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Vincent Nichols, Newchurch Archbishop-Primate for Great Britain, indicated to the British Broadcasting Corporation on September 20, 2010, that Benedict-Ratzinger considers the immorality of "gay marriage" a "low priority." As proof of this indication, Nichols pointed to the fact that when Benedict-Ratzinger, in his address at Westminister Hall during his September 16-19, 2010, British junket, raised the issue of the moral standards on which Newchurch bases its activity, he chose the financial crisis in Newchurch, not the moral crisis.
That Benedict-Ratzinger is pro-"gay" is not news. In 2005 he approved an Instruction to allow homosexuals into Newchurch seminaries if they had not "fallen off the wagon" for a mere three years. Nichols follows Benedict-Ratzinger's pro-"gay" policy. "In this country, we were very nuanced. We did not oppose gay civil partnerships," he told the BBC. Nichols is openly pro "gay" and has approved a "Gay" Mess in London. He supported plans by the British government that would have required homosexuality to be presented as a normal, morally-neutral "variant." This British Newchurch Primate, personally selected by Benedict-Ratzinger in 2009, rejects Catholic moral teaching, based upon the Bible, that sodomy is a gave Sin that Cries out to Heaven for Vengeance.
One courageous Newchurch prelate has publicly stood against Benedict-Ratzinger's and Vincent Nichols' immoral policies on sodomy. Newarchbishop Peter Smith, formerly of Cardiff and now of Southwark, said at the time of the passage of Britain's Civil Partnerships Bill: "The government has effectively established same-sex marriage in all but name."
On September 26, 2010, the Cable News Network - US and International presented a devastating one-hour documentary on Benedict-Ratzinger's personal role in Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust. Entitled "What the Pope Knew," CNN documented Benedict-Ratzinger's personal link to Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust.
CNN assembled clear, incontrovertible, irrefutable proof, including documentary evidence, that Benedict-Ratzinger was fully tolerant of the actions of sex criminals among his clergy, even at the highest levels: Newbishops and Newcardinals. The documentary focused, as its primary example, upon the case of Lawrence Murphy, a presbyter who raped 200 deaf children in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. A document, one of dozens unearthed from court documents by the New York Times and bearing Ratzinger's personal signature, proves that Ratzinger refused to defrock Murphy, even though three Newbishops who knew the facts begged him to do so. In every way possible, Ratzinger obstructed the prosecution of the presbyter criminal and even personally intervened to get the Newbishops to stop their local action against the presbyter.
Good Catholics, there is no doubt now that Benedict-Ratzinger will go down in history as the "Paedophile Pope." This man has done more to wreck the Catholic Church -- or what little of it remains in the Newchurch of the New Order -- than the so-called Bad Pope, Alexander VI, who probably murdered a couple of enemies and had a mistress, whereas Benedict-Ratzinger is now documented as both an active and passive accomplice in the sexual assault, rape, and, yes in some cases, even murder, of at least 100,000 children.
On September 29, 2010, the TRADITIO Traditional Roman Catholic Network celebrated its sixteenth anniversary. TRADITIO was the first traditional Roman Catholic site to appear on the World Wide Web and was founded on the Feastday of St. Michael the Archangel, September 29, 1994. We were here even before Newvatican was, even before Amazon.com was!
We thank the Lord for our over 12,000,000 readers over these years and for our hundreds of dedicated correspondents from all over the world, who keep us current on everything going on in the bowels of Newvatican, in the inner sancta of various traditional organizations, and at Traditional Latin Mass sites around the world. TRADITIO was determined by an Alexis-Amazon statistical survey to be the most read traditional Roman Catholic web site on the World Wide Web.
In their Daily Commentaries, the TRADITIO Fathers do not just copy news reports or the uninformed notions of johnny-come-lately "bloggers" in secular and religious publications, who in fact have very little background or understanding of the Traditional Catholic Movement. Nor is TRADITIO Network enslaved to any particular organization's viewpoint. Instead, the TRADITIO Network provides the hard-hitting, independent analysis and perspective of over half a century of Roman Catholic experience, even from before Vatican II.
The TRADITIO Network is avidly read within the highest bowels of at Newrome and Menzingen (SSPX). In addition to the Daily Commentaries from the Fathers, lively commentary on Church news from the traditional perspective, TRADITIO's other fifteen departments provide resources and materials for its readers to study and learn about the traditional Roman Catholic Faith.
We are particularly touched by the many thousands of messages that we have received from Newchurchers of the New Order, including Motarians, who say that they have been converted to the traditional Roman Catholic Faith because of TRADITIO's uncompromising, independent commentaries and materials. The TRADITIO Network is one of many means through which Our Lord appears be working out the Traditional Catholic Restoration of the 21st century.
Dear Fathers:
The traditional Catholic priest where I attend the Traditional Latin Mass has to be absent this Sunday. While he is away, he has invited the congregation to come this Sunday and pray fifteen decades of the Most Holy Rosary in the presence of the Most Blessed Sacrament. I have access to a "traditional" Armenian liturgy. Would going to this Rosary be a mortal sin for me since I could go to the Armenian liturgy that Sunday?
The Fathers Reply.
Actually, quite the opposite. It could be a mortal sin for you to go to that Armenian liturgy. We seriously doubt the information about the "traditional" Armenian liturgy. It may well be offered by the officially-schismatic Eastern Orthodox sect. Moreover, it is almost certainly not "traditional," as few Eastern Rites remain "traditional." For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Doctrines? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics), in the section "Eastern Rite 'Option.'"
Since you are a regular congregant of the chapel, if your priest has to miss a Sunday, it is perfectly equitable for you to remain loyal to your pastor and participate at the Most Holy Rosary offered before the Most Blessed Sacrament. How wonderful that you have the truly Traditional Latin Mass 51 Sundays of the year. While you pray that Rosary, don't neglect to thank the Lord profusely on your knees for the grace of having a traditional Catholic priest to celebrate for y ou the fully Traditional Latin Mass 51 Sundays of the year. Millions around the world are beseeching the Lord for just the grace that you actually have.
Here we go again. Benedict-Ratzinger and his Newbishops refuse to take responsibility for their criminal complicity in the vilest crimes. Most recently, John Barres, Newchurch bishop of Allentown, Pennsylvania, has refused to pay damages to a girl repeatedly raped by a presbyter under his authority. Presbyter Luis Bonilla assaulted the girl at his Newparish school and eventually impregnated her.
To date, the vile presbyter rapist remains "in good standing" with Benedict-Ratzinger because he staunchly refused to use prophylaxis to prevent a pregnancy. And we all know that Newpope is very strict about prophylaxis, but very permissive about rape. He has a quite perverted sense of moral theology, having been trained, at least in part, by Modernist Protestant Germans and heretics like his bosom buddy Hans Kung the excommunicate.
The civil law is not so forgiving of rape as is Newbishop Barres. Receiving the usual non-cooperation from the Newchurch "authorities," the parents of the girl have brought Barres before the civil court of justice for failing to prevent the presbyter from repeatedly raping their daughter, for negligence, and for the consequent emotional distress. The parents had done their duty by reporting to school officials that Bonilla had been spending a suspicious amount of time with their daughter.
As is the practice of Newchurch, no action was taken to investigate or stop the rapes. The parents then took matters into their own hands and hid a video camera in their basement, by which means they got the goods on presbyter Bonilla in flagrante delicto. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Reading [Pennsylvania] Eagle.]
Dear Fathers:
I draw your readers' attention to my latest exclusive piece for the TRADITIO Network, in which I mark the centennial of the ordination of Fr. Denis Fahey (1883-1954), a member of the same Holy Ghost Congregation that Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre led, was a world-renowned author of the pre-Vatican II era, whose works, even today, are an inspiration for traditional Catholics all over the world. The main thrust behind his scholarly endeavors was to bring forth the Kingship of Christ in each and every land. A devout and committed priest, Fr. Fahey saw the Sacraments, and especially the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, as the summit of man's "social activities."
An acknowledgement of Fr. Fahey's priestly life is, in part, to pay homage to those unsung traditional Catholic priests and religious, who, despite the many impediments which the Novus Ordo religion and the world have placed in their paths, have persevered. To be clear, such praise is not meant for those who now celebrate Benedict-Ratzinger's new-fangled "Motu" Mess of 2007. Such Johnny-come-lately "Motu" presbyters more often than not, also "celebrate" the abominable Novus Ordo Mess, having little moral problem in doing so, even though it is a grievous sin and a blatant violation of God's First Commandment. Such men should not receive praise, but condemnation for facilitating Benedict-Ratzinger's ploy to undercut traditional Catholicism.
For further information, click on On the Centennial of Fr. Denis Fahey's Ordination in the TRADITIO Network's Fr. Denis Fahey department, provided as a courtesy to the TRADITIO Network by the Fr. Denis Fahey Project.
"Promises, Promises" could be the title of Benedict-Ratzinger's papacy. Either that or "Where's the beef?" His papacy has spewed forth so many false promises that it's hard to count.
Take Benedict-Ratzinger's promise to restore the Traditional Latin Mass, for example. He failed utterly to fulfill that promise, instead shoveling out a deceptive "Motu" Mess of 1962-2009, not the Traditional Latin Mass, simulated, like the invalid Novus Ordo service, by presbyters not ordained in the traditional rite "to offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for the living and the dead," but merely installed "to preside over the assembly of the people" in the invalid Conciliar-Bugnini Novus Ordo Ordinal of 1968. Thus, whatever the validity of the "Motu" rite, the Mess is invalid when celebrated by a defective minister "installed" under the Novus Ordo rite of 1968.
Now even Newchurch cardinals are criticizing Benedict-Ratzinger for failing on his June 2010 promise to establish a major Newvatican agency to deal with "new evangelization" in traditionally Christian countries. His announcement appears to be yet another of his propaganda pitches with nothing behind it. Three months later, nothing has happened in this area that he claims is so important. The Pontifical Council for Promoting New Evangelization doesn't exist yet. Its phantom "president," Italian Newarchbishop Rino Fisichella has been placed in limbo. (Oops, isn't limbo supposed to be yet another Catholic teaching that Benedict-Ratzinger has done away with?) Although Benedict-Ratziger keeps mentioning the importance of the new Council, he has done nothing to set it up. It is a phantom. Fisichella is wandering around with no portfolio. The council has no address, no phone number, and no official mission.
Once more it seems that Benedict-Ratzinger, who was supposed to be such a wonderful administrator, can't get the job done. To take just one example, his document on the 2008 Synod of Newbishops on the Bible, described as an urgently-needed text by the synod participants -- was expected in 2009, but is over a year late. If Benedict-Ratzinger had to survive in business, he'd be fired for failing to meet his project deadlines.
Benedict-Ratzinger's appointments are also late. Appointment of Newbishops can take six months, sometimes more than a year, while Newdioceses shuffle along without an Ordinary. The delay might be excusable if his eventual appointees were outstanding men. But they aren't. He has appointed Communist spies and an menagerie of paedophile facilitators as Newbishops, such as Chicago, Illinois' Francis George and San Francisco, California's George Niederauer. The President of Poland publicly rejected the Communist spy becoming Primate and forced an embarrassed Benedict-Ratzinger to withdraw the appointment.
Benedict-Ratzinger's appointment of curial officials is even later. The Secretary of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, the position that handles much of the day-to-day business of a congregation that oversees the world's men and women religious orders, took more than six months. Benedict-Ratzinger was over three years late in appointing the No. 2 position in the Pontifical Council for Social Communications.
The College of Newcardinals, which is supposed to number 120 voting members has sunk to the lowers number in years, 101. Benedict-Ratzinger has failed to call a consistory to create new cardinals. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic News Service.]
Good Catholics, Benedict-Ratzinger is bucking for the reputation of being one of the worst popes in the 2000-year history of the Church. Not only has his personal signature consigned tens of thousands of children, including many deaf and orphaned, to being raped by his Newbishops and presbyters, but he can't even seem to get the necessary functions of his papal office done. Just another reason why he should be hounded out of office by the Newchurchers as an incompetent Bad Pope.
Dear Fathers:
Some months ago I found your website and its list of traditional Catholic film, but I am having trouble relocating the file. Where can I find your list of films recommended for traditional Catholics? I am interested in finding some for my husband and for our grandchildren.
The Fathers Reply.
The TRADITIO Network has the most varied and extensive repository of traditional Catholicism, collected over the 16 years of our existence on the World Wide Web, the longest of any traditional site. Here are some hints for locating the items that you are interested in:
You will find the list of recommended films for traditional Catholics in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) department. For further information, click on FAQ12: What Films Do You Recommend for Traditional Catholics? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics). These films may be of particular edification or enjoyment to traditional Catholics.
WARNING: Just like the best literature of our Roman and Greek classical tradition, they may have scenes that require the perspective of a mature adult. (We are not making recommendations here for children or adults who have a narrow view of literature.) Nor does every line have to have an imprimatur or be agreed with dogmatically. The Catholic Fathers and Doctors of the Church, steeped in the classical tradition, were much more broadminded than that when it came to literature and art. Remember, too, that it was Benedictine monks who preserved for us uncensored Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, Vergil's Aeneid -- and even Ovid's bawdy Art of Love!
Dear Fathers:
I was just in Paris, France, and thought that I would report on my visit to the Holy Relic of St. Catherine Laboure at the Shrine of the Miraculous Medal on the Rue du Bac. The Saint's body is on display there, still incorrupt after 134 years. St. Catherine rests under a side altar just to the right of the main sanctuary. The chapel was taken over by Newchurch, of course, and groups from all over the world pollute the shrine by holding the Protestant-Masonic-Pagan Novus Ordo service there.
It has been several years since I have personally witnessed a Novus Ordo Mess, but while I was there, a group from Brazil was simulating that Mess, now declared by Benedict-Ratzinger to be the Ordinary Rite of Newchurch. So I had to wait to go up to the shrine. I am always shocked at how far the Novus Ordo insanity has progressed every time I am unfortunate enough to witness it. At the sacred shrine, the Newchurchers were wearing jeans, short shorts, and worse. There was a layperson in jeans and a simple T-shirt reading, while the presbyter just sat there.
After the "cookie" was distributed in filthy hands, the congregation all rushed to the "table" and held their hands up in the air, swaying back and forth and singing songs like Charismatic banshees, ending in applause for each other. After the Mess these Protestant hooligans -- actually Protestants are usually more reverent than Newchurchers -- swarmed the Holy Relic six people deep, holding their cameras up in the air to make the whole sorry Mess into a degrading "photo op."
The New Order sacrilege was very sad to witness, and I can only imagine how St. Catherine herself must feel, having to be subjected to such depravity day in and day out. The other shrines that I visited were almost as bad. Although perpetual adoration has been ongoing at the Basilica of the Sacred Heart since 1885 (to expiate the sins of the French Revolution and Communists), sadly there is now merely a "cookie" on display. Newchurcher layabouts populate the steps of the basilica and get drunk in the middle of the afternoon. Although France has many beautiful traditional monuments, relics, and holy places, I concluded that the Catholic Faith is absent from the country once called the Daughter of the Church.
Dear Fathers:
Several parents have been in to the principal of the Novus Ordo school to which my son goes to ask that something be done about the "religion teacher" who teaches the children many heresies, when, that is, he isn't devoting the class time to secular issues. We have been assured by the principal that steps have been taken to correct the problems, yet nothing has changed.
My husband and I have talked about removing our son from his Novus Ordo school. There is a small, but growing, group of parents that are asking for more of a traditional Catholic education here. Since both my husband and I believe that the heretical teaching going on at this Novus Ordo school is dangerous, we are giving the situation only until Christmas before we pull our son out of the religion class at school, or from the school altogether. Should I take my son out of the Novus Ordo school?
The Fathers Reply.
Novus Ordo schools are hopeless. The people there doesn't have the Catholic Faith themselves, so they wouldn't know how to teach it -- nor do they want to teach it. What they want to do is to indoctrinate the children the unCatholic New Order religion -- if there is any religion in it at all. It doesn't matter how many conferences you have with the principal. Nothing will change. A leopard can't change its spots.
Your idea of pulling your child out of the Novus Ordo school and homeschooling him, possibly together with other parents, is certainly desirable, if your local public school is equally bad. Archbishop Fulton Sheen's 1967 statement just after Vatican II, although it applies specifically to universities, holds as well for grades K-12:
You are better off going to a state school where you will have the chance to fight for your Faith, than going to a modern Catholic university where you will have the new watered-down, modernist version of the Faith spoon-fed to your unsuspecting minds, so that you will be apt to lose your Faith.
For Traditional Catholic Education and homeschooling resources, there is a chapter entitled "Traditional Catholic Education" in the current Monthly Revised Edition of the Official Traditional Catholic Directory, Listing All Traditional Latin Masses and Traditional Resources for North America, published annually since 1994 by the National Registry of Traditional Latin Masses. For detailed information, click on the TRADITIO Network's Official Traditional Catholic Directory department, provided to the TRADITIO Network by the National Registry of Traditional Latin Masses.
No sooner had Benedict-Ratzinger returned from his abortive junket to Britain September 16-19, 2010, where he was directly confronted with his personal participation in Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust, than he returned to Newrome to face a Vatican bank scandal. It seems that his bank president, Ettore Gotti Tedeschi, has been laundering funds right under the nose of Benedict-Ratzinger. It is yet another instance of the persistent incompetence of the current papacy. The Roman municipal government has seized 30,000,000 U.S. dollars' worth of funds, which it charges have been used in a scan to disguise financial fraud and tax evasion. The seizure of this amount of funds has exacerbated Newchurch's already shaky finances, which have been declining in recent years because Newchurchers are abandoning the New Order sect in droves.
The pope's bank, deceptively called the Institute for Religious Works, has been caught in money-laundering in the past. In 1982 Newchurch caused one of Italy's largest bank scandals, when Newarchbishop Paul Marcinkus, an American who headed the Vatican bank, was charged as an accessory to the fraudulent bankruptcy of one of Italy's largest banks. His accomplice was found hanging from Blackfriars Bridge in London in 1982, in a murder that some believe had the earmarks of a Masonic hit. The Freemasons have also been accused of doing away with JPI, who died under mysterious circumstances just a month after his election, after he announced that he was going to clean out the Vatican Bank of any Masonic influence or corruption. Benedict-Ratzinger's bank was already under investigation by Roman municipal authorities for fraudulent property dealings.
True to form, Benedict-Ratzinger was not interested in getting to the truth of the matter, but instead issued a statement of "full confidence" in the crooks. This is the same front that Benedict-Ratzinger has put up in his sex-crimes holocaust: Stand not for getting to the truth, but support the crooks! [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Reuters.]
The Church's Universal Doctor, St. Thomas Aquinas hit the nail on the head about corruption in the Church when he visited the Vatican, and Innocent IV showed him bags full of money. The pope said to Aquinas, "You see, young man, the age of the Church is past in which Christ could say, 'Do not possess gold, nor silver, nor money in your purses.' To which Aquinas replied, "True, Holy Father, but the age is also past in which he could say to a paralytic, 'Arise, and walk.'"
Dear Fathers:
I'm confused about Cardinal Newman and papal infallibility. Should papal infallibility not have been defined? Why not make it more clear that papal infallibility is a doctrine of the Faith?
The Fathers Reply.
The problem is how to define it. The general understanding of a doctrine is one thing. Getting all the minute theological details worked out in a formal definition is another thing. "The devil is in the details," they say. The council wrestled mightily to find the right words for a definition. The minutes of Vatican I show that the Fathers had much difficulty reaching an acceptable definition. In retrospect, Cardinal Newman seems correct in his assessment that the time was not opportune for a formal definition on the subject, as that definition seems to have created more problems than it solved.
Many doctrines of the Faith have never been formally defined; they rely upon Tradition for their interpretation. The doctrine of the Immaculate Conception, for instance, was not defined for 1850 years because of difficulty in finding the exact words for the definition. The doctrine itself was already accepted in general terms through the centuries, but even St. Thomas Aquinas, the Church's Universal Doctor, had problems with a definition, and the eventual definition was not promulgated until 1854.
For further information, click on POPELIM.TXT: Limitations of Papal Authority to Change Sacred Tradition, From the Writings of Roman Catholic Popes, Councils, Saints, and Theologians in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics).
On September 19, 2010, Benedict-Ratzinger Novus Ordo-beatified John Henry Cardinal Newman (1801-1890), a former Anglican minister. There was irony in this act. Newman was one of those called "Non-opportunists," who believed that it was not opportune at the Vatican I Council to issue a decree on papal infallibility. In that opinion, he was joined by a majority of the bishops at the council and even by Pope Pius IX. In fact, the issue was put on the council's agenda, not by the pope, but by the extremist French Ultramontanists, who wanted to make the pope into some kind of secular demigod, so that he could act on an equal plane with the national leaders of the 19th century.
The decree, titled Pastor aeternus, did eventually pass, but only because most of the bishops did not want embarrass Pius IX after the decree had been put on the public agenda. Many bishops were opposed to issuing a decree simply absented themselves from the vote. Vatican I was never able to complete its work and put the decree into its proper context. The Italian revolutionaries invaded Rome and made the pope a "prisoner of the Vatican." The council was adjourned in a panic, having passed only one part of the decree.
Newman, a brilliant intellect, knew that confusion would ensue because of the incomplete nature of the council's work, as it in fact did. No sooner had the decree passed than he was bombarded with the confusion it produced. Catholics and non-Catholics in England misunderstood that the pope was a demigod, whose every whim was an infallible act, just as the papolators of today believe. True, the council never decreed that, and in fact severely limited papal infallibility to matters of faith and morals, and only if the exercise of that infallibility expounded on no "new doctrine," but only what was already in the Deposit of Faith.
The first cardinal of the United States, James Gibbons, who personally participated at the council, encountered confusion when he returned to his country from the council and was asked whether the pope was infallible in everything. "I don't think so," Cardinal Gibbons replied, "He called me Mister Jibbons!" To the contrary, Newman's proper understanding of the decree was confirmed by none other than Pope St. Pius X, who wrote that of all the cardinals, Newman had most correctly explicated the doctrine.
Newchurchers can accept Benedict-Ratzinger's British junket September 16-19, 2010, only if they are hypocrites. He prayed with Anglicans, under whose auspices hundreds of Catholics were tortured and killed in the reigns of Edward VI, Elizabeth I, and James I for refusing to do what Benedict-Ratzinger cravenly did. If Benedict-Ratzinger's actions were correct, then those martyrs died in vain. If the martyrs were correct, then Benedict-Ratzinger is a traitor to 450 years of Catholic recusant heroism and sainthood, including St. Thomas More and Bishop John Fisher.
In the Newchurch of the New Order, servile "obedience" and subservience to hierarchical dictatorship continue to take precedence over the truth. This failing is at the root of Newchurch's Great Sex and Embezzlement Holocaust as well. The cover-up depended upon the bureaucratic belief that one does not expose presbyters and Newbishops to negative publicity or prosecution. By personal signature of Ratzinger, notorious child-rape accomplices such as Newcardinals Roger Mahony, of Los Angeles, California, and Francis George, of Chicago, Illinois, are being allowed to serve their full term and then retire with all the prestige and riches of their office, instead of being sent to prison, where they belong.
The pope also offered unqualified praise for the British establishment for its fight against the Nazis. He failed to note that he himself was a Nazi sympathizer, first as a uniformed member of the Nazi Youth Corps and then in the Wehrmacht, the armed forces of Nazi Germany. He now pleads youth (although he wasn't all that young at sixteen) and necessity (although he joined up five months before the legal requirement), whereas many of his fellows in Regensberg were resisting the Nazis and refusing to sign up. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Revisionist Review.]
Supposedly Benedict-Ratzinger upholds the Biblical and Catholic doctrine that woman cannot be priests. Really? Even the usually-clueless Motarians and Newchurchers out there cannot fail to see the hypocrisy in this one. Benedict-Ratzinger, falsely portrayed in some circles as a "traditional" pope, on September 17, 2010, became the first pope in history to embrace a priestess.
He performed this "act of love" with Jane Hedges, the canon-steward of Westminster Abbey during an hour-long "oecumenical" service at the abbey. Such "oecumenical" services are traditionally condemned in Catholic doctrine. Participating also was the heretical Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, an outspoken advocate for priestesses and bishopesses. The summer 2010 Anglican General Synod moved closer to imposing bishopesses on all national churches within the Anglican communion, whether they like it or not. Many have not, and have gone independent from Williams.
Benedict-Ratzinger was also the first pope to enter the heretical abbey, which was stolen from the Catholic Church by the head of the Anglican sect at the time, King Henry VIII of England. Benedict-Ratzinger joined the heretics in procession as he processed up the aisle of the abbey. The heretical archbishop wore his mitre, whereas the pope wore only a stole as they proceeded side by side through the nave. Benedict-Ratzinger had changed out of the faux Novus Ordo stole that had caused so much scandal. It was blue, not a liturgical color, and was inscribed with the outline of large hearts. It looked like the faux stoles that the more liberalist Protestant ministers now wear. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the UK Daily Telegraph.]SSPX Senior Bishop Williamson's appeal against a Regensburg court judgment in April 2010 that he must pay some 13,000 U.S. dollars for "inciting racial hatred" by his alleged "Holocaust denial" has been set for hearing on November 29, 2010.
The case is all the more ironic because it is being heard in Benedict-Ratzinger's Regensburg, where the supposed Vatican II human right of free speech is abridged. In Germany no one can even imply that any part of the official "holocaust" story needs to be analyzed. Benedict-Ratzinger, who supposedly stands up for Vatican II's human rights, has entirely failed to defend Bishop Williamson's right to express his opinion on a disputed matter of secular history, which he expressed in an interview for Swedish Public Television in 2008, even though Williamson, together with the other three SSPX bishops (Fellay, Galarreta, and Tissier de Mallerais), are now subjects of Benedict-Ratzinger and his New Order sect, as they accepted their "unexcommunications" from that sect in January 2009.
Bernie Fellay, the current Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X, who is, in fact, Williamson's junior, had placed him under virtual house arrest, placed him under an Order of Silence, and barred him from defending himself at the original trial. Fellay is well known to run the SSPX like his personal dictatorship and to ride roughshod on the other bishops consecrated by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, the SSPX's founder. Therefore, Williamson was convicted in absentia by a kangaroo court, which issued its multipage decision against him in a matter of minutes. The fix was obviously in against Williamson.
Williamson's lawyer indicated that Williamson would appear in person for the appeal, rejecting the authority of Fellay to tell him what to do. Williamson recently broke his silence and issued an Open Letter in which he, joining with two other priests who had been expelled from the SSPX, issued a pointed "warning" against Fellay's plan to sell out the SSPX to Benedict-Ratzinger's New Order sect. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Agence France Press.]
A courageous Florida Evangelical pastor has stood up for Christianity whereas Newchurch's pusillanimous bishops sold out to what Catholicism calls a "infidels." Every year, on the Feast of Christ the King, Catholics pray to Christ the Redeemer: "Be Thou King of all those who are still involved in the darkness of idolatry or of Islamism, and refuse not to draw them all into the light and kingdom of God." One Newchurch cardinal, Theodore McCarrick, of Washington, D.C., even committed the blasphemy of a benediction "in the name of Allah," in one of the most blatant examples of Newchurch's anti-Catholic error of oecumenism.
On September 16, 2010, in a brief statement to the press, pastor Terry Jones, against pressure from pseudo-Christians such as Barack Obama and Benedict-Ratzinger, refused to apologize for having proposed to burn the Koran, and renewed his accusation that radical Islam was a "destructive" religion. Terry Jones proposed to burn a pile of 200 Korans on International Burn a Koran Day, to mark the anniversary of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks upon the United States by Mohammedans.
Jones temporarily called off the burning when he was supposedly assured that a controversial mosque would not be built just a few blocks from Ground Zero of the Mohammedan attack on New York City's Twin Towers, which murdered thousands of innocent souls. The building of the mosque is, according to recent polls, opposed by seven out of ten Americans. Jones proclaimed: "We have no conviction from God to repent. Therefore, we have no intention and will not repent for standing up for the Gospel." Jones also chastised Christian churches in the United States and worldwide, saying "they have lost their guts to stand up for Christianity. Instead, they bow down to the political powers, to the false doctrines of nations." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Agence France Press.]
Good Catholics, Pastor Jones is right. Christians from Benedict-Ratzinger on down have in fact lost their guts to stand up for Christianity. They pander some Modernist/Liberalist pseudo-Christianity of a New Order, which is certainly not based upon the courageous, outspoken, and non-respecter-of persons Jesus Christ of the Bible, Who openly took on the phony ecclesiastical/political leaders of His time and explicitly said, "Do not think that I have come to send peace upon earth: I came not to send peace, but the sword" (Matthew 10:34/DRV).
The prophet Isaias wrote: "The people that walked in darkness, have seen a great light" (Isaias 9:6/DRV). Unfortunately, most of the once Chosen People still walk in the darkness and reject the light of Christ. In just how much darkness these people still walk is revealed by a practice of animal sacrifice that Jews are still practicing as part of the Old Covenant.
On September 16, 2010, the day preceding Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, traditional Jews practiced kaparot (atonements). They twirled chickens above their head while reciting the prayer: "This is my exchange, this is my substitute, this is my atonement. This chicken will go to its death while I shall enter and proceed to a good long life and peace." The chicken is then slaughtered to atone for their sins. Then the chicken is slaughtered. The ritual is supposed to cleanse the individual of his sins. In its performance thousands of chickens are slaughtered annually. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Reuters.]
Christ in the New Covenant rejects this practice, recalling the words of the prophet Osee: "For I desired mercy, and not sacrifice: and the knowledge of God more than holocausts" (Osee 6:6/DRV).
Why is the Newchurch of the New Order so fixated on exterrestrials? Is it that the New Order is so rapidly sinking that it needs to find new members, as the Church did in the New World after the Protestant Revolution took over half of Europe?
Benedict-Ratzinger's senior scientist, Brother Guy Consolmagno, in remarks in advance of the British Science Festival, said that he would be delighted to encounter intelligent aliens and would be happy to baptize them, if asked. "Any entity, no matter how many tentacles it has, has a soul," he said. Consolmagno seems to be captured in science faction!
This New Order sectarian dismissed the Creation theory and claimed that the "Intelligent Design" theory, which holds that only the existence of an Intelligent Designer can explain gaps in Darwin's theory of evolution, is "bad theology." Contrary to Consolmagno's gratuitous contention, the concept of "Intelligent Design" is centuries old and describes the idea that God can be discovered in the laws of space and time and the existence of human reason. This position is compatible with that of the Church's principal theologian, the Universal Doctor, St. Thomas Aquinas, and in fact goes back to the Fathers and Doctors of the Church, such as St. Augustine. One wonders whence Consolmagno's "theology" comes.
The discovery of aliens would certainly raise huge theological problems for Newchurch. For example, could extraterrestrials become presbyters or eucharistic ministresses? [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the UK Telegraph.]
No wonder the Britishers are greeting Benedict-Ratzinger with such coolness on his September 16-19, 2010, junket to Great Britain and calling him the Paedophile Pope. He issued through his official spokesman a statement that he would not defrock Roger Vangheluwe, his Newchurch bishop of Bruges, Belgium, for raping his own nephew, a minor, for a period of over six years. There is no question about the facts. Newchurch bishop Vangheluwe has admitted publicly to the rapes.
Moreover, Godfried Danneels, the Newarchbishop of Brussels and Primate of Belgium, tried to terrorize the nephew into not going to the police to report the crime, which would make Danneels a criminal accessory after the fact to rape and an obstructer of justice. There is no question about the facts here either. The underage nephew, who had been sodomized for years by Uncle-Newbishop Vangheluwe, taped Danneel's criminal intimidation.
According to Benedict-Ratzinger's spokesman, the defrocking of the rapist Newbishop would be "more symbolic than practical." He said that Benedict-Ratzinger "will certainly need time to be informed and to reflect." Why does he need time? The Newbishop has admitted his grevious crimes. Benedict-Ratzinger is just temporizing, as he always does, to avoid taking any action against his sex-criminal clergy. It is the same excuse that he has used to delay for years the defrocking of even convicted Newbishop and presbyter criminals. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Zenit.]
Good Catholics, Benedict-Ratzinger just doesn't get it. He has been an accomplice to these crimes for more than forty years now. He doesn't understand that symbolism is just what is necessary to begin the chastisement of Newchurch. The heads of rapist bishops should roll. It's that simple. As Our Lord said to the Unjust Steward: "How is it that I hear this of thee? give an account of thy stewardship: for now thou canst be steward no longer" (Luke 16:2/DVR). And while we're getting rid of those criminal Newchurch bishops and presbyters, let's get rid of their head and accomplice, Benedict-Ratzinger. According to the old Roman proverb, the fish certainly does stink from the head.
The atmosphere was chilly -- and we don't mean the weather -- when Benedict-Ratzinger arrived in Edinburgh, Scotland, on September 16, 2010, at the beginning of his four-day British junket. Protestors greeted him carrying signs depicting him as an accomplice in Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust, over which he has presided since 1981. Upon his arrival, Benedict-Ratzinger made a statement to the press in which, once again, he fobbed off responsibility on others and refused to take any personal responsibility for leading the holocaust.
Child victims and their supporters have been all the more enraged against Benedict-Ratzinger, saying that nothing has changed: the rapes of children by Newchurch cardinals, bishops, and presbyters continues. "Bishops across the world continue to deliberately choose secrecy and deception over safety and honesty in child sex cases," said a spokesman for the Survivors Network of those Abused by Pr[esbyters].
Only 65,000 souls showed up for Benedict-Ratzinger's Novus Ordo service at Glagow's Bellahouston Park. 100,000 were expected. Newvatican was so desperate to attract Newchurchers to the papal Mess that they started giving away unsold tickets free. Britishers have been hostile to Benedict-Ratzinger's junket, for which they have been forced to pay almost 20,000,000 U.S. dollars, when they are suffering under austerities and job losses. One protester said: "This visit should never had happened. We stand here against these abusers. This is a waste of taxpayers' money." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
Benedict-Ratzinger's appeals to Europe to become more Christian is again shown to be just so much hot air, as his Council of European Bishops' Conferences organized a pilgrimage from September 1-5, 2010, for the intention not of Christ, not of the Blessed Virgin Mary, not of the Saints, but for the "environment." (Probably they threw in the now discredited secular "global warming" mantra as well.)
Hungarian Cardinal Peter Erdo performed the invalid Novus Ordo opening Mess at his Newcathedral in Esztergom, and Austrian Newcardinal Christoph Schönborn concluded the pilgrimage with an invalid Novus Ordo Mess at Mariazell. Far from condemning this travesty, Benedict-Ratzinger supported it through his secularized Encyclical Letter, Caritas in veritate.
In the United States, Christmas scenes on government property are prohibited, but Mohammedans can block traffic every Friday afternoon by worshipping in the streets. On Madison Avenue and several other locations in New York City, Mohammedans block traffic while they put out their prayer rugs and take over streets between 2:00 and 4:00 in the afternoon. New Yorkers are wondering whether Mayor Michael Bloomberg is now in the pocket of the very terrorist who blew up his Twin Towers.
Meanwhile, a heated dispute continues over whether an imam who supports Mohammedan terrorists should be allowed to build a mosque near Ground Zero, where Mohammedans blew up the Twin Towers and killed thousands of innocent souls. Bloomberg supports the building of the mosque. Surveys indicate that 70 per cent of Americans are opposed to the mosque.
A member of a Newparish congregation at a "Motu" Mess of 1962+ in County Mayo, Ireland, approached to receive in the hand, as is the almost universal practice in the Novus Ordo. The Motu presbyter refused, and so the Newchurcher grabbed a host/cookie from the ciborium, which fell on the floor. The incident occurred during the annual pilgrimage of the Latin Mass Society of Ireland to Knock Shrine on September 4, 2010, during a Missa Cantata. (In the Novus Ordo rite, laypeople can handle the cookies, and extras are tossed.) Members of the congregation then strong-armed the man into the sacristy, where he claimed that he had been abducted against his will.
Good Catholics, this incident gives us a glimpse of just what kind of members the Novus Ordo/Motarian Latin Mass Society has. Motarians are, after all, only half Catholic at best in their acceptance of the invalid Novus Ordo Protestant-Masonic-Pagan service as their Ordinary Rite. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Irish Times.]
Dear Fathers:
A Newchurcher told me that if a Catholic participates in services at an Mohammedan mosque, these prayers are oecumenical and do not compromise the Catholic faith in any way. That doesn't sound right to me. May a Catholic participate in a Mohammedan service without committing a grave sin against the First Commandment of God?
The Fathers Reply.
No, he can't. The dogma of the Catholic Church has been that there is one true Faith established by Jesus Christ, the Catholic Faith. It is irrational for contradictory Faiths, teaching contrary doctrine and morality, to be simultaneously true.
The Mohammedan believes that Mohammedanism is the true Faith. A Catholic participating in such a service would be publicly denying the true Faith. "Oecumenism," embracing such concepts as "we all worship the same god" amd "all gods are the same," has traditionally been condemned by the Catholic Church as a grave sin of blasphemy. True, the New Order sect, which is not Catholic, embraces it.
Dear Fathers:
Did the early Christian Church worship on Saturday, the Jewish sabbath, as some sects like the Seventh Day Adventists contend, or on Sunday, the Lord's Day?
The Fathers Reply.
St. Luke in the Acts of the Apostles (20:7/DR) in the New Testament, writes: "And on the first day of the week, when we were assembled to break bread, Paul discoursed with them, being to depart on the morrow. And he continued his speech until midnight."
St. Jerome's Latin Vulgate renders the phrase as in una sabbati, which, as usual, closely parallels the Greek en te mia ton sabbaton, literally "on (day) one of the week," that is, the Lord's Day, or Sunday. If St. Luke had wished to say "on the Sabbath [Saturday]," he would have said simply en to sabbato.
Moreover, St. Paul writes in his First Epistle to the Corinthians (16:2): "On the first day of the week, let every one of you put apart with himself, laying up what it shall well please him: that when I come, the collections be not then to be made."
Finally, St. Justin, Martyr (ca. 100-165), who writes within a few decades of Sts. Luke and Paul, is an early witness to the practices of the Apostolic Church and confirms in his Apologia (I.67) that the Christians worshipped "on day called that of the Sun," that is, Sunday.
For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Doctrines? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics), in the section "Sunday or Saturday Worship."
Vincent Nichols, the Newchurch Primate of Great Britain, is yet another one of the hypocritical New Order hierarchy. In an interview on September 11, 2010, he used the usual ploy of deflecting blame from Benedict-Ratzinger's hierarchy, including himself, who are primarily responsible for leading Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust, onto presbyters. Nichols, of course, failed to mention how many cardinals and bishops have been exposed as child rapists and how Benedict-Ratzinger himself openly facilitated paedophile perverts.
But there is more to the story. Nichols has blessed a "Gay & Lesbian" Mess in London. Nichols also indicated to the BBC that he was willing to extend the Mess to Manchester or Brighton. Conservative Newchurchers have vocally objected to Nichols' "Gay & Lesbian" Novus Ordo Mess. Twice a month a group of conservatives line the pavement opposite the Church of Our Lady of the Assumption. They pray the rosary on their knees, sing hymns, and have petitioned the Archdiocese of Westminster to scrap the Mess. Even the former Caholic Herald editor has accused Nichols and his Newbishops of supporting those who engage in "the homosexual lifestyle."
Even under JPII, who was quite kooky in his unCatholic liturgical novelties, would not have permitted this travesty. Benedict-Ratzinger, however, far from being the "traditionalist" that he is often erroneously portrayed as, has raised no objection to the "Gay & Lesbian" Mess. Moreover, Nichols & Co. are trying to sell Benedict-Ratzinger's unpopular papal Messes in Britain as a "show." Nichols has approved the use of trendy language in the official programme-guide for the junket. The papal Messes are referred to as "shows" and "gigs." The liturgists are "performers" and "artists," whereas Benedict-Ratzinger and his Newbishops are the "headline acts." The congregation is a "crowd" and an "audience," the sanctuary is the "stage," the sacristry is "backstage," the altar is the "table," and the cookie and Kool-Aid are simply the "giving out." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the British Broadcasting Corporation and the London Daily Mail.]
Dear Fathers:
Newchurchers invariably criticize traditional Catholics whenever questions are asked about Vatican II or the traditional Catholic Faith, claiming that they "dissent from the magisterium." From the way they use the term, I get the idea that they don't understand what it means. What is the true meaning of "magisterium"?
The Fathers Reply.
Appealing to a false "magisterium" This is a common subterfuge of the Novus Ordo. Members of the New Order sect claim that it is traditional Catholics who dissent from Catholic teaching in order to disguise the fact that it is the New Order sectarians themselves who are the dissenters! The very terms make this clear: traditional, that is, based on Sacred Tradition, one of the two infallible fonts of Catholic doctrine (the other being Sacred Scripture), and New Order, that is, something that is not Catholic as it has been for 2000 years, but something novel.
We Fathers need to point out once again the correct meaning of the Latin neuter term "Magisterium," which the New Order sect deceptively (or ignorantly) confuses with the Latin masculine term "Magister." The term magisterium is, therefore, a thing, not a person. "Magisterium" refers to the doctrinal authority of the Church, not to the person who happens to hold the papacy (a "magister"). The New Order sectarians reject the dogmatic definition of the Vatican I Council concerning the limitations of the authority and power of the person who holds the office of the papacy:
Neque enim Petri successoribus Spiritus sanctus promissus est, ut eo revelante novam doctrinam patefacerent, sed ut eo assistente traditam per apostolos revelationem seu fidei depositum sancte custodirent et fideliter exponerent. --First Vatican Council, Constitutio Dogmatica Prima de Ecclesia Christi (Pastor Aeternus), capitulum IV, De Romani Pontificis Infallibili Magisterio, July 18, 1870
[For the Holy Ghost was promised to the successors of Peter not so that they might, by His revelation, make known some new doctrine, but that, by His assistance, they might religiously guard and faithfully expound the revelation or Deposit of Faith transmitted by the Apostles.]
The New Order sectarians also reject the Catholic dogma that, above all, the pope himself is not exempt from the requirement of being in communion with Christ and His teaching. What does "communion with the pope" mean if the pope himself teaches false, unCatholic doctrine and institutes a false Mass and Sacraments? Fortunately, we have the answer to this question from the popes and Doctors of the Church that, in such a case, the pope must not be obeyed. For further information, click on POPELIM.TXT: Limitations of Papal Authority to Change Sacred Tradition, From the Writings of Roman Catholic Popes, Councils, Saints, and Theologians in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics).
Since John XXIII called the Vatican II Council not as a dogmatic council, but merely a pastoral council, and since Paul VI did not proclaim its decrees as doctrine, but only as pastoral recommendations, there is no question of heresy on the part of any who rejects its Modernistic decrees. The New Order sectarians themselves, however, do reek of heresy, in that they reject the dogmatic teaching of Vatican I that the papal office is subject to the Deposit of Faith, that is, to the teachings of Christ. That heresy, known as papolatria, would make a human pope equal to God in being able to devise novel doctrines, Masses, sacraments, and morality as he pleases.
So, who are the real Catholics? Traditional Catholics, who stand by Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition, which constitute the Deposit of Faith of Our Lord Jesus Christ, as well as by the teachings of dogmatic councils, including Vatican I on the papacy? Or the New Order sectarians who reject Catholic dogmatic teaching on the papacy and presume to support the fabrication of a "New Mass," new sacraments, new doctrine, and a new morality? Remember the challenge of the Traditional Catholicism to the New Order. No member of the Novus Ordo sect can validly answer it:
When JPII made his junket to Britain in 1982, he was received with a rapturous welcome and was described in glowing terms by the Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury. JPII's successor, Benedict-Ratzinger, will receive a cool, even hostile, reception on his junket September 16-19, 2010.
Unlike JPII, Benedict-Ratzinger has stepped into crisis and controversy at every turn when he ventures abroad. Benedict-Ratziger's British junket has been fraught with controversy ever since it was announced by Buckingham Palace in May 2010. Members of the British government have ridiculed him for his personal abetting of Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust, which has caused anger and revulsion among Britishers. A Queen's Counsel has called for his arrest in Britain and trial before the World Court for "crimes against humanity." The new Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury, once a friend, will treat Newpope like a Judas because of his perfidious Coetibus Anglicanorum of November 4, 2009. British taxpayers have been complaining over the costs for the junket, opposed by 80 per cent of the populace. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
Benedict-Ratzinger is now getting his just deserts. Yet it should be pointed out as well that Britain has been just as immoral as Benedict-Ratzinger. Queen Elizabeth I's predecessor Henry VIII was a vicious butcher who savagely martyred Catholic priests and bishops, as well as Catholics who fought for the Traditional Latin Mass against the manufactured Anglican service. Henry became particularly notorious worldwide when he martyred St. Thomas More, one of the two most respected Christians in the world, a man of great knowledge and humanity. Henry was an adulterer who "divorced" his legitimate wife, Catherine of Aragon, a devoted and courageous wife, a saintly woman beloved of Englanders, who endured Henry's open adulteries with five other "wives." To this day, Britain engages in official discrimination against Catholics.
Dear Fathers:
Exclusive photographs that I took in Ireland during January 2010 at various sites associated with Fr. Denis Fahey, have been added to the TRADITIO Network's Fr. Denis Fahey Archive. For further information on these never-before-published photographs, click on the TRADITIO Network's Fr. Denis Fahey Archive.
Fr. Fahey (1883-1954), a member of the same Holy Ghost Congregation that Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre led, was a world-renowned author of the pre-Vatican II era, whose works, even today, are an inspiration for traditional Catholics all over the world. The main thrust behind his scholarly endeavors was to bring forth the Kingship of Christ in each and every land. A devout and committed priest, Fr. Fahey saw the Sacraments, and especially the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, as the summit of man's "social activities."
Prior Fr. Basilio Meramo on August 26, 2010, publicly applauded SSPX senior bishop Richard Williamson for his Open Letter of August 21, 2010, in which the bishop called the plans of SSPX Superior General Bernie Fellay to sell out to Newrome a grave "DANGER!" Fellay had previously expelled Prior Meramo from the SSPX for standing by the founding principles of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre.
Joining Prior Meramo, SSPX Fr. Juan Ceriano has also publicly applauded Bishop Williamson's warning and has criticized as "mitred deceit" Fellay's plans to negotiate a sellout with Newrome. Fellay has threatened Ceriani with expulsion as well.
Meanwhile, a rumor has surfaced that Fellay is preparing effectively to expel Bishop Williamson as well and replace him with Daniel Couture, the SSPX District Superior of Asia. At the Econe ordinations on June 29, 2010, Couture was seen in procession in white cassock to the immediate right of Williamson.
In case you traditional Catholics don't know what goes on at Novus Ordo funerals these days, you might be surprised -- but you shouldn't be -- that frequently the music consists of football club songs, pop and rock music, romantic ballads, and even political songs. The Newchurch archbishop of Melbourne, Dennis Hart, has issued new "guidelines" against such music at funerals, but it is uncertain what binding force his guidelines have. Already Newchurch funeral directors have called the guidelines "insensitive," because many Novus Ordo families want to turn these solemn occasions into "celebrations." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Reuters.]
Traditionally, music is entirely forbidden at Catholic funerals as redolent of joy and therefore out of place, as it is during penitential seasons, except in cases where the Funeral Mass is sung in Gregorian Chant as a Missa Cantata, which is what Catholics are supposed to have as their Funeral Mass.
A Special Commission of the Belgian Government issued on September 10, 2010, a long-awaited 200-page report detailing the horror that was faced by hundreds of child victims of sex crimes by Newchurch bishops and presbyters, some mere babies of two year of age. Thirteen children were so traumatized by the Newchurch clergy's crimes that they committed suicide, and six others attempted suicide.
Benedict-Ratzinger, whose personal signature as Sex Czar suborned the continuing criminal activities of Newchurch clergy, has failed to make any response to the devastating report, as he prepares to face a barrage of protests against his personal involvement when he goes on his papal junket to Britain September 16-19, 2010. So irate are the Irish, the British, and other Europeans at his tacit support of these crimes that a Queen's Counsel has called for Benedict-Ratzinger's arrest when he sets foot in England and for his trial before the World Court for "crimes against humanity."
Professor Peter Adriaenssens, chairman of the commission, said that the crimes in Belgium may have been far more rampant than even the 200-page report suggests. "Reality is worse than what we present here today because not everyone shares such things automatically in a first contact with the commission," he told reporters. Adriaenssens, a child psychiatrist who has worked with trauma victims for 23 years, said that nothing had prepared him for the stories of abuse that blighted the lives of the child victims. "We don't just talk about touching. We are talking about oral and anal abuse, forced masturbation and mutual masturbation. We talk about people who have gone through serious abuse," Adriaenssens said.
The vast majority of the abuse happened after the Modernist Vatican II Council led to the suppression of a disciplined priesthood and the substitution of a New Order presbyterate, which is essentially responsible to no one. The crimes involve the highest levels of Newchurch. Roger Vangheluwe, who functioned as Newbishop of Bruges, resigned in April 2010 when he admitted to raping his own nephew for years while a presbyter and bishop. The Newchurch Archbishop Primate of Belgium until January 2010, Godfried Danneels, recently admitted knowing about Vangheluwe's continuing rape of his nephew after Danneels, a Modernist leader at Vatican II, was caught on tape trying to intimidate the nephew from going to the police. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
Good Catholics, the Newchurch of the New Order is continuing to rot from corruption, from Benedict-Ratzinger personally right on down to his bishops and presbyters. Nor are these crimes from decades ago, as the Ratzingerians would have you believe, but from this very year 2010. In fact, one cannot think of a better description of the head of this corruption than the Biblical one: "He stinketh" (John 11:39/DRV).
French reports indicate that SSPX members are afraid of the impact that SSPX Superior General Bernie Fellay's proposed sellout to Benedict-Ratzinger and his Newchurch of the New Order would have on their children's education and are afraid of the lawsuits that would arise. Representing this concern, Councillor Alexandre Simonnot has publicly stated: "If the Society of St. Pius X sells out to Newrome, the SSPX will explode and know the worst Division in its history." He predicts that SSPX members will openly take sides, pro-Benedict and anti-Benedict, whereas now this division is being kept under wraps by Fellay, so that Benedict-Ratzinger will be deceived that the Society as a whole wants to capitulate to the New Order.
The faithful laity who are against Fellay's sellout and who have made donations to the Society are aggressively readying alternate sites and lawsuits to prevent their property from falling into the hands of Benedict-Ratzinger. They reject Fellay's propaganda that Benedict-Ratzinger is a "traditionalist" and view him as a deceitful Modernist who wishes to take over traditional Catholicism, together with its funds and property.
Parents who keep their children in Fellay's schools after a sellout to Newrome would be particularly hard hit. Because numerous SSPX priests would leave the Society after a Fellay sellout to Newrome, these schools would become less viable and would have to church exorbitant fees of the remaining families to maintain the instructional program, now Novus Ordoized, and the school buildings.
After working for the Newchurch Los Angeles Archdiocese for more than twenty years, Patricia Sandall's call to the Newchurch presbyterate came gradually. "I am Roman Catholic [sic] to the bone," she says. She is one of several females, including nuns and religious-education directrices, who have been installed as Newchurch presbyteresses in the Novus Ordo rite from the Los Angeles Newarchdiocese alone, under the auspices of Roman Catholic Womenpriests.
The two new presbyteresses join five Newchurch bishopesses, 47 presbyteresses, and 10 deaconesses. Although these females are not yet officially recognized by the Novus Ordo establishment, it seems only a matter of time before Newrome, which has already gone soft on abortion and homosexuality, will embrace presbyteresses.
Since the Modernist Vatican II Council (1962-1965), females have effectively taken over Newchurch at the grass roots. (This fact may be yet another explanation for the homosexualization of Benedict-Ratzinger and his Newchurch.) Besides making up 60 per cent of those who attend the Novus Ordo service, decreed the "Ordinary Rite" of Newchurch by Benedict-Ratzinger, females run 80 per cent of Newparish ministries as eucharistic ministresses, lectoresses, religious-education directrices, and administratrices. In effect, these females are already functioning as presbyteresses in Newchurch without the title. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Santa Barbara Independent.]
Dear Fathers:
I have often asked myself the question: why does the Newchurch hate me so? I am an independent traditional Catholic priest. True, I continue to offer the true Mass, not the invalid New Order service of 1969 or the Half Novus Ordo service of 1962. True, I am not "in union with" the Novus Ordo bishop because I don't care to be part of that unholy mixing, which has destroyed the Catholic Mass, doctrine, and morality.
It strikes me as almost a joke, a diabolic one, that the Modernists, who are in control of Newchurch dioceses and parish institutions are constantly speaking about "love," "tolerance," and the "mercy of God," but they hate anyone who stands for traditional Catholicism. They love Mohammedans, Jews, and Buddhists, but they hate Catholics. It was perplexing to me.
It was a Novus Ordo presbyter who finally explained it to me. "The bishop hates what you represent because it is a slap in the face to him." That would seem to be a good summary. Traditional Catholics represent nothing more than the faith and belief of Christ for 2,000 years in the Church, and this is what they hate. If they hate our ministry for the salvation of souls, then they also hate the ministry of 2,000 years of popes and Saints. And again, this is exactly what they hate.
The Fathers Reply.
That Novus Ordo presbyter hit the nail on the head. Newchurch and its New Order are pure egotism. They are substituting their own man-made religion, established at Vatican II by such ilk as the besuited "Fr." Ratzinger," the Freemason Hannibal Bugnini, and the great child-rape-abetter Godfried Danneels.
Those conservative Newchurchers and Motarians who have sold out, not even for thirty pieces of silver like Judas, but for a few words of Latin, to the unCatholic Newchurch and its foxy leader should be ashamed of themselves. They have not one whit of the courage that you and your traditional Catholic congregation have shown in standing against the Novus Ordo establishment. You stand with Pope St. Gregory the Great, St. Augustine, St. Athanasius "Defender of the Faith," and St. Basil the Great, who stood against the corruptions of the Church establishment of their time and were recognized not in their own time, but only with the passage of time, to be the great Saints that they were.
Newchurch, to the contrary, stands with Teilhard de Chardin, condemned by Pius XII and John XXIII; Yves Congar, whose works were condemned by Pius XII; Henri De Lubac and John Murray, whose works were condemned for heresy by the Holy Office; Hans Kung, who joined the Freemasons and excommunicated himself; and Josef Ratzinger, declared under suspicion of heresy by Pope Pius XII and the Holy Office and censured for his book, Introduction to Christianity, which was banned because of heresy by traditional Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski, Primate of Poland.
Surprising new information has come out to put into perspective the planned Koran-burning by a Florida Evangelical pastor on September 11, the date of the Mohammedan bombing and killing of thousands in terrorist attacks upon New York City and the Washington, D.C., area. Benedict-Ratzinger and other Newchurch officials have condemned the Koran-burning plans, but the Cable News Network has now revealed that the U.S. military has been routinely been burning Bibles without a peep out of Benedict-Ratzinger or his henchmen.
CNN has revealed that the U.S. military burnt Bibles sent by a Christian church in the United States to Afghanistan. When a U.S. soldier started to hand the bibles out, a military chaplain stopped him and confiscated the Bibles. The U.S. military refused to return the Bibles to the donating church because it was afraid that the church would redistribute the Bibles to someone else.
Benedict-Ratzinger, who claims to be a Christian and respect the Bible as the word of God, has not uttered a peep about this desecration of his Sacred Book. However, he has been quite outspoken against the planned burning of the Koran by a Florida Evangelical pastor. We Fathers wonder who the real Christian is in this scenario: Newpope or the courageous Florida Evangelical pastor, who has had to stand up not only to the Paedophile Pope and his New Order minions, but also to Barack Obama, whom one-fifth of the American public consider to be a Mohammedan, not the Christian he claims to be. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by CNN.]
Good Catholics, here is the moral of this story. When the U.S. Government burns Christian Bibles, that act gets a pass from Benedict-Ratzinger. When one lone Protestant pastor announces plans to burn a Koran, Newpope comes unglued. Is it any wonder why Mohammedanism has outstripped Christianity in numbers of adherents and is growing by leaps and bounds while Benedict-Ratzinger's New Order sect is dropping members like Mideastern flies?
Alfred Lambremont Webre, an international lawyer specializing in war crimes, has charged Newchurch with "satanic sexual abuse," which taints the hierarchal structure of Newchurch from its presbyters all the way up to Benedict-Ratzinger himself. Webre accuses Newpope of "actually encouraging sexual abuse by priests [sic] on children around the world as part of a satanic ritual." He pointed to the personal signature of Ratzinger on incriminating documents allowing presbyters to continue their predations.
Webre's charges are nothing new. We Fathers have previously reported in these TRADITIO Commentaries that various Newchurch officials have admitted that satanic rituals have gone on in the very bowels of Newvatican. Moreover, a legal advisor to the Queen of England is recommending that Benedict-Ratzinger should be arrested during his September 16-19, 2010, junket to Britain "for crimes against humanity" and brought before the World Court for trial on that charge. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Tehran Times.]
Papal master of ceremonies Guido Marini has confirmed that Benedict-Ratzinger's papal Messes on his September 16-19, 2010, British junket, will be in Latin. Why this is considered to be newsworthy, we haven't the faintest idea. They will not be the Traditional Latin Mass. They won't even be the Half Novus Ordo Mess of 1962+. They will be the invalid Novus Ordo Protestant-Masonic-Pagan service with a little Latin in the Novus Ordo "eucharistic prayers." Actually, Benedict-Ratzinger usually does a substantially Novus Ordo Latin service in St. Peter's on special days. The fact that some words are in Latin doesn't make a Mess traditional or valid.
Often deliberately ignored by the Newchurchers of the New Order, including the Motarians, is the fact that Benedict-Ratzinger is the first pope not to have been consecrated a bishop in the traditional rite, but merely installed in the Novus Ordo rite. Therefore, many traditional Catholics question his legitimacy as a bishop and therefore as Bishop of Rome.
Moreover, Benedict-Ratzinger will give full recognition to the vulgar tongues, traditionally prohibited at Holy Mass, by using parts of the new English "translation" of the new, new Novus Ordo service for the first time, as just "approved" by Newvatican. Scottish composer James MacMillan has set parts of the new English version to new music for the one of the papal Messes. The Catholic Church's proper music, Gregorian chant, has been tossed aside. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Herald Scotland.]
Anyone imagining that the papal junket will reaffirm true Faith is deluding himself. There will be no real Traditional Latin Mass, but an invalid Novus Ordo service with some Latin seasoning. Also on the programme is more condemned syncretic interdenominational oecumenism.
The Newchurch cardinal who once blessed a congregation "in the name of Allah" has come out against a Florida Evangelical church's plans to burn Korans on the anniversary of the Mohammedan terrorist bombings of sites in the United States on September 11, 2001, in which several thousands of innocent victims were murdered. Newvatican has chimed in to agree with its philo-Mohammedan Newcardinal, who told the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., on September 8, 2010: "I cannot say, 'Don't embrace the Koran.'"
The planned burning of some 200 Korans, many of which have been donated to the church for the occasion, comes amid announced provocative plans by Mohammedans to build an Islamic cultural center in New York City close to where the bombed World Trade Center once stood. The imam at the proposed site has been connected with Islamic terrorists and is being funded from such sources. The church's pastor has stated: "Our burning of the Koran is to call attention that something's wrong. And it is possibly time for us in a new way to actually stand up and confront terrorism."
Newcardinal Theodore McCarrick, of Washington, D.C., spoke out for what the Catholic Church describes as infidels, Mohammedans and their Koran, but failed to say anything about similar Bible-burning episodes around the world and the "derision, misinformation, and outright bigotry" addressed by Mohammedans and their governments against Christians. After all, what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic News Service.]
For further information, click on the TRADITIO Network's Special Features department in the article "Cardinal McCarrick, Newchurch's Grand Apostate."
You thought that Benedict-Ratzinger was cultured, loving Mozart and Bach exclusively. Think again. He has chosen a "hip-hop" track from the rap group Ooberfuse to be his official "Youth Anthem." The rap music, associated with drugs, sex, and blasphemy, will be blasted out of loudspeakers during his September 16-19, 2010, junket to Britain. Why? In a perverted "appeal to young worshippers" of the New Order. If he were an honest pope, he'd fill their ears with Gregorian Chant and Sacred Polyphony. But no, it is clear beyond contradiction now that his morality can be "nuanced" for the most tawdry purposes. Traditional Catholics have announced their bitter opposition to such moves.
Good Catholic, here you have yet an example of the Janus-faced Benedict-Ratzinger. He is sometimes falsely called "traditionalist," but he with exception simulates the Novus Ordo service, not even his own manufactured "Motu" Mess of 1962+. He is supposed to oppose abortion, yet refuses to take action against "Catholic" politicians who publicly vote for the state financing of abortion. He is supposed to oppose homosexual acts, yet he allows "gays" into his Novus Ordo seminaries after three years and doesn't lift a finger against his bishops and presbyters who sodomize children. What a hypocrite this man truly is!
The British Broadcasting Corporation is planning to air, as part of the preparation for the Newpapal September 16-19, 2010, British junket, a documentary about Benedict-Ratzinger's proven complicity in sex crimes. The truth doesn't sit well with Keith O'Brien, Newcardinal of Edinburgh, Scotland, who after all is a member of Benedict-Ratzinger's own staff. What else is he going to say about his discredited principal?
The BBC documentary, entitled Benedict -- Trials of a Pope, to be aired on September 15, 2010, the day before Benedict-Ratzinger arrives in Britain on his latest junket, will chart Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust. On this junket, Benedict-Ratzinger has refused even to meet with the child victims who were raped and assaulted when he failed to remove even convicted paedophiles. The BBC rejected O'Brien's self-serving statements, saying that the network employs "a dedicated religion correspondent" and insisting that the network’s programming is fair and comprehensive.
Meanwhile, a ComRes survey found that 77 per cent of Britons think that taxpayers should not be funding the papal junket, and 79 per cent have "no personal interest" in it. Newdioceses cannot sell their allocated tickets for Newpope's events, which start at only five dollars U.S., even to Newchurchers. At least seven British Newdioceses have sent back thousands of tickets that were allocated to them. The Nottingham Newdiocese has sent back 75 per cent of its 1,900 ticket allocation. The Cardiff Newdiocese could sell only 300 of its 1,000 places. The Newchurch bishop of Liverpool says that "only a few" people are interested in tickets, and the Newarchdiocese of Birmingham has admitted that Newchurchers who had bought tickets are now sending them back. With only days to go, Newchurch is now trying to get rid of the tickets by offering them free to children at schools near to Newpope's events.
To top it all off, a legal advisor to the Queen of England is publishing a legal argument backing the position that Benedict-Ratzinger should be arrested during his junket to Britain "for crimes against humanity." At least one advocate has put out a call to the British public to make a citizen's arrest. Police say that they expect traditional Catholics in Britain to protest against Benedict-Ratzinger because traditional doctrine "is not being taken forward." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the UK Telegraph.]
On Our Lady's Saturday, September 4, 2010, in the sixteenth year of its apostolate on the internet, the TRADITIO Network logged its 12,000,000th reader. TRADITIO was the first traditional Roman Catholic site to appear on the world wide web, founded on the Feastday of St. Michael the Archangel, September 29, 1994. We were here even before Newvatican was, even before Amazon.com was! We thank the Lord for our 12,000,000 readers over these years and for our hundreds of dedicated correspondents from all over the world, who keep us current on everything going on in the bowels of Newvatican, in the inner sancta of various traditional organizations, and at Traditional Latin Mass sites around the world. TRADITIO was determined by an Alexis-Amazon statistical survey to be the most read traditional Roman Catholic web site on the worldwide web.
In our Daily Commentaries, we TRADITIO Fathers do not just copy biased news reports or the uninformed notions of johnny-come-lately "talking-heads" in secular and religious publications, who in fact have very little background or understanding of the Traditional Catholic Movement. Nor is TRADITIO enslaved to any particular organization's viewpoint. Instead, TRADITIO provides the hard-hitting, independent analysis and perspective of over half a century of Roman Catholic experience, even from before Vatican II. TRADITIO is avidly read within the highest bowels of at Newrome and Menzingen (SSPX). In addition to the Daily Commentaries from the Fathers, TRADITIO's other fifteen departments provide resources and materials for its participants to study and learn about the traditional Roman Catholic Faith.
We are touched by the many thousands of messages that we have received from Newchurchers and who say that they have been converted, or have reverted, to the fully traditional Roman Catholic Faith because of TRADITIO's uncompromising, independent commentaries and materials. The TRADITIO Network is one of many means through which Our Lord appears be working out the Traditional Catholic Restoration of the 21st century.
Two books issued during the summer of 2010, one in Italy and one in the United States, have drawn new attention to the increasing and justified attacks against Benedict-Ratzinger for his now proven complicity in a deliberate pattern, in documents under his own signature, favoring the paedophile rapists of children among his Newchurch clergy.
As a result of these justified attacks against Benedict-Ratzinger, now coming also from European governments and police departments, Benedict-Ratzinger has turned to an intricately-woven web of deceit to exonerate himself from complicity in Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust, of which he has been the official in charge since 1982, and his protestations of innocence have become as ridiculous as those of Pontius Pilate. As more and more documents come to light that he personally signed essentially the rape warrants of children by letting even convicted paedophiles remain in the Newchurch clergy and operate with children, Benedict-Ratzinger has now turned to washing his hands of any personal culpability, like Pontius Pilate, and blaming "the Enemy," the translation of the name Satan.
Paul VI tried to pull the same ploy on June 29, 1972, just ten years after the Modernist Vatican II Council started, when the unCatholic Novus Ordo was already destroying the Church. This conciliar pope did not blame himself, who signed all the documents introducing the corruptions of the Faith. He did not blame his lieutenant, the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini and his Committee of Six Protestant Ministers, who replaced the Catholic Mass and Sacraments with largely invalid Protestantized rites. No, Paul VI too blamed Satan, saying, "the smoke of Satan has entered the temple of God." He lamented that the Modernist Vatican II Council, which was supposed to bring in "sunshine" had instead introduced "darkness."
It is not clear whether Paul VI or Benedict-Ratzinger even believe in Satan or Hell. They never teach about it. The avoid the subject like the plague, unless it exculpates them from guilt for complicity in crimes that, in Catholic theology, are said to "cry out to Heaven for vengeance." On June 11, 2009, Benedict-Ratzinger pontificated:
It was to be expected that this new radiance of the priesthood would not be pleasing to the "enemy"; he would have rather preferred to see it disappear, so that God would ultimately be driven out of the world.
Good Catholics, Benedict-Ratzinger hit the nail on the more than he realized. It was not Satan, but the besuited "Fr. Ratzinger" himself at Vatican II and his Modernist buddies there, like the heretic Hans Kung, who made the priesthood disappear in Newchurch and thus are responsible for driving God out of the world. Ratzinger's work resulted in the suppression of the traditional Sacrament of Holy Orders in 1968, when Newchurch replaced the Sacrament by a Protestantized, invalid installation rite, which did not include explicitly the power to offer Mass for the living and the dead and to forgive sin.
Dear Fathers:
Why do traditional Catholics refer to Newchurch clergy as "presbyters"?
The Fathers Reply.
All clergy associated with the Newchurch of the New Order are referred to as "presbyters" because that is the official term the New Order uses. As of 1968 the New Order changed the traditional ordination rite of Holy Orders to a mere installation rite of presbyters, literally meaning elders. The installation rite does not explicitly give to presbyters the power to offer Mass for the living and the dead or to forgive sins in the Sacrament of Penance. In any case, Newchurch has dispensed with the Sacrament of Penance, having replaced it with a non-sacramental rite of "reconciliation." Many traditional Catholics do not consider such clergy ordained.
As the so-called "Mass of 1962" is a Half Novus Ordo rite, having undergone extensive changes from the Traditional Latin Mass in the decade preceding Vatican II, which started in 1962. The "Mass of 1962" was authored by the same Freemason presbyter, Hannibal Bugnini, who was the chief architect of the full-blown Novus Ordo service of 1969. He wrote in his magnum opus, La Riforma Liturgica (1948-1975), that the 1962 changes were intended to move away from the fully Traditional Latin Mass and to "soften up" congregations for the introduction of the full-blown Protestant-Masonic-Pagan Novus Ordo service of 1969, which is, of course, invalid, not being a Catholic Mass.
In a September 3, 2010, interview with Reuters, Britain's Newchurch Primate, Vincent Nichols, has acknowledged that he expects "heavy criticism" against Benedict-Ratzinger and his Newchurch of the New Order when he arrives in England for his September 16-19, 2010, junket. Nichols pointed to the fact that Benedict-Ratzinger, who has now been personally implicated in sex crimes against children by his clergy, will draw "intense criticism."
Nichols also acknowledged that Benedict-Ratzinger will face cool hostility when he meets with Rowan Williams, the Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury. Benedict-Ratzinger has been accused of "fishing for Anglicans," to draw their numbers and money in his New Order sect. Archbishop Williams, who used to be quite friendly with Benedict-Ratzinger, now looks upon him as traitor to that friendship.
Dear Fathers:
I have a Mohammedan friend who wants me to attend and experience his worship in a Mohammedan Temple. Are Catholics permitted to attend mosque? What are the consequence of joining in worship there?
The Fathers Reply.
As a Catholic, you cannot engage in false worship. To attend mosque would be a grave sin against the First Commandment and would envelope you with the odor of heresy.
You should tell your friend: "Thank you for the invitation, but I am a Catholic. We believe, as you do, that there is only one true religion established by God, but that religion is the Catholic religion, not Mohammed's. I cannot worship a false god any more than you can, so I will have to decline your invitation."
You should be aware that to your Mohammedan friend, as a Catholic you are an infidel. He is bound by Mohammed and the Koran to draw you out of your infidel religion, even by force. Why should you be capitulating to that? The worship of God is not a mere social convention. Is a serious matter of right and wrong. Have the courage to stand up for the true Faith that you claim to profess.
Dear Fathers:
I have received information that the Society of St. Pius X has announced an October 2010 "Conference: The Defense of Tradition as Transmitted by Archbishop Lefebvre." I found it ironic that the keynote speaker is to be the SSPX's current Superior General, Bernie Fellay, who is, even as I write this, "negotiating" with Newrome to sell out the Archbishop's principles and be accepted "in full communion" with the unCatholic New Order that the Archbishop courageously fought against from the time of Vatican II!
The Fathers Reply.
You have hit the nail on the head. Fellay is getting more and more desperate to come off as traditional, now that his own senior bishop, Richard Williamson, has called his negotiations to become part of the New Order, what the TRADITIO Network has termed his Hindenburg Plan, a "Danger!" in an August 21, 2010, open letter to SSPX members. On the same day, one of Fellay's own priests in his own open letter accused the superior general of the "attempted suicide of Tradition" and "mitred deceit."
The SSPX hierarchy and members are obviously getting more hostile to Fellay and his efforts to sell out Archbishop Lefebvre's principles of traditional Catholicism. Bishop Williamson's open letter provoked in Fellay very personal and bitter outrage against Williamson, proving only that Fellay's toothless smile belies a vindictive and dictatorial soul. The cat-fight among officials of the SSPX about selling out to Benedict-Ratzinger's New Order, which the SSPX tries to keep from public knowledge, has reared its head once again.
Fellay will use the occasion of the "conference" in a patent effort to do damage control for himself after Williamson's justified criticism of his attempted sellout of the Archbishop's Society to the New Order that he detested. Fellay will try to prove, against the clear facts, that he is really a Lefebvrite -- a fact that SSPX clergy and members are no longer buying.
Instead of reaching out to draw disaffected Novus Ordinarians into the SSPX, Fellay wastes the SSPX's funds to engage in purely internal propaganda and disinformation to deceive his own members. Actually, Fellay has a real problem. In order to ingratiate himself to the Novus Ordo Newpope, Benedict-Ratzinger, he has made his Neo-SSPX irrelevant. Fellay accepts the Half Novus Ordo "Motu" Mess of 1962+. He accepts the Modernist Vatican II Council, as long as it is interpreted (oxymoronically) "in the light of Tradition." He accepts the leader of the Newchurch of the New Order without a word of criticism that Benedict-Ratzinger is personally responsible for and has signed off on the most widespread programme of clergy raping children in the 2000-year history of the Church.
Fellay throws in Lefebvre's name to deceive SSPXers into the Novus Ordo, in the same way that Fellay's mentor, Benedict-Ratzinger throws in a little Latin to deceive the Motarians into the Novus Ordo. If Lefebvre were to deliver a message from Heaven, he would spit in Fellay's face for selling out his Society to the Novus Ordo leader, Card. Ratzinger, that the Archbishop publicly condemned as "not Catholic."
Good Catholics, Fellay has indeed learned deception well at the feet of, to use Our Lord's term of the corrupt Herod Antipas, The Fox, Benedict-Ratzinger. Fellay is himself Novus Ordo already, just with a little dollop of Latin and a morally-crooked staff.
The University of Notre Dame, a once-Catholic university in South Bend, Indiana, has fired Bill Kirk from his position as Associate Vice President. The firing has been linked to Kirk's public opposition to the university's decision to award pro-abortion, pro-"gay marriage" Barack Obama an honorary degree in 2009. Kirk had worked for the university for almost 22 years. In addition, Kirk's wife Elizabeth served as faculty advisor to the pro-life club. The Kirks put their Catholic principles into practice. They had adopted two children and were in the process of adopting a third when Kirk was fired by Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch institution.
At the time Kirk took part in the anti-abortion rally, many people commented on the courage it took for him to stand with his wife and other witnesses to this protest of Notre Dame's decision to award Barack Obama an honorary degree. To the contrary, all the rest of the Newchurch administration but Kirk welcomed Obama's strong pro-abortion stand. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Life Site News.]
Good Catholics, you must be careful to shun these Newchurch schools that pretend to be Catholic to steal your hard-earned money and fill your children's heads with a lot of Novus Ordo nonsense. Remember the sage advice of Archbishop Fulton Sheen after Vatican II:
You are better off going to a state school where you will have the chance to fight for your faith, than going to a modern Catholic university where you will have the new watered-down, modernist version of the faith spoon-fed to your unsuspecting minds, so that you will be apt to lose your faith.
The goliath Cable News Network (CNN) - United States and International will air on September 25, 2010, an investigative report entitled "What the Pope Knew" concerning Benedict-Ratzinger's involvement in Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust. In April 2008, during his junket to the United States, CNN finds that Benedict-Ratzinger shed crocodile tears when he purported to acknowledge publicly that Newchurch had systemically transferred sex criminals in its clergy to new parishes, had placed children in the hands of rapists, and refused to report crimes to law enforcement.
CNN will document Ratzinger's personal role in supporting the sex-crimes holocaust while he was Newchurch archbishop of Munich (1977-1981) and some of the most notorious paedophile bishop and presbyter cases in the United States, concluding that Newpope, when Card. Josef Ratzinger, had direct responsibility for how they were handled, in which capacity he opposed or delayed the defrocking of thousands of Newchurch clergy, including criminally-convicted child rapists.
Although much of this information has already been reported in some sources, it has not, for the most part, been conveyed to Newchurchers around the world, who have been left in ignorance to believe that Newpope is innocent of personal involvement. The CNN documentary will shatter that disinformation. CNN will document Ratzinger's personal responsibility in the high positions of power that he maintained for nearly thirty years. "What the Pope Knew" will also include an exclusive interview with the first child victim to sue Benedict-Ratzinger personally.
The documentary treats how Ratzinger moved like a rapid Rottweiler to discipline presbyters whose doctrinal orthodoxy he questioned, but was a meek as a lamb when it came to defrocking bishops and presbyters who had actually engaged multitudinous sex crimes against children.
Catholics [sic] in Alliance for the Common Good, the organization that deceived Catholics across the country in 2008 into thinking presidential candidate Barack Obama was not pro-abortion, has folded. CACG was far afield from the Catholic teaching that it purported to hold, but was instead merely a deceptive campaign organization for Obama, a known advocate of abortion and "gay marriage."
According to the Family Research Council, the phony Newchurch group spent "millions of George Soros’ [a notorious liberalist activist] money in promoting pro-abortion health care ... and in trying to diminish abortion as an issue for American Catholics [sic]. CACG released a pre-election voter guide that justified support for pro-abortion politicians. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Life News.]
Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch of the New Order will now own and operate an abortuary and sterilization factory. The Newcardinal of Boston, Massachusetts, Sean O'Malley will have responsibility for Landmark Medical Center under the veil of Caritas Christi, the Newarchdiocese's hospital network. Caritas Christi, which certainly has nothing to do with the charity of Christ, itself is scheduled to be acquired by Cerberus Capital Management. This acquisition is aptly named, as Cerberus is the name of the three-headed dog of Hell.
The Catholic Action League in an August 31, 2010, press release called O'Malley's deal "further evidence that the Archdiocese of Boston has not been straightforward about the future Catholic identity of Caritas Christi Health Care. It is morally impermissible for a Catholic health care entity to participate in contraception and sterilizations. That is gravely contrary to Catholic moral teaching."
The Catholic Action League went on call O'Malley a liar. "In the public discourse about the impending transfer of Caritas Christi to Cerberus, the Cardinal, the Archdiocese, and Caritas have all claimed that the hospital network's continuing Catholic identity is assured. In testimony at a public hearing on July 1st however, James Karam, Chairman of the Board of Governors of Caritas Christi stated 'I told the Cardinal that we cannot guarantee the future Catholic identity of Caritas.'"
Good Catholics, are you really surprised that Newchurch is running abortuaries and sterilization factories and is lying about it? You should not be surprised. It is clear that Benedict-Ratzinger's New Order is founded on lies and anti-Catholic action. Just ask the tens of thousands of children raped with Benedict-Ratzinger's now-documented support.
The Newchurch chaplain of Magdalen College in Warner, New Hampshire, and professor at Wheeling Jesuit University in Wheeling, West Virginia, has been arrested and charged with sexual battery against an 11-year-old girl in northern Virginia. Presbyter Felix Owino is being held without bail on the charge, which carries a jail sentence of up to 20 years and $100,000 fine. Owino functioned as chaplain under Benedict-Ratzinger from June 2005 to October 2008.
The courageous child immediately turned in the perverted presbyter to her mother, who held Owino until the police arrived. The president of the college refused to file charges, so the child, mother, and police took the matter into their own hands. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Concord Monitor.]
Godfried Danneels, Newchurch cardinal of Brussels, Belgium, a lieutenant of the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini in imposing pushing the invalid Novus Ordo "liturgy" at Vatican II, has been caught on tape committing the crimes of aiding and abetting a felony and of obstruction of justice in urging a child rape victim not to report to police that he was raped by a Newchurch bishop, who was his own uncle. The publication of the tapes on August 28, 2010, has further rocked Belgium, whose police are investigating over 500 reported cases of Newchurch clergy's rape of children.
On June 24, 2010, Belgian police conducted a raid of the National Bishops' Conference, the Brussels cathedral, the home of Danneels, and even the tombs of bishops to find incriminating documents, but Benedict-Ratzinger did not criticize his Newchurch clergy who raped children, but criticized only the police for investigating the crimes vigorously. As a result, in Ireland, Britain, Germany, Austria, France, the Netherlands, and other countries in Europe, as well as the United States, Canada, and Australia, Benedict-Ratzinger's reputation has sunk to a new low.
The tapes were made secretly by the nephew of Newchurch bishop Roger Vangheluwe, of Bruges, on April 8, 2010, at a time when Benedict-Ratzinger was under fire for his aiding and abetting of child rape by his presbyters, bishops, and even cardinals. Vangheluwe had raped his own nephew for thirteen years from the age of eight. The Belgian Bishops' Conference spokesman admitted to Reuters that the tapes were indeed genuine. On the tapes Danneels refuses the nephew's call for help and for assistance in getting Vangheluwe to turn himself in. Instead, Danneels threatened to prosecute the victim for trying to "blackmail" Newchurch. On the tape the victim asks Danneels: "Why do you feel so sorry for him [the bishop-rapist] and not for me [the child-victim]?" [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Reuters.]
Dear Fathers:
I have the opportunity to travel around the United States for my business. This allows me to observe the Traditional Latin Mass in independent chapels as opposed to the "Motu" Mess in once-Catholic churches. It is my impression that the Society of St. Pius X has made itself irrelevant. There are more and more "Motu" Messes being performed in once Catholic, now Novus Ordo sect churches, with the permission of Newchurch bishops, who are clearly willing to strip even the 1962-2009 "Motu" Mass of any remaining authenticity. My conclusion is that this is part of Benedict-Ratzinger's anti-traditional strategy. It is a Machiavellian scheme called "embrace and destroy" --- and the authentic and timeless Traditional Latin Mass has a bulls-eye painted on it.
I have seen so-called "Mass of 1962" performances, which include recitation of the Kyrie Eleison twice not thrice (as is the fashion in the invalid Novus Ordo Mess), presbyters who intentionally skip the Credo, readings of the Gospel and Epistle in Modernist translations, presbyters who give the Novus Ordo cookies in the hand, and on and on.
Bernie Fellay and his Neo-SSPX refuse to criticize these deviations and instead conspire with Newchurch for some sort of "compromise" of the traditional Catholic Faith. Even his own senior bishop Richard Williamson recently exposed him as a closet Novus Ordinarian. I'm afraid that the situation is much worse than the Motarians realize or wish to admit. We are seeing an avalanche of innovation from Newchurch upon the back of even the "1962 Missal." The Newchurch bishops clearly have no concern for tradition and propriety, and are importing significant parts of the invalid Novus Ordo service into the "Motu" Mess.
The Fathers Reply.
We TRADITIO Fathers have consistently maintained that Benedict-Ratzinger's "Motu" Mess is just a Great "Motu" Mess Hoax intended to drawn once traditional Catholics into the New Order Church, and these pseudo-traditionalists have followed "that fox" like lemmings over the cliff. We also predicted that the "Motu" Mess, which is not the Traditional Latin Mass, would quickly be caparisoned with numerous add-ons from the Novus Ordo. Your first-hand report confirms our prediction.
Local sources have reported to the TRADITIO Network that traditional Benedictine Abbot Leonard Giardina, who is headquartered at Christ the King Abbey in Cullman, Alabama, has been taken to hospital, having apparently suffered a stroke. After a few tough days he is resting much better.
Abbot Leonard Giardina can be numbered among the Pioneers of the Traditional Catholic Movement. He never sold out to the New Order, but instead founded an independent traditional Benedictine monastic order. After many years he was able to see his dream accomplished: the construction of a beautiful traditional Benedictine monastery that operated entirely independently of the Newchurch of the New Order, which even then was sinking into doctrinal error, liturgical catastrophe, and a moral cesspool.
Newchurch's monasticism has almost disappeared, whereas Abbot Giardina's traditional Benedictine order thrives. So successful was the Abbot that David Foley, the Novus Ordo bishop of Birmingham, Alabama from 1994 to 2005, attempted to entice Abbot Giardina into the New Order Church. The Abbot told Foley to peddle his phony Novus Ordo nonsense somewhere else. The Abbot wasn't buying any of it!
The New Order and even pseudo-traditional periodicals don't want traditional Catholics to know of the courageous founders of the Traditional Catholic Movement. Accordingly, outside of Archbishop Lefebvre, traditional Catholics probably couldn't name a single pioneer of their movement. They have been deliberately kept from any knowledge of the great pioneers of our movement, who courageously stood up against Novus Ordo "authorities" to ensure that the truth got out: the Novus Ordo service was neither Catholic nor a Mass nor valid. Such pioneers have included:
These pioneers of the Traditional Catholic Movement did not sell out to a Newchurch of the New Order or buy the nonsense that it was trying to peddle about the abrogation of the Traditional Latin Mass and its replacement by an invalid Protestant-Masonic-Pagan Novus Ordo service fabricated by a Freemason presbyter and his Committee of Six Protestant Ministers. Compared to these giants, the pseudo-traditionalist who have sold out to Benedict-Ratzinger's Half Novus Ordo "Motu" Mess, such as Bernie Fellay, Archbishop Lefebvre's successor, are puny wimps, who have sold out their traditional Catholic Faith for thirty pieces of silver from "The Fox" at Newrome.
A new study shows that a mutant form of Christianity is rapidly spreading, particularly among Evangelical sects, which were formerly "Bible based." Such sects, as the one led by Billy Graham, in spite of their various errors, stayed close to Scripture, which they preached without watering it down. From this characteristic they were popularly known as "fire and brimstone" sects, which clearly preached the Biblical principle that unrepented sin had its consequence: Hell.
Replacing this Biblical approach now in Evangelical sects is "moralistic therapeutic deism," a watered-down notion that portrays God as a "divine therapist," Whose chief goal is to boost people's self-esteem. Many Evangelicals are passing on this self-serving strain of Christianity, especially in "megachurches," like Joel Osteen's in Houston, Texas. This passionless imposter faith is one reason that teenagers abandon churches, including members of the Newchurch of the New Order that presumes to call itself "Catholic."
The National Study of Youth and Religion revealed that among teenagers between 13 and 17, most who called themselves Christian were indifferent and inarticulate about their faith. The study included Christians of all stripes -- from Catholics to Protestants of both conservative and liberal denominations. Though three out of four American teenagers claim to be Christian, fewer than half practice their faith, only half deem it important, and most can't talk coherently about their beliefs, the study found. Many Newchurchers don't even know the Apostles Creed, the seminal statement of their faith, which every Catholic is bound to memorize!
Many teenagers think that God simply wants them "to feel good and do good" -- what the study's researchers called "moralistic therapeutic deism." This is otherwise called a "gospel of niceness," in which faith is simply doing good (which is never defined, as there is no theology to support it) and not ruffling feathers. The challenge of faith is watered down to nothingness in a notion that "God rewards those who are nice."
Churches don't want to preach a message that might make people mad. They portray Christ as a milquetoast, rather than as the vigorous critic of sin and of the Church authorities of his time, whom he denounced in the harshest terms. This fraud is particularly true of the Newchurch of the New Order. Christianity, and particularly Catholicism, historically calls upon the faithful to take risks, witness, and sacrifice for others. In the early church 12,000,000 men and women, boys and girls died as martyrs for the Faith -- more than even the most exaggerated figures for the World War II "Holocaust." [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by CNN.]
Bach's High Mass, Beethoven's Missa Solemnis, Mozart's Coronation Mass, Haydn's Missa in Tempore Belli. Serious, elevating, sublime works written for the Traditional Latin Mass, not the Half Novus Ordo service of 1962, or the full-blown Novus Ordo service of 1969, officially declared by Benedict-Ratzinger in 2007 to be the Ordinary Rite of Newchurch. Imagine what Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, and Haydn would have to say about the Novus Ordo travesty. They would be horrified -- or consider it a joke!
Yet, in the face of the now indisputable evidence that the Novus Ordo is not Catholic, is not a Mass, and is not valid, Benedict-Ratzinger, far from being a "traditionalist," continues to push this travesty. From August 27 to August 30, 2010, he will participate in his annual Schulerkreis, or Circle of Disciples, meeting at his castle southeast of Rome. The circle is made up of some 40 of his former doctoral students from Germany. A focus of the meeting will be the Vatican II document that introduced the Novus Ordo service into Newchurch in 1963, fabricated by Hannibal Bugnini and his Committee of Six Protestant Ministers and "approved" by Paul VI. Both Bugnini and Paul VI have been implicated with Freemasonry.
Benedict-Ratzinger is no "traditionalist." He is a rabid supporter of the Modernist Vatican II Council and has often indicated that the council was "not a rupture with tradition, but a deepening of the Church's 2,000-year history." To compare the true Mass with the Novus Ordo fake is blasphemy! The "hermeneutic of reform," a typically Modernistic phrase that Benedict-Ratzinger loves to use because it has no real meaning, produces in Newchurch the "Clown" Mess and all the other travesties, in which Benedict-Ratzinger personally participates. He is particularly fond of clowns and jugglers and features them regularly at his general audiences. For further information, click on the TRADITIO Network's Novus Ordo Service Photo Gallery department.
On September 26, 2010, the Sunday of the meeting, Benedict-Ratzinger will simulate a Novus Ordo service for his disciples. Newvatican has not announced yet whether it will be a Clown Mess or a Jugglers Mess. Or perhaps he will introduce the wild beasts with whom he likes to associate at his general audiences. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Zenit.]
Once-Catholic Ireland is no longer the land of St. Patrick. Ireland's young men, enraged at Benedict-Ratzinger's support of sex crimes against children in Ireland's orphanages and schools, have turned their back on the Novus Ordo presbyterate. The number of presbyteral installations (Novus Ordo presbyters have not been "ordained" into Holy Order since the New Ordinal of 1968) in Ireland has dipped below England and Wales for the first time in living memory. The new figures give a clear indication of how low the Newchurch has sunk in a country that once used to export Catholic missionaries to all corners of the globe and often provided Britain with a significant proportion of its priests. No longer.
According to new figures released by the Catholic [sic] Bishops' Conference of Ireland, just 16 men are due to start Novus Ordo seminary in 2010 to become Novus Ordo presbyters. This less than half the number of only 39 who started last year. In 2008, 160 presbyters died, and only nine new presbyters were installed. The figures for Novus Ordo nuns were even more disastrous, with the deaths of 228 nuns and only two taking final vows.
Benedict-Ratzinger's reputation and that of his Newchurch of the New Order has sunk to rock bottom in Ireland, where even numerous bishops have been exposed as having been part of Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust. Moreover, these Newbishops have been exporting known paedophile presbyters to the United States, Great Britain, and other countries, where their crimes are unknown. There are now just 99 seminarians training for the Novus Ordo presbyterate in all of Ireland in contrast to 150 in Protestant Great Britain.
Similar catastrophic desertions from Newchurch have occurred across the Atlantic in the United States, where the American Newchurch has also found itself mired in rampant sex crimes by its clergy. At the time of Vatican II (1962-1965), there was one priest for every 772 American Catholics; now it is one Novus Ordo presbyter per 1,603 Newchurchers. In 1970, there were 8,000 seminarians; today the number is around 1,300. U.S. seminaries have been exposed in many areas of becoming little more than homosexual brothels for the Novus Ordo's "pink army."
Even Newchurch's all-out propaganda for the Polish Newpope JPII has not even been able to halt a disastrous drop in the number of seminarians in Poland. The Conference of the Polish Episcopate announced that only 687 men enrolled in Novus Ordo seminaries, a 30 per cent drop from the figure from just 10 years ago. The number of women joining religious orders has also declined, with only 354 joining last year, a drop of 50 per cent since just 2002. In other once Catholic countries, the ratio of presbyters to Newchurchers is even worse. For example, Brazil has a ratio of 1 presbyter to 20,000 Newchurchers.