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Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Some people praise the Ex-Newpope Benedict-Ratzinger as "one of the most courageous, most relevant Newpopes, who spoke directly and incisively." To the contrary, I have viewed Ratzinger as one of the most cowardly, perverted Newpopes, who spoke nothing but lies about what was going on in Newchurch. Which is the truer description of Benedict-Ratzinger?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
There is no doubt that Benedict XVI-Ratzinger is a Modernist, condemned by the Catholic Church. He was the person who introduced the heretical doctrine of False Oecumenism at the Vatican II Anti-council, which was one of the founding principles of the replacement of the Catholic Church as the "institutional" Church by the Newchurch of the New Order on November 21, 1964.
As if that weren't bad enough, for over thirty years, first as Doctrinal Prefect, then as Newpope, Ratzinger was instrumental in ensuring that tens of thousands of Newchurch clergymen got away with sodomizing, raping, and otherwise sexually assaulting children from as young as six months of age. So vile was Ratzinger that those who were once his friends, so scandalized by him, turned over to the Italian religious press documents that proved his full complicity with Newchurch's still-continuing Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust. It was these documents that forced Ratzinger to abdicate in lieu of being exposed as an even worse moral degenerate than he was known to be already.
For further information on Benedict-Ratzinger, as well as the other reprehensible Newpopes Paul VI-Montini, JPII-Wojtyla, and Francis-Bergoglio, you will find copious information in past Daily Commentaries from the TRADITIO Fathers. Use the TRADITIO Search Engine in the Daily Commentaries from the TRADITIO Fathers department to find the Commentaries that cover the topic with the search term "Benedict-Ratzinger."
The German Newbishops of Francis-Bergoglio's Newchurch have adopted a "translation" of the Bible that purportedly denies the Perpetual Virginity of Mary. To deny this de fide doctrine makes one a heretic. Thus, the Newchurch bishops, by their action, proclaim themselves once again a den of heretics.
One of the principal goals of the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965) was to promote the heresy of Oecumenism, previously damned by the Catholic Church as syncretism, the false doctrine that "all religions are equal" and "we all worship the same god." In order to accomplish its goal, the Anti-council and its Newpopes, including the current Francis-Bergoglio, had to reduce Our Lord Jesus Christ from God to a mere prophet. In order to bamboozle ignorant Newchurchers into heresy, Newchurch started a frantic programme of "re-translating" the Bible and introducing heresies into it by "translation."
As Newchurchers became more and more ignorant of the Sacred Languages, Latin, Greek, and Hebrew, whereas Catholics before 1962 often took at least Latin in school, this goal became easier and easier to accomplish. Some of the best examples of phony Biblical "translations" are the New Jerusalem Bible, the New American Bible (officially used by Newchurch in the United States), and the New English Bible (officially used by Newchurch in Great Britain).
Newchurch's new German Bible, released on September 20, 2016, is a new version of the "Oecumenical Bible," or "Unified Translation" (Einheitsbersetzung)," which since 1962 is supposed to please both Protestant and Newchurch heretics. It will become mandatory for all German-speaking areas starting in 2017. But, actually, the Protestants turned out to be smarter than the Newchurchers, because they rejected this false "bible" and returned to Martin Luther's original German version. At least the Lutherans were honest about what they stand for!
In addition to the phony "translation" implying that the Blessed Virgin Mary did not remain a virgin, the German Newbishops have fabricated a woman apostle, Junia. The original Greek version uses the name Junias, the -as ending in Greek denoting the masculine gender. Compare, for example, the Greek (and Latin and traditional English) for the name of the greatest prophet, Isaias. Thus, heresy is concocted by Newchurchers by the deletion of one Greek letter, sigma.
In the centuries before the birth of Christ, because the Jews could no longer understand Hebrew (they had been using a Babylonian language since their captivity there in the sixth century B.C.), an official Greek version was made of the Old Testament, known as the Septuagint from the seventy scholars who made the version, which the Catholic Church regards as authentic. It is the version from which Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself quotes in the New Testament. In that version Isaias 7:14 (rendered in the official Catholic Douay-Rheims version as "Behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son") uses the Greek word parthenos, which unambiguously means "virgin," as the classical Greeks themselves applied the word to their own virgin goddess, Pallas Athena, the patroness of the city of Athens. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by LSN.]
True Catholics, if you can't read St. Jerome's Latin Vulgate, which was defined as doctrinally error free by the dogmatic Council of Trent, let alone the original Greek and Hebrew, the most accurate version that you can use is the Catholic Douay-Rheims Bible of 1610, or secondarily the Confraternity Version of the 1950s based upon it. For further information, click on FAQ05: What Traditional Catholic Resources Do You Recommend in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files: FAQs and Traditional Apologetics department.
In a September 23, 2016, document, Francis-Bergoglio admitted that the "miracles" used to support the con-anization of Newsaints of Newchurch, such as Theresa of Calcutta, could have been phony because the physicians reviewing the "miracles" were bought off. Bergoglio's regime has been under scrutiny because it accepts "donations" for con-anizations -- donations that, in addition, are very poorly documented. Such donations in some cases exceeded half a million U.S. dollars.
Francis-Bergoglio's document revealed for the first time that a candidate for Newsaint gets "three strikes" -- or more. If the first board of physicians rejects the "miracle," a second board is convened. If the second board rejects the "miracle," a third board is convened, etc. In this way, phony Newsaints are forced in. Such was the case with Theresa of Calcutta. Her "miracle" was rejected by the attending physician when the purported "miracle" occurred. Bergoglio's Newvatican barred this physician from coming to Newrome to testify about the fraud. It would have been much too embarrassing for Bergoglio if the poster-girl of the Modernist Newchurch were caught in a phony "miracle"!
Francis-Bergoglio's document also revealed that doctors were being paid off for their "testimony" in cash with no financial record kept of the payoff. It also revealed that when the determination of the physicians was not unanimous, but just by a majority vote, the "miracle" was accepted by Newchurch! [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
True Catholics, most Newsaints of Newchurch are undoubtedly fraudulent because the very careful, immemorial process used by the Catholic Church in the past was dumped after the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965) by the Newchurch of the New Order, which replaced the Catholic Church as the "institutional" Church on November 21, 1964. For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files: FAQs and Traditional Apologetics department, in the section "'Canonizations' - New Order."
On September 19, 2016, Francis-Bergoglio's Newvatican became a signatory of the United Nations Convention against Corruption, a 2003 anti-corruption treaty theretofore signed by 140 nations. But it signed the treaty with secret "reservations," which Bergoglio's Press Office refused to disclose. The Convention requires the implementation of laws that aim at preventing corruption, including domestic and foreign bribery, embezzlement, influence-peddling, and money-laundering.
Francis-Bergoglio's Newvatican and that of his predecessor, Ex-Newpope Benedict-Ratzinger, has been implicated in such corruption, particularly money-laundering, by the financial organ of the European Union. At one point the EU investigators threatened to shut down Newvatican's ATMs, which are used to pay for entry to the Vatican Museums, the Sistine Chapel, and other historical sites.
In particular, corruption in Newvatican's process to declare someone a Newsaint of Newchurch was exposed in documents leaked in the latest Vatileaks scandal, revealing that millions of dollars had been left unaccounted for. An Italian journalist exposed the fact that a committee set up in 2013 by a "Newsaint-maker" (postulator) had accepted payoffs of more than 1,000,000 dollars, laundered through three Newvatican bank accounts. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World News.]
True Catholics, the corruption of Francis-Bergoglio's Newvatican is rampant worldwide. Not only money-laundering, but concealing of crimes of paedophilia among the Newchurch clergy are well known and are continuing as vigorously as ever. When he was elected Newpope, Bergoglio was charged by the Conclave of Newcardinals to clean up Newchurch's corruption and to clean out the paedophiles among the Newclergy. Bergoglio has dismally failed in both charges. If he had any of God's grace, he would abdicate, just as his paedophiliac predecessor Benedict-Ratzinger did.
More evidence that Francis-Bergoglio is using his Newpapacy not for religion, but for Marxist politics is his latest foray into terrorism. You'd think that a pope (yes, we know that Bergoglio is merely a Newpope of the New Order) would condemn terrorism without qualification. But Bergoglio, being a good Marxist and a Syncretist/Oecumenist ("we all worship the same god," "all religions are the same") cannot condemn Islamic terrorism, just traditionalists. Now he is condemning the journalists who bring the truth of Islamic terrorism to the world.
In his "homily" on September 22, 2016, to Italy's national journalists' guild, Francis-Bergoglio called journalism a form of "terrorism" when it reports on the activities of the anti-Christian Muslim population or of terrorist Muslims who hide under cover of "refugees" in order to get access to Europe and the Americas. With Islamists invading Europe once again, some Italian journalists have been quite outspoken about the danger posed by infidel Islam. Indeed, the newspaper Libero headlined its story on the Paris attacks that killed about 130 people: "Islamic Bastards." Il Giornale, the prominent Milan daily, headlined a story on the risk that terrorists are sneaking into Italy as purported "refugees:" "ISIL is coming. Let's arm ourselves." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Reuters.]
Even many Catholics are unaware that Mohammendans have tried to stamp out Western Civilization and the Catholic Church on six major occasions:
True Catholics, were you expecting from Francis-Bergoglio a sermon on Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Our Blessed Lady, the Holy Angels, or the true Saints? You won't get it. Bergoglio is not a Catholic; he's not even a Christian. He's a Marxist Syncretist/Oecumenist. Even his own Newchurchers are speaking out against his radical politics, while his Newchurch falls apart because of rampant paedophilia in the highest ranks of his Newclergy, with laypeople leaving his Newchurch in droves, with once-Catholic church buildings being shut down right and left, with his phony New Mess drawing on average fewer than 10 per cent of his Newchurchers.
In a Newchurch court in the Newarchdiocese of Mexico City acquitted a paedophile presbyter accused of raping thirty girls aged 5 to 10, even though he knew he was infected with deadly HIV. Jose Garcia Ataulfo was acquitted in spite of the fact that he confessed to the crimes! The mother of one of the child victims had sought a meeting with Francis-Bergoglio, who is ultimately in control of all Newchurch courts, but Bergoglio rejected the mother and declared the case closed. So much for the hypocrite "Mr. Compassionate."
Francis-Bergoglio has lied to his Newchurchers, claiming that he would remove Newbishops who cover up sex crimes by presbyters. In this case, he refused to remove a presbyter who actually committed the crimes! Although the victims have been trying to get Garcia Ataulfo charged with civil felonies as well, Bergoglio has such a vise hold on the Mexican government that the government has refused to charge the paedophile presbyter.
Newchurch has been highly reluctant to punish its paedophile clergy. For example, in the case of the Mexican presbyter, Marciel Maciel, head of the Legionaries of Christ, who raped numerous boys and girls and Newseminarians and who fathered by three tramps six bastard children, whom he proudly brought to Newrome with him to present to the Unsaint Newpope JPII-Wojtyla, Newchurch dragged its feet for years and then finally sent him to a monastery as his only penalty. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the U.K. Daily Mail.]
True Catholics, if God is just, the fires of Hell await the likes of Francis-Bergoglio, JPII-Wojtyla, and Benedict-Ratzinger, all of whose impenitent selves pandered to their perverted presbyters, Newbishops, and Newcardinals, while they raped and sodomized children with impunity. Our Lord has already warned these Newpopes of their judgment in these chilling words: "But he that shall scandalize one of these little ones that believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone should be hanged about his neck, and that he should be drowned in the depth of the sea" (Matthew 18:6/DRV).
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Can a Neo-SSPX priest celebrate a valid "New Mass" of 1969? I was shocked to hear that the Neo-SSPX's leader, Bernie Fellay, thinks so. Is this true?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
The form, i.e., the text and actions, must be valid for a Mass to be valid. The Protestant-Masonic-Pagan Mess of 1969, also known as the "New Mass" or "Novus Ordo," is patently invalid, just as, for example, the "Lutheran Mass" is invalid. If a Neo-SSPX priest should dare to simulate a Lutheran Mass, it would not be valid.
To simplify, about two-thirds of the Traditional Latin Mass was gutted or substantially changed in the "New Mass." The chief architect of the "New Mass," the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini, served Newpope Paul VI-Montini as head of the new Consilium ad exsequendam Constitutionem de Sacra Liturgia. This was the Commission appointed by the Newpope to carry out the Vatican II Anti-council's Constitutio de Sacra Liturgia, whose purpose was to "reform," that is, substantially change, the Roman Catholic Mass, Divine Office, and Sacred Music. Bugnini was proud enough to leave us the evidence about the "New Mass" in his detailed, 976-page book entitled La Riforma Liturgica (1948-1975). In this book Bugnini published the fact that:
the goal in designing the "New Mass" was to create a worship service that any Hindu, Buddhist, or Protestant could attend and feel perfectly at home
Bugnini and Paul VI-Montini certainly accomplished that goal!
We TRADITIO Fathers realize that certain people who are already on their way to embracing the New Order sect, although they criticize the Novus Ordo service and refuse to use it, nevertheless seem impotent to call a spade a spade. Yet any simple, true Catholic recognizes the Novus Ordo service as a completely different animal from the Traditional Latin Mass, i.e., the Catholic and Apostolic Roman Mass of 2,000 years.
While a simple, true Catholic can see the fact that the Novus Ordo service is no Mass, Bernie Fellay is blind to do so. He deceives his Neo-SSPXers with deceitful words such as: "when the New Mass [which is not a Mass] is celebrated properly with the right intention and by an ordained priest," it is valid. Sorry, Bernie, no "intention" can make a pig fly. According to the Church's principal theologian, St. Thomas Aquinas, an orange is an orange. Even if we intend it to be an apple, it remains an orange. This is the Catholic Church's rock-solid theology known as Realism.
Moreover, the New Mass is invalid even by papal declaration, most cogently laid out in Pope Leo XIII's Apostolic Letter Apostolicae Curae. For further information, see Apostolicae Curae in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics). The Novus Ordo service fails that Catholic Sacramental test of validity even more clearly than the High Anglican service to which the pope was originally referring. For further information, click on the introductory sections of the Novus Ordo Service Photo Gallery department in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files: FAQs and Traditional Apologetics department.
Just one of Francis-Bergoglio's many paedophile Newbishops is Anthony Apuron, of Guam. He has been implicated as a paedophile, but has refused to abdicate. A Newvatican official, temporarily administering the Newdiocese of Agana, Guam, has already warned Bergoglio about Apuron and stated that "the scandal could bankrupt the [New]church." The pusillanimous Bergoglio seems impotent, or unwilling, to do anything to remove his paedophile Newarchbishop. He has made mutterings about about a "canonical trial," but that could take years, all the while the paedophile is at large to deflower other children than the four "altar boys" whom he has already been accused of sexually assaulting.
Even Guam's legislature has taken more action that Francis-Bergoglio. During the week of September 13, 20165, it unanimously passed a bill allowing child victims of sex crimes to take their cases to court regardless of when the alleged crime was committed. So it seems that at least the Guamanians are well aware that Newchurch is full of paedophile presbyters and Newbishops! But Bergoglio's administrator says that he will oppose the governor's signing the bill.
Newvatican is afraid that if the door to the courts is opened to the child victims, Newchurch in Guam will be bankrupted, just as thirteen other Newdioceses in the United States, of which Guam is a territory, and Newchurch will be forced to close its properties, such as its Novus Ordo temples. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Agence France-Presse.]
True Catholics, the Newvatican administrator stated that his primary concern is not for the children who have been sodomized, raped, and sexually assaulted, but for the money that will be lost from the Newchurch collection-plate because of the scandal. If the Guam legislature forces Newchurch into bankruptcy, so be it. Such a corrupt organization should not have the protections of any godly government.
Fernando Areas Rifan is the so-called Personal Apostolic Administrator of Saint John Mary Vianney, which is also called the Priestly Union of Saint Jean-Marie Vianney, in Campos, Brazil, the only such "Indult" organization in the world. It sold out the late Bishop Antonio Castro de Mayer, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre's traditional Catholic associate, who refused to allow the invalid Protestant-Masonic-Pagan Mess of 1962 in his diocese of Campos. It came into Campos only in 1981, when he abdicated. Rifan is under the Newpope of Newrome.
But Rifan has gone AWOL from traditional Catholicism, just as the other organizations that remain attached to the Newchurch of the New Order have done. Once Newchurch gets these sellouts under its thumb, they are forced away from Catholicism. For a time Rifan had attached himself to Bernie Fellay's Neo-SSPX, but Rifan dumped Fellay too.
When Rifan sold out to Newchurch, the reward the he received for his betrayal was to be made a Newbishop and to be given an "apostolic administration." He lied to his followers by guaranteeing that he would never give up the Half Novus Ordo Vatican II Mess of 1962 (aka erroneously as "Extraordinary") and would remain "traditional." Once he came into the clutches of Newchurch, however, he started simulating the invalid Novus Ordo. At first he denied this, but when a videocamera caught him in the very act of sacrilege, blasphemy, and idolatry, the cat was out of the bag. He became a full-throated supporter of the Vatican II Anti-council and its heretical doctrine of Oecumenicism (Syncretism), joining publicly with Protestant heretics in doing so.
True Catholics, we TRADITIO Fathers long ago predicted what has happened to the "Indult" Newbishop Rifan. The same thing is happening before your eyes to Bernie Fellay of the Neo-SSPX, who is even now maneuvering to join Newchurch. If you attach your star to any of these traitors to Catholicism, you have only yourself to blame when you end up "assisting" a phony Novus Ordo Mess.
Francis-Bergoglio has let the cat out of the bag: in Newchurch, public adulterers, those living in sin, can spurn the Law of God and munch the (invalid) Novus Ordo cookie and swill the Novus Ordo Kool-Aid. Such adulterers have "divorced" and "remarried," not in the Sacrament of Matrimony, but before civil authorities -- an act that is null and void and excommunicates the parties.
Bergoglio has confirmed that this is the meaning of chapter VIII of his Apostolic Exhortation, Amoris laetitia, The Joy of Sex. "There are no other interpretations," Bergoglio wrote -- in spite of the fact that several of his own Newcardinals have publicly called Bergoglio's false teaching anti-Catholic and even heretical.
Bergoglio made his comments in approving a document of the Argentinean Newbishops that approved circumstances in which a Newchurch party, "divorced" and "remarried," could continue to sin publicly if he thought it would "imperil" the second, bigamistic, phony "marriage." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World News.]
True Catholics, in this case the Newcardinals are right: Francis-Bergoglio is anti-Catholic and heretical. He seems bound and determined to destroy utterly Catholic doctrine, worship, and morality taught by Our Lord Jesus Christ in his Newchurch of the New Order. Bergoglio is worse than a Protestant. At least Protestants remain Christians, even if heretics. Bergoglio has thrown over Christianity entirely; he is a Marxist.
Newvatican's last valid Exorcist, in fact, its Chief Exorcist, died on September 16, 2016, at the age of 91. With his death Newchurch has no valid exorcists and has fallen even deeper into the clutches of the Devil than when Paul VI-Montini declared on June 29, 1972, that the fumus Satanae, the smoke of Satan, had enveloped Newchurch eucharistic "dinner tables" after the Vatican II Anti-council of 1962-1965.
Gabriele Amorth was ordained a traditional Catholic priest in 1954. Newchurch has not ordained priests in the Sacrament of Holy Orders since the New Ordinal of 1968. Now it "installs presbyters," who officially are empowered, like Protestant ministers, only to "preside over the assembly of the people." They are no longer given the explicit power to celebrate Mass or to forgive sin. Those provisions have been stricken from the Novus Ordo installation rite. Nevertheless, out of lazy habit, Newchurchers still call them "priests," even though they are officially not, according to Newchurch.
Fr. Amorth was a soldier in the French Resistance at the end of the Second World War. Since 1986 he has been serving as the Chief Exorcist of Newrome. Amorth claimed to have performed more than 50,000 exorcisms, some taking him just a few minutes, others taking many hours of prayer. Yet in all those cases, Amorth said that only 100, or 0.2%, involved true demonic possession. Most of the cases, he said, were either "disturbances" caused by the Devil, or simple mental illnesses.
In a famous statement given in 2001, Amorth denounced the Novus Ordo rite of exorcism as essentially impotent. He himself used only the traditional Latin Rituale Romanum, the book that contains the traditional Catholic rites of the true Sacraments. He stated then, causing a scandal in Newchurch to this day:
There were prayers [in the traditional Catholic ritual] used for twelve centuries. Before canceling prayers so old that for centuries they had proven effective, we should hesitate. But instead, no. All of us exorcists, using the prayers of the new [Novus Ordo] Ritual, have experienced that they are totally ineffective.... The new [Novus Ordo] Book of Blessings has painstakingly removed any reference to the fact that the Lord must protect us from Satan, that the Angels protect us from the assaults of the Devil. The greatest victory of the Devil is to persuade us that he does not exist.
True Catholics, the Newchurch of the New Order is not the Catholic Church. It must be shunned by all Catholics like the worse-than-Protestant sect that it is. Newchurch presbyters are given no authority to combat Satan. However, all traditional Catholic priests have been ordained to the Minor Order of Exorcist on their path to the priesthood. They routinely perform exorcisms as part of common liturgical actions, for example, the powerful exorcisms that are part of the traditional Sacrament of Baptism and the Blessing of Holy Water used for the Asperges at the principal Sunday Mass and in the fonts at the door of traditional churches, chapels, and oratories. Every Sunday traditional Catholic priests perform an exorcism when they recite for the people the prayer Sancte Michael Archangele, which follows most Low Masses.
The Prayer to St. Michael is one of the most powerful prayers in the Catholic Faith and is founded in Sacred Scripture, in the Book of Daniel of the Old Testament and in the Books of St. Jude and the Apocalypse of the New Testament. Newchurch expurgated the Prayer to St. Michael in 1965. No wonder Newchurch is full of the Devil.
On September 15, 2016, Francis-Bergoglio, already a Marxist, became an Oriental. In a Motu Proprio entitled De concordia inter codices, Bergoglio changed eleven Newcanons of his Newchurch of the New Order to make them conform to the latter-day regulations of the schismatic Eastern Orthodox sect. (Of course, the Newcanon Law of 1983 is just as invalid as everything else issuing from the Vatican II Anti-council of 1962-1965.) Thus, Bergoglio is attempting to turn on its head the work of Venerable Charlesmagne, the eight-century Holy Roman Emperor, who decreed that all Western Christendom should follow the rite of Rome, the rite of Sts. Peter & Paul.
Bergoglio's spokesmen explained that the changes were meant to accord to the schismatic Eastern Orthodox sect and make it easier for Western Newchurchers to become Easterners, that is, to defect from the precedential Roman rite of Sts. Peter & Paul. Affected are the Sacraments of Baptism and Matrimony, which are already of suspect validity in Newchurch and, in some cases, flatly invalid. (Without doubt the Novus Ordo rites of Penance (revamped as "Reconciliation"), Holy Eucharist, Confirmation, Holy Orders, and Extreme Unction are invalid.) [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Vatican Radio.]
True Catholics, it is a common misconception that the Eastern rites are somehow "purer" or more ancient than the Roman rite. Actually, the opposite is the case. In fact, the Roman rite, the rite of Sts. Peter & Paul, is, as the great liturgical scholar Fr. Adrian Fortescue, wrote "the most venerable in all Christendom, with a history of unbroken use far longer than that of any Eastern rite, there being no doubt that the essential parts of the Mass are of Apostolic origin." The Traditional Latin Mass in all its essentials was passed on by St. Peter, the first pope, to the Church. The Apostles themselves, according to St. Ambrose, worked at its elaboration. It reached its complete perfection with Popes St. Damasus (fourth century) and St. Gregory the Great (sixth century).
In fact, the Eastern rites in the Newchurch of the New Order have become completely corrupt. For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files: FAQs and Traditional Apologetics department, in the section "Eastern Rite 'Option.'"
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Newchurchers are scandalized by the battle between Francis-Bergoglio and Newcardinal Gerhard Muller, Bergoglio's Prefect of the [New Order] Doctrine of the Faith, exposed on September 5, 2016, when a secret letter of Bergoglio was leaked, probably deliberately. The two are openly locking horns on the anti-Catholic doctrines of Bergoglio in his Apostolic Letter Amoris laetitia, the Joy of Sex, which promotes the munching of the Novus Ordo cookie by those openly and unrepentantly living in sin, while Muller's position is closer to the Catholic one. It appears that Muller is finished and that Newcardinal Christoph Schonborn -- the Dracula of the Curia and a virulent anti-traditionalist and promoter of Newchurch cookies and divorce for everyone -- will soon take his place.
It would seem that NewChurch is now a house divided, just as the heretical Anglican-Episcopalians are divided over perverted sexuality, divorce, women ministers (as none of their ministers are priests), ritual, et alia. The Protestant Revolt introduced division among the rebels from the very beginning: Luther, Calvin, Zwingli, Cranmer, Knox, Smith, and later Wesley. In Hell, the devils also hate one another and vie for position. They even hate their infernal master, Satan, and he hates them. The damnati scream abuse at each other in the fiery pit: every one of them wants to be God.
Newchurch was the cheap product of the 1960s social and internal revolution that rent Holy Church; it was the revolution of Modernist-Liberalist heretics. It has been divided between liberalists and "conservatives," charismatics, Taize syncretists, the Opus Dei cult, the neo-catecumenical cult, and all manner of rank weeds. Now we see a vulnus opened up in its side, the side of the beast.
Within Newchurch there are those who have been duped, those who have been very naive, and those who don't know the Catholic Faith at all (as they have been mistaught and misled), but now sense that something just isn't right. The endless balloons in the sanctuary are finally beginning to wake them up. Some will leave Newchurch altogether, just as some will leave Bernie Fellay's Neo-SSPX, once it swallows the poisonous personal-prelature pill and finally goes Novus Ordo. Some real priests will be vomited forth from Fellay's sect, who could have avoided this unpleasant type of eviction if they had acted more firmly from the beginning. Better late than never? Perhaps, but many will be too poisoned by Novus Ordo leanings ever to recover.
Newchurch is falling, and great will be the fall thereof. The true Catholic Church will survive, if necessary as a remnant. What remains to be seen is whether we are facing the end times or a rebirth of the Faith after the sulphur dissipates. In either case, we have no choice but to hold fast to what is true yesterday, today, and tomorrow. God does not change, nor does the true Faith -- nor can true Catholics.
After making the Second Paedophile Newpope, JPII-Wojtyla, an "Unsaint" of Newchurch in 2014, and after making the paedophile-supporter Theresa of Calcutta an "Unsaint" in 2016, Francis-Bergoglio on September 14, 2016, prattled that the Frenchman Jacques Hamel, a sellout to heretical Modernism, who was killed at his own Novus Ordo eucharistic dinner table by Islamic terrorists whom he encouraged, is a "martyr."
Sorry as Hamel's death might have been in itself, he was no "martyr." In fact, he brought upon himself his own death. Hamel was a heretic "oecumenist," that is, one who holds that "we all worship the same god" and "one religion is as good as another". In fact, Hamel gave away church property to build an infidel Islamic mosque. Ironically, his murderers were members of that mosque.
Appropriation of church property is a grave sin. Oecumenism is a grave sin. Simulating the invalid Protestant-Masonic-Pagan New Mess of 1969 is a grave sin -- of sacrilege, blasphemy, and idolatry. It seems that Hamal, far from being a "martyr" for the true Catholic Faith, struck out of Catholicism three times.
True Catholics, one may lament Jacque Hamel's death, as one would the death of any human being, but Hamel was no Catholic martyr. Sadly and ironically, he died at the hands of the infidels whom he himself encouraged, the same infidels to whom Francis-Bergoglio and his predecessor colleague, Ex-Newpope Benedict-Ratzinger, no Catholics they, scandalously pander.
The U.S. Democratic Vice Presidential candidate Tim Kaine, running with Hillary Clinton, who describes himself as a "devout" Catholic -- is predicting that the Newchurch of the New Order may eventually change its opposition to "gay marriage." On September 10, 2016, he proclaimed that he he had "changed his mind about gay marriage [sic] and that his [New]church may follow suit one day." Of course, he quoted the heretic Newpope Francis-Bergoglio's nuanced statement appearing to reject the teaching of both the Old and New Testaments that such things constitute one of the Four Sins that Cry out to Heaven for Retribution. Kaine also pledged to fight for increased rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer Americans -- what he terms "LGBT" equality.
Thus, Kaine is anything but a "devout Catholic." First of all, he isn't a Catholic at all, but a Protestant Newchurcher. Second, a Catholic accords his beliefs with that of the true Church, which follows the teaching of Our Lord Christ. No man has the power to change that, even a true pope (who would know better!). [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
True Catholics, it is, to use his colleague, U.S. Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's own phrase, Kaine fits into the "basket of deplorables." He is a man who makes himself equal to God and shows himself an outright heretic. Of course, he continues to call himself "Catholic" to garner (he thinks) votes in a secular election. This kind of hypocrisy is all too common with Newchurch politicians, among whom one could name former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, and current Speaker, Paul Ryan.
Newbishop Robert Morlino, of Madison, Wisconsin, announced on September 11, 2016, that he would be simulating the Novus Ordo service ad orientem, that is the New Order code word for "turned away from the congregation." Neocon Newchurchers desperately grab at these little bits of what they view as "conservative" practices like Jewish manna from Heaven.
BUT. And there are lot of buts. But -- Morlino is doing it only when he is "in town." But -- Morlino is doing it only in one of three Novus Ordo temples that replace his burned-down Newcathedral. But -- Morlino is not requiring his presbyters to do it. But -- it's for the invalid Protestant-Masonic-Pagan New Mess of 1969, that fraud for the Catholic Mass that the Ex-Newpope Benedict-Ratzinger in 2007 officially declared to be the "Ordinary Mess" of the Newchurch of the New Order.
So none of this "rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic" makes one jot of difference. A phony Mess is a phony Mess, no matter in what direction you simulate it.
Newcardinal Robert Sarah, Prefect for the Congregation of [New Order] Divine Worship in Newvatican, recently floated the idea of ad orientem, which means literally "toward the East," the traditional orientation of celebrating the Traditional Latin Mass. Newpope Benedict-Ratzinger almost immediately shot down the idea, pontificating that there would be no liturgical changes. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by LSN News.]
True Catholics, what is clear is that the Novus Ordo is sinking fast, just like the Titanic, whose example it is following. It is no surprise that a few crafty Newbishops, who haven't been consecrated since the Protestantized New Ordinal of 1968, but are no better than their Protestant Anglican-Episcopalian colleagues, would try to pull the wool over the eyes of their clueless Newchurchers. Evan at that, this P.R. gimmick won't last that long. After the press release P.R., the reality will cease in short order as no longer needed.
The new independent traditional Catholic Unio Sacerdotalis Marcelli Lefebvre (Priestly Union of Marcel Lefebvre), led by independent traditional Catholic bishops Richard Williamson and Jean-Michel Faure, who also lead the Societas Sacerdotalis Apostolorum Jesu et Mariae (Priestly Society of the Apostles of Jesus and Mary), is continuing to grow. The Union met on August 31, 2016, and welcomed as a new member its first priest from the United States, who has abandoned Bernie Fellay's now Novus Ordo-leaning Neo-SSPX.
The Union has taken an unequivocal position rejecting the invalid Protestant-Masonic-Pagan New Mess of 1969, which Benedict-Ratzinger declared in 2007 to be the "Ordinary Mess" of Newchurch. The Union, which, unlike the Ex-Newpope and the current Newpope Francis-Bergoglio, remains faithful to the Catholic Church, "reminds the Catholic faithful that they cannot in good conscience attend a Mass by a priest who has rallied with [sold out to] Modernist Rome." The Union reminds true Catholics that "the distinction between the [Bernie Fellay's Neo-] Society of St. Pius X and a rallied [sold out] society has almost disappeared, as evidenced by the statements of Mgr. Pozzo [Secretary of Newrome's Ecclesia Dei Commission] and Bishop Fellay."
True Catholics, we can all rejoice that, as the Newchurch of the New Order continues to sink, and Bernie Fellay's Neo-SSPX with it, more traditional Catholic priestly societies are forming. Those who wish to inquire further into the Priestly Union of Marcel Lefebvre or the Priestly Society of the Apostles of Jesus and Mary will find the contact information in the TRADITIO Network's Official Traditional Catholic Directory department, provided to the TRADITIO Network by the National Registry of Traditional Latin Masses.
Now that independent traditional Catholic bishop Jean-Michel Faure, consecrated by Bishop Richard Williamson on March 19, 2015, has, as recently announced in these Daily Commentaries, founded the Priestly Society of the Apostles of Jesus and Mary (SAJM), the name selected by Archbishop Lefebvre himself for his second proposed traditional Catholic congregation, Faure has the opportunity, not to say obligation, to phase out within a year the use of the Half Novus Ordo Vatican II "Mess of 1962" from the new Society and reestablish the use of the pre-1950 Latin Missale Romanum, Breviarium Romanum, Rituale Romanum, and other traditional liturgical books.
Such an action by the new traditional Catholic Society would automatically obliterate any changes to the traditional Catholic rites of Holy Week and reject the wide-ranging Protestantizing changes implemented in those rites by the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini in 1956 and the "modernizing" changes made by John XXIII in 1959 to the traditional Good Friday litanical prayer for the Jews.
The Priestly Society of the Apostles of Jesus and Mary is insisting on purity of doctrine and no compromise with the Modernist and Liberalist enemies of Jesus Christ. This doctrinal purity should be matched by a purity in liturgy according to the Catholic principle: Legem credendi, lex statuit supplicandi. Archbishop Lefebvre only temporarily accepted the 1962 Missal when he founded his original Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) in 1970, because the confused situation of that time required (or so he truly believed) a cessation of change and a continuity with what had preceded 1970. The Archbishop was, at the time of his death in 1992, laying plans to revert his Society of St. Pius X from the "Mess of 1962."
In 1970 few people had the vision to see that the changes of 1951, 1954, 1956, 1960, 1962, 1964, 1967, and 1968 were all part and parcel of a revolution that culminated in the promulgation of the invalid Protestant-Masonic-Pagan New Mess of 1969. That revolution against the Catholic Mass and Sacraments did not end in 1969. The Newchurch revolutionaries wanted the Sacred Liturgy to become a ever-changing "workshop." It is the character of the Devil to want ceaseless change as he tries to escape from God's immutable perfection in a million ways and more. It's what makes Milton's Satan such a fascinating character.
Another indication that Newchurch is not Catholic is that the Catholic hospitals, once run with exceptional charity by women's religious orders, have now become mere corporate conglomerates, run by money-grubbing secularists. One of these, Catholic Healthcare West even changed its name some years ago to CHW, to hide its (absent) Catholicism.
On September 6, 2016, word came down that the large Franciscan Health conglomerate in the United States is dropping Saints' names from the names of its hospitals. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
Specifically, Newchurch is dropping:
True Catholics, many of you are probably ignorant of the fact that the desecration of the Saints began under Hannibal Bugnini, the Freemason presbyter, whom Pope Pius XII appointed in 1947 to "modernize" the liturgy. Yes, it was Pius XII, not John XXIII, as so many of you think, who began the desecration of the Saints, the Divine Office, and the Holy Mass. This desecration began in 1956, then took a leap in 1960-1962, when the "Mess of 1962" was instituted under John XXIII, and several Saints were dropped from a "modernized" calendar, including St. Philomena, and even from commemoration at Sunday Masses. This desecration culminated in the outright invalid New Mess of 1969, proclaimed the "Ordinary" Mess of Newchurch by Benedict-Ratzinger in 2007, which expunged dozens of noted Saints, like St. Christopher and St. Barbara, off the Newchurch calendar.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
To follow up on my previous report about Bernie Fellay's revelations of August 26, 2016, concerning his desired sellout to the New Order sect, Fellay in the interview perpetrated a great omission: he did not name the juridical structure being offered. He called it a "super-diocese," but there are no super-dioceses in Newchurch. The most common vehicle in Newchurch for Fellay's kind is a "personal prelature." That structure places the local Newchurch bishops directly in charge. Fellay would not even be able to enter any diocese without the express permission of the local Modernist bishop. That would be suicide for the Neo-SSPX -- and Newchurch knows it. Everything Archbishop Lefebvre gained was gained precisely because he told the Newchurch bishops to pound sand, so they had not power to stop him.
What Fellay is attempting to hide from his clueless members is the central issue. There is no doctrinal agreement; Fellay is simply negotiating a betrayal. Over and over and over again, the position of Newrome has been the same; it has not changed. Newrome has insisted on a resolution of doctrinal "difficulties." This resolution consists in Fellay's obedience to the Vatican II Anti-council and all of its heretical pronouncements.
Fellay will be forced to accept the paedophiliac Unsaint JPII-Wojtyla, the Communist Unsaints Dorothy Day and Oscar Romero, and now the Unsaint Theresa Calcutta, the paedophiliac, syncretist, and embezzler, who cannot even conjure up a single legitimate "miracle." Fellay will, of course, be forced to accept the travesty of changing the Octave Day of Easter, one of the highest feastdays in the Catholic Church's calendar, into the "Mercy Sunday" fraud. Fellay will be forced to move the Feast of Christ the King, originally placed on the last Sunday of October to butt heads with "Reformation Day," to the last Sunday of November, to coincide with the Protestants' "Martin Luther Day." What is to prevent Newchurch from mandating Fellay to simulate the invalid Novus Ordo Mess, as it has to all "indult" groups in the past by Protocol 1411?
The upshot is that Fellay said repeatedly that there would be no practical agreement until doctrinal disagreements were resolved. These disagreements have not been resolved -- because NewChurch has still not abandoned her Protestant heresies, hatched, as they were, from the Anti-council. This why Fellay will have to accept the heresies and go along with Bergoglio's Protestant Newchurch just as it is.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
On August 26, 2016, Bernie Fellay, Superior-Dictator of the Neo-SSPX, made revelations regarding what may be to come between him and the Newchurch of the New Order. His revelations look to some extent like a response to the TRADITIO Network's reports on this subject. Newrome may recognize the Neo-SSPX and grant it a structure unilaterally because society won't accept a structure from Newchurch owing to the Neo-SSPX's serious internal divisions.
If the juridical structure is solid (a territorial prelature, not a personal one), it just serve to bring a larger part of the Neo-SSPX into the Newchurch spider's embrace. We know that any "deal" will cause a division of the Neo-SSPX. What we still don't know is how large that division will be. Those who reject the Newchurch spider will depart, not even taking with them the cassocks on their backs. Some will flee to Bishops Williamson and Faure and Tomas Aquin. Others will prefer status as independent priests. Still others might join a new group formed in the Traditional Catholic Resistance Movement.
Whatever structure Newrome might offer to try to suck in the Neo-SSPX, the original statues offered can be quickly changed, just as were the statutes for the Institute of the Good Shepherd in 2009. Once that former Neo-SSPX group was captured by Newchurch, its statutes were changed, and the priest-presbyters were forced to use the invalid Novus Ordo Mess, at least on occasion. Fellay keeps protesting against those in his group who are naysayers on a sellout. His response: a "deal" couldn't be a trap because it's so sweet. I, Fellay, don't want it to be a trap. Therefore, it's not a trap -- because I say so. A heretic could not have stated that Catholic-condemned Modernist philosophy better!
Georgetown University, run by those Marxist Newjesuits, who, known for their "Liberation Theology," took up rifles in Latin America and went around killing conservative politicians, has broken another yet another taboo. On August 28, 2016, it hired a pagan as its "chaplain." Well, at least Brahmachari Vrajvihari Sharan is a priest, albeit a Hindu one, whereas the Newjesuit presbyters at Georgetown are not priests at all.
This is Sharan's new job: to bring Hindu paganism to a once-Catholic university. Georgetown, which is mired in the Heresy of Syncretism, condemned by the Catholic Church ("we all worship the same god" and "one religion is as good as another"). Georgetown has already hired a Jewish rabbi and a Mohammedan imam as "chaplains." Newbishops of Washington, D.C., where Georgetown is located, have scandalized faculty, students, and alumni by often giving invocations not to Our Lord Jesus Christ, but to Allah. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by The Washington Post.]
True Catholics, this is just one of the consequences of Newchurch's post-Vatican II Modernism, Sycretism, and now, in the guise of the Marxist Newpope Francis-Bergoglio, Marxism. Newchurchers are now worshipping millions of gods and millions of arms. The juggernaut of the anti-Catholic Newchurch rolls on -- to oblivion.
"There is none that doth good, no, not one" (Psalms 13:1/DRV). King David might as well have been speaking of Newchurch bishops. The clueless Neocon Newchurchers want to distinguish between "conservative" and "liberalist" Newbishop, but the fact of the matter is that all Newchurch bishops are rotten; all are sellouts to the anti-Catholic New Order sect. And the "conservative" and "traditionalists" (which is a great abuse of the term) Newbishops are often the worst!
Take the case of Mario Oliveri, of Albenga, Italy. Facing charges of sexual and financial crimes, Oliveri abdicated on September 1, 2016. Since 2014 reports had bubbled to the surface that Oliveri was running a cesspool of sex crimes, homosexual affairs, and embezzlement of Newparish funds. And that is not the worst of it. Oliveri has drawn support from "traditionalist" Newchurchers, who "praised his defense of orthodoxy." The clueless Neocon Newchurchers loved it when, like a Protestant heretic, Oliveri blithely simulated the full-blown, invalid Protestant-Masonic-Pagan New Mess of 1969, with the occasional Vatican II Half New Mess of 1962 thrown in. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the ANSA Italian News Agency.]
True Catholics, truly these Neocon Newchurchers are blind, deaf, and dumb. Oliveri is a lackey of Newchurch, which means that he is against Catholic doctrine and against Catholic worship. His success in attracting young men to the Novus Ordo presbyterate simply reflects his willingness to accept perverts, already accused and convicted of crimes, who populate his Newserminary and Newparishes. There is no Newchurch bishop that doth good, non, not one.
You heard about them back in 2014. The Little Sisters of the Poor stood up against the U.S. Obama Administration's attempt to force them into coverage for abortion and artificial contraception. And they won in the U.S. Supreme Court -- but lost in the Newchurch of the New Order. A lot of Neocon Newchurchers probably applauded the Little Sisters, but what you probably didn't know is that they long ago sold out their Catholic Faith to the anti-Catholic Newchurch of the New Order, which replaced the Catholic Church as the "institutional" Church in 1964.
And now the Little Sisters are paying the price for their sellout. Their international congregation, founded in France in 1839, is dying off. On August 26, 2016, the Little Sisters formally notified Newarchbishop Robert Carlson, of St. Louis, Missouri, that they are closing down their ministry after 147 years of service there. New applicants have dried up since the Newchurch takeover, and now the Little Sisters cannot staff their ministry. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic News Service.]
True Catholics, the anti-Catholic Newchurch of the New Order, currently headed by the Marxist Newpope Francis-Bergoglio, is poison to all of its hangers-on. Most Catholic religious orders bit the dust within a few years of the Newchurch takeover in 1964. The few Newchurch orders that survive are rapidly dying off. It is a fact that Newchurch and its Newpopes have been more lethal to the Catholic Church than the Arch-heretic Martin Luther.
In the Gospel of St. Matthew (24:15), Our Lord spoke of the "abomination of desolation, which was spoken of by Daniel the prophet." This abomination, in the time of Daniel, referred to the placing of the image of the pagan Roman god Jupiter upon the altar of the Temple at Jerusalem by King Antiochus IV in the second century B.C.
Some two millennia later, on October 27, 1986, the Newpope-Unsaint JPII-Wojtyla re-committed the sacrilege by participating in an "oecumenical prayer meeting" at Assisi, Italy, during which an image of the Buddha was placed on top of the tabernacle in the Church of St. Peter there.
On May 25, 1995, the Unsaint Wojtyla hosted a reprise of the sacrilegious meeting at Assisi, at which 150 false religions engaged in the Heresy of Syncretism, condemned by the Catholic Church. Syncretism heretically teaches that "we all worship the same god" and "one religion is as good as another."
Yet again, on January 24, 2002, the Unsaint Wojtyla hosted yet another reprise, including Eastern Orthodoxy, Protestantism, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Shintoism, Jianism, Confucianism, Sikhism, Zoroastrianism, Tenrikyo, and African tribal religions.
Francis-Bergoglio has now announced that he will travel to Assisi on September 20, 2016, to join schismatics, heretics, and pagans for yet another "oecumenical prayer meeting." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
True Catholics, Newpope Francis-Bergoglio once again shows himself as a Marxist syncretist, who wishes to turn his Newchurch into a Marxist atheistic political organization and to destroy what little is left of Catholic worship, doctrine, and morality. With the cooperation of the "junkie" Newchurchers who are irretrievably "hooked" to Novus Ordo "dope," Bergoglio is well along toward achieving his goal.
In 2002 the Newpope-Unsaint JPII-Wojtyla decided to corrupt the Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary by the addition of Five New Age (Luminous) Mysteries. His doing so was completely unCatholic. The Rosary consists of exactly 150 Aves because it is a substitute for laypeople of the 150 Psalms of the Psalter recited each week in the traditional Divine Office, which has been replaced in the Novus Ordo sect by the Modernistic so-called "Liturgy of the Hours."
Not to be outdone, Francis-Bergoglio is now going New Age too. Traditionally, the Church has recognized Seven Spiritual Works of Mercy and Seven Corporal Works of Mercy. These are taken directly from the Bible. But Bergoglio, who doesn't have any respect for Sacred Scripture, has proclaimed on September 1, 2016, for his anti-Catholic Newchurch of the New Order a fifteenth joint spiritual/corporal work: Environmentalism, aka Global Warming.
In addition, Bergoglio has declared Environmentalism "the highest work of mercy because it includes all the others." Bergoglio has also declared that the new "work of mercy" must be regulated by the State. And what will Newchurchers be required to do if they want to avoid "Mortal Sin"? Abstain from the use of plastic and paper. Don't drink too much water. Separate garbage into colored bins. Patronize Uber and Lyft. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World News.]
What are the real Catholic Works of Mercy? First, the Seven Spiritual Works of Mercy, which take precedence: (1) to instruct the ignorant, (2) to counsel the doubtful, (3) to reprove the sinner, (4) to console the sorrowful, (5) to pardon injuries, (6) to forbear with those who trouble and annoy us, (7) to pray for all. Next the Seven Corporal Works of Mercy, which are subordinate: (1) to visit the sick, (2) to quench the thirsty, (3) to feed the hungry, (4) to ransom the captive, (6) to harbor the harborless, (7) to bury the dead.
True Catholics, does any of this sound like religion to you? Or does it sound like the social engineering of a maniac? Yes, this is what the Marxist Bergoglio has turned his Newchurch into: a Liberalist/Modernist Dictator State. It surely isn't religion, let alone Catholicism. Bergoglio may be a pope, but not the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church. He fancies himself the Vicar of the Environment!
Even Newchurchers had to call out U.S. Vice Presidential candidate for the Democratic Party, Tim Kaine. A group of Newchurchers with picket signs confronted Novus Ordo sectarians on August 29, 2016, in front of Kaine's Newparish in Richmond, Virginia. They were putting the lie to Kaine's contention that he is a "Catholic" and "personally pro-life." The Newchurchers demonstrated that Kaine has a 100-per cent pro-abortion voting record from the pro-abortion group Planned Parenthood so far in 2016. "He's really ... evil," the protestors told the Newparish and the press assembled.
Kaine, who attends the invalid Novus Ordo Mess, himself claims that he is both a "traditional Catholic" and a strong supporter of abortion. He also has refused to declare that he would not vote to force taxpayers to fund abortions. Kain did vote to allow government funding of abortion providers, and he voted against legislation to require an abortionist to notify at least one parent before performing an abortion on a minor girl.
Kaine took his most extreme pro-abortion action yet with his recent co-sponsorship of the so-called "Women's Health Protection Act," known to pro-lifers as the "Abortion Without Limits Until Birth Act." This bill would nullify nearly all existing state and federal limitations on regulation of abortion, and prohibit states from enacting pro-life laws in the future. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by LifeNews.}
True Catholics, Francis-Bergoglio's Newchurch officials have made a few noises about Kaine, but they will not refuse the invalid Novus Ordo cookie to him. Instead, Newchurch panders to those who call themselves "Catholic" to garner votes, but who reject Catholic moral teaching. There is no suprise in this. The same can be said of Francis-Bergoglio and his own Newchurch potentates.
What do we really know about Theresa of Calcutta, the Marxist Newpope Francis Bergoglio's latest "Unsaint," to be Novus Ordo con-anized on September 4, 2016. Bergoglio, whose popularity is sinking like a rock, needs a poster-girl to try to win back a tittle of respect. So he glommed onto Theresa, who has, since her death in 1997, been the focus of an unprecedented onslaught of Newchurch propaganda.
In fact, the Unsaint Theresa of Calcutta was a supporter of paedophiles. When the presbyter that she used as her own confessor, whom she appointed to be the confessor to her whole congregation, was outed with indisputable proof as a rampant paedophile who had taken boys on foreign trips and raped them there, Theresa supported her paedophile, not the children whose lives he had ruined, ignoring the words of St. Paul the Apostle: "They who do these things are worthy of death: and not only they that do them, but they also that consent to them that do them (Romans 1:32/DRV).
Theresa was also a practitioner of syncretism, which holds that "we all worship the same god" and that "one religion is as good as another," a philosophy condemned by the Catholic Church because its purpose is to mix heretical beliefs and practices with the true Catholic Faith. Moreover, she showed gross negligence in handling the funds of her "charity," accepting large donations from murderous dictators, and being embroiled in several charges of financial improprieties.
Theresa was substantially a Hindu pagan who posed as a Newchurch "nun." She was exposed as a public heretic from her own mouth on September 7, 1997: "Some call Him [God] Allah, some simply God," she proclaimed, equating pagan Hinduism with Christianity. She went on to say: "Of course I convert [not to the true Catholic Faith]. I convert you to be a better Hindu or a better Muslim or a better Protestant. Once you've found God, it's up to you to decide how to worship Him." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
To put the icing on the cake of deception that Francis-Bergoglio is perpetrating with the Unsainting of Theresa is the complete deception about her "miracle." Newchurch did away with the meticulous vetting of Saints, often over the course of centuries. For example, it did away with the Devil's Advocate, so that there was no spokesman for opposition to a proposed saint. But it left in place a requirement for one "miracle" performed by the "saint" -- the traditional standard being four. But Theresa's "miracle" was a fraud.
In 2002, Newvatican recognized as a "miracle" the healing of a purportedly cancerous in an Indian woman after the application of a locket containing Teresa's picture. But the woman's own physicians, as well as her own husband, affirmed that tumor was eradicated by conventional medical treatment. In fact, the woman's principal physician told the New York Times that the cyst was not cancer at all, but a cyst caused by tuberculosis. He said: "It was not a miracle.... She took medicines for nine months to one year." The physicians at the hospital claimed that they were pressured by Newchurch personnel to declare falsely that the cure was a miracle. During its investigation of Theresa's "sanctity," Newvatican's "saint-making" commission refused to hear the testimony of the physicians against a "miracle," even though they had offered to testify at their own expense. Again the Newchurch "fix was in." Newrome told the physicians to stay home and not to derail the phony con-anization with the medical truth.
True Catholics, Newchurch con-onizations" are in fact "cons." By the authority of St. Thomas Aquinas, the Catholic Church's Principal Theologian, Catholics do not have to pay any attention to the invalid Theresa con-anization. Her miracle is a factual fraud. St. Thomas Aquinas covered just this case, a millennium ago, declaring that canonizations are not infallible if based on errors of fact. So, Theresa of Calcutta now joins corrupt individuals like JPII-Wojtyla of Krakow, also a paedophile supporter, syncretist, and public heretic, in the pantheon of Unsaints of the Newchurch New Order. For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs? in the section " 'Canonizations' - New Order" in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files: FAQs and Traditional Apologetics department.
As the Anglican-Episcopalians do, so do the Newchurch Protestants. That has been the history of Newchurch since the Vatican II Anti-council that substituted the Newchurch of the New Order for the Catholic Church in 1964. Now word comes that conservative Anglicans, who have had a belly-full of the bishopesses, priestess, and LGBTQ fringe that have taken control of the "institutional" Church are holding a council of their own to go into schism from the false sect.
The "shadow synod" is vowing to uphold traditional Christian teaching. The first session is to be held during the week of August 29, 2016. Congregations from three leading Anglican dioceses -- Rochester, Canterbury, and Chichester -- are to become founding members of the new conservative synod. They claim the Anglican leadership is progressively "watering down" traditional Christian teaching, just as the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965) did in the Catholic Church. This false teaching involves not only sexuality but also many core beliefs, including the authority of the Bible.
The conservative Anglicans are considering withholding money from the offering plates in their dioceses and joining forces with a powerful alliance of Anglican bishops overseas, particularly in Africa. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the U.K. Telegraph.]
As the Anglican conservatives prepare to go into schism from the Modernist-Liberalist "institutional" sect, more and more Newchurch leaders are speaking out against the Marxist Newpope Francis-Bergoglio, claiming that he is pushing an agenda that is anti-Catholic and anti-family. In fact, the statistics show that the anti-Catholic Newchurch is crumbling fast. Membership is down, Mess attendance is down, collections are down. Newchurch may itself die in schism, whether formally or informally.
Further aberrations from Catholic doctrine in the Newchurch of the New Order surfaced this week when Newpope Francis-Bergoglio wrote that Ex-Newpope Benedict-Ratzinger, who was supposed to have abdicated on February 28, 2013, is actually "co-Newpope." Shocked at Bergoglio's false statement, two of Ratzinger's closest associates, Newcardinal Walter Brandmuller and Newbishop Giuseppe Sciacca, have separated themselves from both Bergoglio and Ratzinger. They are absolutely opposed to Ratzinger's continuing to have himself called "Newpope," whether "emeritus" or not. They have stated that there is "no precedent for a "pope emeritus, whether historical, theological, or juridical."
Ratzinger, who has been trying subtly to weasel his way back into some of his former power, states in a new book that he is "continuing the Petrine minister, without interruption." And Francis-Bergoglio, the validity of whose own Newpapacy is in grave doubt, seems to have bought into the anti-Catholic notion in his preface, released August 24, 2016, to Ratzinger's forthcoming biography. Newarchbishop Georg Ganswein, who is private secretary to both Bergoglio and Ratzinger, has also stated that the two share "an expanded ministry in common."
Newbishop Sciacca, who is an canon-law expert and member of Newvatican's supreme court, has publicly stated: "There can be no shared papacy," that Ratzinger has abdicated. Sciacca renounced his once-friend Ratzinger as no "co-Newpope" and now calls him an "aberration."
True Catholics, Bergoglio, Ratzinger, and Newchurch are making up a religion as they go along. It is not based in anything Catholic -- and now even Newchurch officials are admitting it. It has hardly been three years since the Marxist Newpope Bergoglio was elected, and the structure is falling down around their feet. Membership is down, Mess attendance is down, collections are down. But that is probably want Bergoglio wanted to achieve all along -- the complete destruction of the Catholic Church. Isn't that what all Marxists want?