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The Neo-SSPX's Fellay & Co. have been making a big deal lately about their opposition to Assisi III, the sycretistic inter-religious fest, summoned by Benedict-Ratzinger for October 27, 2011. Two previous fests, in 1986 and 2002, were held under JPII-Wojtyla and caused great scandal, such as the placing of the Buddha on top of the tabernacle. Ratzinger supposedly was opposed to these fests, but now he is sponsoring one on his own. Another promise broken.
The Neo-SSPX has been expressing outrage about this third "great scandal." Fellay's USA lackey, Arnaud Rostand, called it a "direct attack against the First Commandment of God: 'Thou shalt not have strange gods before Me.'" Meanwhile Fellay & Co. express support for the very man who organized the whole event, Benedict-Ratzinger! If the idea is condemnable, why isn't the man who organized it? It's a little like condemning Nazism, but not Hitler. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World News.]
All this is the usual Neo-SSPX hypocrisy, of course. Fellay is still angling to be "in full communion" with the unCatholic New Order sect headed by Ratzinger, so Fellay can hardly bite the hand that he wants to feed him the Novus Ordo cookie!
Promises, promises. Is there any promise that Benedict-Ratzinger has kept? He promised that Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust is over, yet in reality it goes on unabated. He promised that he would clean up the Legionaries of Christ from the ruination made of the organization by its paedophile Superior, Marciel Maciel, and his henchmen. Maciel was a drug addict, raped his seminarians, and fathered three illegitimate children. Heads were supposed to roll, but just as with the Sex Holocaust, not one corrupt leader has been fired. So signally has Ratzinger failed in his promise that even the Legionaries are fed up with him and leaving his Newchurch "in droves," according to a survey taken by the Associated Press.
The new Superior, Newcardinal Velasio De Paolis, appointed by Benedict-Ratzinger in 2010, said that Ratzinger gave him no authority to fire even a single corrupt leader or to impose penalties on malefactors. Nor will Ratzinger allow any further investigation of the proven paedophile Maciel to be made, because it would embarrass the reputation of the Unblessed JPII-Wojtyla, who considered the pervert a "living saint" of the New Order. De Paolis' job is merely to "rewrite the Legion's norms" -- the type of paper exercise beloved of Ratzinger, who is too cowardly to take any action.
Critics, including some Newvatican officials, contend that Newchurch has an obligation to uncover the truth and take more radical action, given that Newvatican itself allowed Maciel to operate his cult under cover of "obsessive obedience" and "secrecy." Legion members were forbidden from criticizing their superiors, were isolated from their families, and told how to do everything from praying to eating an orange. This description is strangely similar to those heard about Bernie Fellay's Neo-SSPX cult.
The Legionaries have seen a dramatic decline in membership since the scandal was publicly revealed in 2009. An estimated 70 of the 890 Legion presbyters and upwards of a third of the 900 women religious have left. 232 seminarians fled in 2010 alone. New recruits are expected to number fewer than 100 in 2011. In early October 2011 the six editors of the Legion-affiliated Zenit news agency quit en masse, following the resignation of Zenit's founder, who had cited a loss of trust with the ineffectual Legion's Superiors appointed by Benedict-Ratzinger. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
It seems that you have hit a nerve with the Neo-SSPX. A recent item of theirs is going on with some nonsense about a bishop not attending the October 7, 2011, Albano meeting of district superiors. The Neo-SSPX item, which claims that everyone else is a "liar," is so hypocritical that it never mentions the name of the absent bishop. In fact, it was not Tissier de Mallerais (although the Neo-SSPX's own information on that point was not clear at the beginning, as Tissier was supposed to be in Kansas City for a Neo-SSPX conference). Rather, the absent bishop was Richard Williamson, the Neo-SSPX's senior bishop, who in fact did not attend the Albano meeting after Fellay sent an ugly and threatening letter to him, which was circulated all over the internet. Fellay got such a black eye from the incident that he had to come up with a pretty inane excuse: he had sent Williamson the wrong letter, which had somehow slipped out under his own signature. Yeah, and pigs fly!
I really think the Neo-SSPX was feeling guilty about the news that they are planning to participate in Newchurch's World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro 2013. They criticize Benedict-Ratzinger for Assisi III, but they don't criticize themselves for participating in an equally immoral syncretistic event. Just more of the Neo-SSPX hypocrisy that we have come to expect from the Fellayites, to whom anything contrary to their own schemes is a "lie," no matter how true it is. Just look at how Fellay treats his own priests and laypeople, who are expelled at a moment's notice if they question His Gracelessness's divine utterances.
Fellay & Co. try to label against everyone who disagrees with them a "sedevacantist." This is actually quite amusing, since the Society's own Archbishop-founder before his death in 1991 admitted the possibility that one day it might be determined that the post Vatican II popes were not Cathholic and that the Roman See had thus been vacant all this time . That statement, which appears in two biographies of the Archbishop, has, of course, has been removed from all Neo-SSPX web sites, without the required "apology" that the Neo-SSPX hypocritically requires from others!
For Fellay's information, there are many who are not sedevacantists, who may pray for the pope as we pray for trespassers, but we refuse to participate in his liturgical corruptions, his Modernist doctrines, and his immoral support for paedophile presbyters. A true Catholic cannot obey anyone, even the pope, in anything that is going to put him in a state of sin.
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
We wondered why our hit-counter had skyrocketed in recent days! Apparently, the Neo-SSPX is too clueless to realize that such attempted self-justifying apologias simply draw attention to the facts in the original source. This is just proof positive that, as we have always said, the TRADITIO Network is avidly read by the highest officials in the Neo-SSPX, just as they are in Newrome. Every now and again, some of TRADITIO's practical wisdom (prudence) hits the mark, even with those usually bereft.
Yes, it does seem that Fellay and his Neo-SSPX are running scared of the increasing exposure from many quarters around the world of their impending sellout to the Novus Ordo sect. If it doesn't happen, it will be the result of, as the Scripture says: "Great is the truth, and it prevails" (1 Esdras 4:41/DRV).
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
When the Unblessed JPII-Wojtyla debuted his "Luminous Mysteries" to be added to the Most Holy Rosary, I was shocked that he would presume to think that there was something lacking in St. Dominic's rosary, which has been used in the Catholic Church for 700 years. Your observation is correct: fewer people now come to say the Rosary in our group. I think you are dead right to continue to campaign for a return to traditional Catholic prayers, practices, and rituals.
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
Sacred things cannot be "made up" as you go along. There is a very important reason why there are fifteen decades in the Most Holy Rosary, and exactly fifteen decades. The Holy Rosary is intended to be a kind of "Layman's Psalter" in place of, or to supplement, the Divine Office that clergy and more serious laymen pray. The 150 Aves reflect the 150 Psalms of the Psalter.
The problem is that too many these days, clueless and ignorant of the religious reasons for things, think that they can just make up "Masses," "Rosaries," and other "Sacraments" and devotions. The New Order sect has done just that, and what it has ended up with is graceless, invalid, and phony.
It's official. It's approved by Benedict-Ratzinger. It's accepted by Bernie Fellay. It's -- the "Circus Mess"!
The Circus Mess is an officially Benedict-Ratzinger-approved Novus Ordo service, handled by Newchurch's "Circus and Traveling Show Ministries Department." This fraud is justified on the basis that "circus performers' lives are too transient to allow many of them to get to church." Oh, really?! On October 17, 2011, presbyter Jerry Hogan "performed" one of these approved Messes in Worcester, Massachusetts, in a secular convention center on October 17, 2011, for an audience of circus people.
Newvatican's official statistics reveal 126 Novus Ordo parishes in the Worcester area. Surely this is the case in all the areas where circus people perform. For if there were not in those places a significant number of people and churches, there would be no circus spectators and entry-fees to be collected. Yes, this is just another fraud perpetrated by Newchurch, veiled under a yet another deception of "charity." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Religious News Service.]
Good Catholics, let's not mince words about the truth. The very idea that Benedict-Ratzinger is "traditionalist" is farcical. Ratzinger's Newchurch, the Novus Ordo Motarians, and Fellay's Neo-SSPX all exhibit the height of hypocrisy. They mouth platitudes about the "Latin Mass" -- which is not even the Traditional Latin Mass, but a Half Novus Ordo knockoff -- yet officially they approve the "Circus Mess" and other official Novus Ordo versions as their "Ordinary Rite." This is all part of what Fellay accepts when he accepts "communion" with the New Order sect.
For further information, click on the TRADITIO Network's Novus Ordo Service Photo Gallery department, which gives the photographic evidence of the Protestant-Masonic-Pagan Nature of the Novus Ordo Service, the invalidity of the Novus Ordo service by papal declaration, and an explanation of the Great "Motu" Mess Hoax, also known as the "Mess of 1962+" and the "Extraordinary Mess."
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Bishop Fellay should accept these Six Principles of Traditional Catholicism for his Neo-SSPX:
If he cannot follow these Six Principles, Fellay had better hope that God is a figment of his imagination!
After Benedict-Ratzinger released his June 29, 2009, Encyclical Letter Caritas in Veritate, we TRADITIO Fathers warned our readers that it was in reality a political pamphlet for the Liberalist/Socialistic cause, calling for a supranational oligarchy to run a New World Order economy. After the Vatican II Council (1962-1965), very little that comes out of Newrome has anything to do with religion. Rather, such "encyclicals" are acutally political tracts for the Socialist cause and the Liberalist "social justice" programme, condemned by traditional popes before that Modernist Council.
In Caritas in veritate Benedict-Ratzinger argues in essence for a One World Government, a Novus Ordo Seclorum as it were (remember that motto, so beloved of the Freemasons?). Having turned the once Catholic Church into a ghost of its former self, which is losing its Newclergy and Newreligious at a rate that will kill his Newchurch in a couple of decades, Ratzinger now wants to apply his lethal hand to ruin the European economic system with a supranational oligarchy.
In an October 24, 2011, document from his "Justice and Peace Department," entitled "Toward Reforming the International Financial and Monetary Systems in the Context of a Global Public Authority," Ratzinger calls for the establishment of a supranational "global public authority" and a "central world bank" to rule over national financial institutions. Meanwhile, Ratzinger's own Banco di Spiritu Santo is known to be controlled by the Mafia and like ilk, to such an extent that the Italian Government conducted an investigation for fraud and charged several high Newvatican officials with fraud and corruption violating international banking rules. Quis custodiet custodes ipsos!
It appears that Ratzinger wants to make even successful economic nations, like AAA-rated Germany and Switzerland, sink to the level of Greece, which is now seeing riots in the streets because of its socialistic financial principles. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Reuters.]
Good Catholics, this Benedict-Ratzinger has turned out to be such a malign influence that the words of King Henry II leap to mind: "Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?" Better no pope at all than one who is a socialist, Modernist, and paedophiliac!
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
There are many "traditional" publications and persons that come and go. But I have found only three of them, namely Hutton Gibson (The War Is Now), his friend Patrick Henry Omlor (Questioning the Validity of the New, All-English Canon), the anti-Fellayite French web sites, and, of course, the TRADITIO Network, ever to have warned of the dangers and falsity of the 1962 "Mess," the subject of Benedict-Ratzinger's Great "Motu" Mess Hoax. Meanwhile, most other so-called "traditional" groups actually encourage attendance at this fraud. The "Mess of 1962" was not even powerful enough to stop Vatican II, which began in 1962. What makes pseudo-traditionalists think it will do anything now? They have their heads buried in the sand like ostriches. The Motarians I have spoken are more close-minded to true Catholicism than the Protestants I have spoken to. The Motarians don't want to hear the truth about the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini's concocted "Mess of 1962."
You probably know that Bernie Fellay, the Neo-SSPX's dictator, whose actions to sell out his Neo-SSPX to Benedict-Ratzinger's New Order interests are consistently pounded by Gibson, Omlor, the French web sites, and the TRADITIO Network, is attempting to scare his Neo-SSPXers out of reading this condemnatory information about him. Also pounding Fellay is a European web site that is trying to publish the unexpurgated works of Archbishop Lefebvre in place of the edited versions available in part on some Neo-SSPX web sites, which attempt to bowdlerize the Archbishop's outspoken condemnation of Josef Ratzinger and his lifelong adherence to the Modernistic heresy condemned by Pope St. Pius X. Fellay hates that site too. Fellay's problem is that the more the truth about him is exposed, the more his Neo-SSPXers are turning to these condemnatory sites to give a more accurate version of what is actually going on. The lady doth protest too much!
Inside reports indicate that Fellay long ago lost the support of the Neo-SSPX's senior bishop, Richard Williamson, but since the October 7, 2011, Neo-SSPX Superiors meeting in Albano, Italy, he has lost the support of the other two Neo-SSPX bishops, Tissier de Mallerais and Alfonso de Galarreta, who have joined the TRADITIO Network's call to make public Benedict-Ratzinger's "Doctrinal Preamble" in support of the Modernist Council Vatican II and Fellay's "negotiations" since 2005 with Newchurch.
Fellay's fear of exposure should tell you something about who and what Fellay's Neo-SSPX really is -- not Catholic, that's for sure! These once bamboozled Neo-SSPXers are now waking up to how they are being defrauded of their traditional Catholic Faith by Fellay and the full horror of what Fellay has done to them.
Before the Modernist Council Vatican II (1962-1965), Fr. Patrick Peyton was carrying across the world his Rosary Crusade, entitled "The Family that Prays Together Stays Together." Before the New Order took over what was once the Catholic Church, millions attended series of Rosary rallies around the world. Fr. Peyton in a 1946 radio broadcast proclaimed, "The Rosary is the most effective weapon that will destroy Communism -- the great evil that seeks to destroy the Faith." Although the Soviet Union has subsequently fallen, 1,200,000,000 Communists still live in Red China, North Korea, and other Communist countries, and Communism, now veiled under a Socialistic guise, is promoted even by the Newpope of the New Order, Benedict-Ratzinger, and politicians such as the United States' Barack Obama.
Since Fr. Peyton's time, the Rosary has fallen on hard times. In 2002 JPII corrupted the Rosary in the New Order by the neologism of adding five "luminous" mysteries to violate Catholic Tradition and give the Rosary a New Age flavor. As a result of this corruption, many Catholics stopped praying the Rosary -- which was in fact the covert goal of the Newchurch of the New Order all along.
For the fiftieth anniversary of the event in San Francisco, California, held on October 8, 1961, barely a thousand could be mustered to do public honor to Our Lady on October 16, 2011. Word is that the Newchurch archdiocese of San Francisco, under Benedict-Ratzinger-appointed philogay Newarchbishop George Niederauer, couldn't be bothered with Our Lady. Oh, no. The lead article in the Newarchdiocese's official newspaper on that day turned out to be a phony presbyter conducting a "Beach Mess" in Marin County. The 2011 Rosary Crusade was relegated to page 7!
In 1961 high civil officials did honor to Our Lady, among them traditional Catholic California Governor Pat Brown, San Francisco Mayor George Christopher, and Congressional Representative John Shelley, who later became mayor. For the 2011 anniversary, San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee, even though he is a candidate for re-election, couldn't even be bothered to be present to garner votes among the handful of Newchurchers. Also absent was current California Governor Jerry Brown, a dropout Novus Ordo Jesuit. Most of the female San Francisco pagans were too busy running in the Nike Women's Marathon to do honor to Our Lady. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the San Francisco Chronicle.]
San Francisco has, in the intervening fifty years, sunk into a cesspool of unCatholic immorality of all sorts. St. Francis of Assisi would now vomit this city out of his mouth, as the Scriptural phrase is. However, we are informed by the National Registry of Traditional Latin Masses that there is a "light shining in the darkness" there, the traditional Catholic St. John's Oratory, which has been offering the fully Traditional Latin Mass and Sacraments for twenty years.
Good Catholics, it is events like this that show just how unCatholic the Newchurch of the New Order is. It has deliberately, but surreptitiously, destroyed Catholicism and replaced it with a Protestant-Masonic-Pagan New World Order Religion. Actually, one has to wonder whether Benedict-Ratzinger's purpose, together with those of his Modernist henchmen, isn't to destroy the Catholic Church entirely.
Newchurchers' attendance at invalid Novus Ordo services has plummeted in those fifty years. Even in his native Germany, Newchurchers are petitioning the government to remove themselves from the Newchurch rolls. Virtually all Newchurch's nuns will be dead within ten years (their average age is now 69). Ratzinger can't even get men to be Novus Ordo presbyters. The only priests left will be those traditional Catholic priests that long ago said "good riddance" to the phony New Order sect.
Reminiscent of Mark Twain's famous quip, "the report of my death was an exaggeration," a traditional Catholic author and publisher, Hutton Gibson, has confounded the report that he is fatally ill. Further information from local sources at his son, traditional Catholic producer-director Mel Gibson's traditional Holy Family Traditional Catholic Church in Agoura Hills, California, indicates that the 93-year-old Hutton convalescence from relatively minor ailments and progressing quite nicely, and he is expected to make a full recovery.
When the earlier, more pessimistic report on Hutton's state was published on the TRADITIO Traditional Roman Catholic Network (all other sources ignored the information), a flood of prayers was lifted to Heaven on behalf of the courageous pioneer of the Traditional Catholic Movement, who openly condemns the unCatholic fraud of the New Order sect.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I went onto an official Neo-SSPX site, and it was like a slap in the face to see there a picture of Barack Obama smiling while the Fellay site praised New York's Novus Ordo archbishop Tim Dolan for sending a letter in defense of marriage and religious freedom. And yet under the Novus Ordo Dolan, there is "gay marriage" in New York City, and this same Dolan also went along with Mayor Bloomberg on the ban against clergy of any religion at the official tenth anniversary of the Mohammedan terrorist attack on New York City. There are so many homosexuals in the Novus Ordo clergy here that we are waiting for them to marry their lovers, just like the Anglican/Episcopalians that Benedict-Ratzinger is courting to join his Novus Ordo sect.
Advent is not even here, and yet Fellay's Neo-SSPX is already preparing to participate in the Novus Ordo World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 2013. He previously sent a "delegation" to the 2011 World Youth Day in Madrid, Spain. What the Novus Ordo sect is doing here in New York is despicable. They do nothing but talk about church closures, selling pre Vatican II properties, and replacing then with modern megachurches like the ones the Protestant Evangelicals have.
Bernie Fellay's letter to senior bishop Williamson was the typical Novus Ordo game-playing, ostracizing, and persecuting of those who stand by traditional Catholicism. What is to be Fellay's "thirty pieces of silver" for betraying Archbishop Lefebvre's once Society of St. Pius X into the hands of the Modernists, whose head is Benedict-Ratzinger? Is Fellay playing Judas for the Novus Ordo scarlet stained by the blood of children?
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
It is true that Jesus Christ is the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, true God and true Man, the Word of God, and the "King of Kings and the Lord of Lords," and that there is none greater than He and His Father and the Holy Ghost. The Virgin Mary, it is true, is only a creature created by God, and a human being. These are such basic dogmas of the Catholic, not to say the Christian Faith, that I do not understand how the extreme Fatimists can overlook them to create some kind of "goddess" out of the purported vision of Fatima, which has been so manipulated by Newchurch that we can never know what really happened.
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
We are quite aware of what the extreme Fatimists say. We have covered it many times in our Daily Commentaries and expounded what the Church teaches about this type of thing. We have made the distinction that a private devotion is one thing, but raising what is, at best, a private revelation, which certainly is not of obligatory belief for any Catholic, to a virtual dogma on the level of Sacred Scripture is just not Catholic.
We Fathers were around just before Vatican II and cannot remember Catholic commonly talking about Fatima. The one exception was some consternation concerning a phony "revelation," supposedly from Fatima, that the world was going to end at noon on a certain date in 1960. Instead, Catholics of the time were reading The Little Flowers of St. Francis and the Autobiography of St. Therese of Lisieux, and talking a bit about Lourdes, but not Fatima.
The extremism applied to Fatima appears to be associated more with the non-Catholic attitudes injected into the Church starting around the time of Vatican II (1962-1965), which have confused a private devotion with a virtual overthrow of Catholic Scripture and Tradition, and turned it into some kind of money-grubbing operation to enrich the pockets of the Novus Ordo sect, just like the phony Medjugorje "tours." Our Lady be the first to condemn the extremist perversion of central Catholic dogma!
The hypocritical secular Jewish leader, Abraham Foxman, who tried to prevent the release of Mel Gibson's traditional Catholic epic, The Passion of the Christ, which turned into a 2005 blockbuster, is at it again. This Foxman, head of the secular Jewish organization, Sons of the Jewish Covenant (B'nai B'rith), wouldn't even be alive today if it weren't for the extraordinary charity of a French Catholic couple who took him in during World War II and protected him from the Nazis. Foxman never acknowledges this deep debt of gratitude to Catholics and instead chooses to make his life's work the persecution of Catholics, particularly traditional Catholics.
On October 17, 2011, Foxman came to the defense of Josef Ratzinger, and called on actress Susan Sarandon to apologize for referring to the Newpope as "a Nazi." Yet Sarandon was essentially telling the truth that Newrome hates to admit: Ratzinger was a self-admitted uniform-wearing member of the Hitler-Jungend (Hitler Youth), a paramilitary Nazi group. Later he became a member of Hitler's Wehrmacht (Military Forces), in an anti-aircraft unit that was charged with shooting down Allied planes. Ratzinger's personal involvement in this unit has recently been confirmed by a United States State Department cable.
Meanwhile, Foxman's secular Jewish colleagues in Europe called on Benedict-Ratzinger to condemn the Neo-SSPX's senior bishop, Richard Williamson, for questioning certain details of the secular Jewish story of the so-called holocaust. Williamson had quoted from the Bible, which clearly indicates that the Jewish leaders at the time of Christ, the High Priest Caiphas with his Scribes and Pharisees on the Sanhedrin, engineered the crucifixion of Christ through the agency of the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate. This fact of history is confirmed by contemporary historical sources, principally by a respected Jewish historian writing in Greek, Flavius Josephus.
The rabbis called upon Ratzinger to "suspend negotiations with extremist Catholic tendencies until it is clear that these groups show a clear commitment to tackling anti-Semitism within their ranks." Anti-semitism is the term that secular Jewish organizations use to cover over their anti-Catholic bigotry. Ironically, Williamson has as his authorities four Jews: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, who all indicated that Pontius Pilate would never have condemned the Christ (Messias) if the Jewish leaders of the time had not asked for blood.
Benedict-Ratzinger, who has been notorious in playing both ends against the middle (secular Jews against traditional Catholics), was trapped in a lie in January 2009, when he "unexcommunicated" from the New Order sect the four living bishops of the Society of St. Pius X: Richard Williamson, Tissier de Mallerais, Alfonso de Galaretta, and Bernie Fellay. Although Williamson for years had quite publicly raised factual questions about the story that secular Jewish organizations had been spreading against Christians, Ratzinger claimed to be ignorant of everything, If that is in fact true (and not the lie that we Fathers believe it is), God rid of this ignoramus!
Any notion that the now Third Edition of the Novus Ordo Missal, to be introduced at the end of 2011 to the Novus Ordo temple near you, is traditional is a deceit. In fact, the Newbishops closest to Benedict-Ratzinger, the Italian Newbishops -- after all Benedict-Ratzinger is supposed to be their patriarch--, almost unanimously (by 97.8 per cent) voted in November 2010 to retain per tutti in the "consecration" (of course, it is not a consecration because the Novus Ordo does not have a valid consecration, as the entire service lacks a Catholic sacrificial intention).
Moreover, the Italian Newbishops voted to go on to change non ci indurre in tentazione in the Pater Noster and to change Gloria a Dio nellà alto dei cieli e pace in terra agli uomini di buona volont the Gloria in Excelsis Deo.
Poor Benedict-Ratzinger! He can't keep even his own Newbishops in line.
Recent reports indicate that the Neo-SSPX's dictator, Bernie Fellay has been so knocked about by exposure on the TRADITIO Network and French web sites of his attempted sellout to the New Order and by the widespread opposition of his own clergy to a formal sellout to Benedict-Ratzinger and his New Order sect that he may not sign the "Doctrinal Preamble."
Because of the virulent opposition to the sellout, Fellay is now attempting to "roll back" his earlier on-the-record statements. At one of his incessant "conferences," this one in Manila, The Philippines, on October 16, 2011, he contradicted his earlier statement, previously reported in these Daily Commentaries, that the situation in the Newchurch of the New Order is "better" in 2011 than it was in 1988, when the SSPX's founder, Archbishop Lefebvre, rejected it as "not Catholic." Now Fellay claims that the situation is not "really better," but only "something that looks better." This statement of Fellay is worthy of the attempt of United States President Bill Clinton, who claimed, in order to excuse his immoral adultery: "It depends on what the meaning of the word is is. That statement almost got Clinton removed from office. Perhaps Fellay's statement will finally get the Neo-SSPX dictator removed!
Fellay now admits that Benedict-Ratzinger's statement in his July 7, 2007, Motu Proprio Summorum pontificum that "New Mass" and the "Old Mass" are two forms of the same rite is "absurd." Yet Fellay, still the two-tongued hypocrite, accepts the invalid New Mess as a Mass, whereas it is a fabrication of the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini and his committee of six Protestant ministers. Moreover, Fellay fully accepts, and himself uses and requires Neo-SSPX priests to use, the phony Vatican II Half Novus Ordo Mess of 1962+, also fabricated by the same Bugnini!In the Manila conference, Fellay admitted the TRADITIO Network's contention from the beginning that his "negotiations" with Newrome are "just going around in circles." Fellay's admission is too little too late. For over ten years now Fellay has been exhausting the resources of the Neo-SSPX in playing the sycophant to the "Paedophile Pope" and the New Order to such a degree that the élan of Archbishop Lefebvre's original Society of St. Pius X has been dissipated under the mismanagement of his successor.
Just think what could have been accomplished if Fellay had turned his back on the New Order from the beginning and, as the Archbishop was doing, investing his entire energy in promoting traditional Catholicism and fighting the New Order sect tooth and nail! Fellay, whether he intended it or not, could not have been a better mole for the New Ordo. Bridge-burner "Bernie" has, in his prolonged, dictatorial regime of twenty years, deliberately burned his bridge to the original Society of St. Pius X of Archbishop Lefebvre.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I watch Benedict-Ratzinger's appointment roster very carefully each and every day. What I have noticed is that there have been very few appointments of Newbishops lately, not only during August 2011 (usually a time of rest in Newrome), but also for the entire month of September and at least the first half of October. This Newpope is not retiring old liberalist Newbishops, he is not replacing old liberalist Newbishops, he is not even bothering to appoint many new liberalist Newbishops. In fact, he is currently replacing fewer bishops per month than he did before in an average half-week. What is going on?
One possibility is that Benedict-Ratzinger simply lacks the energy to review the files and make the decisions. I wonder whether this is all owing to his frailty. He may be planning an abdication, but God might send him to his judgment before he garners the strength needed to sign it!
Sources in Los Angeles, California, report that Hutton Gibson, aged 93, one of the pioneers of the Traditional Catholic Movement, the father of traditional Catholic producer-director-actor Mel Gibson, is near death. He currently resides in Agoura Hills, California, with his son Mel, near the Holy Family Traditional Catholic Church that his son generously built from the proceeds of his 2005 blockbuster traditional Catholic epic, The Passion of the Christ.
When a resident of Australia, Hutton did much to disseminate that traditional Catholic message there and founded a printing house there, which published many seminal traditional Catholic works. Later, he returned to the United States and founded a new traditional Catholic bulletin entitled The War Is Now. Hutton has, in his bold, outspoken way, condemned the Newchurch of the New Order, now headed by Benedict-Ratzinger, and has dubbed it the "post conciliar disestablishment." One of Hutton's exposés against the New Order establishment is entitled, Is the Pope Catholic?
Outside of his traditional Catholic work, Hutton has certainly been controversial in his statements about the so-called holocaust of World War II. In the 1960s this event in fact appears to have been manipulated beyond all recognition by anti-Catholic elements, beginning with the publication in 1963 of the play The Deputy, an attack piece against Pope Pius XII, whom immediately-post-war Jewish leaders, such as Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir, praised in the highest terms. Hutton has often raised questions of fact about the real history, to which he has invited replies, but anti-Catholic interests could launch only vitriolic ad hominem attacks against him.
Equally vitriolic against this traditional Catholic pioneer were fanatics of the New Order sect, who, themselves disobedient to the teachings of their own Novus Ordo hierarchy, jabbed at Hutton because he "disparaged" the "Paedophile Pope" Benedict-Ratzinger and Los Angeles Newarchbishop Roger "Rogue" Mahony, both neck deep in knowingly aiding, abetting, and covering up the rapes of tens of thousands of children by their Newchurch clergy.
During the time when Hutton's son Mel was producing his 2005 blockbuster traditional Catholic epic, The Passion of the Christ, Abraham Foxman, head of the fanatic organization, Sons of the Jewish Covenant (B'nai B'rith), mercilessly attacked not only Mel for daring to produce a traditional Christian film but also his then 85-year old father, who had no part in the film. Mel Gibson has certainly had his own family problems of late, but seems in active repentance to have turned a lot of that around. Yet, in all the years we have observed, Mel has been a devoted and loyal son to his father, without personally associating himself with his every statement. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Showbiz.]
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Why do you use the term Novus Ordo cookie to refer to the Novus Ordo "sacrament"? And why do you use the term presbyter as not having the same meaning as "priest"?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
We use these terms to describe the reality vividly. Because the Novus Ordo service is not a valid Mass, but in fact an invalid Protestant-Masonic-Pagen service fabricated by a Freemason presbyter and his committee of six Protestant ministers, there is no sacrament present at these services. It is no more than a cookie (in fact often baked according to a cookie recipe), with the added pseudo-sacrament of Kool-Aid.
The term presbyter is the term preferred in the New Order sect because priest overtly indicates the offering of a sacrifice rather than merely "presiding" over "Sunday dinner" (that is the preferred Novus Ordo term, Dominica coena.) The term presbyter is a typical example of deliberate Vatican II ambiguity. In some texts, presbyter is used as a synonym for sacerdos (priest, literally, one who "does the sacred"), but in other texts, in accordance with the literal meaning of presbyteros in Greek, the term means simply elder, the same kind of lay elder that the Protestant sects have.
There are quite a few loopholes in Benedict-Ratzinger's 2007 Motu Proprio Summorum pontificum, which purported to "approve" of the Vatican II Half Novus Ordo Mess of 1962+. Although the Newchurch Motarians preferred to overlook the proposed corruptions to the "Latin Mass," which is not a Traditional Latin Mass, Ratzinger hasn't overlooked them. He is proceeding full speed ahead with changes to be introduced into his "Motu" Mess.
A hidden directive from Ratzinger is found in Newvatican's Activities of the Holy See, just published for 2010, in which it is revealed that "a joint commission was set up, with experts of the commission Ecclesia Dei and of the Congregation for [Novus Ordo] Divine Worship," for the "updating" of the Commemorations of the Saints and the "insertion of new Prefaces" into "Motu" Missal of 1962+. By "updating" of the Commemorations of the Saints is meant the addition of purported Novus Ordo "saints" declared under the spurious and untraditional procedures introduced by Newpope JPII-Woytla in 1983.
One of these Novus Ordo "saints" is Josemaria Escriva, the founder of the Opus Dei cult, whose Novus Ordo con-anization was rammed through in 2002 over the opposition of members of the investigating commission. Another of these almost-saints is the Unblessed JPII-Wojtyla, Novus Ordo "beatified" in 2010, who personally participated in pagan services and called two syncrtistic Assisi conferences? For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Doctrines?" in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) department, in the sections "Canonizations" and "Opus Dei."
It is not as if Ratzinger has kept his plans to destroy even the Half Novus Ordo Latin Mass of 1962+ a secret. He clearly announced his plans in 2007 to merge his Half Novus Ordo "Motu" Mess, engineered by the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini, with the invalid full-blown Novus Ordo service.
Good Catholics, the Neo-SSPX's dictator Bernie Fellay will be in quite a pickle, as he has accepted hook, line, and sinker Ratzinger's false "Motu" Mess as "traditional"! Will his Neo-SSPXers finally rebel when they have to sit through "Masses" for corrupt individuals whom even the clueless Fellayites do not consider "saints"!
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
There are many people who call themselves "Catholic," but go to the local Novus Ordo temple, love the phony Saturday evening "Golf Mess," say the "rosary" with the phony "Luminous Mysteries," and get "reconciled" at a communal service every ten years or so. They wouldn't know true Catholicism if it hit them in the face. It's probably that they are bereft of grace (after all, they have invalid "sacraments") to understand what's going on. Is there more that traditional Catholics can do than pray for these clueless Newchurchers?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
There certainly is. As the opportunity arises, wean them over to true Catholicism. Help them understand the moral, liturgical, and doctrinal corruption of the New Order sect and show them that no real Catholic could consider it the Catholic Church. The evidence is right before their eyes, but because they lack the grace, they need your help to see the obvious reality. Every traditional Catholic must be a missionary. You cannot sit passively in some church and just take the traditional Mass and Sacraments. You must give; otherwise, as Christ teaches, "He that hath, to him shall be given, and he shall abound: but he that hath not, from him shall be taken away that also which he hath" (Matthew 12:13/DRV).
On October 16, 2011, Benedict-Ratzinger, so frail in recent weeks that he cannot even walk 100 metres down the aisle of St. Peter's Basilica, was wheeled down. When his invalid Novus Ordo Mess was finished, he was wheeled back. The duplicitous Newvatican claimed that Ratzinger was "in good health," but tired easily. That's not good health -- that's frailty! The rolling platform was used for the late JPII-Wojtyla, when he was too compromised by advanced Parkinson's Disease and a broken femur and hip replacement to walk easily. Ratzinger is only a few months short of the age at which his predecessor died. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Reuters.]
Bernie Fellay and the Neocon Newchurchers who put their eggs into the basket of the Vatican II Half Novus Ordo Mess are about to be disappointed, as we TRADITIO Fathers have consistently warned. A recent Daily Commentary reported the possible abdication of Benedict-Ratzinger on April 16, 2012, his 85th birthday. And with him is certain to go his Great "Motu" Mess Hoax. It is highly unlikely that any subsequent Newpope will put up with this hoax.
Benedict-Ratzinger's Great "Motu" Mess hoax is sure to be dismantled with his passing -- which is good news for traditional Catholics. The "Motu" Mess is not the Traditional Latin Mass It was engineered for the Modernist Vatican II Council by the same Freemason presbyter, Hannibal Bugnini, who was the chief architect of the full-blown Novus Over service of 1969. Good riddance! Ratzinger designed the "Motu" Mess to trick pseudo-traditionalist into supporting his immoral New Order sect.
If Bishop Williamson does separate from Fellay's Neo-SSPX and forms a new group, where would that group offer Mass? My understanding is that all the chapels currently served by the Neo-SSPX are legally owned by the Society. Surely Bernie Fellay would not allow those chapels to be used by the new group.
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
According to the Official Traditional Catholic Directory, there are twice as many Traditional Catholic sites run by traditional Catholic priests independent of Neo-SSPX sites as there are Neo-SSPX sites. Obviously, these traditional Catholic priests have found a way to continue the fully Traditional Latin Mass without selling out to Fellay's Neo-SSPX. "When there's a will, there's a way." For further information, click on the TRADITIO Network's Official Traditional Catholic Directory department, provided to the TRADITIO Network by the National Registry of Traditional Latin Masses.
Amazing, isn't it, how these Newchurch clergy, who constantly dump on traditional Catholics for "disobedience" to the Modernist and corrupt hierarchy, are always the first to disobey their own Newchurch bishops? We saw that happen in the case of the Newjesuit presbyter Joseph Fessio, who ran the Ignatius Press conglomerate and refused to obey the order of his Superior to return to the motherhouse when Fessio had run off the rails. Now we have the case of presbyter Frank Pavone, who achieved notoriety as the leader of Priests [Sic] for Life, an anti-abortion group. The publicity-hungry Pavone, denounced to Newrome by several Newbishops for questions pertaining to his handling of the organization's money, was ordered to return to his home diocese of Amarillo, Texas, by the Newdiocese's bishop Patrick Zurek.
Pavone told the press that he was an "obedient" presbyter and would follow his Newbishop's orders. Then, when he was supposed to appear before the Newbishop on October 13, 2011, he was nowhere to be found. A liar? A fraudster? A hypocrite? Newbishop Zurek has demanded from Pavone an accounting of his financial stewardship of the three organizations that he heads, which rake in around 10,000,000 dollars annually. In September 2011 Zurck informed all of the United States Newbishops that donations to Pavone should be stopped until the questions can be resolved. Pavone has meanwhile made himself a star of radio, television, particularly the EWTN Charismatic Cable Network, and the internet, with his own personal cadre of fan(atic)s.
Pavone is far from a traditional priest. He is completely steeped in the Novus Ordo, simulates the invalid Protestant-Masonic=Pagan service, and does the phony Newchurch unsacrament of "Reconciliation." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Amarillo Globe-News.]
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I don't understand how Bernie Fellay can even conceptualize connecting the Neo-SSPX to the Novus Ordo. The Novus Ordo is not even a Christian organization. It teaches that belief in Christ is not necessary for salvation. That is not even Protestant; that is non-Christian. Someone should file an eviction proceeding against the Novus Ordo and get it kicked out of the Vatican. The Novus Ordo is not the Catholic Church as reasonably defined.
If Fellay sells out the Neo-SSPX to the Novus Ordo, people will file actions against him for many things, including acting outside of the scope of his authority as Superior General by violating the most basic tenets of his organization. He wasn't hired by the SSPX to give away authority to a non-Christian organization. I am sure that Fellay is talking some of the potentially huge issues over with his lawyer (according to his own press release, he is discussing it with his "General Counsel" and flunkies Pfluger and Nely, so that he can give the Novus Ordo an answer in a "reasonable time"). That is if Fellay has any organization left after he announces that he has sold out to the Novus Ordo. No one smart enough to be in the SSPX would bother saying or hearing a Traditional Mass in a non-Christian forum engineered by Fellay.
I know how Fellay could conceive of connecting the Neo-SSPX to the Novus Ordo. He is a traitor, selling out Jesus Christ the same way the Novus Ordo did. Christ is not necessary for Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch of the New Order -- or for Fellay's Neo-SSPX!
A Newchurch bishop associated prominently with Benedict-Ratzinger's "Motu" Mess of 2007+ has been indicted of the crime of failure to report sex crimes against children. Finn's Newchurch diocese corporation was also indicted for the same crime, Robert Finn, Newbishop of Kansas City, Missouri, is believed to be the first bishop in the United States criminally charged with sheltering a rapist presbyter. Deo volente, Finn won't be the last Newbishop charged, until all of Benedict-Ratzinger's criminals posing as "Catholic" presbyters and bishops are purged.
The case involved the paedophile presbyter Shawn Ratigan, who was caught with hundreds of pornographic images of children on his computer. Newbishop Finn admitted that he and other Newchurch officials "knew for months" about pornographic images that Ratigan himself had been taking of children at St. Patrick's School for a year, but Finn failed to report the suspected paedophiliac crimes to the police, as required by Missouri's mandatory reporting law. The images, including a series of photographs of a naked 2-year old girl, had been discovered by a computer technician working on Ratigan's laptop. Ratigan had also been observed giving the children "lap-dances."
Good Catholics, these "conservative" Newchurch bishops are worse than the outright liberalist! The conservatives deceitfully try to garner support and money from Neocon Newchurhers by allowing a "Motu" Mess here and there, but privately they are more often caught in immoral acts than the liberalists! Undoubtedly, the Motarians will attempt to get Finn off and praise him to the sky as the Second Messias. This is the typical reaction of the clueless Newchurchers to the paedophile takeover of their New Order sect: denial of the facts and cowardice to face their criminal bishops and presbyters and run them out of "Catholic" churches.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
How can the Neo-SSPX's Superior-Dictator Fellay be considering signing a nuanced agreement with Modernist Rome when he wrote these very words in his March 2006 "Letter to Friends and Benefactors":
At the beginning of October a new inter-religious meeting took place at Fatima. It is the same thing as Assisi. How can any agreement [with Newrome] be possible under such conditions? How can we pass over such aberrations in silence? We reject all "nuanced" agreements, we affirm the contradiction between the true and the false, and we assert our firm will to have nullam partem (no part) in such an enterprise. Why? Quite simply, because we want to remain Catholics. We must turn our backs with horror and disgust on such a way of seeing the Church and living in "communion." How can anyone claim that modernist "Rome" has changed and is becoming favorable to Tradition? What delusion!
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
Fellay, like the Vatican II disciple that he is, speaks out of both sides of his mouth. He knows that in order to keep money flowing into to his coffers from the traditionalist faction in the Neo-SSPX, he has to say a few conservative things occasionally, while at the same time he continues to sell out to the Modernist New Order sect. Anyone looking objectively at Fellay's record has to conclude that the man is a deceiver par excellence, who will say and do anything to accomplish his personal ambitions, just like his mentor Benedict-Ratzinger "The Fox." He is playing his Neo-SSPXers for fools.
A formerly secret letter has come to light explaining how the Neo-SSPX's senior bishop, Richard Williamson, was barred from attending the meeting on October 7, 2011, in Albano, Italy, to determine whether the Society would sell out to the New Order. Williamson was not present at the meeting, and no mention whatsoever of his absence was made in Fellay's corporate press release immediately following the meeting.
The secret letter from the Neo-SSPX's dictator, Bernie Fellay, to Williamson was dated September 23, 2011, exactly two weeks before the Albano meeting. The letter seems to have arisen from a desire of Williamson to attend the meeting. Fellay tells him that he can attend, but only upon two conditions. First, Williamson must furnish "an oath in writing that you will communicate to nobody either the text or its content." The letter also indicates that Williamson had not been provided with a copy of the "Doctrinal Preamble" dictated by Newrome, which all the other Neo-SSPX bishops and superiors had already received.
Secondly, Williamson was ordered -- Fellay is certainly full of himself to be giving "orders" to his senior -- to stop publishing his weekly E-mail bulletin, Eleison Comments. Apparently, Fellay is still terrified of Williamson, even though the bulletin only infrequently covers matters of non-political concern. For example, Williamson's October 8, 2011, bulletin discusses the music of Johannes Brahms! Williamson quite rightly replied to Fellay that he has no authority to silence the preaching and defense of the Catholic Faith by a senior bishop.
It is clear that Williamson is taking no guff from Fellay, who admits in the letter that Williamson has charged Fellay with "betrayal" and "distrusts SSPX headquarters." Perhaps the most revealing part of the letter indicates that Williamson is turning against Fellay's reorganized Neo-SSPX, apparently because Fellay has turned his back on the traditional Catholic principles of the SSPX's Founder, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. Williamson has recently advised Novus Ordo clergy against joining the SSPX. He has stated that "the apostasy of the mainstream Church is farther advanced than that of the SSPX," indicating that Fellay's Neo-SSPX partakes of apostasy from the traditional Catholic Faith.
In the most stunning revelation, howerver, Fellay admits that there is a group of "Anglo-Saxons" who are preparing a breakaway from Fellay's Neo-SSPX, that Williamson is the head of this movement, and that Williamson is "the friend of its leaders" and "playing their game." If Williamson does not remain silent, Fellay threatens, he will start "the canonical procedure leading to exclusion from the SSPX." What "canons" are there when one has a dictator for head? Fellay subscribes to the Louis XIV principle: La loi, c'est moi!
Although there was some initial question about the authenticity of the letter, Williamson has since confirmed his receipt of the letter. Moreover, its contents will certainly come as no surprise to the readers of TRADITIO. Fellay hates Williamson's guts, as the saying goes, because Williamson is the only SSPX bishop with the guts to stand up against Fellay's dictatorship and to hold fast to the founding principles of the Archbishop-Founder. Fellay desperately wants to off Williamson. The contumely demonstrated by Fellay to his senior bishop, a man who knew the Archbishop-Founder more closely and longer than the others, is stunning. And this is the Fellay who himself reacts with violent anger against the slightest contumely directed at him!
Good Catholics, what is all this secrecy? Dictator Fellay should follow the principles of his superior -- that is, if he even acknowledges Jesus Christ as his superior -- Who told the corrupt leader of the Church of His time, Caiphas: "I have spoken openly to the world ... in secret I have spoken nothing" (John 18:20/DRV). Benedict-Ratzinger's "Doctrinal Preamble," actually a Vatican II Doctrinal Ultimatum, involves a question of Catholic doctrine, which is public. Clearly, Fellay wants to engineer some kind of dirty backroom deal with Ratzinger to sell out the Neo-SSPX without any accountability to the SSPX membership. Fellay should be more careful. "What goes around comes around." His dirty dealing will likely come back to hit him aside the head and dash forever the visions of scarlet dancing in his head!
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
In the Newchurch Archdiocese of Bombay, India, presbyters and Newchurch bishops claim that the current Novus Ordo service is a return to the Catholic Church's roots of the first through third centuries. Is that really true or just another lie from the New Order?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
That is the same lie that was used by Hannibal Bugnini, the chief architect of the Protestant-Masonic-Pagan Novus Ordo, to pull the wool over the eyes of Catholic "sheep," who stood by while their Mass and Sacraments were corrupted to invalidity in 1967-1970. As time went along, the Novus Ordo lies were torn apart by scholars, but all too many Newchurchers still attempt to continue to lie. Among the lies used to put over the unCatholic Novus Ordo have been:
As the great liturgical scholar, Fr. Adrian Fortescue, wrote, the Traditional Latin Mass is "the most venerable in all Christendom, with a history of unbroken use far longer than that of any Eastern rite, there being no doubt that the essential parts of the Mass are of Apostolic origin."
For further information on Msgr. Gamber' book, click on FAQ05: What Traditional Catholic Resources Do You Recommend?" in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) department. For further information on the recently excavations at the House of the Christians in Pompeii, click on The Christian Inscription at Pompeii in the TRADITIO Network's Special Features department.
We TRADITIO Fathers have often derided the Newbishops and presbyters of Newchurch for their corruption, but we cannot forget that this ilk would not hold office without the financial support and attendance of the Newchurchers themselves. The latest case of gross embezzlement from a Newchurch parish is truly perverted: the Newarchdiocese rightly turned over the criminal pastor, Joseph LeClair, to the Mounties, but the enraged Newparishioners want him set free. What can one say but that the Newchurchers deserve the stinking cesspool that they have allowed their unCatholic New Order sect to become?
The Newarchdiocese's vicar general met with Newparishioners after the 11:00 Mess on October 9, 2011, to answer questions about the financial scandal that has rocked the Ottawa church. Speaker after speaker criticized the Newarchdiocese for its decision to refer the felonious pastor, Joseph LeClair, to the Ottawa police for investigation. After all, why would a criminal be reported to the police? Apparently, Newchurch has become so corrupt that it has truly lost its sense of right and wrong, all the way from its Newpope to its sheep in the pews.
One Newparishioner accused the Newarchdiocese of failing to show LeClair the kind of "compassion" offered Nova Scotia Newbishop Raymond Lahey, who was allowed to stay at a Newchurch residence in Ottawa while he awaited trial on numerous charges of importing child pornography. Now there's a great example of how to handle a criminal!
The six-month review of the malfeasant pastor by Newarchdiocesan officials also exposed questions about LeClair's handling of Sunday collections, the misuse of church accounts, and deceptive accounting practices. LeClair admitted in April 2011 that he had a gambled away his Newparish's money. He added that because he was never supervised in his handling of church money by Ottawa Newarchbishop Terrence Prendergast, stealing the Newparish's money was like taking candy from children! [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Vancouver Sun.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Neo-SSPXers should beware! Their dictator Bernie Fellay will not terminate his rollercoaster ride into Newchurch. His defection from traditional Catholicism has been long planned, the hatchery being his secret Le Cercle GREC in France. For Fellay and his Liberalist co-conspirators in the Neo-SSPX, there is obviously no turning back.
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
Many members of the Neo-SSPX are unaware that a book published in France in 2006 by Madame Huguette Perol, the widow of a former Ambassador of France to Rome, exposed Fellay's secret committee to sell out the Society to the New Order. Her book, La tempête apaisée: Reprise du dialogue entre Rome et Écône [The Tempest Calmed: Resumption of the Dialogue between Rome and Econe], was published just after Easter 2006, when Benedict-Ratzinger was supposed to have issued another "indult" for Bugnini's Vatican II Half Novus Ordo Mess of 1962+ and was supposed to have started the process by getting Bernie Fellay to sign on with Newrome. As it turned out, the "indult" was not issued that year. Benedict-Ratzinger stopped the process at Easter to wait for the July 2006 re-election of the Novus Ordo-friendly Fellay for a total of 24 years, thus making him the virtual dictator of the Neo-SSPX for over two decades.
Madame Perol's book exposes how a hidden "Le Cercle GREC" has been working since 1998, organizing conferences, workshops, and monthly meetings, in secret. Neo-SSPX members are not invited. The Circle is headed by Fellay's communications manager, closely attached to Franz Schmidberger and with Fellay's authorization, it is said, and includes Madame Perol herself, a presbyter-friend of Josef Ratzinger, a French Newbishop, and several "indult" and Novus Ordo presbyters of Newchurch. The chairman is said to be reporting to the Apostolic Nuncio in Paris, to the Chief of the Episcopal Conference in France, and to Newcardinal Dario Hoyos, then President of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, but fired on July 2, 2009, when he was exposed as complicit in the rape of children by Newchurch clergy.
GREC's charge is to discuss how to "reconcile" with Modernist Newrome. The GREC members would like to promote "dialogue." They say that the truth is "uniting in depth" the Neo-SSPX sect and the Newchurch of the New Order. This is Vatican II's false doctrine of "oecumenism" as applied to the Neo-SSPX and Newrome, using the same terminology and methodology ("dialogue," "reconciliation") as is being used by Newrome with the Protestant Anglicans and Eastern Orthodox schismatics. What GREC is doing is exactly the contrary of what the Society's founder, Archbishop Lefebvre, recommended in a sermon of 1987. The founder of the SSPX would have immediately canceled GREC or would have forbidden his priests to participate in such meetings as his successor Fellay is promoting.
Fellay and his fellow Liberalists in the Neo-SSPX sect tried to keep the existence of GREC a secret even from their own members, working to present themselves falsely as "traditionalists," as if they had never discussed the sell-out with Benedict-Ratzinger. Madame Perol's book blew the lid off Fellay's deception, exposing his subversive movement in Paris that had been going on for eight years.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Senior bishop Richard Williamson's future in a Fellay-ruled Neo-SSPX is not secure at all. Neo-SSPXers are foolish to stick around with that sect, especially if there are independent traditional chapels in the area offering the fully Traditional Latin Mass rather than the Vatican II Half Novus Ordo Mess that Fellay's Neo-SSPX shovels out.
We must not forget that tied in with the Great Sex Holocaust suborned by the Newchurch of the New Order is an equally corrupt Great Embezzlement Holocaust, which is embezzling millions of dollars from the Newchurch collection-plate. So numerous and excessive have the instances of outright embezzlement by Newchurch clergy become that forewarned Newchurchers are engaging in contributory negligence at this point if they make any contributions to Newchurch.
Monsignor Kevin McAulifee plead guilty on October 7, 2011, to stealing 650,000 dollars from the collection-plate of his Las Vegas, Nevada, Newparish over a period of eight years. That is close to 100,000 collars a year! Such a theft is impossible without the complicity, or the gross negligence, of the Las Vegas Newbishop, Joseph Pepe. McAuliffe said that he stole the money from gift store funds, votive candle donations, and the collection-plate.
McAuliffe was hauled before a United States District court on three counts of fraud. He faces up to sixty years in federal prison and 750,000 dollars in fines. In order to get a lighter sentence, McAuliffe shed some crododile tears. Too little, too late. Federal courts in the United States do not send such thieves for "treatment," but rather send them to the prison that they deserve. Newbishop Pepe has remained silent on how his own malfeasance could have permitted the better part of a million dollars to be stolen from one of his Newparishes, over which he has a serious fiduciary responsibility. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Las Vegas Review-Journal.]
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
My son was baptized in the Catholic Church. He is not a practicing Catholic now. He is planning to marry next year. His fiance is not Catholic, and they are not planning on a Catholic wedding. They don't know who they will have perform the ceremony, but are looking at an outdoor wedding. I am a traditional practicing Catholic. Am I even allowed to attend this wedding?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
As a baptized Catholic, your son is required to marry "in the Church," that is, in the Catholic form before a Catholic priest. If he does not, he is committing a public act proclaiming himself separated from the Church and thereby excommunicating himself (e.g., if he marries before a non-Catholic minister or civil official).
The same consequence arises if he marries a non-Catholic without a proper dispensation "for just cause" (this requirement rightly exists to protect the Faith of the Catholic party and of any children that might result from the marriage). Moreover, if a dispensation is to be granted, the non-Catholic party must sign a written promise not to interfere with the Catholic party's exercise of his religion and to raise any children in the Catholic Faith.
Nor is the Sacrament of Matrimony a garden party. Therefore, it is prohibited to hold a sacred service as some kind of "outdoor party" instead of in a sacred place, that is, in a church.
If your son attempts to marry outside the Church, you cannot condone and personally participate in his crime of excommunicating himself and the dire consequences to his eternal soul of such an act. Maybe it is not too late for you to get your son to use this opportunity to "straighten out and fly right." He and the other party should review with a traditional priest the teachings of the Faith over a period (it seems in this case, since your son seems ignorant of Catholic teaching, of several months). This process might reveal that the parties are not suited to be marriage partners. If so, it is an advantage to find that fact out sooner rather than when it is too late.
When a nation loses its basis in God's Natural Law, all kinds of perversions ensure. The U.S. Declaration of Independence includes a recognition of the "Laws of Nature and of Nature's God," yet the Supreme Court is now considering whether it can order the "Catholic Church" to ordain priestesses. Abortion, sodomy, and "gay" marriage are accepted legally in that country, as in most other "Christian" countries.
A Lutheran teacher's lawsuit currently argued in the court on October 5, 2011, raised the question: can government efforts to end "job discrimination" jeopardize the all-male "Catholic priesthood" [sic]? The lawsuit involves a Lutheran group's right to hire and fire ministers at its discretion -- a principle that extends to the issue of Catholics' and other groups' right to determine who will exercise ministries. There has traditionally been in the law a "ministerial exception," allowing churches freedom in hiring and firing -- but maybe not for long. Already pressure is being put on chaplains in the U.S. military to perform "gay marriages" against their creed, since the Congressional repeal of the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy.
Barack Obama, the Liberalist-Modernist friend of the Liberalist-Modernist Benedict-Ratzinger, has "taken a very extreme position, attacking the very existence of the ministerial exception, such that even the pastor of a church could sue the church for employment discrimination." The Supreme Court justices were asking Obama's attorney why priestesses could not be mandated by the government. Obama's attorney stated categorically that the ministerial exception to discrimination laws is not a part of the First Amendment's guarantee of the "free exercise of religion." In other words, churches in the United States, in the opinion of Obama's attorney, do not have the protection of the First Amendment when it comes to "employment discrimination." If that is the case, a much stronger argument can be made for mandating Christian ministers to conduct "gay marriages," under the specious excuse of barring "sexual-preference discrimination."
Justice Antonin Scalia, a conservative Newchurcher, countered: "There, black on white in the text of the Constitution, are special protections for religion. And you say that makes no difference?" Justice Stephen Breyer, a Jew, sprang the question of whether a woman might sue over her exclusion from the Catholic priesthood. Obama's attorney answered: "Not categorically, but rather because 'the private and public interests are very different in the two scenarios.'" In other words, Obama's attorney holds that there is no constitutional right to the "free exercise of religion." Yet any woman desirous of becoming a priestess can set up her own religion and be ordained as a priestess, as many have already done, in both the Newchurch and Protestant sects. The court is expected to hand down its ruling by summer of 2012. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by CNA.]
Since Benedict-Ratzinger's ultimatum of a "Doctrinal Preamble" that Bernie Fellay must accept as the next stage in his sellout to the New Order sect, the Neo-SSPX's dictator has received a number of knocks in the head from his leading clergy are loyal to the anti-New Order principles of the Society's founder, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre.
Fellay's stooge, First Assistant Niklaus Pfluger, recently visited the German District and spent some two hours trying to convince fifty German Neo-SSPX priests why they should back a "deal" with Newrome. After this long speech, a priest associated with the late Archbishop Lefebvre stood up and in three minutes explained why there could be no such agreement as long as Newrome remains Modernist. Three-quarters of the Neo-SSPX priests in attendance vigorously applauded their approval. At this point Pfluger turned pale and became silent. Because of this direct challenge to Fellay's dictatorship, Pfluger turned the truth on its head in a recent interview in his October 2, 2011, interview in Stuttgart, Germany, by painting a rosy picture of the response.
Then it turned out that at the meeting of Neo-SSPX superiors in Albano, Italy, on October 7, 2011, not only was the Society's senior bishop, Richard Williamson, absent but also Fellay was attacked by several Lefebvrite superiors who told Fellay point blank that they would not "engage in compromise with the false principles of the Second Vatican Council" of the New Order sect that the Society's Archbishop-Founder condemned as "unCatholic."
On the day after the meeting, Pfluger gave a press-saving press conference (perhaps the garrulous Fellay was too embarrassed to speak for himself) in which he maintained that the Neo-SSPX was going to play the Vatican II game of "shades of ambiguity and misunderstandings." Fellay cannot admit that the acceptance of any part of the Doctrinal Preamble involves a complete sellout to the Modernist Vatican II Council and the New Order Modernism condemned by the Archbishop. Such an overt position would lose him half of his membership. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Kreuz.]
It appears that Fellay is now engineering a new "deal" with Newrome. He will accept some "nuanced" form of an acceptance of the unCatholic Vatican II, as long as he can continue to criticize it. He continues to claim that the current regime of Benedict-Ratzinger is better than that of the Unblessed JPII-Wojtyla in 1988, when Archbishop Lefebvre broke ties with the New Order sect. In fact, Ratzinger's regime is far worse! Wojtyla may have been a Modernist buffoon, but Ratinger is an out-and-out pervert, not only in doctrine but also in morals, having been responsible, under his personal signature, for the rape of tens of thousands of children by his corrupt Newclergy. It is this vile New Order sect to which Fellay has become a contemptible patsy, failing to utter one word against the despicable "Paedophile Pope."
On October 7, 2011, the Neo-SSPX's dictator, Bernie Fellay, commanded his thirty local superiors to appear at Albano, Italy, to receive his response to the "Doctrinal Preamble" dictated to the Society by Benedict-Ratzinger. This document includes the Vatican II Modernist "doctrines" that Fellay must accept before his sellout to the New Order can continue.
Significantly, the Society's senior bishop, Richard Williamson, absented himself at the same time that he had taken over personal control of his weekly publication. Williamson is well known to be Fellay's nemesis, as Williamson holds firm to the wise founding principles of Archbishop Lefebvre, which Fellay has sold out, preferring to become a Newchurcher. It is well known that Fellay hates Williamson and has attempted to relegate him to virtual house arrest and silence. But is the worm beginning to turn? Is Williamson now about to take independent action?
Although Fellay issued a brief press release after the meeting, mouthing the principle of "faithfulness to Tradition," he has previously expressed his own unCatholic doctrine that Modernism can be reconciled with Tradition. Fellay, whose own personal motives are suspect, has taken leadership of the issue out of the hands of Neo-SSPX bishop Alfonso Galarreta and placed them entirely in his own dirty hands and those of his two personally-appointed stooges, Niklaus Pfluger and Alain Nely, for a response. The terms of the sellout are still shrouded in secrecy, though its contents are essentially obvious.
Good Catholics, what are Benedict-Ratzinger and Fellay afraid of? Why not make the terms public and allow their members to debate the proposal openly? But what would you expect from a man (Ratzinger) who covered up under his personal signature the rape of tens of thousands of children by his Newchurch clergy and from a man (Fellay) who acts toward his organization not as a bishop and a father, but as a dictator that Julius Caesar could admire!
On October 5, 2011, one in eight presbyters in Ireland walked out on Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch of the New Order. That part is the good news, but unfortunately these presbyters are walking out because the notorious Modernist Ratzinger is not liberalist enough for them. They want a Newer Order with a change in Catholic teaching (which is really Biblical teaching) on sex and celibacy. So Ratzinger is getting it from the left and from the right!
The new Association of Catholic [Sic] Priests [Sic] wants a more liberalist Newer Order sect. 540 presbyters have already joined the new sect from Ireland's 4,700 remaining presbyters. One prominent spokesman for the new sect is a presbyter who was identified by Radio-Television Ireland as a rapist. (Only afterward did RTE correct its account to the effect that he was not the father of the illegitimate child resulting from the rape/trist.)
Newchurch has truly become a sump-hole under Benedict-Ratzinger, harboring the worst scum. And this is the ilk that the Neo-SSPX's Bernie Fellay supports and drools to join, against whose "Paedophile Pope" Fellay has raised not a word. That old saying comes to mind: "Birds of a feather flock together." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Irish Times.]
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Today I have heard that the local Neo-SSPX is spreading a blatant deception, saying that the Rome of 2011 ("Traditionalist"?) is not the same of the Rome of 1988 (Modernist). Sounds to me like Fellay is engineering a new Theory of Evolution! But he has it wrong. His new mantra should be: "The Neo-SSPX of 2011 (Modernist) is not the same as the SSPX of 1988 (Traditional)!
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
You're right: this seems to be the new mantra of Fellay to attempt to deceive his Neo-SSPXers into selling out to Benedict-Ratzinger's New Order sect. Apparently, the "Paedophile Pope" Benedict-Ratzinger is a more savory character to Fellay than the "Pre-Paedophile Pope," JPII-Wojtyla! The lie that Fellay is planting that the Newchurch of the New Order is "traditionalist." Any fool with eyes can see the stupidity of that position. Newchurch is far worse now than even in 1988, when the SSPX's founder, Archbishop Lefebvre, called it "not Catholic." Fellay has become truly desperate, as his ambitions for the Novus Ordo purple were scuttled by his senior bishop, Richard Williamson.
Because two -- count them -- two Newbishops in the United States have not allowed "altar girls" at the invalid Novus Ordo Protestant-Masonic-Pagan service, the wacko Newjesuits in their Modernist periodical, America, published a "Save the Altar Girls" piece. They needn't have bothered. The biggest supporter of "altar girls" is the current Newpope, Benedict-Ratzinger!
In fact, it was under Card. Josef-Ratzinger, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the [New Order] Faith, that "altar girls" were admitted to the dinner tables of the Novus Ordo temples under the March 1994 Vatican Communication on Female Altar Servers. Now as Benedict-Ratzinger, the current Newpope is an unabashed supporter of "altar girls" and has used them prominently at his own Novus Ordo services, the only ones he simulates, whereas he has never celebrated a Traditional Latin Mass as Newpope. On November 5, 1995, his predecessor, the Unblessed JPII-Wojtyla, for the first time ever, simulated the Novus Ordo service with four "altar girls," altar boys, and "concelebrants" in a great New Order circus. The girls were vested in the tarcisiano, a white clerical cassock with two horizontal red stripes. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by La Stampa.]
The fact is that altar servers are quasi-clergy. That is why they wear a cassock and surplice just like the Catholic clergy. When the parish system arose after the Black Plague of the 15th century and brought the Faith out from the sole purview of the cathedrals and monasteries, there were not enough Catholic clergy, that is, clerics tonsured or in Minor Orders, to service the priests at the parishes. Thus, laymen or boys were used as quasi-clergy to serve Mass. Women are barred from the clergy, just as men are barred from bearing children. Christ selected no woman to be in the clergy, not even His mother.
Good Catholics, Modernist Newchurchers, including Ratzinger himself, have been coyly trying for years to break Christ's ordinance and enroll historically-pagan priestesses in the New Order clergy. Ratzinger & Co. just want to do it when they want to do it. They don't like the underground and overground "ordinations" in which numerous women have now participated, even with tacit approval of certain Newchurch bishops. As usual, it is not a matter of Catholic doctrine with the Newchurch Modernists, just a matter of control.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
When we had a visit last weekend by an SSPX priest (at least I think he was a priest; Fellay has been using imports from the New Order at various of his sites), I asked him what was going on between the Neo-SSPX and Newrome. He indicated that Fellay thinks that the Neo-SSPX has no alternative but to seek recognition from Newrome because, for all intents and purposes, present-day Rome is de facto the Catholic Church. (The SSPX has flipped to the dark side after 40 years?!).
When I told the SSPX priest that his "de facto" Church does not have all the four marks of the Catholic Church (one, holy, Catholic, and Apostolic), he did not offer a reply. How could he deny the reality that the New Order is not the Catholic Church? Apparently, Fellay's Neo-SSPX now denies the crisis in that Church that Arcbishop Lefebvre's original SSPX recognized clearly: the New "Mass" that is not a Catholic Mass, the New Sacraments that are not Catholic Sacraments, the doctrinal errors of "oecumenism" and all the rest. All this has been swept under Fellay's carpet so that he can play the sycophant to the New Order sect.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
The Syro-Malankara (West Syrian) rite appeared in the Catholic Church in India in 1930 when two schismatic bishops of the Orthodox Syrian Church, an autonomous church that had seceded from the Syrian Orthodox Church around 1905, entered the Catholic Church. At that time, Pope Pius XI gave a solemn assurance that the form of the Catholic and Apostolic Eastern rite would not be changed.
The New Order's "Eastern Rites," as well as the schismatic Eastern Orthodox rites, are a sham. They Have Been Novus-Ordoized beyond their Catholic and Apostolic form. Since Vatican II the West Syrian rite, for example, has been widely Novus-Ordoized. The service, which used to be in ancient Aramean, now more often in the local vulgar tongue, Malayalam. The "concelebration," used by the Vatican II Modernists to destroy the nature of the Catholic priesthood, has been introduced. Since 1980, the form of consecration has been altered to replace "which for you and for many will be shed in remission of sins" with "which will be shed for the remission of sins and life everlasting," not indicating for whom Christ suffered death upon the Cross. At the annual meeting of the Newchurch Bishops Conference of India, all the prelates -- "Latin," Syro-Malabar, and Syro-Malankara -- concelebrate the Novus Ordo.
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
Pseudo-traditionalists who think that they can escape into "Eastern rites" are sadly mistaken. The Eastern Rites have in many cases abandoned their Catholic and Apostolic form. Since Vatican II many of the Eastern churches have substituted a vernacularized, Novus-Ordoized worship service. This is particularly true in the United States. Pseudo-traditionalist Catholics are easily duped by these "modernized" Eastern rites because they are ignorant of the Eastern Rite and their liturgical languages (Biblical Greek, Aramean, etc.).
Yes, there may be the rare Eastern-rite church with an Eastern-rite liturgy that has not been corrupted Vatican II, but such a church is more by far like the proverbial needle in the haystack than the Traditional Latin Mass! For further information, click on the TRADITIO Network's FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Doctrines?" in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) department.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
On March 5, 2002, the Neo-SSPX's Bernie Fellay said: "Assisi II was extended to include Tradition. Rome is saying: "We have a place for the Zoroastrians, for Jews, for Moslems, for animists, Buddhists, Hindus..., and we have a place for you." That's it. Newrome has a place in the zoo for Tradition. Yet, Bishop Fellay appears not to be concerned about this any longer.
Why? What has changed? Has Newrome ceased to be Modernist? Is it no longer hostile to traditional Catholicism? Despite the Neo-SSPX's lip-service to "things being different today than in 1987/1988," one wonders how Benedict-Ratzinger praising the Arch-heretic Martin Luther and organizing the Third International Blasphemy at Assisi in October 2011, would indicate a more traditional climate in Newrome! No, Bernie, Newrome has not changed; it is you who have changed. The Fellay of 2002-2003 has quite a different mindset than the Fellay of 2009-2011.
Once Fellay and his Neo-SSPX sell out to the New Ordo, he will not bite the hand that feeds him. It no longer even becomes necessary for Newrome to stifle the Neo-SSPX from the outside, once the psychology of self-censure kicks in. Even now, Fellay has not said one word against the "Paedophile" pope, whose signature has consigned tens of thousands of children to rape by Newchurch clergy.
But to all these concerns, what do we SSPXers hear from our SSPX leadership? "Shut up and obey! It is Fellay's decision. You have no say in it." As though the Catholics who frequent these chapels have no need to know whether their priests still intend to hold true to tradition. As though their souls are not equally at stake.
Ironically, Fellay, who once condemned all forms of technology as immoral, has recently been spending a bundle of his Neo-SSPXers' money to create his personal media empire to spew out pro-New Order propaganda by those same forms of his condemned technology. Fellay's hypocrisy has reached new heights!
Many traditional Catholics, ignorant of the origins of their movement, are falling back into an obsolete model of traditional Catholicism. This model was the first reaction of traditional Catholics in 1970, when the Novus Ordo service was first introduced. The following two models were described in the September 2011 bulletin of the traditional Catholic Most Holy Trinity Seminary by one who, like us TRADITIO Fathers, was there when it happened.
In 1970, upon the introduction of the Novus Ordo service, nearly all traditional Catholics, including Archbishop Lefebvre, were working under a now obsolete model that Vatican II, while an unfortunate thing, was nonetheless completely orthodox; that Paul VI-Montini, though weak and somewhat liberal, was nonetheless thoroughly Catholic in his beliefs; that the New Mass, although inferior and repulsive, was, despite all, a Catholic liturgy.
Modernists, termed at that time "liberals," were Catholics who were merely misled, who simply had the wrong ideas about the Catholic Church. No one at that time, or very few perhaps [one of the rare exceptions being Fr. Gommar DePauw, Founder of the Catholic Traditionalist Movement], saw the Novus Ordo as a new religion founded by Vatican II, powered by a hierarchy which desired to transform Catholicism into what the Novus Ordo is today: a dogma-less general Christianity stripped of the Church's ancient disciplines, liturgy, dogmas, morals, and dignity.
When the Society of St. Pius X was officially suppressed in 1974 by Paul VI-Montini, the Obsolete Model changed in the eyes of many traditional Catholics. As Vatican II was studied more, and as the liberals became more and more radical and bold in their pronouncements and outrageous practices, the Obsolete Model began to fall apart, and a whole new model replaced it. Vatican II was now properly regarded as heretical, together with its New Mass and its hierarchy, which promulgated these things.
The role of the traditional priest is not to reconcile with the Modernists in order to work with them and under them, but to conduct an ecclesiastical war with them. The Conciliar popes are the enemy, the Modernist nemesis of the traditional Catholic Faith. Modernists leaders have to be resisted, even publicly chastised. A battle for souls exists. The rhetoric is heating up the Modernists' intention to suppress true, traditional Catholicism.
Good Catholics, the gravest problems in the Traditional Catholic Movement today is traditional Catholics' ignorance of the history of their movement. Rather than advancing the fight for the true Catholic Faith against the unCatholic Novus Ordo sect, some have fallen back into a false attitude that the Devil of the Novus Ordo can be justified, if only viewed "in the light of tradition." This is where Bernie Fellay and his Neo-SSPX finds itself today.
We have been there. We have done that. It has taken years, but traditional Catholics should now all recognize that the Novus Ordo is not only completely phony, but is lethal to souls. The Novus Ordo's "gift" of a dollop of Latin if you enter into the door of their temple is merely, as the late theologian Dietrich von Hildebrand titled his book on the Novus Ordo, "a Trojan horse in the city of God."
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Does Cardinal Ottaviani's Intervention to Paul VI-Montini, against the Novus Ordo service, to the effect that the Novus Ordo Missae introduced in 1969 by Hannibal Bugnini is unCatholic and invalid, still hold for the Third Edition of 2000, which is going to be rolled out to Newchurch in late 2011?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
It is well known that in 1969 Alfredo Cardinal Ottaviani, who was Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, issued, together with Antonio Cardinal Bacci, and several Roman theologians, A Short Critical Study of the New Order of Mass. So devastating was the fact that the Church's leading doctrinal official condemned the Novus Ordo service as unCatholic and invalid, that Paul VI-Montini recalled the Novus Ordo Missal for a year, in order to save face. It was reissued in 1970 without significant change.
Now, a Third Edition of that same Novus Ordo Missal is being rolled out to Novus Ordo temples in late 2011. This missal has been the subject of great controversy, and many Newbishops and presbyters have already stated that they will not use it (would that traditional Catholics had done the same when the First Edition came out!). Essentially, nothing has changed. A few deck chairs on the lethal Titanic iceberg have been rearranged. The Novus Ordo Protestant-Masonic-Pagan service remains just as invalid as when it came from the Protestant-based pen of Hannibal Bugnini, the Freemason who was chief architect of the Novus Ordo "liturgy."
The intention of the service is still defective. It is still essentially a Protestant service (Bugnini used mainly large sections of Protestant services), which fails the standards of the dogmatic Council of Trent, Pope St. Pius V's Bull Quo Primum and De Defectibus, and Pope Leo XIII's Apostolic Letter Apostolicae curae. For further information click on the TRADITIO Network's Novus Ordo Service Photo Gallery department in the section "The Invalidity of the Novus Ordo Service by Papal Declaration."
Good Catholics, you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear! The Novus Ordo is a product of the Protestant heresy and its defective intention. Bugnini himself admitted this fact in his magnum opus entitled La Riforma liturgica (1948-1975). The dogma of the Church is clear about invalid services. Pope St. Pius V was clear. Pope Leo XIII was clear. If the form, matter, and/or intention of the service is not valid, the service is not valid. It is only Novus Ordinarians who believe that they can validly worship a sow's ear!
In an October 2, 2011, interview in Stuttgart, Germany, Neo-SSPX's dictator Bernie Fellay's First Assistant, Niklaus Pfleuger, intimated that Fellay was ready to sign the "Doctrine Preamble" dictated by Benedict-Ratzinger so that the Neo-SSPX can become a full-fledged member of what the SSPX's Founder, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, called the unCatholic "Conciliar Rome." In order to forward his agenda, Pfleuger has adopted Vatican II-speak, which contradicts Our Lord's dictum "Let your speech be yea, yea: no, no: and that which is over and above these, is of evil" (Matthew 5:37/DRV). He is already starting to "spin" the clear words of his Archbishop-founder's clear denunciation of the Newchurch of the New Order and its current infamous leader, Benedict-Ratzinger.
Pfluger's words intimate an immorality, condemned by St. Paul in his Epistle to the Romans (how appropriate that audience today!), of the end justifying the means. Pfluger twists words in order to make it sound as if the Archbishop would approve of a sellout by Fellay: "It was always the most ardent desire of our founder [Lefebvre] that Tradition should flourish again throughout the world. A canonical recognition of the Society of St. Pius X could accomplish just that." To the contrary, everyone knows that the Archbishop was utterly opposed to a sellout to the unCatholic New Order. If he hadn't been opposed, he would not have courageously proceeded with the public break from the spurious "Conciliar Rome," on June 30, 1988, which resulted in his excommunication from the false New Order sect, an excommunication that he wore as a badge of honor.In a very revealing admission, Pfluger went on to state that he considers the Modernist New Order no longer to be a threat to the Neo-SSPX: "If Marcel Lefebvre had given in, Rome could in fact have hoped that a Society without its 'own' bishops would someday come round to the Conciliar way. Today the situation is completely different.... Rome can no longer confront the Society as it did more than twenty years ago." Is Pfluger naive, or what?!
Pfluger goes on to state: "Therefore, any 'offer' made to Tradition must guarantee us the freedom to be able to continue our [the Neo-SSPX's] work and our critique of modernist Rome." There is an obvious "spin" in this statement. "Tradition" becomes equivalent to "Fellay's Neo-SSPX." We all know -- what Pfluger won't admit -- is that there are many more traditional priests and organizations around the world that have nothing to do with Fellay's Neo-SSPX sect. Fellay's sect is far from even including the majority of traditional Catholics around the world. Moreover, Fellay can hardly even be called "traditional" any longer, as he has essentially given up traditional Catholicism to become a patsy for Benedict-Ratzinger's New Order.
Pfluger then indicates his clear support for a sellout by Fellay to Ratzinger: "Canonical recognition would be a gain for the Church." To Pfluger, Neo-SSPX;s incorporation into the Newchurch of the New Order would be just peachy. Is Pfluger daft, or what? This is exactly the policy that his Archbishop-founder wisely rejected.
Good Catholics, Benedict-Ratzinger is just drooling to get Fellay and his minions "in full communion" with his unCatholic New Order, so that the Neo-SSPX can be swallowed up in Newchurch Modernism, just like the unfortunate man who steps into quicksand and can never get out, but breathes his last as he dies by asphyxiation.
We Fathers have pointed out many times before how fortunate it is that the Church's Universal Doctor, St. Thomas Aquinas, made it quite clear that canonizations are not infallible. Certainly, beatifications aren't. The New Order can beatify and canonize as many despicable characters as it wants, and true Catholics don't have to worry that they have to accept them.
The Newchurch archdiocese of Seoul, Korea, is preparing soon to present the paperwork to Novus Ordo con-anize a man who will go down in history mainly as a murderer. Newchurch wants to make the "Assassin Priest," Thomas An Jung-geun, its "saint." Jung-geun assassinated the governor of Japan, Ito Hirobumi, on October 26, 1909. Jung-geun was subsequently captured and executed for murder on March 26, 1910. Why did this Newchurch "saint" perpetrate the murder? It was all political. He didn't like the Japanese. Today we would call him a bigot, but for Newchurch the only bigots are traditional Catholic bishops who dare to question in any way the received story about the World War II "holocaust."
During his trial Jung-geun defended the assassination on political grounds: "I killed Ito because he was an obstacle to peace in Asia and was a hindrance to relations between Korea and Japan." Contrary to traditional Catholic teaching, this "priest" became lieutenant general of the Korean Resistance Army, and apparently lost the Faith at that point, just as did the Novus Ordo Jesuits, who in the 1960s joined the Communists to kill South Americans under the guise of Vatican II "liberation theology."
When the Catholic Church was traditional, Jung-geun was condemned as a murderer justly executed, but in 1993, when JPII-Wojtyla's "New Catechism" came in, the assassination was lauded as a "patriotic act." The Bible gives no indication of Christ calling for the assassination of Pontius Pilate, but Newchurch regards the assassin "saint" as the dispenser of "God's justice." We Fathers have to wonder whether the assassination of a pope-abettor in the rape of tens of thousands of children could be justly assassinated under the same New Order canon!
Curiously, the Newpope who "changed all the rules" about canonization in 1984 to fit the spurious New Order was John Paul II-Wojtyla, himself the "Pre-Paedophile Pope," who, with his hand-picked henchman, Benedict-Ratzinger, the "Paedophile Pope," unleased upon Newchurch the Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust, which continues to this day -- and is even getting worse. For further information about the unCatholic changes introduced into the New Order's con-anizations that invalidate the process, click on the TRADITIO Network's FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Doctrines?" in the section "Canonizations" in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Catholic Apologetics) department.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I live in a country where the SSPX is the sole provider of the "Latin Mass" (as you know, the Society does not celebrate the fully Traditional Latin Mass). Over the years almost every SSPX priest/presbyter who has been stationed here has been overtly critical of the Modernists in the Vatican II Church. SSPX Bishop Williamson has often claimed that these very Modernists suffer from "mind-rot."
Now, believe it or not, the SSPX under its new leader Bernie Fellay is on the verge of accepting terms dictated by the same Modernists of the Vatican II Church in order that his SSPX be accepted as a part of that very Modernist Church! I have to conclude that it is the SSPX, and no one else, that has been suffering from mind-rot all along. We SSPX faithful have been conned!
You have to give credit to United States Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, who, although he is not a traditional Catholic, is at least a conservative moralist. Scalia walked into the lion's den in September 2010, a Newchurch law school in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and told the Newchurchers there that the U.S. Newbishops were full of it when they dumped on capital punishment. "If I thought that Catholic doctrine held the death penalty to be immoral," Scalia told the Newchurchers, "I would resign. I could not be a part of a system that imposes it."
Scalia has consistently educated the public that the Newbishops are trying to shovel unCatholic "doctrines" onto the clueless Newchurchers. In fact, he even took out a full-page ad to explain the traditional Catholic doctrine. Because they are essentially Modernists, the Newbishops have tried to sidestep the longstanding position of the Catholic Church that a state has the right to use capital punishment in order to protect society against heinous crimes.
In 1992 the "Pre-Paedophile" Pope, JPII-Wojtyla, who cared more about convicted criminals than children raped under his authority, had the temerity to try to fabricate a "New Catechism" that rejected Catholic moral teaching. Actually, he floated that opinion in a draft version of the New Catechism in vulgar tongues, but then backed off a bit in the final Latin version, when Catholics rejected his unCatholic teaching. Even to this day, 60 to 68 per cent of Newchurchers reject JPII-Wojyla's "nuanced" teaching on the subject. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Time magazine.]
In his Modernist "rewrite" of Catholic Doctrine, JPII-Wojtyla, rejected the teaching of the dogmatic Council of Trent, which decreed: "[Well founded is] the right and duty of legitimate public authority to punish malefactors by means of penalties commensurate with the gravity of the crime, not excluding, in cases of extreme gravity, the death penalty." Wojtyla also rejected the teaching of the Catholic Church's Universal Doctor and Chief Theologian, who equated a dangerous criminal to an infected limb thereby making it "praiseworthy and healthful" to kill the criminal in order to spare the spread of infection and safeguard the common good."
Liberalists have wondered why the Newbishops don't push back against Scalia's portrayal of the traditional Catholic position on capital punishment. Well, they can't! All the Doctors of the Church, including the Great Doctor, St. Augustine, and the Universal Doctor, St. Thomas Aquinas, have pronounced against the Newbishops' unCatholic position. And Scalia is sharp enough to cite traditional Catholic teaching and send the unCatholic Newbishops back into their Modernist holes. For further information, click on the TRADITIO Network's FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Doctrines?" in the section "Capital Punishment" in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Catholic Apologetics).
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Your readers might not be aware that after Benedict-Ratzinger was elected in 2005, Bernie Fellay, the dictator of the Neo-SSPX, fabricated a paper that purported to argue for the validity of the Novus Ordo "ordination" rite for bishops (since 1968 Newchurch bishops are not consecrated; they are merely "ordained" and "installed"). This article was perpetrated in order to prepare the way for Fellay to sell out his Neo-SSPX to the Newchurch of the New Order, since he could hardly maintain that the Newpope to whom he was pandering was not even validly consecrated as a bishop. Benedict-Ratzinger has in fact never been consecrated as a Catholic bishop in the traditional rite of Holy Orders, but merely "installed" as a Newbishop under Hannibal Bugnini's Protestantized New Ordinal of 1968. Thus, Benedict-Ratzinger opens himself to the argument that he cannot be the "Bishop of Rome." Oops!
Originally, a study by the late William Morgan, father of the SSPX's own Fr. Paul Morgan, concludes that the Novus Ordo rite is invalid. That conclusion was unacceptable to Fellay's Novus Ordo aspirations, so he commissioned another article by a Dominican monastery attached to the SSPX. The Dominican scholars reached the same conclusion: the Novus Ordo "ordination" rite of bishops is invalid. Fellay withheld publication of that article and now became desperate. Time was passing, and Benedict-Ratzinger was losing confidence in Fellay's ability to convince his SSPXers to sell out to the Novus Ordo.
So, Fellay make one last desperate attempt. He ordered his lieutenant, Franz Schmidberger, to ghost-write an article favorable to the Novus Ordo rite of episcopal "ordination" and publish it under the name of Fr. Pierre Marie. This novel interpretation was finally published in December 2005-January 2006, only eight months after Benedict-Ratzinger was elected Newpope and only four months after Fellay's own "Beheading" meeting with Benedict-Ratzinger on August 29, 2005. Under such a rushed deadline was the article written that it essentially relegated to a couple of footnotes Pope Pius XII's arguably dogmatic Apostolic Constitution, Sacramentum ordinis, of November 30, 1947, which confirmed exactly the traditional form of the Sacrament of Holy Orders. Fellay's Neo-SSPX sometimes doesn't know what it is doing!
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
We TRADITIO Fathers advise our readers to take cum grano salis pseudo-traditional sites run by lay bloggers, who really know little or nothing about the traditional Catholic Faith. These pseudo-traditionalists are sycophants, like Bernie Fellay, of the New Order and proclaim that the Novus Ordo service and ordinations are valid. Any real Catholic can see that they are not. Certainly Pope Leo XIII foresaw that they are not. For further information, click on the TRADITIO Network's Novus Ordo Service Photo Gallery department in the section "The Invalidity of the Novus Ordo Service by Papal Declaration."
We TRADITIO Fathers were around at Vatican II. We have been writing for the internet from long before Newvatican's web site or the SSPX web site ever existed. In fact, Fellay used to denounce web sites, together with television, radio, and perhaps even books, as the Devil's work. Now, as a member of the Novus Ordo establishment, Fellay favors these instruments in order that he can disseminate his own Neo-SSPX/Novus Ordo propaganda. But, like all real Catholics, we Fathers know from both ecclesiastical knowledge and personal experience what the reality of the Novus Ordo is -- and it is invalid, just as Pope Leo XIII foresaw.
The rector of St. Matthew's Cathedral in Washington, D.C., at the time of United States President John Kennedy's assassination on November 22, 1963, has died at age 98 on September 29, 2011. Current press accounts incorrectly state that Philip Hannan, auxiliary bishop of Washington, D.C., delivered a "eulogy" at the Pontifical Low Requiem Mass celebrated by Cardinal Richard Cushing, of Boston, Massachusetts, on Monday, November 25, 1963, in the cathedral.
In fact, in accordance with traditional Catholic practice, Msgr. Hannan did not in fact give a eulogy, but merely read favorite Biblical passages of the late president before the Final Absolution at the coffin. The presumptuous delivery of eulogies at Novus Ordo services is entirely unCatholic and presumptuous. No man knows for certain the final disposition of any soul at death, and often apparently "good" people harbor grave occult sins, as was the case with the late president. Therefore, the Catholic Church traditionally forbids eulogies at funerals -- for good reason.
Over three million Germans visited the Oktoberfest beer festival in Bavaria during its first week. The total usually rises to over 6,000,000 visitors. Benedict-Ratzinger, on the other hand, could draw fewer than 60,000 to his Newpapal Mess on September 22, 2011, at the Nazi Sports Field, leaving tens of thousands of seats empty. Clearly Germans have no interest in the "Paedophile Pope" and would rather down litres of wheat beer to traditional German oom-pah-pah brass bands than sup the Newchurch Kool-Aid to strains of Kumbaya, "On Eagles' Wings, and other insipid Modernist ditties so beloved of "fashionable" septuagenarian Newchurch presbyters and "trendy" female "Newparish leaders."
Benedict-Ratzinger's junket to Germany has been a total failure. Almost 200,000 Germans have written to the government to take their names off the registers of Newchurch "Catholics" in the last year alone. Hundreds of German parliamentarians flooded out of the Bundestag when Ratzinger tried to address them, disgusted at his cover-up and facilitation of the rape by his Newchurch bishops and presbyters of tens of thousands of German Newchurch kids. Tens of thousands of protestors flooded the streets, denouncing the "Pedophile Pope" and demanding that the cost of the sick junket instead be given to the child victims, who were raped, whereas Ratzinger threatened to excommunicate any Newbishop who cooperated with the police to bring the pervert presbyters to justice. Ratzinger's own brother, who is also a presbyter, has himself been accused of violent and sadistic child abuse at his Newchurch boarding school.
Most Germans are thoroughly embarrassed by the "Paedophile Pope," and they want nothing to do with the pervert and criminal Newchurch of the New Order. They just want Newpope to go back to Newrome and to stay there, pending his arrest by the International Criminal Court for his crimes against humanity. Only the most gullible and unprincipled Newchurchers any longer have any attachment to this criminal.
Paedophilia, rape, murder, embezzlement -- is there anything that Benedict-Ratzinger's immoral Newchurch of the New Order does not tolerate? Here's something new: an "adulterous" presbyter! A presbyter in the Kansas City-St. Joseph, Missouri, Newdiocese, who for years has sat on the Newdiocese’s marriage tribunal, was accused in court on September 27, 2011, by the cuckolded husband of having had an ongoing affair with the wife and of having fathered a child with the man's wife. Presbyter Joseph Matt had an affair with the married woman in 2004 and 2005.
Here we go again. The bishop of that New Order diocese, Robert Finn, has been charged with fraud by knowingly keeping silent. When the woman herself finally reported the presbyter's affair and the results of a paternity test to Finn in September 2010, he broke his silence. Said the husband: "It's been a nightmare. It's not a good thing to find out that your son is not yours and the father is actually a priest [sic] that you thought you could trust. I still can’t believe it." When will these Newchurchers wake up to the fact that a large percentage of their clergy, as encouraged by the cover-up policy of the "Paedophile Pope," Benedict-Ratzinger, are paedophiles, rapists, embezzlers, and worse.
True to Newchurch's corruption in handling such affairs, Newbishop Finn, although he removed Matt from his position for a mere four months, then reinstated the philandering presbyter, where he continues to serve, on the qui vive, as it were, to impregnate more female Newparishioners. Finn did not fire Matt from his position on the Newdiocesan marriage tribunal as an interpreter of Newchurch's phony "canon law." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Kansas City Star.]
Good Catholics, any notion that Benedict-Ratzinger has changed his stripes to become a "traditionalist" is ridiculous. This man still runs his Newchurch of the New Order like his predecessor, the Roman emperor Caligula, ran his palace: as a brothel. Real Catholics must stay away entirely from the immoral and unCatholic New Order sect, lest they become tainted by the corruption themselves.
It all fits. Motarians are playing up to Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch of the New Order by trying to cover its sex crimes with their phony "Latin Mass," sometimes called the "Extraordinary Mass" of the New Order. According to an announcement from the Kansas City-St. Joseph, Missouri, Newdiocese, "charismatics" or "traditionalists" or "something in between" are all invited for a "Motu" Mess shivaree, where Newbishop Robert Finn has been implicated in knowingly placing a sex criminal over children a paedophile presbyter who took "tons" of pornographic pictures of the children and published them on Facebook.
The Motarians are hosting the "Latin Mess" on June 29, 2011, to "promote unity" with the accomplice Newbishop. Do any of these sellout Motarians ever ask: "Unity in what?" A false unity with criminal Newbishops and presbyters? A false unity with the head of the Newchurch of the New Order, who actively covered up for his Newclergy and then put them back into positions where they could continue to assault and rape children? Rather. the Motarians should force the criminals out of office, from the top down.
In addition to the pornographer-presbyter, who was arraigned on June 16, 2011, the Newdiocese has been called out in recent days for two other celebrated cases of sex crimes by its Newclergy. A Newchurch pastor was exposed for perpetrating paedophiliac crimes over twenty years. The Newdiocese's Vicar General was also accused of sex crimes and was implicated in a cover-up, as he received cases of sex crimes by Newclergy and made recommendations about how to handle the cases -- or not. EWTN, the infamous Newchurch Charismatic Cable Network, will shoot footage of the Mess.
A virtual carnival of "Motu" and Novus Ordo presbyters has been gathered for this truly "Extraordinary Mess": one from the New Order "Motu" Fraternity of St. Peter, one from the New Order "Motu" Institute of Christ the King, and two from the Newdiocese's own Novus Ordo "Liturgy Commission." Perhaps, following the practice of Benedict-Ratzinger at his Newpapal audiences, there may be a few lions and tigers too! The Newdiocese announces that it is hoping for a full crowd under this "circus tent." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Reporter.]