looked the other way while his Newcardinals, Newbishops, and presbyters raped, and even murdered, tens of thousands of innocent Newchurch children.
The artist captured the hypocrisy of JPII-Wojtyla, as his empty smile, like an Alice in Wonderland Cheshire cat, is supported by a structure with no body, only a gaping hole at the front. Romans have quickly understood the artist's message that JPII's spirit is "ugly" and that his Newchurch, now run by his protege, Benedict-Ratzinger, is supported by nothing but emptiness. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Agence France-Presse.]
Good Catholics, truly JPII-Wojtyla's and Benedict-Ratzinger's tyrannical regime, lasting from 1978 until God finally rids the Church of the current Newpope, is ugly. A phony Novus Ordo "beatification" ceremony cannot change the reality that both Newpopes have been hypocrites and completely uncaring that with their active complicity Newchurch children were -- and continue to be -- raped and murdered. Both of them, far from being "blessed," if there is any justice in God's creation, will have earned the penalty described by the Great Eastern Doctor of the Church, St. John Chrysostom, and become part of the floor of Hell, which the Saint said is "paved with the skulls of rotten bishops," many of the popes of Rome among them.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
It was very sad to read about prayers that Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch of the New Order is offering, for the repose of the soul of Osama Bin Laden, but never for the victims of his terror. Nor does Newchurch ever pray for those poor Newchurchers who were tortured and slaughtered in the Middle East. Nor does Newchurch ever offer its invalid Novus Ordo service for the child victims of the rapes by Newchurch clergy. Even to list Bin Laden in a Newparish bulletin is sick and perverted and evil -- as Newchurch itself is sick and perverted and evil. That is why I abandoned it long ago.
Benedict-Ratzinger's personal appointee to head the powerful Pontifical Commission on Promoting Christian Unity announced on May 14, 2011, that Newpope intends to modernize the "Motu" Mess of 1962+ to conform it to the Novus Ordo Protestant-Masonic-Pagan service. Newcardinal Kurt Kock stated that the Motu Proprio Summorum pontificum of 2007 was not intended to restore a "traditional" liturgy, but is just the "first step" to move the "Motu" Mess of 1962+ toward a Novus Ordo "common rite." In effect, Newpope is launching a new liturgical rite, said Kock at a Newrome conference on Summorum pontificum.
Koch told the conference that Summorum pontificum is "only the beginning" for a new Novus Ordo servic, with some conservative elements, which will make the "Motu" Mess unnecessary. "In fact, Pope Benedict knows well that, in the long term, we cannot stop at a coexistence between the ordinary form and the extraordinary form of the Roman rite, but that in the future the church naturally will once again need a common rite," Koch said.
Good Catholics, Benedict-Ratzinger has never concealed the duplicity of his real intentions. His Great "Motu" Mess Hoax is simply a temporary expedient for hime to introduce a revised Novus Ordo service, after which he will drop any pretentions to "restore" even the Half Novus Ordo Mess of 1962+. The Ratzingerian Fox has truly played the "useful idiot" Neocon Newchurchers and Motarians for the fools that they are. Deo favente Benedict-Ratzinger will have gone on to his eternal reward or burn in the fires of Purgatory or Hell before such a travesty occurs. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic News Service.]
A new study, commissioned by the U.S. Conference of Catholic [Sic] Bishops has concluded that Newchurch clergy's sex crimes occurred because they were "poorly prepared and monitored, and were under stress." And just who was responsible for their preparation and monitoring? The Newbishops themselves. Oops, hanged by their own petard again! The study, released May 18, 2011, was honest in blaming the U.S. Newbishops, "who responded by showing more care for the perpetrators than the victims."
The U.S. Newbishops paid almost 2,000,000 dollars for the study, initiated in 2006 and conducted by a team of researchers at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York City, which, in the end, didn't exonerate them. The study notes that homosexuals began taking over Newchurch seminaries "in noticeable numbers" from the late 1970s through the 1980s. Therefore, many more boys than girls were victimized, the report indicated. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the New York Times.]
Now that a Florida Newparish is officially praying for the repose of the soul of Osama Bin Laden, a Mohammedan infidel and the mastermind behind the 9/11 mass murder of over 6,000 souls, we wonder whether Bernie Fellay, the Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), who has been so eager to join Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch of the New Order, would join in such a Newchurch prayer -- or perhaps might declare another one of his propaganda "Rosary Crusades" for this intention. After all, this is the moral of having anything to do with the heretical New Order sect: "those who lie down with dogs get up with fleas."
Holy Name of Jesus Newparish in West Palm Beach, Florida, has officially entered a Mess intention for Osama Bin Laden, recently killed by American forces in Pakistan. This is no rumor: the pastor of the Newparish, presbyter Gavin Badway (God couldn't have picked a better name for this Newchurch "pastor"!) publicly justified the Mess intention in the Newparish's Sunday Bulletin of this intention.
Naturally, presbyter Badway justifies this sacrilege by the Newchurch lie: "Jesus tells us, love and forgive." Poor presbyter Badway must be reading one of those "nuanced" Novus Ordo "translations" of the Bible. Is this the same Newchurch-fabricated "loving and forgiving Jesus" who consigned child molesters to have a millstone hanged about their neck and "be drowned in the depth of the sea" (Matthew 18:6/DRV)? To be sure, a few of presbyter Badway's "useful idiots" of the New Order supported his sacrilege. There are some who always do support Newchurch's evil.
Traditionally, no deceased person but a Catholic can be prayed for publicly. Many Newchurchers in the Newparish called the Mess "unconscionable" and "sacrilegious," but that didn't stop them from attending the invalid Mess, which itself is more unconscionable and sacrilegious than 9/11 for the number of souls that it allowed to fall to Hell without valid Mass or valid Sacraments.
As usual, Benedict-Ratzinger has remained mute on the sacrilege by his Newparish. Most likely, he is participating in it himself. After all, he scandalized the world by praying, Mohammedan style, with imams in the Blue Mosque in Istanbul, Turkey, on November 30, 2006, just two years after he was elected Newpope of the New Order sect. Shades of Unblessed JPII-Wojtyla! [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Sun Sentinel.]
Even the German [New]bishops' Conference have caught the message of Benedict-Ratzinger's "Instruction" Universae Ecclesiae on his "Motu" Mess hoax. The Conference published only a brief press release on the publication of the new "Instruction," stating that the original "Motu" of 2007 had been "only slightly altered." And they're right!
The German Newbishops have correctly assessed the new "Instruction" as essentially meaningless, mere fluff, to get the pseudo-traditionalists to keep funding his sinking Newchurch of the New Order, whose invalid Novus Ordo service they must now publicly lie to embrace as valid. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Kreuz.]
The British Newchurch weekly newspaper, the London Tablet, has pointed to the fact that Prince William and Catherine Middleton, who were married in a very public traditional Anglican service on April 29, 2011, were publicly "cohabiting" before the marriage, of which immorality the Newchurch periodical seems to approve: "The [New]church no longer denounces cohabitation as 'living in sin,' and many of its clergy prefer to turn a blind eye to what is increasingly regarded as a sensible precaution against incompatibility. In this respect, society seems to have figured out something about stable marriage that the Churches have, officially yet to grasp." As usual, Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch of the New Order is dead wrong!
A 2009 University of Denver, Colorado, five-year study by psychologist Scott Stanley confirmed a previous 1995 study that twice as many (19 vs. 10 per cent) of those who fornicated (cohabited, or "lived in sin" as Catholic moral doctrine calls it) ended up in divorce. Dr. Stanley concluded that those who lived together are less dedicated to making their marriage succeed.
As to the moral aspect of fornication/cohabitation/living in sin, one must remember St. Paul's condemnation that Heaven is closed to such persons: "For know you this and understand, that no fornicator ... hath inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God" (Ephesians 5:5/DRV).
It is no surprise that the heretical Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, would fail in his duty to instruct the Royal Fornicators in Christian morality. After all, he sees no immorality in consecrating sodomist "bishops" in contravention of clear Biblical condemnation. Traditionally, cohabiting parties are committing a crime (crimen) and are prohibited from entering into a Catholic marriage until they exhibit repentance and live apart for 6-12 months. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the London Tablet.]
You'll undoubtedly hear a lot of hoopla from the Neocon Newchurchers that the Newbishops of England and Wales are bringing back "meatless Fridays." What they won't tell you is that this statement is at best a half truth.
The obligation to abstain from meat on Fridays goes back to Apostolic times. In 1966 the Modernist Newpope Paul VI-Montini dared to spit in the face of the Apostles and issued one of those "nuanced" Vatican II-style documents, Paenitemini, that led Newchurchers to believe, erroneously, that they had no obligation to abstain from fleshmeat on Fridays. If you talk to your Newchurch acquaintances, they will tell you that the obligation was "done away with," and they happily gorge themselves now on McDonalds hamburgers on Friday.
The Newbishops of England and Wales in a May 13, 2011, statement recommended again about a Friday abstinence, but they omitted the crucial phrase "mortal sin." Traditionally, the Second Precept of the Church requires abstinence on Fridays under pain of mortal sin. Not that eating fleshmeat is somehow sinful. The true Church knows that if Catholics are not required to do at least some penance under pain of mortal sin, they will do nothing. Newchurchers are the best example of this principle. When they dumped the Catholic faith, they became like the pagans around them -- or even worse. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Zenit.]
Good Catholics, you know that if you don't tell Newchurchers that something is a "mortal sin," they'll do it anyway. That's the only thing that keeps as few as one out ten of them going to their invalid Novus Ordo service on Sundays. They have jettisoned the practice of every other Catholic obligation. So, why didn't the British Newbishops mention "mortal sin." Because Newchurch bishops are not Catholic; they don't believe in sin!
For further information, click on FAQ11: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Practices? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics), in the section, "Friday Abstinence."
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
We Catholics of the 21st century do not know what a beautiful gift we have received from God in the Traditional Latin Mass of all time. The Mass renders to God the greatest honor that can be given to Him; it procures the most powerful help for the souls in Purgatory; it appeases the anger of God against sinners; and it obtains for us the Divine grace in the fullest abundance. Who can doubt but that when the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is offered, the Heavens open at the voice of the priest, and an infinity of blessed spirits, like good courtiers who everywhere follow their Prince, descend with Jesus Christ. In the Holy Mass are contained all the fruits, all the graces, yes, all the immense treasures which the Son of God poured out so abundantly upon the Church in the bloody Sacrifice of the Cross. It is most true that he who attends the fully Traditional Latin Mass shall be freed from many evils and from many dangers, both foreseen and unforeseen.
Besides nourishing true popes, Saints, and ordinary laypeople down the ages from cradle to grave, triggering conversions of heathens, spawning Catholic-action movements, and bringing Catholicism to the far corners of the globe, the Traditional Latin Mass has been a supreme source of inspiration to the arts in Western Civilization. As John Ruskin put it: "Solemn High Mass in a Gothic cathedral is the apex of western civilization." One need only think of the majestic cathedrals in western Europe, paintings of the Renaissance masters, sublime Gregorian and polyphonic chant. Even the Church's enemies recognized the intimate bond of the Mass with the Catholic faithful, so much so that they went to all lengths to suppress it. How much more binding on us is the duty of protecting and handing down this gift. We must rally around Traditional Catholic bishops, priests, and laypeople, and guard the Traditional Latin Mass with our lives, lest we lose it and draw upon us the anger of the Most High.
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
In the face of the Traditional Latin Mass, so many, who even dare to call themselves "traditional Catholics," in fact have become ingrates of the worst sort, spitting in the face of Our Crucified Savior by selling out to the Uncatholic Half Novus Ordo "Motu" Mess of 1962+ and even the Full Novus Ordo Protestant-Masonic-Pagan Service. They have, as you say, drawn upon themselves the anger of the Most High.
Good Catholics, why do these pseudo-traditionalists sell out to the Newchurch of the New Order? For the most crass reason: to gain the approval of man, not of God. It is more comfortable for them not to fight for the true Catholic Faith and the true Catholic Mass and Sacraments, but to settle for an heretical, Protestantized service, so that they can worship with their anti-Catholic friends and neighbors. These pseudo-traditionalists are not with Christ. Rather, they are more to be condemned than the Protestants, many of whom do not know any better.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers
The way I read the Instruction Universae Ecclesiae of April 30, 2011, Benedict-Ratzinger is cleverly forcing those who attend the "Motu" Mess of 1962+ to proclaim themselves publicly as heretics. Isn't that what the Instruction really amounts to?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
Yes, that is the case. This Newpope, Benedict-Ratzinger, has given the Motarians nothing with this Instruction. In fact, he has deprived them of their Catholic Faith and has forced them to proclaim themselves heretics from the Catholic Faith.
Section 19 of Universae Ecclesiae provides: "The faithful who ask for the celebration of the forma extraordinaria [the "Motu" Mess of 1962+], must not in any way support or belong to groups which show themselves to be against the validity or legitimacy of the Holy Mass or the Sacraments celebrated in the forma ordinaria [Novus Ordo service]."
Since the Novus Ordo service is not Catholic, but was in fact fabricated by the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini using heretical Protestant models, that service is invalid and heretical according to Catholic Tradition, according to the dogmatic Council of Trent, and according to the Solemn Papal Bull Apostolicae curae of Pope Leo XIII.
Thus, Benedict-Ratzinger is telling the Motarians: "If you partake of the Half Novus Ordo 'Motu' Mess, you must publicly accept as valid the heretical and invalid Full Novus Order service." By attending the "Motu" Mess, therefore, the Motarians are proclaiming to the world that they embrace heresy. Benedict-Ratzinger has deliberately put them in a Catch 22. This is not a step that any traditional Catholic would ever want to take, as he will appear before Christ the Judge reeking of the odor of heresy! For further information, click on the TRADITIO Network's Novus Ordo Service Photo Gallery department, in the section "The Invalidity of the Novus Ordo Service by Papal Declaration."
It has been announced that Newvatican will release on May 16, 2011, a letter advising bishops how to create guidelines to deal with sex crimes -- their own and that of their presbyters. The mouthpiece for this latest attempt at damage control will be William Levada, the prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Newfaith. Levada is expected to hold up the United States' failed procedures as a model for Newbishops' conferences around the world, claiming that they are a "real success story."
The reality is quite the opposite. Levada has surely heard that on May 10, 2011, two Newcardinals of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Justin Rigali and Anthony Bevilaqua, were personally charged as defendants in court, in that they had for five years sicced known paedophile presbyters on innocent children. One of these criminals, with the Newcardinals' complicity, raped over twenty children in four different Newparishes. And one of the children raped was a 13-year-old mental defective, who attempted suicide after the rapes. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the St. Louis News.]
Good Catholics, the "Paedophile Newpope" Benedict-Ratzinger and his senior staff are just as oblivious to their crimes now as they were five years ago when this Newpope's personal reign of terror began. And this man claims to be the "Holy Father"?!
A new "Instruction" Universae Ecclesiae dated April 30, 2011, the day before Benedict-Ratzinger Novus Ordo-beatified the Syncretist Newpope, John Paul II-Wojtyla, was released by Newvatican on Friday the Thirteenth, May 13, 2011, to do damage control for Newpope's Great "Motu" Mess Hoax, contained in his Motu Proprio Summorum pontificum of July 7, 2009. The "Instruction" was not issued by Newcardinal Dario Hoyos, the former president of the Ecclesia Dei Commission because he was fired from his position on July 2, 2009, on account of his public support for Newchurch's paedophile bishops and presbyters. The commission itself was demoted to be a paper-tiger subgroup in William Levada's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Newfaith. For further information, click on INDULTS: "Indults" for the Modernized Vatican II Mass of 1962 & Related Documents.
The biggest zinger in the "Instruction" for the Newchurch Motarians is that Newchurchers who wish to use the Half Novus Ordo "Motu" Mess must essentially swear their allegiance to the hereical and invalid Novus Ordo Mess and Unsacraments. This is the price that they must pay for getting a little Latin: "The faithful who ask for the celebration of the forma extraordinaria ["Motu" Mess] must not in any way support or belong to groups which show themselves to be against the validity or legitimacy of the Holy Mass [sic] or the Sacraments [sic] celebrated in the forma ordinaria [Novus Ordo Mess]."
Here we see the Ratzingerian fox's true purpose in perpetrating his "Motu" Mess Hoax. He wants to lure the Motarian chickens away from the Traditional Latin Mass, canonized in perpetuity by Pope St. Pius V and the dogmatic Council of Trent, to the heretical and invalid Novus Ordo henhouse. Here are just a few of the many Modernistic hoaxes perpetrated in this "Instruction":
All of the citations following the "Instruction" used to justify the Half Novus Ordo Mess of 1962+ were dated after Modernist Vatican II Council and included the Modernist "Code of Canon Law" issued by the Syncretist Newpope in 1983. The "Instruction" includes not one reference to the dogmata of Council of Trent that essentially declare most of the content of the "Motu" and the "Instruction" to be anathema to Catholic doctrine. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Vatican Information Service.]
Good Catholics, thank the Lord that you have the true Traditional Latin Mass and that you have completely shunned Benedict-Ratzinger's "Motu" Mess Hoax. It must be stressed once again that virtually all of these "Motu" Messes are invalid. They are celebrated not by priests Sacramentally ordained in the traditional Roman Rite by bishops consecrated in the traditional Roman rite, but by presbyters not ordained traditionally "to offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass," but merely "installed to preside over the [Novus Ordo] assembly of the people" by bishops who were never consecrated as true bishops, but merely "installed" as Novus Ordo bureaucrats to administer a Novus Ordo diocese. A Newbishop or presbyter has no power to "flip" over to the "Motu" from the Novus Ordo. Such flips are completely invalid. A Novus Ordo leopard cannot change his spots at will to become pseudo-traditional.
On May 1, 2011, Benedict-Ratzinger's Apostolic Nuncio to Buenos Aires, Argentina, Adriano Bernadini, presided over the desecration of a statue of Pope St. Pius X, the terror of Modernists like the current Newpope. The angelic face of the only Pope-Saint in 400 years was chiseled out and replaced by the Novus Ordo face of JPII-Wojtyla. And this desecration occurred with the connivance of Benedict-Ratzinger because San Jose de Flores is one of Newchurch's minor basilicas, under Newpope's direct control. No changes in it can be made without the express approval of the Newpope of Newrome.
Good Catholics, we can hardly think of a more symbolic act for Benedict-Ratzinger to indicate to the world his rejection of traditional Catholicism than to scratch out the eyes of the traditional Saint and replace him with the phony "Unblessed" JPII-Wojtyla. This act is what the Romans used to call damnatio memoriae, a damnation of the memory of a leader, by scratching out his image. Or later by the English "Reformation" Protestants, who desecrated the Catholic statues.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
A bulletin from the late Abbot Leonard Giardina's traditional Catholic Christ the King Monastery in Cullman, Alabama, which was sold out by the Judas monks Sebastian and Michael to the Newchurch of the New Order, cites the Rule of St. Benedict: "The first degree of humility is obedience without delay" and states that their "Mass will be the same." What are we to make of this description of what has happened to sabotage the abbot's monastery? I will be sending a letter to the Judas monks to tell them why I will not be sending them one red cent.
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
Yes, we saw that self-serving bulletin. The "obedience" argument was falsely made from Novus Ordo's genesis at Vatican II in the mid 1960s. St. Thomas Aquinas, the Church's Universal Doctor, always so brilliant in seeing directly to the essence of things, properly described obedience as merely a secondary virtue, secondary because it is of the greatest importance to whom the obedience is given. One can be obedient to Satan, but that is obviously not a virtue, but a vice!
Obedience must first be to Christ and what He has established. The Psalms quite properly warn against obedience to men rather than God: "It is good to confide in the Lord, rather than to have confidence in man. It is good to trust in the Lord, rather than to trust in princes" (Psalm 117:8/DRV). Obedience is not a Nazi-istic "Heil Hitler" obedience to an earthly leader, but that is exactly what the Conciliar Newpopes perverted it into because they were obviously going against Catholic doctrine and teaching. All they could do was become some sort of personal tyrants to whom "obedience" was due: if you don't obey the Newpope, you are doing wrong, they claimed. But in fact it was the errant Newpopes who were doing sinning, deliberately acting outside the scope of the papal office as defined at the dogmatic council Vatican I.
This tyranny of the Newpopes is a travesty upon what Scripture teaches. Moreover, the example of St. Paul chastising Peter was totally opposite to the New Order's deception. When Peter publicly deviated from Christ's teaching, St. Paul refused to obey the error and deny Christ, even for Peter. Instead, St. Paul publicly rebuked Peter for his faithlessness "because he was to be blamed." The episode is recorded for all time in the Epistle to the Galatians, chapter 2.
Nor will their "Mass be the same," as the Judas monks Sebastian and Michael claim. Undoubtedly, these two will use the Newchurch-approved Half Novus Ordo of 1962+. Traditional Catholics shun this Modernistic version of the 1962+ "Motu" Mess and instead use the Traditional Latin Mass, untouched by Bugnini's Modernistic heresies of the 1950s. Moreover, the Judas monks' Half Novus Ordo will be performed within the context of the Modernist Newchurch of the New Order, whose intention in offering the "Lord's Dinner" service is clearly defective, reflecting the heretical view of the Protestants.
As far as we can tell, the Cullman traditional Catholic community is not falling for this self-serving claptrap of the Judas monks Sebastian and Michael, but has been attending a new site affiliated with the Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen, an independent traditional Catholic organization, shunning Sebastian and Michael like the plague that they are. Traditional Catholics recognize their duty in justice and under the Sixth Precept of the Church to support primarily the Traditional Latin Mass site that provides them with the true Mass and the true Sacraments. Traditional Catholics realize that if they don't do that, their site may will close its doors -- and the fault with be theirs.
Traditional Catholics can be glad that they are not involved with the Protestant "cup" that was introduced against Catholic Tradition after Vatican II to make Newchurch more like the Protestants. The "cup" has caused nothing but problems for Newchurch: profanation, disease, sacrilege -- and now money.
The Newarchdiocese of Quebec, Canada, announced on May 9, 2011, that it is moving from California "altar" wine for its "dinner tables" at $2.00 for 750 millilitres, perfectly adequate for its purpose (that is, when they don't use Kool-Aid), to an "eco-friendly" Canadian wine costing $20.00 -- 1,000 percent more! With 1,400 Novus Ordo temples in the Province of Quebec, you can readily suspect that Newchurch is getting quite a kickback!
To perpetrate this "eco-friendly" hoax, a Quebec vintner will produce a Vin de Messe (aptly name for the invalid Novus Ordo Mess). To ensure that the Newchurchers become too punchy to realize that a hoax is being perpetrated upon them, the alcoholic content of the Mess wine will be raised from the usual 11-12 per cent to 16.5 per cent, more in the range of a port or sherry. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Postmedia News.]
In the 15th century, the proto-Protestants John Hus, John Wyclif, and Jerome of Prague began to demand that the "cup" be given to the laity. This demand was an outward manifestation of the rejection of the Catholic Eucharistic doctrine, which taught that Christ was present, whole and entire, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in each and every portion of the Communion Host. From that time, this demand became the "badge and the criterion and the shibboleth" of a Protestantizing attitude and has been implemented in almost every Protestant sect, including the Novus Ordo sect, which falsely claims to be "Catholic." For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics), in the section, "Communion under One Species."
Good Catholics, the Newchurch hierarchy is again perpetrating a hoax on its "useful idiots," who will ultimately pay 1,000 per cent more for their "eucharistic" jolt. This whole affair sounds reminiscent of the ethanol scam, in which edible corn is converted into gasoline, at a cost significantly greater than using abundant organic petroleum (have you noticed the cost of corn chips in the supermarket lately?).
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I am a musician, singer, and composer, and attend the Traditional Latin Mass. I understand that the music in the Mass must be Gregorian chant or traditional Latin hymns using (except on special feastdays) voices and organ. But what about music outside of Mass? Should traditional Catholics listen to secular music? What about composing or listening to contemporary music with religious lyrics?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
Certainly, appropriate secular music is to be enjoyed. After Gregorian chant, there is polyphony, which led eventually into classical music. The modern representation of classical music survives best in classical film music, such as that of Miklos Rosza for Ben Hur, that of John Williams for Star Wars, etc.
The problem with "trash music" -- hard rock music, filthy rap, and the like -- is that it appeals to the basest emotions and disturbs the rational mind. Modern "Christian" music tends to be Protestant based. One might ask oneself, if she were alive on earth today, what music might Our Lady listen to? It is not hard to imagine her listening to Beethoven's Fifth Symphony or even Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue, but trash music -- never!
If you wish better to understand and to be edified by the Sacred Chant that is your heritage and their treasure, click on the TRADITIO Network's Gregorian Chant department, provided as a courtesy to the TRADITIO Network by the St. John Schola for Gregorian Chant, an independent organization separate from the TRADITIO Network. We highly recommend the St. John Schola's CD series described there, A Traditional Chapel Sings Gregorian Chant.
Shades of the 2010 Newcardinal Hoyos scandal, when the former Ecclesia Dei president was ejected from the Washington, D.C., National Shrine because of his abetting child rape. These "Motu" groups are truly incorrigible. They will try to use any Novus Ordo Newbishop to advance Benedict-Ratzinger's Great "Motu" Mess Hoax and, in doing so, they freely associate themselves with so-called prelates of the New Order to whom St. Paul's description applies: "filth."
The latest example is the use by the St. Gregory Society of James Timlin, the former Newbishop of Scranton, Pennsylvania, to perform its 25th-jubilee "Motu" Mass in May 15, 2011. Timlin was "retired" (Newchurch never fires its Newbishops for cause, just allows them to retire "in good standing") in 2003 after he caused a scandal that percolated up to Newrome. For years he shielded the Society of St. John the Evangelist, of Scranton, after it had been proven not only that this "Indult/Motu" group had been defrauding its donors by spending their money on kickbacks but also that two of its presbyter-priests were raping the boys at its associated high school. Yet Timlin refused to take any action and instead allowed the rapes to continue unabated.
This Timlin scandal had become so public, courageously brought into the open by the principal of the school, that the first act of Timlin's Newbishop successor, Joseph Martino, was to expel the Society from the Newdiocese. The principal had written to Timlin in an open letter: "The fact that you have not suspended these priests shows your continued negligence in this matter. Indeed, you are guilty of gross negligence, for your inaction over a period of years has allowed these priests [sic] to continue their immoral relations with boys." There ensued a criminal investigation of two presbyter-priests by both the Pennsylvania state police and the county district attorney. Timlin himself was investigated for his involvement in the cover-up of the crimes.
Thereafter the presbyter-priests of the Society fled to Latin America, where, for a while, they attempted to continue their fraud. This act led to a contretemps between Martino and the Latin American Newbishop who "approved" them there, which itself became a scandal for Newrome. This is the criminal ilk with which the "Motu" organizations choose to associate themselves to perpetrate Benedict-Ratzinger's Great "Motu" Mess Hoax.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I draw your readers' attention to my latest exclusive piece for the TRADITIO Network, in which I treat of Europe's drifting from Catholicism on a path that will lead not only to its economic and financial collapse, but, more importantly, its complete spiritual demise, but also the opportunity for its return to a divine social order. For further information, click on The Collapse of the Euro and the Kingship of Christ in the TRADITIO Network's Special Features department (Articles, Reviews, Sermon Series, Other).
In a May 7, 2011, open letter, the SSPX's senior bishop, Richard Williamson, has rejected Neo-SSPX Superior General Bernie Fellay's association with Benedict-Ratzinger and, like the Society's founder, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, in his last years, Williamson has left open the door to the possibility that there may be at some point no pope. Not that Williamson himself has espoused the theory known as "sede-vacantism" to explain the current state of the Church. No, he holds to the theory that Benedict-Ratzinger is probably (but not certainly) pope, but gives due consideration to the opposite theory, sede-vacantism, that the Conciliar popes have abdicated the papacy through heresy. That is, they have embraced heresies so hair-raising that:
Bishop Williamson concludes that, in his opinion:
One may well argue that both those popes were morally at fault -- say, love of popularity, say, intellectual pride -- for falling into material heresy, but moral faults cannot replace authoritative doctrinal condemnation for purposes of turning them from material into formal heretics. Therefore, since only formal heretics are excluded from the Church, and since the only sure way of proving someone to be a formal heretic is not available in the case of popes, a certain range of opinion on the problem of Conciliar popes must remain open. "Sede-vacantist" does not deserve to be the dirty word that liberal "traditionalists" have made of it, but on the other hand the arguments of the sede-vacantists are not as conclusive as they might wish or pretend. In conclusion, sede-vacantists may still be Catholic, but no Catholic is yet obliged to be a sede-vacantist. I for one believe the Conciliar popes are valid popes.
In this opinion, Williamson reflects Archbishop Lefebvre's, who after in the years before his death began to see the possibility that the papal see could become vacant by formal heresy. He even began to recant his use of the "Mass of 1962" and talked about returning to the Traditional Latin Mass in the SSPX. One can only wonder what further courageous steps the Archbishop might have taken had he lived a few years longer. For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics), in the section, "Sede-vacantism."
Newchurchers who rely on justice from Newrome's courts are putting their faith in a charade. Several Newparishes in Boston spent years appealing church closures and learned the bitter truth that although Newrome can order a church to remain a "worship site," it also gives its Newbishops wide latitude in determining what to do with that "worship site," including closing it completely. Under the spurious New Canon Law of 1983, there is a limit to how far Newrome can go in telling a bishop how to run his Newdiocese. Newrome cannot say, "Reopen the churches." So, the Boston Newchurchers ended up wasting years of their time, only to end up back where they started: closed churches. The highest principle of the New Canon Law is: the Newpope has only limited authority over his Newbishops.
A recent case in point demonstrates this principle once again. On May 5, 2011, Newbishop John Barres, of Allentown, Pennsylvania, announced that the churches that he closed would remain closed. Newrome's highest court had ruled that the churches could not be converted to secular use, but short of that, the Newbishop could do what he wanted with then. Therefore, he kept them closed.
In 2008, then-Newbishop Edward Cullen cited a growing shortage of presbyters in his decision to close 47 churches in his Newdiocese. John Barres, who succeeded Cullen in 2009, said he was in "complete accord" with the decisions of his predecessor and adopted them as his own. Now the pusillanimous Newpope Benedict-Ratzinger and his courts of injustice have been told by Newbishop Barres to go pound sand. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
Newchurchers must long for the days when Sunday had a "Mass," not a "Liturgy"! Well, to judge from Benedict-Ratzinger's latest empty words, the Newchurchers are not going to get it as long as he's Newpope.
Benedict-Ratzinger, so hard hit all over Europe, and indeed all over the world, for his role in abetting rampant child rape by his bishops and presbyters, is desperate to keep at least some financial support coming in for his toppling Newvatican. Therefore, he foxily came up with his "Motu" Mess Hoax of 2007, by which he hoped to deceive conservative Newchurchers and pseudo-traditionalist into accepting the Vatican II Half Novus Ordo Mess of 1962+.
On May 6, 2011, in a talk given at the Ninth International Congress on the Liturgy, he let the cat out of the bag. After a spate of the usual vapid words designed to confuse, he finally got to the heart of his pronouncement: "The liturgy ... lives a proper and constant relationship between sound 'traditio' and legitimate 'progressio'.... Actually, though, the two concepts are interwoven: tradition is a living reality that in itself includes the principle of development, of progressivism." Of course, to a Modernist-Liberalist-Relativist like Benedict-Ratzinger, black includes white, and white includes black. There is no basic difference: good and evil are essentially the same.
As with most of what Benedict-Ratzinger says, you have to filter out what he says -- which is only for propaganda -- and look for what he doesn't say. In his recent empty talk, he did not reject to:
Good Catholics, here is the smoking gun: Benedict-Ratzinger views the liturgy as an ever-changing thing, not an unchangeable perfection reflecting the unchangeable perfection of God Himself, as the dogmatic Council of Trent viewed it. Benedict-Ratzinger is once again shown to be no "traditionalist," or even a conservative, but a flaming Modernist, whose flames are about to consume his Newpapacy! [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Vatican News Service.]
As the Hell fires of rampant child rape committed with his connivance threatens to immolate Benedict-Ratzinger and his Newpapacy, now Belgians are preparing court action against him for "negligent conduct," announced on May 4, 2011. The Belgians charge that Benedict-Ratzinger's utter failure to take any action against thousands of Newbishops and presbyters, many of them self-admitted rapists of children as young as two years of age.
Brussels Judge Wim De Troy is tasked with investigating Benedict-Ratzinger's failure to assist children in danger. Cabinet officers of the Belgian government have been openly critical of Benedict-Ratzinger, particularly in the case of his Bruges Newbishop, Roger Vangheluwe, who boasted on live television that he had raped two of his nephews, who were under the age of 7, over a period of a decade or more. Benedict-Ratzinger has refused to take any action against his perverted Newbishop, instead sending him to France for "treatment" at a Newchurch spa. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by RTL-Belgium.]
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
In his book, The Great Sacrilege, the late Fr. James Wathen wrote that the performance of a Novus Ordo service in a Catholic Church defiles both the altar and the church and that each one needs to be re-consecrated. Is that correct?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
This is a moot point since the Novus Ordo service is invalid whether it is performed on an altar or a TV table. One must keep his eye upon the Big Picture and not be distracted by subordinate details.
1971's The Great Sacrilege is, by the way, one of the seminal books of traditional Catholicism, which, along with Patrick Omlor's 1967 Questioning the Validity of the New, All-English Canon, originally exposed the fraud of the Novus Ordo service pretending to be Catholic. Traditional Catholics are all too often abysmally ignorant of the history of their movement. All they seem to know about is Benedict-Ratzinger's latterday Great "Motu" Mess Hoax. All traditional Cathoics should be thoroughly familiar with the books listed in FAQ05: What Traditional Resources Do You Recommend? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics), in the section, "Traditional Catholic Faith vs. Vatican II & the Novus Ordo."
Benedict-Ratzinger's Newbishop of Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Raymond Lahey, pled guilty on May 4, 2011, to possessing and importing child pornography. Canadian police, who had been tipped off, caught him entering Ottawa airport with over 500 images of child pornography on his laptop. Canadian authorities said that the Newbishop's pornography involved "graphic photographs of males as young as eight years old." Lahey faces sentencing in a Canadian court at a later date.
Lahey also faces charges in a civil suit of raping a child at Newchurch's Mount Cashel Orphanage in St. John's, Newfoundland, which was closed after it was discovered that the Newchurch clergy and staff had systematically raped some 300 residents over several decades.
Although there was a lot of embarrassed hand-wringing at Newvatican and among the Canadian Bishops Conference over the Lahey scandal, Benedict-Ratzinger announced no immediate action against his perverted bishop, even though his predations have been going on for decades under Ratzinger's nose as Sex Czar for the unblessed John Paul II-Wojtyla. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Agence France-Presse.]
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Though not fully-traditional, is a "Motu" Mess valid?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
In almost all cases, no. The people that perform "Motu" Messes are in almost every case not priests, but Novus Ordo or "Motu" presbyters, whose "installing" bishops, in addition, were not themselves consecrated, but merely "installed" under Hannibal Bugnini's invalid New Ordinal of 1968. Therefore, there would be an invalidating defect of minister.
Moreover, since these people are avowed servants of the Modernistic New Order, there is presumably also, in accordance with the principles decreed by Pope Leo XIII in his Papal Bull Apostolicae Curae of 1896, defect of intention, as there was with the High Anglicans, who are often a lot closer to "Catholic" than the Novus Ordo sect. For further information, click on Apostolic Letter Apostolicae Curae [On the Nullity of Anglican Orders], Given by His Holiness Pope Leo XIII in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics).
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Wouldn't it be possible to compromise and have a Traditional Mass in English or German like the Lutherans here in America? I like the format of the pre-1951 Latin Mass, but I don't speak or understand Latin. I grew up as a Lutheran (Missouri Synod) and that is how I learned German.
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
Absolutely not! No Catholic compromises with the Faith, particularly in such a significant matter as the Sacraments. To use any other language than Latin with the traditional text would corrupt it. There is really no such thing as "translation." German and English reflect a significantly different mindset from Latin. The traditional Latin used from the ancient Church was enshrined at the dogmatic Council of Trent, which decreed: "If anyone says that the Mass ought to be celebrated merely in the vernacular, ... let him be excommunicated."
Moreover, German and English are vulgar tongues, not sacred languages, and are therefore not suitable for the formal worship of God. All major religions, except only the Protestants, reject vulgar tongues in the worship of God and use only non-vernacular sacred languages.
Why do you think that the Traditional Latin Mass is only to be understood in certain words? This is a Novus Ordo concept, not a Catholic concept. The Mass is much more than that. When you attend the opera, do you understand every world of the Italian or German or French? Of course not, but you understand the plot, the characters, the action, the music, and the spectacle. The words are only one of the six elements. The Traditional Latin Mass is just like that. But if you are sincere in wanting to understand Latin better, there is nothing stopping you from studying it. Since you allude to Luther, were you aware that he wrote he wanted his service not just in German, but in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin as well?
For further information, click on FAQ11: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics), in the section, "Sacred Languages: Latin, Greek, and Hebrew."
These days it is often difficult to see Bernie Fellay's Neo-SSPX as even Catholic, let alone traditional. In a press release from his USA District Office dated May 3, 2011, the Neo-SSPX "genuinely rejoiced" to hear that 900 Anglicans had converted to the unCatholic Novus Ordo sect at Easter. To use the old aphorism, they jumped out of the frying pan into fire. The Novus Ordo sect is the one that Fellay himself is burning to join, but the actions of his senior bishop Richard Williamson foiled his plans in early 2009. The Neo-SSPX dares to call this unCatholic Novus Ordo sect "the mystical body of Christ." Archbishop Lefebvre is surely turning over in his grave to think of the Judas to traditional Catholicism that Fellay has become.
Good Catholics, you can be sure that the infusion of Protestants into the Novus Ordo will make Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch of the New Order all the more Protestant. Of course, it is essentially Protestant now, with its Novus Ordo service and Ordinal taken substantially from the heretical and invalid Anglican rites.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Thank you for your always enlightening Daily Commentaries, particularly for making me aware how corrupted and untraditional is the 1962 Missal containing the bogus 1956 "restored" rites of Holy Week. In a recent Daily Commentary, you pointed out that Pius XII appointed the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini in 1947 to head the Commission for General Liturgical Reform.
What was behind the obsession with "reforming" the liturgy, which was thought to be important enough for the Pius XII to appoint Bugnini to mastermind it? Why did Pius XII think that the liturgy needed to be reformed at all, when practicing Catholics, judging from what my elderly relatives told me, were perfectly happy with it as it was? Did Pius XII's liturgical encyclical Mediator Dei of 1947 open the door to all of this corruption?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
It is clear that the Modernists, led in liturgical matters by Hannibal Bugnini, the eventual Chief Architect of the Novus Ordo of 1969, had already gained power by 1947, when Pius XII was persuaded to appoint the Liturgical "Reform" Commission to sidestep the traditional Sacred Congregation of Rites, which was to become outspoken in criticizing Bugnini's Modernistic changes. Bugnini, who was in 1947 the editor of Ephemerides Liturgiae, the leading Roman liturgical periodical at the time, was appointed by Pius XII to lead the commission.
More research will have to done to determine clearly whether Pius XII was actively in favor of these untraditional "modernizations" or whether he was duped by Bugnini and the Modernists. It is true that at the critical time when Bugnini was introducing these unCatholic novelties, Pius XII was gravely ill. In 1954 and thereafter, it was thought that Pius XII might die. Perhaps he didn't really know what was going on. It is certainly true that he did not authorize Bugnini's 1956 anti-traditional changes in the Holy Week rites in the text of the Roman Missal, and many countries in Europe never put them into effect.
Read from a more informed perspective, Pius XII's Mediator Dei of 1947 opened the Pandora's box to Modernism. In the past, without consideration of the entirety of the situation, which we know better now, that encyclical letter had been interpreted as traditional. Yet, if one reads it now with an eye more informed about the actual goings-on at the time, it may be viewed as only mildly conservative rather than traditional. Like the post-Conciliar documents, it has no bite, no implementing clauses, no penalties for violating traditional principles.
It is entirely possible that Bugnini himself wrote large sections of Mediator Dei for Pius XII to launch the "modernization" of what was once the Traditional Latin Mass. Bugnini was nothing if not foxy. He seems to have duped quite a number of people about his Modernistic plan, maybe Pius XII too, just as Bugnini led Paul VI around by the nose in bringing to fruition the Novus Ordo of 1969.
Attending the "Motu" Mess hoax of Benedict-Ratzinger turned out to be lethal to body as well as soul in the case of a Motarian from St. Catherine's, Ontario, A man who had just attended one of the "Motu" services performed by the Newchurch organization called the Fraternity of St. Peter, was killed by a falling tree on May 2, 2011, just as he was returning home from the pseudo-traditional service.
Even the congregation was shaken by the possible note of divine judgment as they commented, "What a weird way to go." The 91-year-old man had attended the true Traditional Latin Mass is from at least the 1930s, but he chose in later years to go to the pre-Novus Ordo "Motu" knockoff instead. As for most Motarians, who are only pseudo-traditional Catholics, his funeral will be held in the invalid Protestant-Masonic-Pagan Novus Ordo rite. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Tribune.]
Against cries of "foul" by his own Newchurchers, Benedict-Ratzinger proceeded on May 1, 2011, the Novus Ordo feastday of the concocted "Divine Mercy," to claim that John Paul II-Wojtyla, the pagan-loving Newpope, is "blessed." This "subito" Novus-Ordo beatification was rushed through in spite of the fact that, among many other sacrileges,
JPII "restored to Christianity its true face as a religion of hope," Benedict-Ratzinger said in his Novus-Ordo "homily" beatifying the man, spitting in the face of the tens of hopeless tens of thousands of children whom the Novus Ordo beatus failed to protect against his predatory presbyters and bishops.
Ginned up by Polish travel agents, clueless Newchurchers watched the travesty in St. Peter's Square. One could hear the lire clinking in the collection-plates of Benedict-Ratzinger's perverted Newchurch of the New Order, which is sinking financially, as in so many other ways, as a consequence of his suborning the rape of children and his pushing of the Modernist doctrinal and sexual agenda. Benedict-Ratzinger in his beatification "homily," alluded to the May 1 date as being the feast of St. Joseph the Worker (fabricated by the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini in 1956) and to the even more fabricated Novus Ordo feast of "Divine Mercy," falling on May 1, 2011, which had been condemned by JPII's predecessor Newpopes. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Vatican Information Services.]
As more and more history of the period before the Modernist Vatican II Council (1962-1965) becomes known, the title that some traditional Catholics give Pope Pius XII as "the last traditional pope" is being compromised. It cannot be denied that Pius XII appointed the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini in 1947 to head the Commission for General Liturgical Reform. Ironically, Bugnini was fired by Pope John XXIII, whom many traditional Catholics regard as not "traditional." That commission was specifically set up because the Sacred Congregation of Rites, established by Pope Sixtus V in 1588, was very protective of the traditional Roman rites and did not permit untraditional novelties.
In 1956 Pius XII signed off on the General Decree Cum nostra, which contained Bugnini's handiwork in the first wave of "modernizing" the Traditional Roman rite. One of the most objectionable contents of Bugnini's work was that May 1 was changed from the traditional Feast of Sts. Philip & James to a newly-concocted Feast of St. Joseph the Workman (Worker), derisively called at the time "Joe the Worker" or, even worse, the pseudo-feast of San Giuseppe Comunista. This pseudo-feast was perhaps the nadir of Pius XII's prolific output of liturgical novelty. Clearly feasts of antiquity were not considered particularly sacred, so from 1956 the beautiful feast of the Solemnity of St. Joseph and its Octave were abolished, and the venerable and ancient feast of the Holy Apostles Philip & James cast aside to May 11.
Instead of honoring St. Joseph as Patron of the Universal Church, Bugnini and Pius XII made him some type of shop steward, allegedly out of "pastoral need," the same specious justification used for all the unCatholic "modernizations" that were pushed by Vatican II. There was open opposition by the Roman Curia at the time to the fabricated feast. The Office for the new feast of St. Joseph the Worker is truly atrocious. For more than a year the Sacred Congregation of Rites refused to compose the Office and Mass for the new feast. Many personal interventions of Pius XII were necessary before the Sacred Congregation of Rites capitulated, against its will, to publish the Office in 1956 -- an Office so badly composed that one might suspect it had been deliberately sabotaged. And it was only in 1960 that the melodies of the Mass and office were composed -- melodies based on models of the worst taste. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the St. Lawrence Press.]
Good Catholics, it is virtually unknown among those claiming to be traditional that Pius XII was criticized openly in the mid 1950s by his own Roman Curia for his Modernist tendency in listening to Bugnini. Those who claim that they follow Pius XII, and the butchering of the Traditional Latin Liturgy, including the rites of Holy Week, allegedly because he was "the last traditional pope," may have to rethink their position in light of the evidence coming to light.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I watched the British royal wedding on April 29, 2011, and made the following observations on the Anglican rite used vs. the Novus Ordo rite:
In short, the Anglicans are more "Catholic" than the Newchurchers of the New Order!
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I realized that JPII will be Novus Ordo "beatified" on the Octave of Easter. Didn't JPII hijack that Sunday to make it the Novus Ordo feast of "Divine Mercy"?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
Yes, he did. The selection of this day adds an additional act of phoniness to a "beatification" to which many leading Newchurchers have objected because of John Paul II-Woytyla's frequent acts of public worship in pagan rites and his convoking two syncretistic Assisi Conferences, to name just a few of his sacrileges.
The Novus Ordo "Divine Mercy," apparently intended to replace the traditional devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, originated in one Sr. Faustina, who could not write, except for a few lines phonetically. Most of her "diary" was concocted by her sisters after her death. Because of the incongruities of the dairy (different handwriting, different use of terms), the devotion was suppressed, and the book of her diary was placed on the Index Librorum Prohibitorum [Index of Forbidden Books].
The decision to suppress the "Divine Mercy" devotion was upheld by Pope John XXIII on November 28, 1958. Moreover, after Pope John XXII's suppression, deliberate mistranslations began to be circulated that "oecumenized" the original diary. For example, the confirmation of the Catholic doctrine that Jews need to convert to Christianity was eliminated. Prophecies warning of a New Order were expunged.
In early 1978, a Polish cardinal (guess who!) petitioned Newvatican to remove the suppression of the devotion, which was being practiced without sanction in his diocese, but Newvatican replied in the negative, confirming the suppression. By this time the original devotion that Sister Faustina composed in 1935 had been illegally replaced by an oecumenized version framed in New Order terminology -- with substantially changed prayers to promote non-Catholic beliefs and the heresy of universal salvation.
Later in 1978 a Polish Newpope (guess who!) was elected, and the now Modernistic version of the "Divine Mercy" devotion, twice condemned by the Church, was now entered into the Novus Ordo liturgical calendar on the Octave of Easter. The "Feast of Divine Mercy" is strictly Novus Ordo and has no basis in the traditional liturgy.
The Octave Day of a feast, particularly of the greatest feast, Easter, is a significant day in itself. The Divine Mercy cult is thus in contravention of the focus of the Catholic liturgy for that day, which is on the Resurrection of Our Lord and faith in His Divinity. As Dom Gueranger, the noted Benedictine liturgical scholar, commented in his fifteen-volume Liturgical Year: "Such is the solemnity of this Sunday that not only is it of greater double rite, but no feast, however great, can ever be kept upon it." That is the Roman Catholic attitude, which the New Order spurned.
For further information, click on FAQ11: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Practices? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics), in the section, "Divine Mercy."
Bernie Fellay, the Neo-SSPX's superior, uttered a masterpiece of Vatican II-speak recently, showing that he has learned much from his new mentor, Benedict-Ratzinger, now that Fellay has dumped Archbishop Lefebvre as his leader. When asked recently by the Novus Ordo group, Una Voce France, in March 2011 whether his negotiations with the Newchurch of the New Order were "satisfactory," he replied:
What do we understand by satisfactory? This seems too subjective.... I believe that there are elements that disappoint us, and, at the same time, others that give us a certain hope for the future. I do not believe that I can clearly answer your question with a yes or with a no.
As the perjuring U.S. President Bill Clinton put it: "It depends upon what the meaning of the word is is." Or, as Christ put it: "Let your speech be yea, yea: no, no: and that which is over and above these, is of evil (Matthew 5:37/DRV).
Good Catholics, Fellay certainly does not have the guts that Christ did when He called the leaders of the false Church of His day "filthy whited sepulchres" and "a brood of vipers." Fellay, to the contrary, plays the sycophant to the New Order and its leader, Benedict-Ratzinger, his new mentor. Fellay is in a bind. Half of his Neo-SSPX is against the New Order; half want to become part of it. Fellay himself has given many indications that he himself wants to become part of it, but he can't bring himself to take a stand with Christ, yea or no.
First it was the Newjesuits. Now the Neo-Christian Brothers are the second Newchurch religious order to declare bankruptcy because of sex crimes. Both orders are well known for running schools, at which they have easy sexual access to the bodies of their students. And their members have not been losing the opportunity of this easy access.
The Christian Brothers decided to go belly up after 50 charges of sex crimes were entered against their presbyters. The Newjesuits had 200 before they threw in the towel. The two Newchurch religious orders join eight Newdioceses that have declared bankruptcy: Davenport, Iowa; Fairbanks, Alaska; Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Portland, Oregon; Spokane, Washington; Tucson, Arizona; San Diego, California; and Wilmington, Delaware.
The Christian Brothers still make a decent port. Perhaps they can dump their schools and turn their efforts to alcohol instead!
When the white smoke went up announcing the election of Josef Ratzinger as the latest Newchurch pope, many were surprised. Ratzinger had gone into the conclave as an often despised "Rottweiler of God," a uniform-wearing member of Hitler's Youth Brigade. Now, five years into his pontificate, both the Modernists and the pseudo-traditionalists have turned against him. He has led Newchurch to arguably the most wide-reaching scandal in its history, involving the rape of tens of thousands of children under his watch. Most recently, even pseudo-traditionalists like Bernie Fellay of the SSPX, who for the last five years has been licking the feet (paws?) of the Rottweiler, has turned against him for calling the syncretistic Assisi III conference and for rushing to Novus-Ordo beatify his predecessor John Paul II-Wojtyla.
In view of JPII's failure as a pope and a Catholic, many are wondering: why is Benedict-Ratzinger so bound and determined to Novus-Ordo beatify him so quickly? Now we may have the answer to the riddle. It turns out that some unprecedented hanky-panky went on at the conclave that eventually elected Ratzinger as Newpope.
On April 28, 2011, Newcardinal Camillo Ruini disclosed that heavy politicking was going on at the 2005 conclave to con-anize JPII immediately. Ruini revealed that before the election, the Newcardinals had essentially conditioned the election of any successor upon his promising to con-anize immediately the Newpope who, the darling of the Modernists, had openly participated in the rites of pagans and infidels and had convoked the syncretistic conferences Assisi I and II.
And Ratzinger, now Benedict, did just that. He rushed JPII through to Novus-Ordo beatification in just five years, over substantial objections, even when medical doctors called the justifying "miracle" used to be a fraud. In fact, Benedict-Ratzinger has reversed, as Newpope, most of what he advocated before as Newcardinal. He was against the syncretistic Assisi conferences before; now he has called a new one. He was against abortion before; now he has quietly allowed Catholic institutions to associate with abortion clinics. He was against homosexuality before; now his papacy reeks of open homosexual clergy.
Did Ratzinger enter into some kind of "deal" with the Modernist Newcardinals to secure his election? Did these Newcardinals accept the deal because they considered Ratzinger to be a "caretaker pope," like John XXIII, who lasted only five years? This scenario is looking like a probable explanation for a bizarre series of events that has heretofore been inexplicable. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic News.]
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
With the upcoming "beatification" of John Paul II-Wojtyla on May 1st, 2011, I feel compelled to ask: are beatifications and canonizations considered "infallible"? I ask this because I find hard to believe that someone who presided over the biggest scandal in the history of the Church would ever be consider "blessed" or "saintly."
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
No, beatifications and canonizations are not infallible. For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics), in the section, "Canonizations, Post-conciliar."