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Francis-Bergoglio seems to be Hell bent on destroying everything Catholic in society. His latest fixation, reported in an interview published October 25, 2017, seems to be to disobey Christ, the Apostles, and the Tradition of the Church to admit married men to the Newchurch presbyterate. (The Catholic priesthood is protected because it exists in traditional Catholicism not associated with the New Order, whereas Newchurch has not ordained priests since the Protestantized New Ordinal of 1968, but merely "installed presbyters [ministers] to preside over the assembly of the people" since there is no valid Mass in Newchurch.)
Contrary to Protestant thinking, the priesthood, with few exceptions, in the Roman Catholic Church and in many Eastern churches is restricted to unmarried men. This is no willy-nilly law that can be done away with on the whim of a Newpope, but is part of Catholic and Apostolic Tradition, and there are references to it in Sacred Scripture. For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files: FAQs and Traditional Apologetics department, in the section "Priestly Celibacy."
It wasn't enough that Newchurch created phony "lay deacons" in 1967, who can be married. Of course, these aren't ordained either. The specious argument is that Newchurch will fill the ranks of severely-depleted presbyter-ministers with married parties. The insanity of such an approach is easily confirmed by the Protestant sects that admit married men to their clergy. These sects are sinking just as fast as the Protestantized Newchurch of the New Order.
But Newchurch and its Marxist Bergoglio have a problem. It's that Newpope "Saint" JPII-Wojtyla issued what has been described as an "irreformable" (unchangeable) document, Ordinatio Sacerdotalis (1994), which prohibited there ever being priestesses in Newchurch. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Katholices Network.]
True Catholics, married or not, no sane man wants to be a Newchurch presbyter. The Newchurch clergy is filled with paedophiles and heretics; it no longer has priests or a Mass. All that went out the window with the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965). Bergoglio wants to install deaconesseses and probably priestess as well. Actually, priestess might serve Newchurch well, as they are associated with pagan cults, such as the Protestant-Masonic-Pagan New Order sect!
Have young Newchurchers finally figured out that their Newchurch is too worthless to spend their time on? Apparently so. On June 14, 2017 Newvatican posted online an international poll for people 16-29 years of age as part of preparations for the Synod of Bishops' Ordinary Assembly to take place in Newrome during October 2018. The theme of the assembly is "Young People, Faith, and Vocational Discernment." Clearly even Newchurch youth have no interest in becoming Protestantized clergy of Newchurch, who since 1968 have not been ordained in the Sacrament of Holy Orders to celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and to forgive sins, but are now merely "installed" as presbyter-ministers to "preside over the assembly."
The youth to whom the Ordinary Assembly is addressed and for whom the online questionnaire was designed have spurned Newvatican's shenanigans and failed to respond in any great numbers. On October 26, 2017, the Office of the Synod, which prepared the questionnaire, said that it was "disappointed" to report that only about 65,000 responses were received from around the world, and of those only 3,000, or 4 per cent, asked to be added to an E-mail list for information on the Ordinary Assembly. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World News.]
True Catholics, in just four years the bloom has died on Francis-Bergoglio's stinking rose of a Newpapacy. Bergoglio has been exposed as a Marxist, a supporter of paedophilia and sodomy, a pathological Narcissist who viciously attacks conservative colleagues in Newvatican and around the world. He has tried to ruin the reputation of his Chief Auditor, has shunned the Newcardinals who find his marriage document tinged with heresy, and has fired one conservative-bent Newcurial Prefect and now has another in his gun-sight. Now we know why he underwent six months of psychiatric treatment. The man clearly has a screw loose, and he certainly isn't Catholic!
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
You often say that Newrome, the New Mess, and Newchurchers are nothing more that Protestants. As a former Protestant, who was converted to traditional Catholicism by the grace of God, I must object. The Protestant sects, at least the ones of which I was a part, are actually better than the New Order sect, that is, the Newchurch of the New Order.
Having been a Protestant for a few years longer than I have now been a traditional Catholic, I can say without a doubt that Newrome is nothing like the Protestant sects to which I used to belong. For example, the Protestant sects to which I belonged never:
These are just a few examples of how the Newchurch of the New Order fails the test of being even seriously Protestant, heretical as that is. While God has revealed to me that the traditional Catholic Church is the true Church, I can also say for certain that Newchurch is far from the Catholic Church, even far from the Protestant sects. In fact, many Protestants whom I know reject what the Newchurch of the New Order is preaching.
So, to whom is Francis-Bergoglio trying to appeal? As Newchurch's own published statistics clearly demonstrate, attendance at its invalid services is in a steep decline. Of course, Protestants are rejecting Newchurch. Just look at how the Lutheran bishopess snubbed Bergoglio at the Martin Luther conclave in Sweden. If Newchurch had any sense, it would scrap its heresy and return back to the true Catholic Church. But by this time, I suppose, the Newchurchers' brains are so twisted by sacrilege, blasphemy, idolatry, and heresy that they are almost irredeemable.
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
Right you are, and we have said the same thing many times in our Daily Commentaries about Newchurch being worse than the Protestant sects. We would, however, make a further distinction among the Protestants. There are, if you will, at least some Bible-based Protestants among the mainline sects (Anglican, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Methodist, Baptist, etc.).
However, there are other sects that pretend to be Protestant, but are really secularist, preaching a "Prosperity Gospel" or a "Social Gospel." Such phonies are represented by the likes of crazy Joel Osteen, who shovels out his Bible-free pabulum to his clueless audiences -- including the Marxist Newpope Francis-Bergoglio, who has publicly praised him, instead of denouncing him as worse for the heretic that he is. It takes one to know one.
No Newcardinal is really a "conservative." They're all Modernists, but some are more obviously "conservative" than others. Newcardinal Gerhard Muller, former Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the [New Order] Faith, was one of these. Francis-Bergoglio fired him on July 1, 2017, without prior notice. Now Bergoglio has turned his poison arrow toward another "conservative," Newcardinal Robert Sarah, Prefect of the Congregation for [New Order] Divine Worship.
Does Bergoglio simply hate "conservatives" and want to get rid of them? Yes, that's part of it, but the other part is that he believes that from these "conservatives" will come the next Newpope, the Newcuria now having tired of his Marxist self. But that would stop the Marxist takeover of Newchurch, and Bergoglio cannot permit that to happen.
Francis-Bergoglio has now humiliated Sarah by his denunciation of Sarah's misinterpretation of the clear Modernist bent of the October 1, 2017, Motu Proprio Magnum Principium (A New Beginning), which essentially places the text of the New Mess into the hands of national bishops' conferences rather than Newvatican. Whether Sarah will last out his term of office, which expires in 2019, is now in doubt. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Italian daily La Stampa.]
True Catholics, in December 2017, Francis-Bergoglio, whose health problems are just getting worse, will turn 81 years old. Newcardinal Sarah, a Negro from West Africa would be an tantalizing "oecumenical" choice for Newpope among the Newcardinal electors, who are no longer either Roman or Catholic. No wonder Sarah is now Public Enemy No. 1 in Bergoglio's gun-sight! The Newjesuit Newpope cannot allow Newchurch's Marxist revolution to fall into the hands of anyone having even a superficial dollop of "conservativism." Traditional Newcardinals were long ago purged out of Newchurch, which since Vatican's II's heretical new constitution of 1964 has not been the Catholic Church.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I must say that I really loved the sandbox and playground metaphor about the Neo-SSPX/Newchurch dance of death. It could hardly be more apt. Yes, the Neo-SSPX's Superior-Dictator, Bernie Fellay, continues to romp in the same playground as Francis-Bergoglio, and he will indeed take his Society to hell in handbasket as a result. The only hope for the Neo-SSPX members is to dump Fellay now so that they can reverse his senseless game before it is too late -- if it isn't too late already.
Neo-SSPX priest-presbyters should heed these words of the infamous Sir Humphrey Appleby, the British Cabinet Secretary, in the droll British comedy Yes, Prime Minister (1986), as he reported his advice to the Prime Minister on what to do about a Communist take-over in a former British colony.
At first, he advised the Prime Minister that they were at an early stage in the threat and that, therefore, nothing should be done pending the undertaking of more research. Later on, he counselled that matters were being addressed and that a report would be forthcoming very shortly. Finally, he told the Prime Minister that something could have been done the previous month to prevent the take-over -- but it's too late now!
July 2018, the month of the duodecennial Neo-SSPX elections, is looming. Soon it will be too late for the priest-presbyters and laity of the Neo-SSPX to save the Neo-SSPX from its Superior-Dictator, Bernie Fellay, and his ongoing sellout to Bergoglio's heretic Newchurch of the New Order.
Cardinal Robert Sarah, the Prefect of the Congregation for [New Order] Divine Worship, thought that he could overrule Francis-Bergoglio's October 1, 2017, Motu Proprio Magnum principium (A Great Beginning), which essentially allows each nation to make up its own New Mess. Sarah tried to walk back Bergoglio's document, but got instead an angry formal rebuke and an overruling by the Marxist Newpope.
No Newpope had ever chastised one of his Curial Newcardinals in this way before. Obviously, the destruction of the Traditional Catholic Mass, which was replaced in Newchurch in 1969 by the invalid Protestant-Masonic-Pagan New Mess, is a top priority for Francis-Bergoglio; otherwise, he wouldn't have reacted so angrily in so public a way. Bergoglio issued the angry formal censure in an October 21, 2017, letter, to Sarah.
Sarah had previously written his own commentary on the document, stating that all national versions of the Mess must be confirmed by the Newvatican. That was not what Bergoglio's document said, and Bergoglio flipped out. He angrily wrote to Sarah, denouncing his "erroneous impression" of the clear intent of the document. Bergoglio confirmed that no approval from the Newvatican is necessary for nationalized versions of the "New Mess," that Newvatican had no right to impose its own will upon national bishops' conferences, and that Newvatican's 2001 "literal translation" criteria enacted under Unsaint JPII-Wojtyla are explicitly cancelled.
Sarah had also been pushing that the altar be turned around again to face in the same direction as the congregation, the traditional orientation. Bergoglio has essentially nixed that notion as well. Bergoglio ordered Sarah to recall his "erroneous," conservative interpretation. Sarah, who is supposed to remain as Newliturgy Prefect until 2119, may, after this fiasco, have his term cut short by the Marxist Newpope. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World News.]
True Catholics, those Neocons who had any hope that a "Latin Mess of 1962" (which is certainly not the Traditional Latin Mass) would survive under Francis-Bergoglio have not been seriously looking at the "signs of the times" (Matthew 16:3-4/DRV) and have been dealt a severe blow. They entered Newchurch without reading the sign above the entry to Hell, as rendered by the papally-approved Catholic poet Dante Alighieri: "Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch' entrate [Abandon every hope, ye that enter]. Thus, the Neocon Newchurchers, like the Neo-SSPX's Bernie Fellay, who think that they can still play in the Newchurch sandbox instead of getting out of the playground entirely, are going, along with the entire Newchurch, "to Hell in a handbasket."
When Newchurch was established in 1964, in the heyday of the Vatican II Anti-council, and replaced the Catholic Church as the "institutional Church," it seemed to the Newchurchers that the sky was the limit. They were going to be able to inject their Modernist heresy into every phase of the Church. False Oecumenism ("all religions are the same," "we all worship the same god") was going to take over, and Protestants would become Catholic.
But just eight years after, Newpope Paul VI-Montini, who had promulgated every one of the sixteen documents of the Anti-council, had despaired of his actions and became a prophet of doom. His words, which you will never hear Newchurch quote, are absolutely unambiguous:
We have the impression that through some cracks in the wall, the smoke of Satan (fumus Satanae) has entered the temple of God: it is doubt, uncertainty, questioning, dissatisfaction, confrontation.... We thought that after the Council a day of sunshine would have dawned for the history of the Church. What dawned, instead, was a day of clouds and storms, of darkness, of searching and uncertainties. (June 29, 1972, Sermon during the Mass for Sts. Peter & Paul, on the occasion of the ninth anniversary of his coronation)
Now, just fifty years later, Newchurch is in its death throes. The Newpopes are steeped in moral filth, and their reputations have been dashed by Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust. Oecumenism is dead, except to the extent that Newchurch itself has become openly Protestant. Most religious orders are dead or moribund. Only a few of the large ones barely survive, but only in a Novus Ordo form. Hospitals that used to be run by dedicated nuns have now been sold off to secular abortion mills. Schools that used to be run by similarly dedicated nuns and brothers have now been abandoned to become secular schools with the name "Catholic" being whitewashed.
In 1990, 10,000,000 people in the United States, to take the example of one country, described themselves as "former" Catholics to Newchurch's own Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate. That number, 25 years later, has risen 300 per cent to more than 30,000,000 people, a number that is half of the current alleged population of Newchurchers. Meanwhile, the most important means for bringing new souls into the Church, marriage, has fallen from 326,079 weddings in Newchurch in 1990 to only 145,916 in 2016 -- a drop of 56 per cent in just 25 years. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Newjesuit magazine America.]
True Catholics, the only thing propping up Newchurch at this point is Newvatican's false propaganda machine and Catholic sellouts like Bernie Fellay, of the Neo-SSPX, and Neocon Newchurchers who write criticisms in their magazines about the New Order, but dutifully prance into Newchurch's temples and put their coins into the Newchurch money-laundering operation. But we traditional Catholics are ROMAN. We are realists like the great Romans who built our Western Civilization and knew how to keep it going with science, engineering, law, medicine, government, and infrastructure that have lasted to this day -- and will last for another 2000, long after Newchurch has fallen into dust as a short-lived anomaly.
As we TRADITIO Fathers have often written, the Newchurch of the New Order, which was established on November 21, 1964, in conjunction with the Vatican II Anti-council, cannot be the Catholic Church. Not only does it reject the true Catholic Mass, Sacraments, doctrine, and morality but also it persecutes its fraudulent self! How else can one interpret the latest news from that cesspool of Newchurch, the Newjesuit Georgetown University in the capital city of the United States, which, together with other Newchurch institutions, fraudulently calls itself "Catholic"?
A student group is about to be declared a "hate group" and expelled from campus because it advocates traditional Catholic marriage, which the Catholic Church teaches, but which the Marxist Newpope Francis-Bergoglio doesn't teach. The group is charged with fostering "hatred and ignorance" by promoting traditional Catholic marriage and has been summoned to a hearing before the Student Activities Commission on October 23, 2017. The charges are being spearheaded by "gay" leaders, who neither practice nor advocate anything Catholic.
The policy of the pro-marriage student group states: "We believe that marriage is a conjugal union on every level -- emotional, spiritual, physical and mental -- directed toward caring for biological children. To us, marriage is much more than commitment of love between two consenting adults." For this, the traditional students were vilified by the sodomites as "homophobic" because of their support for Catholic teaching regarding marriage. Naturally, the Liberation Theology Newjesuits that run the school have not intervened to put a halt to this anti-Catholic nonsense. Of course they wouldn't -- they're not Catholic themselves! [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic News Agency.]
True Catholics, these naive traditional students, like all Neocon Newchurchers, are clueless about the reality of Catholic persecution from the fraudulent, anti-Catholic Newchurch. "We're optimistic that the university will uphold our right to exist, given that we share the Catholic view on marriage," they say. Clearly, their Marxist education at Georgetown has blinded them to the fact that Newchurch has destroyed everything Catholic. The students have wasted the $100,000 that it costs to get a degree from this anti-Catholic institution, which is one of the 100 most expensive colleges in the America.
One of the last living links to the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965) is dead at age 94. He had been a professor of theology and ethics at the University of St. Michael's College at the University of Toronto. In 1940, at the age of 17, he came to Canada. In 1947 he joined the Augustinian order, the same order that produced the Arch-heretic Martin Luther and, like Luther, he excommunicated himself when he abandoned the priesthood and married a divorced ex-nun. Baum had been born to a Jewish mother and Protestant father in Berlin in 1923. He championed sodomy and priestesses for the rest of his life.
Baum attended all three sessions of the Anti-council as a peritus (expert), consulting on Nostra aetate (On the Church’s Relation to Non-Christian Religions), Unitatis Redintegratio (On 'Oecumenism'), and Dignitatis humanae (On Religious Liberty). His notion of "oecumenism," which had already been condemned by the Church under the term "syncretism" ("all religions are the same," "we all worship the same god") was incorporated into the Anti-council's documents. He was frequently condemned as a Marxist. He also pushed murderous "Liberation Theology," which turned Newjesuit "priests" into guerilla warriors against conservative Latin American governments.
At age 93, facing death from kidney disease, he finally told the truth: he was a secret sodomite at the Anti-council, who lead the "gay" cabal there. As a former (?) Jew, he pushed the heretical notion, common in Newchurch today, that Jews were no longer to be converted to Christianity, but could find their own path -- a notion completely in contradiction to the teaching of St. Paul in the New Testament. This is the same heresy pushed by Benedict-Ratzinger and Francis-Bergoglio.
Baum admitted that he had been a liar at Vatican II. He didn't have the guts to admit that he was a homosexual then because, as he said, it "would have reduced my influence as a critical theologian. I was eager to be heard as a theologian trusting in God as Salvator Mundi and committed to social justice, liberation theology, and global solidarity."
Baum was also influential in the Newchurch in Canada despite his openly heretical positions, where he pressured the Canadian Newbishops to refuse to endorse the teaching of Humanae vitae, Paul VI-Montini's 1968 encyclical letter against artificial contraception. One Canadian Newmonsignor denounced Baum as having “done more than any person to harm the Church in Canada." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic Register.]
True Catholics, the late Baum's corrupt life is not dissimilar to that of many others of his ilk at that Vatican II Anti-council, which was full of heresy, Modernism, Marxism, and perversion. Pope John XXIII, who called the council, but later regretted his action on his deathbed, had opposed to all of those evils during his lifetime. Yet his stomach cancer sidelined him to the point that he could no longer combat the evils that took possession of the council out of his control.
On October 1, 2017, Francis-Bergoglio staged what he called a "Luncheon of Solidarity" in Bologna, Italy, for criminals, druggies, and illegal invader-refugees. The luncheon was held to indicate his support of criminals, druggies, and illegal invaders.
Bergoglio's consideration of security for the luncheon was so lax that two of his luncheon guests, both criminals in prison, stole away and escaped custody sometime during the hour. Whether they actually ate any of the lunch is unknown. The criminals are still at large to prey upon the populace. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic News Agency.]
True Catholics, it seems that after just four years the Marxist Newpope's regime is truly falling apart at the seams. He can't even arrange for security against criminals escaping, while at the same time he tries to imprison decent journalists and innocent auditors. His gross negligence in this and other matters may very well get him killed one day. But, then, he can be sure that he will be "subito" con-anized as the first Marxist Unsaint-martyr of Newchurch!
Reports are circulating in Newrome that Benedict-Ratzinger is close to death. His own personal secretary, Newarchbishop Georg Ganswein, went public to deny the reports -- a sure sign in Vatican-speak that the reports are true. The same denials were made for the last Newpope to die, JPII-Wojtyla, in 2005. Newvatican's own reports stated that Wojtyla was simulating an (invalid) Novus Ordo Mess in his bedroom. But when the official record of his death was published in the Acta Apostolicae Sedis, it stated that Woytyla was unconscious, his body ravaged with a fever of 40 oC, and his major organs shutting down with septicemia at the very time he was supposed to be simulating Mess!
The current spate of reports was triggered by an earlier statement of Ganswein's that Ratzinger's "candle is fading" and that he can no longer walk without help and can no longer simulate the Novus Ordo Mess. The press already reported that Ratzinger's older brother, Georg, paid his last visit to the ex-Newpope during the week of October 8, 2017.
Georg had been implicated in a sex scandal involving the Regensburger Domspatzen Boys' Choir that he headed from 1964 to 1994. An investigation into the charges concluded that under his directorship from 1964 to 1994, 200 cases of abuse of the boys had occurred, 40 of which were sexual in nature. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic News Agency.]
True Catholics, Benedict-Ratzinger, known as the Second Paedophile Newpope, was himself forced to abdicate the Newpapacy in 2013, when the Italian press threatened to reveal documents, some provided by his butler, Paolo Gabriele, that implicated Ratzinger more deeply than had been previously known in Newchurch's continuing Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal and in other corruption.
Fr. Michel Simoulin, of Bernie Fellay's Neo-SSPX, has really put his foot in his mouth this time. Although he was trying to support his master, Fellay, Simoulin has caused quite a stir in the Neo-SSPX by his recent public statements that Newchurch is emerging as a "Protestant sect." And it is this Protestant sect that Fellay is longing to join with his ever-dwindling society.
Simoulin is a day late and a dollar short. That emergence of Newchurch as a a Protestant sect already took place in 1965 at the end of the Vatican II Anti-council. That is why Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre founded the original SSPX in 1970. But Bernie Fellay reorganized the SSPX into a new organization when he took it over in 1994. Because the goal of Fellay's reorganized Neo-SSPX is to become a slave to the anti-Catholic New Order of the Marxist Newpope Francis-Bergoglio, more and more Neo-SSPX members and priests have deserted Fellay and go over to The Resistance, loosely led by the SSPX's former senior bishop, Richard Williamson, and Bishop Jean-Michel Faure, or to join the many independent traditional Catholic priests around the world.
These independent traditional Catholic priests have eschewed the pseudo-traditional Vatican II "Mess of 1962" and celebrate the Catholic and Apostolic Traditional Latin Mass, codified by the dogmatic Council of Trent and again restored by Pope St. Pius X. These priests understand that what you worship will determine what you believe, and that the pseudo-traditional "Mess of 1962" is designed to lead to the invalid "New Mess" of 1969. With Fellay and his Novus Ordo-leaning residue, this goal has been accomplished.
But what is emerging from Newchurch is not just a Protestant sect. No, we are seeing the Newchurch Protestant sect emerge into a syncretistic and pagan religion. Hence the appearance of Ganesha, the elephant devil of Hinduism, into a Newchurch parish/temple in India, to name just one of countless examples. These paganized Protestants, aped by Newchurch Leftists do not qualify even as Christian. They openly and proudly proclaim their unity with other pagans everywhere. They celebrate sexual perversion as a glory and a joy gifted to us by God Himself. They promote all the sins of the body: abortion, euthanasia, assisted suicide, divorce, and artificial contraception.
The main Protestant sects of yesteryear have gone pagan, including the Vatican II Anti-council's Newchurch. There are a few holdouts. The Baptist Church could still be called Protestant if only because it hasn't changed much in reaction to the zeitgeist of our pagan age. Baptists still refuse to play paddy-cakes with Buddhists, Hindoos, Muslim jihadists, Talmudists, Jains, Zoroastrians, animal-worshippers from Africa and the Americas. Baptists still denounce communism, whereas Newchurch is led by a Marxist Newpope. The Baptist Church is much more Christian today than is the Newchurch of Francis-Bergoglio.
Fr. Simoulin had better wake up before it is too late. There is a chapter meeting in the Neo-SSPX in July 2018. It's time to oust Bishop Fellay and to install one of the remaining traditionals as superior-general -- if, that is, there are any true traditional Catholics worthy of the name left in Fellay's organization. The rate of departure might slow a bit as the chapter meeting approaches (one-fifth of Fellay's priests have already deserted him), but all Hell could break loose if Fellay uses his perfidious tactics to have himself re-elected.
In his October 13, 2017, speech to the Values Voters Summit, a religious-based organization, U.S. President Donald Trump quoted from a Biblical passage with which all Catholics are very familiar. On most Sundays, traditional Catholic hear it as part of the Last Gospel. (The "New Mess" cut the Last Gospel entirely.) It is verse 5 of chapter 1 of St. John's Gospel, known as the Prologue to that Gospel: Et lux in tenebris lucet, et tenebrae eam non comprehenderunt (And light shineth in darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it).
Unfortunately, the President quoted not from the original Greek, nor from the Latin Vulgate into which St. Jerome so faithfully rendered the original Greek, or even from the King James Version, which copied the passage almost word for word from the Catholic Douay-Rheims version that antedated it. No, the President quoted from a modern version, the New International Version (NIV), which is the favorite of Protestant Evangelicals. This version is filled with errors, among them is its rendition of this verse (John 1:5) as: "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it." Although the NIV Protestant version fitted the President's oratorical point, the Protestant translation is dead wrong in its rendition of the original meaning.
The Latin word that you hear in the Last Gospel, comprehenderunt, is close to the meaning of its English cognate, "comprehended," that is, "understood." The Protestant NIV version is wrong in rendering the verb as "overcome." The original Greek verb used, parélabon, does not mean "overcome." One of Protestantism's noted Biblical scholars, Henry Alford, already pointed out the error in the 19th century, writing that the rendition overcame "is not admissible, the word never importing this ... and yields no sense in the context."
St. John's point is that the world of the time into which Christ came, did not comprehend Him, that is, did not understand His significance -- neither the Jews nor the Gentiles. The Evangelist's statement has nothing to do with darkness not overcoming Christ. In a sense, the darkness (ignorance) of the people did overcome the light (their understanding of Christ's message), just as the people of today, in their darkness, fail to recognize the significance of Christ as the only means through which salvation is possible Even Newchurch and its Newpope fail to comprehend this point, deceived as they are by the heresy of Vatican II Oecumenism (Syncretism). Again is proven how dangerous it is to rely unquestioningly upon "translations," particularly modern "translations."
For further information, click on FA05: What Traditional Catholic Resources Do You Recommend? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files: FAQs and Traditional Apologetics department, in the section "Bible."
More fissures, nay, chasms, are cracking the foundation of Francis-Bergoglio's New Order sect. Here in Australia a referendum on recognizing "gay marriage" is pending. Most Newchurchers in the pews are finding themselves opposed to Bergoglio's Newbishops who are supporting the postal referendum ending on November 7, 2017. This fiasco bears not a little similarity to what is going on in the United States, in which unpatriotic Leftist football players are being supported by the sports establishment, but the fans are backing the American President and deserting stadium stands and television broadcasts of the games, to the tune of 31 per cent so far.
Many Newbishops do not appear to be aware that this is Australia's\ last opportunity to save our freedom of religion. The nature of marriage is not only a religious concept, but is a part of God's Natural Law that applies to everyone, secular and religious alike. Ignorant as Newchurch laypeople are about the tenets of the Catholic Faith, the Newchurch clergy -- no more than Protestants, pagans, and atheists -- are even more ignorant. There isn't a seminary left in Newchurch worth the name.
Newbishops of the Marxist Newpope Francis-Bergoglio, who has become the poster-boy for "gay rights," have for the most part remained silent and timid, while Australian laypeople are opposing them. Then there are the open heretics like Bill Wright, Newbishop of Maitland-Newcastle (north of Sydney), who is making a novel argument in opposition to Catholic teaching. He is proposing a kind of "common good" argument, saying that "it does more for community peace and harmony for gay couples to have a place in the recognized structures than for them to be excluded."
Vincent Long, Newbishop of Parramatta (west of Sydney), has been denounced by Newchurchers in the pews for advocating a "yes" vote for "gay" marriage, as "an opportunity for us to listen to what the Spirit is saying through the signs of the times." This is the Vatican II Anti-council's and Newchurch's infamous "Spirit." Who is this "Spirit?" Certainly not the Holy Ghost, Who cannot be associated with filthy morality. It must be that other spirit, Satan.
Francis-Bergoglio's Marxist Newjesuits are also pushing for a "yes" vote on "gay" marriage. What none of these non-Catholics, from Bergoglio on down, mentions is the word "sin." Sodomy is one of the most Mortal of Mortal sins, biblically one of the Four Crimes that Cry out to Heaven for Retribution. Bergoglio, together with his Newcardinals, Newbishops, and presbyters are, all stained blood red with the sin itself or being active accomplices to it. Sodomy is death to the soul -- but Bergoglio and his anti-Catholic crowd care nothing for souls. They don't believe in them.
Sodomy earned God's wrath and was wiped off the face of the earth. I hope that God will not wipe Australia off the face of the earth, but here we are facing the threat of a nuclear bomb from the atheistic regime in North Korea. Much stranger things have happened.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
How imperative is the wearing of the Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel? I have been wearing Our Lady's Miraculous Medal and the St. Benedict Medal for over thirty years, but I am being pressured by supposed traditional Catholics, who seem to be obsessed for me to add the Carmelite Scapular. How many sacramentals must I string on my neck for eternal salvation?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
The answer may surprise you and will certainly surprise those obsessed traditional Catholics: NONE! The Church does not teach that any object will of itself save anyone. What saves the Catholic is living a life close to God, particularly to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, to the Sacraments, and to the Christian and moral virtues. That is all Our Lord asked. He said that if we wished to be saved, we must "keep the Commandments." He said nothing about wearing objects. In fact, he derided the devotees of the temple for hypocritically doing so (Matthew 23:5).
To be invested in the so-called Brown Scapular, you must agree to become a quasi Tertiary of the Carmelite Order through the Confraternity of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. You are required to wear the scapular faithfully, pray daily the Officium Parvum Beatae Mariae Virginis / (Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary (no, not the Rosary), and lead a chaste life according to your particular state in life.
Even many traditional Catholics are unaware of the requirements of the Scapular Confraternity and thus treat the Scapular loosely like a pagan "talisman" or "amulet." Such an attitude smacks of the Sin against the Virtue of Religion called Superstition. Such people are getting little, if any, benefit from the Scapular because the true religious disposition required of them is lacking either from ignorance or deliberation.
In conjunction with the dogmatic Council of Trent (1545-1563) was issued the Roman Catechism, written elegantly in Latin by St. Charles Borromeo and thereafter translated and abridged in various vernacular versions, among them the well-known Baltimore Catechism in the United States. Catholic doctrine never changes, so no revision was ever attempted of St. Charles Borromeo's immemorial work.
But then the dark era of the heretical Vatican II Anti-council overtook the Church in 1962. From that council a Newcatchecism emanated in 1992 under the Unsaint JPII-Wojtyla. No longer did the catechism teach Catholic doctrine, but the heretical doctrine of the New Order sect, which replaced the "institutional" Church in 1964.
Now even the Newcatechism of 1992 is being "updated" after after a couple of decades, just as is the "New Mess" of 1969 into Francis-Bergoglio's projected "Newer Mess" of 2018. Bergoglio has taken on the bugaboo that Wojtyla failed at in 1992: capital punishment. When Wojtyla tried to include in his Newcatechism the false doctrine that capital punishment was immoral, Wojtyla was slapped down by no less than a traditional Catholic U.S. Supreme Court justice and a traditional Catholic U.S. Presidential candidate, who together funded a full-page ad in the New York Times expounding the true teaching of the Catholic Church, which was in opposition to Woytyla. For Heaven's sake, it's even in the Gospels! For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files: FAQs and Traditional Apologetics department, in the section "Capital Punishment/Death Penalty." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Agence France-Presse.]
On October 11, 2017, Bergoglio called for categorical opposition to capital punishment to be written into an "update" of the already-"updated" Newcatechism. In stating that the execution of a human being for grievous crimes casts is immoral, Bergoglio once again exposes himself as not a Catholic, as he is in opposition to the Church's Universal Theologian, St. Thomas Aquinas, and to previous popes, like Pius XII, who proclaimed:
Even in the question of the execution of a man condemned to death, the state does not dispose of the individual's right to life. It then falls to the public authority to deprive the condemned man of the good of life in expiation of his fault after he, by his crime, has already deprived himself of his right to life.
True Catholics, Francis-Bergoglio's attempt to criminalize capital punishment in contravention to Christ and the Catholic Church is just more evidence that his Newchurch is not the Catholic Church and makes up its Newdoctrine to fit its own political whims, not based upon Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition, dogmatically the (only) two sources of the Catholic Faith.
The Neo-con Newchurchers who have bought into Benedict-Ratzinger's lie of the "Extraordinary Latin Mess" are now being forced to come face to face with reality. The so-called Newchurch Latin "Mess of 1962" -- which is most certainly not the Traditional Latin Mass, as it was Protestantized starting in the early 1950s, with the rite of Holy Week gutted, with penitential doctrine removed, with Mary and the Saints degraded, and with many other "moderizations" -- was, so decreed Benedict-Ratzinger, to be changed to become closer to the invalid Novus Ordo rite.
Benedict-Ratzinger decreed in the Motu Proprio Summorum pontificum of 2007 and the Instruction Universae ecclesiae that elements of the (invalid) Novus Ordo Mess, which he officially dubbed the "Ordinary Mess," were to be inserted into the "Mess of 1962," for a start to include Novus Ordo prefaces, the feasts of Novus Ordo "saints," the reading of the Epistle and Gospel in the vulgar tongues only, and the requirement that those who simulate the modified Messes of 1962 also must simulate the Novus Ordo service. Thus, Ratzinger never intended the Latin "Mess of 1962" to remain, but to be merged with the (invalid) Novus Ordo service.
As the TRADITIO Network's Canadian Correspondent previously reported in these Commentaries, the Novus Ordo Lectionary and Calendar are, on the first Sunday of Advent 2018, to be imposed upon the "Extraordinary" Latin "Mess of 1962," with a two year phase-in period.
Now there is information that Bernie Fellay, Superior-Dictator of the Neo-SSPX, is jumping the gun on introducing parts of the Novus Ordo into a number of Neo-SSPX Messes. The TRADITIO Network had already received reports that Novus Ordo presbyter-ministers have been used at various Neo-SSPX sites. Other Novus Ordo corruptions that are being implemented at various Neo-SSPX are:
Traditional Catholics need to remind themselves that even the "Extraordinary Mess of 1962" is invalid in Newchurch because it is simulated by invalid Protestantized presbyter/ministers installed under the New Ordinal of 1968, not ordained in the traditional Sacrament of Holy Orders. Now even the Neo-SSPX is showing more and more Novus Ordo corruption, particularly because some of the celebrants are reportedly Novus Ordo presbyters and because Fellay has accepted "Ordinary Mess" of Newchurch, that is, the vulgar-tongued Protestant-Masonic-Pagan New Mess of 1969.
On October 9, 2017, Mark Coleridge, the Newarchbishop of Brisbane, Australia, and Vice President of the Australian Bishops' Conference, has admitted that Newchurch in Australia is facing the biggest crisis in its history under the regime of Francis-Bergoglio. Coleridge says that Newchurch has been "shaken to the core" by Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust. "It [widespread Newchurch corrutpion] has broken the heart of the New[church] in this land [Australia]." Many in fact cheer this statement, believing that Newchurch itself is corrupt and once and for all needs to be broken.
Newchurch's corruption, sexual and otherwise, was exposed before Australia's highest investigative body, a Royal Commission. A direct result of the Commission's preliminary findings was the arrest of Francis-Bergoglio's Prefect of the Economy (Chief Financial Officer), Newcardinal George Pell, formerly Newarchbishop of Melbourne and Sydney, with sex crimes. Pell is on an indefinitely leave of absence from his Newvatican position and is not expected ever to leave Australia again.
Francis-Bergoglio is now in a panic. The day after Pell appeared for a hearing in Melbourne Magistrates court on October 6, 2017, Bergoglio called a high-level closed-door pow-pow to figure out how he can save his quickly-deteriorating regime, in which Newchurch is being exposed as filled with high-level corruption and sex crimes against children. Bergoglio's Child Protection Commission, for which he has in four years provided neither a full complement of members nor its operating statutes, is internationally regarded as a fraud.
Still trying to cover up Newchurch's sex crimes against children, Newarchbishop Coleridge had the temerity to lay the problem at the feet of the Holy Ghost, not the Third Paedophile Newpope Bergoglio and his lieutenants. Coleridge maintained that the crisis was a "disruption of the Holy Spirit." (Or, perhaps the Holy Ghost is exposing the corruption of Bergoglio and his lieutenants, just as the Second Person of the Most Blessed Trinity exposed the corruption of the Church of his time, headed by the murderous Caiphas. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by The Tablet.]
True Catholics, the Australian Newchurch is desperate for an out, which currently seems to be letting women take the lead in managing Newchurch. As if Newchurch women can't be just as corrupt as Newchurch men! At the same time Newchurch is trying to figure out how it can support the upcoming sodomite "marriage" referendum. Well, perhaps the women couldn't do any worse. It seems that the Australian men's goal for Newchurch is to turn it into a brood of effeminate sodomites -- as if it weren't that already!
Francis-Bergoglio, to the shock of Newvatican officials, has fired a prominent anti-Communist Newarchbishop from his prominent post as Secretary of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples. Newarchbishop Savio Hon Tai-Fai, of Hong Kong, is known for his strong opposition to the Communist regime in China. Bergoglio is a Marxist, so the move is not surprising to Bergoglio observers.
This move is just the latest in a series that Francis-Bergoglio has made in recent years to play sycophant to the Communist Chinese regime. On September 28, 2017, Hon Tai-Fai was shuttled off to obscurity as Newpapal nuncio in Greece. Until then, the Newarchbishop had been the highest-ranking official of Chinese origin in Newvatican and had no prior diplomatic experience.
What did Hon Tai-Fai do to suffer this indignity? He vehemently opposes atheistic Communism, as does the Catholic Church. He opposes Francis-Bergoglio's policy of selling out to the Red Chinese. The position from which he has been fired put him second-in-command in the Newvatican body that directly governs Newchurch's missionary works, which Bergoglio has already scuttled as not "oecumenical." Hon Tai-Fai has been a staunch opponent of the Communist Chinese regime and its many violations of human rights and religious freedom, including the killing and imprisonment of Newchurch bishops, presbyters, and "nuns." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Agence France-Presse.]
True Catholics, the reality is obvious. The Argentinean Francis-Bergoglio is a dyed-in-the-wool Marxist and will cut off at the knees anyone who stands against the Communists. In 1949, Pope Pius XII issued the Catholic Church's Decree against Communism which declared Catholics who professed Communist doctrine to be excommunicated as apostates from the Christian Faith. Arguably by this document, which has never been rescinded, Bergoglio is officially an excommunicate from the Catholic Church.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
I came upon an example of the heretical trash that is being printed these days in publications that call themselves "Catholic." The columnist, Carol Meyer, wrote in the National Catholic [Sic] Register:
I don't care if Scripture mentions Hell or Jesus talked about it, if Saints had visions of it, or if it's a time-honored Catholic teaching. It simply can't be justified on any level.... Almost no one takes it seriously.
How can such lies and heresy be published in a publication that calls itself "Catholic"?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
This woman is so wrong on so many counts! First on the facts. According to the Gallup Poll, 70 per cent believe in Hell, and that percentage increased from 56 per cent in just seven years! Hell has been a constant belief among mankind, the "engrafted word," so to speak, of which St. James speaks in his Epistle (1:21/DRV), not only in Christianity, but among the ancient Egyptian, Roman, and Greek civilizations, and others, without which ours would not have been possible. Dante Alighieri's description of Hell in his memorable Inferno is simply a more detailed poetic version of this belief, divinely engrafted, that is, implanted, in man. The modern psychologist Karl Jung could not have put it better.
This woman is typical of the irrational Post-modernist Leftist heretics. If the facts and the teachings don't concur with this woman's personal ignorance -- note that she doesn't even care what Christ taught -- she childishly decides to play God and make it true anyway. If that's what she believes, let her have at least the courage of her exemplar, the Arch-heretic Martin Luther, and proclaim herself an apostate from the Christian Faith.
National Catholic [Sic] Reporter is, of course, not a Catholic publication. It is associated not with Catholicism, but with Francis-Bergoglio's Marxist Newchurch of the New Order, which is openly hostile to Catholicism. National [Sic] Catholic Reporter, like all New Order publications these days, is close to going under. Its readership has sunk to a mere 35,000 because its content is anti-Catholic -- and just plain ignorant to boot.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Bernie Fellay, who is reeling from increasing criticism of his clergy for selling out to the New Order sect and from increasing departures of his priest-presbyters, is again lashing out at his own clergy. In a June 11, 2017, he pontificated that he himself is the sole "authority" and that his clergy have no standing to criticize him when he departs from Catholic teaching and does so in the name of their Neo-SSPX organization.
Isn't Fellay ignoring clear Catholic teaching when he pontificates that even his own clergy cannot correct his doctrinal errors?
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
Indeed he is. With such error-ridden and unCatholic statements, Fellay attempts to keep his dictatorship in power. He ignores the clear teaching of Christ and the Doctors of the Church, especially the Universal Doctor, St. Thomas Aquinas, on the matter, who clearly teaches (Summa Theologica, IIa IIae, Q. 33, A. 4): "There being an imminent danger for the Faith, prelates must be questioned, even publicly, by their subjects" and gives the example of St. Paul denouncing St. Peter for teaching an heretical doctrine.
October 8 was the feastday of St. Bridget of Sweden (1303-1373). When the cowardly popes (or anti-popes as some say) sold out to the French kings for politics' sake and moved the Roman See to Avignon, France, for about a century, St. Bridget did not capitulate in the face of the Avignon popes perpetrating schism. Instead, the Saint denounced Pope Clement VI for remaining in France instead of returning to his proper Apostolic See at Rome. She minced no words when she called him a "murderer of souls, more unjust than Pilate and more cruel than Judas."
Undoubtedly, Fellay would abhor such language against a pope. But St. Bridget represents the teaching of the Church, and Fellay does not.
Newcardinal Gerhard Muller, who left the No. 3 position at the Newvatican as Prefect of the Congregation of the Faith on July 1, 2017, revealed in a September 29, 2017, interview that Francis-Bergoglio is running his regime like a Gestapo, with spies everywhere, so that those working in Newvatican are "in great fear." Muller's statements confirm those that have been made earlier by other Newcardinals working in the Newcuria.
According to Newcardinal Muller, who lived under the Bergoglio regime for four years (2013-2017), people working in the Newcuria are deathly afraid that that if they say one small or harmless critical word, some spy for Bergoglio will pass the comments directly to Bergoglio, and falsely-accused people don’t have any chance to defend themselves.
It is the same, reveals Newcardinal Muller, in some theological faculties. If anyone has any questions about Amoris laetitia, Francis-Bergoglio's heretical 2016 document on marriage, divorce, and bigamy, he will be expelled. Another Newcurial official didn't mince words; he called Bergoglio's regime a "reign of terror," a term commonly used of the murderous French Revolution. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.]
True Catholics, it is becoming clearer and clear why Francis-Bergoglio was under psychiatric treatment for the better part of a year, as was previously reported in these Commentaries. Even he was aware that there was something wrong with his mental state and voluntarily underwent the treatment. Bergoglio is acting like a dictatorial tyrant, pure and simple. No other Newpope has been described in this fashion. Quite the contrary: the other Newpopes have been pusillanimous. As far as we Fathers are aware, no other recent pope has been criticized so vehemently and so publicly by his cardinals in such a fashion.
Bernie Fellay, Superior-Dictator of the New-SSPX, and Francis-Bergoglio, Marxist Newpope of the Newchurch, share a psychiatric disorder. Bergoglio has admitted publicly that he was treated for it in Argentina; we don't yet know of any Fellay psychiatrist in Switzerland. The disorder is technically known as "Narcissistic Personality Disorder" and is defined as a personality disorder in which there is a long-term pattern of abnormal behavior characterized by exaggerated feelings of self-importance, an excessive need for admiration, and a lack of understanding of others' feelings. People affected by it often spend a lot of time thinking about achieving power or success or about their appearance, and often take advantage of the people around them. This description fits both Fellay and Bergoglio to a "T"!
Fellay is well aware that for his Neo-SSPX to join Newchurch as a fully-controlled "personal prelature" is a timebomb, but some say that he nevertheless covets the prelature because he longs for prestige and acceptance from the people who control the huge real-estate empire that is Newchurch. That Fellay has an effeminate hankering to dress up in the most extravagant finery (remember Newcardinal Ray "Bully" Burke and his extravagant cappa magna "bridal train"?). That Fellay craves the mint of legitimacy, which in his soul he believes that he does not have without an imprimatur from the Marxist Newpope. That Fellay covets money that the Mafia-controlled Newvatican Bank can add to his offshore accounts totaling, according to some estimates, tens of millions of U.S. dollars, jointly managed by his Jewish-fundraiser Maximilian Krah.
Of course, Newchurch is a sham, just as its New Mess is a sham, a bastard rite concocted in committee by Novus Ordo Leftists in conjunction with a committee of Protestant heretics. Fellay yearns for recognition by the anti-Catholic Newchurch and its Marxist Newpope. Fellay's heart aches for it. He wants desperately to be Baron Fellay of Menzingen, accepted into the Unholy Un-Roman Newchurch of the New Order.
Meanwhile, the Newchurch Black Widow has injected the fast-acting poison into Fellay's Neo-SSPX, which is even now experiencing the tremors of the Dance Macabre. Well over one hundred priest-presbyters have now abandoned Fellay, some of his best. Fellay has become so terrified about the desertions that he actually ordained seven -- count them, just seven -- priests in his imprisoned seminary in Virginia. More of them will depart. Some will join The Resistance. Some will be smarter and go independent so as to protect themselves and the traditional Catholic Faith. Others, who have been anaesthetized over the years to the New Order and who don't want to give up their free Neo-SSPX housing, dental plans and fat pensions, will remain out of the capital sin of sloth.
Sometime late in 2018 the Novus Ordo Lectionary and Calendar are to be imposed upon the Unextrordinary and Untraditional "Latin" 1962 Mess. The shiny new Novus Ordo Missal will become available on the First Sunday of Advent 2018. Berogoglio will allow a two-year period to phase it in. The Newrome-approved societies, such as the Fraternity of St. Peter, will secretly apply for exemptions, but all comers will be turned down. The thirty-some "indult" societies and orders will all capitulate, of course. Newpope might grant the Neo-SSPX a temporary exemption, if necessary, to suck it securely into the Newchurch of the New Order. At this point, however, more Neo-SSPX priest-presbyters will decamp to The Resistance and more will go independent.
These, I suspect, are the plans. But as for what will actually happen, God is always full of surprises!
As soon as the Newchurch of the New Order replaced the Catholic Church in 1964 as the "institutional" Church, the very careful process of canonization that had been developed for a millennium in the Catholic Church was dropped. This process required extremely detailed investigations, the appointment of an Advocatus Diaboli (Devil's Advocate) to argue the evidence against canonization, and usually centuries of debate. But unofficially from 1963 and then officially from 1983, the process of canonization was shot to Hell in a complete overhaul, allegedly to "modernize" it. Instead, the new procedures have invalidated the process entirely and have made it a laughing-stock. For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files: FAQs and Traditional Apologetics department, in the section "'Canonizations' - New Order."
As a result, it seems that every Tom, Dick, and Harriet is becoming a Newchurch Newsaint -- if he or she passes the political-correctness test. The worst case was the Polish Unsaint JPII-Wojtyla, who was "con"-anized (we use the term because the Newchurch process is invalid) in 2014, a ridiculously-short nine years after his death. But, then, the Polish travel industry had a lot of money to spread around as graft to create their "Unsaint," who would then rake in obscene profits from travel to Poland. It has been confirmed that it was the Polish travel industry that spearheaded the "Subito Santo" (Sudden Saint) movement to make Wojtyla an Unsaint.
JPII-Wojtyla was, in reality, a grossly anti-Catholic Newpope. His writings were full of the heresy of Modernism, denounced by his predecessor, Pope St. Pius X. He participated in some one hundred acts sycretism, that is, communal worshipping with non-Catholics, infidels, and pagans, consistently condemned as a grave sin by the Catholic Church. He was anointed with cow dung by a Hindu priestess in India, had pitch smeared on his face by pagan aboriginals in Australis, presided over the Buddhists' use of the tabernacle in Assisi, and much more. To add to that, he was Newchurch's First Paedophile Newpope, who openly supported corrupt Newprelates, like Newcardinal Bernard Law, of Boston, Massachusetts, who destroyed the lives of many, many children.
Newchurch's efforts to con-anize the heretical and immoral is already starting to backfire. John XXIII, who made the imprudent mistake of convoking the Vatican II Anti-council (though it went off in a direction that he did not intend when he was dying with stomach cancer), was once the darling of the Modernist crowd. He was also con-anized with JPII-Wojtyla in 2014, but already can't even garner enough interest to keep his birthplace museum open in Sotto il Monte. It had been kept open, barely, by a group of Novus Ordo "nuns," but the group has now disintegrated because it has no new postulants. Ironically, it was John XXIII's Vatican II Anti-council killed them off. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Aletheia News Agency.]
True Catholics, God is not mocked. All of the money and propaganda of the phony Newchurch of the New Order, with its phony Mess (yes, even the "Extraordinary" Mess of 1962), with its phony sacraments, its anti-Catholic doctrine, and its pig-sty morality can't sustain it. Even now it is crashing down around the head of the Third Paedophile Newpope, the Marxist Newpope Francis-Bergoglio.
As has been previously reported in these TRADITIO Commentaries, Francis-Bergoglio is appointing Modernist heretics as his Newbishops at an astounding rate. The latest case in point is his appointment on September 29, 2017, of Hermann Glettler as the new Newbishop of Innsbruck, Austria, who was never ordained as a priest, but merely "installed to preside over the Novus Ordo assembly of the people." Glettler is publicly on record as calling for deaconesses and priestesses. He also full-throatedly supports Francis-Bergoglio's heretical document Amoris laetitia, which rewards adulterous bigamists with the (invalid) Novus Ordo cookie and Kool-Aid. It is this heresy that has produced Bergoglio's public condemnation as a heretic by four Newcardinals and 62 theologians.
Francis-Bergoglio set up a commission to consider whether deaconesses were even valid. That commission hasn't met yet, and its proposed chairman, Newcardinal Gerhard Muller, refused to accept the position because he rejects the notion of deaconesses and priestesses as anti-Catholic. Clearly the commission is Bergoglio's stratagem to get the green light to go full bore to deaconesses and priestesses. The fix is in. Bergoglio's appointee Glettler is already pushing the Modernist programme before the commission has even met.
Glettler even revealed Bergoglio's stratagem to get priestesses into Newchurch. He revealed that it would be done in "steps," with the ordination of women as deaconnesses first. This is the same stratagem by which the invalid New Mess replaced the (Traditional Latin) Mass in 1969. Nothing happened overnight. Instead, the changes were introduced gradually from 1964 to 1969 in order squelch opposition. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the U.K. Catholic Herald.]
True Catholics, once certainly can't say that these Modernist heretics in Newchurch aren't as wily as the Devil. We traditional Catholics have fought the likes of anti-Catholics such as Hannibal Bugnini, the Freemasonic Chief Archictect of the "New Liturgy"; Paul VI-Montini, Newpope-Founder of the heretical Newchurch; JPII-Wojyta, the Syncretist Unsaint Newpope of the New Age; Benedict-Ratzinger, the Nazi Modernist theologian of the Vatican II Anti-council and beyond; and now Francis-Bergoglio, the Marxist Liberation Theologian -- the worst yet by far.
You can never trust pseudo-traditionalists. You know, those Neocons that claim not to like the New Order sect, but can't kick the Novus Ordo habit. Two of these are the Neo-SSPX's Superior-Dictator Bernie Fellay and the New Order's Newcardinal Ray "Bully" Burke. In fact, the two have suddenly become enemies after Fellay praised Burke to the skies as one of the four Newcardinals -- two now dead -- who called Francis-Bergoglio a heretic, and Burke in turn called Fellay a schismatic. Now it turns out that Burke has been against Fellay all along.
On July 15, 2017, Burke formally declared Fellay and his Neo-SSPXers "in schism" -- and thus excommunicated. Burke warned Newchurchers not to attend the Neo-SSPX Masses or receive Sacraments there. Burke further declared that Fellay and his Neo-SSPXers are outside the Church and need to "return and reconcile" themselves.
Burke even implied that Fellay was a phony bishop. Ironically, Burke himself is neither a priest nor a bishop. He was never ordained in the Catholic Sacrament of Holy Orders, but merely installed in 1975 as a presbyter-minister under the invalid Protestantized New Ordinal of 1968 to "preside over the assembly of the people." Nor was Burked ever consecrated in the Catholic Sacrament of Holy Orders, but merely "installed" in 1994 as an invalid Newbishop under the same invalid Ordinal, which makes him no more valid than the heretic Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury.
True Catholics, contrary to the propaganda image that he has recently tried to feign, Burke himself is a schismatic and heretic, openly embracing the anti-Catholic New Order and performing its invalid, sacrilegious, blasphemous, and idolatrous "New Mess." He is a fraud who can't hold down a job. He is an incompetent, who was fired by three different Newpopes from four different positions!
Things are just not working out for Ray "Bully" Burke, who was once the Prefect of Newvatican's Apostolic Signatura (High Court). After he fouled up his job as Newarchbishop of St. Louis, Missouri, he was fired by Benedict-Ratzinger in 2008 and whisked off to Newrome to head the Apostolic Signatura, essentially an honorary position, so that Ratzinger could watch him at close hand.
Then Burke was fired by Francis-Bergoglio as Prefect in 2014 and made the Patron of the Knights of Malta, a trivial position for a Newcardinal. Burke fouled up that job too, so he was fired as Prefect by Bergoglio in 2014 and sent to Guam to deal with a sex fracas there. Now, on October 2, 2017, Bergoglio has demoted him again: from Prefect to just one of the six peons on the Apostolic Signatura, a kind of high court that has no authority to overrule the Newpope, but must follow the Newpope's dictates.
Burke, a notorious New Order practitioner, who only recently has tried to fob himself off as a "traditionalist," was one of four Newcardinals who questioned Bergoglio's heretical 2016 document Amoris laetitia, (The Joy of Sex). Thus the demotion. He is about the only Newcardinal who had no permanent portfolio and now has only a pro-forma juridicial position, in which he is effectively silenced from speaking. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World News.]
True Catholics, the Marxist Newpope Francis-Bergoglio is playing classic politics: "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer." In his new juridicial position, Ray Burke will have to keep his mouth closed. It cannot be said that the Marxists are not politically shrewd!
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Could you educate me more about the fraud of the New Order "Divine Mercy" feast? I am writing to family and friends to stop saying the Divine Mercy chaplet because it is not Catholic. I would like more information to give them.
The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.
True Catholics do not regard the Novus Ordo "Divine Mercy" feast as legitimate. It is a fraud perpetrated by the Newchurch of the New Order based upon lies about Sister Faustina. Newchurch even dare to assign the false "oecumenical" (that is, condemned syncretistic) feast to the Octave Day of Easter (the Sunday after Easter), in spite of the fact that Catholic Tradition forbids any feast to fall on that day and supersede the Highest Feast of the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ. For detailed information on this fraud, click on FAQ11: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Practices? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files: FAQs and Traditional Apologetics department, in the section "Divine Mercy - A False Devotion."
We despair of your efforts to convince those wedded to the New Order sect, as these people are so filled with anti-Catholic propaganda (though they falsely think themselves "Catholic") that such an approach is almost certainly doomed to failure. Instead, if you find an individual who seems sincerely interested, have a one-on-one discussion with him and offer to accompany him personally to a service at your local fully Traditional Latin Mass site. Then you will know that they will attend, at least once in their life, a true Mass, not the invalid, Protestantized services of Newchurch with Newchurch's unordained presbyter-ministers, whether in Latin or in the vulgar tongues.
On September 27, 2017, Newarchbishop Vincenzo Paglia spilled the beans about who "began the revolution" to hand out to adulterers and bigamists the invalid Novus Ordo cookie and Kool-Aid: it was the infamous Unsaint JPII-Wojtyla! Francis-Bergoglio is merely following his lead. Catholicism traditionally holds that such individuals, living in a state of public sin and openly contumelious to the Sacraments, having approached civil authorities for a phony "remarriage," are excommunicates.
The Newarchbiship, who heads the so-call New Order Pontifical Academy for Life, also revealed that the new organization, which Francis-Bergoglio revolutionized, is no longer focusing on anti-abortion and anti-euthanasia efforts, but will, in according with Bergoglio's personal Marxist politics, shift its focus to political issues: guns, immigration, environmentalism (aka "global warming"), and the death penalty. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by LS News.]
True Catholics, Francis-Bergoglio has come under charges from several Newcardinals, Newbishops, presbyters, and laypeople for preaching heretical doctrine by endorsing guidelines allowing the cookie and Kool-Aid to adulterous bigamists. Bergoglio has not answered the charges of heresy against him, thus implying that he is in fact a heretic, under the canonic principle "Qui tacit, consentire videtur."
Francis-Bergoglio's paedophile regime took another hit on September 28, 2017, when it was revealed his senior diplomat, Newmonsignor Carlo Capella, stationed at Newvatican's nuntiature in Washington, D.C., already targeted for prosecution on paedophile charges by the U.S. Justice Department, is also wanted in Canada on similar charges. When the U.S. Justice Department on August 21, 2017, called on Bergoglio to release Capella for prosecution, Bergoglio, who claims to have a "zero tolerance" policy on paedophiles, denied the request and instead flew the man back within the high Aurelian walls of Vatican City. Canada or Interpol may follow up by initiating extradition proceedings against the Newmonsignor.
So much for Francis-Bergoglio's "zero tolerance" policy. Ironically, Capella was supposed to be part of an international conference in Newrome the following week at Bergoglio's Pontifical Gregorian University on "protecting children from online sexual exploitation and abuse." Francis-Bergoglio himself has now come under severe criticism for his cover-up of Capella. Once prosecutor stated: "It's time for the [New]atican to put its money where its mouth is and send [New]monsignor Carlo Capella back to Canada where he faces child pornography charges. If [New]pope Francis has been nothing but a PR exercise, this will prove it."
Now Canada has now issued a county-wide arrest warrant for Newmonsignor Carlo Capella on charges of accessing child pornography, possessing child pornography, and distributing child pornography. Canadian investigators said that Capella committed the crimes while he was visiting a church in Windsor during Christmas 2016. The charges involve incidents that predated Capella's appointment by Francis-Bergoglio to Newvatican's nunciature in Washington, D.C., in the summer of 2016. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic News Service.]
True Catholics, because Francis-Bergoglio refuses to implement his fabled "zero tolerance" policy against paedophiles and has hidden his Newmonsignor paedophile away from the police, Interpol should extend Canada's and the United States's warrants to include the arrest of Bergoglio himself as an accessory to sex crimes against children. Capella is not the first paedophile Newprelate that Bergoglio has shielded from prosecution.
In 1981, sixteen years after the close of the Vatican II Anti-council that destroyed the Catholic Church as the "institutional" Church, six possessed children in Mejugorje, a town in Bosnia (formerly Yugoslavia), went into a Bacchanalian frenzy, which they claimed emanated from the Virgin Mary. This was completely unlike Lourdes, Knock, Fatima, etc., which, unlike heretical Medjugorje, included unadulterated Catholic doctrine. Medjugorje was condemned as a fraud even by the local Newchurch bishop.
Nevertheless, the maniacal seers, who were intimately associated with the heresies of Vatican II, as well as the local tourist industry, couldn't give up on a good thing. They keep singing their profane guitar music and worshipping the "Bent Crucifix" (also called the "Twisted Serpent," as it has Satanic associations), which the Unsaint JPII-Wojtyla, Benedict-Ratzinger, and Francis-Bergoglio adopted in place of the traditional crucifix -- imported straight from heretical Protestant charismaticism. They. The maniacal seers purport to "consort" daily with the Virgin Mary, now for over forty years.
Enter onto the scene the Marxist Newpope Francis-Bergoglio, who is associated with the Leftist, Liberation Theology, murderous Newjesuits. This man is so radical and such an advocate of the heresies of the Vatican II Anti-council that he is overturning what little rationality was left in Newchurch to embrace the fraud of Medjugorje. They preach the heresy of "oecumenism," renamed by the Anti-council as "oecumenism," which preaches that "we all worship the same god" and "all religions are equally true."
In a 1992 interview, the maniacal seer Vicka was asked whether Mary still desired all people to become Catholic. She is said to have replied emphatically: "No! The Blessed Mother says all religions are dear to her and her Son. She says it is we on earth who have made division." Thus, the obese squatting demi-god of pagan Buddhism (which Newchurch loves), the elephant god of Hinduism, and the marauding general of Mohammedanism is supposed to be one and the same in the eyes of the Virgin Mary. That is blasphemy, pure and simple!
The maniacal seers' spiritual director, Newfranciscan presbyter Tomislav Vlasic, was defrocked in 2008 by Newvatican for "dubious doctrine, the manipulation of consciences, suspect mysticism, disobedience towards legitimately issued orders" -- and impregnating a New Order "nun." Vlasic offered no defense for his heretical doctrine and anti-Christian behavior. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the U.K. Catholic Herald.]
True Catholics, the evidence is clear that Medjugorje is a patent fraud and that the six maniacal seers are bedeviled. That Francis-Bergoglio and his heretical Newchurch are spending even one second on this matter demonstrates how craven and unCatholic the New Order regime is. It was the tourist industry that wanted to make the First Paedophile Newpope, JPII-Wojtyla, an immediate Unsaint of Newchurch. Just so, the tourist industry is eying the hundreds of millions of dollars that Mejogurje tourism will bring in.