March 2020

TRADITIO Traditional Roman Catholic Network, including the Official Catholic Directory of Traditional Latin Masses
Directory Front Cover

For answers to many questions, consult the CURRENT MONTHLY REVISED EDITION of the Official Traditional Catholic Directory, Listing All Traditional Latin Masses and Traditional Resources for North America. For further information, click on the TRADITIO Network's Official Traditional Catholic Directory department, provided to the TRADITIO Network by the National Registry of Traditional Latin Masses.

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The TRADITIO Network has been informed by the National Registry of Traditional Latin Masses that the new March 2020 Revised Edition of the 25th Annual Edition (2020) of the Official Traditional Catholic Directory, Listing All Traditional Latin Masses and Traditional Resources for North America has been published. For further information, click on the Official Traditional Catholic Directory department, provided to the TRADITIO Network by the National Registry of Traditional Latin Masses. The annual use fee is now due for those who wish to use the new 2020 Original Edition and its monthly Revised Editions. Site representatives, be sure to check your traditional site's listing for correctness.


The TRADITIO Network recommends the Gregorian chant recordings of the St. John Schola, which is recording a CD series consisting of live recordings of the type of chant pieces that may be used at traditional churches and chapels. It makes no pretense to being professional, but to what is achievable, with a little work, by the average small lay choir. The hope is that this series will serve as a practical guide for the wider use of Gregorian chant in the traditional Roman Catholic liturgy. For ordering and descriptive information on the CD series, click on A Traditional Chapel Sings Gregorian Chant. This month's featured Gregorian Chant CD is: HOLY WEEK AND EASTER (VOLUME IX).

St. John Schola Volume IX

March 31, 2020 - Ferial Day

Sequel to "The Passion of the Christ" Now in Pre-Production
Mel Gibson's New Film Will Be a "Masterpiece" according to Actor Portraying The Christ

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Mel Gibson & James Caviezel

Producer/Director Mel Gibson (Right) Directs
James Caviezel as The Christ
In 2004's Biblical Epic
"The Passion of the Christ"
No Studio Wanted to Produce It
So Gibson Produced It Himself
Through His Own Icon Productions
And Made It the Highest-grossing
Independent Film Ever Made
It Still Shows in Theaters Every Lent
Caviezel Says that the Sequel
"The Passion of the Christ: Resurrection"
Will Be the "Biggest Film in World History
It's That Good"

On March 25, 2020, actor James Caviezel, who played The Christ in producer/director Mel Gibson's 2004 blockbuster, "The Passion of the Christ," announced that he will reprise his role in that film's sequel, "The Passion of the Christ: Resurrection," which is now in pre-production, currently in its fifth draft. Caviezel predicted that the sequel, to be produced and directed by Gibson, will be a "masterpiece, the biggest film in world history; it's that good." Maia Morgenstern will also reprise her role as Mary in the sequel.

2004's Biblical epic, "The Passion of the Christ" shocked secular Hollywood by its unexpected popularity, which has endured in the succeeding years, as the film is still shown during Lent in theaters around the world. No Hollywood studio wanted to produce it, so Gibson produced it himself though his own Icon Productions and made it the highest-grossing independent film ever made, at over $600,000,000, and making it the No. 1 R-rated (because of its graphic depiction of the Passion) film ever. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by LS News.]

Hollywood, populated in recent decades by secularists, has come to despise Christianity, although Hollywood once produced such Biblical epics on the life of Christ as "King of Kings" (1961) and "The Greatest Story Ever Told" (1965). For further information on this topic, click on FAQ12: What Films Do You Recommend for Traditional Catholics? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) department.

True Catholics, during the filming of "The Passion of the Christ," Mel Gibson had an independent traditional Catholic priest celebrate Mass for the cast every morning before shooting. A lot of water has gone under the bridge for Gibson in the last sixteen years. By the grace of God, one can hope that Gibson will once again return to the practice the traditional Catholic Faith, for which he so vehemently fought against all critics in 2004.

March 30, 2020 - Ferial Day of Lent

As Promised, Francis-Bergoglio Has Corrupted even the New Latin Mess of 1962
His Latest Decrees Update the "Extraordinary Mess" to the New Order Mess

From: The TRADITIO Fathers

The Modernist Leader of Newchurch
No Traditionalist He, Benedict-Ratzinger
Tried to Deceive True Catholics
By Dressing in an Innocuous-looking Santa Hat
And Planted a Timebomb in His "Permission"
For the New Latin Mess of 1962
To Be Staged in a Handful of Places
Now Francis-Bergoglio Has Exploded
That Timebomb by Introducing Fake
Newchurch Unsaints into the 1962 Mess
Like the Communist Oscar Romero

Just as the Modernist leader Benedict-Ratzinger provided for in his anti-traditional Motu Proprio "Summorum pontificum," Francis-Bergoglio has now implemented the beginning of the destruction of even the Half New Order New Latin Mess of 1962. This the pseudo-traditionalists like to call "Extraordinary," a Modernist term that has never been used of any Mass in the history of the Catholic Church. Ratzinger in 2007 "allowed" a handful of 1962 Messes and also enacted a timebomb against them, by openly stating that the 1962 Mess would be corrupted to the New Order within just a few years.

The "1962 Mess" is, of course, a fraud, and Benedict-Ratzinger has once again been exposed as the Modernist leader that he was at the Vatican II Anti-council and remains to this day. The fact that he hid his heresies under the guise of a Santa Claus hat makes his heresies all the worse for malice and fraud.

By Bergoglio's decree "Cum sanctissima," issued in Latin on March 25, 2020, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the [New Order] Faith, which, since 2019, was given over control of the "1962 Mess," is ordering the updating of the 1962 Mess to add a raft of Unsaints con-anized since the Vatican II Anti-council. From now on, the fake Marxist/Modernist Unsaints that Bergoglio and his Newchurch predecessors have fabricated will become part of the 1962/2020 Mess. Those pseudo-traditionalists who cling to the phony 1962 Mess will now have their 1962 Missal polluted with the likes of Unsaint Oscar Romero, a Communist Newarchbishop of San Salvador, El Salvador, who was shot in connection with a Communist-slanted "homily" that he was delivering at a Novus Ordo Mess. In 2018, his fellow Marxist/Modernist, Francis-Bergoglio, con-anized him as a "martyr," apparently to Communism. Also included will be the Novus Ordo Hindu "nun" Theresa of Calcutta, whose con-anizing "miracle" was faked, according to her own doctors.

By Bergoglio's decree "Cum Magis," issued in Latin on March 25, 2020, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the [New Order] Faith is defying the dogmatic Council of Trent and adding seven -- count them: seven ! -- Prefaces (Introductions) to the Sacred Canon of the Mass, the most sacred and historically the earliest part of Holy Mass, in which the Consecration of the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ takes place.

Already by the time of the dogmatic Council of Trent, the number of Prefaces had excessively proliferated, so the work of the Council, led by such lights as St. Charles Borromeo, limited them to a total of fifteen (Nativity of the Lord, Epiphany of the Lord, Quadragesima (Lent), Holy Cross, Easter, Ascension, Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Our Lord Jesus Christ King, Holy Ghost, Most Holy Trinity, Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Joseph Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Apostles, Common, Of the Dead). In fact, four of the seven new Prefaces were taken directly from the New Mess, so now the New Latin Mess of 1962 is officially polluted with the corruption that is the New Order Mess. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Vatican News Service.]

True Catholics, the malice and snares of Benedict-Ratzinger and Francis-Bergoglio is once again exposed, and the wisdom of traditional Catholic's decision to stay entirely away from the anti-Catholic Newchurch is once again confirmed. It remains to be seen whether the New Order-leaning Neo-Society of St. Pius X will knuckle under to praying to Novus Ordo Communist Unsaints. Certainly traditional Catholic priests will not, just as they rejected the Half New Order "1962 Mess."

March 29, 2020 - Passion Sunday
Semidouble Sunday of the First Class

Newpope's Propaganda Mouthpiece Ceases Printing
L'Osservatore Romano Shuts down because of the Chinese Virus

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
L'Osservatore Romano

Francis-Bergoglio's Propaganda Newspaper
L'Osservatore Romano
Has Ceased Its Printing
Because of the Chinese Virus
Bergoglio Has Apparently Been Spending
Large Amounts of Money
Intended for Charity
Like His Fraudulent Peter's Pence
On Building a Huge Media Conglomerate
To Take over All Coverage of Newchurch
And Propagate Its Modernist/Marxist Programme

In 1870, when the Italian revolutionaries entered Rome in their efforts to defeat the Papal States, the Vatican's newspaper, L'Osservatore Romano (The Roman Observer), which had begun publication in 1861, ceased publication. For the only time since then, the newspaper, since taken over by Francis-Bergoglio's propaganda machine, has ceased printing on March 26, 2020, because of the Chinese Virus.

L'Osservatore Romano circulates around the world in six languages and has received even more funding as part of the huge media conglomerate that Francis-Bergoglio has set up, apparently from funds that were supposed to go to charity, like Peter's Pence, the Newpope's "charity" fund, which has been implicated in fund-raising fraud in the United States.

True Catholics, this Bergoglian media conglomerate has attempted, more than ever before, to take over all coverage of Newchurch and propagate its Modernist/Marxist programme. The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation currently has an active investigation of Peter's Pence for fraud. A class-action lawsuit has been started against all 300 of his Newchurch bishops in the United States.

March 28, 2020 - St. John Capistran, Confessor
Double Feast

The Patron Saint against Plagues, St. Roch
Survived the Black Death, but Aided Those Who Were Afflicted

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Tintoretto's Painting

The Noted Renaissance Painter Tintoretto
Painted Several Depictions
In the Scuola Grande in Venice
Of St. Roch Healing the Sick
During the Black Plague
Of the Fourteenth Century
Among Them Is the 1559 Painting
"St. Roch Heals the Plague"
Dedicated to the Healing Work
Of the Patron Saint against Plagues
Who Embodied Christ's Power to Heal

The Patron Saint against plagues is St. Roch, who lived in the middle of the fourteenth century, at the height of the plague known as the Mors Nigra, or Black Death, which was caused by the Bubonic bacterium and killed more than one-third of the population of Europe. He set out from his home in Montpelier, Majorca, but when he saw plague victims along the way, he stopped to help them. He eventually came down with the plague himself, but was nursed back to health and was one of the small percentage who recovered.

In the sixteenth century, the Venetian Renaissance painter Tintoretto painted some fifty scenes, several of St. Roch, for the Scuola Grande, dedicated to the healing work of the Saint, who embodied faith in Christ's power to heal. This faith is reflected in the Church's Collect Prayer for St. Rocco's feastday, which would be appropriate to pray every day of this pestilence:

Populum tuum, quaesumus, Domine, continua pietate custodi: et, beati Rochi suffragantibus meritis, ab omni fac animae et corporis contagione securum. Per Dominum nostrum Iesum Christum Filium tuum, qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitate Spiritus sancti Deus, per omnia saecula saeculorum. Amen.
[In your constant mercy, we beseech, O Lord, protect Thy people: and, with the support of the the merits of blessed Rocco, make them safe from every contagion of soul and body. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, through all the ages of the ages.]

March 27, 2020 - St. John Damascene, Confessor & Doctor
Double Feast

Francis-Bergoglio Abuses the Plague of Chinese Virus
To Hawk a New Age Pagan "New Rosary"

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Pagan Rosary

A Pagan Rosary
Complete with the Satanic Pentagram
In Place of the Crucifix
Newchurch's Newrosary
Including Five New "Luminous" Mysteries
Suggestive of New Age Paganism
Was Fabricated in 2002
By the Unsaint JPII-Wojtyla
And Is Now Being Hawked in 2020
By the Marxist/Modernist
Newpope Francis-Bergoglio

Francis-Bergoglio on March 18, 2020, despicably abused the plague of the Chinese Virus pandemic to promote the fake Newrosary for Newchurch. He was even so impudent as to hawk the Newrosary on the very Feast of St. Joseph, March 19, 2020, with a call to pray against the Chinese Virus the pagan "Luminous Mysteries." These fabricated "mysteries" are associated with pagan New Age false religion and were introduced by the Unsaint JPII-Wojtyla in 2002. Traditional Catholics denounced this perverse notion to corrupt the Most Holy Rosary, as Newchurch has corrupted everything else of the Catholic Faith.

Wojtyla's Newrosary was a serious break with the traditional Catholic Faith and the very origins of the Rosary. Historically, the Rosary is a highly-simplified substitute for the Church's Divine Office, the cycle of Hours that are chanted or recited to sanctify the day, consisting of Matins, Lauds, Prime, Terce, Sext, None, Vespers, and Compline. When books were scare, monks who traveled between monasteries could not recite the Divine Office (unless they had it memorized, which some did) and were, therefore, allowed to substitute for the 150 Psalms recited throughout each week 150 Aves. That is why the Rosary consists of fifteen decades of Aves, together with 15 mediations.

Moreover, Wojtyla, because he introduced the anomaly of five decades of "Luminous Mysteries," completely wrenched the traditional assignment of the decades to the days of the week: traditionally, the Joyful Mysteries on Monday, Thursday, and the Sundays of Advent; the Dolorous Mysteries on Tuesday, Friday, and the Sundays of Lent; the Glorious Mysteries on Wednesday, Saturday, and all other Sundays. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Vatican Press Office.]

True Catholics, Newchurch's published plan from its foundation on September 21, 1964, was to destroy the Catholic Faith and replace it with a Protestantized, even paganized, false religion. It clearly revealed its intention by "new" substitutes for every element of the true Faith: New Mess, New Office, New Sacraments, New Bible, New Catechism, New Morality, and, of course, the New Rosary. As God Himself is unchanging, so are the essential elements of His Catholic Faith. By that truth you know that anything hawked as "new" by the Newchurch of the New Order is an anti-Catholic fake.

March 26, 2020 - Ferial Day of Lent

A Reader Asks: "On the Subject of Bankruptcy
What Does Catholic Moral Theology Teach?"

From: Ken
Bankruptcy Filing

The Position of Catholic Moral Theology
Is that One Can Safely Follow
The Civil Law on Bankruptcy
However, if the Debtor Should
After Bankruptcy
Come into Possession of Wealth
He Has a Moral Obligation
To Pay off His Debts in Full
Or at Least to the Degree
That He Is Reasonably Able

Dear TRADITIO Fathers:

I've been asked whether declaring bankruptcy could morally be considered stealing. I had never thought of that way of looking at it before, but I found it an interesting question. Because most debts are cancelled in a bankruptcy -- typically without the creditor's approval -- are the bankruptcy laws a just system to use in necessity? One person's opinion on the subject is that bankruptcy is the counter to predatory and risky lending practices on the part of creditors and that creditors "budget" for some bankruptcies thorough their high interest and usury. What does Catholic moral theology teach on this subject?


In general, the position of Catholic moral theology, as in many similar matters, is that one can safely follow the civil law. However, if the debtor should after bankruptcy come into possession of wealth, he has a moral obligation to pay off his debts in full, or at least to the degree that he is reasonably able.


Ave Maris Stella Is One of the Earliest Catholic Hymns
To Present Mary as a Nourishing and Loving Mother

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Ave Maris Stella

The Sixth-century Marian Hymn
Ave Maris Stella in Modern Musical Notation
From the Traditional St. Gregory Hymnal
Some Attribute This Hymn to Venantius Fortunatus
Who also Wrote the Hymn Vexilla Regis Prodeunt
Used for the Good Friday Procession
Ave Maris Stella Is One of the Earliest Catholic Hymns
To Present Mary as a Nourishing and Loving Mother

Ave Maris Stella [Hail, Star of the Sea] is one of the oldest Marian hymns. It may go back to the sixth-century composer Venantius Fortunatus, who composed the famous hymn used for the Good Friday procession: Vexilla Regis Prodeunt [The banner of the King goes forth]. It is one of the earliest Catholic hymns to present Mary as a nourishing and loving mother. The poetry is delightful, consisting of four lines per stanza, with each line consisting of three accentual trochees: LONG-short-LONG-short-LONG-short. Many of the lines rhyme, a characteristic of some mediaeval Catholic hymns.

The Feast of the Annunciation would be an ideal day on which to sing the Ave Maris Stella. If you need help with the melody, pull out your CD of Volume VIII - Cantus Populares (Popular Chant) of our recommended series, "A Traditional Chapel Sings Gregorian Chant" and sing along with it. If you have not yet ordered your copy, click on the TRADITIO Network's Gregorian Chant department for information on how to obtain a copy.

Ave, maris stella,
Dei mater alma,
atque semper virgo,
felix c?li porta.

Sumens illud "Ave"
Gabrielis ore,
funda nos in pace,
mutans Hev? nomen.

Solve vincla reis,
profer lumen c?cis,
mala nostra pelle,
bona cuncta posce.

Monstra te esse matrem,
sumat per te precem
qui pro nobis natus
tulit esse tuus.

Virgo singularis,
inter omnes mitis,
nos culpis solutos
mites fac et castos.

Vitam pr?sta puram, 
iter para tutum, 
ut videntes Jesum 
semper coll?temur.

Sit laus Deo Patri,
summo Christo decus, 
Spiritui Sancto 
tribus honor unus. Amen.

One of those bad translations -- the sublime Latin hymns of the Church are truly untranslatable -- runs as follows:

Hail, star of the sea, 
Nurturing Mother of God, 
And ever Virgin 
Happy gate of Heaven

Receiving that "Ave" (hail) 
From the mouth of Gabriel, 
Establish us in peace, 
Transforming the name of Eve

Loosen the chains of the guilty, 
Send forth light to the blind, 
Our evil do thou dispel, 
Entreat (for us) all good things.

Show thyself to be a Mother: 
Through thee may he receive prayer 
Who, being born for us, 
Undertook to be thine own.

O unique Virgin, 
Meek above all others, 
Make us, set free from (our) sins,
Meek and chaste.

Bestow a pure life,
Prepare a safe way:
That seeing Jesus,
We may ever rejoice.

Praise be to God the Father,
To the Most High Christ (be) glory,
To the Holy Spirit
(Be) honor, to the Three equally. Amen.

March 24, 2020 - St. Gabriel, Archangel
Double Major Feast

The Patron Saint of Epidemics Is St. Corona
Whose Name Curiously Derives from the Latin Word for the Current Virus

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
St. Corona

The Patron Saint of Plagues and Epidemics Is St. Corona
She Was only Fifteen Years of Age
When She Was Martyred for the Catholic Faith
Around the Year 165
Under the Reign of the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius
Otherwise One of Rome's Most Charitable Emperors
Curiously, Her Name Is Associated
With the Name of the Coronavirus Two Millennia Later
Both Coming from the Latin Word for Crown, Corona

The Coronavirus that is at the center of the current pandemic is named after the Latin corona, meaning a crown. The virus's appearance under an electron microscope resembles the spikes of a crown. The virus has nothing to do with the noted Mexican brand of beer, which also is apparently taken from the Latin word.

St. Corona is considered the Patron Saint against Plague and Epidemics. Her relics have been preserved in the Basilica in the town of Feltre in Northern Italy since the ninth century. St. Corona was only fifteen when she professed her Christian Faith during the persecution of Marcus Aurelius around 165, an emperor who otherwise was one of Rome's most charitable.

Although the records differ in some points of detail, Corona seems to have been arrested in Syria and tied by her feet to the tops of two palm trees, which were then bent to the ground. When the palms were let loose, she was torn apart. Her feastday is May 14.

There is a traditional Catholic litany, the Litaniae in Tempore Pestis (Litany in Time of Plague), which ends with the following prayer, in which all Catholics around the world can join in our own time of plague:

Da nobis, qu?sumus, D?mine, pi? petiti?nis eff?ctum : et pestil?ntiam mortalitat?mque propiti?tus av?rte. Per Christum D?minum nostrum. Amen.
[Grant us, we beseech Thee, O Lord, the fulfillment of our pious prayer: and propitiously avert the pestilence and death. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.]

For the full text of the litany, click on LITANYPLAGUE.TXT: Litaniae in Tempore Pestis (Litany in Time of Plague) in the TRADITIO Network's Special Features (Articles, Reviews, Sermon Series, Other) department, in the section "Other."

March 23, 2020 - Ferial Day of Lent

The Holy Sacrifice Has Stopped on Other Occasions
Here Is What the Prophet Daniel Did when the Temple Was Destroyed

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Solomon's Temple

In 587 B.C. Solomon's Temple Was Destroyed
By King Nabocodonosor of Babylon
And the Jews Were Carried off to Slavery in Babylon
Without the Temple, the Holy Sacrifice Stopped
The Prophet Daniel, Nevertheless
Kept as Much as Circumstances Allowed
To the Traditional Practices
We Can Do the Same Thing
During This Short Mass Hiatus
To Stop the Spread of the Chinese Virus

In this period when the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass around the world is being suspended because of the spread of the Chinese Virus, it is well to remember that this is far from the first time such a thing has happened. In addition to closures for plague, pestilence, and war in Christian times, the Holy Sacrifice in the Old Testament period stopped when King Nabucodonosor in 587 B.C. invaded Judaea, destroyed Solomon's Temple, and carried the Jews off to slavery in Babylon.

The Book of the Lamentations of Jeremias described the scene of the people deprived of the Temple in words that could well describe the current situation under the plague of the Chinese Virus:

How doth the city sit solitary that was full of people? The ways of Sion mourn, because there are none that come to the solemn feast; all her gates are broken down; her priests sigh; her virgins are in affliction and she is oppressed with bitterness (Lamentations 1:1,4/DRV).

The cry of people today is the same as it was during that Babylonian Captivity: "How long, O Lord?? (Psalm 88:47/DRV).

The Prophet Daniel in his youth was among those carried away into captivity. There was no Holy Sacrifice. So what did he do? He kept as much as circumstances allowed to the traditional practices. "And opening his windows toward Jerusalem, he knelt down three times a day and adored and gave thanks before his God, as he had been accustomed to do before (Daniel 6:10/DRV).

We can do the same thing during this short Mass hiatus. We can still pray the Angelus. We can still follow the Mass formulary in our handmissals. We can still sing the Sacred chants and hymns that are so familiar to us. It is far from ideal, but it is better than the alternative. And we have the authority of Scripture to do so in the practice of Daniel.

The end of the story? Scripture tells us that Nebucodonor himself fell to the Persian king Cyrus the Great in 539 B.C., and the Jews were then permitted to return to Judea. Just two years later, building of the Second Temple at Jerusalem began, replacing Solomon's First Temple, and lasted, with Herod the Great's expansion, until the Jews rebelled against the Roman empire, and the Temple was destroyed in the Jewish Wars in A.D. 70.

March 22, 2020 - Fourth Sunday of Lent - Laetare Sunday
Semidouble Sunday of the First Class

A Reader Asks: "Now when Many Churches Are Closed because of the Chinese Virus
Are So-called Online Masses Any Good, or Are Indulgenced Devotions Much Better?"

From: Patricia
Roman Catechism

With Many Churches Now Being Closed
To Stop the Spread of the Chinese Virus
A Few People Are Resorting to So-called
Online "Masses"
But These Are Essentially Phantasms
Hardly Better than Video Games
Far Better to Engage in Spiritual Reading
Or Other Indulgenced Devotions
Like the Excellent Opportunity to Study
A Traditional Catechism (Pictured Above)
As the Early Christians Did during Lent

Dear TRADITIO Fathers:

With most churches being shut down to prevent spread of the Chinese Virus, a few people are resorting to so-called "online Masses." Am I correct in saying that online Masses are not real Masses and that the graces associated with being personally present to worship at Holy Mass do not come from watching an "online Mass"? Would you say that spiritual reading or other indulgenced devotions would be the correct alternative?


Yes, you are correct on both counts. Passively watching a "Mass" is not in any way the same as attending Holy Mass in person. It is a phantasm, devoid of the communal aspect of worship. God is personal, not in a video image. There is also a danger of the ignoscenti falling into the mindset of thinking that video images are actual Masses. They aren't. Holy Mass is not like some video game.

You are also correct in your thought that spiritual reading and indulgenced devotional exercises are the correct alternative. The individual in these takes some active part. Such exercises might include any of the following:

  1. praying the Divine Office, the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary, or the Rosary
  2. reading and meditating on Sacred Scripture (the Bible)
  3. reciting the Seven Penitential Psalms (Psalms 6,31,37,50,101,129,142 in the traditional numbering, as used in the Catholic Douay-Rheims Bible, for example)
  4. studying the Mass formulary for the Sunday in a handmissal
  5. reviewing your catechism
  6. singing or reciting a litany
  7. listening to Sacred Music or, better, singing Gregorian chant or the Latin hymns of the Church
  8. reading the lives of the Saints or a work written by a Saint

March 21, 2020 - St. Benedict, Abbot
Double Major Feast

Our Lady's Shrine at Lourdes Closed Indefinitely
For the First Time in History to Prevent Spread of the Chinese Virus

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Immaculate Conception

In 1858, after the Apparition of Lourdes Declared:
"I Am the Immaculate Conception"
Four Years after the Dogmatic Definition by Pope Pius IX
Lourdes, France, Became a Place of Pilgrimage for Millions
Now, for the First Time in History
It Has Been Locked Tight
To Prevent the Spread of the Chinese Virus
It Is Clear that the Almighty Is Reteaching Us
Some Very Basic Truths of the Faith

On March 12, 2020, the rector of the Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes maintained that the shrine would remain open for prayer. Five days later, on March 17, he announced that the shrine was locked tight since 1858 to prevent spread of the Chinese Virus. This is the first time since 1858 that the shrine has been locked shut. Formerly, it had remained open even during the two World Wars and the Spanish Flu epidemic of 1918. Its reopening date has not been announced.

In 1858 eighteen apparitions of Our Lady of Lourdes are said to have taken place in Lourdes, France. In the last of these, the apparition declared itself to be the "Immaculate Conception." Four years earlier, in 1854, Pius IX had issued the Apostolic Constitution Ineffabilis Deus, in which he declared the dogma: "The most Blessed Virgin Mary, in the first instant of her conception, by a singular grace and privilege granted by almighty God, in view of the merits of Jesus Christ, the savior of the human race, was preserved free from all stain of original sin." Since then Lourdes has become a place for prayer and healing, attracting six million pilgrims annually.

True Catholics, it is clear that the Almighty is reteaching us some very basic truths of the Faith. It is not to be overlooked that the Chinese Virus has struck during Lent. This year all true Catholics should think very deeply about the meaning of the crucifixion and death of Our Lord for us upon the Cross, even as the true Mass has been taken away from us in many areas of the world. Perhaps we had come to take the gift of the Traditional Latin Mass too much for granted. This Lent gives us an opportunity to mediate upon the sublime treasure that we traditional Catholics have in the true Mass.

March 20, 2020 - Ferial Day of Lent

Is Francis-Bergoglio in Quarantine?
He Was Exposed to a French Newbishop Who Tested Positive for the Chinese Virus

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Francis-Bergoglio & French Newbishops

Francis-Bergoglio Has Been Exposed to the Chinese Virus
He Shook Both Hands of French Newbishop Delmas
While Delmas Was in Newrome Meeting with Bergoglio
For Two and a Half Hours
Delmas Was Already Showing Symptoms
Of the Virus at the Time
What Wonderful Charity on These Newbishops Have!
The Thirty Newbishops Are Now All in Quarantine
Reports Are Uncertain whether Bergoglio Is or Is Not
1800 Italians Have Died of the Chinese Virus thus Far

Certainly Francis-Bergoglio should be quarantined for his heresies, idolatries, and immoralities, but now it seems that he may be quarantined -- Newvatican is as usual mute -- because of his exposure to the Chinese Virus from Newbishop Emmanuel Delmas, of Angers, France. On March 9, 2020, when Delmas was with a deputation of about thirty western French bishops in Newrome for their ad limina visit, Delmas shook both of one-lunged Bergoglio's hands with both of his own infected hands and met for two and a half hours with the Newpope.

Delmas was already showing symptoms of the Chinese Virus at the time of the incident. He was tested six days later with a positive result for the Virus. All thirty Newbishops are now in isolation -- but not Bergoglio? What wonderful charity these Newchurch prelates have! 1,800 souls have died in Italy thus far. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Corrispondenza Romana.]

True Catholics, it is surprising that Newvatican was so incompetent that it did not instruct everyone to keep a safe two-metre distance from the Newpope, especially given the extensive spread of the Chinese Virus in Italy. One Newvatican resident has already died of the disease. Francis-Bergoglio should isolated for this and so many other reasons.


A Reader Asks: "Does the Church Allow One to Break the Lenten Observance
For St. Patrick's day, St. Joseph's Day, and the Annunciation?"

From: Simon
St. Joseph & Holy Infant

St. Joseph's Day Falls during Lent, March 19
It Is a Double of the First Class
But the Lenten Fast Pertains to It
Just as the Fast Pertains To
St. Patricks' Day, March 17
The Feast of the Annunciation, March 25
And the Feasts of St. Thomas Aquinas
Pope St. Gregory the Great, and Others

Dear TRADITIO Fathers:

Can you please tell me whether the Church allows one to break the Lenten observance for the solemnities of St.Patrick's Day (I live in Ireland) on March 17, St. Joseph's on March 19, and the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary on March 25? Secondly, are Sundays part of the Lenten observance?


"Solemnity" is a Novus Ordo term, not a traditional one. Feastdays have ranks: St. Patrick's feastday on March 17 is a Double, no different from many other such feastdays that occur during Lent, such as those of St. Thomas Aquinas (March 6), Pope St. Gregory the Great (March 12), etc. St. Joseph's feastday on March 19 and the Annunciation on March 25 are Doubles of the First Class.

The Mass of all these is of the feast with the ferial day of Lent (each weekday of Lent has a special ferial Mass) being reduced to a commemoration. Traditionally, the Lenten fast pertains to these days just as to any others, even to St. Joseph's Day and the Annunciation. Occasionally, there has been a dispensation for extraordinary circumstances in a particular area, but that is unusual.

Sundays always celebrate the joy of the Resurrection, so they are never penitential days and are always without fast.

March 18, 2020 - St. Cyril of Jerusalem, Bishop, Confessor & Doctor
Double Feast

Newchurch Is even Now Planning to Authorize
The "Blessing" of Sodomitic "Marriages"

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Francis Bergoglio & James Martin

Francis-Bergoglio Congratulates Presbyter James Martin
The Notorious Public Advocate for Sodomy
Newchurch Is even Now Planning to Authorize
The "Blessing" of Sodomitic "Marriages"
Bergoglio Has Appointed for Prominent Roles
In His Newchurch Open Sodomites
And Has Authorized the "Gay Mafia"
To Take over His Newchurch of the New Order

Ever since he famously asked the question in 2013, "Who am I to judge?," Francis-Bergoglio has gone full speed ahead in his campaign to normalize sodomy in his Newchurch of the New Order. On March 8, 2020, it became public knowledge that the spokesman for the Newchurch Paulist Fathers has been "married" another man for four years. The Paulist Fathers have programs that encourage sodomites to "come out." Bergoglio has shrugged off the matter because he is normalizing sodomy, lesbianism, bisexuality, and transsexuality, which have destroyed so many lives.

The notorious presbyter James Martin, a public advocate for sodomy, was warmly received by Bergoglio in Newvatican, although even many Newchurch prelates and laity have denounced his support for perverse immorality. He has recently urged presidents of Newchurch colleges to "hold up openly gay staff as role models.? {Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Spectator.]

True Catholics, even now the leaders of Newchurch are planning to authorize the "blessing" of sodomitic "marriages." Francis-Bergoglio has appointed for prominent roles in his Newchurch open sodomites and has authorized the "Gay Mafia," which he at one time supposedly denounced, to take over his Newchurch of the New Order. How could any true Catholic morally have anything to do with him or his perverted sect?

April 17, 2020 - St. Patrick, Bishop & Confessor

A Reader Asks: "Is It Permitted for the Stations of the Cross
To Be Done on Wednesday, or only on Friday?"

From: Wayne
Via Crucis

The Via Crucis (Way of the Cross)
Comprising Fourteen Traditional Stations
May Be Said Holding a Crucifix
True Catholics Cannot Enter a Church
Of the New Order Heretics
Which, in Any Case, Does Not Have
The Traditional Catholic Stations
Newstations Were Fabricated
By the Heretical Newpopes
Paul VI-Montini and JPII-Wojtyla

Dear TRADITIO Fathers:

There are some Newchurches here in town that say the Via Crucis (Stations of the Cross) on Wednesday afternoons. Doesn't traditional Church law -- which, of course, the anti-Catholic Newchurch rejects -- require that the Stations be done only Fridays?


The Via Crucis is an extra-liturgical (outside of the liturgy) devotion, so it is not regulated as is the Divine Office and Holy Mass. We can find no restrictions on its usage according to day of the week, although Friday would certainly be appropriate.

Wednesday and Saturday are traditional days of penance from Apostolic times, as can be seen in the seasonal Ember Days, which fall on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. Over the centuries Catholic became laxer, so the ancient practice of fasting and abstinence on Wednesdays and Saturdays tended to fall away.

Note that when one is impeded from access to physical stations of the cross in a traditional Catholic church, oratory, or chapel, it is permissible to hold a crucifix, and after each Station is identified and meditated upon, say the traditional prayer: "Adoramus te, Christe, et benedicimus tibi, quia per sanctam crucem tuam redemisti mundi." Other prayers, such as the Pater Noster and Ave Maria, are optional.

Of course, a true Catholic cannot enter a church of the New Order heretics for stations, which, in any case, does not have the traditional Catholic stations. The Newstations were fabricated by the heretical Newpopes Paul VI-Montini and JPII-Wojtyla.

March 16, 2020 - Ferial Day of Lent

Francis-Bergoglio Does an About-face
He Reopens Rome's Newchurches to the Fake Newchurch Messes

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Empty Newchurch

The Eucharistic Dinner Table Stands Abandoned
Newchurch Pews Are Virtually Empty
Now a Newarchbishop Admits
The Fact that Most of the Messes In Newchurch
Now Fall Well below 250 Newchurchers on a Sunday
Even Lower than Numerous Traditional Catholic Churches
Operating Independently of Newchurch
With All Its Money and Its Propaganda Machine

It seems that after slamming shut the doors of Newchurches in Rome, Francis-Bergoglio has had second thoughts and has opened them to stage the invalid (fake) Newchurch Messes.

The Newarchbishop of Portland, Oregon, noted that the state governor had prohibited (perhaps illegally) gatherings of more than 250 people, allegedly because of the overhyped Chinese Virus. But the Newarchbishop said that the prohibition didn't apply to Newchurch because "the fact is that most of the M[e]sses celebrated on the weekends in the [New]archdiocese of Portland are far below that number." The Newarchbishop of Louisville, Kentucky, rejected his state governor's "encouragement" to cancel religious services, as did virtually all U.S. Newbishops.

So now we have an official admission that attendance at Newchurches has fallen disastrously, even lower than at numerous traditional Catholic churches operating independently of Newchurch with all its money and its propaganda machine. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic News Agency.]

True Catholics, we have to wonder whether these gubernatorial actions have been taken really out of a true emergency or because it is a convenient way for the pagan and heretical elements in government to undercut religion, which is needed now more than ever. The Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, claims to be a "Catholic," but is an excommunicate: she publicly and contumeliously advocates "rights" for abortion and sodomy. The former U.S. Vice President, Joe Biden, also claims to be a "Catholic," but is also an excommunicate: he publicly and contumeliously supports "rights" for abortion and personally "married" two sodomites in the Vice Presidential residence with press coverage.

March 15, 2020 - Third Sunday of Lent
Semidouble Sunday of the First Class
Gaius Julius Caesar Interfectus Est XLIV Ante Christum

Argentinian Newbishops Study Shows:
Newarchbishop Bergoglio Left the Argentinian Newchurch Devastated in 2013

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Jorge Bergoglio

A New Study Commissioned by the Newbishops of Argentina
To Which Jorge Bergoglio (Pictured Here) Pledges Allegiance
Shows just how Devastated Francis-Bergoglio
Left the Argentinian Newchurch
When He Left for Newrome to Become Newpope
After Eighteen Years of His Regime
84 per cent of Argentinians Don't Go to the New Mess Weekly
Fewer than One-third Contribute to His Newchurch
Fewer than Half Have a "Positive View" of His Newchurch
Now Bergoglio Is Proceeding
To Devastate Newchurch around the World

A Newchurch study released on March 12, 2020, of 3,000 Newchurchers in Argentina reveals that when Francis-Bergoglio left Argentina in 2013 to become Newpope of the Newchurch of the New Order, he left the Argentinian Newchurch devastated after eighteen years. He had been Auxiliary Newbishop of Buenos Aires for five years and Newarchbishop and Primate for thirteen years. He had plenty of time to make a difference there, and he did -- a negative difference. Thus, it is no surprise that under his Newpapacy, Bergoglio is now leaving the whole Newchurch devasted.

Although 67 per cent of Argentinians call themselves Newchurchers, 84 per cent of these don't attend the New Mess weekly. Moreover, 60 per cent of them do not know what Newchurch is doing. Thus, only 32 per cent contribute anything to Newchurch. Only a minority (48 per cent) have a "positive view" of his Newchurch." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Crux News Service.]

True Catholics, the Newbishops of Argentina commissioned the study so that they could discover the best way to eke out more donations and bail out Newchurch's sinking budget. They were disappointed, to say the least, that fewer than one-third of Argentinian Newchurchers intend to contribute anything to Francis-Bergoglio's corrupt Newchurch.

March 14, 2020 - Ferial Day of Lent

Newchurch Lay Group So Is Riddled with Sexual Corruption
That Francis-Bergoglio May Be Forced to Dissolve It and Excommunicate Its Head

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Luis Fernando Figari

Luis Fernando Figari, Founder and Superior General
Of the Sodalitium Christianae Vitae (SCV)
A Lay Newchurch Group
Figari Has Been Charged to Have Committed Thirty Sex Crimes
Currently Francis-Bergoglio Is Shielding the Man
Who Has Been Called a "Perverted Person"
Within the Protective Walls of Newrome
But the Outcry of Newbishops and Newchurchers
Is So Loud that Francis-Bergoglio May Be Forced
To Suppress the Corrupt Sodalitium
And Excommunicate Its Head

In Newchurch, not only are the clergy corrupt, but the laypeople as well. The latest case in point is the Newchurch lay group known as Sodalitium Christianae Vitae (SCV), which is so riddled with sexual corruption that Francis-Bergoglio may be forced to suppress it and excommunicate its head.

The group was established in the1970s under the aegis of Newchurch by one Luis Fernando Figari, its Superior General, who has been charged with sex crimes by thirty victims. He is described as "a perverted person." Currently Figari is being shielded by Francis-Bergoglio within the protective walls of Newrome. Many of Figari's victims think that Figari will get off easy under Bergoglio. Newcardinal Pedro Baretto, of Peru, revealed on March 11, 2020, that although many Newbishops supported the suppression of the Sodalitium, Bergoglio is in disagreement. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Crux News Service.]

True Catholics, Francis-Bergoglio may not be able to shield the "perverted" Figari much longer. His own Newbishops and laypeople are loudly demanding that he suppress the corrupt Sodalitium and excommunicate its head. Given all the hot water that Bergoglio is in already because of his subornation of the sex crimes of his Newclergy, he may be forced into action to save what little remains of his reputation.

March 13, 2020 - Ferial Day of Lent

God May Have Done What Man Was too Cowardly to Do:
Shut Down the Headquarters of the Newchurch of the New Order

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Empty St. Peter's Square Empty St. Peter's Basilica

After Sixty Years of Rampant Heresy
Rampant Sacrilege
And Rampant Paedophile Crimes
The Headquarters of the Newchurch of the New Order
Has Been Shut Down
St. Peter's Square (Left) Is Now Abandoned
St. Peter's Basilica (Right) Is Now Deserted
The Prophecy of the Angel at the Resurrection
Has Come True in the Imposter Newchurch:
"He Is Not Here"

Why has the Newchurch of the New Order, its headquarters in Newvatican, and its Newpope all been hit so hard with the hyped Chinese Coronavirus scare? Like the heretical cowards they are, they rushed to shut down their sanctuaries and their Unsacraments -- until Palm Sunday at least -- so as to abandon the afflicted in a stunningly unCatholic move. Not even in the Black Plague that killed over a third of Europe in the fourteenth century did the real Catholic Church do such a thing.

After sixty years of rampant heresy, rampant sacrilege, and rampant paedophile crimes in the Newchurch of the New Order, founded in 1964 at the Vatican II Anti-council, one is tempted to conclude that perhaps the Lord was so offended that he has taken the vengeance that is His (Deuteronomy 32:35).

Thus St. Peter's Basilica, the principal daily locus for the idolatry, sacrilege, and blasphemy of the "New Mess" is now deserted, empty as a tomb. St. Peter's Square is now abandoned, its chairs bereft of bodies. The prophecy of the Angel at the Resurrection has come true in the phony Newchurch: "He is not here" (Matthew 28:6/DRV). Francis-Bergoglio's pathetic little daily Messes in the Casa Santae Marthae are closed to the public. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Zenit News Service.]

True Catholics, it is even rumored that Francis-Bergoglio will use the excuse of the Chinese Coronavirus to cancel Easter. The Marxist/Modernist Newpope would probably like to do nothing more than shut down the principal feast of the Catholic Church, without which, says St. Paul, our faith is vain (1 Corinthians 15:14/DRV).

March 12, 2020 - St. Gregory the Great
Pope, Confessor & Doctor

Chinese Coronavirus Does to Francis-Bergoglio What Newchurch Couldn't:
Caged Him In!

From: The TRADITIO Fathers

Francis-Bergoglio Continues Sick from a Virus
For Over Two Weeks Now
Whether a Cold, the Flu, or Chinese Coronavirus
No Evidence Has Been Presented
His Newvatican Propaganda Machine
Keeps Calling His Malady a "Slight Cold"
But the Italian Government Regulations
Have Quarantined Him from Appearing
Closer than Three Metres from Anyone

On Sunday, March 8, 2020, Italian government regulations did to Francis-Bergoglio what Newchurch itself was unable to do for his heresies, sacrileges, and immoralities: caged him in. Rumors keep circulating that he has the Chinese Coronavirus. His propaganda machine keeps claiming that the one-lunged 83-year-old has only a "slight cold." Rumors are also circulating that he has been tested for Chinese Coronavirus and has been found negative. But no official report to that effect has been released, nor has any test result been published.

So the government of Italy quarantined him indoors to his rooms. He is not allowed to come within three metres of anyone. His Sunday Angelus was canceled and rendered only on tape. Nevertheless, before the rumors and the government quarantine, the already-ill Bergoglio didn't hesitate to glad-hand the crowds in St. Peter's Square on Ash Wednesday, using the hand into which he was constantly coughing. Even if he has a cold or flu virus, he still has a virus that is is communicable, and can even turn lethal in some susceptible people. What a great act of Christian charity from the Marxist/Modernist! [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Agence France-Presse.]

True Catholics, at the same time a group of Newbishops from Peru meeting in Newvatican didn't hesitate to shake hands with each other, leaving out Bergoglio. Yet Newvatican still claimed that Bergoglio was "out with a cold" for two weeks. That must be one of the worst "slight colds" on record. But, then, the Newvatican propaganda machine has been exposed so many times as a purveyor of lies that no one in Italy pays any attention to its pronouncements.

March 11, 2020 - Ferial Day of Lent

Paedophiliac Newcardinal Barbarin Finally Abdicates
Francis-Bergoglio Supported "the Primate of the Gauls" until the Public Outcry Was Just Too Great

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Francis-Bergoglio & Philippe  Barbarin

The Third Paedophile Newpope Francis-Bergoglio
Congratulates the Paedophiliac Newcardinal Philippe Barbarin
Who Was Convicted of Concealing the Sexual Assault
Against Some 70 Children, Perpetrated by His Presbyter
Instead of Canning Barbarin, Bergoglio Kept Him
Until the Public Outcry Became So Loud
That Bergoglio Finally Had to Throw Him under the Bus

After the public outcry became deafening and even with the support of the Third Paedophile Newpope, Francis-Bergoglio, Newcardinal Philippe Barbarin, of Lyon, France, finally gave up the ghost and abdicated.on March 6, 2020. Barbarin had been convicted of concealing the paedophile crimes of his presbyter, Bernard Preynat.

Yet the corrupt Episcopal Conference of France dared to thank the paedophiliac Newcardinal Barbarin "for what he brought to the Church in France during his episcopal service" and expressed it's "fraternal friendship when a new time of his ministry begins." Barbarin had subjected some 70 Newchurch children, for whom he was responsible, to the basest crimes by the predatory paedophile Preynat, who raped, sodomized, and/or sexually assaulted them. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Zenit.]

True Catholics, these clueless Newchurcher officials from Bergoglio on down have still not learned the lesson of Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust, which continues unabated to this day and is causing the rapid collapse of the Newchurch of the New Order. The pervert Newcardinal should not be thanked, but shunned, together with the Newpope who facilitated the whole affair and never canned Barbarin for his vile complicity in one of the Four Biblical Sins that Cry out to Heaven for Retribution.

March 10, 2020 - Forty Holy Martyrs
Semidouble Feast

Newchurch Presbyter Publicly Refuses to Pledge Obedience
To the Marxist/Modernist Francis-Bergoglio and His "False Church"

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Alessandro Minutella

Sicilian Presbyter Alessandro Minutella
Has Publicly Refused
To Pledge Obedience to Francis-Bergoglio
Who He Claims Has Established a "False Church"
Minutella Has Declared War on Bergoglio
Calling upon Newchurchers to "Resist" Bergoglio
And Defend the "True Church"
His Newparish Supports Minutella
And Rejects Bergoglio for Getting
"Too Close to Lutheranism"

Sicilian Presbyter Alessandro Minutella has publicly refused to pledge obedience to Francis-Bergoglio as demanded by his Newarchbishop. The presbyter, rejecting Bergoglio's excusing all kinds of grievous unrepented sins under the guise of "mercy," proclaimed his opposition to the Novus Ordo "Church of Mercy," which he called "the imposture of the false Church" of Francis-Bergoglio. The presbyter rejects the anti-Catholic practices of Bergoglio and also founded an order of traditional nuns.

Presbyter Minutella has called upon Newchurchers to "resist" Bergoglio and defend the "true Church." He has gotten considerable support, as more and more Newchurchers come to realize just what the Modernist/Marxist Bergoglio is doing to destroy Catholicism around the world. Minutella's Newparish council has organized a prayer vigil for him. Many of his congregation accused Bergoglio of getting too ?close to Lutheranism." The presbyter stated that a "possible schism was already happening within the [New]church." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Crux News Service.]

True Catholics, Francis-Bergoglio's heresies have become so undeniable that even significant elements of his Newchurch have turned against him. Several Newcardinals and Newbishops, as well as a large group of Newchurch theologians, have publicly declared him to be a heretic. Essentially a self-declared Communist, Bergoglio has reacted with vengeance against those who publicly hold him up to Catholic doctrine, a test that he signally fails.

March 9, 2020 - St. Frances of Rome, Widow
Double Feast

Catholic Master Composer Celebrates 342nd Birthday
Antonio Vivaldi Was as Prolific for Catholicism as Bach Was for Lutheranism

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Antonio Vivaldi

Composer Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1740)
One of the Catholic Church's Gifts to the World
Was a Catholic Priest
Who Composed Some of the World's Greatest
Liturgical and Sacred Choral Works
For the Girls of the Venice's Orphanage
Who Were World Renowned
For Their Musical Talent
In Voice and on Instruments
Every Catholic Should Have Some Familiarity
With These Important Works of Our Faith

On March 4, the Italian baroque master composer Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741) celebrated his 342nd birthday. Vivaldi left one of the largest corpora of Catholic music, equaling Johann Sebastian Bach's works for the early Lutheran church at Leipzig. Yet ironically Bach, who some consider a closet Catholic, composed the single greatest Catholic Mass ever written, the High Mass in B-minor.

Unlike Beethoven, an off-and-on Catholic, Vivaldi was not only a lifelong, committed Catholic but also a priest, commonly known as "il prete rosso" from the reddish color of his hair. He was ordained at age 25 in 1703, but because he had a lung problem, perhaps serious asthma, he was dispensed from celebrating Mass. Instead, he poured out his Catholic Faith in wonderous Catholic liturgical works in many forms.

In the same year that he was ordained, Vivaldi became the maestro of the Mercy orphanage for girls in Venice, which was world renowned for the quality of its female singers and instrumentalists. For these exceptional girls he wrote 60 of his greatest works, like the Magnificat. He also wrote an opera featuring the Biblical figure of Judith, from the book which appears in the Catholic Bible, but which was expunged from the Protestant Bible.

In addition to liturgical and sacred choral works, he composed some 600 absolutely superb instrumental works, many in the concerto grosso form for string orchestra. Bach's famous Brandenburg Concerti are also in this form. In fact, Bach transcribed several of Vivaldi's works into harpsichord concerti and organ pieces. There is hardly anyone alive who has not heard the renowned four concerti grossi from Vivaldi's Opus 8, "L'estro Armonico" (The Harmonic Inspiration), entitled "Le Quattro Stagioni" (The Four Seasons).

True Catholics, if you are not familiar with Vivaldi's Catholic masterpieces -- as you should be if you claim to be a Catholic -- start with the Magnificat, the Magnificat of the Blessed Virgin Mary being the canticle that is sung at Vespers of the Divine Office. Unlike composers such as Beethoven, Dvorak, and Berlioz, who wrote Catholic works for the concert hall, Vivaldi wrote works that can be used in actual liturgical services like the Mass and Vespers. While Palestrina's Catholic works are beautifully celestial, Vivaldi's, just as Catholic, are stirring in their brilliance and are part of the vast cultural heritage that the Catholic Church has inspired in music, art, and architecture.

March 8, 2020 - Second Sunday of Lent
Semidouble Sunday of the First Class

As Rumors Spread in Italy that Francis-Bergoglio Has Chinese Coronavirus
Newvatican Claims that He Has Canceled His Events for Ten Days because of a "Light Cold"

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Francis-Bergoglio Coughing Fit

Francis-Bergoglio Has Another Coughing Fit
During the Sunday, March 1, 2020, Angelus
Rumors Are Spreading around the Italian Press
That He Has the Chinese Virus, Which Is Spreading in Italy
But His Newvatican Mouthpieces Claim
That He Has a "Light Cold"
Even though He Has Canceled Most Events
Including His Annual Lenten Retreat
Now for Ten Days

In order to counter reports in the Italian press that Francis-Bergoglio contracted Chinese Coronavirus on Ash Wednesday, February 26, 2020, and then proceeded to shake hands on a rope line in St. Peter's Square, while he coughed his head off into his shaking hand, Newvatican issued a contradictory press release, typical of the mendacious "spin" that Newvatican customarily uses. St. John writes: "Christ is truth" (1 John 5:6/DRV), but certainly Newvatican isn't.

This is the kind of propagandistic lying so common from Newvatican, which on March 2, 2020, claimed that Bergoglio has had since Ash Wednesday a "light cold." Light colds don't force you to cancel ten days of activities, including an entire Lenten retreat. Newvatican also claims that Bergoglio is in excellent health -- this about a man who has one lung, which makes him subject to lethal respiratory problems like pneumonia and even Chinese Coronavirus. Nor do "light colds" come with a persistent cough for over a week. Numerous photographs over the last several days show Bergoglio still having coughing fits. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Reuters.]

True Catholics, why are Newchurch officials such inveterate liars? Could it be that they have gotten so used to lying about the Catholic Faith, which they reject, about the Catholic Mass, which they don't have, and about one moral scandal after another that the Newpopes and their officials long ago lost their grip on the truth and now can do nothing but lie?

March 7, 2020 - St. Thomas Aquinas, Confessor & Doctor
Double Feast

Milan Newcardinal Gets Theology Dead Wrong
Like Francis-Bergoglio, He Makes It All up as He Goes Along

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Great Flood

"I Will Destroy Man, Whom I Have Created" (Genesis 6:7/DRV)
And Thus, because of the Wickedness of Man
The Great Flood, Confirmed by Science, Came to Pass
Yet Newcardinal Scola Will Not Entertain the Possibility
That Modernist Milan's Infestation with the Chinese Coronavirus
Might Be, at Least in Part, Divine Retribution
Scola, Like the Modernist/Marxist Francis-Bergoglio
Not Being Catholic, Have No Understanding of Scripture
As Handed down through Sacred Tradition

From the hotspot of the Chinese Coronavirus in Northern Italy, where Newchurches have been locked shut, the Newcardinal of Milan, Angelo Scola, felt it necessary to make up theology on February 28, 2020, stating: "Divine punishment does not exist." Here is another Newprelate that doesn't read the Bible. No Catholic -- of course Scola is a Modernist heretic like his fellow Newchurchers -- could make such a statement upon reading the Old and even New Testament.

Scola quoted only verse 13:4 of St. Luke's Gospel -- and that in a defective paraphrase -- concerning the Jews who died in the falling of a tower at Siloam, but omitted verse 13:5: "Except you do penance, you shall all likewise perish." The Catholic teaching based upon Sacred Scripture is that Providence furnishes a reason for even those things that seem to us to be evils, and evil human institutions are punished even in this world -- as Newchurch itself is experiencing with its collapse as a result of its heresies and immoralities. One thinks of the Great Flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, and the counter-example of Ninive, whose king and people heeded the prophet Jonas. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Correspondenza Romana.]

True Catholics, by shutting its Newchurches and banning its Unsacraments, allegedly because of the virus, Newchurch seems to be deliberately destroying itself, like its "auto-destruction" (Paul VI-Montini's term) after the Vatican II Anti-council. Even Milan's Newchurchers are now seeking the Traditional Latin Mass outside of Newchurch, which does not have it. Deo volente, these Newchurchers will never return to the New Order sect, but become traditional Catholics forever outside the fake Newchurch.

March 6, 2020 - Sts. Perpetua & Felicitas, Martyrs
Ember Friday

Much Ado about Nothing: Parents of Mute Autistic Boy
Go Berserk when He Is Denied the Fake Novus Ordo Cookie and Kool-Aid

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Novus Ordo Cookie and Kool-Aid

The Fake Novus Ordo Unsacrament
Of the Cookie and Kool-Aid
Which Newchurchers Are Demented
To Receive Idolatrously and Sacrilegiously
Traditionally, a Child Must Have the Use of Reason
As Determined by the Child's Confessor
The Child Must Have the Requisite Knowledge
Beyond Simply Understanding that the Sacrament
Is Different from Mere Bread
The Child Must Also Know and Believe
Those Fundamental Teachings
Necessary for the Reception of the Sacraments

It is amazing how Newchurchers go crazy over the phony cookie and Kook-Aid, which is the invalid (phony) Novus Ordo Unsacrament, in which they participate in objective idolatry and sacrilege. When a Newchurch presbyter recently applied the traditional teaching and denied Uncommunion to an autistic boy who couldn't identify what was supposed to be Communion from mere bread, the parents, ignorant of the Faith, went berserk. It is the same insanity that has inspired Francis-Bergoglio to give the cookie and Kool-Aid to bigamists living in public sin. This is sheer idolatry, in addition to the fact that Novus Ordo Uncommunion is fake. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the New York Post.]

Traditionally, in order to receive the Sacrament, the recipient must have the use of reason. It appears that this boy did not; he could not even speak. The confessor is the primary determiner of whether the child meets the requirements of knowledge and belief. This may be done by an oral or written examination. Moreover, outside cases of death, there is the additional requirement that the recipient must have the requisite knowledge beyond simply understanding that It is different from mere bread. He must know and believe those fundamental teachings necessary for reception of the Sacraments:

  1. there is a God
  2. God rewards the good and punishes the wicked
  3. the Blessed Trinity
  4. the Incarnation

In addition, the recipient of the Sacrament must know and believe:

  1. the Apostles Creed
  2. the Pater Noster
  3. the Ten Commandments
  4. the Precepts of the Church
  5. the necessary Sacraments (Baptism, Penance, Holy Eucharist)
True Catholics, Newchurchers are now to their core. The parents involved here are the same parents who did not baptize their child in the Catholic Faith, but "initiated" him (that is the official Newchurch term) into the Novus Ordo club. Now they treat fake communion as tantamount to a Girl Scout cookie drive. Instead of grousing at a perfectly reasonable judgment about their child's mental condition, they should be instead be thanking the Lord that their son is not involved in the sacrilege of the fake Unsacrament of the New Order.

March 5, 2020 - Ferial Day of Lent

A Reader Asks: "Were Archbishops Lefebvre and Thuc
Able to Consecrate Bishops Validly?"

From: Bob

Francis-Bergoglio Was Neither Ordained a Priest
Nor Consecrated a Catholic Bishop
He Was Merely "Installed"
Under the Invalid New Ordinal of 1968
Which Was Fabricated
According to Heretical Protestant Forms
Pope Leo XIII Definitively
In His 1898 Apostolic Letter "Apostolicae Curae"
Declared Such Persons to Have No Holy Orders
As the Protestants Have No Valid Orders or Mass

Dear TRADITIO Fathers:

Some extremist pseudo-traditionalists around here claim that because Archbishops Marcel Lefebvre and Pierre Thuc "signed" (whatever that means) Vatican II documents, they became unable to consecrate bishops as purported heretics. My understanding of Catholic teaching is that a validly-consecrated bishop is always a bishop, just as a validly-ordained priest is always a priest. The archbishops' goal was certainly not to create an heretical Newchurch and a New Order as the Newchurchers actually did. These pseudo-traditionalists are insane, if you ask me. What does Catholic theology teach about this situation?


There is no valid Sacramental theology for such notions. They sound just like the fancies of uneducated laypeople. It is a long-standing belief of the Church, going back at least to the Great Doctor of the Church, St. Augustine of Hippo, that Sacraments are not based upon the status of the consecrator. As the dogmatic Council of Trent defined it, as long as the consecrator, himself validly consecrated, has the minimum intention "faciendi quod facit Ecclesia," he validly consecrates.

Moreover, Pope Leo XIII confirmed this Catholic theological teaching definitively in his Apostolic Letter Apostolicae Curae: "When anyone has rightly and seriously made use of the due form and the matter requisite for effecting or conferring the Sacrament, he is considered by the very fact to do what the Church does." Thus, a traditionally-consecrated bishop using the traditional rite consecrates validly. In any case, the Archbishops were far from heretics. They explained that they "signed," not as agreeing with the documents, which they had publicly rejected, but as attesting to their presence on the roll of the meeting.

Pope Leo's definitive Apostolic Letter declared Protestant Anglican ordinations invalid because of faulty intention, because of not "doing what the Church does." Consequently, Novus Ordo "orders" are invalid because they have the same faulty intention, which is not, as the immemorial traditional Catholic rite has it, "to offer the Sacrifice of the Mass for the living and the dead." Nor is the Novus Ordo a valid Catholic and Apostolic form (rite), but a Protestantized form fabricated after the Vatican II Anti-council. The stated intention for ministers in Newchurch's New Order rite is rather "to preside over the assembly of the people," just like a Protestant minister, not a Catholic priest.

To sum up, the Newchurch of the New Order has failed to use the valid "due form" since its adoption of the invalid Protestantized New Ordinal of 1968. Thenceforth Newchurch has not validly ordained priests or consecrated bishops. It has merely "installed" them as ministers, just like the Protestants.

March 4, 2020 - St. Casimir, Confessor
Semidouble Feast
Ember Wednesday

A Reader Asks: "How Many Times a Day Should the Angelus
Be Sung or Recited, and at What Time of Day?"

From: Barbara
Praying the Angelus

As the Angelus Bell Rings
Morning, Noon, and Night
Throughout Two Millennia
Work Has Stopped while the Angelus
More Traditional than the Rosary
Coming to Us from the Early Church
Is Prayed
On Sundays the Angelus Can Be Led
By the Priest from the Sanctuary
And Sung by the Congregation in Latin
As an Excellent Preparation for Holy Mass

Dear TRADITIO Fathers:

How many times a day should the Angelus be sung or recited? And at what time of the day should it be sung or recited?


At least once a day, but the usual practice is to stop daily activity and pray the Angelus morning midday and evening, roughly corresponding to the Hours of Lauds, Sext, and Vespers. If one is near a traditional Catholic Church, the church bells will be rung at these times to remind the faithful to pray the Angelus.

The Angelus is a more traditional devotion than the rosary; it originates from the early Church itself. The Angelus commemorates the Archangel Gabriel's Annunciation to Mary and Jesus' Incarnation, as well as provides us with a brief and simple way to mark the key hinges of the day: beginning the day in prayer, pausing during our midday business, and transitioning to the relative calm of evening. It invites the Lord into our day to sanctify it and to guide and protect us. It also focuses our attention on the Incarnation, the most important moment of human history, which is not simply past, but continues to shape human life and to sanctify the world.

Many Catholics find it difficult to pray the rosary regularly. If so, the Angelus is the ideal solution, a even traditional prayer to consecrate the day at morning, noon, and night. On Sundays the Angelus can be led by the priest from the sanctuary and sung by the congregation in Latin (singing the prayer is a more noble practice than merely reciting it), as an excellent preparation for Holy Mass. This is the usual practice in traditional oratories, convents, and monasteries. It is an ideal devotion to pray all the days of Lent, and all the days of one's life.

March 3, 2020 - Ferial Day of Lent

The Number of Presbyters in Once-Catholic Poland Is Tanking
European Youth in General Are Walking out of Francis-Bergoglio's "Political" Newchurch

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Newchurch Crashing

The European Newchurch Is Tearing Its Hair Out
Trying to Understand Why the Number of Its Presbyters
Is Tanking at an Ever-increasing Rate
But Newchurch Officials Are Looking in the Wrong Place
Polish Youth Know Exactly What the Causes Are:
Corrupt Doctrine, a Corrupt "New Mess"
And Francis-Bergoglio's Marxist/Modernist Politics

Poland, once one of the most Catholic countries in Europe, has been sinking ever since the advent of the Newchurch of the New Order after the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965). In more recent decades, the Polish Newchurch has been beset with rampant paedophile crimes among its clergy, aided and abetted by the First Paedophile Newpope, JPII-Wojtyla, of Krakow. So much evidence has recently come to light about the deluge of crimes that occurred under his regime (1978-2005) that Newchurch is considering revoking his fake Novus Ordo "sainthood," conferred upon him by the Third Paedophile Newpope, Francis-Bergoglio.

One in four "installations" of presbyters (Newchurch has not ordained priests in the Sacrament of Holy Orders since adopting the Protestantized New Ordinal of 1968) takes place in Poland, but the number of these installations is tanking, while at the same time more Polish presbyters are walking out of Newchurch.

The downward spiral is characteristic of Newchurch generally in Europe. In 2003 there were 141,000 presbyters left in Europe. By 2019, not even a decade later, that number has dropped by 12 per cent to 125,000. The number of postulants to convents sank from 566 in 2000 to just 177 in 2017, a drop of 79 per cent in less than two decades. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by CCI News.]

True Catholics, Newchurch attendance among the youth is falling in Poland faster than anywhere else in the world. Trust in Newchurch has fallen by 40 per cent with the causes cited as rampant paedophilia among the Newclergy and Francis-Bergoglio's interference in political and social issues. While Polish and European Newchurch officials are looking elsewhere for the causes of Newchurch's fall, the Polish youth know exactly the causes are: corrupt doctrine, a corrupt "New Mess," and Francis-Bergoglio's Marxist/Modernist politics.

March 2, 2020 - Ferial Day of Lent

Francis-Bergoglio Falls Sick for a Week
Yet He Had Coughed All over Tourists on His Narcissistic Rope Line

From: The TRADITIO Fathers

Francis-Bergoglio Walks the New Order
Glad-handing Line in St. Peter's Square
Coughing His Head off, He Spreads His Infection
To an Italy Already Infected with the Chinese Coronavirus
Whatever Disease He Had on Ash Wednesday
Forced Him to Cancel His "Appearances"
The Following Thursday and Friday
You'd Think that Bergoglio Would Have Stopped
Engaging in His Self-serving Glad-handing
But as a Confirmed Narcissist
He Must Always Be at the Center of Attention
Even to the Uncharitable Risk of Infecting
His Newchurch "Brothers and Sisters"

Charity starts at home, they say. Well, by that criterion, Francis-Bergoglio doesn't have any. While areas of Italy are being quarantined because of the Chinese Coronavirus, and gatherings are being canceled, the Narcissist Newpope decided that he would cough his way down a rope line of tourists. This glad-handing "rite" originated after the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965) to turn Newpopes from religious heads into rock star "personalities" -- an entirely unCatholic and unChristian attitude.

The Narcissistic Newpope decided to kick off Lent on February 26, 2020, by coughing his way down a rope line of tourists in St. Peter's Square. It was clear that he was sick. He constantly had to cover his mouth with the bank of his hand. What was the point of covering his mouth when he used his hand to pass along his germs, together with his heresies, to those who touched his hand?

The next day it was clear what Bergoglio had done. He had to cancel his "appearances" because of what Newvatican's propaganda machine called a "slight indisposition." Yet he still simulated the Novus Ordo Mess in his Santa Marta chapel and passed along his germs to the Global Catholic [Sic] Climate Movement, a product of his "global warming" fanaticism. On February 28, 2020, Bergoglio yet again canceled his appearances because of the same "slight indisposition," which had now become more than "slight." On February 29, 2020, now for the third day in a row, Bergoglio canceled his appearances.

On March 1, 2020, Bergoglio announced that he was canceling his participation in the annual Lenten retreat for the Newroman Curia, which extends from March 1 to March 6, Meanwhile, unconfirmed reports indicated that he himself had caught the Chinese Coronavirus and had spread the virus to several of his close associates. Naturally, the secretive Newvatican was mute on the subject. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic News Agency.]

True Catholics, as of the date of Francis-Bergoglio's "slight indisposition," Italian authorities had reported 650 cases of the Chinese Coronavirus, from which 17 Italians have died. You'd think that Bergoglio would have knocked off the glad-handing, most especially with the start of Lent. But no, his temptation to be at all times the center of attention never escapes Bergoglio, who has Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), and has it bad -- even to the uncharitable risk of infecting his Newchurch "brothers and sisters."

March 1, 2020 - St. Ignatius, Bishop & Martyr
Semidouble Sunday of the First Class

A Reader Asks: "Can an Elderly Priest Validly Offer a Novus Ordo Mess?
What about So-called Novus Ordo "Eucharistic Miracles?"

From: Jan

"Savior with the Eucharist"
By Juan de Juanes (ca. 1545-1550)
The True Miracle Is Repeated
At Each and Every Traditional Latin Mass
No Further Miracle Is Needed
The Fake Novus Ordo Mess
Was Corrupted into Invalidity
In 1969, when It Was Gutted by Two-thirds
From Its Traditional Catholic Form
And Transformed into an Essentially Protestant Service
Confecting No Sacrament and Conferring No Grace

Dear TRADITIO Fathers:

If you have a priest in his 80s simulating a Novus Ordo "Mess," does transubstantiation take place with the "eucharist"? I was told that it did. Also mentioned was some purported "eucharistic miracle" in Brazil recently. Could you please explain such a claim? Is it a hoax created by an entity that is not of God or Heaven?


No, transubstantiation does not occur, and there is no sacrament. Such a priest, even if he is so old as to have been validly ordained in the Sacrament of Holy Orders before the invalid Protestantized New Ordinal adopted by Newchurch in 1968, the Novus Ordo Mess itself was corrupted into invalidity in 1969. This so-called "New Mess" was gutted by two-thirds from its traditional Catholic form and transformed into an essentially Protestant service, confecting no sacrament and conferring no grace.

As to "supposed Novus Ordo "eucharistic miracles," clueless Newchurchers like to throw these up as confirmation of a service that most of them know is no longer a Catholic Mass. But such "miracles," even if true, are no confirmation that the Novus Ordo Mess is valid. The true miracle is repeated at each and every traditional Catholic Mass. No further miracle is needed. Moreover, Catholics are warned again and again in Scripture (the Bible) that latter-day "miracles" are more likely to emanate from the Devil than from God. For example, St. Paul warns:

And then that wicked one shall be revealed: whom the Lord Jesus shall kill with the spirit of his mouth and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: him Whose coming is according to the working of Satan, in all power and signs and lying wonders: And in all seduction of iniquity to them that perish: because they receive not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. Therefore God shall send them the operation of error, to believe lying (2 Thessalonians 2:8-11/DRV).

Sacred Scripture makes it clear that fake "miracles" can originate from Satan to confuse the faithful into lies. The only remedy is, as St. Paul clearly directs, to hold fast to Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition, not to phony miracles. For further information on this topic, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) department, in the section "Apparitions, Miracles, Private Revelations, and Visions."

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