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Francis-Bergoglio said on June 26, 2016, aboard his aeroplane that the "Roman Catholic Church" should seek forgiveness from homosexuals and apologize to them for the way they had treated them. In fact, the Newpope wouldn't know anything about that, as he does not represent the Roman Catholic Church, but the anti-Catholic Newchurch of the New Order. Bergoglio then went on to teach further against Catholic moral teaching: Homosexuals, he said, "should not be discriminated against. They should be respected, accompanied pastorally." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Reuters.]
The teaching of the Catholic Church, taken from both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible, is that sodomy is one of the Four Sins that Cry out to Heaven for Retribution, together with murder, oppression of widows and orphans, and defrauding the laborer of his fair wage. In Old Testament times, the penalty for sodomy, as it was for adultery, was death. St. Paul, in his Epistle to the Romans (1:32) confirms that such sins are "worth of death." Modern society might want to "tolerate" such sins to its detriment, but that doesn't change the facts. And modern society isn't doing so well these days, is it?
One needs to make St. Augustine's distinction between the sin and the sinner. "Interfice errorem, non errantem, said the Doctor of Grace. But Bergoglio deliberately never makes this distinction. That is why his teaching is false by omission. Bergoglio may think that his Newchurch has something to apologize for, but the true Catholic Church, which he does not represent, has nothing to apologize for in following Jesus Christ and Sacred Scripture.
True Catholics, more and more Newchurchers are openly questioning whether Francis-Bergoglio is a Catholic pope, joining traditional (true) Catholics, who have expressed doubts about the anti-Catholic Newpopes since the Vatican II Anti-council. Several Newchurch leaders have openly called for Bergoglio to abdicate because his erroneous teaching is confusing everyone.
On June 28, 2016, Newvatican is going to roll out (literally) the Second Paedophile Newpope, commonly known as the Ex-Newpope, Benedict-Ratzinger for a party in the Apostolic Palace, not in the Apostolic Lunchroom of Santa Martha. Newvatican went pretty far in making up an excuse for the occasion. It has nothing to do with his Newpapacy, but represents the day before Ratzinger was ordained as a priest in 1951.
The problem is: Ratzinger was never consecrated a bishop. He was merely "installed" as a Novus Ordo Newbishop in 1977 under the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini's invalid Protestantized "New Ordinal" of 1968. Ratzinger is thus no better than one of those Protestant Lutheran bishops. So how can Ratzinger have been the Bishop of Rome, you ask? Good question! [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Crux News Service.]
Francis-Bergoglio is even worse off. He wasn't even ordained a priest, let alone a bishop. Bergoglio was merely "installed" as a presbyter on December 13, 1969, under the same invalid Protestantized "New Ordinal," which was made mandatory throughout Newchurch on April 6, 1969. Sorry Ratzinger and Bergoglio, you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. The sow remains a pig.
For the most part, Newvatican keeps the Second Paedophile Newpope hidden away because he is such an embarrassment to the Newchurch of the New Order. Since 1981 Ratzinger was responsible, as Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the [New] Faith, for the tidal wave of paedophile crimes perpetrated by the presbyters, Newbishops, and Newcardinals of Newchurch. Even after he became Newpope in 2005, Ratzinger barely lifted a finger to stop children from being sodomized, raped, and otherwise sexually assaulted.
So hated did he become in Newchurch and around the world, that he was forced to abdicate and now lives in an enforced seclusion behind the rose bush in the Vatican Gardens while the Third Paedophile Newpope, Francis-Bergoglio, does Ratzinger one better. Bergoglio has not just remained silent about the paedophile tidal-wave in his Newchurch; he actually appoints the criminals as his Newbishops and defends their vile acts!
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
In our church a certain woman arrives early every week. She is the first to enter the confessional and will spend 25 to 30 minutes in the confessional. Others thus have to be turned away, some of them coming from some distance. The woman explained to a friend that she was not actually confessing at all. She was taking up the time to talk to the priest about her personal, family, and financial issues!
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
Such conduct is deplorable, and the priest is guilty as an accomplice in the denial of reasonable access to the Sacrament of Penance when others are turned away in such a case. Because of ignorance these days of proper Catholic practice, even among many traditional Catholics, many do not know how a proper confession is made. Let us review now the proper practice.
According to the Roman Ritual, the penitent is first to make a brief expression of penitence. The suggested form is: Confiteor Deo omnipotenti et tibi, pater, quia peccavi (I confess to Almighty God and to you, Father, that I have sinned). The penitent then indicates the period of time since his last confession, in order that the priest may put the enumeration of sins into a temporal context. Ten lies in a year is quite different from ten lies in a week.
Next the penitent briefly accuses himself of his sins (necessarily mortal, optionally venial). It is not necessary to give lengthy explanations of the circumstances unless they are required to understand the quality of the sin. For example, "I accuse myself of lying" would not be sufficient if the lie were stated under oath in court, because such a circumstance would change the quality of the sin (usually a venial sin) to that of a mortal sin. At the end of his confession, the penitent should indicate that he has concluded the enumeration of his sins. A suggested formula is "For these and all the sins of my past life, I asked pardon of God, penance and absolution from you, Father."
A frequent mistake that penitents make is to expatiate in detail on the circumstances of their sins, often trying to excuse themselves and blaming others in the process. This is quite improper and vitiates the purpose of the confession. The priest may in such a case cut the penitent off for irrelevance. The Sacrament of Penance is not a psychological-couch session. Nor is there any need to say an Act of Contrition in the confessional. The presence of the penitent in the confessional is accepted by the Church as a sufficient outward sign of penitence. The examination of conscience, contrition for sin, and firm purpose of amendment should occur before the confession itself. The penitent should silently listen to the form of the absolution and its associated prayers. It has always seemed to us rude for the penitent to be talking on top of the priest as he is uttering these powerful words of absolution. Would a true Catholic babble on while the Consecration occurs during Holy Mass? Of course not.
Often these days, with access to a traditional priest for Confession being limited, one must be especially considerate of others, some of whom have to travel some distance for confession. What the woman you described was doing is sinful in itself, as she is preventing others from accessing the Sacrament of Penance in order to satisfy her own self-centeredness. If she needs extra-sacramental advice, she should make an appointment with the priest outside of the confessional. We Fathers often hear complaints from those who have traveled long distances to approach the Sacrament, only to be turned away because some prolix person has eaten up all the time. The priest too is culpable for pandering to such inappropriate time-wasting. Moreover, in the case when a penitent legitimately expects to require a lengthy confession, for example a General Confession before reception of a Sacrament such as Matrimony, an appointment should be made so as not to inconvenience others.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
You have said that Francis-Bergoglio doesn't believe in Purgatory. He doesn't seem to believe in Hell either. Nor does he believe in the true Mass and Sacraments. Nor does he believe in Catholic doctrine on marriage. Nor does he believe in Biblical morality. How is it possible that a pope (?) can act this way?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
As a Marxist and a practitioner of the heresy of Modernism, which Pope St. Pius X condemned as "summa omnium heresum," the "combination of all heresies," Bergoglio questions the basis of all Catholic doctrine. He has demonstrated this fact again and again, as we have documented in our Daily Commentaries. One of the features of the heresy of Modernism is that its practitioners use indirect speech, which was perfected at the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965). The Modernists don't specifically deny a doctrine as, for example, Martin Luther did. The Modernists simply act as if the doctrine didn't exist. In that way, they deny doctrines, but avoid appearing to do so and thus escape provoking direct confrontations.
No one who would not hesitate to simulate an invalid Novus Ordo Mess under a giant image of Che Guevarra, the Communist mass murderer, in Communist Cuba, as Bergoglio did, believes in any Catholic doctrine. Bergoglio's notorious statements in favor of homosexuality, divorce, birth control, false sacraments (he recently proclaimed that essentially all Newchurch marriages are invalid because Newchurchers don't really intend to make a lifelong commitment), and a phony Mess based on invalid Protestant services indicate clearly that he does not believe in any Catholic doctrine, Purgatory or otherwise.
On June 23, 2016, a judge in Spain ruled Newcardinal Antonio Canizares Llovera, of Valencia, was not committing a "hate crime" when he said that the "gay empire" was attacking the Christian family. The "gay empire" certainly attacked Canizares, hauling him into court for exercising his right to freedom of speech.
This may be a Pyrrhic victory, however, as the openly anti-Catholic Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual-Transsexual-Queer Lambda political machine has chilled any criticism of their unnatural and immoral practices. Lambda had staged a "gay" parade that depicted Our Lady of the Forsaken, patroness of Valencia, kissing Our Lady of Monserrate, patronness of Catalonia. No doubt Canizares has been intimidated into biting his tongue in future. He has already apologized for the words that "might have hurt some." Nor has Francis-Bergoglio spoken up about this matter. He's too busy attacking traditional Catholics.
Remember that traditional bishop Richard Williamson was convicted by Chancelloress Angela Merkel's German government for exercising his free speech. It appears that Spain, of "Spanish Inquisition" notoriety, is actually far less autocratic than Angela's modern-day imitation of her predecessor, Chancellor Adolph Hitler. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Crux.]
True Catholics, the handwriting on the wall should be as clear to us as it was to the Babylonia king Belshazzar. Unless we stand up to the LGBTQXYZ political machine, we will fall victim to the increasingly anti-Catholic autocratic secular governments around the world. All too often traditional Catholics spurn the example of their Apostolic forebears and cave in with silence to secular governments and their agendas promoting gross immorality.
On June 19, 2016, Francis-Bergoglio openly contradicted Jesus Christ and the Bible, not to speak of his predecessors, when he proclaimed: "The Commandment 'Thou shalt not kill' is absolute and applies both to the innocent and to the guilty.... It must not be forgotten that the inviolable and God-given right to life also belongs to the criminal." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
This statement directly contradicts the determination of Pope Pius XII:
Even when there is question of a person condemned to death, the state does not take away the "right" of the individual to life. It is then reserved to the public authority to deprive the condemned person of the "benefit" of life in expiation for his guilt, after he himself, by his crime, has already deprived himself of his right to life. (Acta Apostolicae Sedis XLIV [1952], p. 787)
Even worse, Bergoglio has contradicted Christ's approval of the death penalty in at least three passages in Sacred Scripture, perhaps best expressed by St. Dismas, the "Good Thief" crucified on the cross beside Christ, who told the "Bad Thief" Getas:
Dost not even thou fear God, seeing that thou art under the same sentence? and we indeed justly, for we are receiving what our deeds deserved, but this man has done nothing wrong (Luke 23:40-41).
For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs? in the section "Capital Punishment/Death Penalty" in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files: FAQs and Traditional Apologetics department.
True Catholics, Francis-Bergoglio has given up any pretense that he is a pope in line with his Catholic predecessors. He has no authority to make up doctrine as he goes along, in violation of the Catholic dogma on the limitation of the papacy decreed at Vatican I in the Constitutio Dogmatica Prima de Ecclesia Christi (Pastor Aeternus), cap. 4, De Romani Pontificis Infallibili Magisterio, July 18, 1870. Yet his man claims to be the "vicar" of Christ. No vicar has the authority to overrule his principal, let alone his God!
We TRADITIO Fathers have been asked several times recently what is going on with the Eastern rite churches. Some traditional Catholics harbor the false notion that the Western Church is all fouled up, but the Eastern Church is as pristine as the day Christ died. Nothing could be further from the truth. Bad as is the situation in the West, at least there are thousands of Traditional Catholic priests who maintain the true Faith. In the East, the number of sites that maintain the fully Catholic and Apostolic rites is far fewer. For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs? in the section "Eastern Rite 'Option'" in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files: FAQs and Traditional Apologetics department.
Now news has come out that the Eastern Melkite Church is involved in such a virulent infight that a synod scheduled on June 20, 2016, in Lebanon, had to be because more than half of the Melkite Newbishops, and the synod cannot achieve a quorum. Newarchbishop Bustos and his allies, who walked out on Laham and Bergoglio, have forcefully called for the resignation of the Patriarch, Gregory III Laham, who they claim has "squandered the wealth of the Church." Laham, in turn, has vowed, "I shall not resign."
Francis-Bergoglio was asked to intervene, but Bergoglio's answer was, Settle your own affairs. Newarchbishop Bustos and his allies have openly rejected the actions of the Newvatican Congregation for the Eastern Churches. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World News.]
True Catholics, Bergoglio's agents naturally characterize the Newarchbishop and his allies as being "in open ecclesiastical rebellion" against the purported authority of anti-Catholic Newrome, just as traditional Catholic Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre was likewise smeared, when he stood up for the Traditional Latin Mass and Sacraments, doctrine and morals. That is how the "institutional church" always operates, as Bergoglio's frequent and hateful remarks against traditional Catholics demonstrates.
While Mohammedan Infidels continue their jihad (holy war) against Western Civilization, Francis-Bergoglio has jettisoned his holy predecessor, Pope St. Pius V, who organized a defense in 1571 that repelled the Mohammedans from invading Europe for a century, and has conducted his own Bergoglian jihad against traditional Catholics. The man who claims to be "Mr. Mercy" has in fact, to use Dante Alighieri's words against the pope of his time, a mouth that is a "sewer of filth." The Marxist Bergoglio has nothing but praise for homosexuals, adulterers, and athiests, but here are the vile terms that he has used in the press when speaking of true Catholics:
The effect of the all-too-frequent barrage from the lips of Bergoglio confirms the prejudice of the world against true Catholics. Bergoglio said disparagingly of true Catholics in November 2015: "Among Catholics there are many, not a few, many, who believe the absolute truth." Indeed they do -- and so does Our Lord Jesus Christ. It is but a few verses into the most beautiful words ever written about the Incarnation of the God-Man, the Prologue of St. John's Gospel, heard most Sundays of the year as the Last Gospel of the Traditional Latin Mass: "And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us..., full of grace and truth" (John 1:14/DRV). Not love, mind you, but truth.
Why the Newpope Francis-Bergoglio should hate true Catholics so much is not hard to figure. He himself is a Marxist, and anti-Catholic. He was the mole handpicked to infiltrate Newchurch in 2013 and crush what little remains there of Catholicism. It has been widely reported by the best Newvatican authorities that Bergoglio was the Chosen One of Modernist/Liberalist extremist heretic Newcardinals known as the St. Gallen group. Like the United States' Barack Obama, who expresses far more hatred of Republicans than of the terrorist Mohammedan jihadists, Bergoglio too hates true Catholics more than extremist Mohammedan Infidels. Why? Because the sincerity of both traditional Catholics and Mohammedan Infidels show Bergoglio up for the fraud that he is. (Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Life Site News.)
True Catholics, the world has no great animosity toward a CINO, a Catholic in Name Only, who merely goes to the Protestantized invalid Novus Ordo service, but hates the true Catholic who actually believes what the Catholic and Apostolic Church teaches. It is still possible to be a "safe" or "comfortable" Catholic today -- if one in fact does not believe what the Church teaches or is prepared to be completely silent about it." The most dangerous person to the Modernist/Liberalists today is the true believer in Christ and his traditional Catholic Faith.
Newchurchers attending the invalid New Order Mess performed on June 13, 2016, were frightened out of their wits when a large serpent, traditionally symbolic of Satan, appeared above the "dinner table" (formerly altar) at St. Anthony Novus Ordo temple (formerly chapel) in Bastora, Goa, India. It encompassed the cross and began to topple the top of the altar. The serpent appeared as if on cue at the Offertory, or what the Newchurchers now call the "Preparation of Gifts," for which the New Order Mess has substituted a Jewish meal prayer in place of the Catholic and Apostolic Offertory of the Traditional Latin Mass. The Offertory is the actual beginning of the Sacrifice that takes place at a true Mass, the preceding part consisting merely of hymns and readings.
It appears that while Newchurchers and even pseudo-traditionalists like Bernie Fellay, Superior-Dictator of the Neo-SSPX, are apt to treat lightly the grave sacrilege, idolatry, and heresy perpetrated by the New Order Mess, Satan does not. The New Mess, which is not a Catholic Mass, but worse than the heretical Protestant service condemned by Pope Leo XIII in 1896, is an abomination that has destroyed the institutional Church of the New Order. A similar abomination, called the "abomination of desolation" was prophesied in the Book of Daniel of the Old Testament:
And from the time when the continual sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination unto desolation shall be set up (Daniel 12:11/DRV).
The "continual sacrifice" to which the prophet Daniel refers is the Sacrifice offered daily in the Temple, which ceased when the pagans took over the Temple. There was no Sacrifice in the Temple for over 200 years, until the Machabees retook the Temple from the pagans and restored the Sacrifice. The Machabees were courageous traditionalists who were reacting to the pagan "Oecumenism" and religious Indifferentism of their time ("all gods are the same," "we all worship the same god").
True Catholics, Our Lord Jesus Christ prophesied that the same situation would occur in New Testament times (Matthew 24:15, Mark 13:14). A very strong argument can be made that we are seeing the fulfillment of Our Lord's prophecy in the present day, when the anti-Catholic Newchurch has taken over the once-traditional Catholic altars and turned them into Novus Ordo dinner tables for invalid cookies and Kool-Aid -- an abomination of sacrilege, idolatry, and heresy that cannot in any manner whatsoever be tolerated or participated in by any true Catholic. The truly Satanic "New Mess" has already undermined Archbishop Lefebvre's original traditional Society of St. Pius X, which has been turned by his traitorous successor, Bernie Fellay, into a mere handmaiden of the Newchurch of the New Order.
Francis "Mr. Fraud" Bergoglio is at it again. The Marxist Newpope, who doesn't believe in the dogma of Purgatory, who doesn't believe in Catholic indulgences, is using the once-sacred method of remitting the temporal punishment remaining after repented and forgiven sin in the Sacrament of Penance to serve his own crass personal propaganda machine. On June 16, 2016, he announced that any Newchurcher following his "tweets" would receive "time off Purgatory." Such a statement is fraudulent, sacrilegious, and scandalous to all true Catholics.
The "tweets" pertain to World Youth Day, an anti-Catholic oecumenical fiasco started by the Polish Unsaint JPII-Wojtyla in 1985. The latest incarnation of the immoral event will be held in July 2016. This event became infamous for corrupt Newchurch youth openly having sex in the stands at the Newpapal Mess, using condoms inscribed with the image of the Newpopes. Benedict-Ratzinger promised that he would put a stop to the immoral World Youth Day, but like so many promises of the Second Paedophile Newpope, he failed to carry this one as well.
Fraudulent indulgences were one of the main issues on which Martin Luther fueled the Protestant Revolution. In the cause of these fraudulent indulgences, which were used to raise money for corrupt clerics, Luther was right. One Newarchbishop compared Bergoglio's phony indulgences with getting coffee from a vending machine.
Francis-Bergoglio has degraded himself to tweet on the often-filthy gossip site known as "Twitter," and is planning to extend his false propaganda scheme to gossip site known as "Facebook." Bergoglio has 7,000,000 followers, whereas, in comparison, conservative U.S. Presidential Candidate Donald Trump has over 9,100,000. And, according to "Twitter," there are 200 people who have more followers than Trump. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by The U.K. Guardian.]
True Catholics, Francis-Bergoglio's pandering to the most immoral elements is truly vile, as is the degree to which he has perverted Catholic teaching into a personal propaganda scheme for himself. It is no wonder that voices in Newchurch are now starting to call for his abdication from the Newpapacy. One "authority" recently stated on Fox News: "On matters of doctrine, Francis muddied the waters to an extent that many well-meaning Catholics [that is, Newchurchers] feel they no longer know where the Church stands on issues of Faith." In fact, Newchurch since the Vatican II Anti-Council (1962-1965) has rejected the Catholic Faith. It is just that much worse under the Marxist Bergoglio.
Stung by criticism, even from his own Newbishops, Francis-Bergoglio wigged out yet again on June 16, 2016, and called those who had doubts about baptizing the bastard children of fornicating mothers and fathers as "rigorists" and "animals." Previously, he had derisively called marriage partners who had children "rabbits." Yet the Church has always been cautious about baptizing children outside of legitimate marriage because the unCatholic parents in such a situation cannot ensure that such children will be brought up in the true Faith. With great concern for the preservation of the true Faith, the Church provides methods around this situation, as when it can be assured that a sponsor/godparent can assume that grave responsibility. Although Newvatican later tried to roll back Bergoglio's anti-Catholic and filthy language, the cat was already out of the bag from the mouth of the hateful Newpope Bergoglio.
The problem is that Bergoglio is trying to change Catholic doctrine, which he has absolutely no power to do, according to the dogmatic definition of the papal office decreed at the Vatican I Council. No pope has that power because it is Christ Himself who set the doctrine about marriage, "re-marriage," and adultery. Knowing this, the Rome Conference on the Family, meeting in the original church of the popes, St. John Lateran Archbasilica, to whom Bergoglio addressed his despicable remarks, would have none of his false teaching that they should treat fornicators in a "welcoming, accompanying, integrating" way without judging. To the contrary, Christ's hand-picked Apostle to the Gentiles, St. Paul, put it in simple words that anyone, even the demented Bergoglio can understand: "No fornicator ... hath inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God" (Ephesians 5:5/DRV).
To make matters worse, Bergoglio went on to tell the Family Conference that the "great majority" of Newchurch marriages are invalid because the parties do not realize that marriage is a lifetime commitment. Bergoglio was immediately accused of trying to pull a fast one, because if there is one thing that the true Catholic Faith is known for, it is its adherence to Christ's teaching about the indissolubility of marriage. Bergoglio's statement sparked open rebellion from his own Newchurchers, who have grown tired of his anti-Catholic statements: about homosexuality, about adulterers, and about Mohammedan Infidels.
One New York Times columnist wrote that Bergoglio's words constituted "an extraordinary, irresponsible and ridiculous claim." A Newchurch magzine editor publicly called Bergoglio "wrong and irresponsible." A Newchurch canon lawyer called Bergoglio's words "very bad." Ever since Bergoglio issued his Apostolic Exhortation, Amoris laetitia, The Joy of Sex, on March 19, 2016, even Newchurchers have begun to realize that this Bergoglio is a poseur, who spouts anti-Catholic doctrine and thinks himself to be above Christ Himself. In doing so, the Marxist Bergoglio has revealed himself once again as a little man, one that hates the Catholic Faith. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World News.]
True Catholics, Francis-Bergoglio day by day is exposed as a foul-mouthed hypocrite, who lashes out against even his own conservative Newchurchers, not to say traditional Catholics, with every dirty name in the book, while he pleads for charity toward murderous Islamic Infidels. This Bergoglio is truly a blight upon even the Newpapacy, who should be thrown into the Tiber River, as the Romans of the early Catholic Church did to the immoral and heretic popes of their time.
Catholics who listened to Bishop Fulton Sheen's radio or television programs from 1930 to 1957, now being rebroadcasted, or read any of his 73 books were stunned when Sheen sold out to the anti-Catholic Newchurch of the New Order at the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965). No doubt Sheen was brilliant, and it is a mystery why he didn't see the same Modernist corruption at the anti-council as did Archbishop Lefebvre and the Coetus Internationalium Patrum, composed of 200-400 traditional bishops who tried to stop the over-powerful influence of the rich and popular Modernist wing directed by Cardinal Bea. It could be argued that the seeds of Modernism could already be seen in Sheen's pre-conciliar works, although this was not so obvious at a time when the general context of the Catholic Church was traditional.
It could be that Sheen's Modernism was one of the factors that lead Francis Cardinal Spellman, of New York, to force him off the air. If the world-renowned Sheen had come out against the anti-Catholic New Order, like Francis Cardinal Spellman, of New York, New York; James Cardinal McIntyre, of Los Angeles, California; Archbishop Robert Dwyer, of Portland, Oregon; Bishop Antonio de Castro Mayer, of Campos, Brazil; and many others, who knows how crippled would have been the Modernist movement to substitute for the Roman Catholic Church a Newchurch of the New Order, which was accomplished by the Modernists heretics before the end of the 1960s?
Yet evil begets its own punishments. Sheen could not deal with the cognitive dissonance that he set up in his own mind by betraying the Catholic Faith in order to accept what in his soul he knew to be the Modernist principles of the Newchurch of the New Order, so he gradually started backtracking on his acceptance of its heresies. After his aborted short stint (1966-1969) as Newarchbishop of Rochester, New York, Sheen started conducting Holy Hours to draw clergy back to some semblance of the Catholic Faith. It was too late, however. In 1968, Newchurch stopped ordaining priests in the Sacrament of Holy Orders and begin merely "installing" presbyters "to preside over the [Novus Ordo] assembly. In 1969, Newchurch lost the true Mass and the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist when the full-blown "New Mess," fabricated by the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini on the basis of Protestant services, by Newpapal decree drove out the real Mass.
Although Sheen died in 1979 a broken man, stung with many regrets for his infidelity, the paedophile Newchurch of the New Order, currently headed by the Marxist Newpope Francis-Bergoglio, desperately needs poster-boys to present a phony image to a clueless public. Sheen, who was well known and enjoys current cache in reruns on the "boob tube," is thus a good candidate.
The problem is that his remains lie in St. Patrick's Newcathedral in New York, where he served as auxiliary bishop from 1951 to 1965, and Newcardinal Timothy "Laughing Cow" Dolan there would not release the body to go to Peoria, Illinois, Sheen's home diocese, for the recognitio of his Newbeatification because Sheen wanted to lie in New York. On June 14, 2016, Peoria's Newbishop, Daniel Jensky, who is drooling over the tourism and fund-raising opportunities opened by having Sheen's remains in Peoria, was able to snooker Sheen's remaining family to apply to the New York Supreme Court to overrule Sheen's personal desire and transfer his body. Newcardinal Dolan got the last laugh, however, because he has decreed that after the recognitio, Sheen's body must be returned to New York. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.]
True Catholics, this whole vile Sheen affair is quite dramatic, involving, as it does, a corrupt religious sect (Newchurch), the corpse of a heretic bishop (Sheen), a conniving Newbishop (Jensky), and a pompous fool (Dolan). Shakespeare would have had a field day writing a farce on these themes!
In an odd exchange on June 15, 2016, Francis-Bergoglio has claimed the Republican government of Argentina branded him with 666 - The Mark of the Beast. It all started when the President of Argentina, Mauricio Macri, made a generous donation to Bergoglio's own charity, Scholas Occurentes, which happened to include the number 666, associated with the Antichrist, in its amount: 16,666,000 Argentine pesos, or about 1,200,000 U.S. dollars.
Bergoglio wigged out and refused the donation. The superstitious Newpope said, "I don't like the 666." President Macri was stunned that Bergoglio refused the generous donation to his own charity simply because of superstition about numerals in the amount. Macri explained that it was Newvatican itself that had requested exactly this amount, which constitutes the schools' budget. Ironically, Macri is a graduate of the Newpope's own Pontificial University of Argentina. The Republican was elected President of Argentina in 2011 by a 64 per cent majority. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World News.]
True Catholics, in all the barrage of false propaganda generated by the Bergoglio regime out of Newvatican, it has escaped the world's attention that Newpope's native country doesn't like him. After this bizarre exchange exposing Bergoglio as a superstitious dolt, Bergoglio is coming off like the "Mr. Fraud" who he really is.
On June 14, 2016, Newbishop Thaddeus Ma Dagin, of Shanghai, China, stunned Newchurch by rejecting Francis-Bergoglio's New Order sect to go traditional Catholic. Dagin left the Newchurch of the New Order and joined the long-standing Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association, which is based in traditional Roman Catholicism and stands apart from the New Order sect. The CPA does not recognize Bergoglio and the other Newpopes, but regularly ordains priests and consecrates bishops without involvement with Bergoglio.
The ordinations and consecrations administered by the Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association are unquestionably valid -- as are also, according to the constant teaching of the Catholic Church, the ordinations and consecrations of the Eastern Orthodox and the Old Catholics -- because the Association retains the Apostolic Succession. To the contrary, Newchurch and its Newpopes since 1968 have not ordained priests or consecrated bishops under the traditional Sacrament of Holy Orders. Instead, it merely installs presbyters and Newbishops according to the invalid Protestantized New Ordinal of 1968, fabricated by the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini.
The Association has widely retained the Traditional Latin Mass and Sacraments of the Roman Catholic Church, as they were brought to China by the Jesuit Missionaries. Celebrations of the Traditional Latin Mass in China by the Association have been broadcast on international television. To the contrary, the Newchurch of the New Order, currently led by Newpope Francis-Bergoglio, has rejected the valid, traditional Latin rites of the Roman Catholic Church and substituted invalid Protestantized Mess and the Sacraments in the vulgar tongues, condemned by the dogmatic Council of Trent. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by UCA News.]
True Catholics, the situation of Catholicism in China is complex and too much involved in secular politics, but the same can be said even more concerning the Newchurch of the New Order. Yet the Roman Catholics of the Chinese Patriotic Association do widely retain the valid Traditional Latin Mass and Sacraments, whereas Newchurch has completely replaced religion with politics, abandoned the Catholic Mass and Sacraments, and is currently selected as its Newpope an open Marxist.
A day after some 100 persons were killed or seriously injured in Orlando, Florida, Sunday, June 12, 2016, Francis "Mr. Compassion" Bergoglio said nothing. Instead, he merely had his press agent issue a press release, which contained the sentence: "We all hope that ways may be found, as soon as possible, to effectively identify and contrast the causes of such terrible and absurd violence which so deeply upsets the desire for peace of the American people and of the whole of humanity."
Yet it is Bergoglio himself, as well as his predecessor, Benedict-Ratzinger, who has been guilty of playing up to Islamic terrorists. These Newpopes' policy is that if you play up to the Islamists, spouting Vatican II's false oecumenism, they won't touch you. Of course, that is absurd. The Islamists take such pusillanimous behavior as merely indicating weakness. As U.S. Presidential candidate Donald Trump warned Bergoglio months ago: You and your Newvatican are high on the jihadists' list of targets. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World News.]
Real Catholic popes in the past, on the numerous occasions when Islam tried to take over Europe, fought back hard, with no compromise. On such an occasion in 1571, Pope St. Pius V gathered together Christian forces in Europe to repel the Mohammedan invaders, who were threatening to overrun Europe. Although vastly outnumbered, the Christian forces, completely against expectation, prevailed, and Islam was blocked from entering Europe for several more centuries. Even St. Francis of Assisi, far from the ultra-charitable milquetoast as Newchurch portrays him, personally went to the Middle East and told the Mohammedan caliph that if he didn't stop terrorizing Christians in the Holy Land, that he was going to Hell!
True Catholics, it is miraculous what courageous Christians can do when they stand up for the true Faith. In our time, however, pseudo-Christians hide under the rocks and play "oecumenical" games, just as those in the United States play their "politically-correct" games. Such mindless and cowardly games simply lead to the kind of massacres that the Christian -- or once Christian -- nations of the West are now suffering. No longer is there a Pope-Saint to stand up for Christ and His faith against the Infidels. No wonder the Mohammedan Infidels have the upper hand. At least they have the courage of their religious convictions. The Newchurchers and their Newpopes, castrated by the Vatican II Anti-council's false "oecumenism," certainly don't.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
The latest nonsense, fabricated on June 3, 2016, and published on June 10, 2016, is that Francis-Bergoglio has "elevated" Mary Magdalene, Sinner, to a "rank" equivalent to an Apostle. This is obviously a crass attempt to fool the Newchurch ignoramuses into thinking that if Mary Magdalene can be an Apostle, women can be priests! Of course, Newchurch will now fudge the distinction between "The Twelve" and the term "Apostle" in the wider sense. Saints Paul and Barnabus were Apostles in that wider sense, and Sacred Scripture also names Saints Silas and Apollos. And then there are those Saints who were "Apostles" in the sense of converters, such as St. Francis Xavier, Apostle to the Indies, or Adalbert, Apostle to Prussia.
The difference is that all those called "Apostles" have been bishops, or at least priests. Never has a woman been called an "Apostle," including Our Lady. The implications are obvious. This man Bergoglio is Satanic. We are seeing a Satanic plan unravel. And it all started with the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965), which Newchurch and its Newpopes continue to this day to worship as on the same level with Sacred Scripture.
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
And why has Newchurch fabricated this nonsense? The decree itself gives us the answer: "Nostris vero temporibus cum Ecclesia vocata sit ad impensius consulendum de mulieris dignitate, de nova Evangelizatione, ac de amplitudine mysterii divinae misericordiae" [But in our times, because the Church has been called to reflecting more profoundly on the dignity of woman, on the new Evangelization, and on the breadth of the mystery of divine mercy]. In other words, the decree essentially admits that it is representing a Newchurch, not the Catholic Church, one that has a "new" evangelization -- whatever that means -- and essentially a replacement of God's justice with an ill-defined Novus Ordo "mercy," which, for all intents and purposes, accepts sodomy, adultery, and paedophilia, among other grave sins.
Another timebomb used in the decree is the highly-suspicious phrase "a christifidelibus huius temporis deprehendi potest ut paradigma ministerii mulierum in (Nova) Ecclesia" [(Magdalene) can be understood by the Christian faithful of this time as a paradigm of the ministry of women in the (New)church]. The "ministry of women in the [New]church." And what is that, pray tell, Bergoglio? The camel's nose under the tent to inject deaconnesses, priestesses, and bishopesses, all of whom have invaded the Protestant tent contrary to Scripture, and who are even now tearing asunder the Protestant sects in heresy and schism? Make no mistake who the father of this lie is: the decree states that it is Bergoglio personally who has decreed it so.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I just thought that your readers would like to know what craziness is going on here in Newchurch in New York. Now presbyters are incensing chairs with hard hats atop them. Construction workers were said by the presiding presbyter to have "sacred hands." Well, the presiding presbyter himself certainly doesn't have "sacred hands" because Newchurch presbyters have not been ordained since the New Ordinal of 1968. The whole Mess was a Big Pretend.
Construction workers were also called by the presiding presbyter "co-creators" with Almighty God because they build buildings. The Novus Ordo "Fiasco Mess" on June 9, 2016, ended with the presiding presbyter processing to the back of the St. Patrick's Newcathedral wearing no biretta -- Novus Ordo presbyters don't wear them; only real traditional Catholic priests do -- only a hard hat.
The justification for this absurdity was a Mess for construction workers. The clueless Newchurchers filed into the once-Catholic cathedral, unaware that there was no longer any Mass there, no long any priest there, no longer any Catholic Church there, no longer any Christ there. As the Angel announced, He is not here" (Matthew 28:6/DRV).
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
True Catholics, the invalid Novus Ordo Mess has by now far outstripped in absurdity even heretical Protestant services, most of which still retain some dignity, which Newchurch has completely lost. (Remember Francis-Bergoglio's Newpapal Mess in Cuba in September 2015, when he simulated Mess under a giant sculpture of the Communist mass murderer Che Guevarra, whereas the crucifix on the "eucharistic dinner table" was too small to be identified?) To have a good laugh at the silly and anti-Catholic Newchurch of the New Order and its phony and invalid New Messes, click on the TRADITIO Network's Novus Ordo Service Photo Gallery department.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I have noticed that presbyters who simulate the phony "Motu" Latin Mess of 1962+ frequently wear blue vestments. Is this a Catholic practice, or is it just another intrusion of the anti-Catholic Novus Ordo?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
It is an intrusion, apparently an attempt to be "different" and deliberately not follow Catholic practice. Blue vestments are condemned, except in rare circumstances to which a special traditional indult applies, such as at a few noted Marian shrines in Spain on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. Use of blue vestments except in such limited cases by special traditional indult is a violation of traditional Catholic practice.
Such use should never be part of a mindset to prance around in fancy garments, a false attitude that is exhibited too often by Novus Ordo presbyters, even those who simulate the invalid Half Novus Ordo Vatican II Latin "Motu" Mess.
Randall Wallace revealed on June 9, 2016, that he is writing for Mel Gibson a sequel for to 2004's Biblical blockbuster, The Passion of the Christ, which won for both screenwriter Wallace and producer-director Gibson Academy Awards. The original film depicted the last hours of Christ on the earth and remains the highest-grossing religious film ever produced, making over 600,000,000 U.S. dollars worldwide. The sequel will focus on Christ's Resurrection.
The Evangelical community, which chartered busloads to come to see the Passion film, thinks that a sequel will be even bigger. "The Passion is just the beginning, and there is a lot more story to tell," Wallace told the press. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Hollywood Reporter.]
True Catholics, The Passion of the Christ, which told the story of Christ's crucifixion in a far more graphic, though historically realistic, way than ever before, was extremely popular with traditional Christian audiences. Mel Gibson, however, has been viciously attacked by the radical secular Jewish establishment, particularly the B'nai B'rith's (Sons of the Covenant's) leader Abraham Foxman, for daring to tell the true story of the killing of Christ according to the Bible, which does not portray the Jewish establishment in a "politically correct" favorable light.
Yet another of Francis-Bergoglio's top Newprelates, this time a Newarchbishop, Anthony Apuron, of the Pacific Territory of Guam (Aguana), has been implicated personally in paedophilia. A special administrator was appointed on June 6, 2016, but Bergoglio didn't remove Apuron from his post. Bergoglio has an unbroken record of not firing outright paedophiles among his Newprelates.
Newchurch archbishop Apuron sexually assaulted young boys, including his altar boys, and engineered Newchurch policies that would allow him to continue committing his sex crimes with impunity. However, a deacon who exposed Apuron was fired in 2014 and accused of spreading "malicious and intentionally false claims" against Apuron. Now those claims against Apuron are accepted as true. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.
True Catholics, what can we say? JPII-Wojtyla, Benedict-Ratzinger, and now Francis-Bergoglio have institutionalized sex crimes against children by their Newprelates. None of these three Newpapal accomplices to one of the Biblical Four Sins that Cry Out to Heaven for Retribution will lift a finger to purge their anti-Catholic Newchurch of many such criminals at the top. Truly, as Our Lord termed it, these criminal Newpopes and their henchmen are a "brood of vipers" (Matthew 3:7/DRV).
One thing would complement nicely Francis-Bergoglio's phony Newchurch of the New Order: pagan priestesses. Although he has denied such rumors, he has already opened the door to deaconnesses. Supposedly, even the Unsaint JPII-Wojtyla commanded Newchurchers as far back as 1994 to stop talking about priestesses, but they simply spat in his face and continue to do so. The Newchurch heretics ignore even Newpapal documents and forge on with their anti-Catholic programme.
On June 3, 2016, Newchurchers demanding phony priestesses, ironically calling themselves Women's Ordinations Worldwide, or WOW!, took their demand right to Bergoglio, with a march down the Via della Conciliazione right to the Newpapal quarters. Bergoglio had opened the door to this nonsense when he declared a Novus Ordo "Year of Mercy." The conference that preceded the march on Bergoglio, which took place down the Tiber River from Newvatican, included a Novus Ordo presbyter.
A professoress of New Testament at Francis-Bergoglio's own Pontifical University of St. Anselm in Newrome revealed exactly what is behind this proposal for priestesses in Newchurch. It is part of a bigger plan to destroy totally the Catholic Church -- a goal that they have already accomplished to a substantial degree -- and to complete its conversion into an heretical Protestant sect. "I was always convinced," said Marinella Perroni, "that the church of Vatican II must come to de-clericalize ordained ministry, liberating it from the weight of sacrifice."
So, Bergoglio's own professoress wants to:
To put it simply, Bergoglio's professor is a heretic, worse than a Protestant. The ironic thing is: Bergoglio's Newchurch has already accomplished these goals. Bergoglio's Newchurch of the New Order is not, of course, the "Catholic" Church, any more than Bergoglio is a "Catholic" pope. But the clueless Newchurchers haven't gotten the memorandum yet. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Reporter.]
True Catholics, no pope (or Newpope) has the authority to institute priestesses. This is a matter of Catholic and Apostolic Tradition, which, according to the dogmatic Vatican I Council, no pope has the power to change, any more than a pope could decree a Quartet in place of the Most Blessed Trinity. Sacred Scripture prescribes: "Let women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted them to speak, but to be subject, as also the law saith" (1 Corinthians 14:34/DRV). After priestesses what other sort would Newchurch put at the head of its invalid Novus Ordo "dinner tables"? "Trangendered" perverts, no doubt!
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Pennsylvania in the United States has joined the growing list of states looking to hold the anti-Catholic and immoral Newchurch responsible for the rape of thousands of children at the hands of its clergy. Meanwhile, the laws being considered by the state here are actively being opposed by unCatholic Newchurchers, who claim such laws will lead to the closures of Newparishes and the layoffs of people who work for Newchurch.
Of course, the new anti-Catholic morals, money, and jobs are all that matters to these Newchurchers, who are ready to ignore crimes against children at their Newparishes, as long as they can keep their immoral temples open. They have forgotten what Christ said: "But he that shall scandalize one of these little ones that believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone should be hanged about his neck, and that he should be drowned in the depth of the sea" (Matthew 18:6/DRV).
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
It is from that very verse that we get the expression in English: "to hang a millstone around someone's neck." Traditional Catholics join the Apostolic Fathers in speaking of the temples of heretics: Close those false temples, which lead men astray. In view of Francis-Bergoglio's utter failure to stop his Newclergy from continuing to rape, sodomize, and otherwise sexually assault children, more states and countries around the world are taking matters into their own hands and saying, We've had enough!, and passing laws to hold severely accountable the Newclergy criminals whom Bergoglio is determined to let off scot free, while he puts on trial behind the walls of Newvatican those journalists who have dared to expose his immorality.
The New York Daily News has stunned the City and State of New York by revealing that Newcardinal Timothy Dolan -- known as the "Laughing Cow" because he is always making light of serious matters -- engineered 2,100,000 in bribes to block legislation to protect children from sex crimes, as by Dolan's paedophile presbyters.
From 2007 to the end of 2015, the News reports, the New York [New]catholic Conference, led by Newcardinal Timothy Dolan, paid top Albany lobbyists more than 2,100,000 to help block legislation, including the Child Victims Act, which would have made it easier for victims of child sex crimes to seek justice against Dolan's paedophile presbyters. The bill would have changed New York state law to allow a one-year window in which victims older than 23 could bring lawsuits against their perps. Such victims are restricted from suing under the current law.
Dolan and his Newchurch crowd sent out their own internal lobbyists and retained two law firms and a communications firm to work on blocking the pro-child bill. One of the law firms was headed by a woman who was exposed as the long-term mistress of the Speaker of the New York State Assembly. After Dolan's Newchurch crowd hired the woman, the Speaker saw to it that the child-protection bill was never voted on again.
True Catholics, this case shows just how low Francis-Bergoglio's Newchurch has sunk. It does not even hesitate to perpetrate what amounts to bribery of state officials through the agency of an immoral woman, a Jezebel, to use the Biblical term. But Newcardinal Dolan and his Newchurch crowd probably never read the Bible any more. They're too busy engineering "bribes" and paedophiling children!
Further evidence that Francis-Bergoglio is a mendacious hypocrite was provided when Bergoglio decreed in an Apostolic Letter on June 4, 2016, that his long-promised tribunal to prosecute Newbishops who covered up for paedophile presbyters, moving them from Newparish to Newparish rather than reporting them to the police, shall be scrapped. Bergoglio had promised in June 2015 to establish an accountability tribunal inside the Congregation for the Doctrine of the [New Order] Faith to judge bishops accused of "abuse of office." Bergoglio's sex-crimes advisory commission had recommended that the Congregation prosecute negligent bishops because it already oversees actual sex-crime cases against Newchurch clergy.
Bergoglio, who has a big mouth for self-serving propaganda, but actually does nothing, as in this case, made a great fanfare in June 2015 by pledging to provide the promised tribunal with adequate staffing and resources. The tribunal was eagerly awaited by advocates for the children raped and sodomized by Newchurch presbyters. Bergoglio's breaking of his promise led the children's advocates to condemn Bergoglio's volte-face. "We're extraordinariily skeptical," said the head of the Survivors Network of Those Abused by Pr[esbyters]. "Depressing," said a member of Bergoglio's own sex-crimes advisory commission.
Bergoglio turned yellow and backed off when his own Newbishops and the Newvatican bureaucracy opposed the tribunal. So, instead of using his supposedly supreme power to ensure that the children were protected, he backed down, siding instead with his corrupt Newbishops and bureaucrats. Now cover-ups of paedophilia crimes are not designated crimes in Bergoglio's Newchurch. Bergoglio himself held a meeting in May 2016 with French Newcardinal Philippe Barbarin, the Newarchbishop of Lyon, who stands accused of covering up for a paedophile presbyter. Bergoglio refuses to can Barbarin, claiming that such an action would be "nonsensical." Bergoglio's inaction is causing a scandal among French Newchurchers. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
True Catholics, Francis-Bergoglio has not changed his spots. He remains a Marxist and a paedohile supporter. His self-serving propaganda has been proven to be a great fraud time and time again. It is time for all Newchurchers to wake up and refused publicly to follow this grossly immoral man who acts more like a friend to his in-house criminals rather than to children, whom a real pope is supposed to protect.
Yet another priest has abandoned the Neo-SSPX's Superior-Dictator, Bernie Fellay, joining 100 others, some of the best priests in the Society, in saying Nequaquam! to Fellay's Newchurch leanings. Fellay's Neo-SSPX organization has separated itself from Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre's original traditional Catholic Society of St. Pius X (SSPX). Because of Fellay's perfidy, Fr. Pierre Roy has gone independent from Fellay and his Neo-SSPX and is now offering Mass at mission sites in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island. Canada.
Fr. Roy had already been giving sermons about the errors of Newrome. In his Letter of Resignation to Fellay, dated on June 3, 2016, the Feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Fr. Roy explained that he had been "born and raised in the arms of the Society," the original traditional Catholic SSPX, that is, of Archbishop Lefebvre. But Fellay, he writes, "has been organizing a reunification with Apostate Rome," which does not have "our [Catholic] Faith."
Fr. Roy quotes Christ's dictum that forbids any intercourse with those who profess "a mutilated and corrupt version" of His teaching: "If any man come to you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into the house nor say to him: God speed you" (2 John 1:10/DRV). "No," writes Fr. Roy, "either we have been wrong since 1988 [the episcopal consecrations] and even since 1975 [when the SSPX was "suppressed" by Newchurch], or we have been wrong since 2012 [when Fellay proclaimed his desire for "reunification" with the Newchurch of the New Order].
Ironically, Fr. Roy quotes Bernie Fellay's henchman, Neo-SSPX Bishop Tissier de Mallerais, as saying: "It is the strict duty of every priest and layman wishing to remain Catholic to separate himself clearly from the Conciliar Church, for so long as she does not profess the tradition of the Church's Magisterium and of the Catholic Faith." Fellay, Tissier de Mallerais, and Alfonso Galarreta have failed in that strict duty. Only Bishop Richard Williamson has courageously separated himself from the heretical Newchurch and its handmaiden, Fellay's Neo-SSPX.
Fr. Roy concludes: "I must confess that to speak openly of the treachery we are living through is a very delicate business if one remains within the [Neo-SSPX] Society. Which is why I am leaving: for the ability to preach the truth in its integrity, since I must someday answer for each of the souls entrusted to me. To keep silent was no longer possible without making myself guilty before God."
True Catholics, would that all Neo-SSPX priests would be so uncompromisingly faithful to the Catholic Faith! So far 100 out of 600 have been so faithful, including Bishop Williamson. The demise of Fellay's Neo-SSPX group, apostates from the traditional Catholic Society of St. Pius X, is already visible. It is suffering from the same precipitous decline as the New Order sect, to which Fellay desperately wants to attach himself.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Our priest has recently asked the congregation to use the side aisles if they arrive just before Mass and to observe silence after entering the church before Mass. Our priest has told us that he expects us to arrive on time and exit only after he has exited the sanctuary. Do our priest's requests of our congregation seem reasonable to you TRADITIO Fathers?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
Yes, those requests seem quite reasonable. In fact, the traditional teaching is that those who arrive late for Mass without justification are committing a sin against the Third Commandment of God. More than that, latecomers are displaying an attitude of contumely toward God. Imagine if they were invited to a meeting with the President or Prime Minister and lazily walked in several minutes late. No one would dare to do that to an earthly king, but all too many would show such disrespect to the King of Kings.
Attendees at a symphony concert or an opera are expected to be in their seats beforehand and silent. If people can observe this mark of respect and charity for others at the symphony or opera, one has to question the depth of a Catholic's faith if he can't do the same for God!
Moreover, the practice that some have of receiving Holy Communion and immediately scooting out the door is reprehensible for a number of reasons:
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
In evangelizing for the true Catholic Faith, I am asked by Newchurchers for a basic resource to help them understand why the Newchurch of the New Order is not the Catholic Church. What would you TRADITIO Fathers recommend for this purpose?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
There are two outstanding resources for this purpose, one a book and one a DVD.
The book is What Has Happened to the Catholic Church? by traditional Frs. Francisco & Dominic Radecki. This book is beautifully laid out, with important points highlighted. It is amply illustrated with photographs of the Traditional Catholic Mass and Sacraments contrasted with the anti-Catholic "New Mess" and "New Sacraments." For those who want detailed comparisons of Mass and Sacramental formulae and full references, this book offers that as well. Thus, the book is idea both for those who want the basics and photographs and also for those who want the details.
The DVD is What We Have Lost ... and the Road to Restoration: A Criticial Look at the Changes in the Catholic Church? Many Newchurchers are now reading compromised and rely primarily on the visual. This 50-minute DVD is beautifully produced by a group of traditional lay Catholilcs, with historical footage of the traditional Latin Mass, Sacraments, and papal ceremonies, as contrasted with the invalid and anti-Catholic Novus Ordo Mess and other "sacramental" rites. The contrast will visually shock those who have slipped into the phony Novus Ordo Protestant-Masonic-Pagan service and "sacraments" without realizing that they are in no way Catholic.
For information on ordering these two best resources and for other resources, click on FAQ05: What Traditional Catholic Resources Do You Recommend? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files: FAQs and Traditional Apologetics department.
A study from the Harvard School of Public Health confirms that going to church is associated with good health. Weekly attendance is associated with a 33 per cent reduction in death, as well as a lower risk from both cardiovascular- and cancer-related mortality.
"Our results suggest that there may be something important about religious service attendance beyond solitary spirituality," said the senior author of the study. To translate the medicalese: when you worship at Mass publicly with others, you benefit far more than by private devotions. The public liturgy of the Church -- the true Church, of course -- is more beneficial. "Part of the benefit seems to be that attending religious services increases social support, discourages smoking, decreases depression, and helps people develop a more optimistic or hopeful outlook on life."
The new study used a larger sample size and had repeated measurements over time of both attendance and health. It confirmed data from a 1992-2012 study that had reached the same conclusion. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Journal of the American Medical Association Internal Medicine.]
True Catholics, the results of this study will be no surprise to you. Traditional Catholics never miss Sunday Mass except for grave reason. Although there is not complete justice in this world, only in the next, often, when you do what is right, you may receive a reward even in this life.
After stating that he would remain as Newpope for no more than five years, now into his fourth year, Francis-Bergoglio has changed his mind. Apparently, he's having too much fun destroying what little is left of the Catholic Church and wants to sign on for a longer term.
Francis-Bergoglio, far from the "Mr. Humble" as whom he falsely portrays himself, loves hobnobbing with the rich, powerful, and celebrities. On May 29, 2016, he honored the American liberalist activists cum movie actors: George Clooney, Richard Gere, and Selma Hayek. Not even a conservative in the group, let alone a true Catholic. Bergoglio took that occasion to put the lie to his previous statement and says now that he has "no intention" of quitting the Newpapacy like his predecessor, Ex-Newpope Benedict-Ratzinger, whom he formerly praised for setting that example for his successors.
Bergoglio, who will turn 80 on December 17, 2016, previously said that his health would permit no more than five years in the Newpapacy. He has lost most of one lung, which prohibits him from singing Mess, suffers from morbid obesity, is even rumored to have cerebral carcinoma, and himself admitted that he was "a little old, a little sick." Ratzinger claimed that his health prevented him from continuing after February 28, 2013, although this too was a lie: Ratzinger was threatened with exposure of his paedophiliac acts if he didn't vacate the Newpapacy. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
True Catholics, don't you just wince at how easily these Newpopes lie? They are far from humble and far from Catholic. They are power-mad Rasputins who wouldn't give up power if God struck them with a lightening-bolt!
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
When I, a young Catholic, have tried to evangelize Newchurchers to the Catholic Faith, I feel as if I were talking to a wall. Either they don't care, aren't interested, or are hopelessly brainwashed. They are blithely determined to follow the anti-Catholic New Order to perdition. We may indeed be going into a dark ages similar to your St. Benedict analogy.
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
Most Newchurchers have been so propagandized by the New Mess, Newdoctrine, and Newmorality that they are as dense and uncaring as rocks. That is what Newchurch does to people's souls. It kills them because Newchurch is not the Catholic Church and has not had the grace of the Sacraments since 1964, when Newchurch was founded and replaced the Catholic Church as the "Institutional" Church.
You can't force the Faith on anyone. Each must come as a result of God's grace to the Faith. Many people don't have this grace; they don't want it. So, as you discovered, it is often pointless to try to talk to them. We TRADITIO Fathers would suggest, as Christ's parable in the Gospel recommends, planting seeds where you find receptive ground. Let people know that, when they are ready, they can come to you for assistance in the Faith.
The moral virtue of perseverance is very important in this regard. St. Monica prayed day and night for the conversion of her pagan son, Augustine. He was an intelligent man, but couldn't shake off his paganism. St. Monica could have become frustrated and angry, but she didn't. Instead, from her constant prayers, the grace of God eventually placed Augustine in the cathedral at Milan, where the great St. Ambrose was preaching. After many years of confirmed paganism, Augustine was converted in an instant. Not only that, but St. Monica's prayers were answered, as Our Lord promised, a hundredfold. Not only did Augustine become a Christian; he became one of the greatest Saints of the Church and the greatest Doctor of the Church.