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On June 26, 2009, Benedict-Ratzinger's newspaper, L'Osservatore Romano, praised Michael Jackson, who died on June 25, 2009. Jackson was an immoral rock star, who had two wives and an illegitimate child, and was charged by several individuals with paedophilia. As we know well by now, the moral standard of Benedict-Ratzinger's Newvatican is about as low as it is possible for any institution to get. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Agence France-Press.]
The TRADITIO Fathers have noted before that in order to compensate for their loss of the Catholic Faith, Newchurch bishops (and that includes Benedict-Ratzinger) substitute involvement in politics. The U.S. bishops have given their enthusiastic support to a piece of legislation designed to address the unproven problem of "global warming," following the marching orders of the pro-abortion, pro-"gay" Barack Obama. The Waxman-Markey bill has been characterized as entailing "the largest tax increase in American history."
The U.S. hierarchy's support for the predatory tax bill was signaled by Howard Hubbard, who chairs the U.S. bishops' Committee on International Justice and Peace. The Congressional Budget Office, in its analysis of the legislation, concluded that the Waxman-Markey bill would entail new costs of 770 dollars a year for the average U.S. family, which is already overwhelmed by an unemployment rate exceeding ten per cent and pending taxes to pay for Obama's 3,000,000,000,000 dollar spending program.
A separate analysis by the Heritage Foundation suggested that the 770-dollar figure was grossly understated and that the actual costs would be closer to $3,000 per year for a typical family of four. The bill would also increase gasoline prices by 58%, home heating oil by 56%, and electric rates by 90%. The total drag on the economy would likely result in a loss of over 1 million jobs. All for a drop in world temperatures of "only hundredths of a degree Celsius" in the next 40 years. [Some information for this Commentary was provided by Catholic World News.]
Good Catholics, these Newchurch bishops certainly have a strange definition of "justice"! And why are they involved in politics instead of getting their own corrupt house in order? They should be purging criminal bishops and presbyters from their number and engineering a complete return to the Catholic Faith -- and we're not referring to the Great "Motu" Mess Hoax!
On June 25, 2009, the SSPX's former Superior General and now District Superior for Germany, Franz Schmidberter, gave an interview to Katholische Nachrichten-Agentur. KNA addressed him as "Mr." Schmidberger and began by asking him whether he was really a priest!
In the interview Schmidberger revealed the new attitude of the SSPX toward the invalid Novus Ordo service: that it would "continue to coexist over the long term" with the "Motu" Mess. He raised no objection to this arrangement.
Even more revealing, Schmidberger said that the SSPX "is satisfied with the solution that [New]rome is considering," an organization like that of Opus Dei. Opus Dei is the New Order cult, founded by Jose Maria Escriva de Balaguer, who anticipated and developed thirty years before Vatican II a revolutionary Novus Ordo Seclorum based upon religious Indifferentism (False Oecumenism). For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Beliefs? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Catholic Apologetics), in the section "Opus Dei."
Dear Fathers:
I have to say that what bugs me most about the Motarians is their ingratitude. There would be no "Motu" Mess, "Mess of 1962+," or whatever they call it, if it hadn't been for the guts of traditional priests who would not go along with the bureaucracy of the New Order. First and foremost of these was Fr. Gommar DePauw, who started the Catholic Traditionalist Movement in 1964, although his name is virtually never mentioned. Now the SSPX is trying to dump Archbishop Lefebvre, without whose unmatched courage in calling the New Order in Newrome "not Catholic" the Conciliar popes wouldn't care a fig for any "Latin Mass."
The sycophantic nonsense about the "Holy Father," Benedict-Ratzinger, Vatican II Modernist & Prefect of Child Rapists, for eking out an invalid "Latin Mass" makes me sick to my stomach! It just proves to me how addled the brains of Newchurchers have become in the last 40 years. And throw the SSPX's Bernie Fellay in with them!
Dear Fathers:
Most people from SSPX chapels do not even know the Ave Maria in Latin, so the Rosary is said in the vulgar tongues. This does not look very good in a supposedly "traditional" organization. In more traditional times, the knowledge of the Ave Maria would not be considered anything out of ordinary, so why can't most SSPXers muster an Ave Maria? You are so right when you criticize the SSPX as not being fully traditional. Instead of praying for the consecration of Russia, the SSPX should say a prayer for its own conversion to fully-traditional Catholicism -- the Ave Maria! Therefore, I am not surprised about the sellout of the SSPX to the New Order that is now happening. It was half way there already.
The Fathers Reply.
That is really quite pathetic. Even the Modernist Vatican II prescribed: "Care must be taken to ensure that the faithful may also be able to say or sing together in Latin those parts of the Ordinary of the Mass which pertain to them." Does the SSPX not meet even the pitiful standard set by the New Order, of which it hankers to become a part?
Dear Fathers:
SSPX Superior General Bernie Fellay's "Rosary Crusades" have an interesting flawed pattern in regards to the SSPX three longstanding issues with Newome, which were:
But Fellay's "Rosary Crusades" were for:
Why was Fellay's latest "Rosary Crusade" not for fixing the errors of Vatican II? Is Fellay now too close to the New Order to criticize it? Or has he in fact now accepted Vatican II, as he has indicated on many recent occasions?
Robert Duncan, of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, was consecrated as the first archbishop of the Anglican Church in North America, established after traditionalist Anglicans rejected the Modernist-liberalist synod of Presiding Bishopess Katherine Jefferts-Schori. The traditionalist Anglicans rejected the synod because it supported the consecration of practicing "gay" bishops and bishopesses and the ordination of priestesses, and failed to uphold Biblical authority on issues such as the divinity of Jesus Christ and Christian morality.
In just a few months, the traditionalist body has attracted 1 in 20 Anglican/Episcopalians and 700 churches from the Modernist-liberalist synod. Never has such a large group abandoned the Modernist-liberalist synod. The traditionalist movement is now worldwide. The traditionalists are fighting vigorous legal battles in states from California to Virginia to take possession of the actual church buildings from the Modernist-liberalist synod. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Christian Science Monitor.]
Dear Fathers:
Here in the U.K., as well as in Australia and New Zealand, some Newchurch dioceses have been advising presbyters to stop passing around the "cup" of Kool-aid at Novus Ordo services because of swine flu. It defies common sense that Novus Ordo congregations participate in communal Kool-aid drinking during the "Eucharist." These people seem to think that wiping the edge of the cup with the same napkin over and over again somehow prevents contamination. What is even more surprising is that some Newchurch bishops are discouraging the de rigeur "handshake of peace" and the giving of the Novus Ordo cookie on the tongue.
The Fathers Reply.
Newchurch is paying the price for reinstituting the Kool-aid service after Vatican II, following Protestant practice. As to handing out the invalid Novus Ordo cookie, if their hands are too infected to shake, what sense does it make to give the cookie from one infected hand into another? This is so typical of the irrationality that is the Novus Ordo.
In the end, this is a non-issue; it pertains only to the unCatholic New Order sect. No traditional Catholic priest gives Communion in the hand -- ever, for any reason. The practice has been consistently condemned by the popes and the Church from the second century. For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Beliefs? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Catholic Apologetics), in the section "Communion in the Hand."
Dear Fathers:
I discovered the joy and benefits of praying in the Church's language. Latin has a beauty, elegance, lyrical flow and grace unparalleled by any modern vernacular language. It forces me to think over about what I'm praying and why I'm praying, instead of merely babbling without meaning what I say -- which happens when one prays in the vulgar tongues. My prayer life has grown stronger, and I really enjoy praying now.
Dear Fathers:
It seems that the SSPX claims jurisdiction, which they do not have. A photograph of the SSPX ordinations at Winona, Minnesota, on June 19, 2009, shows Bernie Fellay again wearing a violet mozzetta, a short cape that symbolizes the power of jurisdiction, of a bishop within his diocese.
At the First Session of Vatican II, the bishops, except for the cardinals, had worn the mantelleta, a sleeveless garment reaching to the knees. During the Second Session, October-December 1963, Paul VI decreed that all bishops wear the mozzetta, presumably to give expression to the evolving Modernist notion of "collegiality." So, this use of the mozzetta is a product of Vatican II and that Conciliar pope. The SSPX bishops also use the throne instead of the faldstool when pontificating. This practice too smacks of Vatican II "collegiality." Only a bishop with ordinary jurisdiction in his own diocese uses a pontifical throne.
Independent traditional Catholic bishops do not presume to wear the mozzetta of jurisdiction. They rightly wear only the mantelleta, which has disappeared from Newchurch. Nor do they presume to pontificate from the pontifical throne because they do not claim ordinary jurisdiction. Apparently, the SSPX bishops already presume ordinary jurisdiction -- which they lack. The independent traditional Catholic bishops act appropriately in accordance with their situation.
A document issued by the Committee on Doctrine and the Committee on Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs of the U.S. Conference of Catholic [sic] Bishops on June 18, 2009, entitled "A Note on Ambiguities Contained in Reflections on Covenant and Mission," has gotten radical Jews, like Abraham Foxman, Director of the B'nai B'rith [Sons of the Jewish Covenant]'s Anti-Defamation League, hopping mad. Foxman doesn't like the implication that Catholics "can use interfaith dialogue as a means to invite Jews to Christian baptism. If so, then it is unacceptable, for such a statement would foster mistrust between Jews and Catholics and undermine years of work building a positive relationship based on mutual trust and respect of our differences in faith."
The Jews have also given Newchurch more grief over the Williamson Affair. The Israeli ambassador to Newvatican, Mordechay Lewy, told the Boston Globe that Benedict-Ratzinger's "unexcommunications" and the Williamson Affair are a "very, very severe problem" and are just cause for "Jewish interference" in the Catholic religion. Lewy said that SSPX Senior Bishop Williamson's "holocaust denying was the point which brought the whole Jewish interference." Lewy didn't even get it right: Williamson never denied the "holocaust" as such. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by JTA Global News Service.]
Good Catholics, pity poor Benedict-Ratzinger! He now has to dance the tune of Jews rather than Catholics, all in the of his Ecumenical God of Vatican II. The Jewish radicals are now telling him how to run his Newchurch. That must really stick in his craw.
On June 21, 2009, the Neo-SSPX's Superior General, Bernie Fellay, gave an interview to the Austrian Die Presse that was a shocker for those who thought that he or his Neo-SSPX remain "traditional."
In spite of his sellout stance toward the Novus Ordo, Fellay is proceeding with the ordinations that have been condemned by the German Bishops' Conference, Vatican Radio, and Benedict-Ratzinger's own official spokesman. Federico Lombardi quoted Benedict-Ratzinger as saying: "The society has no canonical status in the Church, and its ministers ... do not legally exercise any ministry in the [Novus Ordo [Church]." Lombardi pronounced in Benedict-Ratzinger's name: "The ordinations are still to be considered illegal."
Fellay's words and deeds are again exposed as so hypocritical so that even those members amongst the Neo-SSPX who still remain clueless about what is going on may now find the reality hard to deny. Fellay says that he wants to be a good Novus Ordo soldier and has a thing for the Conciliar Benedict-Ratzinger. But at the same time he wants his own cake and to eat it too. He, therefore, dumped his pledge of fidelity to SSPX's founder, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, and flew across the Atlantic to be personally present at the ordinations that his new bosom-buddy in Newrome has condemned as illegal. Does Fellay have one iota of honesty left? Or, rather, do the words of Scripture apply: "He hath blasphemed; what further need have we of witnesses? Behold, now you have heard the blasphemy (Matthew 26:65/DRV).
In a June 21, 2009, interview with the Austrian Die Presse, the Neo-SSPX's Superior General, Bernie Fellay, confirmed that he had relegated the SSPX's Senior Bishop, Richard Williamson, to perpetual silence in what he termed "internal exile." Fellay stated: "He is in London. He prays; he is studying, nothing else."
When asked whether he foresaw an end to the "internal exile" that he had imposed upon Williamson for expressing his opinion on a matter of secular history, Fellay bluntly replied: "I see none" and added that he personally considers Williamson's opinion "unbearable."
The French press is reporting that Bernard Tissier de Mallerais, who many think is the most traditional of the four living bishops of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), has announced in a letter dated February 28, 2009, that "there exists a 'legitimate doubt' on the 'validity of a pope such as Benedict XVI." Tissier noted in his letter that the SSPX's founder, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, also had this doubt. However, the SSPX's current Superior General, Bernie Fellay, has in the past viciously suppressed any of his clerics who took that position. Fellay silenced SSPX's Senior Bishop Richard Williamson for expressing his opinion on a matter of secular history. Will Fellay silence Bishop Tissier as well? Pretty soon Fellay won't have any bishops left!
It is noteworthy that Bishop Tissier used the theological term validity and not legitimacy. The question of validity pertains to the status of Fr. Ratzinger's episcopal consecration. It is a fact that Fr. Ratzinger was not consecrated as a bishop in the traditional form, but was merely "ordained," as the Novus Ordo puts it, in Munich, Germany, in 1977, under the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini's Novus Ordo Ordinal of 1968. The issue of the validity of Benedict-Ratzinger's status as a bishop is critical because a man cannot be pope if he is not the valid Bishop of Rome.
It is significant that it is Bishop Tissier who has openly raised the question of the invalidity of the Novus Ordo Ordinal of 1968. In addition to being widely considered the most traditional of the four living SSPX bishops, Tissier wrote the most extensive biography of the SSPX's founder, Archbishop Lefebvre, in his 2004 The Biography: Marcel Lefebvre.
After the "Beheading" Meeting between the SSPX's Superior General, Bernie Fellay, and Benedict-Ratzinger on August 29, 2005, Newcardinal Dario Hoyos approached Fellay with Benedict-Ratzinger's request that Fellay and the SSPX openly acknowledge that Benedict-Ratzinger is in fact a valid pope. This remarkable, but little-noticed, request was made in the context of challenges to Benedict-Ratzinger's episcopal consecration by a considerable number of traditional Catholics. Does Benedict-Ratzinger himself have questions about the validity of his own papacy?
Presbyter Peter Gumpel, the German Newjesuit who is the official relator of the cause for canonization of Pope Pius XII has charged at a Rome conference that Benedict-Ratzinger has been pressed by Jewish organizations to delay the beatification. Newvatican was quick to call the charges "unjustified and inopportune," but did not deny them. Gumpel said the Jews threatened Benedict-Ratzinger that if he proceeded with the beatification, "relations between the Catholic Church and Jews would be definitively and permanently compromised." Gumpel said that the threat had made quite an "impression" on Benedict-Ratzinger.
Jewish organizations showed their chutzpah in interfering with matters internal to a Christian church. The beatification of Pope Pius XII, who was highly praised by the Jewish leaders after World War II for his courage in saving my Jews from death and called by many Catholics the "last traditional pope," has been waiting for over fifty years, whilst Benedict-Ratzinger tries to rush through the beatification of the Novus Ordo "Clown" pope JPII in less than five. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
On June 16, 2009, Newcardinal Joseph Ze-Kiun, Newvatican's top envoy to Communist China, criticized Benedict-Ratzinger, telling Asia News that he is weak and a compromiser. Ze-Kiun said that the time has come for Benedict-Ratzinger to get tough with the murderous government of Red China and not compromise over religious freedom. Ze-Kiun said that Benedict-Ratzinger shouldn't give too much importance to re-establishing diplomatic relations with Communist China because such a move could trick people into thinking there is religious freedom in China when there is not.
Benedict-Ratzinger has lately been selling out to the Communist regime in China, which has a policy of killing Newchurch presbyters and religious, and imprisoning and torturing Newchurch bishops. Recently, he has unofficially recognized the Patriotic National Church, which is the "Catholic" Church run by the Communist government. Benedict-Ratzinger has allowed, even encouraged, his Newchurchers in China to receive the Novus Ordo cookie from the hands of the Communists.
Newvatican, applying the Modernistic principles of Vatican II, has told his own Novus Ordo underground church to merge with the Communist-sponsored Patriotic National Church. Newvatican says that the persecuted (the underground Novus Ordo church) should join the church of the persecutors (the PNC).
I noticed that in a recent interview, the SSPX's Superior General, Bernie Fellay, mentioned the TRADITIO Network in some detail, thus indicating that he is an avid reader of the Daily Commentaries from the TRADITIO Fathers and takes the network very seriously.
My view is that the TRADITIO Fathers are a thorn in the side to him because you're not helping him carry out his "just shut up and pray" campaign to dumb down the SSPX faithful even more. A man who presumably feels he was sent from heaven to bring closure to this crisis is not acting very much like one if he feels he needs to silence every dissent or opposition instead of simply focusing on his "mission." Even in these staged "interviews" that he gives, what you see in Fellay is a political spinner hard at work looking "really challenged" by these obvious, leading, "hand-picked" questions. Not much courage needed there!
Keep up the great work, Fathers! Fellay's mind tricks don't work on us traditional Catholics -- not that that would ever discourage him. He strikes me as someone so full of himself that he'd have a hard time taking a hint.
The Fathers Reply.
Yes, we are delighted to have Bernie Fellay as one of our most avid readers. He has been kind enough on several occasions in the past to give publicity to the TRADITIO Network. Although our numerous sources within his Neo-SSPX report to us that he takes serious umbrage at the fact that we have criticized his Hindenburg Plan since 1994 to sell out the Society to the New Order and is embarrassed at our pointing out that he has thrown the SSPX's Founder Archbishop Lefebvre under the bus because he called the New Order and Benedict-Ratzinger "not Catholic." Yet Fellay has indicated on several occasions that we have hit the mark. Faint praise, indeed, but we'll take it from such an august personage as the Reverendissimus Bernie Fellay!
The TRADITIO Network is the only source that has consistently covered the SSPX from an independent traditional perspective. Fellay deplores that because he can't control it the way he controls his subservient clergy and laity. The Newchurch press, of course, calls Fellay and the SSPX every dirty name in the book, while the SSPX press propagandizes him and the Society as the new savior of mankind. The TRADITIO Network covers equally the New Order and Fellay's Neo-SSPX, which wants to become a part of it. We look at what is going on from the perspective of the Big Picture of the Traditional Catholic Movement, which began in 1964 (we were there) with the courage of the lone Fr. Gommar DePauw (requiescat in pace), who left his position as Dean of the United States' premier seminary to found the Catholic Traditionalist Movement and to continue to celebrate exclusively the Traditional Latin Mass in the Pan American Building in New York City.
We have received numerous messages from SSPX members who say that they look to the TRADITIO Network for news about their organization because they get only deceptive propaganda from Fellay. The TRADITIO Network is very close to attaining our 10,000,000th reader, according to the counter on our home page. The TRADITIO Network was one of the first sites on the World Wide Web -- since 1994. We were here even before Newvatican. We've seen it all; heard it all. And through it all we continue to provide unique, provocative, often bitingly satirical commentary (after the fashion of St. Augustine, St. Thomas More, and other Saints of the Church) from half a century's personal observation of the Catholic Church both pre- and post-Vatican II, on current events in the Church from an independent traditional perspective. As our headline page indicates: "The Independent Voice of Traditional Catholicism since 1994."
Catholic [sic] Charities of San Francisco, an agency of the Newchurch archdiocese of San Francisco, California and its archbishop George Niederauer, was forced by a U.S. federal judge to pay damages to a 71-year-old man, whom the organization fired from his job and replaced with a worker half his age. A commission of the U.S. Government had charged Catholic Charities with a fraudulent firing and then lying about the illegal reason. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the San Francisco Chronicle.]
Stung by a May 2009 independent commission's 2600-page report detailing the Irish clergy's "endemic" rapes and assaults against children, Benedict-Ratzinger in a June 18, 2009, letter "deplored" presbyters who were unfaithful to their vows, but failed to make a mea maxima culpa for his own infidelity to his vows as pope.
He is supposed to be the "Holy Father," caring for his children, but instead he has, since 2001 when he was made Sex-crimes Czar by JPII, completely failed to take any action to protect his Newchurch children against the tens of thousands of his bishop and presbyter sex-criminals. In fact, he has done worse: he engineered a total cover-up plan and threatened with excommunication any bishop who reported a presbyter sex criminal to the civil police. Benedict-Ratzinger does not merit the title "Holy Father." Instead, his actions merit him more aptly the title "Devil's Disciple."
Benedict-Ratzinger's incompetence to handle the office of the papacy was highlighted by his statement: "What is most helpful to the Church in such cases is not only a frank and complete acknowledgment of the weaknesses of her ministers, but also a joyful and renewed realization of the greatness of God's gift." No, Unholy Father! What is most helpful to the Church is for you to root out the criminals amongst your clergy and subject them to the most severe penalties. Then you might dissuade other clergy from engaging in the same crimes. Instead, since you do nothing but suborn these crimes by letting the criminals go scot free, your Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal grows, and your prelates, like Archbishop Weakland, make money off it with impunity.
Organizations that support the victims of the Newchurch clergy's crimes against children responded by criticizing Benedict-Ratzinger's words as "hollow." "It's tiresome again to see verbal Vatican-posturing about clergy sex crimes devoid of any action whatsoever or any admission that the real issue remains: callous bishops who continue to recklessly and deceptively transfer sexually-troubled priests [sic] to unsuspecting parishes." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
Anybody who thinks that the Novus Ordo is "more reverent" under Benedict-Ratzinger has got to be fooling himself. Here is the Novus Ordo "Cookie on a Stick," which was used in the Newchruch diocese of Linz, Austria, during its 2009 Corpus Domini procession (the Novus Ordo has done away with the feastday of Corpus Christi). This official photograph shows the dean of the diocese, Helmut Part, spearing the giant cookie (or is it a giant strudel?) and sashaying along the path.
Although Bernie Fellay, the Neo-SSPX's Superior General, is purging from SSPX web sites Founder-Archbishop Lefebvre's forthright statements against the Newchurch of the New Order and Card. Ratzinger by name, these statements exist in published form in many hands. One of our correspondents has sent us these two statements from the first decade of the SSPX, when he had no hesitation to proceed with traditional Catholic ordinations in spite of Paul VI's objections. The Archbishop was a truly courageous man and did not withhold his vehement criticism of the unCatholic New Order and its prelates.
From The Daily Telegraph, June 30, 1977
Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, 71, ordained 14 young priests yesterday at Econe, Switzerland, in defiance of [Paul VI] and bitterly attacked the [New]vatican for allowing "mercenaries, thieves and wolves" to undermine the Church from inside. "What we are witnessing today in the Church is the official abandonment of the message of Jesus Christ and His rule over the family and society. Jesus Christ in the Gospel said that mercenaries, thieves, and wolves would destroy the Church's flock. Nothing stops us from believing that these animals exist within the [New]church. We will not extend our hand to them."
From the London Times, June 29, 1978
Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, the traditional Catholic bishop, defied [Paul VI] again today by ordaining 40 priests at his seminary here. An estimated 4,000 people attended the ceremony. Lefebvre accused the [New]vatican of being in collusion with the Freemasonry movement and denounced what he called "the diabolical hand that is in Rome." Lefebvre announced that he had received another letter from [New]rome asking him to desist from the latest round of ordinations and inviting him to a Vatican meeting in July 1978. "A colloquium with whom," he exclaimed. "Those who betray the truth, those who have made a deal with the Freemasons?"
"No man can serve two masters. For either he will hate the one and love the other; or he will sustain the one, and despise the other" (Matthew 6:24/DRV). The TRADITIO Network has followed Our Lord's warning and harshly criticized the hypocrisy of Bernie Fellay and his Neo-SSPX since at least his first "Beheading" meeting with Benedict-Ratzinger on August 29, 2005, for Fellay's trying to be "traditional" and at the same time a member of the Modernistic New Order sect.
On June 17, 2009, the Neo-SSPX's Superior General Bernie Fellay finally learned the truth of Our Lord's warning, as the Novus Ordo vise pinched him tightly. Benedict-Ratzinger, who has denounced Fellay & Co. as acting with "arrogance and presumptuousness," is now telling Fellay that his Neo-SSPX cannot ordain any more priests, let alone celebrate Mass and administer the Sacraments. In March 2009 Benedict-Ratzinger sent a letter to all Newchurch bishops saying that the SSPX is barred from administering the Sacraments until it accepts the "authority" of the Second Vatican Council and the (Modernist) "magisterial teachings" of the popes since the Council.
In accepting "unexcommunication" from the Newchurch of the New Order, Fellay and the other three SSPX bishops implicitly accepted membership in the New Order and a concomitant state of suspension, in which they could not perform sacramental functions, such as ordinations, without explicit Newvatican permission. Such permission has not been given.
As the TRADITIO Network had previously predicted, Newvatican on June 17, 2009, warned that if Fellay & Co. proceeded with plans for ordinations on June 19 and 27, 2009, in Germany, Switzerland, and the United States, the ordinations will be considered "illegal" by Newchurch and the SSPX bishops could incur "disciplinary action." The disciplinary action, as already announced on Vatican Radio, could include "re-excommunication" of the four SSPX bishops (Fellay, Galarreta, Tissier, Williamson). After the harsh criticism of Benedict-Ratzinger by Jewish leaders because of his inept handling of the Williamson affair, Benedict-Ratzinger may well, at this point, wish to cut the SSPX loose entirely.
Already Benedict-Ratzinger is shutting down the independent Ecclesia Dei Commission and making it a flyspeck in the giant Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, headed by Newcardinal William Levada, an opponent of traditional Catholicism. Levada met with Fellay on June 5, 2009, in Newrome and told him in no uncertain terms that he must accept the Modernist Council Vatican II. Now Fellay is being told that he must dance to the Novus Ordo's tune when it comes to conferring the Sacraments. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Reuters.]
Since Benedict-Ratzinger's election in 2004, Fellay has opening abandoned the wise principles of the SSPX's Founder, Archbishop Lefebvre, and has adopted a sellout position toward the New Order sect by:
Too bad Fellay did not listen to the sage advice of Archbishop Lefebvre and the consistent warnings of the TRADITIO Network since 2004 and before. The incompetent Fellay has met the smiling-faced devil and has now been smacked in the derriere by his diabolical barbed tail. Pride goeth before the fall.
Dear Fathers:
I had always wondered by Archbishop Lefebvre consented to use the 1962 Missal although he admitted that the Missal prior to 1955 was a superior expression of the Catholic Faith.
The Fathers Reply.
At first Archbishop Lefebvre accepted the "1962 Missal" as the last missal bearing any resemblance to the Traditional Latin Mass, but he did consider it severely compromised. However, he was at that time fighting a number of doctrinal issues with Newchurch and wanted to focus on what he believed were those more important issues. Nevertheless, he ordered SSPX priests to retain several pre-1962 practices.
The Archbishop ordered that SSPX priest retain the Confiteor before the Communion of the people, which had been eliminated by the 1960 modernization of the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini. He ordered that SSPX priests retain the phrase perfidis Iudaeis in the Litanical Prayer of Good Friday, which had been eliminated by John XXIII in 1959. He ordered that SSPX priests retain the ceremonial re-entry into the church on Palm Sunday, which had been eliminated by the Bugnini in 1956.
Over the past thirty years, many traditional Catholic priests who originally went along with the "1962 Missal" have rethought their position, as its enshrining of Modernistic principles has been further exposed. At first it seemed merely inferior to the Traditional Latin Missal, but not a major stumbling block. Thirty years of study and research since then by traditional scholars has demonstrated how "1962 Missal" was intended by Bugnini as a ramp-up to the full-out Novus Ordo of 1969, to "soften up" laypeople for an all-out assault upon the Catholic Mass.
One thing about the Archbishop, he kept up an active analysis of what was going on in Newchurch. What may not have seemed to him like an important issue in 1970 had certainly become one by 1990, after the perspective of twenty years. Likewise, in the beginning he didn't countenance the sede-vacantist hypothesis, but by the time of his death in 1991 he was writing that sede-vacantism couldn't be ruled out as an explanation for the apostasy of Newchurch. According to an SSPX priest who knew the Archbishop quite well, the Archbishop just before his death was seriously considering ordering SSPX priests to return to the pre-1955 Missal.
On June 29, 1972, Paul VI proclaimed that the "smoke of Satan" had entered the Church after Vatican II. Now Santa Maria Stella Maris Church in Rome has stopped providing Holy Water because it is being stolen for Satanic rituals. Reports from Italian police, previously published in the TRADITIO Commentaries, have indicated that Satanism is rife in Rome and Italy as a whole, as the "smoke of Satan" continues to stink up the Benedict-Ratzingers Newchurch of the New Order.
The church's pastor also revealed that several chalices and tablecloths for the Novus Ordo banquet table have disappeared and are feared to be in the hands of Satanists for use in Black Masses. It is suspected that some of the Satanists may be Newchurchers who have gone over to the "dark side." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by El Messaggero.]
The irony of this situation is that the Novus Ordo doesn't really have Holy Water, as Newchurch has completely changed the form of blessing to eliminate the exorcism that gives the water its power as a Sacramental against Satan!
The Sheriff's Department of Oneonta, New York, searched Sacred Heart Catholic Church, its rectory, its parish center, and its garage on June 15, 2009, in connection with charges against its presbyter-pastor, James McDevitt, of sex crimes against children, McDevitt had already been arrested on June 2, 2009, after a car accident and charged with driving while drunk. The Newchurch diocese and McDevitt are keeping closed-mouthed on the sex-crime charges and the drunk driving. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Daily Star.]
Undoubtedly, his clueless congregation will maintain that their presbyter-pastor was "the best presbyter they ever had"! Isn't that what they always say about their criminal Newchurch clergy?
In a new report Newvatican has admitted that since Vatican II close to 100,000 presbyters abandoned the New Order Church, a significant number of them not even having bothered to try to get a dispensation to do so. Newvatican's records show that the exodus from the Novus Ordo presbyterate began at the end of the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965). Newvatican's Secretariat of State has reported that as of mid 2007, 69,063 presbyters had requested leave between 1964 and 2004 -- and that number does not include the large number of those who walked out without trying to get a dispensation. To give you some idea of the enormity of the exodus, that number is 250 per cent the total number of presbyters currently left in the United States alone!
And the exodus of presbyters from Newchurch continues. Newvatican has revealed that an average of 1,000 presbyters abandoned Newchurch each year between 2000 and 2006, and only half of them requested dispensations.
Dear Fathers:
We don't have the Traditional Latin Mass here in this area of Middle America. We have only the Conciliar-Bugnini "Mess of 1962+." Even at that, the "Motu" Mess was not offered on Ascension Thursday, a Biblical feast forty days (therefore, on Thursday) after Easter Sunday. Yet, at the Sunday "Motu," we had the celebration of Ascension Thursday, because the "Motu" follows the Novus Ordo calendar. Since one of the Six Precepts of the Church is to assist at Mass on holydays, the "Motu" Mess made me sin!
The Ecclesia Dei Commission is being restructured out of existence as an independent body reporting directly to Benedict-Ratzinger, and its President Dario Hoyos is being retired. Instead, it becomes a minor cog in the great gear of the Novus Ordo Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, headed by William Levada, who has a record of hostility to traditional Catholicism and who was personally appointed to his position and made a New Order cardinal by Benedict-Ratzinger himself.
If Fellay & Co., having previously accepted their "unexcommunication" and reintrance into the New Order, hypocritically give Benedict-Ratzinger the raspberry by proceeding with prohibited ordinations at three locations in June 2009, Newchurch bishop Gerard Muller of Regensburg has warned that "it will almost certainly result in excommunication for these priests and the bishop who ordains them."
At an inquisition held on June 5, 2009, at Levada's congregation headquarters in Newrome, the Neo-SSPX's head, Bernie Fellay, was told in no uncertain terms that he must accept Vatican II's Modernist decrees, including those on religious liberty, oecumenism, and the separation of Church and State, which the SSPX and its founder, Archbishop Marcel Lefebfre, rejected.
Fellay with his Neo-SSPX, however, has already indicated that he is willing to sell out on Vatican II and even make a "compromise" with the New Order. "We have no problem with the Church recognizing us, of course," says Fellay, indicating his schism from the SSPX and its founder-archbishop, who spoke uncompromisingly against Modernist New Order and the Modernist Benedict-Ratzinger, whom he called "not a Catholic." Fellay has even had the Archbishop's criticisms of the New Order Church and the New Mess removed from SSPX web sites. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Zenit News Agency.]
Dear Fathers:
At my Newchurch parish there is mixing of consecrated hosts from the "Motu" service with those that are from the Novus Ordo service. Isn't it a sacrilege to mix them?
The Fathers Reply.
It's much worse than sacrilege! Actually, you are not receiving "communion" at all, but an invalid Novus Ordo cookie. The practice that you describe is common at "Motu" parishes and is a fraud that is part of the Great "Motu" Mess Hoax. The idea was to plant the false notion that the Conciliar-Bugnini "Motu" Mess (which isn't even the Traditional Latin Mass) and the Novus Ordo Protestant-Masonic-Pagan service are the same: one is just called "extraordinary" and the other, "ordinary."
In reality, the Novus Ordo service is not a Catholic Mass at all and is invalid. The "Motu" Mess is frequently invalid too, because it is often not celebrated by an ordained traditional Catholic priest, but by a Novus Ordo presbyter, merely installed under the Novus Ordo Ordinal of 1968 "to preside over the assembly," but not "to offer Mass for the living and the dead." Thus, the "Motu" Mess is frequently no better than the Protestant service down the street.
Most people have forgotten that April 3, 2009, marked the 40th anniversary of the promulgation of the Novus Ordo service, ushering in what has become the greatest disaster for the Catholic Church in its history. More Catholics have lost the Faith during the time of the post-Vatican II popes than in any other period of history, including the Protestant Revolution.
On September 25, 1969, just a few months after the Novus Ordo service was promulgated by Paul VI, the Pro-Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Alfredo Cardinal Ottaviani, joined by Antonio Cardinal Bacci, and a group of Roman theologians issued A Short Critical Study of the New Order of Mass. This study demonstrated that the Novus Ordo service contained "manifest errors against the integrity of the Catholic Faith.... On many points it has much to gladden the heart of even the most Modernist Protestant" heretic.
The study demonstrated that even the definition of the Mass contained in the document was heretical: "The Sunday supper, or Mass, is a holy reunion, or gathering of the people of God coming together, under the presidency of a priest, to celebrate the memorial of the Lord." The "New Mass" was defined in substantially the same words as the invalid Protestant worship service. Paul VI, who had acted at the behest of the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini and his Committee of Six Protestant Ministers, the fabricators of the Novus Ordo service on Protestant and Jewish principles, was thus embarrassed into withdrawing the Novus Ordo for a rewrite, which ended up doing nothing but introducing more errors.
Forty years later, the Novus Ordo service has served as the foundation for advancing the Modernist agenda, by changing every element of Catholicism to a Protestant form -- or worse. The traditional ordination of priests and bishops was replaced by an invalid "installation" of presbyters and overseers. The traditional Divine Office was replaced by a Novus Ordo "Liturgy of the Hours," which included the writings of heretics. The esteemed Catechism of the Council of Trent, authored principally by St. Charles Borromeo, was replaced by a Novus Ordo Catechism, which contained stunning departures from Catholic doctrine.
The Novus Ordo has delivered almost a deathblow to the true Faith. Here are the comparative figures published by the Novus Ordo's own Georgetown statistical organization:
Year 1969 2009 Decline Diocesan Presbyters 35,925 27,614 -24 per cent Religious Presbyters 22,707 12,966 -43 per cent Presbyter Installations 994 480 -52 per cent Seminarians 8,325 3,286 -61 per cent Religious Brothers 12,271 5,001 -61 per cent Religious Sisters 179,954 61,855 -66 per cent Weekly Novus Ordo Attendance 63 17 -74 per cent Parishes without a Presbyter 549 3,141 -83 per cent
Some claim that the "Motu" Mess of 2007, which in just two years has already been Novus Ordoized from the Conciliar-Bugnini "Mess of 1962," is Newchurch's salvation. BUT LOOK AT THE FACTS: After more than 20 years of alleged papal support, the average number of "Motu" Messes per diocese in the United States, for example, is JUST ONE AND A HALF! -- 292 Messes per 193 dioceses. We won't even go into the fact that these "Motu" Messes are "presided over" by invalid Novus Ordo presbyters, often hand out Novus Ordo cookies for "communion," use the vernacular for the Novus Ordoized "readings," and already in some places altar-girls and lay ministers.
Good Catholics, if Paul VI, JPII, and Benedict-Ratzinger had to answer to a Board of Trustees, they would be fired for gross incompetence!
For the best video demonstrating the differences between the valid Traditional Latin Mass and the invalid Novus Ordo Protestant-Masonic-Pagan service, click on FAQ05: What Traditional Catholic Resources Do You Recommend? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Catholic Apologetics), for What We Have Lost ... and the Road to Restoration: A Critical Look at the Changes in the Catholic Church. For further information on the Novus Ordo anniversary, click on ABOMIN.HTM: The New Mass: 40 Years of Abomination by Patricius Anthony in the TRADITIO Network's Special Features (Articles, Reviews, Sermon Series, Other) department.
Joseph Naumann, Newchurch archbishop of Kansas City, Kansas, performed a Novus Ordo service for the abortionist George Tiller. Writing in his archdiocesan organ, The Leaven. Naumann said "abortionists are not evil people." Even in Newchurch, it is prohibited to offer a public Mass for an excommunicate or a heretic (Tiller is Lutheran), which those who directly perform abortions automatically become.
Tiller was a particularly heinous criminal. Before his death he was under investigation for violating state law by failing to report the rapes of minors. He performed abortions at any time up until birth, excusing his crime by citing the "depression of the mother" as a medical reason for exterminating the child.
But the clueless Neocon Newchurchers think that Naumann is a "good bishop" because he permits three "Motu" Messes in his archdiocese. What hypocrites! Nor has any condemnation of Naumann has been forthcoming from Benedict-Ratzinger, whose own record for failing to protect child victims of his bishops and presbyters is itself criminal.
As we had previously indicated in the Commentaries would likely be the case, Benedict-Ratzinger is reported to be days away from ousting Newchurch archbishop Malcolm Ranjith, a reputed "traditionalist," from the Roman Curia and his current position as Secretary of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments and sending him off to Columbo on an island off the coast of India.
Clueless Neocon Newchurchers have called Ranjith "traditionalist" because he mouthed a few words in favor of the "Motu" Mess, but as we know, Newchurch prelates are all talk and no action. Yet because he had this erroneous reputation, his ouster by Benedict-Ratzinger may well be an indication of the severe backlash that Benedict-Ratzinger has faced from his cardinals and bishops for his Great "Motu" Mess Hoax and for the games that he is playing with the Society of St. Pius X.
The Novus Ordo Modernists are hailing Ranjith's imminent ouster by Benedict-Ratzinger as a victory for Vatican II Modernistic principles and against the Great "Motu" Mess Hoax. Ranjith was once pegged as the successor to Newcardinal Francis Arinze as head of the Worship Congregation upon Arinze's retirement, but instead Ranjith was passed over by Benedict-Ratzinger in favor of Antonio Lloverda and run out of Rome, apparently because the Modernists denounced Ranjith as "too traditional" and "too close to the Lefebvrists." These days, because of the "Motu" fiasco and the SSPX/Williamson fracas, Benedict-Ratzinger is back to trying to please the Modernist club, of which he is a long-time member.
For further information, click on Cardinal Arinze's Changing Church in the TRADITIO Network's Special Features department.
Dear Fathers:
I'm 22. My boyfriend and I love each other and plan to marry in the next few years. We are both Catholics. I want to wait with sex until marriage, but he thinks we should do it "because we will marry anyway." I don't know what to do anymore. My question is: what should I do to make him stop asking me for it? If we got engaged, would it be okay? I don't know what to do. I feel torn between the Catholic religion and him. I am so confused. The more he talks about it, the more I think of it. What should I do?
The Fathers Reply.
If you are a Catholic, you know (or certainly should know) that sexual intercourse is to be exercised only within the bounds of a valid marriage. You say that your boyfriend is Catholic. If that is true, you have to ask yourself why he is pressuring you to sin with him, even after you have told him no.
Frankly, his behavior in this serious matter should make you stop to reconsider whether this "boyfriend" is an appropriate marriage partner for you. He is being unfaithful to his supposed Faith and trying to get you to sin with him against your will. If he is unfaithful to God now, why shouldn't he be unfaithful to you in the future? What makes you think that he will not engage in adultery if you should later become married?
On the practical side, what if you cave in, and then he decides that he doesn't want to marry you after all? A lot can happen in "the next few years." Then you will be violated and may end up with an illegitimate child or a venereal disease to boot. Statistically, those who wait until marriage are far more likely to remain married than those who fornicate, probably because those who wait tend to be more faithful people -- faithful to each other and faithful to God. And what kind of "Catholic" would be pressuring another a person that he is supposed to "love" to sin gravely? If you two should ever become married, what other sins will he pressure you into? If he doesn't respect your good conscience now, what makes you think that he will respect it if you should become married?
Thank God, you have time to reconsider before this relationship gets out of control. The purpose of dating is not sex. It is to get to know the character of the other person. What does he think about God first of all, about family, about morality? Is he faithful to God and his family? Is he dependable, generous, wise, moral, compassionate? These are the kind of characteristics that demonstrate real love and will have the greatest impact on your daily life in a marriage -- on you and on your children.
On June 11, 2009, Benedict-Ratzinger warned of "secularization creeping into the Church." But he has been signally inept at doing anything about it.
First off, let's look at the day on which he made this statement. It was traditionally the Feast of Corpus Christi [Body of Christ], which his Newchurch has renamed Corpus Domini [Body of the Lord]. At first glace this renaming might not seem significant -- but it is. Christus is a Latinization from the Greek Christos, which means The Anointed One, that is, the Messias. Mel Gibson got it exactly right in the title of his 2004 film, The Passion of the Christ. Not the passion of Christ, but the passion of the Christ. Christ is not some "last name"; it is a title: The Messias.
But Benedict-Ratzinger has personally turned his back on the title of Christ as Messias because secular Jews don't accept it. He himself has capitulated to the very secularism that he condemns. In fact, during his May 2009 junket to the Mideast, he gave the Jews to understand that his Newchurch would no longer attempt to evangelize or convert them. In Israel he never once preached conversion to Christ the Messias. Catholics were horrified that the pope would so openly ignore the Great Commandment of Him Whose vicar he claims to be: "Go ye into the whole world and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved: but he that believeth not shall be condemned" (Mark 16:15-16/DRV). Catholics are reminded of this truth every year in the Gospel of Ascension Thursday.
Another mark of secularization on this occasion was the "greenie" pope's staging of yet another one of his outdoor circuses. His Novus Ordo service was performed not within the sacred precincts of a church, but outdoors, in front of the Archbasilica of St. John Lateran, the church that is Omnium ecclesiarum caput [the head of all churches]. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Asian News.]
If Benedict-Ratzinger were serious about the true Catholic Faith, he would first get himself consecrated as a bishop, because, as it now stands, he is the first Bishop of Rome who was never traditionally consecrated, but merely "installed" in the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini's invalid Novus Ordo Ordinal of 1968. Then he would never again perform the invalid Novus Ordo service, which he himself in 1993 admitted was "fabricated, manufactured."
Newchurch presbyter Julio Cesar Grassi, founder of an organization that is supposed to assist Argentine's street children, has been convicted for the rape of a child and has been sentenced to 15 years in prison. When the judges announced their verdict, clueless Newchurchers supporting the rapist presbyter rioted in the courtroom and had to be put down by police. The Newchurchers then went out to beat up reporters and photographers who were trying to cover the story.
Good Catholics, Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch is out of control. It is so corrupt now that its members openly support criminal presbyters who rape children and embezzle Church funds. And why not? Benedict-Ratzinger is more interested in "excommunicating" bishops who disagree about a point of secular history than in making sure that his agents, that is, his presbyters and bishops, obey God's moral law. Newchurch is sick unto death, and no phony "Motu" Mess or "unexcommunications" are going to fix that.
Dear Fathers:
Anyone who thinks that the Novus Ordo has become more "reverent" under Benedict-Ratzinger than the "Clown" pope JPII is sadly mistaken! I took this picture of the "Sponge Bob" Mess at St. Barnabas Church on June 7, 2009, for a graduation in Long Beach, California.
The Fathers Reply.
For a plethora of other examples, click on the TRADITIO Network's Novus Ordo Service Photo Gallery department.
I recently saw a letter from an SSPX priest. It is proof that the SSPX clergy is looking to win over their laity step by step to the Novus Ordo -- dangerous stuff admitted by one of their own! The SSPX priest wrote:
We can’t move fast because we are asking people to change their mental habits [to the Novus Ordo sect].... For so many years [New]rome was perceived as the source of problem, and now there is a gut feeling against an agreement with [New]rome.... If we move too quickly, we will see the falling off of greater numbers of simple faithful, whose faith has become fragile because of the [Novus Ordo] abuses.
The SSPX's plan sounds similar to the Communist plan to inflitrate the Catholic Church, which was revealed in testimony before the United States Congress and published in AA-1025: The Memoirs of an Anti-Apostle, taken down by a nurse in a French hospital from a Communist who was injured in an automobile accident and eventually died. The Communist revealed in a deathbed statement that he had become a Catholic priest as part of a Communist plan to subvert the Church from within.
What is revealing about the SSPX priest's statement is that he admits that the Neo-SSPX recognizes a backlash amongst its membership to Bernie Fellay's moves to sell out their Society to the Novus Ordo. The statement also reveals that Fellay & Co. fear that if they move too quickly toward recognition by the New Order sect, they will lose "greater numbers" -- indicating that they have lost significant numbers already. Therefore, the Neo-SSPX plans to deceive its membership by moving to its goal of recognition by the Novus Ordo by gradual steps.
This gradualism (cook the ignorant frog by turning up the heat in the pot gradually) was the same ploy that the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini used to implement the Novus Ordo service. In order that any outcry would be stifled, he implemented the Novus Ordo only gradually: in 1951, 1954, 1956, 1960, 1962, 1964, 1967, 1968, 1969, until the full-blown Novus Ordo was a reality, and the Traditional Latin Mass was effectively suppressed. Certainly Bernie Fellay has been a most attentive student to the deceptive techniques of the New Order and its arch-architect, Hannibal Bugnini.
On June 4, 2009, the SSPX was again denounced by Newchurch, this time by German bishops Heinz Algermissen, of Fulda, and Franz-Josef Bode, of Osnabruck. The SSPX violated its suspension by Benedict-Ratzinger and proceeded nonetheless to open a new chapel in Fulda, Germany. Bode preached against the SSPX's Superior General Bernie Fellay, asking: "Is this the answer to the outstretched hand of the pope?"
On June 5, 2009, Fellay was dressed down at a secret meeting in Newrome in front of the Newchurch Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. A source reports that Fellay was trying to avoid a "re-excommunication" for proceeding to schedule ordinations at Zaitzkofen, Germany, on June 27, 2009, in contravention of the Newchurch German Bishops' Conference.
Fellay's meeting with his new masters in the Newchurch Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith did not go well. Newcardinal Dario Hoyos' independent Ecclesia Dei Commission is being disbanded by a pending motu proprio, and its functions relegated to a subdepartment of the large CDF, whose Newcardinals told Fellay in no uncertain terms that any "dialogue" must of necessity be preceded by the SSPX's public acceptance "of the Second Vatican Council and the magisterium of the pope subsequent to the Council."
Fellay plans to proceed on June 19, 2009, with ordinations prohibited by Benedict-Ratzinger. Fellay has apparently reneged on his statement that he would move the ordinations out of Germany to Switzerland to avoid the ire of the German Bishops' Conference. [Information for this Commentary was contributed by the Spanish Religion en Libertad, the French I Media, and the Italian ASCA.]
Dear Fathers:
One of SSPX Superior General Fellay's lieutenants is sending out a form letter about the "canonical irregularity" of Mel Gibson's Holy Family Church in Agoura Hills, California. He says that such a church cannot be opened without the approval of the Novus Ordo bishop, Roger "Rogue" Mahony. The lieutenant slams Gibson for "operating his private oratory as a parish church." He says that the congregation has "other alternatives for the Mass and the Sacraments." What alternatives are these: Mahony's pagan Novus Ordo services? The SSPX's sellout "on the road to the Novus Ordo" services, some of which are already incorporating the vernacular and other Novus Ordo practices?
Isn't this like the SSPX pot calling the kettle black? The SSPX, although it is desperately trying to become part of the Novus Ordo Church, operates outside the structure of that Church. Yet from the perspective of that Church, as recently enunciated on Vatican Radio, the SSPX bishops, Fellay, Galarreta, Tissier, and Williamson, are suspended from all sacramental functions. Yet they find an excuse for themselves to continue those functions -- but, of course, they find no such excuse for anyone else.
The Fathers Reply.
The argument being made by this SSPX lieutenant is disingenuous and hypocritical. Holy Family Church is in no different a situation from the SSPX itself, which has opened numerous churches that operate like parishes. Of course, they don't call them by that name, any more than Holy Family Church does. This type of phony pettifogging is typical neo-SSPX duplicity, of which Fellay & Co. are past masters. Whatever Gibson's personal problems are -- and he appears to have many at this point-- he is not in charge of the Traditional Latin Mass; the traditional Catholic priest there is.
Good Catholics, the attitude of the SSPX is reminiscent of U.S. President Richard Nixon, who was famous for a statement that eventually got him impeached: "When the President does it, that means it is not illegal." Primarily since the institution of Benedict-Ratzinger's Great "Motu" Mess Hoax, the SSPX has been gravely breaking liturgical rules and practices right and left. It has already been introducing the vernacular elements of the Novus Ordo into some of its services.
Extraterrestrials are back! Previous TRADITIO Commentaries have described the New Order sect's fascination with the subject. Now this fascination has gone beyond the New Order sect. One Brother Michael Dimond appeared on a May 26, 2009, a radio talk programme, Coast to Coast AM with George Noory. Noory writes that he focuses on topics like paranormal phenomena, time travel, alien abduction, etc.
Dimond indicated on the programme that he believes in UFOs and extraterrestrials and calls them "demonic spiritual entities." He contends that demons masquerade as aliens in UFOs. He claims a 1947 incident in which somebody conducted a Satanic ritual at the future site of Area 51, a U.S. military base located in southern Nevada, which is a focus of extraterrestrial and UFO stories. The ritual, he says, "allowed evil entities to come through." Dimond claims that he himself has suffered "invisible attacks" from demons. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Coast to Coast AM with George Noory.]
Dear Fathers:
The SSPX, under its founder, the late Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, was a strong foe of Modernism, but sadly the SSPX is going the same way as the Novus Ordo. I have experienced this in many ways at our local SSPX Mass center in Bombay, as many other concerned SSPX members have experienced in the United States, Europe, and elsewhere:
I have had enough. I have left the SSPX. Which sane Roman Catholic (cleric or layman) would want to associate with the corrupt, decadent, Modernist, sinking Newchurch of the New Order? If Benedict-Ratzinger and his bishops are not in communion with their 260 papal predecessors, they can't expect Catholic faithful to be in communion with them.
Newsweek editor Evan Thomas brought Obamolatry a whole new level on June 5, 2009, declaring on MSNBC: "I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above –- above the world; he’s sort of God!"
If that is the case, the world's new god seems to be championing an anti-Christian, anti-Catholic historical revisionism to the extent of participating in what amounts to a taqiya, a deception to advance Islam. Obama's speech delivered at Cairo University in Egypt on June 4, 2009, contained a plethora of half-truths, distortions, or just plain lies, apparently intended to put down the contributions of Christianity and Catholicism and greatly exaggerate the contributions of Islam:
As a student of history, I also know civilization's debt to Islam. It was Islam –- at places like Al-Azhar University –- that carried the light of learning through so many centuries, paving the way for Europe's Renaissance and Enlightenment. It was innovation in Muslim communities that developed the order of algebra; our magnetic compass and tools of navigation; our mastery of pens and printing; our understanding of how disease spreads and how it can be healed. Islamic culture has given us majestic arches and soaring spires; timeless poetry and cherished music; elegant calligraphy and places of peaceful contemplation.
There is hardly even a single truthful statement in this entire paragraph. Remember that Mohammed flourished in the sixth century after Christ -- 1000 years after the height in the West of classical Greek civilization and 600 years after the height of classical Roman civilization, from which the Roman Catholic Church derived and advanced the spread of knowledge. It was not Islam that "paved the way for Europe's Renaissance and Enlightenment," but Greco-Roman civilization and the Roman Catholic Church.
Come on, Obama! Not a single scholar of the stature of Aristotle, Nicolaus Copernicus, Galileo Galilei, Isaac Newton, or Albert Einstein has been produced in the Islamic world. Are you the kind of ignorant "student of history" that Harvard College is now producing?!
We TRADITIO Fathers certainly have the SSPX's number! Given enough time, after many protestations, Fellay & Co. has always admitted publicly to the truth of our analyses. It has happened in the past too many times to count (simply consult past TRADITIO Commentaries to confirm this), and it has just happened again. The SSPX has just circulated to its mailing list a blue bulletin on "The State of Tradition," which includes the following damning statement:
May one fear that [the SSPX] might align ourselves little by little to the [Second Vatican] Council in our efforts to lead the member of the official hierarchy of the Church to the faith of their predecessors? Yes. This danger results firstly from the crisis in the [New]church, which bears with it a contagious malady which can affect both one's spirit and one's heart, then from the proximity which arises from our apostolic efforts (to carry the Gospel whither it has disappeared), and finally from our own weakness.
This admission concurs with our consistent analysis of the administration of current Superior General Bernie Fellay. In his own words, quoted in previous Commentaries, Fellay has indicated that he is willing to accept Vatican II in order to gain admission into the New Order establishment. He has already publicly accepted the Conciliar-Bugnini "Mess of 1962+." He has already publicly accepted "unexcommunication" and readmission into the Newchurch of the New Order. He has ordered SSPX Founder Archbishop Lefebvre's words warning against the New Order and specifically Card. Ratzinger purged from SSPX web sites.
Good Catholics, we Fathers couldn't have put it better ourselves! The SSPX's bishops, Bernie Fellay, Alfonso de Galaretta, Tissier de Mallerais, and Richard Williamson, together with an as-yet unknown percentage of their membership, have succumbed to their own weakness to become part of Benedict-Ratzinger's New Order Club. Only time will tell which of the following will happen first: whether the Novus Ordo Club will finally admit the SSPX or whether the SSPX's own membership will turn against its false leadership.
George Niederauer, the Newchurch archbishop of San Francisco, California, lied before about giving the Novus Ordo cookie at his "gay" parish to the blasphemous Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, transvestites who dress in their full Gothic makeup and "habits" as they ridicule everything Catholic. Now the city of San Francisco accuses him of lying about money and defrauding taxpayers.
San Francisco's Tax Assessor-Recorder Philip Ting has charged that in 2008 the Newchurch archdiocese of San Francisco "laundered" 232 properties worth 15,000,000 U.S. dollars into a new nonprofit organization in order to shield the properties from being used to pay damage judgments to children who were raped by archdiocesan presbyters. Newchurch archbishop George Niederauer is trying to cheat the city out of the property-transfer taxes due from his property-laundering operation. The properties in question include empty lots and commercial land throughout the city.
The archdiocese has already had to sell properties worth 40,000,000 U.S. dollars to pay out damages related to dozens of sex-crime lawsuits, with more damages due. Ting compared Niederauer's ploy to a private business creating a limited-liability corporation in order to protect owners from legal judgments due. Ting points to a letter written by Niederauer himself in 2007, which stated that the restructuring of the San Francisco dioceses and others throughout the country is in response to "issues raised by the civil courts over the past several years." An appeals board will hold a hearing on June 16, 2009. If it upholds the Assessor's determination, Niederauer and his Newchurch archdiocese could owe up to 15,000,000 U.S. dollars in property-transfer taxes. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the San Francisco Chronicle and California Catholic Daily.]
Good Catholics, Niederauer, who is one of the most despicable Newchurch bishops in the United States, may soon be paying the wages of his sin, as Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal just grows and grows and grows.
Dear Fathers:
The Novus Ordo frauds perpetrating the "Motu" Mess are now on their way to denigrating themselves further (if that is possible) by using Novus Ordo "eucharistic ministers and ministresses" to hand out Novus Ordo cookies at their "Motu" Messes. I have attached for you a bulletin announcing the schedule for a hoax "Traditional Latin Rite Mass" at one of these Novus Ordo temples and, on the same page, "New Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion Training." What this refers to is training laymen and laywomen to hand out the invalid Novus Ordo cookie at the "Motu" Mess.
The Fathers Reply.
It is amazing how many traditional Catholics have been fooled by these "Motu" Messes. No "Motu" Mess is a Traditional Latin Mass. They are hoaxes to draw traditional Catholics into the invalid Novus Ordo Protestant-Masonic-Pagan service. As this correspondent indicates, many "Motu" Messes have already imported elements from the Novus Ordo, such as Novus Ordo cookies handed out by eucharistic ministers and ministresses, altar-girls, and many other sacrileges. For a detailed listing of the corruptions being introduced by the Great "Motu" Mess Hoax to fool traditional Catholics, click on the TRADITIO Network's Official Traditional Catholic Directory and consult the chapter entitled Warning against Pseudo-traditional Services.
Dear Fathers:
Have you noticed that the SSPX has stopped talking about the New "Mass"? What is the SSPX now talking about now? "The hateful excesses towards Benedict XVI and the Society of St Pius X." It should be clear to everyone by now that Fellay & Co. have sold out even on the most important issue upon which the Traditional Catholic Movement was founded: the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
Within months after the "unexcommunications" of the four SSPX bishops (Bernie Fellay, Alfonso de Galarreta, Tissier de Mallerais, and Richard Williamson), all Hell is breaking loose in the relationship between Fellay & Co. and Benedict-Ratzinger. They have been caught in a vice by hypocritically accepting their "unexcommunication" from the New Order. According to Newpope, the bishops are suspended from performing any Sacramental functions, yet they are proceeding to do so, even though they claim that they are now in "communion" with him.
Fellay & Co. are clearly hypocrites. They want their cake (recognition by Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch) and they want to eat it too (do what they want to do in spite of Benedict-Ratzinger's orders). In June 2009, Fellay, Galaretta, and Tissier -- the discredited, so called "holocaust-denier" Williamson has been excluded -- will purport to ordain for the year a dozen or so priests at three of the Society's seminaries (Zaitzkofen in Germany on June 27, 2009, Winona in Minnesota on June 19, 2009, and Econe in Switzerland.)
Following the huge outcry over the "un-excommunications," Benedict-Ratzinger wrote the world's bishops in March 2009 to clarify that the Society of St. Pius X lacked canonical status in Newchurch and that its bishops were "illegitimate" -- ecclesiastical bastards, as it were -- and suspended from performing any Sacramental functions. For their part, the Society attempted in a June 1, 2009, communique to call Benedict-Ratzinger a liar and claim that he approves the ordinations!
Gerhard Mueller, Newchurch Bishop of Regensburg, Germany, openly condemned Fellay & Co. on Benedict-Ratzinger's Vatican Radio station. Robert Zollitsch, Chairman of the German Bishops' Conference, has called for the "re-excommunication" of the four SSPX bishops, stating that they, having accepted "unexcommunication" to join the New Order, have nevertheless proceeded with illegal ordinations not authorized by Newpope. Zollitsch also called for the excommunications of those so ordained. "If the bishops of this Society go on ordaining new priests, this is contrary to canon law; a new excommunication should be considered." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Tablet.]
Dear Fathers:
Whenever the Novus Ordo is attacked as being invalid -- which it is --, I find many Neocon Newchurchers defending it by saying that consecration is accomplished simply by using the words "for many." If the Novus Ordo service is defined as a memorial meal, it has no provision to change bread and wine into the Sacred Species. Moreover, the Novus Ordo service has dumped the Offertory, which uses highly-sacrificial terminology such as "Host," "Spotless Victim," and "Oblation." Without the Offertory there is no consecration.
The Anglican service is also defined as a memorial meal and so are all the other Protestant worship services, and, as we all know, Pope Leo XIII declared the Anglican service invalid in 1896. If the Novus Ordo service was promulgated also as a memorial meal, its invalidity should be obvious to everyone.
The Fathers Reply
The people whom you describe are entirely ignorant of Catholic sacramental theology. But why should that surprise anyone? Is an uneducated Tom, Dick, or Harry competent to understand brain surgery, or only a trained physician? Would it be sufficient to read an short article in medical journal, much less a brief explanation from a neighbor, or would an extensive background in all aspects of medicine be necessary to understand the subject?
To begin with, the question of the invalidity of the Novus Ordo service surely involves far more than two words -- and these in "translation" at that! You are correct in stating that Pope Leo XIII's Apostolicae Curae gives a clear analysis of the Anglican service as invalid -- and the pope doesn't even mention the matter of specific words. His treatment is much broader and goes to intention: the Anglicans lost the concept of a priesthood and a sacrifice. If the Anglican service is invalid, the Novus Ordo service, which is far worse, is, a fortiori, invalid according to the pope's decree.
The official definition of the Novus Ordo service was contained in the Missale Romanum, Ex Decreto Sacrosancti Oecumenici Concilii Vaticani II Instauratum Auctoritate Paul Pp. VI Promulgatum, as published Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis, Newvatican's official press, in 1969 (we give this information for those who are always demanding "sources"). In section 7 of the Institutio Generalis Missalis Romani in the front of that Novus Ordo missal, we find the following definition of the "Mass":
Cena dominica sive Missa est sacra syntaxis seu congregatio populi Dei in unum convenientis, sacerdote praeside, ad memoriale Domini celebrandum. The Sunday meal, or Mass, is the sacred arrangement, or assemblage of the people of God coming together, under the presidency of the priest, to celebrate the memorial of the Lord.
Except perhaps for the term "Mass," this definition issued under Conciliar papal "authority" is quite acceptable to Protestants for their own invalid "memorial" services, and some of them actually use it now. And why not? The Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini and his committee of six Protestant ministers fabricated it with the specific intention to make it acceptable to Protestants! Even Card. Ratzinger in 1993 wrote that the Novus Ordo service was "fabricated, manufactured," yet he doesn't have the guts to throw it out, as is his responsibility of the pope. To the contrary, he elevated it, under his Motu Proprio Summorum pontificum of 2007 to the status of being the Ordinary Rite of his Newchurch!
For further information, click on the TRADITIO Network's Novus Ordo Service Photo Gallery department.
One thing that has become quite obvious about Newvatican since the New Order took over is that there is "no honor among thieves." Newvatican bureaucrats, including the Newpopes, cannot be trusted. They break their word and even commit crimes to feather their nests.
If Superior General Bernie Fellay was prepared to sell out the Neo-SSPX because he thought that he would get a "deal" from Benedict-Ratzinger and his cronies, he'd better think again. It looks as if Newvatican is changing its tune after all the SSPX bishops and the SSPX as a whole -- not just Senior Bishop Richard Williamson -- have been identified as "anti-Semitic." Moreover, the "Motu" Newcardinal Dario Hoyos, President of the Ecclesia Dei Commission, is on the way out, and his Commission is being subsumed into the black hole of the New Order Congregation for Divine Worship.
Already Robert Zollitsch, Chairman of the German Bishops' Conference, has called for the "re-excommunication" of SSPX bishops Bernie Fellay, Alfonso Galarreta, Tissier de Mallerais, and Richard Williamson. Zollitsch gave notice that the four bishops, having accepted "unexcommunication" to join the New Order sect, have nevertheless proceeded with illegal ordinations not authorized by Newchurch. Zollitsch also called for the excommunications of those so ordained. "If the bishops of this Society go on ordaining new priests, this is contrary to canon law; a new excommunication should be considered."
Now Benedict-Ratzinger's own Vatican Radio has featured Gerhard Mueller, the Newchurch bishop of Regensberg, Germany, proclaiming to the world that Fellay's ordinations planned for June 27, 2009, are meant as a "provocation" and are "contrary to canon law." He demanded that no new ordinations should be carried out by the SSPX bishops until the legal position of the SSPX is "clarified," a process that could take several years at best. Fellay planned to hold the ordinations in Mueller's Newchurch diocese.
On June 2, 2009, Mueller told the world on Vatican Radio that Fellay and the other three bishops were hypocrites because if "according to their own statements [they] wish to be in communion with the local bishop, they should also hold firm to Catholic [sic] discipline." He also questioned their "problems in acknowledging the magisterium of the pope," since they have now accepted "unexcommunication" from the Newchurch of the New Order. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Vatican Radio.]
Good Catholics, the TRADITIO Fathers have long been demonstrating the hypocrisy of Fellay and his Neo-SSPX. Not only is he a hypocrite to the New Order with which he now wants to be in "communion," but also he is a hypocrite to traditional Catholicism, which he has indicated he is willing to throw over to gain "recognition" by Newchurch. The SSPX is already ruing the day that it elected this incompetent as Superior General. It is clear that a worse choice could hardly have been made.
It is often erroneously thought that the SSPX is the only vehicle for traditional ordinations -- if traditional is what they remain. In reality, the SSPX, to judge by its Mass statistics as contained in the Official Traditional Catholic Directory, is not the most significant source of traditional Catholic bishops, priests, and seminaries. If the diocesan "Motu" Messes are eliminated, as they use almost exclusively Novus Ordo presbyters rather than traditional priests, the figures are as follows for the United States, the country for which the most accurate and extensive statistics on traditional Catholicism have been maintained:
Independent Traditional Catholic 46 per cent Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) 31 per cent Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen 14 per cent Society of St. Pius V (SSPV) 9 per cent
For the United States in 2008, the SSPX ordained one priest. On July 1, 2009, one of the independent traditional Catholic bishops will ordain another. Other traditional bishops have ordained others. For further information on traditional bishops, priests, seminaries, organizations, and many other subjects, click on the TRADITIO Network's Official Traditional Catholic Directory department, provided to the TRADITIO Network by the National Registry of Traditional Latin Masses.
With Newchurch reeling from the scandal of international-celebrity radio host presbyter Alberto Cutie, otherwise known as "Fr. Oprah," who was caught in the embrace of a woman on the beach and subsequently deserted Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch for the Episcopalian sect, the latest scandal in Newchurch is erupting over the nature of his relationship with a Polish woman, Wanda Poltawska, who has published five decades' worth of her private correspondence with JPII. Poltawska was several times a guest at JPII's private papal reserve at Castel Gandolfo. A Newchurch cardinal was quick to take the typical line of the Benedict-Ratzinger administration: the woman shouldn't have published the information; she should have covered it up. How little Newchurch has learned from its Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal!
Stanislaw Dziwisz, Newchurch cardinal-archbishop of Krakow, Poland, where JPII himself had been archbishop in the post-Vatican II period, from 1964 to 1978, was the Newchurch prelate who criticized Poltawski's publication of the correspondence and urged the cover-up. Dziwisz was JPII's private secretary and is widely believed to have been paid off by Benedict-Ratzinger with a red hat for keeping his mouth shut about JPII. JPII had ordered all his papers burned at his death, but this did not happen.
Newchurch is supposed to be vetting JPII for Novus Ordo "conanization." Shouldn't Newchurch officials, therefore, be urging all information to be put forward so that a fair determination can be made whether JPII is worthy? Instead, it seems that Benedict-Ratzinger wants to rush through the defective Novus Ordo investigation process, which JPII himself gutted in 1983, so that JPII can be "conanized" before the truth can come out.
Now that JPII may have been caught, as it were, with his cassock down, Newcardinal Jose Saraiva Martins, prefect emeritus of the Newchurch Congregation for the Causes of the Saints, is asking Poltawska to send photocopies of the entire correspondence to Newvatican, to be reviewed by investigating commission involved in JPII's cause. Italian journalists have reported that the progress toward beatification of JPII has bogged down, in part because of questions raised by Poltawska.
Moreover, Newvatican's emeritus Secretary of State, Newcardinal Angelo Sodano, who served under JPII, has refused to testify under oath before the investigating commission. It is suspected that he knows some disqualifying information that he doesn't want to be forced to reveal. Sodano's sostituto, or deputy, Newcardinal Leonardo Sandri, has also refused to testify.
In spite of these actions by current officials, a Greek chorus of JPII advocates immediately came out of the bushes to deny that the process was being bogged down. On June 1, 2009, Daniel Ols, the spokesman for JPII's cause, brushed off reports that the process had been "delayed." On June 3, 2009, Joaquin Navarro-Valls, JPII's former spokesman, said that he did not believe the letters "would put the brakes on the process. In view of the scandal that is already emblazoned across Rome's newspapers, these denial had an empty ring. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic News Service.]
Good Catholics, what's the rush? Canonization investigations usually take centuries -- and should, to ensure that no stone is left unturned and that several generations of Catholics can weigh in on the evaluation. Yet one can imagine how desperate Newchurch is to have a popular Novus Ordo "saint" of its own, like the Modernist/Oecumenist JPII or the Hindu-Christian Mother Teresa.
America, the Newchurch's Newjesuit organ, has published that Obama is a "Vatican II President." Presbyter John O'Malley, a Novus Ordo theology professor at the Newchurch Georgetown University, wrote: "He embodied and professed in his public persona the spirit of the Council.... I was struck by how much he [Obama] spoke in accord with the spirit of Vatican II," wrote O'Malley, who argues that "style" was the issue "especially pertinent for grounding 'the spirit of the Council.'" So much for "substance"!
Obama is certainly the "Oecumenical" President, or rather the "Chameleon" President. He becomes a Muslim, Protestant, or Vatican II Newchurcher as the occasion and the audience require!
Newchurch bishop William Lori, of Bridgeport, Connecticut, is hopping mad. The Office of State Ethics has declared his Newchurch operation there a "lobby," as his diocese is more involved in secular politics than in religion. Lori doesn't just teach (false?) doctrine from the pulpit. He uses the diocese's web site to lobby Newchurchers on specific secular legislation.
TRADITIO readers may remember Lori from past coverage. He was such an incompetent manager (or accomplice) that he allowed one of his presbyter-pastor to treat Newchurch collections as his personal funds in two "off-the-books" bank accounts. In this way, the presbyter embezzled 1,400,000 U.S. dollars over six years, some of it to buy gifts for his homosexual paramour. Lori also appointed the "gay" presbyter to head the diocese's sex-crimes commission! [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Hartford Courant and NBC Connecticut.
The TRADITIO Network was informed of an "Extraordinary" ("Motu") Mess scheduled for 3:00 p.m. on Sunday, June 28, 2009, as an "Anticipated Mass" of the Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul, Monday, July 29, 2009, in a Novus Ordo church in a large metropolis on the East Coast of the United States. Since this case shows how confused the "Motu" situation is, we Fathers want to comment on untraditional practices are being introduced into "Motu" Mess.
This service is truly "extraordinary." There is no such thing as an "Anticipated" Mass, often erroneously called a "Vigil" Mass (perhaps better known as the "Golf Mess") with the Traditional Latin Mass, or even with the Bugnini-Conciliar "Motu" Mess of 1962+. A Mass held on the preceding day, usually on the Jewish sabbath for the Christian Sunday, is entirely a fabrication of the Novus Ordo, which did not itself allow it universally until 1983. In the case of the Feast of Sts. Peter & Paul, there is an indult of November 25, 1885, requiring an External Solemnity to be celebrated on the Sunday following the feastday (July 5 in 2009).
Moreover, Mass can traditionally begin no earlier than one hour before dawn to one hour after midday. Evening Masses (to start no earlier than 4 p.m.) weren't universally allowed until 1956, and an evening Mass is always the Mass of that day. For June 28, 2009, even with the "Motu" Missal, this would be the Mass of the Fourth Sunday after Pentecost.
We are informed that the presbyter involved is a recent "convert" to the "Motu" Mess. This case is just one of many examples that we have received indicating incompetent, or entirely lacking, training of presbyters for the "Motu" Mess. When one Novus Ordo archbishop put his foot down and required an examination in Latin and "Motu" rubrics, the Motarians got down on him. In this case, the Novus Ordo archbishop was dead right! Presybters have no business performing the "Motu" Mess without training. Moreover, they have no business performing the "Mess of 1962+" at all, since they have not been ordained "to offer Mass for the living and the dead," but only installed under the Novus Ordo Ordinal of 1968 to "preside over the assembly of the people" of the New Order.
As of 2010 all churches in England will be forced by the new "Equality Bill" to hire active homosexuals, and even "transsexuals," in positions of youth work and similar functions, "even if their religion holds such behaviour to be sinful." This law will include practically all employees of the churches, except for those who conduct liturgical celebrations or spend their time teaching doctrine.
The churches fear the worst. The current "Equality Bill" has already forced several Newchurch adoption organizations to close their doors because they are now forced to allow children to be adopted by "gay couples." Future legislation may prohibit Christians from protesting against "gay rights" laws. A similar law has been introduced in the U.S. Congress. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by LSN.]
Dear Fathers:
I have just come back from a holiday to North Germany, which is very much Lutheran dominated. J.S. Bach was very much involved with Lutheran churches, but why did he write the B-minor Mass, the Mass being anathema to the Lutheran church, which emphasizes the "Word" and Hymn singing in its services. His music is so uplifting, but does it have a place in Catholic services? Thank you for your site, which has given me such an insight into Traditional Catholicism.
The Fathers Reply.
There is evidence to believe that Bach, like Shakespeare, was a closet Catholic. It is true that Bach worked for the Lutheran Church in Leipzig, Germany, because that was the job that he could get. Interestingly, part of his job was to teach Latin at the cathedral school, but the Lutherans then still used a good deal of Latin in their service, as recommended by Martin Luther. In fact, Bach wrote four Lutheran "Masses," consisting of the Kyrie and Gloria only.
Nevertheless, Bach wanted to leave the Lutheran church. He composed his High Mass in B Minor for the Catholic Prince Augustus the Strong von Sachsen (Saxony) specifically as a kind of "job application" for a post in his Catholic court. Given the fact that this Mass is arguably the most sublime piece of music every written, it is difficult to conceive why he was not offered the Catholic position in a flash!
Both Catholic and Protestant commentators have noted that Bach's spirituality is Catholic. His music is so sublime that the Catholic Church has traditionally not hesitated to use it freely at Mass (except the Cantatas, which were written specifically for the Lutheran service). Many of his chorale preludes for organ are based upon Gregorian themes, which are entirely suitable for Holy Mass. His more bombastic works, like the great preludes and fugues, are well suited for processionals and recessionals, and have traditionally been used for this purpose in Catholic churches.
The TRADITIO Fathers have been informed that on Pentecost Sunday, May 31, 2009, Brother Joseph, of the traditional Mount St. Michael, who is elderly with a disability of his leg, took a serious fall. He fell over a banister, dropped four metres, and landed on his head. He has two fractures on his skull with internal bleeding, and is not expected to survive. The prayers of traditional Catholics have been requested in his last hours by the Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen.
French sources report on May 16, 2009, that the SSPX's Prior of Nice, France, Charles Moulin, a long-standing priest of Society of St. Pius X, has submitted his resignation from the Society of St. Pius X to protest against the Superior General Bernie Fellay's politics of "discussions" with Modernistic Rome and his "reunion" with Benedict-Ratzinger's New Order Church, which was condemned by SSPX's Archbishop-founder Marcel Lefebvre. Prior Moulin has been chaplain of the SSPX's Novitiate of Our Lady of Compassion.
Leaders of the liberalist Episcopalian (Anglican) synod in the United States have excommunicated 61 priests who objected to the homosexuality being pushed against the prescriptions of the Bible by the liberalist synod, headed by bishopess Katherine Jefferts-Schori.
The Episcopalian bishop of San Joaquin (Fresno), California, John-David Schofield, in 2007 led his diocese and 61 priests to become the first full diocese to secede from the liberalist Episcopalian synod, after that synod approved the "consecration" of a "gay" bishop who was living publicly with his "lover" and wanted to "marry" him. The following year, three more Episcopalian dioceses have left the Episcopalian liberalist synod: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Quincy, Illinois; Fort Worth, Texas; as well as numerous individual congregations.
In December 2008, Bishop Schofield and his traditionalist diocese joined with the three others and dozens of individual parishes in the United States and Canada to announce that they were forming a North American Anglican province to rival the liberalist Episcopalian sect. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
Good Catholics, Benedict-Ratzinger's New Order sect has also been charged with being "soft on gay," admitting practicing homosexuals to Novus Ordo seminaries, and doing little to resist the liberalists' "gay marriage" movement in the United States and Canada. Although Bernie Fellay's Neo-SSPX is cozying up to the immorality of the New Order sect, will fully traditional Catholics finally get fed up enough with Newchurch to take action similar to that of the traditionalist Episcopalians? In the meantime, it is interesting to note that Fellay and his Neo-SSPX have never publicly rebuked Benedict-Ratzinger for his suborning of immoralities and have not separated themselves from his corruption. Are they now going in the same moral direction as the New Order?
Robert Zollitsch, Chairman of the German Bishops' Conference, has called for the "re-excommunication" of SSPX Bishop Bernie Fellay, Alfonso Galarreta, Tissier de Mallerais, and Richard Williamson. Zollitsch gave notice that the four bishops, having accepted "unexcommunication" to join the New Order sect, have nevertheless proceeded with illegal ordinations not authorized by Newchurch. Zollitsch also called for the excommunications of those so ordained. "If the bishops of this Society go on ordaining new priests, this is contrary to [Novus Ordo] canon law. A new excommunication should be considered."
Fellay and the other three SSPX bishops accepted their "unexcommunication" from the Newchurch and reinstatement in the New Order sect, but remain suspended by Newchurch from performing any sacramental functions. Nevertheless, they are proceeding to perform those functions. The four are caught in hypocrisy because they claim to be traditional, but also want to be members of Newchurch. As Our Lord said: "No man can serve two masters. For either he will hate the one, and love the other: or he will sustain the one, and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon [a pagan god]" (Matthew 6:24/DRV).
Some French sources are indicating that Dario Castrillon-Hoyos, who has been Newvatican's president of the Ecclesia Dei Commission for the "Indult" Mass, may visit the SSPX seminary at Econe, Switzerland, on June 29, 2009, as his swan-song. Newvatican had previously announced that his Commission is being disbanded, and its functions merged into the Novus Ordo Congregation for Divine Worship. Meanwhile, Hoyos himself, now 80, is being forceably retired.
Alberto Cutie, the radio-host Newchurch presbyter known as "Fr. Oprah," who was pictured kissing and fondling a woman on the cover of TVnota in May 2009, has announced that he will leave Newchurch and become an Episcopalian. The change is minimal because Newchurch is almost Episcopalian itself. The invalid Novus Ordo Mess was fabricated substantially from the Episcopalian service. The Newchurch and Episcopalian sects have "almost identical worship services."
Cutie is expected to marry the woman in the photographs, who already has a husband living. Cutie can become an Episcopalian minister either immediately or within a year. No specific religious education is required.
Presbyter Cutie had been talking, in addition to the Episcopalians, to representatives of the Baptist and Lutheran sects. In South Florida, at least five other Newchurch presbyters have left Newchurch to become Episcopalian, and 100 have left in the United States as a whole. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Miami Herald.]